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First time. I thought he was guilty. But you didnt always feel that way. No. What changed his mind . Inside those grueling 52 hours of deliberation and the one thing they vowed thought to talk about. Only on gma. Im on my way and the sweetest swing. Jordan spieth defying the odds with this sudden death 60foot shot. The crowd going wild. What he did that only tiger woods has done before. Good morning, america. Great to have george back. Good to be back. Thank you. How about that great shot . Boy, you think of Jordan Spieth. Lets show it one more time. We were just saying we could watch this all day long. And hes normally such a cool customer but amazing what he did right after. The reaction with the caddie. That was so great. Yep. Were live for our viewers in the west. Very busy morning in washington. Summer recess starts there at the Supreme Court. Theyre handing down some final decisions. Amid speculation that Justice Kennedy may retire. The president this morning, focused his tweets on russia. Taking a new tack appearing to admit russia interfered in our election for the first time and blamed president obama. For not doing more. And the showdown in the senate. Gop still short of votes and today the Congressional Budget Office reveal its score, how much the bill will cost, how many millions will lose insurance coverage. A lot more coming up. Lets go the Supreme Court terry moran. On june 1st, President Trump had his lawyers ask the Supreme Court to take up the case of the travel ban which has been blocked by the lower courts and then the Supreme Court decided to take briefs. They said theyll make their decision this morning. So far theyre silent on it. They could be having some trouble. They could be deciding how to do this right. Its a big case. One other factor, though, last night at about 1 00 in the morning, the Justice Department sent over a message to the Supreme Court saying that the key plaintiff in this case, the man whose wife is in iran and said the travel ban will dire directly affect him. We decided to let the wife into the United States. They could throw a Monkey Wrench into their deliberations. The other thing is the retirement rumor about Justice Anthony kennedy hes the crucial swing vote on this court. Lawyers go up here and they argue at him because he holds the balance of pow ir. Rumors have been swirling for months that hes ready to retire. One sign of it perhaps, he has a reunion of his law clerks every five years. He moved that up one year. We should learn in an hour or so if Justice Kennedy is e are tiring. We should learn in the next hour whether he will retire. That would be a seismic move. Change the trajectory of the President Trumps presidency. Back to robin. Our Congressional Correspondent mary bruce has all the details and join us from capitol hill. Good morning, mary. Reporte good moing. By the end of the day we are likely to know how Many Americans could stand to lose coverage. And how premiums could be impacted but this report card is likely to complicate this race to negotiate. Republican leaders have just a few days to wheel and deal with members of their own party. This morning, they are barreling towards a selfimposed deadline and this morning now the list of republicans voicing concerns is growing. With the clock ticking, President Trump is cautiously optimistic that Senate Republicans will pass their health care plan. I dont think theyre that far off. Famous last words, right . But i think were going to get there. Reporter but members of his own party arent so sure. We should not be voting on this next week. Reporter republicans can afford to lose just two votes. But already five have said they are not onboard and at least five others have serious concerns. Conservatives say the bill doesnt go far enough to repeal obamacare. The obamacare subsidies in this bill are actually greater under the republican bill than they are under the current obamacare law. That is not anywhere close to repeal. Reporter but moderates say the bill goes too far, rolls back too much. Im also concerned about the medicaid cuts, what it means to our most vulnerable citizens. Reporter during the campaign, candidate trump promised not to trump medicaid. Save medicare, medicaid without cuts. Reporter but the white house insists this bill keeps the president s promise. We dont see them as cuts. Its slowing the rate of growth in the future. Its getting medicaid back to where it was. Reporter one republican governor disagrees. Over a tenyear period medicaid funding will be significantly curtailed. Reporter and across the aisle democrats arent budging. We are doing everything we can to fight this bill because its so devastating for the middle class. Reporter republicans are now scrambling to negotiate with both opposite ends of their party. The challenge is, can they strike the balance or will any concessions made anger and frustrate the conservatives . Robin, can they find that middle ground to finally push this over the finish line . That is the big question mary. Now blaming president obama for not doing more to stop the russian meddling in the election. Reporter President Trump said it could be russia, china, lots of other people. Now he seems to be pointing the finger directly at moscow. President trump now seems to concede what several intelligence agencies concluded, russia did, indeed, interfere with the election, but his strategy, blame president obama. Well, i just heard today for the first time that obama knew about russia a long time before the election and he did nothing about it. Reporter the shift comes after a Washington Post report detailing russias role in the election and president obama struggled to stop them. President trump tweeting since the Obama Administration was told way before the 2016 election that the russians were meddling, why no action . Focus on them, not t now its not just the white house pointing fingers why didnt you inform candidate trump . I know you thought hillary would win. How could you not reveal Important Information about russia hacking . Reporter but democrats, too. He should have spoken out to the American People and said, this is what russia is doing. Russia has had better stop it. Reporter its not just russia that has President Trumps attention. Six months on the job, and hes still tweeting about the election and his opponent writing this weekend, Hillary Clinton colluded with the Democratic Party in order to bt crazy bernie sanders. Is she allowed to so collude . Unfair to bernie. A lot of tweets this weekend but today President Trump meets with indias Prime Minister right here at the white house. They are expected to issue statements together, but they are not expected to be taking questions from the full White House Press corps, george. The president has only had one full White House Press Conference Since taking office. Yeah, its been a long time, cecilia, thanks very much. More from our chief White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl and matthew dowd. Welcome to you both. Let me begin with you. So much at stake for the president right here on health care. He is up against a wall right now of Republican Opposition and its hard to figure out exactly what hes doing about it. Reporter well, i do know this, george. I am told the president made calls over the weekend to some of those wavering senators getting directly involved at least with the lobbying push if not with the negotiations over changing the bill. And im told hell be doing more of that in the coming week, of course, the stakes are incredibly high for the president. He wants to see this pass and he wants to see it pass soon. Matthew dowd, stakes incredibly high for the president for the American People as well. Absolutely. I think what weve learned even when you hold all the leverage of power in washington, which the republicans and president do, an unpopular president cant get an unpopular congress to pass an unpopular policy. The problem with this, if this fails all his other policies, tax reform is related to this because if you dont get health care you cant get tax reform, infrastructure becomes more difficult, this really is that line that if he cant get over it will hard for him to pass anything. Meantime, the president simply cant help himself on those tweets about russia. No, he has an obsession on this and i was thinking about this. The one person that questions Donald Trumps legitimacy the most for holding his office seems to be donald trump. Donald trump constantly raises questions about his own electoral victory, about whether or not russia interfered with it and im reminded of a quote, to cure one obsession you usually have to adopt another obsession so donald trump would be much better adopting another that was more beneficial for the public. Meantime, jon karl, it doesnt appear he will do that. This appearance from the president that hes accepting election now puts the ball back in his court. What is he going to do about it . Reporter yeah, hes been all over the map on this and his tweets over the weekend, i counted at least four tweets related