Transcripts For KNTV Today 20170705 :

Transcripts For KNTV Today 20170705

>> i usually go from not likely, to likely, to very likely to extremely likely. and i say this is very likely. >> the newly discovered image some experts believe finally proves the famous pilot may have survived after her plane went missing. this morning, an exclusive and fascinating first look. all that, plus can the pharma bro be silenced? crash and controversy at the tour de france. and america celebrates the fourth in spectacular style. today, july 5th, 2017. >> from nbc news, this is "today," with matt lauer and savannah guthrie. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> and good morning, everyone. welcome to "today" on a wednesday morning. and we welcome savannah back from a week of vacation. >> have we met? >> did you have a good fourth? >> we did. had a great time off. it's awesome to be back. >> it's good to have you back. you come back on a very busy day. there's a lot to get to. just as president trump departs on his second foreign trip since taking office, he is facing the biggest test of his presidency so far. it's the growing crisis with north korea. this morning, there's new launches, new video and a new threat coming from that rogue state. all of this ahead of his meeting with russian president vladimir putin. we've got it all covered, beginning with kristen welker at the white house. kristen, good morning to you. >> reporter: matt, good morning to you. president trump departed for poland earlier this morning and the stakes couldn't be higher. after north korea launched its most advanced nuclear test yet. u.s. ambassador to the u.n. nikki haley has requested an emergency u.n. security council meeting. that's expected to take place this afternoon. the white house now calling for the global community to take action. overnight, a show of force. the pentagon releasing these images, showing the u.s. and south korean military firing missiles into the water off south korea. this, after pentagon officials confirmed that north korea successfully launched an intercontinental ballistic missile, which could potentially deliver a nuclear warhead to the united states. late tuesday, secretary of state rex tillerson said the u.s. strongly condemns the launch, calling it a new escalation of the threat, adding global action is required to stop a global threat. the north koreans releasing new video of the launch overnight, along with pictures of kim jong-un celebrating its success. the leader urging the nation's scientists to quote, frequently send big and small gift packages to the yankees, an apparent desire to conduct more launches in an effort to taunt the u.s. in the fourth of july remarks, president trump not mentioning the threat. >> may god bless our military. may god bless, forever, the united states of america. >> reporter: but behind the scenes, crisis meetings under way, with an eye towards china. mr. trump has tried to foster a strong relationship with president xi. jinping with the hopes that china will intervene, even hosting president xi at his resort in mar-a-lago back in april. >> the relationship developed by president xi and myself, i think, is outstanding. >> reporter: but weeks ago after the death of american otto warmbier who was detained in north korea, the president seemed to lose hope, tweeting china's efforts to pressure north korea have not worked out. now, the president renewing his call to action. tweeting that china should put a heavy move on its north korean ally. mr. trump talking tough himself last week. >> the year of strategic patience with the north korean regime has failed. >> reporter: all of it following this, before taking office trump tweeting back in january, north korea just stated that it is in the final stands of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the u.s. it won't happen. now on his second foreign trip, the president will urge partners and allies, including china, japan, and south korea, to step up against the threat from north korea. but the options are limited. sanctions are a possibility, or even moving some military assets into the region. the administration signaling military action is still a last resort. >> the bottom line is, it would be a catastrophic war if this turns into combat. >> reporter: the president's first stop overseas will be warsaw, poland, where leaders will look for mr. trump to reaffirm his commitment to nato. that's something he didn't do in strong terms during his first european trip. his next stop will be hamburg, germany, for the g20 summit. that's where he'll be able to press china's president as well as the leaders of japan and south korea in person to get tougher on north korea. matt, savannah? >> kristen welker at the white house. thanks. >> a lot at stake here. let's bring in nbc news national security analyst jeremy barb. good morning to you. >> good morning, guys. >> unfortunately americans have become somewhat accustomed to hearing about missile tests from north korea. but why is this one different? why is this more significant? >> it flew for 40 minutes. so it's 1700 miles up into space. if you flatten that out it means they could put a missile on america's doorstep. putting it right within range of alaska. even potentially hawaii. with a country that has 20 nuclear weapons worth of material, this represents a significant prove vags, savannah. >> it's the tenth missile test this year. by far its most significant and successful. does it appear they're making incredibly rapid progress? or does it just seem like that from the casual observer's point of view? >> no, it is extraordinary progress here in the last six months. ten tests as you reference. they had a couple of failures. but they learn as much from their failures as their successes. the last big test was mid-may. they flew the missile a similar distance. but just short of that critical 3,000 mile threshold. once they cross 3,000 miles, they know they can range the united states. >> we just saw that the president had tweeted back in january, it won't happen. the north isn't going to be able to test a missile that could reach the u.s. and yet, it has happened. so what are the potential responses here? >> one thing they haven't done yet, is they haven't miniaturized a nuclear weapon and put it on top of an icbm. i think that would really cause the international community and the united states to think about preemptive military actions. so we will try forceful diplomacy. we will try to rally allies at the g20 summit next week in europe. but we also have to consider much more punishing sanctions to really strangle the north korean regime. when the president tweets that he wants china and others to end this nonsense for all, i think kim jong-un reads that as a threat, a threat to him and he's going to dig in and try to advance his capabilities even more. >> all new administrations are tested, jeremy. this, though, would have to be considered the most significant and severe international crisis that this administration has faced. >> absolutely. because there are no good options. if we take pre-emptive military action, as we said many times before, we've got 38,000 troops on the korean peninsula. it would be a very devastating military conflict. >> jeremy barb, to be continued. thank you. appreciate it. >> thanks, guys. >> along with north korea, president trump's highly anticipated meeting with russian president vladimir putin will dominate headlines this week as the two get set to shake hands for the first time this friday. nbc's keir simmons is in hamburg, germany, where the g20 summit will take place. keir, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. president trump faces a tough trip here with uncomfortable conversations. as jeremy and kristen mentioned, north korea will come up when he meets with the chinese leader here. he does not see eye-to-eye with the german chancellor who is hosting the g-20. but all eyes will be on the meeting with president putin. a kremlin official telling me the details of that meeting on friday are up in the air. the most anticipated meeting of two world leaders in years. on the agenda, the russians say, terrorism, ukraine, and one kremlin leader emphasizing, breaking the impasse in u.s.-russian relations. president trump and president putin have spoken by phone. and the men talk about each other often. president putin hailing mr. trump as outstanding before the election. while mr. trump, declaring putin a far better leader than president obama. >> peten likes donald trump, i consider that an asset, not a liability. >> the allegations of russian intervention in the election have rocked the leaders' early roman romance. trump tweeting criticism, accusing president obama of doing nothing about russian meddling, and expressing the hope that things will work out between the usa and russia. last month the russian president spoke with megyn kelly, and had this to say about his relationship with president trump. >> translator: we didn't have any relationship at all. there was a time when he used to come to moscow. but you know, i never met with him. >> reporter: adding to the tension, hamburg is preparing for thousands of demonstrators. already overnight, protests were met with riot police. and water cannons. fear was a clash between the usa and russia perhaps in syria, will have many hoping for a constructive meeting. president putin will be prepared. president trump, the self-styled arch negotiator. >> i love to negotiate things. i do it really well. all that stuff. but it's possible i won't be able to get along with putin. >> reporter: the power dynamics as they shake hands for the first time, will be analyzed around the world. president trump will be hoping for cheering crowds when he touches down in poland late tonight. the poles and many european leaders will be pushing him to be tough on russia. other items on the g20 agenda, free trade, climate change and migration. the question, will president trump get through the next three days without a diplomatic confrontation? matt? >> all right, keir, thank you very much. a new york city police officer who was fighting for her life just hours ago has passed away this morning. she was shot in the head while sitting in a marked police vehicle. nbc's ron allen is at saint barn bus hospital in the bronx with details. ron, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. a very somber scene here outside the hospital. through the night scores of nypd officers arriving as that officer, me societyous familia, a 12 year veteran, 48 years old, clinging to life before succumbing to her wounds. shot in the head at point-blank range, while sitting in a marked police vehicle. unprovoked attack. that's how officials are describing the ambush where a female new york city police officer was shot and killed by a man who opened fire on her and her partner while they were sitting in their parked nypd vehicle. police say 48-year-old miosotis familia was assigned to a mobile command post in the bronx when a suspect, alexander bonds, fired through the car windows. striking familia in her head. an anti-crime team chased the suspect, running on foot, catching him a block away from the scene. >> as they confronted him, he drew a revolver. the officers fired at him, killing him. >> reporter: new york's mayor speaking out during a press conference overnight. >> it's such a painful reality. a female police officer attacked out of nowhere. she was on duty serving this city, protecting people. doing what she believed in and doing the job she loves. >> reporter: now, we've just gotten a tweet in from the commissioner of the police department here saying, nypd p.o. miosotis familiarle la has been assassinated in an unprovoked attack on cops designed to keep new yorkers safe. keep her family in your prayers. it's all eerily reminiscent of an attack back in 2014 when two police officers were shot and killed while sitting in their police cruiser in brooklyn. in this case, the officer and the mobile command post had been in this neighborhood for several months because of gang activity. now police are trying to learn everything they can about why this happened as they mourn the loss of one of their own. matt, savannah? >> our hearts go out to her family. ron, thank you. we have an update on a story we told you about in march. the united states has lifted the ban on laptops and other electronic advises in the passenger cabin on u.s.