Transcripts For KMEG CBS Overnight News 20151106 : vimarsana

Transcripts For KMEG CBS Overnight News 20151106

that beautiful bird. go ahead. let 'em judge. you have to do if your electricity went out for a month? perhaps a terror attack brings down the entire u.s. power grid. and that's not the stuff of science fiction. >> reporter: when the lights go out, we usually know why. >> hurricane sandy coming ashore on the east coast. >> reporter: mother nature is at it again. most of the time we manage to get through it. but what if the power went out in a number of states, effecting millions of people for weeks, even months. as you were researching this did you find yourself getting frightened? >> i think frightened was a little bit too strong but maybe i should have been. it's frightening enough that my to buy enough freeze dried food for all of our kids and their kids. >> reporter: in his book "lights out." veteran journalist, ted ko p pppel paints a grim image of an all out cyber attack on the nation's electrical grid. who do we have to fear the most russia, china, iran, terrorists? >> all of those. the ones who are most capable are the ones least likely to do it. >> there are some experts that they they're already in. >> they are in. they're already in the grid. i was told that by the former chief scientists. he stated categorically, the russians are in and the chinese are in. the iranians may be on the verge are folks like isis, terrorists groups. >> reporter: the power grid is the system interconnecting north america's supply of electricity. power from another region can sometimes serve as back up. the down side to all this, if a hacker manages to take down an entire grid, a huge porshztion of the country along with parts of canada could go down with it. like so much else these days, it relies heavily on the internet. >> we have a joke in our security industry that there's no secure system. the only secured one is unplugged, turned off and buried under six feet of concrete. >> reporter: he should know. he's a cyber security consultant who gets paid to find glitches. in other words, he's a hacker who works for the good guys. >> the last six years of me doing testing full time, there has never been a customer that we have not gotten in. >> 5:28 tuesday evening, an 30 million people were in an eery darkness. >> reporter: in 1965, a huge blackout in the northeast left more than 30 million without power for almost 13 hours. >> new yorkers have taken it in stride as far as you can see? >> reporter: in 1977, new york city was plunged into darkness again, this time resulting in looting and other crimes. >> there have been mas chg power outages. >> reporter: in 2003, partly over grown trees were part of a blackout of some 60,000,000 people. that one lasted up to four days in some areas. but our next electric failure could just be a key stroke away. >> it's definitely not for lack of capability on various parts, whether it be us or an enemy. i think it comes down to timing and i tink we need to make the right people mad at the right time. >> reporter: you would think the one group was ready for this it would be the department of homeland security. are they ready? >> no. they all acknowledge there is no plan. >> reporter: he says the current secretary, jay johnson, didn't offer much guidance either. you described the conversation as prickly at some point. >> that's because i kept asking, what is the plan? do you have a plan and he just pointed at a shelf filled with white binders and he says look, i'm sure there's something up there somewhere. >> reporter: we wanted to find out for ourselves but both the white house and the department energy declined our request. and the department of homeland security refused to speak on camera. instead we were given a statement which reads in part. >> reporter: next, we reached out to some of the big electric companies. >> ted koppel says the is he right? >> no, he's not right. >> government is building plans very quickly to help manage the on the grid. are the power companies prepared to respond to a large-scale cyber attack on the grid. >> they're strengthening their abilitiability to respond to an attack. their readiness is not where it needs be, given the ed a vrsed averse continues to strengthen the weapons to be used against the united states. >> reporter: ironically, it's our less sophisticated electric providers who may have an edge here. this is the south canal system. >> reporter: take the delta's electric association in southwest colorado. one of 900 rule power cooperatives in the united states. it serves some 2800 customers scustomer. to what degree do you rely on the internet? >> it's for noncritical functions. >> reporter: if somebody hack under to your system, how vulnerable would you be? >> they are have a an extensive amount of back ups sfwlrks would you . >> reporter: would you consider changing to a system that relies heavily on the internet? >> we would not. sfwlrks serving approximately 42,000,000 people in 47 states. none of these coops reply lies on the internet for the distribution of power. but as koppel sees it, it's too late to pull the online plug. >> i don't think we're ever going to give up the internet. there are too many advantages, even if it has the capacity to reek enormous damage. i'm just saying wake up to what its capabilities are. >> reporter: and since there's no turning back, it's important to think ahead. do they need to be stouking up on water and freeds dried foods. >> those are very poirmntant measures. average citizens need oo to be able to take care of their own families, neighborhoods and communities and not assumet oncal sam is going to bring in the cavalry and rescue them. . you said to our grandchildren and then you said here's hoping that opie, meaning you, got it wrong. >> right. >> reporter: you thing you might have gotten it sfwlaungwrong? >> of course. i spent a year 1/2 to get it right and >> i'm alex trebek. if you're age 50 to 85, this is an important message. so please, write down the number on 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fights mucus. mucinex fast max. the only cold and flu liquid gel that's max-strength and fights mucus. let's end this. . considering legislation to protect your right to post negative reviews online. companies are retaliating against customers who complain about their products and services. >> reporter: remember the next time you agree to a company's terms of service, there's a paragraph called a gag add. >> i stood up and said i'm tired of this. we need to fix it. >> reporter: gen palmer brought her fight to capital hill more than six years after posting a negative review for a christmas present never received. the company, a gift store company wrote back with a warning. >> it said you violated a clause we're going to fine you for $3500 if you don't take the review down. >> reporter: similar language has been slip under to contracts by everyone from travel agents to dentists. the federal trade commission is even taking action against diet pill manufacture roca labs. >> this is essentially online bullying. you're infringing on people's rights, their freedom. >> reporter: one person said businesses would be more effective tackling negative feedback head on. >> if they afirmatively responds and said we're sorry or thanks for the review, we're going to try fix that problem, that actually gets them better results with consumers. >> reporter: now they're legislation to make sure these are illegal. >> i think many of them would run in horror. sfwlrks >> we were delayed on a car loan. >> reporter: they reported the fine as a debt, ruining the family's credit until 2014 when they were awarded a $300,000 settlement. >> i hope nobody has to feel scared, humiliated and bullied by a business. >> reporter: california is the only state that has its own laws prohibiting gag clauses but they're considering bills to ban them nation wide and they're monsterring cases, prepared to step in. >> "cbs overnight news" will be right back.gist, i have performed 9,421 and a half prostate exams. so why do i do it? i know prostate exams can save lives. so, if you are a man over 50, talk to you doctor to see if a prostate exam is right for you. if we can do it, so can you. it forbes says kalty perry was the highest. and taylor swift was second. and she's involved in an uglae legal battle. she had a radio personality fired claiming he groped her. >> radio personality was known to his listeners, simply as jackson. he admits taylor swift probably was groped that day, only he wasn't the one responsible. the bad blood between taylor swift and david mueller just got worse. in her countersuit filed this week, she says while posing for a photo during a meet and greet, mueller lifted her skirt and groped her bottom. offended and alarmed. swift is known for using her muse took settle scores. and her security later kicked mueller out of the concert. her management also complained and provided the photo. two days later, mueller was out of a job. entertainment lawyer doubts swift will settle the case. she's already stood up to music industry titans like apple, spotify and kanye west. >> they file these suits. mr. mueller must have been living under a rock for several years if he actually thought he could bully taylor swift. >> reporter: he said the false accusations hindered his ability that eddie haskell was the real groper. he claimed that haskell had shown him how he put his arms round him and smith found that preposterous. ms. swift knows exactly who committed the assault, it was mueller, and she's not confused in the slightest. they're demanding the case go before a jury. >> they very astutely asked for a jury trial. people are going to be far more inclined to believe her than an absecure radio dj. for others, your news continues. from the broadcast center in new york silty. day that a new steady blames climate change for a new surge in storms and wildfires. it is certainly possible there was a bomb on board. >> and we'll have an investigators 'view of the clue. a gang targeted and executed a 9-year-old. and the high school kid who invented a better way to test for ebola. >> doesn't matter if you're a girl, if you're young or where you're from. this is the "cbs overnight news." >> we're beginning with severe storms with at least one tornado that whipped through texas. this was fort worth late on thursday. heavy winds blew the roof off this office building. jeff ray is a meteorologist at our cbs station ktvt and he's in