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Politicians hijack a claim that then takes the media and the public from 0 to 60 in no time. Allowing an allegation to become a conviction in a hot second. Here is a story that was tweeted by the yale daily news. They chose Fraternity Brothers of Brett Kavanaugh in the 80s with the flag that they are waiting made of as part of a pledge. Clarification tweets followed, stating oh by the way, Brett Kavanaugh is not in the picture anywhere. But its supposed to prove he is guilty of something i guess. Also, pictures of christine for fords yearbooks claiming those girls were drunk at parties all the time in high school. The consequences of this are already becoming apparent. And heres tammy bruce describing what she calls the revictimization. I thought Dianne Feinstein would knock this nomination off the seat and thats what they expected. Thats what shes finding and the doctors are finding and now you know what they are doing, they are revictimizing her by saying she is emotionally not prepared, she is being bullied it, she do it. More on the frightening injustice of what is happening on this story in a moment. But first theres breaking the developments this evening on the confirmation battle with judge kavanaugh himself speaking out. Chief white horse White House Correspondent is live at the white house. The white house has been negotiating and watching closely the negotiations between the 19 and the White House Team that has trying to separate has planned for the appearance that he will make it the judiciary hearing on monday. Judge kavanaugh himself putting out a statement in the past half hour saying thank you for the invitation to appear before the Senate Committee on judiciary on monday, september 24. I will be there and i continue to want a hearing as soon as possible so that i can clear my name. Since the moment i first heard this allegation i have categorically and unequivocally denied it. I remain committed to defending my integrity. Whether that hearing will happen on monday is increasingly, saying she wishes to testify provided that we cannot agree on terms that are fair and ensure his safety. A hearing on monday it is not possible. They also appear to drop the demand is that the fbi launched an investigation writing a strong preference you know the word preference continues to be for the Senate Judiciary committee to allow for a full investigation prior to her testimony. Instead judiciary committees as it has already been investigating this alleged incident, interviewing judge kavanaugh on monday, his High School Friend mark judge into two other people all under penalty of perjury and felony and has offered to let ford testify in whatever form make her comfortable. The democrats today claim to ford is not being treated fairly. It was in here. I consider that to be bullying and disregarding. I consider that to be something set up for failure. Its a he said, she said scenario. Bret you mentioned at th, ford is being bullied and cavanaugh supporters of released hate filled emails that have been sent to kavanaughs wife ashley. The emails which fox news has heavily redacted because of the extremely obscene languages being investigated by the department of justice as a potential threat. In congress, senator jeff blake who said he couldnt proceed in a confirmation vote unless there was a hearing now said to come if ford doesnt show up on capitol hill the committee should proceed to the vote. Susan collins who has been on the fence about kavanaughs urging ford to come forward and florida senator rubio said it would definitely be a turning point. She shouldnt be criticized for not doing it, and we cant force her and shouldnt try to but then the senate has to move forward based on the information we havent before us. I talk to a senior white house official a short time ago and they say they are confident that when all is said and done, kavanaugh will find himself on the supreme court. Martha thank you very much. More here now with more is tammy bruce, fox news contributor, and marsha catherine, former press secretary for senator diane feinstein. Thanks very much for being here. What do you think is at work here . We are getting these mixed messages about whether or not they are demanding an fbi investigation and we know that the Senate Judiciary committee has an ongoing investigation, and you just heard about the different people with regard to the situation that we spoke to today. What do you think her side of the equation wants at this point . It seems like what is going on, are republicans are trying to jam this through in a shame hearing with a fake deadline, to get this done as quickly as possible. And judge kavanaugh has had months and months of preparation and we have to remember that dr. Ford is a private citizen. An investigation before hand seems like the right thing to do. Im not a lawyer, but its been happening all week. And she was the one who wanted an opportunity to come testify. She was offered that opportunity and a myriad of different ways, and given all that, why do you think shes being bullied . Because she first of all wanted to remain anonymous. She did everything she could, writing her congressman and writing her senator, doing a tip line, to remain anonymous. She was not trying to create a circus it seemed, and they got a hold of it and outed her that she came forward. The question of who outed her, tammy, is central here. We have seen a bunch of things happen. We know this happen starting in july, and