-bound flights from dubai and istanbul. that's according to emirates and turkish airlines. last week the department of homeland security lifted the ban on abu dhabi's etihad airways. the bans were introduced in the spring after intelligence reports suggested isis was developing a bomb that could be hidden in the batteries that power portable electronics. a group of good sam air trans came to the aid of a truck driver after a dramatic crash in pennsylvania. it was caught on camera. cell phone video showing the tractor trailer driving erratically on a highway in delaware county on monday. the truck as you see was weaving back and forth before it crashed and overturned. its contents spild all over the highway. several people rushed in to help the driver. they smashed the windshield. he was taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. the man who shot that video believes the driver probably fell asleep at the wheel. the accident is under investigation. let us get back to the of july right now. from coast to coast americans celebrated the holiday with parades, hot dogs, and of course a lot of fireworks. >> three, two, one. >> that was the scene here in new york city. this year's macy's 4th of july spectacular. watched by some 3 million people. millions more watched it on tv. more than 60,000 shells were used to light up the new york skyline. it was the biggest show in more than a decade. the fireworks are launched from five barges in the east river. meantime in our nation's capital -- ♪ can you top this? hundreds of thousands of people jammed on to the national mall to watch the 37th annual concert called a capital fourth. before the fireworks got under way spectators were treated to a concert by the beach boys and the blues brothers. lots of other people there. and apparently the weather was really nice for both of those events. >> did you stay up for the fireworks? >> no. >> i didn't stay up for sunset. >> exactly. >> i was in bed before the sun went down, too. >> morning show people. we'll watch it in the morning. >> and the fireworks woke me up. >> there you go. >> good morning, did you have a good fourth though? >> i did. me and calvin just kind of hung out all day. his first fireworks, that he didn't get to see. we have some heavy rain moving down into southern oklahoma, northeastern texas. this has been the case the last several mornings. we have a stalled front draped through this area that has been producing heavier downpours earlier this morning. nothing all that severe. but still the heavy rain could make things a little bit slow. if you're traveling today along 44, along 70, 40,ing those are your roads that will feature most of the heavier rain. again, here's this system. slowly now starting to move to the east. so scattered showers and storms will fall down through kentucky into west virginia. virginia, and north carolina. again nothing too severe expected with this system. some of these will start to make their way into the mid-atlantic by thursday night into early friday morning. we could see as much as two to three, even four inches of rain, especially back through arkansas. and there you see through the appalachians we could see some heavier pockets of rain, as well. there's a second cold front, this one's moving through the midwest on thursday. and that has the better potential of producing some strong storms especially through wisconsin with large hail and damaging winds possible. that's a look at the weather across the country. your local forecast is coming up in the next 30 seconds. and we covered it, july first, twenty-fifteen. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we take a live look outside in oakland. we see the cloudy skies and temperatures now at 58 degrees and also clouds over san jose. this will be clearing out within the next two to three hours and in san francisco expect highs in the low 60s and we'll see some sunshine today up to 87 degrees for the inland areas. >> and that's your latest forecast. >> dylan, thank you very much. coming up, can the former executive dubbed the most hated man in america be silenced? why congress is looking for a gag order against the pharma wr bro? is this amelia earhart. we have never-before-seen photos. >> that story will have you talking. >> absolutely. first this, is "today" on nbc. the radical new graduation requirement in one major u.s. city, forcing students to have a plan after high school or they will not graduate. >> we'll see if that catches on. miss kotb is here. >> the chowdown champs. the winners of the coney island hot dog eating contest. >> why bee to the hive to the comb combing that honey. into some gold gold to the o. it's the yum in your bowl good goes around...and around, and around. good goes around and around. some use equipment to be at their best. and some use it to sleep their best. the beautyrest black hybrid provides exceptional support and unique conforming feel. exclusively at mattress firm. exceptional support and unique conforming feel. ♪ while other insurance companies just see a truck, we see something you've worked really hard for... so why not give it the protection it deserves. ♪ ♪ showing up in your ♪ and now i'm sure it's more than a stroke of luck ♪ ♪ yeah, i love you, do you love me, too? 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thank you very much. we'll both we're back. 7:30. beautiful wednesday morning, july 5th, 2017. fireworks are over. let's get wednesday started. >> let's do that. let's talk about news. here are the headlines. new images overnight of north korea launching its first missile with the potential to reach the united states. as the u.s. and south korea respond by launching more missiles into the sea. president trump, now, weighing his options, as he leaves for europe. the second foreign trip of his term so far. a female nypd officer passed away just hours ago, after she was shot in the head in an unprovoked attack that happened on tuesday night. officers responded immediately and killed the suspect. around the country, americans celebrated the fourth of july with big fireworks display, especially here in new york, where the macy's forty of july spectacular was the big et in a decade. at our nation's capital, hundreds of thousands crammed into the national mall to watch the 37th annual concert called a capital fourth. did you get to catch any fireworks? >> just right now on videotape. >> exactly. >> didn't catch the sunset. went to bed early. we're going to start with new details on the trial of the pharma bro, martin shkreli. his marks may taint the jury. his prosecutors have filed a gag order request, after the defendant addressed the press directly. this is unusual. >> reporter: you were talking about fireworks. we had nothing but fireworks with this. this is a dramatic twist in the captivating case. now, prosecutors have filed a major motion, that seeks to silence shkreli. this morning, prosecutors ridiculed with martin shkreli being quiet. accused of pg a spectacle of himself, and the trial, just days after he marked them as junior varsity. >> over the defense attorneys' protests, he spoke with reporters on friday. he said they're not covering his trial fairly. >> reporter: but in a gag order filed this week, prosecutors paint the spontaneous remarks as a drulgs. >> is that you on twitter? >> reporter: the account in question has been suspended. prosecutors say shkreli appears determine to wage his own public relations campaign against the witnesses and the government. >> i think martin is not going to be speaking to you guys again, if he listens to me. >> he just spoke to us. >> reporter: shkreli's attorney blames the media. saying his comments are the somewhat natural though unfortunate cons kwebs of a young man with a demonstrated history of significant anxiety. >> martin shkreli has never shied away from the spot lying. he's not doing that now during his trial. >> reporter: opening statements invoked lady gaga. the defense saying much like the pop star, his client was born this way, painting him as an eccentric geniiugenius. >> how do you think day one went? >> we are pleased. >> reporter: shkreli was charged by the s.est c. of committing financial fraud over a five-year period. he pleaded not guilty and is out on bond. these charges are unrelated to national scorn and pharma bro. he hiked the price of a life-saving hiv drug, from $13.50 to $750. if the judge declines to issue a gag order, prosecutors have suggested to the jury that it be sequestered. the defense attorney has accused the media of baiting shkreli. he's told them to knock it off but said a gag order would v violate his client's first amendment rights. he seems to have a mind of his own and will see if the gag order goes into place. >> how much longer will this go? >> at least another four weeks. that was the original guess was about six weeks when this began. so, it's been nothing but drama ever since. >> if the jury got requestseque that would be a big burden for the jury. let's head over to dylan in for al and a check of the weather. >> we have heat building back into the southwest. we had a brief break, with temperatures closer to average. now, the heat will build through the end of the week. heat warnings are already in effect through the southwest. and in the northwest, heat advisories in effect until friday. another's all bauecause of this ridge in the jet stream. portland should make it to 91 degrees today. 100 in billings, montana. denver, 106. salt lake city, 104, which could tie the high temperature. north platte, nebraska, 102, as well. and by the weekend, we'll see temperatures over 100 degrees in salt lake city. vegas should start to cool down to 110 on sunday, after phoenix, 117 on friday. we our temperatures are be warming. we keep it nice and cool in san francisco and we also will continue to see more clouds and some fog. highs in the mid-60s over the next few days. the inland areas up to 8 degrees today. 90 degrees tomorrow and 90s will become more common for the valleys especially as we reach the peak the heat sunday up to 94 degrees. temperatures showily start to come back down for the start of next week. >> and you can find your full forecast 24/7 on the weather channel on cable. from football to the firehouse, we're going to introduce you to a hero two times over. first, a story you do not want to miss. has this photo finally solved the mystery behind amelia earhart's disappearance? 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( ♪ ) (bark) the bigger the life, the bigger the wag. nature's recipe. fuel the wag. