Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20191004 : v

FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight October 4, 2019

Pretty much the same moment, senator Chuck Schumer of new york was arriving at msnbcs midtown manhattan studios. He went to the set and anchor of the show hef was on that night, rachel maddow, pulled up trumps tweet on a screen. Live on tv and asked Chuck Schumer to comment on that week. Schumer hadnt seen that week before, he couldnt have known it wasor coming. For one of the most calculating politicians in washington, it was a rare unscripted moment. And so for the first time in a long time, Chuck Schumer just went with the unvarnished truth. Watch what he said. Let me tell you, you take on the Intelligence Community, they have six ways from sunday of getting back at you. So even for a practical, supposedly hardnosed businessman, hes being really dumb to do this. Tucker so he went on to say he didnt know exactly what the spy agencies would do to donald trump as punishment for being dumb enough to criticize them in public, but, he warned, this is a verbatim quote, from what i am told they are very upset about how he has treated them and talked about them. Very upset. Got it . Theres no mistaking what that was. Thats a threat. Issued on liveve television with great seriousness by a politician whos been in washington long enough a to know that its absolutely real. In the end, donald trump ignored it. More likely, he decided to defy it. Ft they after day he gave the finger to the permanent washington establishment, often on twitter, sometimes at press conferences, but always with unmistakable relish. Trump acted like a man would won an election in a democratic country. He seemed to feel free to say exactly what he really thought. He didnt appear to believe that thee intelligence agencies had veto power over his agenda. In a thousand different ways the new president refused to bow and for that crime, more than any other crime, he was punished. Most readily by by the manufacr ukraine scandal. The intel world, meanwhile, has become increasingly defined. Just yesterday a former cia director john brennan expressed outrage that anyone would dare impose oversight on the intelligence agencies to secretly oversee our lives. Im supposedly going to be interviewed by mr. Durham as part of this noninvestigation. I remember william barr when he was testifying in front ofia congress, he said he didnt understand the predication of the counterintelligence investigation that was launched into russias interference in the 2016st election. I dont understand the predication of this world wide effort try ton uncover dirt, either real or imagined, that would discredit that investigation in 2016 into russian interference. Tucker john brennan is a naked partisan and hes a liar. Hes acted in ways that would have shocked and horrified previous cia directors, and thats saying a lot. John brennan is not ashamed, far from it, is proud, and so are his many acolytes in washington. Philmont is is a former cia employee. Look so many from intelligence world, is now a contributor at cnn. Last night, he sent an onair warning to the president and his lawyer. Back off or prepare to get hurt. I spend a lot of time in government. There are state Department Officials who will testify, intel guys, department of defense people. All of us are sort of a brotherhood and sisterhood. Rudy giuliani parachutes in from mars. At the people whoe will testify are going to look at him, including state Department Officials, and say i dont have to protect that guy. He didnt operate by the rules. He didnt do what youre supposed to do in government. I suspect hes worried about what the congress wills do. If i were him, i would be worried about whether people in government stick a ship in his back, hes in trouble. Tucker so its a brotherhood, says phil mott of the cia, a brother that will stab you to death if you disobey. What phil mott is describing is not a conventional government agency. Its nothing like what most of us imagine when we think of what washington is doing on our behalf. The cia of john brennan and phil mud does not exist for our benefit, it exists solely for the benefit of the people who work there. We pay for the whole thing, but they do what they want and they punish anyone who criticizes them. They brag about that. Thats scary of course, is a perversion of democracy, its exactly with the people who created the cia feared most. But its also, if were going to be honest, its annoying, because for all of the hype, the cia in the end isnt even very good at its job. Remember, this is an intelligence agency. So its fair to judgeai their performance against whether or nott they predicted crucial events over the past 70 years and again and again they didnt. The cia, for example, was shocked by the korean war. They didnt predict the soviet atomic bomb. Not a small thing. It missedom the cuban missile crisis in the 1973 arabisraeli war. It spent decades trying to bring down fidel castro, to kill fidel castro, so naturally his regime never felt. He lived into his 90s. Meanwhile, the cia spent decades propping up the show of iran, so naturally he tumbled from power. They didnt even provide a h p warning before that happened because they had no idea what was going to happen. When the iron curtain finally fell in 1989, the cia was completely blindsided. They thought they had just predicted the soviet union was as strong as ever. And things didnt get better after that. The cia had no idea that Saddam Hussein planned to invade kuwait the next year in 1990. They were totally surprised by indias atomic bomb test eight yearssu later. By 2003 there were totally confident that iraq had weapons of massal destruction. In fact, their biggest success in the past 50 years may have been creating the taliban. If john brennan had been working for a nonprofit business there would have been a shareholder revolt a long time ago and probably criminal charges. He would have been sean don mcgahn delorean. But because its a secretive government agency, the cia has not been restrained. D. In fact, its only become more powerful and