this becomes the issue. Clearly a politicized framework, a woman who wanted to tell her story and a woman whose initial comments even when outed was, i do want to tell my story. What concerns me, and it seems as though what dr. Ford wanted will be adjusted and changed by people around her who are doing her no favors and who have perhaps betrayed what it is she wanted to accomplish. But this has turned out to be is a partisan attack on judge kavanaugh, and for me as a woman who is working to elevate womens lives for most of my adult life, and as someone who worked on the Dianne Feinstein campaign, is trying to make sure that women do have a fair shot at being heard and we are to be taken seriously. It affects all of us and it should send a message that only certain kinds of women matter, and they are treated by democratic men, they dont get the same treatment. And in this case, and thats the reason we are taken seriously and who want to be taken seriously, because we can be trusted in telling our stories based on the fact that we are willing to enter a system where there is fairness. When we are entering into it, presuming that the man has been under accusation will not have an ability to defend themselves, then everyone comes under question. They are making it one, and thats all of the steps that lead up to this hurt not just judge kavanaugh but certainly dr. Ford as well. And the offense to all of this, through either a Domestic Violence or Sexual Violence to politicize this, it has been an obscene thing to watch and that has got to be lit rectified one way or the other. Martha marcia, are you confident that process wasnt hijacked the Democratic Party . No one is blaming her. And, what shes sized up as a story that would be a great thing to a great arrow to having river if the hearing that didnt pan out the way that democrats might hope it did, they tried to derail the hearing from the beginning. So are you confident that there hasnt been any effort to alter her message in any way . Why havent we all seen the letter in the statement she sent einstein grassley hasnt even seen it yet, why is that . The letter she sent in the first place which was sent as i understand it months ago was kept confidential at her request and i dont see the same thing from judge kavanaugh or the white house or anything else. Lets have an investigation, lets take it slowly and see what shakes out. To take it slowly and, hes been under investigation. A great deal of his adult life, and that is recently for this position. This is a man who has been under extraordinary scrutiny for a public life that he has led for clearly a number of years. So we have a general sense of who he is. This is what we are now going o on, and for women to be taken seriously, we have got to be able to play fair. And we use these allegations to harm people to go after men we dont like her to harm our political opponent. Marshall and a tank thank you very much, more to come. Hollywood now chiming in on the Brett Kavanaugh controversy as well. He should not be confirmed. He should be confirmed. We have a response to that and, she has the highest approval numbers in the administration. Interestingly among republicans and also among democrats. U. S. Ambassador to the u. N. , nikki haley, your live as the president returns to the u. N. So what should we expect from the president this time . President trump rocket man is on a Suicide Mission for himself and for his regime. And a runny nose, plus nasal congestion, which most pills dont. Its more complete allergy relief. Flonase. The full value oft wyour new car . Youd be better off throwing your money right into the harbor. Im gonna regret that. With Liberty Mutual new car replacement well replace the full value of your car. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty vojimmy shouting james as been jimmys longest. Hes survived record rain and a supplier that went belly up. So while hes proud to have helped put a roof over the heads of hundreds of families, hes most proud of the one hes kept over his own. Brand vo get the most out of your money, whether youre using quickbooks smart invoicing to get paid twice as fast or automatically tracking your mileage. Smarter Business Tools for the worlds hardest workers. Quickbooks. Backing you. Martha we are just days away now from President Trumps return to the United Nations under the Trump Administration, the muscle shown by Ambassador Nikki Haley at the world body is a posture that we have not seen in decades. Leveling russia, syria, and irans long untested policies. Russian corruption is like a virus. It is impeding our ability to achieve complete denuclearization in north korea. For too long, the Human Rights Council has been a protector of human rights abusers and a cesspool of political bias. The Syrian Regime uses this poisonous gas again, the United States is locked and loaded. And the numbers show that the public approves. No one in the Trump Administration has higher favorability numbers and nikki haley then in this april poll. Democrats like her as much as nancy pelosi according to these numbers, so its no big surprise that she has perhaps become a target. Thank you so much for coming back to the story. Lets bring up the story, and they said that you had authorized the purchase of 50,000 drapes and then they had to post a big retraction. What do you say about that . Unfortunately if you are in public service, this is the life we live every day. This is just a matter of, this one got through. We are seeing stories