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Business news and analysis. The book, so maybe the president could be right about that. Something that the president knows hes got some backup on when pushing this issue, trish, of immigration and his national security, he was standing there with guiseppe conte, the new Prime Minister of italy that won office based on wanting to reform italys Immigration Laws and tighten Border Security there. Angela merkel, who is not exactly a huge fan of the president , has recently said that germany is going to tighten up its borders as well. So perhaps public sentiment is moving in a direction that the president believes if he were to pull the trigger on a Government Shut Down, might be one that he could benefit from politically. That really would be bucking history, trish. Trish thanks, john. The president pushing ahead with his shut down threat despine warnings from gop leaders, especially with the midterms coming up around the corner. Here with me right now, u. S. A. Today congressional reporter elisa cohen. Good to have you here. Good to be here. Trish how serious is the president on this one . We really dont know. The president has threatened this before. Hes pretty unpredictable. Its a little too close for comfortable for republicans. The Government Spending deadline is end of september. Obviously the midterms are in the beginning of november. Thats close on a year when theyre already fighting against so much. Trish you know, typically and john made the point, that afternoon republicans get blamed for shut downs. Lets face it, the American Public doesnt like it. Their anger gets directed at congress and oftentimes towards the party that is in the seat. This time, this is a little different. My question to you is there political motivation . The president says i really want this done and this might galvanize my supporters, my base . Thats absolutely what he thinks. It probably will galvanize his supporters and his base. The problem is his supporters and his base are not enough to win an election. The republicans cannot lose his base, so they have to keep them motivated. They need those centrist republicans, the independents who will be turn off or likely in the past have been turned off by Government Shut Downs, but this tough rhetoric on immigration. We saw this summer family separation, which is the Trump Administration policy, thats been unpopular in both parties, especially for those independents that every time trump is talking about immigration, talking about the wall, it gives democrats the chance to bring back family separation, which theyre hoping will turn off sort of the middle voters that republicans need. Trish maybe the answer though for those republicans that might have otherwise been on the fence to find a way to get this done and then they dont have the threat of the Government Shut Down because they give him the wall that he has promised to the american people. What are the odds of that, eliza . Very low. The numbers are not in their favor. The senate is 5149. Senator mccain has been out. Its basically 5049. They need 60 votes to pass anything in the senate that wont happen. The house there are enough republicans to move something, but they had a vote or they had two votes earlier this summer. Republicanonly immigration comprehensive votes. They werent able to come to an agreement in their party. Theyre gone all month. So the chances are getting slimmer and slimmer of coming to an agreement, even if that is what trump is urging them to do. Trish thanks, eliza. Our next guest says the president should play hardball if thats is what is needed to get the wall built. Brandon judd is president of the National Border patrol council. He joins me now. Good to have you here. You wrote an oped most recently where you said this is the only distraction to us so that they can get away and later be reunited, this is an issue that we have to look at. Its a very humane issue. If we build the wall in strategic locations, we can control where illegal immigrant takes place and our country will become a much safer country. Its very necessary. Trish im going to use economic terms in this argument. In other words, youre trying to create the right kind of incentives and trying to remove incentives for people to come here. If its that difficult because theres a wall in the way, youre less likely to try to sneak yourself or your child across the border. If youre less likely to do it, 13 your child and yourself are less likely to come into harm via coyotes or anything else is. That your think something. Were incentivizing these criminal organizations, this is a multibillion dollar industry. Its a business. Thats what it is. These individuals coming here and asking for asylum, they can do it legally. They can give their credible fear claims. Its the criminal cartels that force these people to cross the border at points other than ports of entry, which then of course drains our resources. Again, thats why we need to be able to control where illegal immigration takes place. All you have to do is look at mccallan texas. Over the weekend, there was this Mast Hysteria at a mall where it was thought it was an active shooter situation. The fbi, atf, border patrol, all kinds of Law Enforcement were called to the mall. Turns out that these individuals, theyre believed to be