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] we're back, now, with a story we've been talking about all morning. we're history buffs. we're mystery buffs. we love this story. it's a stunning development or a stunning development for the hunt of amila earhart. >> a team has uncovered evidence, including a never-before-scene photo, that they believe shows earhart and her navigator alive. >> the document is on sunday night. tom costello has been working with the history team that's puts it together. we find him at the smithsonian air and space museum in washington. tom, good morning. >> reporter: this is one of amila earhart's planes she flew in 1930s. the plane she tried to fly around the world in is missing since 1937. now, this picture appears to show earhart and her navigator on the dock in the marshal islands. the person who took that photograph was believed to have been executed for being a spy the and now, we're revealing that photograph for the first time, right here. >> amelia earhart on a flight, took off over hot ocean wastes and was never heard from again. >> reporter: for 80 years, the world has wondered what happened to amelia earhart and her navigator, fred noonan. they were over the pacific on a round-the-world flight when they disappeared. now, historians say they found evidence the two survived. >> i have a photograph that clearly indicates that earhart was captured by the japanese. >> reporter: les kenny has spent 150 years looking for earhart clues. while looking at files in the national archives, he found this photograph called jaluit atoll. >> we have a caucasian woman with her back to the camera, sitting there, looking at a ship. >> you think that's amelia earhart. >> reporter: the photo appears legitimate and undoctored. >> when you pull it out and you see the analysis that's been done, i think it leaves no doubt to the viewers, that's amelia earhart and fred noonan. >> reporter: in 1937, japanese had banned nearly all westerners in the islands. in the photo, there's two k caucasians on the dock. henry took the photo to a facial recognition expert. who overlayed the photo of the man with file photos of fred noonan. >> it's a sharp receding hairline. the nose is very prominent. >> reporter: the tooth, nose and hair appear to match up. >> this is very convincing evidence this is probably noonan. >> reporter: then, with their back to the camera, with hair too long for a man, and too short for a woman. again, striking similarities. >> i go from not likely to likely, to very likely to extremely likely. and i would say this is very likely. >> reporter: there's more evidence. in the distance, the japanese ship, that is towing a barge with something 38 feet long, the same length of earhart's plane. locals said they saw earhart's plane crash. a story documented in stamps issued in the 1980s. now, photographic evidence that the story may be true. >> we believe they took her to saipan. and she died there under custody of the japanese. we don't know how she died or when she died. >> reporter: the history team may have found pieces of earhart's plane. and the prison in saipan. this photo is opening up a new set of questions about what happened to earhart and monoona. and what did the government know? >> we have no evidence that she crashed into the ocean. i think we have a lot of evidence that she lived and survived in the marshal islands. >> reporter: locals say the japanese military said at the time that the woman on the plane was a spy and not to talk about it. for decades, the military has denied any knowledge of what happened to her. we reach out again. all say they have no evidence. no official alive then is alive today, and many of the documents were destroyed during the war. it's a fascinating two-hour documentary, that had me riveted. >> everyone in the studio is looking in a monitor, watching this. you have our attention, too. if this photo was in the national archives, doesn't it mean that someone in the government knew that amelia earhart survived? >> it was in a mile compiled by the office of naval intelligence, documenting japanese movement in the area. did people know that was earhart and noonan in the file? or was it a picture of the marshal islands and throw it into a file. another file, office of naval investigations, a thick file on emilia earhart in the marshal islands, 170 pages is missing. was it purged? by whom? >> is this when i lake the "law & order" sound effect. if the americans did know she had been captured, why wouldn't they announce that after the war. >> here's the thinking, we have no way to know. but the thinking is, at the time, the united states was trying to build up a new ally, japan, having just defeated japan. if it became well-known that japan had put to death america's sweetheart, that wouldn't have gone over well with the american public. it was widely talked about for many zdecades she may have died in saipan. and history has a new letter. the comarine corps said, we sno she was killed in saipan. >> great report. let's swing over. carson is back in the orange room. >> i never thought photo shopping fred noonan in that picture would cause all this. >> guys, the tour defans, a big rider is ♪ this is a story about mail and packages. and it's also a story about people. people who rely on us every day to deliver their dreams they're handing us more than mail they're handing us their business and while we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget... that your business is our business the united states postal service. priority: you ♪ nature valley almond butter biscuit sandwiches. made with a delicious layer of creamy almond-butter filling. between two tasty, crunchy whole-grain oat biscuits. we've packed good things in here, so you can be great out there. did any bag of dog or buy cat food at petsmart we give a meal to a pet in need? 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[ cheers and applause ] 7:51. we're back. carson is back in the orange room. he's talking about controversy. the ugly side of sports here. >> let's get right to it. here's the video. the final sprint of tuesday's stage for the tour de france. a huge class. that led to disqualification of peter sagan. he makes contact with his elbow. cavendish fractured his shoulder. he's out of the tour. officials reviewing what you've seen, have decided to kick sagan out for his role in the crash. social media use rs weighing in on this decision. looks like he gave him the elbow. i'm shocked. sending sagan home was a bad decision. it was unintentional. you often use your elbows to give yourself space. we asked you on twitter, did you say sagan deserved to be d.q.'d. 65% of you saying yes. and you can watch stage five of the tour de france, with sagan and cavendish absent. >> it looked intentional. what do we know? >> carson, thank you. coming up, lady gaga defending ed sheeran, after fans forced him off twitter. it will get yo pomeranian scoots. yopomestachits. oh! triscuit topped with yogurt, pomegranate and pistachios. yopomestachioscuit. well that rolls off the tongue. hard to say, easy to make. triscuit. make 'scuit happen. unlike ordinary diapers with two layers, pampers have three pampers. absorbent layers to stay up to three times drier, so babies can sleep soundly all night. wishing you love, sleep and play. pampers. "oh no, the fridge just died." don't worry. at lowe's, we offer free next day delivery on in-stock appliances. hurry in to lowe's and get up to 40% off select appliance special values. somewhere along of self-discovery: a breakthrough. ♪ it's in our nature to need each other. ♪ wise man, i'm nervous about affecting my good credit score. i see you've planted an uncertainty tree. chop that thing down. the clarity you seek... lies within the creditwise app from capital one. creditwise helps you protect your credit. and it's completely free for everyone. it's free for everyone? do hawks use the stars to navigate? i don't know. aw, i thought you did. i don't know either. either way it's free for everyone. cool. what's in your wallet? ♪ it is 7:56. we start out with cloudy skies as we take a live look outside in oakland. it's 59 degrees as you get ready to head out the door. we do have a nice, cool start, also seeing low clouds and fog over the golden gate bridge where we will see some drizzle coming down and some low visibility at times, also looking at some clouds over san jose right now, but all of this will be clearing out, at least for the inland areas, as we go through the day and the south bay will see high temperatures up to the upper 80s today in gilroy and 89 degrees in antioch. walnut creek a high of 88 and 76 in hayward. and for the peninsula still the clouds and the fog not clearing from half moon bay and a high of 60 degrees there while palo alto will be at 77. san francisco will keep some cool temperatures and a little bit of clearing in parts of the city this afternoon. meantime in the north bay bright sunshine later today and a high of 83 degrees in napa. sonoma a high of 81. we have pleasanton high temperatures reaching into the mid-80s. by the time this begins it will be at 82 degrees and then cooling down nicely as we go through the evening into the lower 60s. san francisco keeps the highs over the next several days in the mid-60s and for the valleys it's going to get hot as we head into the weekend. lau laura? thank you very much, kari. 7:57. happening now the commerce department with bad news for u.s. factories this morning. factory orders fell 0.8% in may, the biggest drop since november. orders for u.s. civilian aircraft fell 12% after already dropping 11% in april. the county continues to prepare for the marijuana policy. in just five minutes sonoma county officials will begin accepting cannabis business permits. i'll be back in about half an hour. hope to see you then. have a great morning. ♪ it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, breaking overnight, missile standoff. a show of force from the u.s. and south korea in response to the test of a north korean missile. which could potentially reach the united states coastline. as tensions escalate, what options does the white house have? we are live with the very latest. ♪ plus, from football to the firehouse. how one man went from being a hero on the field to a bigger one off it. >> it doesn't take bravery. it's a matter of i have to do this. that's how this is with me, i have to do this. ♪ baby you're a firework and america celebrates. ♪ from fireworks to franks. we'll show you how millions enjoyed their independence day. "today" wednesday, july 5th, 2017. ♪ >> in case you're wondering, i think we found out where mom is. we celebrate a lot of wedding anniversaries here. but we have a unique one. 393,264 hours of marriage. happy anniversary. ♪ >> we have some breaking news on the plaza. we have an announcement. what do we have to tell the world? >> we're having a baby bee. >> by the way, their last name is bee. >> is this your first day in new york? >> yeah. >> what do you love about new york? >> lights, everything. [ cheers and applause ] >> cutie. >> we welcome you back on a wednesday morning. thank you, everyone, for joining us. nice people outside. you hear the music in the background. >> yes. >> you know why? >> tell us. >> this week, it's not a friday concert. this week, it's a thursday concert. as in tomorrow. >> yes. >> we're going to be joined by ed sheeran in the plaza in the 8:30 hour. >> it will be great. let's begin this half hour with your news at 8:00. president trump heading to europe this morning amid a growing threat from north korea. the u.s. and south korea responding to pyongyang's latest missile test with a show of force of their own. nbc's kristen welker is live at the white house. kristen, good morning to you. >> reporter: matt, good morning to you. president trump is about to depart for poland. and now, he is facing that major test of his foreign policy. after pentagon officials confirmed north korea successfully launched an intercontinental ballistic missile, which could potentially deliver a nuclear warhead to the united states. the u.s. has called for an emergency meeting of the u.n. security council. that's set to take place later today. it comes as north korea released new video overnight of the missile test and of leader kim jong-un celebrating. but the u.s. is unleashing its own show of force. the pentagon releasing these images, showing the u.s. and south korean military launching missiles into the waters of south korea. late tuesday, secretary of state rex tillerson said the u.s. strongly condemns the launch and saying global action is required to stop a global threat. the president, who has looked to china for help to rein in north korea, has become frustrated. and this morning tweeted, so much for china working with us, but we had to give it a try. the president's options are now limited. sanctions and perhaps moving military into the region. the president's