fort worth tonight. >> reporter: i'm on the north side of fort worth and this tornado moved right over the interstate and hit this commercial building right over here. and you can see what happened next in this dramatic video. you can see the damage to the cars here. a lot of the employees really shooken up after the event. they had to find a ride home. nobody was hurt but the national weather service was tracking this tornado and that office is literally six blocks away. fortunately, they did not get hit by this tornado. well, this was also the day nat government scientists said 14 of the last extreme weather events were made worse by climate change, caused by pollution. examples sited included the 2014 by land and by sea, we have two reports. first, john blackstone. >> reporter: most years the dungeness crab harvest is bountiful. but high levels of toxic algae make it unable to eat. sarah cohen is a marine biologist at san francisco state university. >> we've never had a warming event like this. the contributing factors and how it's going to play out lead scientists to have huge concerns. >> reporter: the study found that in 2014 extreme heat waves, like the one that gripped south korea, were made worse by human caused climeate change. burning coal and meth in a gas. the report studied extreme weather events around the world last year. and devastating floods in new zeal squpd australia were found to be worse because of climate change. in the united states, record snowfall in the northeast and midwest was not the result of climate chanchsh rather just sitrical weather patterns. however, the study says severe wild fires in california are becoming more likely because of global warming. >> it's causing a lot of unfortunate disastrous attacks around the world. >> reporter: this is the first time they've studied whether human activity was directly involved. and over the years, more than half of the weather conditions have been linked to human caused climate change. the extreme warming of the pacific that john mentioned is quickly changing the ecology all along the west coast and here's ben tracy. >> reporter: off the coast of southern california, fisherman are having a field day, hooking all sorts of tropical fish, whales are putting oen a show in monterey bay. and farther south, kayakers are finding themselves surrounded by hammer head sharks. rarely seen off california. chris lowe is an nurene biologist and home to the tech lab. he says al el nino is shifting the ocean's ecosystem north. >> when you study marine life, el ninos are really cool because they bring a whole new cast of characters we don't typically see. such as red crabs and a highly venomous sea snake. >> many of these individuals may typically reside a thousand miles south of here but now are following that warm water, looking for food. >> including the very top of the food train. tourists watched as a great white shark attacked a sea lien. sea lions are also starving to death because the small fish waters. another impact of el nino. >> it's also expected to changing the weather here in california and bring much neated rain after four years of drought pch they typically begin in january. >> ben, thanks very much. in chicago today there was a tragic revelation in the murder of a 9-year-old boy. dean reynolds is on that story. >> reporter: all week, police have been asking why was tyshawn lee murdered? >> i believe the most cowardly, unfathomable career i've witnessed. >> reporter: he was on his way to his grandmother's when he joined others in the alley and that's when the boy was swept up 92 a heavy fute here involving gang. his execution was a string of assaulted going back months. active member of one of the gang factions. stokes him 168 agrees his son was intentionally killed. >> i think he was targeted. >> reporter: but he is not helping the cops sauvlg ss solve the killing of his only son. >> we've tried to interview him at least twice. i can't tell you what he said but he made it emphatically clear that he's not cooperating with us. >> reporter: police readily acknowledge that fear of retaliation is keeping some stow far, so far, there have been no almost sixty million americans are affected by mental illness. together we can help them with three simple words. my name is chris noth from maine to maui, thousands of high school students across the country are getting in on the action by volunteering in their communities. chris young: action teams of high school students are joining volunteers of america and major league baseball players to help train and inspire the next generation of volunteers. carlos pea: it's easy to start an action team at your school so you, too, can get in on the action. if you were a hippie in the '60s, you need to know. it's the dawning of the age of aquarius. yeah, and something else that's cool. what? osteoporosis is preventable. all: osteo's preventable? right on! if you dig your bones, protect them. all: cbs cares! . weighed in on the suspicion that a bomb brought down that russian jetliner over the weekend. more than 200 people were killed. david martin has the latest. >> reporter: in his first public comment about the crash, president obama told a radio interviewer it could have been terrorism. >> i think there is a possibility that there was a bomb. on board. and we're taking that very seriously. >> reporter: the president stressed there is no evidence and nothing from the flight data recorders and nothing from the wreckage to confirm the bomb theory. it's based on heat fleshes detected by a u.s. sat slight at the moment it plane went down. images, which are consistent wan explosion or do not identify the cause. isis has publicly claimed responsibility for bringing the plane down without offering any proof to back up the claim. u.s. intelligence has intercepted communications in which members of isis are talking about the crash as if they had something to do with it but that could just be bogus bragging. and the other possibility, a mechanical failure has not been ruled out. and scott. >> david, thank you. so, what are the likely clues? from the air it's clear much of the doomed yes caught on fire. >> that he will rir get a fw reading by swabbing hit the. he says it appeared the tail broke off before being engulfed in flames. >> you look at the edges to see how they came apart from the main part of the fusal lodge. did it look like there was a trackture. it did look like there was a structural it formty. and in the days after it was shot down in ukrain, our marc phillips was able to see clear signs it was hit by a missile. he says determining a bomb blast is not as straight forward. >> it tarks time and you do this in the laboratory. a cockpit voice repoureder will have a special wcla. four years to discoverer the this plane came down not due to terrorism. >> that made it a very difficult and challenging investigation. investigators will look at the bodies of those on board. they will also study the luggage. mostf oit appears to be in fact and not burned. sflrks what are you what are you hearing about airport security? >> diskushzs are being made and out of an abundance of precaution, there will be procedures to step up flights. >> it's, thank you. police tell us that the illinois cop that staged his suicide apparently tried to hire a mittman to kill the village manager because he feared she would expose him as a thief officer gliniewicz was thought to be a hero and today a jury in pennsylvania found a police officer not guilty of heard murder. she shot it on video, which is difficult to watch. >> reporter: a camera mounted on officer lisa's stun gun showing her tasing casic four times. you can see his mands repeatedly disappearing outside of his body. and the she fired her gun twice. she spoke shortly after her acquittal. and i want them to know that. i never wanted to shoot anybody. >> reporter: the prosecution called the shooting unyoifred. >> he shot a man laying down, facing away from him. the video showed that. murdered him pretty much. >> reporter: murkal said she feared casic was going for a gun and now he administered cpr but casic died at the scene. they said alcohol and drugs were in his system but he was unarmed. she says she intends to return to police work. >> this has taken a tole on me that nobody understands. >> reporter: she had pulled casic over for expired emissions until he reached his sister's house. don, thank you. bush, 41, breaks his silence on the men who served his son. why is mars barren? the answer is blowing in the wind. and rocket men sore. the cbs overnight news and even though their dentures look clean, in reality they're not. if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. that's why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. 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(laughs) all the care of dove... in a dry antiperspirant spray. it's judgment day. back seat chefs peer inside your oven. but you've cleaned all baked-on business from meals past with easy-off, so the only thing they see is that beautiful bird. go ahead. let 'em judge. . george h.w. bush, the 41st at some of the men that led the country into the war in iraq while serving in his son's administration. >> reporter: he has held his tongue for more than a decade but now george h.w. bush describes his son's vice president, dick cheney, as too hard-lined and his secretary of defense, donald rumsfeld, arrogant. and he says that cheney became very different from the dick cheney i knew when he served as his secretary of defense. >> i've had much worse said about me. >> reporter: he laughed off the criticism on fox but the first president bush was even more scathing about rumsfeld. i don't like what he did and i think it hurt the president. the 83-year-old rumsfeld lashed bush 41, misjudged bush, 43. they were two of the biggest proponents in the war in iraq. >> my brother is a big boy. >> reporter: in new hampshire today jeb bush defended his brother as vice president. >> as relates to dick cheney, he served my brother well as vice president and he served my dad extraordinarily well as sex secretary of defense. >> a rare public disagreement between father and sons. nancy, cbs news washington. yoga lovers took their search for innerpeace to dizzying heights and we'll have that up exint.. peace to that up. the son gives life and sometimes takes it away. today nasa said its maven spacecraft has discovered why mars turned from a wet live planet that sustained life to a cold barren place. solar wind stripped