every day that and, we told the reporters that these were the facts and they knew the facts and released a story anyway. Martha is you talk to the New York Times and said this is not the case and they printed it anyway . They printed it anyway and it was down in the story, like the seventh paragraph down at the bottom. Martha so they had to post a retraction. Yes. People were asking me about my court curtains and the damage is done once and story is out. I appreciate the retraction but that story follows you wherever you go. Thats a tough part about public lifestyle. Martha it is indeed. And what is your thoughts on this process . It turns my stomach. Ms. Ford needs to be heard but Brett Kavanaugh needs to be heard on the senate has a responsibility. And they have to take the politics out of the situation. I dont look its good for either of the individuals to drag this out. They need to have a timeline, they need to have a timeline and they need to stick to it. They need the politics it which is what i think people are so disgusted with. This is a quote from business insider. Thanks to hardline positions on iran, the Human Rights Council and palestine. The unilateralism is wearing thin as members tire of americas browbeating and unwillingness to compromise. What do you say to that . They are tired of because they are telling the truth. They are tired because they are not going to have these multilateral organizations mandating the u. S. Having to do what they want to do, we will do whats in the best interest of the american people. And i think thats what the president did when he got us out of the paris climate deal. Thats what he did when he said iran has a problem and its not making anyone in the world safer. When the president finally moved at the embassy to jerusalem, one that was such an issue, and he actually told assad chemical weapons are going to be used. We dont expect all countries to love us how we are but thats because we are taking them our country back on not apologizing for it. Martha last year the president said of the north korean leader, he called him rocket man, we play that on the way into this. Who will be the target next week . I think you will hear him talk about the Foreign Policy success stories. You are going to hear him talking about building those relationships with countries that share our values and you will hear him talk about american generosity and how american generosity had no lines before. Now, the u. S. Is starting to look at the aid that is given and say, we will help our friends out and we will have all the countries that have the same values. But the days of given any money to countries just because and the days of giving money to countries that stop america or hate america or say things, its over. And that will land like a thought with some countries. Id imagine. John kerry and others continue to speak out. He had four meetings with iranian leadership and indicated to them, which he admitted, that they should just wait out the trump team. He said because hundred at it, too. It was irresponsible and disrespectful. You cant put dr. Kissinger in the same vein as what john kerry data. Even when he goes and speaks with any country leader, he lets us know before and it lets know after. Dr. Kissinger is the responsible way to do it. What we saw with don carey was not only disrespectful but it was hurtful to america. When we are trying to make and roads with iran, we are trying to get them to identify the fact that they are doing full sickness will testing, supporting terrorism, moving arms to yemen, for john kerry to say, we waited out, it hurts america. Martha what will the administration do to him, do you think there should be some action taken . Do you think there should be some repercussions for him . I think the answer is with the lawyers on that but to john kerry himself, if someone would have done this to him when he was secretary of state, i dont think he would have sat back and said, they have the right to do that. Martha so you dont think any action will be taken . The lawyers would have to see that. But of course people do talk to foreign leaders after they have a job, they are just usually respectful. I think a lot of people will be curious to see what the president s stance and posture is like when it comes to iran. We seen the sanctions and reducing the impact on their oil markets. We know that general medicine for a long time and the Obama Administration talks about a twopronged theory of the military perhaps action or the threat of military action combined with trying to have an impact on the people in iran, to empower them against their own regime. What do you think we will hear . I think this has been one of the consistent strong points he has made from the very beginning, which is why he wanted to get us out of the iran deal because every country was getting a lot of pass on all the bad things they were doing in the name of this deal. When the deal wasnt keeping them, the deal was giving them a pass. So he got out of the deal and he then said, we arent finished, theres more to discuss. Iran has gone around to the europeans trying to get whatever europeans they can. They are losing at left and right and its time for us to have a real discussion. When he chairs the Security Council on wednesday, it will be the mostwatched Security Council im sure that he will be with all these has a countries. And he is not just going to talk about iran, cuba talk about the chemical weapons issue that we had to work on this month along to