to russia or the russia investigation, only two on obamacare. But he does now say that he does appear to be accepting the fact that the russians interfered and he is criticizing the Obama Administration or president obama for not doing more about it, which raises the question what will he do about it . You dont see much activity on that front. They are facing a possible the senate vote on sanctions for russia. The president resisting that. Reporter well, the president believes that that the administrations position is that that kind of hems them in, that they want the flexibility. They have, by the way, stepped up sanctions on russia, you know, laterally so they arent opposed to the idea of sanctions but opposed to congress telling them what to impose. Jon karl, matthew dowd, thanks very much. All right, turning to those massive wildfires out west. Forcing hundreds of families to evacuate. Its already consumed more than 40,000 acres. Abcs mat out gutman is on the ground for us in utah with the latest. Good morning, matt. Reporter officials are calling this unprecedented. Saying they never expected it to grow this big this fast so early in the fire season already consuming an area larger than washington, d. C. They have 1100 firefighters here already but say they need more. This morning, fastmoving flames in utah forcing more than 1500 from their homes. More than 1100 firefighters keeping an allout assault battling this nearly 43,000acre fire. Relatives on the west side of the valley lost everything. Reporter more than a dozen homes destroyed as firefighting planes and choppers battle it from above. A fire of this magnitude with this much energy out there just does what it wants. Reporter much like several of the 21 wildfires burning across states officials blaming tripledigit heat and dry terrain. Across california. Look at this. Oh, my god. Reporter this brush fire near los angeles driven by wind and heat racing up hillsides. More than 750 acres burned as the fire jumped a highway and motorists trying to keep that towering thunder cloud of smoke in their rearview mirror. Officials had to shut down a major highway. The fire threatening dozens of homes. This resident frantically trying to battle the blaze using water from his pool. In arizona, the governor declaring a state of emergency, the fry fire there chewing up more than 35,000 acres. This timelap video captures the flames consuming this hillside. Be ready and get out. Now there are red flag warnings here. More wind could make this fire again into an inferno and firefighters talking about 100foothigh flames and concerns it will push it back toward residential areas. Robin. All right, matt, well keep on this. To ginger with new fire warnings across the southwest. Robin, matt is right. Its going to be the wind as we get rid of some of the heat and suppress some of it red flag warnings but phoenix has been 110 degrees plus today for ten days in a row so the heat is real and then you put on the critical fire danger not just in the rockies, parts of idaho, eastern oregon, but down through las vegas and into arizona, because that ridge is going to break down, the heat, yes, still very hot, 118 needles. 115 yuma, but as that cold front flips through thats where the wind comes from. It also is where the cooler air comes from, burbank, 111 sunday. 79 by thursday. Robin. See those digits. The latest into this weekends midair scare. The latest into an airasia flight shaking for a full two hours and the pilot asked passengers to pray and made an urgent plea. David wright with the latest. Gorge, david. Reporter something you dont want to hear from a pilot, pray, but this happened about 90 minutes into the flight, frightening times for passengers as their airbus jet started shaking. Look at the pictures. You can see the tray tables and seats all shaking. Passengers as well. This happened as theyre heading back now. It took them more than an hour and a half to get back. One pasnger described it as being in a washing machine. The pilots of the airasia jet from perth, australia, to kuala lumpur, pleaded with passengers to Pay Attention and to pray. Please, listen to everything. Our survival depends on your cooperating. Hopefully everything will turn out for the best. Reporter upon landing the pilot reportedly told passengers that he thought a fan blade broke in one of the engines. You can see the engine shaking in the video shot by one of the passengers. Airasia is just calling this an engine incident saying in a statement that it is investigating with its engine supplier, george, which is rollsroyce. They dont know for sure whether it was the air blade that broke. Reporter they dont know exactly but i got to tell you, george, that analogy of a washing machine unbalance is a pretty good idea because if a fan blade breaks the engine starts moving even though its shut down, the air is still going through and would shake like it did all the way back to perth. George. Thanks very much. Every time you see that. Speaking of video turning to that incredible moment on the golf course. Jordan spieth winning his winning the first major of the year. That shot right there, every time you see it you still cant believe it, paula faris. Still cant believe it. You know what, i dont know if it actually happened. Well show it to you again, everybody. In any sport it helps if you can actually see the target that youre aiming for. Well, Jordan Spieth couldnt. He hit a blind shot and afterwards admitted it was a whole lot of luck. Right in the hole hes done it again. Reporter it was a moment of pure celebration. Unbelievable. Reporter golfer Jordan Spieth defying the odds making an incredible 60foot blind bunker shot in the first hole of a sudden death playoff. Right at it. Reporter watch again as he makes the shot, throws his club in the air and leaps into a chest bump with his caddie as the crowd goes wild. And the place was shaking. I mean, ive never experienced a roar like that. Reporter it may have been an unbelievable shot but at least one person saw it coming. Fellow golfer Justin Thomas actually predicted the shot on twitter right before it happened. Not an easy shot here. Reporter maybe because its not the first time spieths gotten himself out of a tough spot. Back in 2013, at age 19, he pulled out from a bunker in a similar fashion winning the John Deere Classic and making him the youngest golfer to win a pga tour event in 82 years. Sunday making history. Spieth now joins tiger woods as one of only two golfers in the modern era to win ten pga tour events before turning 24. Hes an impressive kid. Its so rare to win from a bunker shot his caddie took something unusual as a memento. He took the bunker rake, you guys. That sounds like a great idea until you get it home and then what do you do with a bunker rake . It doesnt fit in with the motif . Maybe a golf ball but a bunker rake . Not going to forget that. Lets go back to ginger. Severe weather coming to the plains. Tough to put it in a shadow box, that bunker rake. New mexico, thats being shredded by hail. Lets get to the select cities brought to you by carmax. Coming up, that abc news exclusive. One of bill cosbys jurors speaking out. Why he thinks cosby should have been found guilty. And the 14yearold trapped dangling from a six flags ride. Watch how she was saved. The ford summer sales event is on. Its gonna work, i promise you, we can figure this out. Babe. Little help. Hold on, mom. No, wifi. Wifi. Its not a question, its a thing. Take on summer right with ford, americas bestselling brand. Now with summers hottest offer. Get zero percent for seventytwo months plus an additional thousand on top of your tradein. During the ford summer sales event get zero percent for seventytwo months plus an additional thousand on top of your tradein. Offeendsuly 5th. People ask why i switched to sprint. Well, their Network Reliability is within 1 of the big guys. And they have the best price for unlimited among National Carriers and. Wait are you watching this on the awesome iphone 7 . You gotta get iphone 7 from sprint and theyll give you a second one on them what are you doing . Go switch to sprint whos he talking to . I dont know. But i better go to sprint. Wait two iphone 7s. Love you vo get sprint unlimited. And now, get iphone 7 for people with hearing loss, and get a second iphone 7 on us. Visit sprintrelay. Com. Good morning. The wife of a missing San Francisco uber driver says shes praying now that the Human Remains Found in a hayward warehouse do not belong to her husband. He vanished over mothers day weekend on saturday. Investigators, though, say workers found a body part in a hayward warehouse. The warehouse associated with a person of interest in this particular case. The missing mans mother and aunt have provided dna samples to investigators. Lets get a check of traffic now. Hi, alexis. Good morning. We are doing okay. Westbound 92 for the san mateo bridge, from 880 to the poll plaza, its a about a 20minute drive due to a crash off on the shoulder. A quick check of drive times, 580, tracy to dublin, 53 minutes. Jessica . Alexis, thank you. Alexis, thank you. At ikea, we believe your perfect student deserves the perfect room for the perfect price. And. Whos there . Hey. A boy . Oh, on the bed . You never told your dad and i about any. Wait, whats going on now . Move the flag. At ikea, we believe your perfect student deserves the perfect room for the perfect price. And. Whos there . Hey. A boy . Oh, on the bed . You never told your dad and i about any. Wait, whats going on now . Move the flag. Hey, good morning. Were starting off from about 57 in santa rosa to a whole lot of 62s out there. Pretty comfortable. Broken deck of clouds. A round of delays averaging 42 minutes at sfo. Lets look at the rest of the commute planners. Breezy north of the bay bridge this afternoon. A decent day on the roads. Nothing too hot. Mass transit, have those sunglasses. Heres my sevenday forecast. It gets warmer but nothing out of control, jessica. Mike, thank you. One of the rescuers who got a 14yearold girl who fell out of an Amusement Park ride is speaking. 