Information services worldwide. Captioning sponsored by Rose Communications from our studios in new york city, this is charlie rose. Rose President Trump marked his first 100 days in office this weekend. This period is historic, in a time in which president use us the momentum of their popularity to set the agenda for the next four years and also a common benchmark for evaluating their performance in office. According to the latest poll, President Trump has the lowest job Approval Rating of any president in history after the first 100 days. He has failed to achieve certain of his Core Campaign promises, including the repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care act and the construction of a Mexican Border wall. Today President Trump released a Campaign Advertisement declaring his time in office and the first, in the first 100 days a success. Donald trump, sworn in as president 100 days ago, america has rarely seen such success. A respected Supreme Court justice confirmed, Companies Investing in american jobs again, america becoming more energy independent, regular regulations that kill american jobs he he eliminated, the bigt tax cut plan in history, you wouldnt know it from watching the news. America is winning and President Trump is making America Great again. I am donald trump and i approve this message. Rose the president spoke with cbss chief washington correspondent on face the nation, John Dickerson naah wideranging interview on saturday. Among the topics discussed were healthcare and the President Trumps guarantee that preexisting conditions may be covered in the next bill. So what i hear you saying is preexisting is going to be in there for everybody preexisting is going to be in there and. It is not and it is going to create pools, and pools are going to take care of the crucial question it is not going to be left up to the states a . Erybody gets preexisting no matter no but the states will have a lot to do with it because we ultimately want to get bank account down to the states, look because if you hurt your knee, honestly, i would rather have the federal government focused on north korea, focused on other things than your knee. Okay . Or than your back as important as your back is. I would much rather see the federal government focused on other things. Bigger things. Now, the state is going to be in a much better position to take care, because it is smaller, people out there with preexisting conditions they are worried, are they going to have the guarantee of coverage if they have a preexisting conditions or if they live in a state where a governor decides that is not part of healthcare or the prices are going to go up, thats to the worry my, worry the American Medical Association says that is going to make healthcare unaffordable for people. Forget about unaffordable, that is obamacare. I am not hearing you say, mr. President trump there is not a guarantee of preexisting conditions. We have a clause that guarantees it. Excellent. Rose John Dickerson joins me now, welcome. Charlie, great to be with you. It is a great interview and i as i know you heard from many people. You were clearly prepared for. This yes. With he intent the entire team of face the nation, in a sense we have been doing it to the last two years, a lot of those questions and the same a with you, you carry questions around in your head and always asking them and sometimes yeah, you ask smaller versions who people who arent the president and finally get we have been collecting them in the last week and really wanted to try to sort of get at some core issues and the question was which specific topic was going to get you there and then contradictory in his answer, contradictory within the answer, right, exactly or give you an answer that doesnt seem to be even within the realm of the ones you were expecting so you have to and this is such a challenge as you know, you have to listen to make sure you are getting what is going right and then kind of build on that as you try to build an answer, because sometimes as you say it is fragmentary what he is saying. Rose and most of the times he speak in generalities rather than specifics. So thats one of the things away. Ed to try to do is not play a quiz game that is not interesting or important but how by the likes of his own administration and the light of his own objectives does he talk about policies, so for example, he said about his healthcare act, it has got to help my supporters or i am not going to sign it, well he said that six weeks ago, wha what has he donen the interim to make sure that is the case a . Thats a policy question, what specific things, abc have you done and also a negotiating question, sea great negotiator, he says, so how have you used those skills to advocate for those supporters, the story of this election is he is fighting for the deport, forgotten man, cents of really what rose things like medicare. Well, that is right. And on medicare, in talking to him about that, that is also connected of course to taxes, because in congress, the president s tax plan is going to have a big deficit impact, now he says that can be fix bid growth but the committee for responsible budget said even if you have three percent growth he still creates 5. 