illegal aliens that crossed the border illegally. If we would have had a wall, it wouldnt have happened. Trish a lot of people would pick that apart and say wall is not going to do it. You need to have a lot more than just the wall. Let me get to this for a moment. Philadelphia has a mayor there that is scrapping the skreement that ice has in determines of data sharing. We cannot allow this continue. Its abhorrent in 2018, a federal agency engages and practices and targets lawabiding citizens. Trish what do you think of that . Theyre not lawabiding citizens. They cross illegally. They have broken our law. Everybody will say, well, just the act of crossing the border illegally is a misdemeanor crime. If its the first time, thats correct. But everything that they do after that, if they get a job, thats illegal. A lot of things happen after the fact that sill legal. Theyre not law abiding citizens. Trish i want to go back to that. I think you hit the nail on the head where you want to destroy incentives for people to come here illegally. Does that mean you need bigger penalties if you come here illegally . Theres talks of criminalizing that. Look in april of 2017. When President Trump started talking about the difference sanctions that were going to put open illegal aliens, the illegal immigration dropped to 45 year low. That is because of the fear if they crossed that would be deta detained. We didnt create policies and operations. If we had the Zero Tolerance Policy in 2017, we wouldnt be discussing this today. Trish its amazing, right . Your country. You should have borders. You should know who is coming in and out. The idea that somehow its considered politically incorrect to ask for that just seems like were in a pretty strange state right now. Final thought hand i have to run. Its the laws. All were talking about doing is talking about properly enforcing the laws of the United States. Thats not wrong and it should be done so we can keep the public safe. Thats what we want to do. Trish thank you, brendan. I want to take a look at the dow. Up 140 points. Trade is the dominant issue on this market right now. Well get to that later on in the show. From crumbs to just crumby. Some democrats want to dump the trump tax cuts if they get control of congress. We report you might want to hide. I think were in good position not only to take back the house but i believe even possibly the senate. Of course, if we do that, then look out, president. Youre in trouble. Ones, chair, new laptop with 24 7 tech support. Yep, thanks guys. I think he might need some support. Yes start them off right. With the School Supplies they need at low prices all summer long. Save 200 on this dell laptop at office depot officemax. And its also a story mail aabout people save 200 on this dell laptop and while we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget. That your business is our business the United States postal service. Priority you uhp. I didnt believe it. Again. Ooh, baby, do you know what thats worth . I want to believe it. [ claps hands ] ooh im not hearing the confidence. Okay, hold the name your price tool. Power of options based on your budget and well make heaven a place on earth yeah oh, my angels ooh, heaven is a place on earth [ sobs quietly ] of course the economy has improved and he would like to take credit for all of that. In the final analysis, when this country feels what has been done with the tax scam and what that will do for our deficit in this country, its going to be reversed. Trish dont you love how Maxine Waters is a fiscal conservative, concerned about the deficit all of a sudden in tax scam. You heard that one, right . California democratic congresswoman may be down to a maybe on the president s tax cuts. I think not. Okay. This coming with massachusetts senator democratic senator Elizabeth Warren standing by her call there to dump the trump cuts, including a possible hike on top earners. This is what you want to talk about as you head to the midterms . You want to talk about taking more of peoples paychecks and spending it via the government . Apparently they think so. Were going to christy, emily and natalie. Good to see you all. What is really going on here . I just dont get how its ever helpful to talk about taking peoples money and redistributing it. I think its fundamentally antiamerican. You can go all the way back to the Founding Fathers and the roots of our country. Its not what were about. The democrats try to sell this wealth distribution. Thats their vision. Not a single democrat offered tax relief. Even though its headed every Income Ladder in this country. This is a tax cut across every single income group in the United States. Democrats couldnt support it to begin and now they spent every day since then saying if they get power, they want to repeal the tax cuts. They think its a winning message. Lets look at the history here. Democrats lost almost 1,000 different seats in state, federal and local elections because they gave that exact same message, which is that they want to take money away from americans and spend it themselves. Its not worked at the polls and has not worked as a Policy Objective and wont be successful in november. Trish so christy, why do the dems keep doing it . Its a successful message. I dont see a reason we should concede the tax cuts have been good for the american worker. It hasnt. If youre the ceo of a large corporation, youve gotten a ton of money out of the tax cuts. All right. The problem is you horded it trish im going to stop you. Wages have gone down since they have been implemented. Trish its not true. Wages have gone up and theyre continuing to rise. Im with you. Id love to see them go up. However trish they are going up. Let me also add trish did you see the gdp . Yeah. Trish 4. 