Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20140416 : vima

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20140416

where you shop. a head of lettuce could goup 62 cents. and a pound of tomatoes almost 50 cents. may seem like small change but it adds up. je kimberly tere is in fremont. some markets are already increasing prices, right? >> reporter: that's right. over the last several months, we have been seeing unusual weather and that's contributing to the fluctuating cost and there's no end in sight. as you mentioned the price of lettuce is going up. today is this cost 1.49 and by summer it could cost more than 2 bucks. she is paying more attention to the cost of what goes in the cart. >> it seems it fluctuates a lot. it son sale one week and then the next day it is twice as much. >> reporter: they say the freeze in january combined with the unpredictable weather and drought are driving prices up. >> customers will see the costs increase and it will be across the board for even from owners to customers, unfortunately. >> reporter: a lime that used to sell for 33 cents is 79 cents and come summer more produce will be impacted including squash lettuce and peach and nectarines. >> we have gotten word from farmers they have had to cut back crop or not plant at all. >> reporter: which means grocers have to import the produce which is at a cost. >> we are paying $150 a box for limes and only out of mexico right now because we have nothing here in california. >> everything is going up. it doesn't make any difference where you are. >> reporter: leaving customers to come up with the extra money or do without. >> one thing i did is planted tomatoes and started to do gardening at home. hopefully that will help a little bit. >> you have to eat. i cut down some. >> reporter: like what. >> luxury things, like cake can, things. >> reporter: already the drought has caused losses of 10 to 20% of the major crops produced in california. kimberly tere, nbc bay area news. not just the grocery but changes coming to your backyard. livermore is the latest city to impose mandatory water restrictions. effective now cut outdoor water use by more than half. violators will be the first to get notices then their water service could be cut off. let's bring in jeff ranieri. is there any rain in sight. >> reporter: doesn't look good the next couple of weeks. last rain was april 4th and of course the entire state is in a drought. the rain belt is in to canada and washington. we have high pressure sitting just off shore of california. that's sending the storm activity well to the north. so at best i have scoured the forecast models. the next possibility of any storm system wouldn't be until april 27th through the 29th. that's a long way out. we will continue to watch that. no doubt the chance of rain dramatically decrease through the next couple of weeks. as we try to conserve water, there's a leak in san jose spilling gallons of water as we speak. a water main has been leaking for two days and water officials have done nothing to stop it. we have a live camera at the leak. it is on a residential street. this is rosewood avenue. neighbors say it started as a three-inch crack on saturday. but as we pull out here you can get perspective. it h grown to three feet. the asphalt around it feels like carpet padding. it is soft and literally buckling. the san jose water company visited the site so far once. the agency said in a statement more severe leaks are given a higher priority and that's why they are not addressing this leak. rosewood street has been leaking for the past two days. we are following developing international news off of the coast of south korea. more than 100 people are missing right now. rescue crews are searching for survivors from a passenger ferry. hundreds of people, most from high school, the high school students were on board the ship that capsized tonight. these are some still photographs from the search and rescue operation. authorities say at least two people have died. 104 others are missing at this hour. it's not clear what caused this ship to sink. first the intense flames and then thick black smoke filling the san francisco sky. nine people have been force ed from their apartment building in the castro. flames shot through the roof of the penthouse in the six-story apartment building. this is an historic building on 14th and the lors off of market street. you can see the nbc chopper was on site. it happened this evening. it took an hour to evacuate and neighbors watched the commotion. >> saw billows of lack smoke coming downwards. i ran and looked out the window and could see the building next door was on fire. my husband was in the shower and so i grabbed him and we ran around saying what do we take? we took the cat and some electronics. >> as dramatic as this shot was and the flames there, thankfully no one was injured and no word on what caused the fire. the red cross is helping the tenants. heading to san francisco on the weekend will soon cost you less money. today city officials reversed their stance. free parking on 48. most meters in the city will once again be free. a live