away the martian atmosphere over billions of years. earth, though is protected by its magnetic field. it's been a busy week for jet packs. have a look at these two dare devils flying over a dubai. they buzzed the largest passenger jet in the world. and in new york, another man took a test flight over the liberty, george jetson style. and the baks pose of yoga is called downward facing dog and in china today it was downward facing danger. it was on a glass bottomm bridge 600 feet up. last month cracks appeared in the bridge but that couldn't shatter this group's innercalm. and then the enthusiasm of a girl woman: what does it feel like when a woman is having a heart attack? chest pain, like there's a ton of weight on your chest. severe shortness of breath. unexplained nausea. cold sweats. there's unfamiliar dizziness or light-headedness. unusual pain in your back, neck, jaw, one or both arms, even your upper stomach, are signs you're having a heart attack. don't make excuses. make the call to 9-1-1 immediately. learn more at bipolar disorder is a brain condition that causes unusual or dramatic mood swings. it affects millions of americans and compromises their ability to function. when diagnosed, bipolar disorder can be effectively treated by mood stabilizers. but most people with bipolar disorder suffer for years without help because the symptoms are missed or confused with other illnesses, like depression. learn how easily you can help keep this from happening to a loved one. . finally tonight, remember the name olivia halacy. just a tine ager and already making her mark. >> for this one, it's the tmz fund straight. >> last year she had to be the only 16-year-old in the world thinking of this you're not talking like a normal teenager, you're right, you know that, don't you? >> reporter: she was talking about a test for ebola. she realized they need fridgeeration. >> i think especially in science, it doesn't matter if you're good, or young or where you're from. it's just about the results. >> reporter: when she came to you and said i want to do a test for ebola? >> oh, boy. there was a laut of push back. it's not possible, it's not going to happen. we'll figure it out. to 96 fridgeeration problem, she came up with a high test and this is her design which acts lieks a president aets she and 10s of thousands of other teenagers entered this year's google science fair and her name wrurn. you're an athlete, book smarts, are you lousy at anything? and looking at things from the bigger picture. >> reporter: has mr. vermonty helped you with that? >> definitely. and a great lesson he's taught me is to never freak out over the little things because it's still little in the scheme of your life. >> and that's the overnight news for this friday. for some of you the news continues, for others, check back with us a little bit later for the morning news and of course cbs this morning. this is the "cbs overnight welcome to the overnight news. republican presidential hopeful, donald trump is clog his way back to the top of the back. a new poll shows trump at 46%, ben carson at 23% and both ted cruz and marco rooeb rubio at 11%. the candidate predicts a big ratings benanzau but his appearance is not without controversy. >> it was over the summer when they fired doneled trump ow from the show and now lutina and pro-immigration groups are acaused of the wrong message. >> i would kill for a real man? sglnlnths. >> reporter: wednesday night, they delivered a petition and billionaire. all i want to do is contribute to my community. >> when public if figures cross certain lines, they should lose their privileges to host tv show. >> reporter: but trump doesn't seem phased. in a series of promos, he poked fun at himself and his prievls. is. >> mr. trump can only speak for four seconds in this proem e. >> ben carson is a complete and total loser. ben carson wasn't laughing. >> i discovered when i was in grade school that those tactics really is for grade school. >> reporter: the snl stage has become somewhat of a campaign stop for those vying for the white house. with hillary clinton making a cameo just last month. it can show a different side of the candidate and show them in a humorous light. net nbc did not return our comments. no thank you. that is the response from the uber driver who whose dash cam captured the passenger attacking him. he says he wants to apologize in person but the driver says the passenger is seeking legal action, not only from the driver but from the orant county district attorney. 32-year-old ben golden says he has no memory of his violent behavior caught on camera during a friday night uber-ride. >> it's not me in the video. . and it was hard to botch and i'm ashamed. >> he says he lost count of how many drinks and moments before the video shows him arguing with his driver. it's when he is ordered out of the -- >> i think people were shocked by what we saw. >> reporter: the officer has no intention of meeting him for an apology. >> he says that's not him but that's the only him the i know. it it was him whool had the first drink and in the end, it was him who made the decision to beat me. so, the next day i got out of jail and was wondering what happened. and inch my heart sank. he's no longer a taco bell marketing executive. they fired him on tuesday and he's facing four misdemeanor charges, assault and battery. >> kwlb a stew udnight. that is my fault and i've thrown everything away. i don't know if he was c cing because he is so shocked or if it's because he's been outed. i'm going to make it right. >> reporter: the driver has since left uber. to prepare him for dealing with drunk or violent pat chgers. he said he does not think he has a drinking problem despite the fact tat you bleed gildy in 2323. they call it paid patriotism, sending schek checks to sports teams to get them to host events honoring our troops. oh, say can you see >> an armiyservest national servest watching the action. and national fward members unfurling the american flag pm honoring the military is common place but they say some of these events are no longer than marketing marketing. >> to find out the taxpayers are paying for had some of these its it kind of cheapens the whole thing. the cadchs mark department is worth 10.4 million theres. like the 7500 cl the milwaukee brewers got. that covered on screen views. >> they're traps for funds and then we find out they're p ping for them on the field. >> reporter: the air force paying for four sideline season kickets and the national guard came for 40 at indiana pacers games. the w wesh says the spending is justified. >> the department of defense would likely say -- the nba says we will perform an additional review to insure this is the case. major league baseball says it's encouraged teamed to take steps to avoid anything showing they have been paid. now, the nhl had no comment. major league soccer says the ceremony it does is separate from the marketing agreement it sign would the military. the senators say we're still bushing legislation that would ban it. laundry can wreak havoc on our clothes, ruining them forever. sweaters stretch into muumuus. and pilled cardigans become pets. protect your clothes from stretching, fading, and fuzz. ...with downy fabric conditioner... it not only softens and freshens, it helps protect clothes from the damage of the wash. so your favorite clothes stay your favorite clothes. downy fabric conditioner. wash in the wow. phil! oh no... (under his breath) hey man! hey peter. (unenthusiastic) oh... ha ha ha! joanne? is that you? it's me... you don't look a day over 70. am i right? jingle jingle. if you're peter pan, you stay young forever. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. you make me feel so young... it's what you do. you make me feel you would have to do if your electricity went down for a month? perhaps a terrorist attack brings down the entire grid. chip read reports for sunday morning. >> reporter: when the lights go ouou wiee usualee know why. >> hurricane sandy coming ashore on the east coast. >> reporter: mother nature is at it again. most of the time we manage to get through it. bubu what if the power went out in a number of states, effecting millions of people for weeks, even months. >> as you were researching this, did you find yourself frightened? >> that's a strong word but it's frightening enough that me and my wife decided to buy enough freeze dried foods enough for my parents and kids. and an all out cyber attack on the nation pchs electrical grid. >> who do we have to fear the most? russia, china, iran, terrorists. >> the interesting thing, chip is the ones most likely capable are the ones least likeke to do it. >> the someexperts say they're already in. >> oh, they're in. they're already in the grid. i was told that by a former chief tine tsts for and the iranians may be on the verge of getting one in and at the bottom are folks like isis, terrorists dwrups. the power grid is the system interconnecting north america's supply of lec tacetyelectricity. power from another region can sfiems serve as back up. the down side to are this, if a hacker manages to take down an entire grid, a huge portion of the country, long with parts of canada, could go down with it. >> the grid relies heavily on is it. >> we have a joke that there's no security system. the only skurtdicistm is unplugs. >> and he should know, he's a cyber security consultant. in other words, he's a hacker >> in the last six years of me testing full time, there has never been a customer that we have not gotten in. >> 5:28 tuesday evening, give or take a few spekds. people in the neerns united states were plungedinto an eery blackness. >> reporter: in 1965, a huge bloccout left mar than 30 million for without power for nearly 13 hours. > new yorkers have caken it in stride as far as you can see. sfwlrks in 1977 >> reporter: in 1977, n n york city was plunged into darkness again. and in 2003, over grown trees were partly to blame for a black out that effected eight states >> that one left up to four days in some areas. and our next electric failure could be a fee skeek away 37 it'sits it's not for lack of capability beare build it be or terrorists. >> you would think the one intety ready for something like this is the department of homeland security. are they ready? >> i've talked to every former secretary of homeland security and they all acknowledge there is no afternoon. >> it got prickly because i kept asking what's the plane, why wait until disaster strikes. plan