1 . That aint too shabby. Have you seen how many jobs weve added to the economy . Yeah, yeah. Super, trish. The problem is the bonuses have been incredible anecdotal. Across the board most people have not seen any bump up. Thats a problem for republicans. Theyre not feeling it. You can laugh. Its true. Trish emily, your thoughts. A couple things here. Some of these democrats are picking up on Public Opinion polling. You can argue. Theres still mixed on the tax cuts. You can argue its a Communication Issue or argue that people arent feeling the tax cuts. At the same time, democrats seem to be latching on to this and saying theyre going to campaign on this issue of higher taxes. Thats never a Good Campaign strategy whether in california or massachusetts. Trish i would agree with you and with emily. I dont think its a Good Campaign message, yet its one that they tried unsuccessfully, although christy disputes that. Well take it under advisement, trish. Trish and there may be a reason why one group won and the other didnt and doesnt that come down to issues of the pocketbook . Right. Heres the deal. You can argue that americans are not feeling the tax cut. We know they are. Look at the Consumer Spending numbers. Americans have more money and spending more money. It comes in the consumer side, the business side of things. Were seeing investment again from businesses. Thats all due to the tax cut and the deregulatory environment. Its coming from ceos. Trish let me get christy in here. You say its just ceos. Nobody else is benefitting. The very tippy top that use the money in their pockets and spreading it. Of course. But if youre not a ceo, a shareholder, no. Youre not feeling those effects. So heres the problems with democrats. Every month that say things are Getting Better for americans and refuse to believe it that will be at their peril in november. Youre giving good advice here. You know there are ways for you to approach this, ive talked about it before, the blue collar democrat that was once a core of your party, you have lost them. You have lost them because youre not about work right now and keeping what you earn. Youre about Wealth Redistribution and doesnt fly. I have to leave it there. Thanks so much. All of you. Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh meeting with the democratic senator joe manchin today on capitol hill. His first meeting with the democrat, but could a request by democrats delay his confirmation process . Ari fleischer next. But mania, such as unusual changes in your mood, activity or energy levels, can leave you on shaky ground. Help take control by talking to your doctor. Ask about vraylar. Vraylar is approved for the acute treatment of manic or mixed episodes of bipolar i disorder in adults. Clinical studies showed that vraylar reduced overall manic symptoms. Vraylar should not be used in elderly patients with dementia due to increased risk of death or stroke. 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Many republicans are predicting a handful of democrats will support judge kavanaughs confirmation to the Supreme Court. Likely want red state democrats from joe manchin that are up for reelection. We saw judge kavanaugh arrive this afternoon. This is his 39th meeting with a senator since being nominated to the Supreme Court and first with a democrat. At least two other democrats are expected to meet in august. Senate republicans are only requesting documents from two of the five years that judge kavanaugh was in the white house. Only documents from his time in the white house counsels office, not his Staff Secretary. Staff secretary was the most senior job that he held. A Big Development came with rand paul said hes a yes on kavanaugh. Paul had expressed concerns over privacy issues but today the senator believes that kavanaugh will adhere to the constitution and will take his job to protect individual liberty seriously. Other republicans sound very confident about this nomination. When it comes to Brett Kavanaugh, i have zero doubt that hes going to be on the Supreme Court before the end of october. Hes highly qualified, welldeserving. Were going to break the back of every democratic effort to stop this good man from being on the Supreme Court. That Confirmation Vote could come weeks before the midterm elections putting red state democrats squarely on the spot. Trish . Trish democrats demanding one million documents on judge kavanaugh. Is this a delay tactic . Lets go to former White House Press secretary, Ari Fleischer to answer that. Are they trying to delay . Of course its a delay tac c tactic. They want to get it beyond the election. It wont change anything. Its going to be hard to stop bretts nomination. Its a delay tactic but theres some legitimacy to it in the fact that relevant documents ought to be made public. That is an important part of the senates process here. Advice an consent. When senator schumer said