Transcripts for KFKA 1310 AM [Newstalk 1310 KFKA] KFKA 1310

KFKA 1310 AM [Newstalk 1310 KFKA] KFKA 1310 AM [Newstalk 1310 KFKA] December 7, 2019 110000

2 of the guys that might be considered bigger misses him Ok he was the least of the Misses turn into the whole show we did to him for 2 and a. Sports food beer and nerdy and there's bits that care you have a block party Wednesday nights beginning with perhaps midway on 1310 k. Of k. . You were listening to c.b.s. Sports radio 24 hours a day 7 days a week all. But. Monday night is going to be ugly folks this week and college football is going to be credible today in college football is as good days you could possibly ask for this is what it's all about to me you have teams some of the best teams in college football squaring off for major stakes we won an 8 game or 8 team college playoffs right that's what we're begging for well to a degree you have some of that today Oklahoma playing Baylor that's a playoff game you can argue Wisconsin playing Ohio State that is a playoff game for them they have a chance to get it's a small one it's a microscopic one but you can make a case. And obviously Georgia playing ls you great games great teams conference rivalry high stake that's what I love to see bowl games they don't really give you that it's a lot of pageantry it's a lot of meaningless trophies there's a lot of sponsorships I mean that's nice don't we all love a good sponsorship there's nothing that makes me watch television like a good sponsorship I get off you know a game of thrones what's the problem is that the ending Vince you know there wasn't any advertisements I wish there was more ads in Game of Thrones that was my problem yeah bowl season doesn't do it for me not for me give me the conference championship that's what gets me excited that's what I love to watch That's what I think is the best quality week of college football we don't talk about that enough sure the playoffs get you get the actual playoff but it's only 2 games isn't it I got ls you Georgia Oklahoma Baylor Ohio State Wisconsin Utah Oregon just played in Clemson Virginia is good enough Memphis Cincinnati Those are good games top $25.00 teams all going against each other I love that so I love this week this is to me the best we can college football and I couldn't ask for anything better I'd love to hear your thoughts at 855-212-4227 that c.b.s. Sports radio is toll free line brought to you by Geico and great news there's a quick way you could save money switch to Geico go to Geico dot com in 15 minutes you can save 15 percent or more on your car insurance on Vince Quinn with you on c.b.s. Sports radio and here's the thing I want to talk a little bit about how much of the of a mess the n.f.c. East is so we have right now. A mess in Dallas we saw on the past 2 Thursdays Lucky us right is there anything better I love seeing a good Del us laws I think most of us do I don't buy Jerry Jones I think he's of noxious I think he gets in his own way Jason Garrett is terrible and should have been fired like 8 years ago he's a nice guy I don't hate his a person but nothing about Jason Garrett inspires me deck Prescott gets overrated for being the Dallas Cowboys quarterback and the team just underperforms all the time if not for the status of being the Dallas Cowboys getting the market share getting all those bandwagon fans from the 70s in the ninety's all these people who never lived in Dallas they just you know they were a kid and they were winning titles they wouldn't be that popular today they haven't earned it today so when I look at it Jerry Jones and seeing how he's handling these losses the last 2 weeks oh boy he was on 105 the 1053 The Fan in Dallas here's how the interview opened up as an organization about how the team is a pointer damn act together say Ok. I'm going to want to but settle down just a little bit I mean I shall always be engendering we're not I'm going with the question but. I'm going to give you the answers I'm going to give you this morning and. I mean I've been traveling all night and I'm not I don't have patience Jack with. You gotta love Jerry Jones is not bad at the teaser you know it's an organization about how the team is a pointer damn act together yeah get your act together Jerry it's not just that you're old then you're cranky just got off a plane and nobody likes flying or whatever your excuses your team sucks you know they suck you want to fire Garrett you know you should've fired him years ago now and you're going to keep. The rest of the way because you've got no other choice you don't have any options in the building that you believe in enough to take over this team for the rest of what is a pathetic miserable playoff push in a division that nobody cares about the n.f.c. East is as bad as it could possibly be I'm not Jack and with you there right this is the worst team it's the worst division in any kind of land just a little bit no it's the worst division in n.f.l. History Jerry it's the 100 season of the league 100 there has never been a division that's worse than the n.f.c. East right here today I mean hey at the very least Jason Garrett a part of history you're a part