and he point at a shifl filled with white finders. >> we wanted to fiepd out for ourselves but both t t white and the department energy declined my request for an on camera interview. instetd, we were given a statement which reads in part, to be clooe, the department off homeland s surity has a plan. we along with the department energy cord national efforts. we also work with energy sexer partners. poeth seen and unkpeen. nex next we reached out to some of the big electric companiesnd they refuds to talk to us as well. we prn we -- >> the government is buildldg ans very quickly to help manage the consequences of an attack on the grid and to make sure that government systems are more resilient against attack. >> are the power companies reprepared to respond? >> they're strengthening their ability to respond to an attack and restore power more quickly. >> and she admits, the readidiss is not where it needs be, considering the adversary continues to strepthen the weapons that will be used in the united states. >> reporter: ironically, it's our l ls sopopsticated providers who may have an edge here. >> this is the south canal system. >> 25ik the leak trk association in and it's far less internet dependent. ceo. to what degree do you rely on the internet? >> most of our internet is for noncritical functions. if somebody hooked it it to your system, how vulnerable would you be. >> they all are in place and have an extensive amount of touching. >> reporter: would you consider changing to a system that relies heavily on the internet? >> i would not. servicing approximately 42,000,000 people in 47 tats. internet for it distribution of power. but as copal sees it, it's too late for authoritied elsewhere and pull the suit. >> i don't think we're ever going to give up the internet. there are too -- and all i am saying is wake up to what its capabilities are. >> and since there's no turning back, it's important to think ahead. >> so, what does the average family actually need oo be doing. and talking up on water and fried dried fee feed. they need to be able to cake care of their own families and their own neighborhoods and not in the shower. you mentioned r named your seven grandchildren and here's opie. >> do i believe i got it wrong? nono i spent a year 1/2 trying to get it right and unfortunately, i think i did. (laughs) that's fun...that is fun. it's already dry! it dried right away. it doesn't feel wet at all right nowow no wait time. this is great. my skin feels loved. it's very soft. there's no white stuff. it does the moisturizing for me. it's everything i love about dove. can i keep it? (laughs) all the care of dove... it's judgment day. back seat chefs peer inside your oven. but you've cleaned all baked-on business from meals past with easy-off, so the only thing they see is that beautiful bird. go ahead. let 'em judge. you get used to the funk in your man-cave. you think it smells fine, but your wife smells this... sfx: ding music starts luckily for all your hard-to-wash fabrics there's febreze fabric refresher it doesn't just mask, it eliminates odors...'ve gone noseblind to woman inhales use febreze fabric refresher till it's fresh and try pluggable febreze... continuously eliminate odors for up to 45 days of freshness pluggable febreze and fabric refresher two more ways [inhale + exhale mnemonic] to breathe happy. [cough, cough] mike? janet? cough if you can hear me. don't even think about it. i took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. yeah...but what about mike? he has that dry scratchy thing going on. guess what? it works on his cough too. what? stop! don't pull me! spoiler alert! she doesn't make it! only mucinex dm relieves bothwet and dry coughs for 12 hours with two medicines in one pill. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. on capital hill, congress is considering legislation to protect your right to post negative reviews online. compopies are retaliating. >> remember, the next time you agree to a company's terms of service, buried inside those pages and pages of fine print could be a gag prox. >> i stood up and said i'm tired of this. we need to fix it. >> reporter: gen palmer brought her fight to capital hill wednesday. >> we had b b customer service and that's what you do. >> reporter: the store wrote back with a warning. >> it says you violated a we're going to fine you $32020 if youu don't take the review down. >> similar language as the been slip under to contracts by everyone from travel agents to dentists. the federal trade commission is even taking action against diet pill manufacture who posted negative reviewed. you're infringing on people's rights, their f fedom. >> senator john mccain told people that businesses would be more effective tackling that head on. >> if they afirirfirmatively respaupdsresponds >> now some are considering bipartisan ladies and gentlemen. i think many of them would run in horror. >> for the palmers what happened was a terror story. >> we were delayed on the car loan. >> he reported the fine as a debt, ruining the credit until 2014, awarding a elee 00 ousand trr dollar settlex that no one has to feel scared, humiliated and buried by a business. california is the only stay that has its own laws here in the senate and the house are considering plans to build the nation and in the mean time, the a cbs overnight news. when the engines failed on the plane i was flying, knew what to do to save my passengers. but when my father sank into depression, i didn't know how to help him. when he ultimately shot himself, he left our family devastated. don't let this happen to you. if you or a lolod one is suicidal, call the national suicide prevention lifeline. no matter how hopeless or helpless you feel, with the right help, you can get well. (franklin d. roosevelt) the inherent right to work is one of the elemental privileges of a free people. endowed, as our nation is, with abundant physical resources... and opportunities available for the enjoyment of all... ...we apapoach reemployment with real hope of finding a better answer than we have now. narrator: donate to goodwill where your donations help fund job placement and training for people in your community. forbes says katy perry was the highest earning woman in music this year. between world tours and indorsements she raked in millions. and taylor swift was in second. shshhad a r rio personality fired, claiming he groepdped her. >> radio personality, david mueller was known as simply jackson, hosting a morning show called rhino and jackson. he admits taylor swift was probably groped only it wasn't him. the bad blood between taylor swift and mueller just got worse. in her counter suit filed this week, she says while posing for a photo in june 2013,ueller lifted her skirt and groped her bottom. it left her surprised upset and alarmed. swift is known for using her muse took settle scores and her security later kicked mueller out of the concert. her management also complained and roprovided the photo and two days later, mueller was out of a job. and she has already stood up to music industry titans like apple and kanye west. >> people will file these suits assuming celebrities would much rather dish out the dough rather than endure the bad publicity. he must have been living under a rock if he thought h h could abilities to do other jobs. tornados in texas. on the same day that a new study surge in severe storms and wild fires. also tonight, what brought down the russian jet? the president weighs the evidence. >> i is certainly possible there was a bomb on board. tragedy in chicago. a gang targeted and executed a 9-year-old. and the high school kid who invepted ain invented a better way to test for ebola. >> it doesn't matter if you're young or where you're from. >> this is thehe"cbs overnight news." . we have severe storms with at least one tornado that went through texas. this was fort worth late on thursday. heavy winds blew the roooo off the office building. jeff ray is a meteorologist and he's in fort worth tonight. >> reporter: i'm on the north side of fort worth and this tornado moved right over the interstate and hit this commercial building right over here. and the roof being lifted off and it ended up in the employee parking lot on the other side. you can see the damage to the cars here. lot of the employees who came out of the building, obviously, really shooken up after the event. they had to find a ride home. nobody was hurt but the national weather service was tracking this tornado. well, this was also the day that government skiencientists says climate change caused by pollution. the 2014 california wild fires by land and by sea, we have two reports, first john blackstone. >> reporter: most years the duchgness grab harvest is bountful, worth close to $60 million. but this year there may not be any harvest. toxic levels of algy in the ocean makes them ununfe to eat. >> it's unbelievably warm. we've never had a warming event like this. the different contributing factors leads tstscientists to have huge concerns. >> reporter: the study found that in 2014, extreme heat waves, like the one that gripped south korea were made worse by the report studied 28 extreme weather events around the world last year. 14 of those, ininuding devastating floods in australia and new zealand were found to be made worse in part by climate change. but the impact of human activity can be complex, the report says. in united states record snowfall in the northeast, a midwest was not the result of climate change, just weather patterns. however, the study says severe wildfires in california are becoming more likely because of climate change. >> it's causing a lot of unfortunate disastrous attacks around the world. >> reporter: this is the fourth year scientists have studied if human activity was partly to blame. over those years, over half of have been linked to human-cacaed climate change. the extreme warming of the pacific that john mentioned is quickly changing the ecology all along the west coast and here's ben tracy. >> reporter: off the coast of southern california fisherman are having a field day. hooking all sorts of tropical fish. whales are putting on a show in monterey bay. and farther south,ayakers are finding themselves surrounded by hammerhead sharks, rarely seen off california. chris lowe is a marine biologist. he says el nino, a warming of ocean water near the equator is shifting the ocean's ecosystem north. >> el nino's are reaeay cool because they bring a whole new line that we don't