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He raised 2 million for Chicago Public schools and also a special message from former first Lady Michelle obama. We went backstage with a whole bunch of people. A lot of good work. Only 24. Also right now, take a live look at the Supreme Court. Summer recess starts after the justices hand down their final decision. It marks the twoyear anniversary of the Supreme Court decision to make samesex marriage a right nationwide. And hundreds of families are evacuated as two dozen wildfires tear through the west destroying homes. The biggest in utah consuming an area as large as washington, d. C. This incredible moment in the waters off new york city, a humpback whale. You dont see that often. It shocked boaters. Look at that, breached the water and came within feet of them. Thank goodness no one was hurt. A little too close. No one hurt. We begin with those exclusive new details about bill cosbys Sexual Assault trial. A juror going on camera for the first time, speaking only to abc about those tense negotiations, deliberations and why the case ended in a mistrial. Abcs linsey davis sat down with him and joins us now from pittsburgh. Good morning, linsey. Reporter good morning, robin. Bobby dugan says that he grew up catching reruns of the cosby show and he said at one time he would have considered himself a fan and there he was helping to decide the comedians fate and while he admits to waffling back and forth, guilty, not guilty, he says in the end he had no doubt. New details this morning about the tears and tension during those grueling 52 hours of deliberations in the bill cosby Sexual Assault trial. The most intense moment i think was when theres about four people crying in the room. One was out in the hallway out pacing, you know, visibly upset. What was the reason for the tears . We couldnt really get anything down to like a solid thing and that frustrated people. Reporter 21yearold bobby dugan says more than a week later he still agonizes over the fact that the 12 jurors could not agree on a verdict. I have regret like, i guess, when we came to the final deadlock decision and it kind of has been in my mind like this could all be said and done. Do you think theres something that could have happened differently to change the outcome . Evidence. If we all said it a million times in the room, if theres other evidence, more substantial evidence, we would have had a better verdict than deadlock. And you cant say your opinion one way or another about where you fell. In my opinion, yes, i can. I thought he was guilty. But you didnt always feel that way. No. What swayed you . Peoples opinions and hearing their arguments and just hearing what they had to say about everything. Can you say what one particular strong point was that made you think, boy, hes guilty. What he said himself, i think it was in the 2005 deposition, when they were asking him would you use the word consent, he said i wouldnt use that word. I was like, pretty much said it there yourself, man. Somebody brought it up inside the room, deliberation room, and so when we went back out to hear it, just like lit a light bulb in my head. But in the end he said it was bill cosbys word versus the account by Andrea Constand what says cosby drugged and sexually assaulted her back in 2004. Cosby says the encounter was consensual. It was all he said she said and the what it really comes down to, who are you going to believe more . Thats all it was. Reporter he describes the fifth day of deliberations as the point at which the group became stir crazy. Youre stuck in a small room with 11 other people and, even if you do become good friends with them, its still like the one little thing thaone person might do will drive you insane. Did you feel like the size of the room had any impact on it got smaller every day. Why deliberate for so long. cause you dont want to quit right away. If you quit, just like that, he could be getting away with something. You always want to be that extra sure whether hes guilty or not guilty. Did you get the sense in the room that the idea that this was bill cosby, that that played large in the room . Definitely. I think if it was like a regular, average joe it wouldnt have taken that long. Reporter he says the group still keeps in touch and vowed to not talk about one thing. What was the pact . Not just the vote. Why not. The judge told us not to. We didnt want to mess up a future trial. Do you think that another jury will have a better chance at a different outcome . I cant say for definite. I mean i hope there is one because the mistrial i dont think was right. You should always have a verdict or one way or another. Reporter bobby says the jurors grew extremely close. They still keep in touch regularly on texts and they ultimately plan to have one Big Group Dinner but he says for now theyre just trying to recover after what he calls two weeks of agony. Robin. Linsey, thank you. We bring in dan abrams and enlightening listening to that young man. What did you make of what he said . First of all, thats exactly what jurors are supposed to do. Theyre supposed to listen to the other jurors, keep an open mind, the judge tells them in every case keep an open mind and try to reach a verdict. But lets be clear, its really rare that you have people sort of swaying the way weve heard this jury swayed, going from almost all of them if not all of them from not guilty to so many of them to guilty, et cetera, but one thing he said really struck me which is hes saying in effect if it hadnt been bill cosby we would have been able to reach a verdict, he thought, and it sounds to me like what hes saying is, i think there would have been a conviction because he was for a guilty verdict and it sounds like he is suggesting that if it had been somebody else they might have been able to reach a unanimous verdict. Were listening very closely to what he is saying to the other jurors. How closely are the defense and prosecutor listening to these jurors. Very closely. They will go and interview the jurors after the case. This judge put very firm restrictions in a very unusual way on what these jurors can and cant say about the deliberation process. But no question, each side is going to want to know what did we do right, what did we do wrong . How do we change our strategy next time around to present a better case . Have you heard anything so far that leads you to believe that there will or will not be a retrial . I think its pretty clear there will be a retrial. You know, the prosecutors have come out and said that theyre going to retry bill cosby and i take them at their word and i think the prosecutions going to be at a little advantage the next time around. All right, dan, thanks so much. Coming up here, that terrifying six flags ride. See a 14yearold dangling two stories above the ground. Two Good Samaritans who helped her are taking us inside that moment. She pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress. But once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. I use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. You are free to go. Tide and downy together. 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Its proven to help relieve pain and. Stop further joint damage in many adults. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas. Where certain fungal infections are common and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Talk to your doctor and visit humira. Com this is humira at work. We are back with that amazing rescue caught on camera. The video shows a 14yearold girl dangling from a ride. There you see her 25 feet in the air before a whole crowd rushed in to catch her. Adrienne bankert here with that story. Good morning, adrienne. Reporter wow, yes, look at that video. Videos to six flags shocked by what they saw. Two kids screaming. That 14yearold in serious danger. A day of fun turns terrifying. Watcas this 14yearold girl dangles more than two stories above ground saturday night hanging from the sky ride gondola at six flags in upstate new york. Her little brother sitting next to her screaming for help. Please, please, help me. Reporter panicked onlookers assembling to break her fall fearing shes trapped. Her neck is stuck. Reporter heres the heartstopping scene from a different angle. Oh, my gosh. Reporter the crowd tells the teen to just let go. Just let go. Theyll catch you. Theyll catch you, honey. Go ahead. Reporter thats what she does, she falls through tree branches into the arms of Good Samaritans below. Unconscious at this time. The teen was airlifted suffering no serious injuries. Matthew howard and his daughter among those who rushed to the rescue. I said, just let go. I promise you ill catch you. I asked when i seen her in the hospital if she heard me. She said she heard me. I said, didnt you trust me . She said no. Reporter it has no height requirement and was functioning normal. They will conduct an internal review. Saturday incident just the latest amusement ride scare. In 2016 a girl in nebraska severely injured when her hair got caught in on a carnival ride. Last summer three people fell from a ferris wheel in tennessee and last august a 10yearold boy was killed going down a giant water slide in kansas. A parent is the most appropriate person to know what their child is capable of. Not the ride operator, not the Amusement Park. You need to make sure your children can handle a ride. Reporter and that father and daughter duo who helped catch that girl said one man rushed over to help save her but they knew hed need more help. Several coming to assist and said it was a team effort to save her. I mean, you watch that video and just like, oh, my gosh and then shes caught. Thank goodness. As you said, everybody just rushing over there doing whatever they could to help. Yeah, dropping their corn dogs and their sodas and saying im not dropping the girl. Not hurt. Adrienne, thanks so much. Coming up on our big board, the 9yearold making College Football history getting the offer of a lifetime. Could he be one of the best in the game . Hes just 9 years old. Come on back. 9 years old. Come on back. avo come with us. To a new world. Deeper than the ocean. As unfathomable as the universe. A world that doesnt exist outside you. But within you. Where breakthrough science is replacing chemotherapy with immunotherapy. Where we can now attack the causes of disease, not just the symptoms. Where medicines once produced for all, are now designed to fit you. Today 140,000 biopharmaceutical researchers go bodly to discover treatments and cures unimaginable ten years ago. And are on the verge of more tomorrow. Can we just see this great crowd thats outside . This is all the monday motivation you need. This huge group of women from the great state of kentucky. Went out during the commercial break. Not an anniversary, not a birthday, just wanted to come to new york city. It looks like theyre having a lot of fun as well. Back here at the table for our big board. Incredible story, 9yearold making College Football history. Got a scholarship offer from the university of nevada. You heard that right. He is just 9 years old. And ryan smith is with us. You got the details, but first lets talk about his father. We spoke to them last night. First, my dad was keeping it a secret but then he told me like i was happy. I was excited. Its motivation to stay consistent and to continue to work hard. You heard it, 9 years old. Now, a couple of weeks ago it was an 11yearold and then a 10yearold. Right, right. Now a 9yearold. Its getting younger and younger. More about headline grabbing and establishing attention with kids. Kind of like dating. That First Impression matters, and if you look at this kid and think, hey, he could be a superstar. I get him early. Hes going to remember me at the end when all those other schools like alabama and how do they find them . On tape. Theyre making training videos and guys see this and say, he could be something. Think about the headline, were talking about it. The school is getting on the headlines. This kid is getting in the headlines. That was a nice move but he is 9 years old. Oh, my gosh, you have seen the video. How good is he . Hes good. This kid is really good. I mean hes catching with one hand. Hes doing all the drills. Hes better than i ever was. Look at this. Hes got some skill but hes 9. I mean we dont know how big hell be. Its hard to tell. Hes got a lot of size. His trainer talks about how hes got some prototypical size but this is so early so, how do you know for sure . And thats one of the problems with all of this. I mean i wish him the best. I love his parents but i wonder where this leads because you never know. You made the point this is not binding. No, and thats the key. Not binding, on either side. So, he can go somewhere else. They can. But thats part of the problem. If the coach leaves and something happens to him or switches sports that might not be here and im so glad his parents are front and center on this as being supportive and letting him understand that this is just motivation. It is not firm. It is not definite. I hope the ncaa can come in and regulate this stuff a little more. The parents are key here and have the right attitude. All right. Ryan thank you. A new warning about snapchat. The feature that could allow it to track your children and how to prevent it. roosevelt smoking just messed thaup your lungs. I never thought that at only 45 it would give me a heart attack. My tip is; do your heart a favor, and quit now. announcer you can quit. For free help, call 1800quitnow. 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All of that brought to you by carmax. At ikea, we believe your perfect student deserves the perfect room for the perfect price. So she can afford to feel at home even when shes miles away. And you can help her feel bright, without breaking your budget. And. Whos there . Hey. A boy . You never told your dad and i about any. Oh, on the bed . Absolutely not okay. Studying together is fine. And at ikea, we believe that letting go can be hard, but not pricey. Whats going on now . Move the flag. Good morning america is brought to you by bushs beans. Whatever your mood, weve got a bean for you. Got a bean for you. Good morning. Im Jessica Castro from abc7 mornings. Mike nicco, what is the weather like today . Its going to be on the cooler side of average. Hi, everybody. Cooler conditions, mostly cloudy skies. Upper 50s to mid60s. You can see the broken deck of clouds right there. Its the sea breeze because we have total sunshine this afternoon that keeps us 3 to 7 degrees below average. A slow warming trend by the weekend. Nothing like the hundreds we dealt with last week. Hi, alexis. Good morning. Taking a look at road work late this morning off the 280, its still closed at mariposa. A quick check of the bay bridge toll plaza, low clouds at this point. Jessica . Alexis, thank you. The new treatment on the horizon for migraines. Dr. Ashton weighs in next on gma. Well have another update in 30 minutes and also on our news app minutes and also on our news app andurce to the bottle . A hundred miles . A thousand miles . How about less than a mile and a half . Crystal geyser always bottled at the mountain source. How fafrom its sourcelpine spring to the bottle . Travel how about less than a mile and a half . Crystal geyser is the only major us spring water bottled at the mountain source. Good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. Showdown in the senate. Clock ticking on the health care bill. Key republicans putting on the brakes. The president still optimistic he can get it passed. Prince harrys startling confession saying he wanted out of royal life. The one reason he says he didnt quit. And new this morning, finally relief for millions suffering from a migraine. Migraines have completely controlled my life. The treatments for so many trying to cope. Dr. Ashton is here live. Parenting alert. Is the brandnew innovation on snapchat making it all too easy for strangers to track your child . What you need to know to protect your kids. And look who is in our house, michael keaton, 50 cent and naturi. And hes here to say. Go ahead, say it. Oh, good morning, america. How are you . The nicest guy. Very cute couple. Well be there in a little bit. Good morning, america. Happy monday. Great way to start the week with you. We get to say 50. 