more autonomous. Powerful enough to take on a president . We willo see. One reason the permanent washington is so powerful, of course, so resistant to change or oversight, is that it makes alliances with some of the least impressive but most ambitious members of congress. Just days ago for example house intelligence german adam schiff claimed his office had no contact whatsoever with the cia whistleblower. First off, have you heard from the whistleblower . Do you want to hear from the whistleblower . We have not spoken directly with the whistleblower. We would like w to. Tucker he also claims to know nothing about what was in the whistleblowers complaint before it came out. But yesterday the New York Times revealed that both of those claims were lies. Schiff apologized in a way saying that he should have been much more clear. Right. Schiff now admits his office spoke to the whistleblower, by the way we learned tonight is a registered democrat, but insists his office did nothing to shape the complaint itself, but why would we believe that at this stage . Congressman devin nunes . Is rigt in the middle of all of this, hes the ranking republican on the House Intel Committee he joins us tonight, former chairman of it. Thanks so much foror c coming on very gratuity. Tucker do you believe this expedition to mexico no. This explanation . Absolutely not. Tucker it looks from the perspective of people from the outside like adam schiffs t office guided this complaint like it was a set up. And it looked like he knew something beforehand because this was in k the press, then yu had tweets, you have stories written by known effusion gps reporters, and then you fastforward, a couple of times he could have told us in private tat this had happened. Nothing by law makes him he doesnt have to tell us, but he clearly gave no indication that he had ever met with the whistleblower or anybody on his team had ever met with the whistleblower. Thats the real issue here. Two opportunities two opportunities behind closed doors and he didnt tell us. Tucker uc so this is not one among many stories, this is the basis for the impeachment of the president of United States. Its not a small thing, its the opposite of that. How could any of us have confidence that this isnt just a pure partisan invention . It is a partisan adventure and it is not a real impeachment the way that impeachment process has worked the other times its been used. I just came from the capital and we had nine hours of ambassador if you listen to the Mainstream Media and the democrats, this was going to be the guy that was going to give up all the goods on Rudy Giuliani because this was the special envoy to ukraine on behalf of the trump administration. Of course they went on and on and on. Rs why do they keep going on and on . Because they werent getting wanted. Y i came in there at the end. I felt horrible for the man. Hes been a public servant. He is getting married in a few feks and he just wants this to be done with and of course you wouldnt know that by what linked up before his testimony on what is leaked out ever since then. Tucker have to ask you of the cia since who oversaw it, you were in charge of the oversight of the cia and the other intel agencies as the chairman of the house Intelligence Committee. Do you feel that our intelligence agencies are properly overseen by the congress . Does the congress what does democracy have control, full control of these agencies . I think you could argue over the fbi counterintelligence area that started this investigation into the Trump Campaign, no, zero. If the fbi has not cooperated throughout this investigation. Perhaps with what the attorney general is doing running an investigation into the beginnings of the russia probe, yes. The cia, i think the challenge has been and what republicans have been pushing, when you go out it got to remember, these agents put their lives on the line, okay . The people that are out in the field. The challenge you have is theres wayou too many intelligence officials and consultants and former agents now pontificating on networks that live here in the n swamp. And look, theres a reason how a small cadre of folks are in the swamp and i cant give the number but i can just tell you that a majority of people are here in the swamp, which is not what they should be very tucker of course not, a majority, overlooking mexico i would think its about a majority. When you take department of defense, cia, dni and all the other 17 different tucker hanging around the capital city, course they are. Lobbying for more money for the programs. And i will tell you, one thing that people forget, i was the one, ironically, in the spring of 16 when their openinghe investigation into the Trump Campaign for colluding with the russians, i went out and set the basic to biggest intelligence failure will since 9 11 our inability to understand Vladimir Putins plans and intentions. In the spring of 2016 and of course you know what they did to me, the press corps in this town and the, democrats. Tucker you were the rotten rotten i was the secret russian spy. Tucker we are communicating i think in russian when we would meet secretly in the park. Congressman, great to see you, thank you. Former fbi Deputy Director of counterterrorism joins us tonight. Thanks so much for coming on. Tonight. So when you hear former intel officials threatened elected leaders with punishment for disobeying bureaucrats, whats your reaction to that . J well, its just sickening to watch that and i want to make sure i say right away that im not part of any brotherhood with philip mod and i can pretty much tell you neither is anyone ive ever met up to with and mostly the guys there today and ladies, i doubt they would be anything but appalled at what he said last night but you have to put it in perspective and look at the last two years. For the last two years john brennan and philip mod and nd unfortunately as devin nunes talked about, have gone on television and essentially call the president of the United States a russian agent and we dont have time to even get into it, but most of those people had no room talking about anything