normally see. >> reporter: such as red crabs and a hihily venomous sea snake. >> we measure temperatures as high as 80 degrees. that is very unusual. many of these individuals may typically reside a thousanan milesmile s south of here. >> reporter: including the very top of the food chain. tourists in alcatraz watched as a great white shark attacked a sea lion. sea lions are also starving to death because the smaller fish they eat are moving to cooler waters. el nino is also expected to bring much needed rain after four years of drought. those el nino fuelled storms typically begin in january. >> ben, thanks very much. in chicago today, there was a tragic revelation in the murder of a 9-year-old boy. dean reynolds is on that story. >> reporter: all week chicago has been asking why 9-year-old alley. >> we believe that he was murdereded >> g gy mccarthy is the police superintendant. >> the most cowardly, unfathomable crime i've witnessed in 35 years of policing. >> r rorter: he was onis way to his grandmother's and he was swept up? into a bloody feud. his executiononas the latest in a assaults going back months. his father is an active member and that's why they believe his son wasstargeted. stokes himself agrees his son was intentionally killed. >> he wouldn't have got hit so many times in the back of the face. i think he was targeted. >> reporter: but he's not hipping the cops solve the murder of his own son. >> i can't even tell you what he said but he made it emfatically clear he's not cooperating with us. >> reporter: they readily acknowledge that fear of retaliation is keeping people from coming forward with information and so far, there have been no arrested. the "cbs overnight news" will be right back. [ vocalizing ] [ buzzing ] [ [ ee crashes ] note today, president obama weighed in on the suspicion that a bomb brought down that russian jet liner over the weekend. more than 200 people were kikied. david martin has the latest. >> reporter: in his first public comment about the crash, president obama told a radio terrorism. >> i think there is a popoibility that there w w a bomb. on board. and we're taking that very seriously. >> reporter: the president stressed there is as of yet, no firm evidence. nothing from the flight data recorders and nothing from the wreckage to confirm the bomb theory. it's based on heat flashes detected by the u.s. satellite at the timee the p pneent down. one flash followed by three more as it fell to earth. they're consistent with a explosion but do not identify isis has claimed responsibility without proof to backp the claim. united states has intercepted members talking about it like they did it but it could just be bogus bragging. u.s. intelligence now agrees with britain's prime minister who said today a bomb is more likely than not the use. scott. >> david martin at the pentagon. so, what are the likely clues? speaking with the former board of the national transportation safety board. reporter: it's clear most of the doomed jet came down on fire. >> they'll get a good reading by swabbing this. this residue will remain even in a fire, even if it's under water. from the crash scene and he says it look like it ingolfed in flames. >> you'd be looking at the edges particularly to see how they came apart from the main part of the fusal lodge. did it look like there was a frfrture? did it look like there was some kind of structural deformty. >> reporter: our marc phillips was able to see clear signs. he says determining a bomb blast isn't as straight forward. >> it takes time and you do this in the laboratory. a cockpit voice recorder will haha a special signaturere that we'll understand the difference between over pressure event, like a technical failure and a high energy explosive event, like a bomb. >> it took them four years to deteteine plane crashed because of a fuel tank explosion and not a bomb. >> we have all the elements it is not on the sea floor, which made that a very difficult and challenging investigation. >> investititors will look at the condition of the bodies of those on board to see if they show any signs of a bombing and they'll show the luggage. video shows most of it is in tact and not burned. >> what are y y hearing about airport security here in the united states? >> discussions are underway tonight about how to increase security with an announcement expected tomorrow. out of an abundance of precaution thereill be a procedure for flights. the illinois cop who staged his suicide, apparently tried to hire a hitman to kill the feared she would expose him as a thief thief. police revealed yesterday, he had stolen 10s of thousands of dollars from a youth program that he over saw. today a jury in pennsylvania found a police officer not guilty of rder. she h h shot an unarmed man in the back, a killing that was captured on video, which is difficult to watch. here with that story. >> reporter: a c ceraounted on lisa's stun gun showed her tasing david casic as he fail. murkal is heard screaming at him 23 times to keep them where she can see him. and then she fired her gun twtwe. she spspe shortly after her acquittal. and i want them to know that. i never wanted to shoot anybody. >> reporter: they calald the shooting unjustified. >> she shot a man that was laying down facing away from him. the video shows that. shot him. i mean, murdereded him pretttt much. >> she says she feared casic was going for a gun. after the shooting, she administered cpr but he died at it scene. they found a syringe by his body and said alcohol and drugs were in his system but he was unarmed. she says she intends to return to police work. >> this has taken a toll on me and nobody understands. >> she had pulled him over for expired emissions stickers and he refused to stop until he he ran into her backyard where he ultimately died. bush, 41 breaks his silence on the men who served his son. why is mars barren? the answer is blowing in the wind. and it's the final countdown! the final countdown! if you're the band europe, you love a final countdown. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. janet? cough if you can hear me. don't even think about it. i took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. yeah...but what about mike? it works on his cough too. cough! it works on his cough too. mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs for 12 hours. . - george h.w. bush, the 41st at some of the men who led the country into the war in iraq while serving in his son's administration. here's nancy. >> reporter: he has held his tongue for more than a decade. but t w george h.w. bush describes his son's vice president, dick cheney as too hard lined and calls his secretary of defense, rumsfeld, arrogant. and he said that cheney became very different from the dick cheney i knew when he served as his secretary of defense. >> i've had much worse said about me. >> reporter: the first president bush was even more scathing about rumsfeld. i don't like what he did and i think it hurt the president. in a statement, the 83-year-old rumsfeld lashed back at his bush 41 is getting up in years and misjudges. thth were two o othe biggest proponents of the war in iraq, a war that marred one son's presidency and hasn't helped one son that is trying to get the job. jeb bush defending his brother as president. >> dick cheney, he served my brother well as vice president and he served my dad extraordinarily well as secretary of defense. >> reporter: and in a statement, george w. bush called cheney superb and rumsfeld effective. a rare public disagreement between father and sons. oga lovers took their search for innerpeace to dizying heights and we'll have that next. peace to that next. the son gives life and sometimes takes it away. today nasa said its spacecraft has discovered why mars turned from a wet warm planet that likely sustained life to a cold, barren place. radiation from the sun, known as solar wind stripped away the mamaian atmososere over billions of years. earth, though is protected by its magnetic field. it's been a busy week for jet packs. have a look at these two dare devils flying over dubai. they buzzed the largest passenger jet in the world and in new york another man took a test flight over the hudson river anan the statue of liberty. george jetsen style. high, there's yoga, the basic pose is called downward facing dog but in china today, it was downward facing danger. a mass yoga session was staged on a glass bottomed bridge 600 feet up. last month cracks appeared in the bridge but that couldn't shatter this group's inner calm and then there's the enthusiasm of a teenager who could save countless lives. we'll introduce you next. while i was on a combat patrol in baqubah, iraq, a rocket-propelled grenade took my arm off at the shoulder. i was discharged from the army, and i've been working with e wounded warrior project since 2007. warriors, you don't have to be severely wounded to be with the wounded warrior project. we do have a lot of guys that have post-traumatic stress disorder. being able to share your story, i guess it kind of helps you wrap your mind around what did happen over there. my name is norbie, and yes, i do suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, but i'm okay. every day it's getting closer going faster than a roller coaster a love like yours will surely come my way hey, hey, hey babies aren't fully developed until at least 39 weeks. if your pregnancy is healthy, wait for labor to begin on its own. a healthy baby is worth the wait. o0 c1 travel is part of the american way of life. when we're on vacation, we keep an eye out for anything that looks out of place. [ indistinct conversations ] miss, your bag. we pay attention to our surroundings. [ cheering ] everyone plays a role in keeping our community safe. whether you're traveling for business or pleasure, be aware of your surroundings. if you see something suspicious, finally tonight, remember the name olivia alacye iaia halacy. just a teenager and already making her mark. >> reporter: last year she had to be the only 16-year-old in the world thinking about this. >> i really wanted to make temperature independence. sfwlrks what >> reporter: what she's talking about is a test for ebola. she realized existing ones made by adults need refridgeeration. no small task in hot climates like africa. >> i think in science it doesn't matter if you're old or young or where you're from, it's really just about your results. result to her sign teachcience teacher. >> reporter: what was your reaction? >> oh, boy. there