of history Jerry you got that to your benefit doesn't that make you feel good doesn't that get you excited oh my god the n.f.c. East is miserable now when you see the Cowboys suck like that when you see the Eagles lose to the Dolphins Oh boy everybody loses to the Dolphins Vince Yes you're the Dolphins are as miserable as it gets the Giants have to start Eli Manning the Redskins already fired their coach and they have a 1st round quarterback that they didn't want so what do you have you have a horrible division where a team that is going to be 8 and 8 maybe there's a a window there is a universe where a 7 and 9 team wins the n.f.c. East this year and think about this think about how much of a shame that is for everybody else in the n.f.c. That's making the playoffs and specifically if you're the Vikings right you're behind the Packers right now you're but you're not going to get that home game you're going to go on the road the San Francisco 49 er's one of the best teams in the n.f.l. They could have to go on the road how insulting is that to have to go on the road to play the Eagles in Philadelphia if they make the playoffs. It's crazy it's not earned it's problematic you go to a comedy show and Jerry Seinfeld is your opener ladies and gentlemen here's Bill from Brooklyn is that where you're from this everybody liked and it's crazy so the 40 niners should not have to travel they should have the home playoff game. Producer the show James you seem amped up to get in here how do you feel about this Miss. I've always felt that winning your division should be paramount over or over the better record really because yes because if we don't have divisions Why not just pick sixteen's games out of a hat and just play the schedule that way if you become become if you finish 2nd your division that's your tough luck you don't get the home playoff game to bed don't feel sorry for you yeah I can't do it when it's this extreme a kid I mean we're talking about a team that could be $7.00 and $9.00 it's already happened once it has happened once and it's already a precedent set and guess what better than $1000.00 won the game well the man just a little bit that was the Marshawn Lynch direct east quake game where you place yeah you have like 50 people who are out there all of the bill you king that a set out there are 7 in 1000 of a home playoff game history's already shown it doesn't really matter. Well the one team won that game but. It's wrong you can't have a team that 7 don't have divisions you know you can have to take the best sixteen's and they make the playoffs and then you see them by order records and then pick your schedule of games out of a hat well divisions help for a couple reasons one it makes the scheduling easy enough to handle 2 you get the rivalry factor by playing each other twice a year I think that's a good thing and when you're looking at divisions that the problem is that you can have those teams get in the playoffs but they shouldn't just get the home game just by virtue of being a division they're the worst division that football has ever seen they do why shouldn't why should the Cowboys or eagles apologize for that why should they be punished shouldn't have it's not that they should be punished they shouldn't be rewarded and that's the problem the rule rewards them for being a bad but I can't credit 49 ers for doing something that they didn't do that the Cowboys are Eagles they're not they didn't do the cap was or Eagles did well they did it but it's the circumstances are horrible and we're talking about that how could the 49 ers right now where they like 10 and win your division 10 in to win your division beat everybody don't lose don't lose the Seahawks on a Monday night when you had a tie in your back pocket remember well yeah but the Eagles also the Dolphins Ok but guess what they're going to win their division which is has hold more weight than being a wildcard team because that's what the n.f.l. Has always told us they've always told us but they tell us a lot of things and a lot of those things are wrong and so I can't do it I can't just give home playoff games to every division winner for the sake of it right it just doesn't work for me and I'd love to hear from you then they should receive the playoffs after every game then. I would I don't have. Yeah I have the patience to Jack on that I will but that's tempting to me. But I'm not going to do it there's not enough games in the season that's part of the problem too we only have 16 games divisions are an easy way to cause type breakers and get teams in so I can dig that but reseeding the playoffs yeah that's a little too far for me but I'm not giving a bad division team a home game for the sake can't do it but I'd love to hear from you 855-212-4227 that's how you join the show by the way we come to you live from the rocket mortgage by Quicken Loans studio's home is so much more than a house it's the home of your dreams and for 30 years they've been making it better rocket mortgage pushbutton get mortgage I'm going to push a button will bring up Bill who's in Illinois Bill you're on c.b.s. Sports radio Yeah I. Want to. Talk about the different colors. Yeah