keep it from happening and it live in syria. He will talk about north korea and what were doing there. The fact that we have had to take on the russian incident in the u. K. With a straight face. He does not think we should turn away, he does not think we should let our focus go away. He thinks they are dangerous, they are issues and the International Community has to take that into account. Martha i have to let you go but when the president came back from singapore he said north korea is no longer a nuclear threat. Was that a mistake . No i dont think it was a mistake. You saw two leaders who knew they had the political wealth to go forward. Now we have to figure out who each defines denuclearization. We made it clear he wanted to see denuclearization with clarification, and i think its been successful and we havent had any Ballistic Missile tests. You are seeing kim now socialize with the region and that needed to happen. You are seeing the fact that even if he is talking with moon, all of these things if you take those Police Sanction packages into account, kim felt suffocated. When i think what youre sayings this is going to happen. Its baby steps and it wont happen overnight and we knew that but, we cant accept half measures. We have to do this completely, fully and we have to do it by making sure that we are continuing the sanctions and continuing to hold north koreas hand it to the fire. Martha we will be watching along with the rest of the world. Thank you ambassador and thanks for coming by. Coming up, the democratic rallying cry for november involves the notion of fear. The americans have awakened to the importance of the rule of law and the danger posed by its aversion. They join me next and why that message could potentially backfire. Allnight protection. Can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn . But some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. Fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. Some only call when they have something to sell. Fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. And while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. Fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. 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Ask your doctor about anoro. Go your own way get your first prescription free at anoro. Com. Martha so this is the midterm messaging that we are hearing from some democrats out there and then it kind of plays into the idea that its so dangerous. It listen to this new interview with former fbi director james comey. We are in a place where the president of the United States relentlessly attacks the rule of law and the institutions of justice. Americans have awakened to the importance of the rule of law and the danger posed by its erosion. Former Economic Advisor to president obama, gentlemen, thank you. Whats your reaction to what the former fbi director said . Number one trump is right when he said the other day, and there would be no molar pro and had he just fired him the first day in office, so trump was right about that. That narrative that the democrats are going to be picking up, thats the direct result of a disastrous lack of discipline on the part of the United States. As someone who wants a president to succeed, in his corner and hoping for his success, and, the manufacturing jobs are growing at the fastest pace in 14 years, and job losses are the lowest they have been in half a century and going on and on. What are we talking about . We are talking about his latest broadside against Jeff Sessions. What does the president think the Mainstream Media would rather cover, is economic success or his latest feud with Jeff Sessions . The president of the United States continuously steps on his story and as a result, the media tells the greatest story never told. You have some networks that spend half the day talking about stormy, so you have that going for you. Austin, is that notion, trump will wholesale fire people and he will become increasingly unaccountable if democrats dont retake the congress, it is very concerned about that. Do you think that people will buy that, is it a good political message . It depends on how you put it. He put james comey with the democrat strategy, i think we could both agree that as a barometer of what is politically palatable for america, and, and that will undermine the president s reputation. But we also have a lot of if you look at the basic message that congress should provide a check and balance on the actions of the president , theres a massive majority of americans who agree with that and that is why in the Congressional Elections for 2018, that is trumps achilles heel. If he could just concentrate on the economy as mark said, thats a big majority of the country that wants there to be some check and balance and i think that message is not lost on the people running. We will see in just about seven weeks, less than seven weeks away. Thank you, guys. Some big hollywood stars dont need to hear from either one of these people, theyve figured out what the truth is that we will just ask them what happened. 