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In to help flooded out residents in the north bay and in the south residents and animals in hollister left with nowhere to go. Good afternoon. More rain means many more problems for people up and down the bay area. We have live team storm watch coverage. Well get to the Current Conditions with roberta in just a moment. But first, len ramirez and anne makovec are standing by in two dangerous floodedout areas. Lets start with anne at the Russian River in guerneville. Anne . Reporter yeah, the Russian River is cresting in a couple of hours this afternoon. But you can see it is already overflowed its banks behind me. We have been watching water rise steady all morning here at this mini golf course off niely road. The Russian River almost 6 feet above flood stage now and any lowlying area near it is under water today. It took the National Guard get to a man trapped in his house this morning. Niely road is under water after the Russian River overflowed its banks sunday night. Its been rising ever since. Block after block in guerneville looks like fingers of a lake with homes, businesses and apartment buildings islands in between. Many roadways impassable. I actually drove through it but my car started sputtering. Reporter we first met her this morning after abandoning her car for a boat to get home from work. I called the guys and they reporter the only way . Yes. Reporter 1700 people are under evacuation orders right now and several homes are under water as is steves storage shed. He estimates the water is about 6 feet deep. The second blast took me by surprise. I thought we were done with it and then it came right back. Reporter stores are swamped along river road. Many are without power today and closed for business. But many of the locals arent shocked by this january flood. Most people prepare themselves pretty good. But still theres a lot of damage no matter what. Reporter the water will soon start to recede and perhaps by tomorrow, the clean up process and Damage Assessment will begin. Some good news. She says her home was spared. How thankful are you for that . Very. Very. Reporter after the rescue this morning, the man trapped in his homemade it out and is safe and smiling this afternoon. You can see some people are having a good time with the flooding. This is a hunter who is using this as a Swimming Pool this morning. The official cresting of the Russian River will be at 37. 7 feet. Thats happening again at 2 p. M. There was some concern earlier about highway 116. It looks like that will be spared, that should be clear. But roberta has been talking about another storm possibly coming in next week. Live in guerneville, anne makevoc, kpix 5. Thank you. In the south bay a dramatic rescue after the Pacheco Creek burst its banks near the town of hollister. Kpix 5s len ramirez is live near highway 152 and lovers lane where the rising waters forced the evacuation of dozens of people and animals. Reporter thats right. The river did rise here and flooded probably hundreds of acres of farmland. Let me give you a view of whats happening at this moment, a rather dramatic situation involving livestock. You see several head of cattle out there to Higher Ground but they have had to fend for themselves all morning. In addition to the cattle over there, theres some sheep and goats that have actually taken refuge on ton of a roof of an outbuilding over there. So this is a very dramatic situation. We understand from some of the neighbors that there was some livestock that were lost in this flood. Now, give you an idea of whats happening here go to chopper 5, we got some video from this morning showing just how many acres of farm fields in this area have been flooded out. Now, this all happened at about 2 to 3 a. M. And fire rescue crews and others actually had to come into the area and take some of the residents who live out in this area out by boat and by vehicle. The neighborhood here was covered by about 3 to 4 feet of water at one point so it was a very bad situation for the folks. They are talking about flooded out cars at least half a dozen cars taken out of the area. So really a big setback for many of the folks who live in the area. Now, the good news is that this water is starting to recede finally. It was three to four feet high on lovers lane here. But now its only about 6 to a foot. So it is going down. But obviously, the weather plays a big factor in whether or not it will continue to go down. A lot of clouds but it looks like the worst of the rain is over at least for now. Reporting live in san benito county, len ramirez, kpix 5. In the city of napa, the heavy rain has flooded intersections making roads too difficult for cars to cross. The National Weather service has a coastal Flood Warning in effect through tomorrow for areas near the napa river. In the north bay, a family in fairfax is safe after mud was sent rushing through their home trapping them inside. Chunks of a hillside with trees and branches slammed into the home on sir Francis Drake and olema. The front steps were destroyed and power lines came down, making it tough for crews to get the family to safety. The mudslide also caused a gas leak. Pg e crews are now working on repairs. In fremont, four feet of mud and water are covering parts of niles canyon road. The road has been closed since 10 p. M. When a mudslide started flowing over the pavement. Two people had to be rescued from a stuck car. They were able to get to safety but the car was left in the mudslide until its safe for crews to try to pull it out. Santa cruz county is under a state of emergency at this hour because of the storm. The Santa Cruz Mountains have been hard by mudslides and fallen trees. The county is hoping to get emergency money from the state to help cover storm damage. Officials are still tallying up the costs. County workers have been working overtime since the weekend clearing trees and power lines from roads like highway 17. 