was a lot of push back. andy, you have no business doing this with this student. that. we'll figure it out. >> reporter: to fix the refrfrgeeration problem, she came up with a test that can work in high temperatures. is is her design which acts like a pregnancy test. >> the color change indicating the positive result. it was great when it happened. >> olivia -- >> reporter: she and 10s of housands of otherer teenagers entered this year's google science fair. and she won. >> it was thiss release of emotion and who hoo. >> reporter: are you lousy at anything? you're an athlete, you're book smart and intelntelligent. >> sometimes i get really stressed out if one thing isn't going my way. i think it's just a great lesson he's taught me is never to freak out over the little things because it's still little in the scheme of your whole life. >> reporter: for a high school student and her science teacher, the chemistry could not be better. and that's the overnight news for this friday. for some of you the news continues, for others, check back later for the morning news and of course, cbs this morning. from the broadcast center in new york city. this is the "cbs overnight welcome to the overnight news. republican presidential hopeful, donald trump is clawing his way back to the top of the pack. a national poll of likely gop primary voters shows trump at 26% and ben carson at 23% and both marco rubio and ted cruz at 11%. trump hosts "saturday night live" this weekend. he predicts it will be a big ratings benanzau. sfwlrks it >> reporter:t was over the summer that cbs universal fired trump over controversial comments about illegal immigrants and now they're accusing the message. upcoming appearance on saturday night live. wednesday night called on snl to fire the billionaire. >> they should know better, cbs should know better and all i want to do is contribute to my community. >> reporter: it's the latest of a let's dump trump. >> when certain figures cross certain lines, they should lose their privileges to host tv shows. >> reporter: but trump doesn't seem phased. >> i got the highest ratings ever. why would they cave? >> reporter: he poked fun at himself and the rivals. >> mr. trump can only speak for four seconds in this promo. >> so, let me just say this, ben carson is a complete and total loser. >> reporter: ben carson wasn't laughing. >> i discovered when i was in really are for grade school. >> who is that under there? >> reporter: the snl stage has become somewhat of a campaign spot for those vying for the white house. hillary clinton making a cameo just last month. >> it can show a different side of the candidate and humanize thecandidate, put them in a humorous light. >> reporter: netbc did not return our calls. but one group is offering a bounty tony audience member who disrupts his live performance saturday night. no thank you, that's the response from a uber driver. the passenger, ben golden now faces criminal charges. the driver says golden can apologize in court. >> reporter: the passenger is facing legal action, not only from the driver but also from the orangng county district attorney. he admits he was drunk when he got into the car last night and said what happened was inexcusable and out of character. 32-year-old ben golden says he has no memory of his violent behavior caught on camera during a friday night uber-ride. >> it's not me in the video. it's not me. and it was hard to watch a a i'm ashamed. >> reporter: he says he lost count of how many drinks he had that night. and moments before the act, the footage shows him yelling that driver. >> i think a lot of people i know were shocked by what they saw. >> reporter: the driver used pepper spray to defend himself and says h hs afraid of golden and has no intention of meeting him for an apology. >> he says that's not him but that's the only him i know. that was him who had the first drink and in the end it was him who made the decision to beat me. >> so, the next day i got out of jail and i was wondering what happened. i didn't know until i saw this video and then my heart sank. >> he's no longer a taco bell marketing executive. and he's facing four misdemeanor charges and could spend a year in jail. >> i've worked so hard and i had a stupid night that is my fault and i've thrown everything away. >> i don't know that he was crying because he was so shocked it went viral. >> reporter: he's suing for at least $25,000 for assault and intentional inflikz of emotional destress. sgl he has quit uber. and golden says he does not think he has a drinking problem, despite the fact that he pleaded guilty to a dui in kentucky. and they call it paid patriotism, sending checks to sports teams to g g themo host events honoring our troops. oh, say can you see >> reporter: an remember aarmy reservest singing the national anthem, and national guard members unfurling the american flag. honoring military is common place in professional sports but some of these are little more than marketing gimmicks. >> fans assume it's being done because of patriotism. to find out the taxpayers are paying for some of these just kind of cheapens the whole long. >> reporter: the defense department has 122 marketing deals with pro sports teams worth $10.4 million. and they call it paid patriotism. like the $7500 the milwaukee brewers got that covered award esentations on the field by national guard members and the ceremonial first pitches. >> they say we're strapped for funds and then they're paying for these paid tributes on the field. >> reporter: he says some items, like the air force paying for sideline tickets to galaxy games, the national guard paying for 40 lower level seats at indiana pacers games. the white house says the spending is justified. >> they would likely say that these enhance their recruiting efforts. >> reporter: the sports teams denied being paid for tributes. they say we will pour form an additional review. and mlb says it has intake steps to avoid. and nfl says if we find that any inappropriate payments were made will be paid back in full. the pentagon has promised it's going to end the practice but the senators say they're still pushing legislation thats with ban it. janet? cough if you can hear me. don't even think about it. i took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. yeah...but what about mike? it works on his cough too. cough! it works on his cough too. let's end this. dry spray? that's fun. it's alreaea dry! no wait time. this is great. it's very soft. can i keep it? (laughs) all the care of dove... it's judgment day. back seat chefs peer inside your oven. but you've cleaned all baked-on business from meals past with easy-off, so the only thing they see is that beautiful bird. go ahead. let 'em judge. you have to do if your electricity went out for a month? perhaps a terror attack brings down the entire u.s. power grid. and that's not the stuff of science fiction. >> repepter: when the lights go out, we usually know why. >> hurricane sandy coming ashore on the east coast. >> reporter: mother nature is at it again. most of the time we manage to get through it. but what if the power went out in a number of states, effecting millions of people for weeks, even months. as you were researching this did you find yourself getting frightened? >> i think frightened was a little bit too strong but maybe i should have been. it's frightening enough that my to buy enough freeze dried food for all of our kids and their kids. >> reporter: in his book "lights out." veteran journalist, ted ko p pppel paints a grim image of an all out cyber attack on the nation's electrical grid. who do we have to fear the most russia, china, iran, terrorists? >> all of those. the ones who are most capable are the ones least likely t t do it. >> there are some experts that they they're already in. >> they are in. they're already in the grid. i was told that by the former chief scientisis. he stated categorically, the russians are in and the chinese are in. of getting in and at the bottom are folks like isis, terrorists groups. >> reporter: the power grid is the system interconnecting north america's supply of electricity. power from another region canan sometimes serve as back up. the down side to all this, if a hacker manages to take down an entire grid, a huge porshztion of the country along with parts of canada could go down with it. like so much else these days, it relies heavily on the internet. >> we have a joke in our security industry that there's no secure system. the only secured one is unplugged, turned off and buried under six feet of concrete. >> reporter: he should know. he's a cyber security consultant who gets paid to find glitches. in other words, he's a hacker >> the last six years of me doing testing full time, there has never been a customer that we have not gotten in. >> 5:28 tuesday evening, an 30 million people were in an eery darkness. >> reporter: in 1965, a he blackout in the northeast left more than 30 million without power for almost 13 hours. >> new yorkers have taken it in stride as far as you can see? >> reporter: in 1977, new york city was plunged into darkness ain, this time resulting in looting and other crimes. >> there have been mas chg power outages. >> reporter: in 2003, partly over grown trees were part of a blackout of some 60,000,000 people. that one lasted up to four days in some areas. but our next electric failure could just be a key stroke away. >> it's definitely not for lack of capability on various parts, whether it be us or an enemy. i think it comes down to timing and i tink we need to make the right people mad at the right time. >> reporter: you would think the one group was ready for this it would be the department of homeland security. are they ready? >> no. they all acknowledge there is no plan. >> reporter: he says the current secretary, jay johnson, didn't offer much guidance either. you described the conversation as prickly at some point. >> that's because i kept asking, what is the plan? do you have a plan and he just pointed at a shelf filled with white binders and he says look, i'm sure there's something up there somewhere. >> reporter: we wanted to find out for ourselves but both the white house and the department energy declined our request. and the department of homeland security refused to speak on camera. instead we were given a statement which reads in part. >> reporter: next, we reached out to some of the big electric companies. >> ted koppel says the government has no plan. is he right? >> no, he's not