5 trillion in new debt over ten years. So congress is not going to be able to pass something with that kind of deficit number so what kind of savings might they get . Well, paul ryan might look to medicare and his premium support plan as he called it, some people call it vouchers, donald trump campaigned against that but we see him as a president change okay an number of fronts, will he change on this . When i asked him about that the key idea was to get a new benchmark, i think you quantity to get new benchmarks with this president because he is changing and sifting so you want to find out, okay, he said he wont touch medicare today, that is different than when he said it, you know, six months ago or so, so that is his position now, that is really interesting because if he walls that off from possible savings, then it is going to be awfully hard for congress to do all of the things he wants and keep the budget anywhere close to on track. Rose and back to this special, discussion you were having in terms of preexisting condition, scwhrat the final sort of in your understanding of where he is . I am not quite sure. The original question was, how have you changed the bill in order to help your supporters, and thats really about the subsidies they would get under obamacare, those go away, older voters you can charge more for though older voters than under obamacare, those are some things that needed to be fixed, he said the fix was preexisting conditions, which is not really the case. So but then there is, there are some changes that they are trying to make to preexisting conditions in part of the negotiations with the conservative freedom caucus, because they think that the mandates that are part of obamacare basically drive up prices, so they have been asking for more flexibility at the state level, and included in some of the things that governors can be more flexible about is the rules for preexisting conditions. Now there is a lot of debate about whether the suggestions they have made about how to reform preexisting condition coverage end up actually removing that guarantee. And o i was trying to find out understands he went down that road, and frankly i wasnt expecting him to, and in answer to the question about his supporters, once he went down that road i was trying to say are you saying that no matter what people can be assured no matter what state they live in they are finding to have coverage for their preexisting condition and it is not going to be so expensive that, yes, you have access to it, but it costs what a rolls royce would and therefore it is effectively not there, and it took a little while to get ar und the mulberry bush on that one. Rose what do you think it ended up . I think it ended up, it seems he said there is a guarantee tea for the coverage of preexisting kpts, but what still was. Clear is, you can guarantee it but can you guarantee it in a way that is, that the price isnt through the roof, and therefore the guarantee doesnt mean anything and i am not quite sure we ended up getting exactly there. Rose what else did you want to see conning out of the healthcare . Was it where you thought you needed clarification . And a new benchmark . I wanted to find out how involved he had been, his argument is he is the one in there fighting for the forgotten man, and so what does that look like in practice . I understand what it looks like on the rally stump and we went with him to harrisburg on saturday night and it was asterisk as it has ever been with donald trump and his connection with his voters,. Rose electric as it has ever been. Oh, my gosh yes, it was like the campaign and what is of course different he wasnt relying on beating up his opponent, which he did often. Now, he was relying on beating up on the press and the variety of other things so he still uses that tactic but without the energy of the campaign, does he still have the connection to his people. Rose and he does. He absolutely does. You suggest to me whenever we talk it is almost like they just wanted to touch him. Oh, absolutely, i mean, it was amazing when he was in this plant that workers who were there who were his fans and who had been corraled, corraled into a special area because they were, that they just wanted to touch him and felt you could just, and in talking to them, you know, they just love he is in there fighting for them. Rose and you corrected me this morning as well, when we talk about this a little bit, it is not about leadership, it is about what . It is about understanding them, and where they come from. Rose that he is listening to them and will take their case. Exactly, will take their case to fight against washington so when he is bedeviled by the press or congress or the courts, they see that as simply, you know, him in this titanic struggle against all of those stupid forces of elites who dont understand them, at a cultural level and who have created policies that picture them, and they just see him in there as their champion, you know, in the middle of the ring and so the bloodier, the more bloodied and scuffed up he is is more proof of his, how strong his night is for them. Rose jumping all over here as my curiosity takes me but it is clear he already is thinking about 2020. Yes, i mean he is absolutely thinking about twenty20 thats part of what he talks about how big his victory was in the last election, i think he wants to keep reasserting that because it gives him leverage over politicians but i think they also. Is absolutely thinking about the next sort of judgment, real judgment, i in an election and he will have to mess with 2018, get in the way, but really the next ratification comes four years from now. Rose 18, 2018 could be a terrible, by election for republics. Bye election for republicans. Nd of fibrillation wes havethes seen from republicans saying things like joanie earns saying you shouldnt go to marla go so often and some saying he should release his tax returns and thinking it is okay to take, keep a distance from the president because it affects the base. You see what the republicans are acting on is a political dynamic that could suggest trouble for republicans but such a good landscape for republicans in 2018, ten vulnerable democrats in states trump won th the playg field is really tilted against the democrats. Rose you the can tell how much he likes to go to marla go because he said Prime Minister of japan wanted to come there, he likes to play golf but also he has said that the president of china wanted to come there. Right. Rose rather than washington to have their conversations. Well, it has always been with president s and they like to go to crawford when george w. Bush took them there as well and it is a sign and we see when american president s go visit heads of stays at their villas, relationship symbolically that is closer, more intimate and all the rest, but of course the trick with marla go is not just his house but as club that upped its entrance fee by a good amount so he runs into all of those conflict