90 miles of interstate 80 remain closed now because of brutal snowy conditions in the sierra. It is shut down between colfax and the nevada state line because of Poor Visibility from the snow and the wind. The National Weather service has a winter storm warning in effect for the region until 10 a. M. Tomorrow. Its unclear when the freeway will reopen. The city of South Lake Tahoe wants people to stay off its roads at least through tomorrow because of hazardous conditions. A stretch of u. S. Highway 50 toward south shore was closed for a while. It reopened this morning but tire chains are now required between kyburz and meyers. Lets check in with roberta roberta. I have friends in donner who had10 feet of snow in 24 hours. We have a winter storm warning in effect and an avalanche warning in effect until 5 p. M. We have already seen five to seven feet of snow above 7,000 feet an additional 18 anticipated, three to six inches down to the lake level floor. Live hidef Doppler Radar picking up scattered showers around the north bay. Theres that cell right there just to the north of the sonoma area. And across the Santa Clara Valley its hitandmiss scattered showers. This highlighted area is where we have a Flood Warning in effect southeastern portions of santa clara county, also right here. Thats monterey and santa cruz counties. The red area pretty much the Flood Warning that remains in effect. Santa clara, santa cruz and we want to remind you all that the Coastal Flood Advisory is still in effect through tomorrow because of the astronomical high tides. There you have the Russian River in guerneville cresting at 2 p. M. You know, its already caused some modest flooding. We anticipate moderate flooding to occur again later on this afternoon plus while we have a little rerepeat right now with some scatters isolated showers were looking to the west due west and you see that gathering of the clouds . That indicates we have yet another storm. Its heading this way. We are going to track the raindrops and tell you when to expect them where you live. Breaking news. Take a look at this this is chopper 5 overhead, a sinkhole. This is along Alhambra Valley road. Again, this is in pinole. You can see how big that sinkhole is. This is the problem we have been talking about the last couple of days when we see heavy rains like this and it just saturates that ground. Um, its a perfect combination for sinkholes to happen like this. That road is damaged. No way getting around that road. We are going to bring you more on this in just a bit but again, chopper 5 overhead Alhambra Valley road, this is in pinole with a massive, massive sinkhole thats going to cause issues for people in the area. All right. To politics now. For the First Time Since well before he was elected, president elect donald trump held a News Conference this morning. As jamie yuccas reports from new york, the event comes amid new and potentially explosive allegations against him reporter president elect donald trump is firing back at media reports that russia may have compromising information about him. The thing like that should have never been written. It should never have been had. And it should certainly never have been released. Reporter cbs news learned that an appendix to an intelligence reported present to mr. Trump and president obama contained details of an alleged russian effort to compromise the president elect with damaging information about his business and personal life. None of the details are confirmed to be true. I saw the information. I read the information. Outside of that meeting. Its all fake news. Its phony stuff. It didnt happen. Reporter mr. Trumps First Press Conference in almost 6 months was mostly expected to be about his agenda, separation from his businesses and cabinet confirmations. The president elect announced he is formally handing over complete and total control of his Business Empire to his adult sons. President elect wants there to be no doubt in the minds of the American Public that he is completely isolating himself from his business interests. Reporter mr. Trump also promised to donate all profits from Foreign Government payments made to his hotels to the us treasury. There were about 250 journalists packed into trump tower to hear him answer questions. But many journalists left with questions based on what he talked about including obamacare that he will repeal and preplace simultaneously which is news to lawmakers who havent seen the legislation yet or an outline from him. He also talked about how he plans to have mexico pay for the wall along the u. S. mexico border. No details laid out in the press conference today. Jamie, lets talk about that u. S. mexico border, um, president elect donald trump was talking about. He said that even before that deal is made with mexico, he is going to build the wall. He believes that deal will still be made. Reporter thats right. It will still happen. One of the things we heard about today was in the press conference that was somewhat new. We had heard some Little Details of about it before was how he plans to heavily tax businesses who leave the United States and put plants in mexico. That may be one of the details that gets hammered out if there is a deal with mexico. But he plans to start negotiations he said immediately with the leaders of mexico to build that wall. And, of course, you talked about the media criticism during this News Conference. Mr. Trump came out thanking some of the Media Outlets for not running the story from russias fake compromising information about him. Something happened when a cnn reporter shouted nonstop a question. Reporter both cnn and buzzfeed an on lead media outlet tried to ask questions. Both were shut down. There was a large hubbub. They provide fake news and he didnt allow them to ask questions. Definitely something making headlines across the internet. Jamie yuccas in new york, thank you. Down in washington, dc, russia was a major focus today at todays confirmation hearing for rex tillerson. President elect Donald Trumps nominee for the next secretary of state. Tillerson dealt with russia as ceo of exxonmobil. Some democrats on the senate panel expressed concern about his personal relationship with russian president vladimir putin. Californias senior u. S. Senator Dianne Feinstein now has a pacemaker. A spokesman said feinstein underwent the nonemergency surgery yesterday just hours after questioning jeff sessions. President elects nominee for attorney general. She plans to submit additional questions for the hearings. Her pacemaker was installed out of an abundance of caution but no details were released. She is 83. She is currently the oldest member of the senate. [ music ] still ahead, the controlled avalanche that got out of control, the damage in the lake tahoe area after tons of snow come sliding into homes. We have been monitoring yet another storm thats heading this way. We are going to track it. Well tell you exactly when its going to arrive to the bay area and how much more rain to expect. The news continues right after this. , upbeat music [voiceover] you are San Francisco. Weve been with you from the beginning. Weve seen each other through good times and bad. Sickness and health. Were with you San Francisco, and you bring out the best in us. Care. Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and trauma center. Control. All that snow ended up hitting in the tahoe truckee area, controlled avalanche near Alpine Meadows got out of control. All that snow ended up hitting several houses yesterday. No one was injured. Socalled controlled avalanches are set off to reduce the risk of bigger problems when snow conditions get dangerous. Time for a check of our weather with roberta gonzales. I had some people send me some beautiful pictures from tahoe donner up to 5 to 7 feet of snow. Think about that five feet. Thats taller than Michelle Griego right outside the door there. [ laughter ] lets get to it. Its our live hidef Doppler Radar. We are picking up light precipitation over there in the north bay. That little area of yellow and orange is an isolated cell that just breezed through sonoma. Thats a big cell encompassing vallejo making tracks towards martinez with moderate rainfall. We hop over to the Santa Clara Valley in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Its been isolated hitandmiss scattered showers, even a little bit of snow in the Mount Hamilton area. All this is out of here making its way for another storm to roll in but first, Flood Warning is in effect for the southeastern portion of santa clara county. Also isolated areas of the santa cruz area. We have the rapid rise in the streams, we still have that Flood Warning in effect for the Russian River in guerneville. I want to get out of the way so you can see this beautiful sky. Wow a bit of a break. Temperatures currently in the 50s. Winds are under 10. Here we go. Its our futurecast. The leading edge of the next area of low pressure has a lot of characteristics associated with it, not as much wind and not as much precipitation. We have the leading edge in the north bay and heavy rain with the front that slices through the bay area overnight. Heres the morning commute. It will be wet. Towards lunch hour this time tomorrow, some rain lingering across the southern portion of our area similar to today. And then overnight, we clear out then in the stage 4a, sunny friday. Rainfall amounts up to about an inch in san rafael. Up to an inch in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Lesser amounts. But nonetheless avalanche warning as we mentioned we have that in effect until 5 p. M. Tonight. An additional 18 inches of snow above 7,000 feet. Locally, back at the ranch, temperatures into the 50s. Shy of 60. Sun goes down at 5 11. Well be able to see it. Were calling for again the rain to arrive tonight. Overnight especially, a rainy thursday morning commute, and then it begins to clear. Sunny skies for your friday. Partly cloudy conditions saturday and sunday increasing clouds for monday, motorsly cloudy and cloudy on mostly cloudy and cloudy on tuesday. The long range forecast im noticing a big storms between hawaii and alaska. It could come this way on wednesday through friday. Its out there in la la land still way far out there so well just keep a watchful eye ton. We want rain but we have had enough for a while, right . Pineapple express again . This one bears watching. Okay. We know youre keeping an eye ton it. Lets keep an eye on the big board right. The dow is up about 73 points. Still ahead, brandnew details on the gunman convicted in a mass shooting in South Carolina. The punishment just handed down to dylann roof just minutes ago. ,,,,,,,,,, formally sentenced to death, convicted mass murderer dylann roof. Yesterday, the jury recommended the death pena a South Carolina judge has just formally sentenced to death convicted mass murderer dylann roof. Yesterday, the jury recommended the Death Penalty for roof who shot and killed nine people in 2015 at a black church in charleston. The judge went along with that recommendation formally sentencing the avowed white supremacist a short time ago. This will make roof the first person ordered executed for a federal hate crime. A sacramento woman is suing chipotle for nearly 2 billion. She says that the burrito chain used her picture without her permission saying they took her picture 10 years ago at a denver restaurant. The company has been using it ever since across the country in restaurant. She said it helped chipotle earn 2 billion which is what she wants in the suit. Reminder if you have a Consumer Problem email or call us father here we go. Were gonna go out there in the rain. Youre gonna get wet. Alright, here we go baby [squealing with joy] father oh, yeah. Yes so much fun youre so wet. Guidelines on the hpv vaccine for children. How they could potentially prevent thousands of cases of cancer every year. That story and more at five. People are calling for a new guideline for the hpv vaccine for children regarding cancer. That story and more tonight at 5 00. We are on storm watch. Okay well have more rain developing later tonight from a brandnew system. Rain in your forecast for the morning commute. It will taper off and out. Then sunshine for friday partly cloudy over the weekend. She wanted the last word. She got it. , steffy [ sniffs ] breakfast tacos . Liam from your favorite taco truck. Steffy and coffee . ohh liam oh, yeah. Well, we had such a good night, i figured you could use a good morning, as well. Steffy thank you liam yeah. Steffy mmm. Liam would have brought you breakfast in bed, but this will have to do. Steffy oh, its amazing. Thank you. Liam yeah. Well, its a lot better than it could have been. You didnt wake up under the same roof as wyatt and quinn. Wyatt im not giving up. I still think this campaign could be a huge success for us, for steffy, forrester, everything. It just im sorry. Am i boring you

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