right. >> government is building plans very quickly to help manage the consequences. on the grid. are the power companies prepared to respond to a large-scale cyber attack on the grid. >> they're strengthening their abilitiability to respond to an attack. their readiness is not where it needs be, given the ed a vrsed averse continues to strengthen the weapons to be used against the united states. >> reporter: ironically, it's our less sophisticated electricc providers who may have an edge here. this is the south canal system. >> reporter: take the delta's electric association in southwest colorado. one of 900 rule power cooperatives in the united states. it serves some 2800 customers scucuomer. to what degree do youou r ry on the internet? >> it's for noncritical functions. >> reporter: if somebody hack under to your system, how vulnerable would you be? >> they are have a an extensive amount of back ups sfwlrks would you . >> reporter: would you consider changing to a system that relies heavily on the internet? >> we would not. sfwlrks serving approximately 42,000,000 people in 47 states. none of these coops reply lies on the internet for the distribution of power. but as koppel sees it, it's too late to pull the online plug. >> i don't think we're ever going to give up the internet. there are too many advantages, even if it has the capacity to reek enormous damage. i'm just saying wake up to what its capabilities are. >> reporter: and since there's no turning back, it's important to think ahead. do they need to be stouking up on water and freeds dried foods. >> those are very poirmntant measures. average citizens need oo to be able to take care of their own families, neighborhoods and communities and not assumet oncal sam is going to bring in the cavalry and rescue them. . you said to our grandchildren and then you said here's hoping that opie, meaning you, got it wrong. >> right. >> reporter: you thing you might have gotten it sfwlaungwrong? >> >> i'm alex trebek. if you're age 50 to 85, this is an i iortant message. so please, write down the number on your screen. the lock i want to talk to you about isn't the one on your door. it's a rate lock for your life insurance that guarantees your rate cacanever go up at any time, for any reason. but be careful. many policies you see do not have one, a lifetime rate lock through the colonial penn program. call this number to learn more. this plan was designed with a rate lock for people on a fixed income who want affordable life insurance that's simple to get. coverage options for just $9.95 a month, less than 35 cents a day. act now and your rate will be locked in for life. it will never increase. your coverage can never be cancelled as long as you pay your premiums, d your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. you cannot be turned down because of your health. call for your information kit and gift. both are free, with no obligation. don't wait, let's get these dayquil liquid gels and go. but these liquid gels are new. mucinex fast max. it's the same difference. this one is max strength and fights mucus. mucinex fast max. the only cold and flu liquid gel that's max-strength and fights mucus. let's end this. . considering legislation to protect your right to post negative reviews online. companies are retaliating against customers who complain about their products and services. >> reporter: remember the next time you agree to a company's terms of service, there's a paragraph called a gag add. >> i stood up and said i'm tired of this. we need to fix it. >> reporter: gen palmer brought her fight to capital hill more than six years after posting a negative review for a christmas present never received. the company, a gift store company wrote back with a warning. >> it said you violated a clause we're going to fine you for $3500 if you don't take the review down. >> reporter: similar language has been slip under to contracts by everyone from travel agents to dentists. the federal trade commission is even taking action against diet pill manufacture roca labs. >> this is essentially online bullying. you're infringing on people's rights, their freedom. >> reporter: one person said businesses would be more effective tackling negative feedback head on. >> if they afirmatively responds and said we're sorry or thanks for the review, we're going to try fix that problem, that actually gets them better results with consumers. >> reporter: now they're legislation to make sure these are illegal. >> i think many of them would run in horror. sfwlrks >> we were delayed on a car loan. >> reporter: they reported the fine as a debt, ruining the family's credit until 2014 when they were awarded a $300,000 settlement. >> i hope nobody has to feel scared, humiliated and bullied by a business. >> reporter: california is the only state that has its own laws prohibiting gag clauses but they're considering bills to ban them nation wide and they're monsterring cases, embarrassed by a prostate exam? imagine how your doctor feels. as a urologist, i have performed 9,421 and a half prostate exams. so why do i do it? because i get paid. i know prostate exams can save lives. so, if you are a man over 50, talk to you doctor to see if a prostate exam is right for you. if we can do it, so can you. it forbes says kalty perry was the highest. and taylor swift was second. and she's involved in an uglae legal battle. she had a radio personality fired claiming he groped her. >> radio personality was known to his listeners, simply as jackson. he admits taylor swift probably was groped that day, only he wasn't the one responsible. the bad blood between taylor swift and david mueller just got worse. in her countersuit filed this week, she says while posing for a photo during a meet and greet, mueller lifted her skirt and groped her bottom. offended and alarmed. swift is known for using her muse took settle scores. and her security later kicked mueller out of the concert. her management also complained and provided the photo. two days later, mueller was out of a job. entertrtnment lawyer doubts swift will settle the case. she's already stood up to music industry titans like apple, spotify and kanye west. >> they file these suits. mr. mueller must have been living under a rock for several years if he actually thought he could bully taylor swift. >> reporter: he said the false accusations hindered his ability that eddie haskell was the real groper. he claimed that haskell had shown him how he put his arms round him and smith found that preposterous. ms. swift knows exactly who committed the assault, it was mueller, and she's not confused in the slightest. they're demanding the case go before a jury. >> they very astutely asked for a jury trial. people are going to be far more inclined to believe her than an absecure radio dj. for others, your news continues. from the broadcast center in new york silty. day that a new steady blames climate change for a new surge in storms and wildfires. it is certainly possible there was a bomb on board. >> and we'll have an investigators 'view of the clue. a gang targeted and executed a 9-year-old. and the high school kid who invented a better way to test for ebola. >> doesn't matter if you're a girl, if you're young or where you're from. this is the "cbs overnight news." >> we're beginning with severe storms with at least one tornado that whipped through texas. this was fort worth late on thursday. heavy winds blew the roof off this office building. jeff ray is a meteorologist at our cbs station ktvt and he's in fort worth tonight. side of fort worth and this tornado moved right over the interstate and hit this commercial building right over here. and you can see what happened next in this dramatic video. you can see the damage to the cars here. a lot of the employees really shooken up after the event. they had to find a ride home. nobody was hurt but the national weather service was tracking this tornado and that office is literally six blocks away. fortunately, they did not get hit by this tornado. well, this was also the day nat government scientists said 14 of the last extreme weather events were made worse by climate change, caused by pollution. examples sited included the 2014 wild fires and cyclones in by land and by sea, we have two reports. first, john blackstone. >> reporter: most years the dungeness crab harvest is bountiful. but high levels of toxic algae make it unable to eat. sarah cohen is a marine biologist at san francisco state university. >> we've never had a warming event like this. the contributing factors and how it's going to play out lead scientists to have huge concerns. >> reporter: the study found that in 2014 extreme heat waves, like the one that gripped south korea, were made worse by human caused climeate change. burning coal and meth in a gas. the report studied extreme weather events around the world last year. and devastating floods in new zeal squpd australia were found to be worse because of climate change. in the united states, record snowfall in the northeast and midwest was not the result of climate chanchsh rather just sitrical weather patterns. however, the study says severe wild fires in california are becoming more likely because of global warming. >> it's causing a lot of unfortunate disastrous attacks around the world. >> reporter: this is the first time they've studied whether human activity was directly involved. and over the years, more than half of the weather conditions have been linked to human caused climate change. the extreme warming of the pacific that john mentioned is quickly changing the ecology all along the west coast and here's ben tracy. >> reporter: off the coast of southern california, fisherman are having a field day, hooking all sorts of tropical fish, whales are putting oen a show in monterey bay. and farther south, kayakers are finding themselves surrounded by hammer head sharks. rarely seen off california. chris lowe is an nurene biologist and home to the tech lab. he says al el nino is shifting the ocean's ecosystem rth. >> when you study marine life, el ninos are really cool because they bring a whole new cast of such as red crabs and a highly venomous sea snake. >> many of these individuals may typically reside a thousand miles south of here but now are following that warm water, looking for food. >> including the very top of the food train. tourists watched as a great white shark attacked a sea lien. sea lions are also starving to death because the small fish they eat have moved to colder