of interest issues where clearly as a marketer and he knows this the havvalue of the property and the membership of the club every time he goes visit it because it is associated with him and while he may not have broad public support, his supporters are quite. Supportive and therefore they really would love to be a member of a club or go to a place that is associated with him, because of the way they see him in their, you know, their support for him. Rose everybody talked talks about changes in his positions, more so than he does, and that the presidency has changed him, but also he changed the presidency. It is clear he changed the presidency because we have never seen anybody act like he does. Right. Rose clearly it changed him because he changed his position based on i assume advice from the people he respects within his own administration. I think that is right. And also tradeoffs in terms of what he now, once he cops into the full grasp or a fuller grasp of the issues and the tradeoffs in those issues, it becomes quite clear for him, so on china, he says well of course we are not going to declare china a currency manipulator, because they are helping us out with north korea, i am not going to anything to china that is going to slow them down in helping us and said go easy on trade or be less tough on trade because we want them to help us with north korea and at the end of the day that is more important than trade. Rights. And he says the easiest thing in the world, come on, just be real lierveg when people would raise the exact issues during the campaign, he was not going to entertain that, it was full speed ahead on china, raping the United States, and china is horrible in these ten different ways. So he is coming either to the realization or he was being coy in the first place and by the way there is an american tradition of beating up on the chinese in the campaign and bill clinton did it, certainly, but is one of the Great Questions of President Trump is, were his first bombastic statements on nato, on china, on and a half tax were they an opening gambit in a negotiation in which you make an outrageous claim with the full well knowledge knowing you are going to need to back down and you give them something you always knew you would give away anyway or make the bombastic claim out of ignorance and learns more as he comes in touch with tissues and changes his mind so that is the great question to ask about any of these switches of mind. Rose one of the interesting things about hip, as you actually point nowtd this interview and we will see a dramatic moment that reflects that is that, you know, in the beginning, and during the campaign, he seemed to be, you know, on chinas case and friendly and open to possibilities with russia. And saying nothing really negative to putin, or about putin, he is now flipped that over, he is now speaks often of his friendship with xi jinping and has not yet be gown criticize russia but a lot of the people around him have be gown criticize russia. Absolutely. I mean, particularly in a room , of course this is the mulled of, muddle of russia, syria launches . Weapons attack and secretary of state is tough on russia, russia allowed this to happen, mainly not fully cognitive through be they had the syria behave yourself brief and they had to have known about it and then, you know, i mean, russia is doing other things as well, supplying according to the u. S. Commanders supplying weapons to taliban in afghanistan, and pressing on the United States in other ways and the president is still maintaining that favor russia posture but the u. N. Ambassador, secretary of state and even his secretary of defense have said much tougher things and i think it is president support of nato is a kind of a bank shot, i mean, in other words russia doesnt like having a strong nato, and so the extent that the president has changed his mind on nato that is perhaps the hardest or the harshest thing he said about russia is just his support for nato because of the relationship between the two. Rose after all that has been said and done, he refuses to say russia was solely responsible for hacking and trying to influence the american election. It is in that case, what is it . Is it somewhat this curious favoritism he has for Vladimir Putin that is a curiosity that still is kind of unplumbed, or is it the fact that you accept for a moment that the russians were trying to hack into the election, it puts a cloud over his victory . But now her is what i think the answer is, which is that if any hacking in the election puts a cloud over his victory then it doesnt matter whether it was the Russian Organization the chinese or, you know, the hungarians they are not named but i am picking well he said it could be china, so in that case, it does seem to be the special protection for russia. And that is still a curiosity. Rose it goes against the grain of every intelligence source in the United States as far as i though. The intelligence sources, the fbi, the republican chairman of the two investigative committees in the house and senate, so, yes, everybody and this is just the simple question of whether the russians tried to mid until the election, not the question of collusion. Rose and you get to the question of collusion which he always denied. Oh for sure. Rose for sure and i comes up in this clip i want our audience to see, in which he still seems now to live with the idea that he is not prepared to change what he has said about whether president obama was trying to wiretap him at trump tower. Here it is. If you saw what happened with surveillance. How is that . Well, you saw what happened with surveillance. And i think that was inappropriate. What does that mean . You can figure that out yourself. Well, the reason i ask is you called him sick and bad. Look, you can figure it out yourself, he was very nice to me with words, but and when i was with him, but after that, there has been no relationship. You stand by that claim about him. I dont stand by anything, you can take it the way you want. I think our side has been proven very strongly and everybody is talking about it