first stop overseas will be warsaw, where leaders will look for mr. trump to reaffirm his commitment to nato. his next stop will be hamburg germany for the g-20 summit. all eyes will be on his meeting with russian president vladimir putin. will the president raise the question of the election meddling? the white house saying now there's no agenda. back to you. >> kristen, thanks very much. lot to cover over the coming days. there's shock and anger in new york city after a police officer was ambushed and killed. miosotis familia was shot overnight in a marked vehicle. police say the suspect fired through the window and hit the 48-year-old officer in the head. police confronted the suspect about a block away. he pulled a gun. police fatally shot him. the suspect was on parol for robbery. the officer was a 12-year veteran of the nypd. now so some incredible video of a carloaded with propain tanks that crashed into a florida apartment building. five people including a 3-year-old escaped as that car burst into flames then exploded on tuesday. ft. pierce police say the driver may have been angry at his girlfriend and attacked the building where she lived. he died at the scene. no one else was hurt. a louisiana congressman is under fire after making a video inside a nazi gas chamber. representative clay higgins posted a video with this political kmem ta tor last week. signs outside the gas chamber ask visitors to remember the thousands of holocaust victims who died there and to be quiet and respectful. critics accused him of exploiting the deaths of millions for political gain. there's a lot to come this morning. including a football player who followed two childhood dreams. hanging up his cleats to become a firefighter. and the new "will & grace" video that has fans flipping out. of course. then the new beauty business making three-hour trips to the salon may be a thing of the past. >> what? >> yes. >> please! fast and healthy premade meals have you feeling good all summer long. first on a wednesday morning, these messages. joy bauer appro first on a wednesday morning, these messages. ♪ . ♪ while other insurance companies just see a house. we see the home you've worked really hard for. so why not give it the protection it deserves. ♪ did any bag of dog or buy cat food at petsmart we give a meal to a pet in need? help us reach our goal of donating more than 60 million meals so hungry pets across the country get to eat. buy any bag, we give a meal to a pet in need. petsmart - for the love of pets. fisherwin-williams has complete one-coat coverage. and it's also durable. how durable? this durable. infinity paint from hgtv home by sherwin-williams. available at lowe's. ♪ real energy harnessed from the earth. nature valley. ♪ more than one thing. more than one flavor, or texture, or color. a good clean salad is so much more than green. and with panera catering, more for your event. panera. food as it should be. ♪ contrary to ancient wisdom... the sun doesn't rise, we do. yet, the more we travel, the more the world pushes back, coralling us and controlling us. so, we seek a place where we're given a choice... ...not just to get up, but to rise. ♪ ♪ showing up in your ♪ and now i'm sure it's more than a stroke of luck ♪ ♪ yeah, i love you, do you love me, too? ♪ ♪ yeah, i love you, do you love me, too? ♪ ♪ clap your hands if it feels good ♪ ♪ clap your hands, ohh hi. oh, hi! welcome to the neighborhood. i brought you this pie to see if you're weird. wow, that smells intrusive. it is. did you want to come in, maybe snoop around a bit? that's why i'm here. wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? ooh, i smell onions! the citi® double cash card does. only citi lets you earn 1% cash back when you buy, and 1% as you pay. the citi double cash card. double means double. ♪ wednesday morning. >> yes. >> let's trend. is this the first trending of july? >> no. >> the first one i've been involved with. >> for any of us. >> i've been involved in them all. >> i worked all weekend. i don't know where you were. when you graduated high school, were any of you conflicted about what your next step would be or what to do? >> i had no clue. i knew i was going to college. i didn't know anything beyond that. >> same. >> this is interesting. starting in 2020, chicago public high schools are going to force students who are graduating to show proof they have a plan. they have to show they have a job lined up, been accepted into a college, have an acceptance into a trade apprenticeship, or are in the military. i guess the idea is, if you don't have something planned, you don't know where you're going, you stay in high school. >> here's a letter from the manager of krispy kreme. i'm going to be working there. >> and it might last a week. i read this. i was fascinated by it. it sounds great on paper. i think it will be really, really difficult to enforce. >> are you going to force them to stay in high school forever? some might not like that. >> i was thinking about that. chicago is like new orleans in a lot of ways. some of the schools are troubled. and the kids leave with zero plan or focus or anything. i can see it helping kids in school who say they need a plan. >> i like the idea of a plan. you can be going to college and have no idea what you're going to do. that's why i like the gap year if you can afford it. >> if you fulfill all of the other requirements of high school, yo uh show up every day, you pass your tests, you get good grades, you're going to be punished? >> we asked this, what our viewers think. 89% say high schoolers should not be denied graduating. >> that echoes what happened on the table here. we're fwoik to get to the celebrities sharing their fourth of july. kristen bell and dax shepard. the couple getting in the spirit. tyra banks, doing what she does best, striking nice poses. and two ladies who celebrated with loved ones. and christina aguilera and her kids and fiance. and tom brady decided to hit the green. we hope that everybody had an awesome holiday, as well. >> why are you looking at me? >> i'm looking at you -- dylan gave extra focus to the tom brady shot. >> i liked it on instagram. >> just seeing it again. gaga coming to the defense of ed sheeran. ed, stepping back from twitter. the artist tired of reading negative comments on. in an interview with "the sun," ed sheeran said that lady gaga's fans did not show him much love. lady gaga said, what a talented artist. i love ed. i wish all people would be talented and loving. work harder to be kinder, everybody. nice to see one artist coming to another's defense. hmm. ed's going to be here tomorrow. check i'm out. that's tomorrow morning. finally, "will & grace." the sitcom premiered in 1998. it went off the air in '06. it has announced earlier it will be returning. wave seen a promo teasing the rebr rebeat of the series. in the photo, we have your favorite four, acting like himself. 12 episodes of the revival series has been ordered. "will & grace" this fall. >> i love when jack and karen makeout. let's get to the daly click here. oh, yeah. oh, no. the dyly click, what happened? this was dead this morning. we'll start to it. two police officers, joe jones and kerry lee. a complaint filed at a big block party at an asheville, north carolina, naked. there's this slip and slide. when they determined that no laws had been broken, officer lee is sliding there. and the partner, officer jones. he's too big to fit in the trash bag. they found a raft. put him on a raft. he made his way down the slide. the residents in asheville hold a block party every year on the fourth of july. they said, having the officers take part was a great experience. >> that's serious engineering. that's a good homemade slip and slide. >> thank you. dylan, a check of the weather, please. >> can you imagine that in san francisco? >> let's look at the tropics. they have been quiet lately. we're keeping on eye on this area of low pressure that could develop into something more. it has a 70% chance to become a system. that would be tropical storm don. that's something to look into. we have some heavier storms right now, moving through southern oklahoma into central arkansas. we have heavy downpours. and the lightning, too. also, spotty showers and storms through st. louis. we'll be over 110 degrees by the time we get into the next couple days. nice in the eastern two-thirds of the country. elsewhere, we have a fire danger out west because of the dry conditions. hot in the pacific northwest. and summertime storms this good morning, i'm meteorologist kari hall. we are taking a live look outside right now in san francisco. it is drizzling now. we'll see this continuing for at least the next hour. and the low visibility as well along the coastline. we keep temperatures in the low 60s over the next couple of days. mid-60s for the weekend, but it is still going to be foggy, especially throughout the morning and evening hours. and then for the inland areas, it's going to be really heating up from the upper 80s today to 94 degrees this sunday. >> and that's your latest forecast. >> all right, dylan. thank you very much. let's turn to our series "starting over today." inspiring stories of folks that switch paths in the middle of life. >> when you ask kids what you want to be when you grow up, you get two answers. firefighters and pro athlete. we go to a man who has done both. >> aaron kenny was a standout football player at the university of florida, helping the gators win a national championship. he played seven years in the nfl. after he hung up his cleats, he turned it into a passion that runs deeper than football. he turned to firefighter. some have a second act in their careers. but this is a third quarter. >> we have a player that's in charge of our firehouse. >> it's something i worked hard to do. not just a formality. that's part of the package and helps me grow. work hard toward a team goal. >> reporter: aaron kinney was part of a national championship gators team. he went on to the nfl, playing seven seasons at tight end for the tennessee titans. even as a kid, his passion for firefighter came before football. >> i true fire trucks. this passion has been with me forever. when i turned ten, my brother bought me a pair of cleats and said, we're signing you up for football. >> reporter: after hanging up his cleats, kenny took the lesssons he learned on the gridiron, to his career. >> i enjoyed competing. i enjoyed fighting together towards a common goal. the two go hand in hand. the more i learned about the fire service, the more parallels i can draw between football and the firehouse. it's a good mesh and a perfect fit. >> reporter: that life long passion is now on display, in his new office, where four decades of birthday own holiday gifts line the walls. to your wife's pleasure, this is not home anymore. >> when we downsized, i lost out on the man cave. i make my office my man cave. >> reporter: while the fire engines may be fun to collect, they're more memorable to ride. that's fun. >> in a is fun. >> reporter: do you remember your first time driving a fire truck? >> absolutely. >> what happened? >> i was nervous. >> reporter: after the nfl and you were thinking about what to do next, was there an option for a second nfl for you? >> i knew this was it. when it's your passion of what to do, i'm sure any firefighter will pltell you. i enjoy helping people. >> what's more grueling. nfl camp, training camp, or fire academy training. >> definitely training camp. but a fire scene, depending on what you're doing, but a fire scene can be as grueling or more grueling than a game. >> reporter: are there training camp exercises that you have adopted for your folks? >> i have not yet but i will for sure. >> reporter: he got to live out one dream, he's happier in his second. >> this is a real-life opportunity for me. and it is, you know, take two, if you will. i could have a second career of something i loved and dreamed and have been passionate about. >> reporter: one in which the rewards go beyond the wins and losses. >> to know and feel and understand, that you have been a part of something where somebody is alive today, walking and talking with their family because of their fence is more important or rewarding than any touchdown i could score. >> reporter: so, chief kinney took over july 1st. he has the fire safety all down. he needs to work on his new england accent. he has his 40th birthday coming up, guys. and the one thing he wants to improve his firehouse with is the fire pole. it doesn't have a fire pole yet. >> does it have two levels? >> you'll see me on it. that's what i wanted to do. sirens in the truck and sliding down the fire pole. >> thank you, thomas. matt and hoda went outside. they're with a couple of champs this morning. high, guys. >> nathan's hot dog eating contest on coney island. a fourth of july tradition. >> this morning, we're joined by the winners of this contest. welcome. ladies and gentlemen, how are you doing? >> thanks for having us. >> i'm living. i'm all right. >> how are you feeling, joe? >> i'm going to feel like garbage for a couple days. >> i look at mickey -- can we step outside. it's hard to believe that this tiny thing can have all these hot dogs. what's the tougher part to get done? the hot dog or the bun? >> the hot dog itself. >> you had 41. joey, you ate 71? >> 72. >> forget the contest, i want to know what the hours immediately physical lowing the contest are like. are you in the prone position just lying there? >> i'm tire and i'm thirsty. there's so much sodium in hot dogs. i'm sweating like an animal. >> there's no position in which you're comfortable. lying down. i'm in a hot bath. standing, sitting. you have to wait it out. >> are you popping tums? >> there's no way of getting around the discomfort. >> you said you dated a guy who was a competitive eater. when your family or friends watch you doing this. >> of course. >> my friends and family are my ardent supporters. with that said, they're always careful that i take care of myself. but come contest day, they're egging me on. >> joey, after the competition, you actually said you had more room. you could have eaten more? >> i had eaten more in practice. like i said, i was sweating, the sun was beating down on me. it gives me a chance to come back next year and hit all my goals. >> what is a normal day of eating today? >> i'm going to have some yogurt. and hopefully i'm good enough to have some salad. >> get some fiber. >> i've been craving watermelon juice. just fruit juice in general. >> mickey, you'll be back nextier? >> of course. it wouldn't be forty of july without competing at nathan's. >> you're going to be back next year? >> highly likely. coming up next, a bug's world on the plaza. we get set for performances from the folks at cirque du soleil. coming up after your local news. a very good morning to you. it is 8:26, i'm laura garcia-cannon. at least ten arrests made after chaos broke out at the alameda county fair. the sheriff's office says there were several fights at the fairgrounds last night. people ranging from 15 to 20 years old were violent during fourth of july celebrations. deputies had to use batons and pepper spray to maintain order. deputies also say the minors who were taken into custody were later released to their parents and the adults were booked into the santa rita jail. wednesday, back to work for a lot of people and back to the forecast as well. looking good? >> yes, it is looking good. we do start out with the clouds and the fog this morning as we take a live look outside at twin peaks in san francisco. the high temperatures today will reach into the upper 80s inland. this is where we'll see a lot of sunshine. san jose up to 82 degrees. and 77 degrees in palo alto. oakland 72. and 83 degrees in napa. over the next several days our temperatures in san francisco hold steady in the low 60s. we are not going to see that marine layer. it will be clearing out away from the coast. so for the valleys, no relief here. highs reaching into the mid-90s in time for the end of the weekend and then early next week it starts to come down a few more degrees so get ready for hot weather, laura. >> thank you very much. another local news update is coming up in half an hour. see you at 11:00 a.m. who are these people? the energy conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. ♪ we're back. it's 8:30. it's wednesday morning. 5th of july, 2017. a beautiful day on our plaza. we've got a lot coming up this morning. speaking of, 24 hours from now -- you know, ed sheeran, going to be right where we're standing, live citi concert. one of the biggest shows we've had all summer, i would say. he's going to be one of the biggest hits. >> we like to sneak up on a member of our crowd that doesn't know we're coming. this one was unplanned, but we cannot help it. how old is this baby? >> almost 6 months. >> her name? >> kennedy. >> hi, kennedy. >> there she is. >> and there's a woman here who is a dental hygienist. oh, there she is, right behind you. she said she never misses our show, you guys. when she cleans somebody's teeth, what do you do? >> we watch the "today" show. >> and she forces them, whether they want to or not. what's your name? >> kelly berry. >> thank you for watching these years. >> shoutout to dr. chad bailey. >> what do they refprefer or a t canal? don't answer that. coming up, we have the best premade meals you can find at the grocery store. we're cutting your prep time so you can cut the excuses. >> and two businesses on a mission to make beauty better for everyone. starting with custom color and a quick turnaround. if you've seen an acrobatic ant or a giant spinning spider, don't worry. neither have we. we're going to show you here, as cirque du soleil brings their show to our plaza. >> are those corn cobs? >> we should practice that. we should do that by the end of the summer. first, dylan has a check of the weather. >> lots of nice weather in the northeast. we also have heavier rain moving through central arkansas. the heat is on in the southwest. triple-digit heat. a fire danger because of the dry conditions. tomorrow, temperatures get hotter with excessive heat warnings for a good portion of the southwest. the northwest, hot, too. and heavy downpours are likely to move in along that front, into the ohio and tennessee river valleys. moving into the night. humid and hot temperatures in the southeast, with more pop-up we have a mostly cloudy start this morning with temperatures in the south bay reaching into the low to mid-80s. gilroy up to 89 degrees. let's head toward the east bay, oakland a high of 72 today and 88 degrees in walnut creek. we'll also have some hot temperatures for the peninsula. half moon bay will be at 60 degrees up to 77 degrees in palo alto. nice and cool in san francisco, only a few peeks of sunshine as we go through the day and mostly sunny skies in the north bay, up to 83 degrees. >> we've got a birthday boy on the plaza. 13 years old. do the teens feel different for you? >> not that different. >> where are you from? >> connecticut. >> thanks for being here. and happy birthday. savannah? >> i need you. we were talking about after my jay ka vacation, i need some joy. was anyone feel like there's not enough time in the day to cook, let alone whip up something healthy. >> joy bauer has come up with premade items that are not going to sap your energy and will boost your day. >> when something sounds and tastes delicious, you can pop it in your courart. >> we can taste it? >> yeah. this is good made simple. this is steel-cut oats. it's gentle on your blood sugar. but it takes about 30 minutes to make on the stove top. now, you pop it in the microwave, one or two minutes. >> steel cut is the find to get. >> does it go in your cart? >> i'm nott an oatmeal person. >> fair enough. special k has these breakfast sandwiches. >> it's crispy bread. >> the bread is made of a combination of whole grains and white flour. most others, just white flour. >> these are really good. >> this is a breakfast burrito by evol. >> i was going to take the whole thing. >> it's a combination of whole grain and white. under 300 calories. >> that's really good. >> that's eggs and chicken apple sausage. >> that's a winner. >> how are these calorie-wise? >> under 300 calories. and filling, very filling. now, we're going to do clever cauliflower creations. trader joe's has the riced cauliflower. >> making it yourself is impossible. >> this is great. you low ur your calories and your carbs. >> is this frozen? >> this is perishable in the refrigerator. >> really good. >> if you don't want to use it right away, bird's eye has the frozen variety. you can use it at your leisure. they have a regular seasonal version. for or noncooks, they have italian cheese and savory herb. >> you do this with a stir fry. instead of the cashes, you get the cauliflower. >> you can open up black beans. rinse them and drain them, and you have a whole meal in one. this is cauliflower pizza crust. you can buy it in the frozen section as just the crust or they build the pizza for you. >> that's good. >> when you say cauliflower crust, what is that? >> cauliflower is the first ingredient and then, some brown rice flour, as well. this is mac and cheese on steroids. it's by gordon lites. they are rolling out this month nationally. they blent in kale, butternut squash and the pasta. the pasta is made with redolentles and it's higher in protein and fiber. >> we have about a minute left. power peanut butter. this is called pb2. and now, we're getting into sweet treats. >> okay. >> this is chloe. she is a supermom in new york city with three kids. she started with a store front in new york. she has soft serve fruit purees. she rolled out with these unbelievable fruit pops. 60 calorie apiece. all-fruit and nothing artificial. last but not least. dole dippers. they come in pouches. it's dark chocolate frozen pineapple and strawberries. >> i don't like fruit in my chocolate. but it's tasty. thank you, joy. coming up next, modern makeup. you try this with pineapple. >> this is "today" on nbc. >> that's what i heard. this morning on "today style" we're looking at a couple of companies that are redefining the cosmetics injury to make it better for everyone. >> we're going to look at how they're shaking things up. liliana, good morning. >> they're leveraging technology to customize and modernize beauty. brands that make it easier and affordable to look good. at color pop, makeup is getting a makeover. >> ultimately everything starts here, which is truly the playground for new pigments, pearls. >> reporter: these siblings launched their direct to consumer brand in 2014. taking it into the digital age. color pop's 4.5 million social media followers have made their eye and lip colors famous. with some colors selling out in less than five seconds. there's a little bit of mystery surrounding this company. is that purposeful or you're trying to keep the trade secrets? >> we didn't want to necessarily be in the limelight. and people are trying to figure out thinking, how are these guys able to bring these products to market? it's an affordable price. as the orders come in, everything is built to order. the company estimates that 100,000 orders are processed weekly. 