look at downtown san francisco where most meters cost 2 bucks an hour but some as high as $7 an hour during a giants game or special events. if you get a parking ticket on top of that that is an extra $64. jean, why the change of mind? >> reporter: well, raj, feeding the meter here in san francisco is a relatively new rule and unpopular rule. city leaders were under a lot of pressure to let the time run out. feeding the meter on sunday in san francisco started just over a year ago. >> i think it is ridiculous. for the longest time there's always been free parking on sunday. >> you don't want people to have to pay a fee to go to church. >> the plan is not popular. at city hall the mayor's office urged the agency to restore free sunday parking. >> i'm praying you will not let anything stand in your way. >> reporter: after a lot of community input the board approved a budget that brings the free day back. >> very good news. >> i'm excited. very excited. makes me smile. >> reporter: while many drivers are happy, the move will cost the agency $11 million in yearly revenue. this san francisco resident says there is another cost for vids tors who drive in for a visit to san francisco time. he says enforcing meters on sunday helps provide parking access. >> sometimes when friends come to visit me, coming from the peninsula and they are driving they are finding spots on va len see ya, mission, on places that are meters. >> when they are once again free on sunday, he worries locals will park and visitors will be searching. >> the days of people circling longer and yes free parking but circling for 30 minutes in some cases. >> love it or hate it, meters will soon read free on 48. the budget approved must now be approved by the board of supervisors. if it is most of the meters in san francisco will be free on sunday starting in july. keep in mind, the decision does not affect meters run by the port of san francisco. live in san francisco, nbc bay area news. >> thank you. new details in the corruption case against leland yee. fbi agents will interview san francisco board members this week. yee, as you may know, served on the board before elected to the state senate. he's pleaded not guilty to charges of fraud, corruption and gun trafficking. fbi agents say the meetings have voluntary and informal. federal agents arrested yee and several others in a series of raids. bad boys beware. if you commit a crime in san jose you may not just be arrested. you could end up on national tv. the popular reality show "cops" is riding with them for the next three months. they will shadow them on night shifts primarily. they believe it will boost morale. it marks the first time in the 26-year history it will feature a bay area police department. coming up next, a cruel hoax at the site of the boston bombings on in the first anniversary of the tragedy. plus -- >> new at 11:00, it was a vacation turned nightmare. one south bay widow said she lost her husband to a deadly disease she never heard of. the story ahead. and growing bitterness over the tech industry in san francisco. the controversy that drew hundreds of people to protest against twitter. an eerie scene in boston. a sick joke at the site of the boston marathon tonight. two suspicious backpacks left at the finish line were detonated by the bomb squad. this comes on the first anniversary of the marathon bombings. a man who is believed to have left one of those backpacks is now in custody. he's charged with possession of a hoax device, disorderly conduct and disturbing the peace. the other belonged to a news crew. it was supposed to be a relaxing trip to palm spring s but forever changed the lives of a couple. days after returning home the husband died from a rare disease. nbc bay area stephanie chaung is with us and this disease is increasing in terms of numbers. is it preventable? >> that depends who you ask. we are talking about legionnaires disease, a severe type of pneumonia contracted when you breathe in a certain type of bacteria. nancy believes one hotel didn't properly clean the cooling towers leading to her husband's death. 250 cases in 2011. nancy says the number may not seem high the stakes are. if you could tell the story of bill and nancy whitney you would need pages. >> we were best friends. >> may met more than 30 years ago. a lot of their free time spent overseas and on the road. in october of 2011, they decided on palm springs. >> this was my first trip down there. >> but it would be their last. whitneys stayed at hyatt rejenscy palm springs for three nights and returned to the south bay on saturday. that's when it began. >> we have had headaches and our stomach wasn't feeling good. just felt like the flu. >> reporter: nancy recovered. bill did not. at the hospital, doctors had many questions. >> they asked us where we had been, had we been on trips or warm weather where there was air conditioning and they already had a feeling it was legionnaires' disease. >> a feeling confirmed when the tests came back. >> already it was through his system, even that fast. he was having internal bleeding. >> reporter: five days later, he was dead. >> i never