waters. another impact of el nino. >> it's also expected to changing the weather here in california and bring much neated rain after four years of drought pch they typically begin in january. >> ben, thanks very much. tragic revelation in the murder of a 9-year-old boy. dean reynolds is on that story. >> reporter: all week, police have been asking why was tyshawn lee murdered? >> i believe the most cowardly, witnessed. >> reporter: he was on his way to his grandmother's when he joined others in the alley and that's when the boy was swept up 92 a heavy fute here involving two rival factions thoch same gang. his execution was a string of assaulted going back months. active member of one of the gang factions. stokes him 168 agrees his son was intentionally killed. >> i think he was targeted. >> reporter: but he is not helping the cops sauvlg ss solve the killing of his only son. >> we've tried to interview him at least twice. i can't tell you what he said but he made it emphatically clear that he's not cooperating with us. >> reporter: police readily acknowledge that fear of retaliation is keeping some people from coming forward and stow far, so far, there have been no almost sixty million americans are affected by mental illness. together we can help them with three simple words. my name is chris noth from maine to maui, thousands of high school students across the country are getting in on the action by volunteering in their communities. chris young: action teams of high school students are joining volunteers of america and major league baseball players to help train and inspire the next generation of volunteers. carlos pea: it's easy to start an action team at your school so you, too, can get in on the action. if you were a hippie in the '60s, you need to know. it's the dawning of the age of aquarius. yeah, and something else that's cool. what? osteoporosis is preventable. all: osteo's preventable? right on! if you dig your bones, protect them. all: cbs cares! . today, president obama weighed in on the suspicion that a bomb brought down that russian jetliner over the weekend. more than 200 people were killed. david martin has the latest. >> reporter: in his first public comment about the crash, president obama told a radio interviewer it could have been terrorism. >> i think there is a possibility that there was a bomb. on board. and we're taking that very seriously. >> reporter: the president stressed there is no evidence and nothing from the flight data recorders and nothing from the wreckage to confirm the bomb theory. it's based on heat fleshes detected by a u.s. sat slight at the moment it plane went down. images, which are consistent wan explosion or do not identify the cause. isis has publicly claimed plane down without offering any proof to back up the claim. u.s. intelligence has intercepted communications in which members of isis are talking about the crash as if they had something to do with it but that could just be bogus bragging. and the other possibility, a mechanical failure has not been ruled out. and scott. >> david, thank you. so, what are the likely clues? from the air it's clear much of the doomed yes caught on fire. >> that he will rir get a fw reading by swabbing hit the. >> we went over video from the he says it appeared the tail broke off before being engulfed in flames. >> you look at the edges to see how they came apart from the main part of the fusal lodge. did it look like there was a trackture. it did look like there was a structural it formty. and in the days after it was shot down in ukrain, our marc phillips was able to see clear signs it was hit by a missile. he says determining a bomb blast is not as straight forward. >> it tarks time and you do this in the laboratory. a cockpit voice repoureder will have a special wcla. four years to discoverer the this plane came down not due to terrorism. >> that made it a very difficult and challenging investigation. investigators will look at the bodies of those on board. they will also study the luggage. mostf oit appears to be in fact and not burned. sflrks what are you what are you hearing about airport security? >> diskushzs are being made and out of an abundance of precaution, there will be procedures to step up flights. >> it's, thank you. police tell us that the illinois cop that staged his suicide apparently tried to hire a mittman to kill the village manager because he feared she would expose him as a thief officer gliniewicz was thought to be a hero and today a jury in pennsylvania found a police officer not guilty of heard murder. she shot it on video, which is difficult to watch. >> reporter: a camera mounted on officer lisa's stun gun showing her tasing casic four times. you can see his mands repeatedly disappearing outside of his body. and the she fired her gun twice. she spoke shortly after her acquittal. and i want them to know that. i never wanted to shoot anybody. >> reporter: the prosecution called the shooting unyoifred. >> he shot a man laying down, facing away from him. the video showed that. murdered him pretty much. >> reporter: murkal said she feared casic was going for a gun and now he administered cpr but casic died at the scene. they said alcohol and drugs were in his system but he was unarmed. she says she intends to return to police work. >> this has taken a tole on me that nobody understands. >> reporter: she had pulled casic over for expired emissions until he reached his sister's house. don, thank you. bush, 41, breaks his silence on the men who served his son. why is mars barren? the answer is blowing in the wind. many people clean their dentures with toothpaste or plain water. and even though their dentures look clean, in reality they're not. if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. that's why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. 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(laughs) all the care of dove... in a dry antiperspirant spray. it's judgment day. back seat chefs peer inside your oven. but you've cleaned all baked-on business from meals past with easy-off, so the only thing they see is that beautiful bird. go ahead. let 'em judge. . george h.w. bush, the 41st at some of the men that led the country into the war in iraq while serving in his son's administration. >> reporter: he has held his tongue for more than a decade but now george h.w. bush describes his son's vice president, dick cheney, as too hard-lined and his secretary of defense, donald rumsfeld, arrogant. and he says that cheney became very different from the dick cheney i knew when he served as his secretary of defense. >> i've had much worse said about me. >> reporter: he laughed off the criticism on fox but the first president bush was even more scathing about rumsfeld. i don't like what he did and i think it hurt the president. the 83-year-old rumsfeld lashed bush 41, misjudged bush, 43. they were two of the biggest proponents in the war in iraq. >> my brother is a big boy. >> reporter: in new hampshire today jeb bush defended his brother as vice president. >> as relates to dick cheney, he served my brother well as vice president and he served my dad extraordinarily well as sex secretary of defense. >> a rare public disagreement between father and sons. nancy, cbs news washington. yoga lovers took their search for innerpeace to dizzying heights and we'll have that up. the son gives life and sometimes takes it away. today nasa said its maven spacecraft has discovered why mars turned from a wet live planet that sustained life to a cold barren place. solar wind stripped away the martian atmosphere over billions of years. earth, though is protected by its magnetic field. jet packs. have a look at these two dare devils flying over a dubai. they buzzed the largest passenger jet in the world. and in new york, another man took a test flight over the liberty, george jetson style. and the baks pose of yoga is called downward facing dog and in china today it was downward facing danger. it was on a glass bottom bridge 600 feet up. last month cracks appeared in the bridge but that couldn't shatter this group's innercalm. and then the enthusiasm of a girl woman: what does it feel like when a woman is having a heart attack? chest pain, like there's a ton of weight on your chest. severe shortness of breath. unexplained nausea. cold sweats. there's an unusual tiredness and fatigue. there's unfamiliar dizziness or light-headedness. unusual pain in your back, neck, jaw, one or both arms, even your upper stomach, are signs you're having a heart attack. don't make excuses. make the call to 9-1-1 immediately. learn more at bipolar disorder is a brain condition that causes unusual or dramatic mood swings. it affects millions of americans and compromises their ability to function. when diagnosed, bipolar disorder can be effectively treated by mood stabilizers. but most people with bipolar disorder suffer for years without help because the symptoms are missed or confused with other illnesses, like depression. learn how easily you can help keep this from happening to a loved one. . finally tonight, remember the name olivia halacy. just a tine ager and already making her mark. >> for this one, it's the tmz fund straight. >> last year she had to be the only 16-year-old in the world thinking of this you're not talking like a normal teenager, you're right, you know that, don't you? >> reporter: she was talking about a test for ebola. she realized they need fridgeeration. >> i think especially in science, it doesn't matter if you're good, or young or where you're from. it's just about the results. >> reporter: when she came to you and said i want to do a test for ebola? >> oh, boy. there was a laut of push back. it's not possible, it's not going to happen. we'll figure it out. to 96 fridgeeration problem, she came up with a high test and this is her design which acts lieks a president aets she and 10s of thousands of other teenagers entered this year's google science fair and her name wrurn. you're an athlete, book smarts, are you lousy at anything? and looking at things from the bigger picture. >> reporter: has mr. vermonty helped you with that? >> definitely. and a great lesson he's taught me is to never freak out over the little things because it's still little in the scheme of your life. >> and that's the overnight news for this friday. for some of you the news continues, for others, check back with us a little bit later for the morning news and of course cbs this morning.

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