500 items in 1,000 shades. but the brother and sister says what makes their brand unique, the ability to go from design to manufacturing in hours. all in-house. a process that takes competitors months, if not years. >> we're constantly engaging our consumers and bringing them into the development process. whether it's naming shade or doing color. >> how important is it to be manufactured in the usa? >> it's everything. it's important to us in our values. >> reporter: at the heart of madison reed is the idea that women deserve better. >> women have noted up they deserve the best. this is a brand steeped in you deserve this. venture capitalist set out to shake up the injury with ammonia and paraffin-free box color. >> how does madison reed compete with industry giants like that? >> it starts with a product that has the lowest chemical profile. and the second thing is experience. >> that starts with a selfie and a 12-question survey. and continues with step-by-step instructions from a licensed colorist. all in a single app. >> our reason for being is to create for that woman to have convenience. convenience comes in the form of a mobile device. >> what can you get done here? >> get your roots done. a gloss. >> reporter: her vision goes beyond the box and into a salon like this one in san francisco, that colors, washes and dries in under an hour. >> we're dispelling the fact that one needs to spend three hours in a salon. we're going to do something different and blow this thing up. >> reporter: madison reed told us they hope to expand their color bar concept. and to look how the lippy stick is made, from start-to-finish, go to >> you can color your hair in 40 minutes? >> 40 minutes to color hair. >> i'm at the salon for at least two hours. >> my wife, three, four hours. barely noticed. heard about it, too. >> wait until you see the receipt. >> if you don't say, wow, you look amazing. >> my reminder never went off. >> liliana, thank you very much. up next, we get a spectacular performance from cirque du soleil. but first, this is "today" on nbc. ♪ [brother] any last words? [boy] karma, danny... ...karma! [vo] progress is seizing the moment. your summer moment awaits you, now that the summer of audi sales event is here. audi will cover your first month's lease payment on select models during the summer of audi sales event. the citi concert series on "today" is proudly presented to you by citi. >> you know what they say. it's a bug's life this morning on our plaza. the team from circumstance desolo is going to perform from their show called ovo. >> you can fingerprint to see, tricks, flips and acrobatics in a cirque du soleil show. >> they're not going to bite. they will amaze. cirque du soleil ovo, take it away. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> the cast from circumstancequ sole soleil, ovo, on tour, at brooklyn's barclay center until july 9th. they have another performance for us in our next hour. but before that, we're back in a moment. in is "today" on nbc. all right. welcome back. after a great performance, we're ready for some birthdays. >> let's celebrate. spin around the smucker's jars and say happy 100th birthday to lina popper. a travel expert here in new york. she says the secret to jong jloy is completing a cross word puzzle every day. gertrude is 100 years old. and paul, an active guy from port st. lucie, florida. he plays for his local softball team every week. froh hiller, a chocolate lover from michigan. she has visited five of the seven continents. gabriel of san diego is 100 years old. he served in the air force for 26 years and was an interpreter during world war ii. thank you for your service. and last but not least, happy 100th birthday to bettie from ohio. keep the birthday wishes coming at >> anybody else craving la sang lasagna? >> i can't stop thinking about the amelia earhart story. >> there's more in the documentary. >> we were riveted watching. >> you think it was amelia earhart. >> i'm convinced. >> and fred noonan. >> what do you have? i saw superman upstairs. >> dean cain. >> we'll have another performance from circumstanque sole soleil. and staging homes before you sell them. how important that is. >> it's huge. >> a lot coming up. >> hail, hail, the gang is back together. >> yes. >> much more ahead on a wednesday morning. first, your local news and weather. good wednesday morning. at 8:56, i'm sam brock. at least five people right now are being questioned after a situation developed inside of a south bay home. investigators were called to a home overnight on center road in san jose just north of capital expressway. police tell nbc bay area that somebody inside that home called 911 and said that somebody had a weapon. police arrived on scene early this morning and questioned several people. no information about any arrests at this point. as soon as we do have more, we'll bring that to you. happening right now, north korean leader kim jong-un is vowing to, quote, demonstrate it's mettle to the u.s. and never negotiate its weapons program. that declaration coming after the country test launched its first intercontinental ballistic missile which could be capable of reaching alaska. president donald trump is expecting a friendly welcome in poland today. he is traveling overseas for the g20 summit in europe. during a short visit to warsaw, po poland, he'll speak at the square. during the g20 summit trump will meet with russian president vladimir putin among other world leaders. we will be closely watching that and have more news for you coming up in just 30 minutes. this morning on "today's take" it's the hump day hump day. dean cain is our celebrity so ho coe host. we'll jump-start your summer entertainment. and the three staging secrets that turns your home from drab to fab, coming up now. >> from nbc news, this is "today's take." live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> good morning. welcome to "today" on this wednesday morning. you're listening to "hideaway." . our friend, dean cain, is our guest co-host. you're part of the family. >> i'm here a lot. i like it here. i'm going to stay. >> we invite you to keep coming here. or you're like, i need to be back. >> a little bit of both. by the way, we have potato chips and olives here. guess what these two were snacking on. wasn't the olives. >> i didn't want to have an olive pit. >> we'll talk about the comparison. there is not. how was your fourth? >> my fourth was on an airplane flying here. i have my flag here. i'm here with you guys. from did you see fireworks from the plane? >> it was still daytime. still light out. i was tired when i got here. >> i was in bed by 8:00. >> i was watching on the tv. looked like great celebrations everywhere. tons of fireworks. >> i told dylan, i went home and my husband said, i kind of did something. what does that mean? i told so and so could come over. and that person invited so and so. it was 3:00 and there were 40 people. >> 3:00 in the morning? >> was there food? >> everybody brought a side. we did meat and hamburgers. the recipe, garlic powder. >> the way my husband seasons hamburgers. garlic and soy sauce. st >> those plans you don't plan, they're the best. >> i slipped away. i kind of disappeared. i never said bye to anybody. >> i think that's great. >> that's the irish good night. >> is that the irish good night? >> yes. my husband is famous for the irish good night. he's left me at so many parties. i look around. and it's like, where dud he go? >> my friends and i call that throwing smoke. you drop a smoke grenade. >> and people kept texting me. and one of our producers, her daughter celebrated her 2nd bir birthday. was it long island? my 4-year-old took the picture. >> he did a great job. that's his perspective. we're tall in his world. >> that's a good perspective shot. >> i love how i hand you calvin and i grab a beer. >> i was happy to hold him. >> you look at calvin, like, who is that guy? >> he was as happy as can be. >> i like your choice. >> i was holding him and brian was holding him. and sheinelle's like, can you give me the baby. >> i took calvin and i turned around, they were giving each other a high-five. >> smart. >> that was good. >> did you cook? >> brian worked yesterday. i worked in the morning. i didn't do anything. and i knew calvin would be asleep before the fireworks happened. so, i couldn't not have a burger. i cooked a burger and corn on the cob and my mom's pasta solisoli salad. >> that looks amazing. >> as i was chopping up the olives, i see the back of the can of olives. >> oh. that's what it is. >> it says, the difference between snacking on olives versus potato chips. fewer calories, lower fat. in what world is it okay to compare olives and potato chips? >> only in the olive world. the olives are like, yes. look how much better we are. >> they were black olives that you can put on your fingers. >> i used to do that as a kid. i used to do that, it's like drinking too much tequila. >> for decades you don't want to touch it. >> i don't know how you can compare these two? >> i like popcorn with clips. >> i love olives. >> you had them in your salad. >> i realize i'm chewing. >> all good. >> i'm like -- >> while you chew, we were looking on instagram, you were in australia. >> i was just in australia. i didn't have a late night last night. it was all of the flying. i just got back a few days ago. it was wonderful. my son and my cousin went down. my former co-star, teri hatcher. >> we've seen this on instagram. >> that's the top of the sydney harbor bridge. you can see the opera house. >> what were you doing? >> we climbed the sydney opera bridge. >> i don't like heights. i dislike them a lot. i was so terrified on this climb. >> where were you guys? >> on top of the bridge. see where there's a flag there? that's what it looks like right there. >> wow. >> you go up the side of the bridge. it's the most terrifying thing i've ever done. they said, it's great. no big deal. >> it's taller than the empire state building? >> is it? >> the empire state building is a little taller. >> you have to use your own legs? there's no elevator? >> there's no elevator. you have a cable. >> why did you do it? >> my son wanted to go. i was behind teri. and her friend was in front. she was terrified. we started going, i got so scared, i turned to the guy and said, his name was richard. i said, i don't want to do this. >> you were serious? >> i don't want to do this. i want to go back. he said, dean, relax. the worst is over. you, my friend, are a liar. the worst was not over. he was a great guy and got me through it. it was terrifying for me. my hands were shaking. >> did he tell you not to look down? >> he didn't say anything about that? >> my son, behind me, dad, look at many. look at this. >> we've talked before. you've done amazing things. training and military straining. going underwater and doing maneuvers. it's interesting that this would be the thing that would freak you out. >> i didn't like rappelling off of an 80-foot building, either. it's not that fun. >> was it worth it when you got up there? >> no. >> how do you get down? >> once you get to the top, you get to the middle and do a dance party. i didn't like the dance party. >> what if it was a hot date? you were going to meet the woman of your dreams if you climb up there and she'll be there waiting for you. >> wow. i mean, i would do it. but i wouldn't like it. >> you're not proposing up there? >> no. >> speaking of proposing, back in april. you were co-hosting with al and jen jenna. you were talking about a matchmaker app? i've never heard of it. >> your friends can hook you up with dates. they asked me if i would do that. i wouldn't want my friends to do it. worst person is my mom. she's done it before. >> i think you talked about it. >> i did. >> the worst person in the world to set me up ever i think is my mom. no offense, mom. i love you. >> we have her on the line right now. >> no. >> yes, we do. >> hi, sharon, how are you? >> good morning, mom. >> good morning. >> sorry to wake you up so early. >> sharon, what do you think dean needs in a woman? who do you believe you should set him up with? >> beautiful, blonde, young and smart. >> go ahead, mom. >> have you tried to set him up, sharon? >> a few times. >> how did that work out, mom? >> what was that? i never have set you up with an ugly girl. >> immediate sweat. >> you are sweating. >> i know. >> i don't know -- i don't have a type. but apparently my mom thinks i do. yeah. >> should we explain why? >> i just found out about this. and i can't believe -- are you onboard with in? >> doesn't matter now. >> apparently, tomorrow, we're going to play a dating game with you. so, sheinelle, our