50 cent. Hes going to be here. And a big night at the b. E. T. Awards. Michelle obama made a special cameo appearance. And the reunion, oh, yes, new edition took the stage, showstopping performance by them. Mara schiavocampo is going to take us behind the scenes a little bit later. But first the latest out of washington. Health care showdown starting this week in the senate. That is the capitol right there. Our mary bruce is there. Good morning, mary. Reporter good morning, george. Well, this is a make or break week for health care. Republican leaders are scrambling to negotiate with members of their own party. But this morning, the list of republicans voicing concerns is growing. Conservatives argue that the bill doesnt go far enough to repeal obamacare while moderates say the bill goes too far and it rolls back too much and theyre concerned about cuts to medicaid spending and plans to defund planned parenthood and possibly complicating this big fight, the Congressional Budget Office and their analysis. We could know how Many Americans could lose their coverage and how your premiums could be impacted. Now, republican leader Mitch Mcconnell is still hoping that a vote is possible this week but, robin, even the president admits this is going to be difficult. All right, mary, now to terry moran at the Supreme Court. Key rulings coming down today on the final day before summer recess begins. Good morning again, terry. Good morning robin. On first of june, the president asked Supreme Court to take a look at the travel ban. He wants to see that ban on people from six predominantly muslim countries enforced. Today in this opinion, the Supreme Court didnt get the lower courts exactly right but you still loss. They said this ban may not be enforced against foreign nationals who have a credible claim of a bona fide with a person or entity in the United States. That pretty much means who ever has a job, or spouse in the United States. A loss for President Trump. Robin. Thank you so much, terry. Paula faris has the other top stories. Happy monday. Great to be here. Amy on a much needed and much deserved vacation and we begin with a massive rescue operation weve been following overnight. At least 28 people are missing after this tourist boat sank in colombia. In this sped up video were showing you, yeah, thats frightening. You can see people scrambling as the ferry begins taking on water. Nine confirmed dead. Some survivors say the boat was overloaded. And back here at home, Better Weather conditions are helping firefighters limit the growth of the largest wildfire in the u. S. Right now. It is in southern utah and has spread to an area larger than washington, d. C. Forcing 1500 evacuations, nearly two dozen major fires are burning in the west amid that record heat that ginger has been talking about, a car crash ignited this fire north of los angeles. And tense moments in Northern California as this swimmer gets stranded near the top of a waterfall. Luckily, he found that rock and a chopper lifted him 40 feet to safety. Conditions are treacherous right now because of record snow melt in the mountains. And it appears that facebook is going hollywood. The company is reportedly talking with Hollywood Studios about producing scripted programs with a budget that could rival top cable tv shows. The wall street journalsays the programming could be launched by late summer. All of you at the pump. Ws for a new surveysurvey says, as robin likes to say, finds gas prices have dropped another 7 cents in recent days. Many drivers are paying under 2 a gallon. The National Average right now is 2. 26. And john mcenroe serving up some controversial analysis of gender differences in tennis while promoting his book. Mcenroe called Serena Williams the greatest woman to play tennis but claim if she had to play in the mens tour her ranking would fall to 700th in the world. Oh, no, he didnt. Oh, yes, he did. Hes just trying to set up a little game right there, a match between the two of them. The new bobby riggs. In the past he has said mens and womens tennis are almost two separate sports. And finally, a new bombshell from prince harry. A week after saying nobody in the royal family wants to inherit the throne. Harry says that at one point he wanted out of royal life so badly that he considered giving up his title but he said loyalty to his grandmother, the queen, prevented him from doing so. Harry said his army it was the best escape for him. He felt he was finally meeting people from different backgrounds and did so much for wounded warriors. Who at one point or another hasnt wanted out of their family. Lets just keep it real right there. The family business. Exactly. And the survey says i know. I cant replicate it like you. Thank you, paula. And coming up, brandnew migraine research. What causes it . Could relief be ahead . Hopefully so. We have a parenting alert. If your kid is on snapchat, is it too easy for a stranger to track them . And lara is upstairs with a lot more. So much to get to. A huge night at the b. E. T. Awards. Leslie jones killed it. Also that showstopping new edition performance and a great live audience, so dont go anywhere. Well be right back. [ cheers and applause ] people ask why i switched to sprint. Well, their Network Reliability is within 1 of the big guys. And they have the best price for unlimited among National Carriers and. Wait are you watching this on the awesome iphone 7 . You gotta get iphone 7 from sprint and theyll give you a second one on them what are you doing . Go switch to sprint whos he talking to . I dont know. But i better go to sprint. Wait two iphone 7s. Love you vo get sprint unlimited. And now, get iphone 7 for people with hearing loss, and get a second iphone 7 on us. Visit sprintrelay. Com. If you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis,. Isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Maybe its time for Otezla Apremilast . Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months,. With reduced redness,. Thickness, and scaliness of plaques. And the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont take otezla if youre allergic to any of its ingredients. Otezla may increase the risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you ha a history of depression or suicidal thoughts. Or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight. And may stop treatment. Side effects may include diarrhea,. Nausea, upper respiratory tract infection. And headache. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Ask your dermatologist about otezla today. Otezla. Show more of you. Do yno, not really. Head shoulders . I knew that not the one you think you know the tri action formula cleans removing up to 100 of flakes protects and even moisturizes for Sofia Vergara hair when frankie popped summthe alligator floaty. Rning plus, the snacks and drinks are gone, people. And one of us used up all the sunscreen i wonder who. Were gonna need some reinforcements. Quick. Copy that. Walgreens makes it easy when summer needs a little help. Your Summer Base Camp is just around the corner so you can get in, out and back to those summer shenanigans. Walgreens. At the corner of happy healthy®. Now with card, buy one, get one 50 percent off sunscreen. The ford summer sales event is on. Its gonna work, i promise you, we can figure this out. Babe. Little help. Hold on, mom. No, wifi. Wifi. Its not a question, its a thing. Take on summer right with ford, americas bestselling brand. Now with summers hottest offer. Get zero percent for seventytwo months plus an additional thousand on top of your tradein. During the ford summer sales event get zero percent for seventytwo months plus an additional thousand on top of your tradein. Offer ends july 5th. [ cheers and applause ] oh, what a wonderful monday morning audience. All the monday motivation that you need and we have jesse here with us, as well. Good morning. Yes. [ applause ] and your reward . Pop news with lara. I come in peace. Good morning, everybody. Were going to begin with Kim Kardashian west. Channeling her inner jackie o. Tmz reporting that kim was the anonymous buyer of Jackie Kennedys beloved cartier watch auctioned at christies for a staggering 395,000, an understated piece it was expected to sell for just 120,000. It is a simple watch with a leather strap and no diamonds but a message to jackie engra d engraved, observers speculating it will fit in with kardashians new less flashy lifestyle following her paris robbery, originally gifted to jackie by her brotherinlaw prince stanislaw radziwill. Wear it in good health. And get it insured. Exactly, exactly. Practical, jesse. I think i would be too afraid to wear it. I would too. Eva gabor. Her home actually in the news. She did not think green acres was the place to be in the popular 60s series and now i can show you why. She was probably very comfortable in her mansion in los angeles. Go ahead, lets show that house. There it is. She called this home for over 20 years classic architecture. Large columns sitting on an acre of land, complete with private tennis courts, staff quarters, gardens, guest house, pools, just listed for 14 million. The mansion has a beautiful staircase leading to six ensuite bedrooms built in 1938 for the head of columbia pictures, built by paul williams, deemed one of the Famous Properties due to the starstudded list of previous owners including frank sinatra, mia farrow and the one and only audrey hepburn. Wow. Pretty neat. What a list. If those walls could talk. Acs theme is playing in my n head on a loop. Youre welcome. Thank you for that. Green acres is the place to be also in pop news finally, the 29th annual worlds ugliest dog contest. Thank you, its back, and the competition was fierce this year. Entrants judged on their First Impressions, unusual attributes, crowd reaction, personality. Put the pictures of the dogs up. There she is, everybody, martha, 125 pounds of love. Oh. Her droopy jowls, her serious slobbering, that won. She