got to say bye or anything to him. i wanted to find out what happened to my husband. >> reporter: so nancy started a new chapter fighting for those answers. she learned during the stay at the hyatt they had been 50 yards from the cooling towers. >> we opened the door to get fresh air. we seemed to sleep better. >> you did that all three nights. >> yes, we did. >> reporter: turns out the cooling towers showed levels of bacteria, which build up as slime. >> they tested it and found dangerous levels of legionella bacteria. >> tests conducted in the months after bill's death revealed the level hit almost 1,000 units. and it requires prompt steps to prevent employee exposure. jeff lawson who's representing the whitneys said this wasn't the first time a hotel guest had gotten sick from legionnaires disease in palm springs. he believes the hotel knew about the bacteria and hid it. >> in 2006, there was another legionnaires' incident at the hotel where a guest had gotten sick and hyatt had found out about it. they did testing of the hotel. they found legionlla in the system. they put in a water treatment system but never cleaned and disinfected the cooling tower so it stayed the way it was. eventually mr. whitney goes there and gets sick and dies. >> the hyatt's response has been the safety and welfare of guests is a top priority for all hyatt hotels including hyatt palm springs. adding the company follows rigorous procedures to ensure all practices meet or exceed recommended standards. the hyatt tapped a couple of doctors as expert witnesses. one testified that mr. whitney was high risk already and he suffered from diabetes, was elderly and obese. factors that increased his likelihood of acquiring legionnaires' disease from any source and claimed it would be impossible to determine where bill got the disease because there was no record of any other case at the palm springs hyatt in the months before and after bill died. it hadn't gotten easier for nancy who's the same age her husband was when he passed away. she says it's his memory that fuels her passion for spreading their story. >> i miss my husband a lot. >> reporter: a story that ended too soon. many chapters now left forever blank. >> he lost his life. he's not here anymore. i should have been sharing it with him. >> one point from nancy. she said when you go to a hotel there is no way to tell when systems were cleaned and there's no enforcement. she is hoping that will change with a lawsuit that goes to trial later this year. >> a lot of cases are under reported are people not coming forward? that's true. according to the cdc, 3,000 reports are give on the the cdc every year but there are up to 18,000 people hospitalized every year. so definitely a concern. >> thank you. stephanie chaung with us here. new at 11:00 possible legal relief for people renting out their apartments or rooms. right now there is a ban on short term rentals in san francisco. and some people say they have been evicted for renting out their space. a proposal will lift the ban but impose restrictions. people renting rooms would have to register with the city and pay taxes. bring in jeff ranieri with the microclimate forecast. an interesting midweek coming up. >> warmer weather on the way tomorrow. a lot of folks on spring break throughout this week and temperatures surged up today. one of the hottest. dublin 78. walnut creek 77. san jose 75. what i want to show you next is the fog map. we have low clouds and pga patchy fog in the north bay, the east bay and peninsula. it is not as strong, especially off the coastline. that's going to help to give us a jump on our temperatures as we head throughout tomorrow. look at that live sky camera network right now. you can see it is clear across the south bay. 55 degrees. also clear throughout the peninsula. check it out. this time last night in san francisco we were fogged in. we have 55. a little cloud cover but you can see downtown at this point. again, that's another indication of this warming trend we're under. let's get you in to what's happening in the atmosphere. high pressure off shore. anytime you see high pressure on a weather map, this means we have warmer weather coming your way. i also means storm track will be lifted to the north. as that continues to get a little closer tomorrow, that's all it takes, a couple hundred miles in some of the heat associated with this will boost numbers tomorrow and give us sunny skies at the coastline. the next thing i want to do is put it on pause for a second as we start to end up the month of april here. rainfall averages are beginning to diminish. we talked about the drought earlier in the show and how food prices are going up. the average rain is 3.3200. right now the chance of any major rain continues to dwindle here. we averaged an inch in april and decreases throughout may and june. our water year ends in june. really this is the last big month we could pick up any storm activity. we will have more on the extended forecast on the scrolling seven-day forecast. microclimate forecast for tomorrow, sunny skies across san jose and the peninsula. san mateo 72. palo alto 76. heading to