theyre not requesting Staff Secretary documents, if that is right and if that clip is all theres to it, its a significant concession. Staff secretary doesnt weighin on policy. He shuffles the papers around so the right papers end up on the president s desk. Thats the job. So that caught my area when i heard senator shame e er sch say that. Three Democratic Senators that are in an impossible squeeze. Joe manchin from West Virginia is one of them. If they vote against or treat Brett Kavanaugh wrong, it will kill them with the republicans in states that trump won. If they vote for Brett Kavanaugh, it will kill them with activist and liberal base. Trish are they running a Political Risk by talking to him, looking that theyre hearing them out . Is that how divided we are . No. The Political Risk is not meeting with him. Theyre still in this divided country and has to be room for decency and normalcy. Trish out think. Even if the democrats dont like what they see from the Trump White House should they continue this game of everybody being more bit tore the point that they dont meet a supreme Court Nominee . That is not the right way to proceed. So they should hold the meetings and make up their mind. Forget the politics. The politics will be so bad either way and do what they think is right from their heart and their gut. Trish well, they liked neil gorsuch enough. One would think they would confirm kavanaugh. If you were in the white house right now and trying to handle the communications side, what would be your message . How would you speed this through if you wanted to get this done before midterms . Well, first put it in the hands of mitch mcconnell. He knows how to do these things. You strongly defer to the Senate Majority leader as the white house has been dealing. Second, reasonableness. There should be procurement of documents. Should be a reasonable effort to make the documents available and the white house is doing that. I think they were smart to draw the line at a Fishing Expedition where the democrats were trying to get the staff documents, which is a way of snooping around to see what else everybody else at the white house was writing that the Staff Secretary ushered through. So white house is being responsive, but frankly the best thing is bretts character and bretts acumen. Thats what is moving this forward. Brett has to do a great job when he testifies and im sure he will. Trish so what are the odds this gets done before midterms . Well, its a 5149 senate. So ill say the odds of getting it done are 5149. Maybe 5049. Susan collins from maine is essential. If she splits from the republicans, that would require one of those three red state democrats who voted for gorsuch to vote for cavanaugh. Trish thanks, ari. President trump trying to bury the hatchet with europe as a Trade War Breaks Out and another u. S. Company said there could be price hikes coming. The full value of your new car . Youd be better off throwing your money right into the harbor. Im gonna regret that. With Liberty Mutual new Car Replacement well replace the full value of your car. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty you might or joints. Hing for your heart. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in Clinical Trials to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Their outlook the rest of the year. The tariffs arent that bad, right . Does this show that u. S. Companies can actually withstand some of this Trade Tension right now . Im bringing in fbns Host Of Making Money and fox news contributor, jessica tarlov. Good to see you. Thanks. Trish what do you think . When i saw the caterpillar report, not only did they blow away what wall street was going to do. They raised their production. They im employeded an extra 10,000 people around the world, including 4, 400 in this country. Their Profit Margins were less than 8 and now on their way to 17 . You have a company in the eye of the storm. They sell a lot of equipment to china. The business held up well. They had enough confidence to raise prices. Heres the thing. A certain amount of pain with everything. But we were reminded between a gdp number friday and caterpillars earnings that this is the time to fight the fight you do it now. Trish im glad you said it. I lock at this and i get three little kids. I want to make sure that my kids, your kids, everyones children and grandchildren have an opportunity at the future. Part of that is making sure he oh were the best copyright now but we want to stay the Worlds Largest economy. We dont allow china to take over that spot. If tariffs will play a role in that, im happy to do it. Id rather fight this now when we have a leg to stand on than 20 years down the road when, you know, were all speaking mandarin. And china is the next u. S. And were on our way to being france or something. That is the the reality of this situation. Maybe you tell me why im wrong. You may not agree. I dont think i agree with you on the tariffs. But we could have this about Entitlement Reform and education reform, military reform, this cuts across. What charles said about caterpillar can withstand a little of the hurting, cocacola said they have to raise prices. Theres individuals, harleydavidson, theyre struggling with the economic choices that president has made. Nobody can dispute the 4. 