beat out a blind 16yearold brussels griffon pug named mo. Oh, i wish you could take down that thing because his tongue hangs out. There you go. There you go. The tongue never goes in the mouth. Its always out so he was tough competition, you have to admit. Also 14yearold chinese crested named chase. But it was martha who took home the glory, 1500, an ugly trophy and some mastiff attention. Shes beautiful. She is beautiful. Martha. Those gorgeous rolls. Congratulations, martha. Do i have time for one more . I do. One more. Bonus. But, wait, theres more. But, wait, theres more. Do it again. You get a knife. Remember the iconic scene from flashdance. Jennifer beals stomping, flailing to the rhythm. Well, we offer you this morning on Good Morning America the primate version. Maniac on the floor this is zola, at the dallas zoo. The resident ham. Is this for real . Its for real. Its a robot. That is a real gorilla. That is not. No, zola is famous for her moves. Its actually a boy. A reporter from the dispatch created this remix. His last home, the calgary zoo also has videos of him doing incredible dance routines as well. And his keepers say its a great form of mental and physical enrichment which we know to be true when we do our own moves. Zola, we thank you. Happy monday. Thank you, lara. Ah. Its real. All right. I cant move like that but im going to move on because we have a gma health alert and go over here to how are yall doing . Good to see you. Ill talk to jen ashton about that, because something very important to share with you that affects many. Talking about promising new research. Arent we . Thats right. Debilitating condition that affects so many but there is new hope and before we talk to jen about that, here is a look at someones story. Migraines have completely controlled my life. I hate to say it but its true. Everything i do is planned around migraines. Reporter 23yearold kate is not like most college students. Enjoying freedom and fun of campus life because on most days she is in pain. I dont really go out that much. Its hard to be around a lot of people. So i am very reclusive. Its had an effect on your relationships and friendships. Yes, its too difficult to like go to a party. Thats like just not fun for me. So i spend a lot of time by myself. Kates struggle with migraines is one her mother jill knows all too well. Because migraine runs in her family. But for kate, there has been no medication or treatment that has helped ease the pain. Her childhood was marked by frequent visits to neurologists, migraine specialists and hospitals. Desperate to find relief. My 17yearold, 18yearold, 20yearold, for days and days in the dark with her head on the pillow saying im dying. Theres nothing i can do. Thats hard. How do you deal with people who dont understand if you have its an illness and any other illness, if you are going through cancer like i did and lost my hair, people could understand that. But there seems to be as your mother was saying earlier, oh, come on, just. Tough it out. Tough it out. Tough it out. So how do you handle it and make people understand, no. Its not that way. Honestly i dont really tell people. Because i can tell when somebody thinks im lying and i dont want to subject myself to that. Migraine right now is synonymous in the public with a headache. Well, its so much more than a headache. Its an inherited neurological disease with functional and structural consequences on the organ thats most affected which is the brain. Reporter for now kate is focusing on Something Else she says she has inherited from her family, resilience. What is your message for somebody seeing this who is walking in similar shoes as you . Dont let other peoples impression of your illness define you. That ive really struggled with that and to just keep going. Just keep going. Kate is a remarkable young woman. Thats just a sneak peek of my new series from my Production Company in partnership with web md called in their own words moving beyond migraine and the series takes an indepth look at the root cause of the pain and symptoms and theres some really Breakthrough Research here. But going back to kate, you know, spending time with her and her mother and, is there a genetic component . Because it runs in their family. There is and its not the whole picture. But it definitely stacks the deck. If you have one parent whos been afflicted with migraines that increases your risk. If you have two it increases your risk even more and people with migraines that theyre the first one in their family but like anything in medicine your Family History is important. Some breakthroughs now . There is, and in the migraine world a lot of the buzz is about something called cgrp, targeted therapy, this was discovered as one of the key factors in causing migraines so a lot of our treatments are based on just bandaid, treating the symptoms. This molecule goes up in the blood and then triggers and activates all nerve pathways. Trygeminal nerve that implicated in starting the cascade of migraine symptoms so, again, the treatments now in development could be out as early as 2018. Block the molecule or block the receiptor theyre attached to and that is causing a lot of optimism. Hopefully some relief there. Yes. It is not a headache. Dont even say migraine headache. Right. So separate. I think the analogy is a migraine is a headache like a blizzard is a few snowflakes. A migraine is a neurologic disorder and just to range a few of the symptoms so you can distinguish its really not subtle. Typically people with migraines get light sensitivity, they are nauseated, some of them are vomiting. There can be something called an aura, which are flashing lights that you see in your visual field and migraines can last for hours to days. You know, a headache comes, goes and its not interfering with the quality of your life. Any other Treatment Options . Yeah, take a look at this list. I put it up there, because there is a plethora of things on this and i want to draw your attention to the last two on the next page, complimentary therapies abound. Things like botox, a device that goes around the head and caffeine and it treats the acute symptoms. The buzz is about preventing the migraine to start with. Thank you so much. We really appreciate that and you can see the entire series tomorrow on webmd. Now to that parenting alert about snapchat. Have you heard about this . What you need to know about the new feature called snap maps and concern about how easy it is to track your children and jesse has more on red flags its raising. Good morning again. Good morning, robin. Thats right, snap maps seems innocent enough. The ability to let your friends and followers know where you are instantly, but there are some serious concerns about your privacy. Thanks to a new snapchat feature called snap map. Not only can you see exactly what your friends are doing you can also track them down to join the fun. But this morning, many parents of younger snapchat users are worried that the sharing has gone too far. Putting their kids privacy at risk. This is particularly concerning to parents because, well, snapchat is one of the most popular social networks. Reporter so, how does it work . If you update your snapchat app youll be prompted to either opt in to sharing your location on snap map or stay in ghost mode the default setting. So you can see where others are but they cant see you. According to snapchat, its impossible to share your locations with someone who isnt your friend. You can even select which friends see you and which ones dont and the map only updates your location when youre actually using the app. Still, some parents fear this type of visibility makes their kids vulnerable. So you as a parent want to know who your childrens friends are in snapchat because they can at any time toggle the settings to share the location or not with those people in snapchat. Reporter it may be alarming for parents but location sharing isnt new. Apps like Facebook Messenger and apples find my friends allow you to share your specific location with others and since this type of technology isnt going away any time soon experts suggest talking to your kids about who they add on snapchat. Being selective about what the word friend means and above all, when your kids update their apps make sure youre up to date on what that means for them. Snapchat released a statement saying the location sharing feature is completely optional and if someone wants to use it they can control who sees them and only people theyre already friends with on the app. Now, lets go outside to ginger. Jesse, thanks so much. And back here with the group from chicago. I love this. Theyre from chicago. Theyre from kentucky. It was hot in seattle. Alltime tied record high for june in seattle at 96 sunday. Thats the big picture. A check closer to home. [ applause ] Mara Schiavocampo was for all of the b. E. T. Awards. Backstage access, now joining us live from los angeles. Good morning to you, mara. Reporter hey, lara. Good morning. It was a big night for chance the rapper, his firstever b. E. T. Award and all six members of new edition hit