executive producer, tammy, and your mom, they each chose a date for you. >> i'm an idiot. >> of the three, we're going to let you choose. and you can take one of them out on a date tomorrow night. >> okay. >> this is going to be epic. >> how do you say yes to these things? >> i didn't. >> i think you're going to be happy. i have some friends who i hooked up in gym class in tenth grade, they have four kids. >> that's a lot of kids. up next, speaking of dating, do you want to feel more attractive? >> yes. >> yes. >> there's one specific color be the you who doesn't cover your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. be the you who shows up in that dress. who hugs a friend. who is done with treatments that don't give you clearer skin. be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara® just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. some serious infections require hospitalization. before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. before starting stelara® tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have symptoms such as: fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. always tell your doctor if you have any signs of infection, have had cancer, if you develop any new skin growths or if anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. some serious allergic reactions can occur. do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. most people using stelara® saw 75% clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. be the you who talks to your dermatologist about stelara®. ♪ ♪ the best way to get together is with a treat you make together. ♪ ♪ getwith lunch duosow, starting at $6.99en choose your favorite pasta, piadina or sandwich and pair it with all the soup or salad and breadsticks you want get never-ending value for lunch at olive garden ♪ ♪ ♪ back, now, with more of "today's take." and our guest host, dean cain. >> nobody ate olives between. >> i had one olive. >> look at this. >> last time i ate a cherry, i spit the cherry seed out. >> how polite are you? you put it between your notes. is that for dean? >> i'm trying to be classy. >> you are classy. >> i've never been called classy. >> there's a study that says, if you wear a particular color, you'll feel more attractive when you wear it. people will find you more attractive. >> i was going to say bloack. >> black is flattering. >> i think so, too. the color red. >> i believe it. if you're picking out red, you're in a confident state of mind to begin with. that's my theory. >> it's a big look at me. >> if somebody walks in with a red dress, you don't think they're trying too hard? >> i guess it depends how they look in a red dress. >> they should wear a red suit. >> i'll wear a red tie tomorrow. watch what happens there. >> you see news anchors wear red ties. this study in "the european journal of social psychology" found that those who wear red rated themselves higher in attractiveness and sex appeal. >> they rated themselves, though. >> you feel confident when you're wearing red. >> the go red day. i have an orange that look s re. or the fourth of july. and because everyone says you're supposed to wear red. >> i wore red to my senior prom. >> you felt good that day. >> i don't know if i would wear red. >> it was a floor-length dress. >> my mom didn't let me buy red anything. >> undergarmons is a little risq risque. >> i'm not going to touch that. let's switch to weather now. we've got nice weather in the northeast. but in the southwest,it will start heating up again. heat warnings and advisories being issued. and these are mostly for the end of the week, where temperatures will get well above 110 degrees. heat advisories even in the pacific northwest, where temperatures will be above average. we're looking at the ridge in the jet stream to allow summertime temperatures to work their way in. washington and oregon, temperatures about 15 degrees above average in the lower 90s. 104 today in salt lake city. that could tie a record for them. and tempera good morning, i'm kari hall, as we start out this day in san francisco, misting and drizzling. we'll keep the 60s as we go through the week and the inland. the weekend areas will be heating up to 80 degrees. the valleys going to the next several days by sunday we're up to 94 degrees and the temperatures slowly start to come down but we have very hot weather ahead. >> and that's your latest forecast. up next, don't let summer snacks blow your diet. >> blown. >> we'll show you which ones to pick and which to skip in our fo from our crazy delicious family to yours. everythat's why new dialo get closer hibiscus wateru love. is formulated for up to 12 hours of freshness, for the fresh skin feeling you love. dial. healthier skin. healthier you. ♪ ♪ give extra. get extra. for color this bold are you ready... and hair this nourished? garnier nutrisse ultra color with avocado, olive and shea oils. it nourishes hair to boost color. from dull brown to our bluest black. nutrisse ultra color. nourished hair. bolder color. ♪ ouch! new band-aid® brand skin-flex™, bandages. our best bandage yet! it dries almost instantly. better? yeah. good thing because stopping never crosses your mind. band-aid® brand. stick with it™ 60% of women are wearing the w...experience leaks. introducing always my fit. find the number that's right for your flow and panty size on the top of any always pack. the better the fit, the better it protects. always. the summer is all about leisure. going to state fairs. amusement parks, the movies. >> between cotton candy, corn dogs and pizza, it's not easy to find healthy foods to munch on. >> we're going to help you make choices, with the help of jackie london. we're playing a game called "summer stumpers. this or that. >> let's get to it, shall we? our first summer scenario, is it going to be the more nutrition option, this cotton candy or candy apple? >> that because there's an apple in there. >> that's the trick. it's actually this cotton candy. an ounce of cotton candy is ab110 calories. and the sandty a candy caple ap still candy. >> it's an apple. >> cotton candy is shareable. and this is more tricky. >> you probably wouldn't eat all of this. you need a hin of sugar from the cotton candy. >> i know some 6-year-olds. >> we have this corn dog and these chicken tenders. >> i'm going to say that. >> it is that. the plate of chicken tenders is going to be shareable and it's a lean protein source under that breading and deep frying. the corn dog is made from processed meat. so, skip the sausage when you can. >> we're 1-1. >> yeah. all right. let's go to the movies. >> who is sitting where? >> i'm in the middle. >> i like the middle seat. >> whoa. >> this bowl of chocolate covered raisins or chocolate covered peanuts? >> i'm going peanuts. >> peanuts it is. they can deliver for 17 pieces, 4 grams of plant-based proteins. >> how about on the raisinet box a that says, a whole serving of fruit. >> get some grapes. >> fair enough. >> we have this plate of pretzels with cheese or that pizza. >> i'm going to say that. pizza is the magic food. >> the pizza is going to deliver up to 20 grams of protein. it can be more filling. the pretzeled are made from refined cacarbohydrates. >> you're going to eat the salt and drink, drink. >> around the campfire. now, we have our options. we can warm our ands hehands he. this trail mix versus that beef ju jersey. >> i'm going to say beef jerky. >> it's trickier. but it's this trail mix. >> why? >> here's the reason. when you get unsweetened dried fruit and the fewer add-ons the better. read the ingredients label. that's going to be the indicator of what's in the trail mix. lots of nuts and seeds. and some legume in there is amazing. the beef jerky, with sodium, you want to skip it. >> we were thinking lean meet. up next, we have superman here. but look who is coming to theaters. we have spider-man. a sneak peek at the best movies and tv shows to look i'm leaving you, wesley. but why? you haven't noticed me in two years. i was in a coma. well, i still deserve appreciation. who was there for you when you had amnesia? you know i can't remember that. stop this madness. if it's appreciation you want you should both get snapshot from progressive. it rewards good drivers with big discounts on car insurance. i have news. i've used most of our cellular data. come on, susan lucci! ♪ listerine® total care strengthens teeth, after brushing, helps prevent cavities and restores tooth enamel. it's an easy way to give listerine® total care to the total family. listerine® total care. one bottle, six benefits. power to your mouth™. did any bag of dog or buy cat food at petsmart we give a meal to a pet in need? help us reach our goal of donating more than 60 million meals so hungry pets across the country get to eat. buy any bag, we give a meal to a pet in need. petsmart - for the love of pets. ♪ good wednesday morning. new details now on a troubling investigation on the east bay as they continue to look for the personal responsible for spraypainting cars and elevating the seriousness of the crime. police now say that the vandalism has risen to the level of hate crimes. they have vandalized homes and cars last week. they also slashed tires on 17 cars, one victim we spoke to wonders why this particular neighbor was targeted. >> it feels misplaced because everyone here are likeñi activists. >> berkeley pd says they have promising leading and if anyone has information to come forward. this week is proving to be busy for low cam parks. and rangers had to stop allowing guests in. the congestion was not just specific to shadow ñiçócliff. it is a nice day to be outside, and we'll look now at what the rest of the week has for you. good wednesday morning, i'm kari hall, if you're going back to work today, we're seeing sunshine right now. our temperature trend will continue to warm up early afternoon. in the low 80s today. we still see the low clouds and the driding right now in san francisco and our temperatures will reach 63 degrees. upper 80s in a few spots today. as we go through the forecast in san francisco, expect more highs in the mid 60s in the next few days. so we'll see clouds and cool temperatures there. meantime the valleys heating up we'll be up toñi 92 on saturday and 94 on sunday. >> getting toasty inland. thank you, that does it for us right now. hopefully you will join us in 30 minutes with more nude. from action flicks to chick flicks, and fall out of your chair comedies, a lot to keep you entertained this month. >> we're going to talk about the summer entertainment with jessica. >> hello. so much good stuff this month. >> there's a new superhero in town. >> yes. "spider-m "spider-man: homecoming" so excited for this movie. we got to meet him, captain america. spidey movies, are 20-something. this feels like high school. for the eagle eyes, there's something in there. and michael keaton is amazing as the vulture. >> i think the movie will be good because it's a high school feel to it. that will be fun. i love john hughes movies. i'm excited to see the web crawler. >> that's blasphemy. but whatever. >> from our sister company, universal, "girls trip." >> friends take a trip to new orleans. this is an r-rated girls trip. this is not have rose and go to bed. >> have a battle of rose and stay up. >> and tiffany in that movie, is incredible. >> emotiji movie? >> i felt the same way about the lego movie. and look how good that was. the voices are amazing. t.j. miller, anna faris. and sir patrick, knighted by the queen, is the poop emoji. if it's good enough for him, who are we to judge? >> if you had said this was made ten years ago, no one would understand what you said. >> the new "planet of the apes" movie. >> this is the third in the reboot of "planet of the apes. "th "they are fighting a villain played by woody harrelson. every tiny movement of his face and his body is motion captured and they do an amazing feat for this movie. >> maybe andy can get an award for his acting. >> switching to tv. meghan markle in "suits." "suits" is coming back. >> it's directed by patrick j. adams, who may be walking down the aisle with megan merkel's character. i don't think anyone will be looking at her eye walk iwalkin. >> i would date prince harry. >> she is lovely in person, too. new episodes of "game of thrones." this one i haven't gotten onboard with. >> i heard it's amazing. >> it's so good. we're nearing the end. this is the penultimate season. can't wait to see who ends up on the iron throne at the end. the producer are notoriously secretive. but we know a mr. ed sheeran, who will be outside tomorrow, will make a cameo this season. and new on amazon, "the last tycoon." >> this is based on f. scott fitzgerald's novel. it's about a wunderkind in hold and his relationship with his boss, played by kelsey grammer. >> jessica, thank you so much. and for more on that clip from "suits," featuring meghan markle, on our website. coming up, the secrets to staging your home that wise man, i'm nervous about things i can't control... affecting my good credit score. i see you've planted an uncertainty tree. chop that thing down. the clarity you seek... lies within the creditwise app from capital one. creditwise helps you protect your credit. and it's completely free for everyone. it's free for everyone? do hawks use the stars to navigate? i don't know. aw, i thought you did. i don't know either. either way it's free for everyone. cool. what's in your wallet? non-alcoholic juice drinks inspired by your favorite cocktails. [ plays chord ] like sangria. the taste will take you away. 