the game tomorrow, the dodgers and the giants, 70 in sew ma if you are out there early for the game. awesome day in san francisco and 7:15 first pitch. winds 10 to 20 miles an hour and the game will be here on nbc bay area. let's get to the rest of the microclimate forecast. across the north bay 80 napa. 82 santa rosa. it will be good enough to get us close to record-setting heat. trivalley upper 70s and low 80s. no rain in the forecast the next six days. the biggest thing is it is warm tomorrow and upper 70s in san jose by thursday. by friday a little cooler with low 70s and cloud cover but smooth sailing in to the weekend. so if you can't get the rainfall, might as well enjoy this. some chamber of commerce weather the next couple of days. >> thank you, jeff. up next, the protests about twit wither. we will tell you why. the growing debate and bitterness in san francisco about the tech industry. a sidable protest against twitter. hundreds of union workers marched from city hall to twitter headquarters on market street. they blasted city leaders and the tax exceptions that the city of san francisco gave twitter an other high-tech company. the mayor defends the tax breaks saying it spurs business and job growth. the city says 13,000 jobs have been added. however, union leaders say the kplempgss are driving working families out of san francisco and forcing cuts to city services. levi stadium, everybody is cashing in on naming rights. what about a local park or pool. oaklands parks department is considering letting companies buy naming rights to city-owned public spaces to generate a lot of money for maintenance and large-scale renovations. up next, dramatic finishes within the last few minutes for the a's and the giants. geraud moncure joins us. safeway gets that staying on budget can be a real bear. that's why they've got lots of ways to save. real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. for easter, get a safeway spiral sliced ham, for just $1.99 a pound. cadbury mini eggs are only $2.69. talk about a sweet deal. and arrowhead water is just $3.33 a case. there's more savings to love at safeway. ingredients for life. for $175 dollars a month? so our business can be on at&t's network yup. all five of you for $175. our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. low dues& great terms& let's close. our best ever value plans for business just got even better. now with free broadband for a whole year. gerard moncure from our comcast sports studios. >> the meeting at at&t park after the giants foiled the opening day weekend. chavez taking two of three. jackie robinson day at the yard marking the 67th anniversary of breaking the color barrier. a special day all over the league especially at at&t as he broke the barrier with the dodgers. in town right now to kick off a three-game set with the giants. after the pomp and circumstance, former giant irbe has a no doubter to left. 1-0 dodgers. top of the seventh. a single off of lopez and dodgers retake the lead 2-1. bottom of the ninth. angel and a double down the left field line. scores and ties the game sending it to extras. right now the game is tied 2-2. giants with the bases loaded. a's and angels, a's owner watching. a's up and runner on. sean doolittle meet mike trout. a two-run homer ties the game. to the 11th, runner on first, josh donaldson a ball down the left field line. a's win by that score. all right. more news after the break. if you don't go to thestefat course of action to tread light. >> i the ultimate prom date proposal breaking bad style. he used the classic walter white line to help ask out his dream date. the good news she said yes. stephane met kranston after his broadway show last week. he asked for his help because he knew his friend loved "breaking bad." >> stephane asked me to another school dance last year with this little blue poster that said, please at the end. i mean he played his guitar so it was sweet but this is a little step up. >> if you don't go with the prom -- >> that's a big step up. this is a big-time star. 340,000 people by the way have watched this prom date proposal since it was posted on you tube a few days ago. >> i wonder what he will do for the wedding or marriage proposal. >> if they get that far. >> i know. the parents are going okay, calm down now. we wake up tomorrow morning okay. >> mainly clear, little fog in the afternoon. warmer, sunny, san jose 81 degrees. looks incredible. warmest day of the week wednesday. >> beautiful. have a great day tomorrow. >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center, in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- jerry seinfeld, kristen wiig, musical guest, lady gaga

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Mexico , Fremont , California , United States , New York , Canada , Rockefeller Center , Boston , Massachusetts , South Korea , Dublin , Ireland , Washington , District Of Columbia , San Francisco , Jimmy Fallon , Leland Yee , Sean Doolittle , Jerry Seinfeld Kristen Wiig , Josh Donaldson , Jeff Ranieri , Nancy Whitney , Jeff Lawson , Jackie Robinson ,

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