like that because they have plenty of problems themselves that anybody that would start reading about them would know, so this is really awful and we are here. Its very interesting. Weve come full circle. We started with the Intelligence Community and adam schiff a couple of years ago. And russia. And now we are back, only we are here with him in charge of the Intelligence Committee and we are talking about the ukraine. Twhat strikes out at any person who is really worked cases, and i like to talk about them as real fbi agents, most of us learn from the mentor at the fbi academy or in our first field office,d when you want to do an investigation and yount want to get to the bottom of something, then look for what is abnormal. Find out what the normal is, whether its a company, group, whatever, and then find the abnormal. And all along we saw the abnormalities in this. It began with susan rice. Susan rice and the unmasking. I was in the fbi 30 years. I worked nothing but mostly National Security cases. I never made a request to unmask anyone and i never had a politician make any kind of request to unmask any case id been working on. Thats just abnormal and then she got on tv in 2017 and in a direct response lied about it. She was asked to know anythingsk about what devin nunes has said and she said i dont know anything and you see that play out in all of these examples. Christopher steele was closed as an fbi asset. Thats the term in counterintelligence for an informant. And then he was and then he was worked by by the departmenf justice attorney. Totally abnormal. Tucker the country changed a lot under the Obama Administration for eight years in ways that we are just now coming to understand. Thank you so much. Thank you. Tucker while democrats were screaming for impeachment, sometimes literally screaming forr impeachment before donald trump even tookme office. Rashida tlaib is selling impeach the mother effort tshirts but nancy pelosi still wants you tot know impeachment really was a final resort. Its a very sad thing. She keeps telling us that. She is so sad it turned out this way. She would like you to pray with her about it. This is a very serious, very serious challenge to the president has put there. Very sad. So yeah its sad. This is a very sad time for our country. First let me say that this is no cause for any joy. If this is a very sad time for our country. Its really sad. We have to be very prayerful. I pray for the president all the time. This is a very sad time for our country. This is no joy in this. Its sad. Tucker the news anchors, the morons, the robots, not vacantly when she is we really have to pray foran president trump. Its very sad i havent been this out since old yeller died, really, very sad. Richard goodstein is a former advisor to bill and Hillary Clinton and he joins us tonight. How sad are you . Are you a set is your speaker . My reaction to this is theres a lot of projection that happens between tucker there certainly is. Between Trump Supporters and i think heres a case where they cant quite fathom that a speaker could feel this because they neverer felt anything like this around the clinton impeachment buried you never heard a soul on the republican side feel any sense of remorse for going after him, trying to kick them out of office talk about a coup, because he had sex and didnt want to talk about it. Tucker what you said is true, i was there, thats absolutely right. If you were to ask republicans in washington now, including the republican in washington who led the impeachment charge, of course there then speaker of the house newt gingrich, we just talk to him about this, all of them would tell you its a mistake. All of them would express regret. All of them they dont like clinton, but that was not a good idea. So i just wonder, since you brought that up, two years from now are democrats really going to say it was a wise idea to make up this ludicrous, unbelievably dumb story about ukraine no one even has her heart in it. No one really believes anything bad impeachable happened. He really think in two years democrats are going to say that was really smart . Pickle heres the thing about this whole hoax business about ukraine. If the president s words. Whether the whistleblower is an armor or or adr came from mars or whatever they blew the whistlee about, we see the socalled transcript. Incidentally, its an abbreviated, truncated version because it doesnt come close to being 30 minutes worth of words. Tucker what you think is missing . You tell me something the public increasingly with each passing week is more andnd more inclined to say yeah, actually i think it should be impeached. Tucker so sad. Let me ask you very quick, do you really think that the transcription office at the white house is collaborating in a conspiracy run by donald trump to hide who knows what, a spying agreement that he reached with the president of ukraine, seriously . We know they try to hide it, right . Tucker you think is relevant information thats been excluded from the t transcript . We have the rosemary would get from mixing. Tucker its too dumb. What it reveals in what they went to the trouble to hide ultimately was. The public now thinks he should be impeached forha it. For what weve actually seen. Tucker it theres an election in a year, you dont like trump, that is the referendum. Its a democracy. If it was with an intern, but hes trying to get china and ukraine tucker china . To make sure that we dont have a fair election. Tucker its pretty funny, after literally the democrats for the past 30 years just give away our entire country with the republicans,rate to china, and other like collaborating with china. If the only president to take oe china in American History hats off to him for doing that, incidentally. Seeking help from them to help them won and the other side lose, thats a t problem. Tucker saying dumb stuff as news conferences, great to see you. Mark steyn will be here in just a minute. Also congresswoman and aoc squad member Rashida Tlaib says Detroit Police need to hire people based on their skino color. W

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