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help us reach our goal of donating more than 60 million meals so hungry pets across the country get to eat. buy any bag, we give a meal to a pet in need. petsmart - for the love of pets. i wneverever wash my hair again now, i fuel it new pantene doesn't just wash your hair, it fuels it. with the first pro-v nutrient blend, making every strand stronger because strong is beautiful. if you're planning to put your house on the market, there's one thing you should consider doing if your haven't already. we're talking about staging. >> that's right. it can increase the sale prils by 7%. and help it sell on average 100 days faster. here in new york, where everything is at a premium, staging is crucial. you know him from "million dollar listing." >> penthouse, 52 5,500 square feet. >> ryan sells homes with six or seven zeros attached. ryan knows making a home going from regular to remarkable, is more than just fluffing pillows. >> people are searching on their phone is the most important thing you can do. if someone swipes by you, they will never show up and know how great the built-ins are. >> with 3.5 million homes on the market at any time in the u.s., the housing competition is stiffer than ever. but staging works. >> if you don't stage it, you're losing 10%,15%. you want to tell it. and they want to sell it for the most amount of money possible. >> the seller? nbc producer and her family. >> we have run out of space. we lived here for seven years. and it is just toys, toys, toys. >> ryan's right hand man. >> it's not depersonalizing. destylizing. don't be specific to your unique tastes. >> simple tricks, like a professional. clear the clutter. >> my eyes go to the clutter. the clutter goes out, that's easy. >> define the rooms. >> the living room has storage, tv, one couch against the wall and all this open space. it feels big. but i don't think it's being used well. >> lighten the space. >> there's no light in here. >> edit, edit. >> so much furniture. the bed is massive. this bureau looks like it came from someone's grandmother. >> after sara spent $1,500 with new purchases and furniture rental, the house was ready to sell. >> this is craze su. this is unreal. >> brought in an area rug. we furnished the room. >> this stable looks awesome. this makes a huge timpbs. >> sleek modern, clean lines. >> now, it makes the room feel big. >> this is a totally different room. everything is totally different vibe. the energy. this feels like a master bedroom you'd want to sleep in. >> we put a new bed in, night stands, changed the shades up. big pillows, make it look like you want to flop down. ♪ >> wow. >> first, we added the light. >> oh, yeah. >> makes a big difference. >> that's funny. >> and the beds were on the ground. we just raised them up 12 inches. now, there's bins of legos and toys. >> putting a smile on ryan's face. >> boom, done, buy it. >> this in, sara doesn't want to move anymore. we saw jeffrey stage sara's home. he's here with some of his tips. good morning to you. we were saying, for people watching at home, these are great tips to enhance the space you have. >> absolutely. just a better way to live. >> let's talk about first for your first impression. what should you keep in mind? >> your first impression, you want to make an impression. this day and age, the first impression of real estate, is a t two-by-two-inch screen. you want to have an impactful picture. you can't have anything that might offend him, deter him. any negativity, you want to keep it out of i. >> you say rugs. >> the way to change so much space is an area rug. if you want to hide or mask problems with the flooring. >> that's the same room? >> that's the same room. >> you said you use white linens or you like it bright. >> white feels and looks clean. it's inviting. i like to stay away from the world neutral and go with a clean white. >> and that's what you did in the bedroom. that looks dark. >> that is where you want to live. like move into. >> you want people to feel they can come home and feel comfortable right away. >> how important are lightbulbs? >> they're important. we would love to put paint on the calls. sometimes it's a matter of changing the soft lighting with bright lighting. you can change the wall color or the floor color, with the change out of a lightbulb. >> i looks like you painted the i'm trying to look at both. >> that's huge. like you, huge. >> compaqly. >> he's standing over there, too tall. all right, dylan. >> let's get a check of the weather. just walking off-camera. i feel like i should spin or something. let's look at what's going on across the country, where we have heavier downpours, moving into arkansas. later this afternoon and evening, we will see scattered showers develop into the appalachians. now, tomorrow, excessive heat works into the southwest. temperatures above 110 degrees. salt lake city could tie a record. storms will work into wisconsin, where we could see hail and damaging winds in all of wisconsin, under the gun for that tomorrow. heavy rain moves into kentucky and tennessee. good morning, i'm kari hall. we're starting to get some clearing inland and that is where our temperatures will be much warmer. we're going to see a high of 82 in san jose. upper 80s for livermore and concord. san francisco at 63 degrees today. we keep the low 60s for a few more days. morning fog and clouds each day, the inland areas will be bright and sunny and temperatures really heating up with the peak of the heat on sunday. >> and that's your latest forecast. >> you're back? >> i'm back. up next, the one-of-a-kind jaw-dropping performance from ♪harry's meeting clients... ♪...from far away. but they only see his wrinkles.♪ ♪he's gotta play it cool to seal the deal.♪ ♪better find a way to smooth things over.♪ ♪if only harry used some... ♪...bounce, to dry. ♪yeah! ♪he would be a less wrinkly, and winning at life.♪ getwith lunch duosow, starting at $6.99en choose your favorite pasta, piadina or sandwich and pair it with all the soup or salad and breadsticks you want get never-ending value for lunch at olive garden ♪ ♪ ♪ he's got a condo. he's got a car. he's got a career. but that still doesn't mean he gets you. time to shine. orbit. the beswith neutrogena® beach? beach defense® sunscreen. helioplex™ powered, uva uvb strong. beach strength protection for the whole family. for the best day in the sun. neutrogena®. ♪ real energy harnessed from the earth. nature valley. did any bag of dog or buy cat food at petsmart we give a meal to a pet in need? help us reach our goal of donating more than 60 million meals so hungry pets across the country get to eat. buy any bag, we give a meal to a pet in need. petsmart - for the love of pets. hair dramnot the hair.ama. the hair repair specialist gliss. with patented keratin technology, repairs and rebuilds for beautifully repaired hair. bye, bye drama! gliss - the hair repair specialist. i was always "tpeople don't stare anymore. i never joined in. that wasn't fair to any of us. i was covered. i tried lots of things over the years. but i didn't give up. i kept on fighting. i found something that worked. that still works. now? see me. see me. i found clear skin that lasts. see if cosentyx could make a difference for you- cosentyx is proven to help people with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...find clear skin that can last. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting cosentyx, you should be checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. see me to know... ...clear skin can last. don't hold back... ...ask your dermatologist if cosentyx can help you find clear skin that lasts. the citi concert series on "today" is proudly presented to you by citi. >> cirque du soleil is known for amazing acrobatics. and they're back at it again with their 25th live production, ovo. it's an insect-themed show, where you can expect to see incredible tricks and flips from a regular cirque du soleil show. but this time, a bug's world. they're on a north american tour but were kind enough to stop her for a special performance. cirque du soleil take it away. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> incredible. cirque du soleil ovo, thank you. you can catch them in brooklyn's barclay center until july can we thank dean for being here today. >> we love dean. >> he's coming back tomorrow. >> better get a good night's sleep. >> do you have a special guest coming with you tomorrow? >> my mother will be here. my son will be here. >> it will be so good. >> i met your son. i -- >> he's in 6'2". we were in roa handballer 1: you know what i could go for? some scrambled eggs and pancakes. lilly: we got a craving! go, go, go!! crashing cravings in the crave van! jack's gonna crash your crave! jack: hey, guys. try my jumbo breakfast platter with sausage or bacon, plus 8 mini pancakes, eggs and a hash brown for just $2.99. handballer 2: $2.99? how 'bout we play you for it. handballers: oooooooh. jack vo: you crave it, we serve it. try my $2.99 jumbo breakfast platter. crave van! good morning, i'm kari hall, if you're going back to work today, by the time you get home it will be raet heatieally heat the inland areas. let's go to the east bay, dansville up to 87. oakland 72, cool for the inner bay and the coast. half moon bay aásr 60 degrees. san francisco only getting añi little bit of clearing today with highs up to 64 degrees. 79 today in santa rosa. na na pa will be a little warmer with 83 degrees. we will continue to have warm whether into the next several days. >> happening now, volvo is prejudicing toñi an end --çó pledging to end an era and only make electric engines starting in 2019. here in golden state, an active fire season. cal fire is battling four active wild fires across the area. two are nearing full containment this morning. spring fire burning area of 70 and one in fresno county are at 80% containment. firefighters have warned it could be a very busy fire season in general. . hell everybody. welcome to wines day wednesday, july 5. hope you all had a fantastic independence day holiday. is that touched by little mix? >> it is touched by little mix, i know that because it says so. >> i want to hear all about your fabulous weekend. >> here are the words of wisdom, for a grand mother. grandma, i know you love me

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