I know I hate it when I'm watching a football game it takes me a couple minutes to find out which team I'm Ok I don't recognize. That yours you know it's exhausting and a lot of times when they do these crazy uniforms they're ugly there's I get the idea of trying to sell merchandise but when it makes your product hard to watch when it is physically repulsive to look at those ugly uniforms all the time you're not helping your case. I mean you know when the user. Yeah you do they get the nice Dr uniform it's an iconic look the Bears have an iconic look there's something to be said for that and to maintain it and as long as it's not horribly Al dated like 912 and f l uniforms or whatever 920 I guess is 100 year anniversary like yeah where those old uniforms keep those and if they just they evolve into a throwback once in a while fine but man when you're just like hey we're the Buffalo Bills and suddenly we're wearing bright pink like Ok but I think that's a mistake it's not helping anybody and Bill I appreciate a man thanks for the call if you want to get in a fight 52124227 I did want to get in a little bit more on what's going on with the college football playoff and some of the games today specifically who should get that 4th spot that's going to be on the other side and also a Hall of Famers change of heart that's all coming up next with me Vince Quinn right here on c.b.s. Sports radio yeah I had the patience of the jack on that I would. 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This sounds like the kind of thing that can sneak its way on to my spotify best of 2019 list if you're on there is a hip trending thing go the full bump to it I am a bit of an eccentric guy I guess I was getting ripped for my list earlier by Brian who's running the board so I've got Taylor Swift on my playlist to us was all over it too and it's not a new album and though like yeah I am I'm a grown man and I love Taylor Swift I'm all about it I've got and it's not even the new stuff it's like from when she's 22 years old I've got those songs so it's like oh her you sappier nobody's heard me I have a nice open bleeding heart Brian and Taylor Swift has grasped that and held on tight and I've let her do that it's a beautiful thing we have a great relationship we're best friends now me until as with I hope so if you can introduce us I very much appreciate that Taylor I know you listen. 855212422 Yeah we'd love to hear from you Taylor Swift you're welcome to call the show you I've got at least 5 songs of yours on my top songs of 2019 I've got see this is a weird thing just to give you an idea of where I'm at musically and work on this we're going to add some music to the show coming back you know one personalize a little bit like I have the Supreme's on here Where Did Our Love Go from the Supremes That's an old one like why am I listening to that is a millennial and 21000 great song listen to it expand your mind Curtis Mayfield Lords on here I'm a big Lord is Lord cool can I get away with Lord Is that acceptable maybe maybe come on I got it I'm going to say to the people all week that this became a thing with Spotify top 5 of the we of the year and stuff like that yeah I'm sorry no one cares what you listen to stop post that all of your social media like people all over Twitter and Instagram tell us we are No one cares no one cares what you listen to throughout the year it's your music your taste that's fine I hope you enjoy your music but stop sharing with the world No one cares Ok one we're going to burn the last 3 minutes of radio that I just did We're going to start over and then 2 is why you've asked me for Taylor Swift then I want to live by your own words or hypocrite you know best refer to us with like whatever music you like what is it. Lesson yeah oh yeah now we're in a corner aren't we Yeah how do you like that it's a taste your own medicine my friend have at that for a drop Ah I just don't like that you listen to the tell it tell us of his passionately. Sorry I'm not cool enough for you but I'm not sailor Swift I love Taylor Swift and she's my best friend and I love her forever and I will keep listening to you the best Now let's get into some sports shall we. Here's the thing right we do have college conference championships going all throughout the day one of the major stories is going to be Oklahoma now that Utah a loss that was the number 5 team in the country they're out of the equation clearly they were kind of weird if the team anyway and now Oklahoma's got a clear avenue to get in and luckily for them they play the game before Georgia plays ls you George's for Oklahoma's affectively 5 now with Baylor effectively 6 if Oklahoma can beat Baylor and Georgia loses they're in it's that simple unless Georgia plays this miraculous game where it's like 17141310 it's a Georgia game they're playing the 2nd best team in the country Joe Burrows has a super clutch throw at the end of the game. You've got to give the Oklahoma and with good reason right they've got star power they've got with Jill and Hertz and Lincoln Riley they've got this fun exciting often 13 that peopl

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