1 gdp growth. Im not sure the tariff war is the way to go here. Why not . Charles, if theyre charges a tariff or a tax on our stuff and were not doing it on their stuff, its not fair. Ive been saying it the whole time. I came up as a Free Market Guy and consider myself that. Im not going to be boxed into a set of rules. Im wearing my gloves. My opponents have brass knuckles. We have to fight this a smart way. Its a temporary thing. Nobody has come with a solution to get people to the table. We know what the goal is. No tariffs. How do you get them to the table . I would say we have to be careful. Theres Certain Companies like harley. You know, their customers in American America have gone down 50 . Cocacolas sales are down 32 . Nobody is Drinking Soda anymore. Theres individual issues when they pass this on that go beyond tariffs. But its a winkwink thing. President trump should articulate to the American Public the further this goes along, the more pain there will be. I polled people. Its not scientific. Trump voters say they understand that. Many say theyre willing to skip something at walmart or theyre willing to pay the price. Trish i believe it. Were patriotic. You think about what our country has been through historically with actual wars. Actual wars. If were talking about a trade war and it means well pay more for the widgets that we buy at walmart, people would take that pain. Theres a lot of farmers that are trump voters saying that wasnt the pain i thought was coming anyway. A lot of trump voters that packed him that didnt expect that they would have these healthcare woes. The rising costs. He said he would fix that. Plenty of trump voters that are not thrilled with the way its going and all of them are equally patriotic. Me as well. Just because you dont back the president on all of it, that doesnt say anything about your love for this country. There must be a more balanced way to do it without aggravating our allies. Hes inflated trade deficit numbers. He did with it the canadians, he does with it the mexicans. Trish theres never an easy way to do this. Its easier to deal with it now while were the number 1 economy and the biggest consumer of these goods. Trish its the last chance to do it. Its really the last opportunity that well have. In ten years and china and india at the current pace will be the number 1 economies. Theyll have over 50 of the gdp. If we dont do it now, well never have an opportunity again. Trish thanks. Cbs is investigating the Sexual Harassment claims against les moonves. Well have the latest next. Saving you time for what you love most. Kids whoa kids vo safelite repair, safelite replace and its also a story mail aabout people and while we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget. That your business is our business the United States postal service. Priority you trish cbs says theyre selecting an outside counsel to investigation the Sexual Harassment claims against les moonves. This as the stock takes another dive today days ahead of the Second Quarter earnings. Hillary vaughn has more. Hi, trish. The board met over three hours on a conference call. The future of their ceo and chairman Leslie Moonves is up in the air. The scandal putting the companys longstanding Shareholder Event at a standstill. Cbs saying the board will postpone their yearly stockholder meeting that was scheduled to happen august 10. The board also will designate a commercial committee to oversee and investigation and hire an outside law firm to probe into moonves behavior and accusations. Missing after this conference call, any further rebuke or statement addressing the scandal. Cbs saying in their release no other action was taken on this matter at todays board meeting. This is the aftermath following a report in the new yorker claiming the head of the company harassed female employees and retaliated against the women that rejected him. The allegations span 21 years, include six women that say that moonves was inappropriate. Force said he touched on kissed them. All of them claim when they rejected moonves, their careers took a hit. Moonves is denying this saying in a statement i recognize there were times decades ago when i may have made some women uncomfortable by making advances. Those are mistakes and i regret them. He says he knows that no means no and he has never misused his position to harm or hinder his career. Cbs said this morning that an outside attorney has already been reviewed Workplace Culture in the news division. Cbs says some of the claims in the new yorker report have been inclauded in this i dont know going investigation, but the question remains will moonves have to go, trish and if he does, the company will need to figure out who will replace him. Trish thanks. The president s war of words with his former attorney dominating the news. Where is this head something were on it for you next. A Turn Coat Lawyer a lawyer that deserved to be disbarred for a number of his actions including recording his client clandestinedly. With our largesy of crab all year like new crabfest combo. Your one chance to have new jumbo snow crab with tender dungeness crab. Or try crab lovers dream. But hurry in. Cause Crabfest will be gone in a snap. No mathere are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. Call one today. Are you in good hands . Trish all right. This just in. The Justice Department