the stage for a reunion here people cant stop talking about. Thats okay with me reporter chance the rappers big night. Chance the rapper. Reporter taking home best new artist and the humanitarian of the year award. Getting Something Like this at 24 doesnt feel deserved yet but my god is putting the pressure on me so i can become who i am supposed to be. Reporter what inspired you to step up. My mother and father have always been active in our block, in our neighborhood and in the whole city. Reporter the 24yearold rapper surprised with a message from a notable fan. I am thrilled to celebrate you here tonight and honor to call you my friend. Reporter social issues front and center at the 17th annual show. Tonight, we honor our fallen brothers and sisters with a few of their names. Philando castile, eric garner. Today is tamir rices birthday and so amidst the celebration id love to honor his life. Reporter and on this night, what was old is new again. The most anticipated moments reunion. Telephone man theres something wrong with my line reporter new edition bringing down the house. All new edition reporter to accept the Lifetime Achievement award. Yall have been there for us through thick and thin. Reporter it feels like youre in the moment. I realized the older weve gotten to appreciate every second every minute and not take it for granted. Reporter now, other big winners of the night, kendrick lamar, bruno mars and beyonce. Now, as for new edition, they say theyre gearing up for a National Tour but told me the one place they really want to moral next is Good Morning America. Oh all right. [ applause ] get those moves ready. Mara, medley hits from them, perhaps, from bobby and the guys. Yeah, right now theyre performing their greatest hits so thats what theyre doing all around the country. Thats what we want to see. Mara, thank you. Great job out there. Coming up, Sarah Jessica parker revealing her best book of the summer. Stay with us. Good morning. Im Jessica Castro from abc7 mornings. Minutes ago, the United States Supreme Court said it will allow parts of President Trumps travel ban to go forward. That means the administration can enforce the travel ban on citizens from six mostly muslim countries. Several lower courts have ruled the ban unconstitutional. The court will hear arguments on the case in october. All right. Taking a look at the roads this morning, we have plenty of slow spots. One place improving slightly is westbound 92. We had a crash that has finally cleared. Its still heavy if youre coming from 880. No delays westbound 80 highway 4 to the maze and across the bay bridge, 15 minutes on the 80. Jessica . Alexis, thanks for the traffic update and for an update on your were off the morning lows, even with the stubborn cloud deck. Low to mid60s. Golden gate bridge, you can see the cloud deck. Breezy north of the bay bridge. Have the sunglasses. A little bit of a warming trend this week. Jessica . Mike, thank you. Well have anoth well have anoth welcome back to gma. Great monday morning here in times square and we have something we want to share. Anyone looking for a good book to read . Always. Always, always. Well, our dear friend Sarah Jessica parker herself is teaming up with the American Library association to launch Book Club Central and Sarah Jessica has her summer book pick. Take a look. Hi, gma. Its Sarah Jessica. Im very excited to share with you and your audience the title of a debut novel by a very gifted american writer, her name is stephanie powellwatts and the book is no one is coming to save us. There is much to praise about this very special book and for me its always about the characters and miss watts has a gift for allowing a reader to know her characters immediately and not only that but to feel deeply for them, to wonder about them when you close the book for brief periods, i feel jealous of everyone who will read it for the first time. Sarah jessica. Quite an endorsement. She is the real deal, that woman. And you can check out the new book club at bookclubcentral. Org. Reading anything right now . I cant this one looks good. I just started feud. The divine feud between Joan Crawford oh, yeah. Bette davis. Its a must read. I have a nerdier book. I got done the picture of dorian gray. Really . Yes. I want to start reading more classic novels which ive never read before. Its not really the lightest reading for the summer. Sit in a cafe with your oscar wilde, little dog i got the whole picture. I got to make a plug. John farrell, a friend of mine wrote a fantastic biography of richard nixon. You think you know everything about him. You dont. Great endorsement here. Absolutely. Well get to another big reader, and a big friend of ours from Summer Reading to one of the hottest summer blockbusters. Our next guest stars in spiderman homecoming. You know him as batman and birdman now vulture, giver it up for michael keaton. [ applause ] how are you doing . How are you . Just in case. Yeah. How are you . Nice to see you. Right there. All right. [ applause ] michael. Yeah. How is everybody this enthusiastic this morning . On monday too. How do i look in these . Hey, those are good on you. Not bad. Youve got your paper. I know. Sorry, i got to shut this off. I got some little congratulations. On this take it. Yeah, please do. I see four. You can have one. Really. Like i was in school. Sarah Jessica Parker wants you to have one. Yes, she would. You were always asked do you enough gum for everybody . You know what i mean. Were busted. You got a book for me. Throw it on your pile. We were never allowed to eat the last thing because there were like 19 of us. There were seven kids so youd have like a minuscule amount of corn left like one kernel because no one would say, hey, im not taking the last one. Does that make you jump in first. Well, yeah, you kind of take what you think you should have, you know whey mean and like all the other kids, what should you do . You know what i mean but nobody wants to be the guy to take the last. You have to learn to share. Absolutely. My mom drilled that in us. Makes awe a good person. You bet. Not such a good person in t film. Nice segue there. Oh, wow. Youre a bad guy. Misunderstood. Thats right. A guy named vulture is just misunderstood. Its true. I think what was kind of smart about how they went about this i basically know nothing about any of the lore of spiderman if or any comic book so i had to catch up and when they told me about this guy that i was going to play, i thought it was really interesting. He doesnt have any really isnt from outer space. Hes a real guy who has a legitimate argument when you see the movie, youll see why he thinks that, you know,s not getting what he deswerves. Works hard. Big family guy. Interesting approach to a little layered. Very good. George just said it was a little layered. Hes right. Lets see a little bit of it. Lets see some layered. How many times have i told you not to fire when im out in the open. You shouldnt move the merchandise. Under the radar. Under the radar. If you bring damage control or the avengers down here were through. Youre up there wearing that goofy thing lighting up cars calling yourself the shocker, i shock. What is this, Pro Wrestling . [ applause ] layered. Shes a wise shes a smart aleck even early in the moing. You enjoy playing that type of role. Yeah, and those guys were fun, in my crew, were fun to hang around. This movie is really a fun and probably going to be huge. I saw the movie and its awesome. And youre fantastic. Thanks. I loved your costume. Throughout your career youve had some amazing costumes. Batman, beetlejuice. Birdman. I made my own costumes. Well multitalented. Whats your favorite costume to wear . Well, birdman i was in my underwear, that was one of my favorites. When i was a little kid i was almost always in nye underwear. Im serious. I was. Thanks for sharing. Thank you. Really well built little kid. I was. No, im serious. I would wake up the morning and i do not have time to put my clothes on. I just yeah, such a great thing to say that to but im not going to. So, yeah, it was i dont know what my favorite costume was i dont know because its like, 7 30. Im barely awake to be honest with you, jesse. I barely know where i am. Plug really quickly, i heard that you might reunite with tim burton. Is that true. I am reuniting with tim burton. Play a villain again. I know. Its getting old. Geez, im not making this costume. I warranted to tell you, i thought you and tim together create magic. Im telling you you just [ applause ] yeah, you just want to be around that guy. You know, you want to be in that in his sphere because hes original and unique and an artist. Oh. Just like you. Oh, god love ya. Michael keaton, always a delight. Thanks. Thanks for making time for us and being here. Michael keaton. Thanks. Spiderman homecoming. Home Great Holiday movie to see. From power, 50 cent and naturi. Oh, back here on Good Morning America, i am joined by dancing with the stars season 24 winners Rashad Jennings and emma slater hitting the road with the hot Summer Nights tour. We are so happy to have you here in times