36 years ago, ben shapiro is standing by with his take on that your hair is so soft did you use head and shoulders two in one . I did mom. Wanna try it . Yes. It intensely moisturizes your hair and scalp and keeps you flake free. Manolo . Look at my soft hair. I should be in the shot now too. Try head and shoulders two in one. [narrator] at athene, we think its time for the financial world to stop acting the same old way. In todays complex world, you need a partner that is driven to provide you with Better Solutions for these challenging times, one that is willing to disrupt the industry, and break free from conventional thinking. thudding we are a different kind of financial company. We are athene, and we are driven to do more. Martha back to our top story, Brett Kavanaugh said he will be there to testify first thing monday morning but as far as his accuser goes, this signals have remained mixed tonight. Just a moment ago i was looking at something that said they were still in discussion and trying to get the parameters down for how this would work next week. Here now is ben shapiro, editor in chief and host of the ben shapiro Election Special which starts this sunday at 8 00 eastern on the Fox News Channel that we are all looking forward to. Good to see you tonight, and i know you talked a lot about your podcast today and yesterday, what you see is a lot of injustice that feels inherent to this in terms of how this whole thing has been approached. And that kind of millions who might have jumped into the fray to help this woman and get involved in the case, and there is a story by politico later on this afternoon, which suggested that a woman named ricky theismann is advising her. Shes allowed to have anyone she wants advisor, its a free country but Ricky Seidman also helped someone else in the past. Lets watch. On september 6, Ricky Seidman called me and she told me that she knew someone who worked on the Senate Labor Committee and and he would give me some indication of the law. There is obviously a political attempt here, the effect that the accuser is now going to a woman who is working with andy to hill and the Clarence Thomas tile doesnt speak highly of the nonpartisan elements in this case. The democrats have made it nearly impossible to just look at this is a question of guilt or innocence. It looks like a political smear. You just saw her letter july 30th, she didnt reveal it to anyone else for six weeks and finally they come forward two days after Brett Kavanaugh finally finishes his hearing six or seven days afterward. Thats when we finally hear the entire story. When we first heard the story, she didnt give the name of the accuser or what actually happened and the accuser still cant give a date or time. Its incredibly different for a difficult for Brett Kavanaugh to identify himself and then the minute republicans say why dont you bring her in front of the committee, then democrats say, that sexist. Its sexist to want to hear her story. So if they dont hear her story of sexism and silencing her and if they do, martha then they are bullying her. In front of the fbi. Its some sort of magic time cop. Martha they have offered her a private anything she wants really. And and and you have pointed out, obviously thats the most important underlying factor of whats going on here. Some of these cases have unraveled, and people are still willing to jump in with their opinion, not knowing her or anything about the actual facts. Watch these facts in support of the accuser. He should not be confirmed. He should not be confirmed. He should not be confirmed. You and your testimony are credible. You and your testimony or credible. We believe you. We believe you. Mike gardner says that she is not credible. With cares about a bunch of celebrities have to say about what happened here . What exactly like do they have to shed on any of this . We seem to interviews in the past 48 hours from people in classes with Christine Blasey ford back in high school saying they believe her story and then when specifically asked if theyd actually heard about this, they say no. But they believe her story because bad things happen to them. While thats not standard as to whether you know something that happened in this case. The idea that justice, truth, guilt and innocence, these things can be decided simply by an appeal that men are bad and, its absurd. You have to have some standard of evidence, and you have to at least give him a chance to defend themselves. Now they are saying, Annemarie Cox suggested that it doesnt really matter whether Brett Kavanaugh is guilty or innocent. What really matters is whether he feels this womans pain. Are you really going to be sitting there thinking about her level of pain or are you thinking, i need to defend myself, i have daughters, i have a wife, i have life. Its all insanity and demonstrative of the fact that if we really wanted to get to the truth of the situation, if democrats really gave one about this, what democrats would be doing is putting this woman in front of a hearing and calling whatever witnesses they could and then, they would be attempting to bolster her case. They would be hiding her and then any question asked would be undermining the justice system. Martha thank you, look forward to seeing you on sunday night. In las vegas, nevada, President Trump is about to speak in support of representative dean heller, when we come back. 