announcing the arrest of a jordanian mexico residing in mexico. Hes accused of conspiring to smuggle six yemini nationals across the border for a fee. The investigation continues. New reports that President Trump there likely not sit for an interview with special prosecutor robert mueller. The war of words continues here between the president s legal team and Michael Cohen. Rick leventhal has the latest for us right now. Hi, rick. Trish, weve seen a lot of the president s attorney, rudy guliani on tv, making the case that Michael Cohen can no longer be trusted. Calling him a pathological manipulator suggesting that he may have doctored the one reporting weve heard of him and the president. Guliani said he defended cohen before knowing what a scoundrel he was and told wallace that he has no credibility left. I should say i feel sorry for him but nobody will believe me. He destroyed himself as a witness. I prosecuted 5,000 cases. I would never prosecute his case. Over the weekend, the president tweeted a screen grab of a Michael Cohen tweet from last july when he said he was so proud of trump jr. For being open, honest and transparent to the american people, this nonsense needs to stop. The president said you think the Fake News Media would have a report on this tweet from michael. Last week, lanny davis said his client has turned over a new leaf and reminded everyone guliani himself approved the release of the recording writing mr. Guliani seems to be confused. He expressly waived Attorney Client privilege last week and talked about talked about the recording for hitting all confidentiality. The government has 183 of cohens recordings according to guliani who says a dozen directly involve the president and all of them will exonerate President Trump. Trish okay. Lots of recording. He does. Trish thanks, rick. How will it play out . Im just by doug byrnes, former federal prosecutor. Where to start. All right. First of all, this whole idea, the tapes themselves, its all a question of what is on it. But last time i checked, although its kind of seedy and none of us like it, it wasnt illegal to pay off a woman that you had an indiscretion is. The point is, you have to differentiate thing that you disagree with, you think its unseemly very susa crime. The point is, the Parent Company of the inquirer paid mrs. Mcdougal money for her story. Okay . The president s team was going to purchase the story. Thats not a crime. Sounds like im being political. Its not a crime. Trish lets go to the russian lawyer then. Yes. Trish junior took a meeting with the russian lawyer. Is this a crime . Theres many, by the way, that say total collusion. This is the smoking gun were looking for. They have this meeting. He must have colluded with the russians. Its fascinating to watch the oneliners go back and forth. Thats the difference between the courtroom and the media. Everybody says collusion is not a crime. Theyre correct. Look through the code book as major guliani says. I cant find it. The comebacker is, it could be a conspiracy charge. Let me translate that. If money changes hands, people are being bribed, things like that, yeah, can it be a crime. Its like saying somebody robbed a bank. Its a crime. Im being sarcastic. The fact of the matter is, collusion is an anti trust term. Because trish a wrong term. By the way, minor point, in reverse, the democrats tried to get they just say opposition research. Its done all the time. And they paid for it. They went on to foreign soil and paid for it. Its laughable for them to have this famed outrage. You took a meeting. Meanwhile, they sold the meeting like dangling the idea that it was about hillary clinton. It wasnt. Its overblown. Trish i know you have a legal background. I spoke with a former intelligence official recently. He had a very interesting point. There might be something to this. He said listen, putin is no dummy. He gets how the Intel Community works. Do you think that he would have deliberately had this woman go waltzing in trump tower with the security cameras, the emails, if they wanted to infiltrate the campaign, it would have been done in a more covert way. His theory is that putin is out there dangling this for the media and politicians to pick up. Its mixing apples and oranges. The russians have been involved with this for a long, long time. Transcends political lines. What a brilliant scheme. What they did is, they managed to have him win the Electoral College and lose the popular vote. Unbelievable the way they did that. Isnt that amazing . Trish that said, the president president is looking in aggressively on what we can tell in the meetings happening and into what kind of attempts were made to influence our election. But thats very different. The interference versus collusion. Two different issues. Did the russians take certain actions . Buy ads and so on. The other thing what did the Trump Campaign have to do with it. People have been aggressive saying they turned up no evidence. Its true. The counter volley back . Its not over. Have to let it run its course and goes on and on. Trish is trump jr. In any kind of trouble because he made have lied underest about that meet something. Any criminal defense later said i didnt tell him. Somebody else did. Trish more after this. So you have, your headphones, chair,

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