square. From that moment where you win, rashad, you and i have talked a lot. You went from the show to now on tour. Why do Something Like this . Why join . Im enjoying myself so much. I dont want to stop dancing. I mean im really, really enjoying myself. I never thought i would be on dancing with the stars. I say this all the time to all the people that could have done it. Im honored to do it and i get to travel around now, see some of the fans that voted for us so its fun. Here you are in times square and i know youve been on the tour for over a week. Hes not getting any special treatment as far as dancing goes. Not at all. They just put him separate in there with the boys, numbers with full on professional choreography and keys up with the whole thing. Not just what we saw on the show. You learned a whole butch of new stuff. This is a fullon this is a concert. They put on a serious show every single night. Speaking of that show, all of you can see the show going ahead dancing with the stars hot Summer Nights tour. Go online and find it. Dancingwiththestarstour. Com and have dates along the east coast and we have the full tour to go. As we go to the cutaway, lets do a little lift. Good morning. A touch of fall in the forecast. Cool breeze and 60s at the coast. Mainly in the 70s today. A little warmer thi all right, robin. Were just going to keep spinning. [ applause ] we wont ask you to do the same. No worry, 50. Youre okay. He worked out for weeks. We got the stars of the hit show power with us here. [ applause ] Naturi Naughton and he is also the executive president ial about a man trying to change his life but that dark side just keeps pulling him back in and in this scene we see that character ghost pleading with his wife tasha played by naturi. When i get out ill make it up to him, okay. Ill make it up to all of you. Theres nothing you could do to make it up to me. Tasha, tasha, i didnt do this. [ applause ] crazy. Im on team tasha. Im on team tasha all the way. Youre strong. Thank you. Caring matriarch. Thank you. You, well, im not so trying to take us out. A little worse. Im the nemesis of the project. Thats what makes it so good, the best characters. You know whats interesting is they sent me to jail. Nobody cares about me. You know, i sat in the jail ten years. Now hes the vic, right . Yeah, right, right, right. You know, i was being wronged. Yeah. In the situation and i come home and they just keep forgiving him because they thats your story and you sticking to it. Where do we see your character, tasha, this season going . Ooh, tasha really evolves and she becomes a stronger woman. She has to kind of take control as a mother, hes in prison and she honestly has to ping up the pieces. When you watch this season youll be like, he left her with a bunch of mess and everyone is like, hes at the center of everything so when hes incarcerated everybody adjusts. We dont know what to do. Our lives are kind of shaken. Its called power but isnt it about influence . It is. Power is influence. Yeah. You know, if we take away money it would be actual influence. Thats power. Well, youve got a lot of superfans and some of them we do. Some of them are here and one has a question for you. Naturi. Hello. Ive never had the pleasure of meeting anyone with the name same as me but you. I do have the same name as you . Are you serious . Yeah. Your name is naturi. I spell it with atori. With an o. Well, shes beautiful, thanks. Thank you. So nice to meet you. Anyones real name is curtis. There are a lot out there. Thats crazy. I was wondering the influences of your name if you knew why you got it and how . Oh, wow. Thats my parents actually created my name and it means natures girl and naturi is an original that my parents put together. That was like the deepest question. I was like, season four, power yeah, thank you so much. What a great question and so nice to meet someone that shares the name. What does curtis mean . What does curtis mean. I dont know. That could go im the third after my grandfather. Are you really. Like george foreman. They was going to name six of us. How many curtiss can say they stood next too helen mirren on the red carpet. Yeah. You all had a moment. You had a moment. I sat next to meryl streep at the ball game and then i hung out with helen. You know, and we had a love thing. You cant see is her husband was right on the side of the camera. He was keeping that. It oents on for about ten minutes. Youre about to be a momma. You say thats the biggest role. I am. We have some gifts for you. Yeah. We have some gifts and also something you have been craving. We were told you were craving this. Crispy treat. And what does it say. I love ufk 50. And this one. Girls have power. Right, ladies . All right. [ cheers and applause ] wait a minute, guys. You guys are going to have the power. It airs stun night on starz. Everyone is going home with dvds of it. [ applause ] yes. This is so cute. Curtis, just has that little shinen his eyes. Hes something. Ufk 50 james blunt is performing next live. Come on back. [ applause ] youre beautiful [ intense music playing ] ] its here, but its going by fast. The opportunity of the year is back the mercedesbenz summer event. Get to your dealer today for incredible onceaseason offers, and start firing up those grilles. Lease the gle350 for 579 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. There is a place where heroes hspiderman. Black widow. Captain america. And eddie . So, whats the plan . Breaking out the guardians, pal. Come celebrate the allnew guardians of the galaxymission breakout during the summer of heroes, only at disneyland resort. Hero up so happy to be back with james blunt. He had us all at you are a beautiful and now has a new album out called the afterlove with robin shoals. Its okay. Here it is. I dont care im okay im okay i really need you i really need your love right now im fading fast not gonna last im really stupid im burning up im going down i win it back dont even ask when i found myself in the middle in the middle in the middle could you love me more just a little just a little overcomplicate when its simple but its simple but its simple would you love me more just a little so tell me now when every star falls from the sky and every last heart in the world breaks oh hold me now when every ship is going down i dont feel nothing when i hear you say its gonna be okay oh oh oh its gonna be okay im really sorry sorry i dragged you into this i overthink thats all it is the way you love me the way you love me till the end the way you love me oh yeah it makes me king again when i found myself in the middle in the middle in the middle could you love me more just a little just a little overcomplicate when its sim but its simple but its simple would you love me more just a little so tell me now when every star falls from the sky and every last heart in the world breaks oh hold me now when every ship is going down i dont feel nothing when i hear you say its gonna be okay its gonna be okay its gonna be okay its gonna be okay its gonna be okay okay okay its gonna be okay okay its gonna be okay okay its gonna be okay its gonna be okay its gonna be okay its gonna be okay its gonna be okay its gonna be okay its gonna be okay when every star falls from the sky oh hold me now when every ship is going down i dont feel nothing when i hear you say its gonna be okay [ cheers and applause ] Good Morning America is brought to you by ford, going further so you can. We have to thank james blunt. Way more than okay. Thank you. It was wonderful. Great to be back here in the states. Have a great day, everybody. At ikea, we believe your perfect student deserves the perfect room for the perfect price. So she can afford to feel at home even when shes miles away. And you can help her feel bright, without breaking your budget. And. Whos there . Hey. A boy . You never told your dad and i about any. Oh, on the bed . Absolutely not okay. Studying together is fine. And at ikea, we believe that letting go can be hard, but not pricey. Whats going on now . Move the flag. Good morning. Im Jessica Castro from abc7 mornings. Lets jump over to mike nicco. Hi, mike. Hi, jessica, hi, everybody. Strong sunshine if youre out and about today. Caution north of the bay bridge. Its breezy this afternoon. Heres my accuweather sevenday forecast. Seven degrees cooler and it will take all week but back to average by the 23rd avenue, some type of metal debris in the roadway. A lot of cars off on the side but the debris has cleared. Thats improving. Check out the backup into san leandro. Stick to 580 instead. Time now for live with kelly and ryan. Well be back at 11 00. Our reporting continues on our ne announcer its live with kelly and ryan. Today from the new film spiderman homecoming, marisa tomei. And actor, producer, recorder artist curtis 50 cent jackson. Get ready to meet martha, the 2017 winner of the ugliest dog contest. Plus cat deeley joins ryan add to the cohost. All next on live [cheers and applause] and now, here are Ryan Seacrest and cat deeley [cheers and applause]

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