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It was a saturday morning and we were in a series of what we called they were walk to daylight exercises after which you would conduct martha if this was in kentucky. Yes and we were on one of the live fire ranges. General jack keane was a he really liked our unit and like these Live Fire Exercises and one of our soldiers, a fine soldier, specialist smith, knocked out a bunker with a grenade and went in and sprayed it. Came out and on the top step he tripped. We think as he came down, he hit very hard, he was stunned for a moment, and his finger was in the trigger housing and he squeezed off a round. That m16 round went right through here, thankfully over the letter a and pretorius rather than the letter a and army. I thought i had been hit from behind. Jack keane had seen the soldier so he knew what happened. But the below it blows out of your back more than the actual hit in the front. Martha what do you remember about what that felt like . It felt like an enormous hammer on a huge swing hitting you from the back because it explodes out of your back. The hole in the back was much bigger than the very tiny hole right here. And i was very fortunate that it didnt sever an artery, it only next an artery. Then you go into shock. I was telling the guys, dont worry about me, lets do a quick after action review and get me some water to drink. And they are all rolling their eyes because theyve realized ive been shot. And im not sure id fully processed all of that in that moment in time. I remember saying, dont cut my gear, i dont want to have to redo that. And they are thinking about it, how are we making sure this guy doesnt die. General keane income by the way, he stayed with me the entire way through this. This ended up being many hours along. And holding his hand actually, we flew into the post hospital to the emergency room, and that is where they really in a sense saved my life. What they did there was they took a scalpel and cut the x and he said, this is really going to hurt, and it really did. It was a one time in the whole endeavor that i truly started to say, maybe this isnt worth hanging onto, because it hurt so much. Martha were you thinking about your life and your family, about potentially dying in that moment . All of the above. But hanging onto life. I have had a decent amount of determination over the years and wasnt ready to give it up quite so easily. Then im thinking, what about the unit . This is a fairly traumatic experience, their new Battalion Commander has been shot and almost killed. So i asked the chaplain in fact to bring this of the soldier do nashville to the Vanderbilt Medical Center so i could sit with him. He was a fine soldier and things happen, and at the end of the day it was really no harm. I was a fairly inpatient patient, so they moved me from there back to the post hospital at fort campbell, kentucky. And i was driving them crazy there. I said, i think im ready to check out of here, i think this was the five or six day mark. And i said why dont i show you, i will do 50 pushups for you and see whether thats enough. Martha after having that experience, when you were in iraq and saw other people entered perhaps in a similar way, did it give you a different understanding or compassion for what they were going through . I certainly knew what it felt like to go through this kind of serious injury. Again, a chest want is something that can kill you, not always. But it gave me an understanding of this enormous knowing uncertainty that almost all of our soldiers exhibited. The truth is that, what they wanted to do was just get back to their unit and the truth is, thats exactly what i wanted to do. It was amazing, i would go and see a soldier in the Field Hospital who might have lost a leg or something, and he would plead with me, sir, dont worry about it, just let me get back to the unit. For something called the brotherhood of the close fight and, those that are really in the true firefight on the ground with each other, they are thinking about each other. And they have each others backs and this is all about their ranger buddy or air assault body or whatever. And there is fierce loyalty among them, and a fierce desire to not let ones body down. And it was always visible when someone was hit and they didnt want to be medevac to the states or germany or what have you, they just wanted to be treated there and get back to the unit. Martha you have that kind of brotherhood based on experience with general jack keane . Very much so. We knew each other before but this was a very serious of male bonding situation and it was also a great example of what a great leader does, looking after those for whom he is responsible. Again, that was his saturday. He wasnt on the golf course or somewhere else, he was walking this very intensive Live Fire Exercise and he did this many, many more times. He reveled in this kind of activity because he and i and the others knew that this is how you prepare individual soldiers for combat. Martha while he has enormous respect for you. He has showed that many, many times. Thank you for sharing this with us tonight. Thank you very much for your this opportunity. Thats part of their story as well. That is our story on this thursday night, and its a busy one. Stay tuned for a fox news coming up at 9 00, chana sean hannityn exclusive with President Trump. We will see you back here live tomorrow night at seven. Tucker carlson is coming up next, have a good night. Tucker good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight. The most powerful machine in history, the results shape the way we understand the world. Most of us assume that on some level it is honest, google search. But what if its not honest . What if google is secretly corrupting its search results to influence votes . We have exclusive evidence that may in fact be happening. Well have the report for you in a minute. Dont miss that. Do not miss the championship edition of hampi and she exam

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