Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20150924 : vimarsana.c

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20150924

>>whoosh >> grant:a warning that strangers may be watching what's going on inside your home. >>it's scary >> grant:innocent looking baby peeping toms. this is a full hour of your >> pam: breaking news tonight at 8. >> pam: the mysterious case of a missing benicia family.takes a bizarre twist. >> pam: police find the remains of three people in the family's burned out el dorado county cabin. >> pam: now--- the case is being investigated as murder. >> pam: good evening i'm pam moore. the bodies have not yet been identified. >> pam: but the cabin belonged to family. who have been missing for two weeks, >> pam: tonight kron-4's charles clifford joins us live from the benicia neighborhood. where the family lived. >> pam: charles -do police have any leads on who might be the killer? >> reporter:this case is being handled by the el dorado county sheriff's department and the district attorney's office. this afternoon, they announced that this is now a homicide and arson investigation. >> reporter:on the weekend of september 12th, adam buchanan, his seven year old son gavin, and gavin's mother molly mcafee went to stay in the family's cabin near georgetown in el dorado county. they haven't been heard from since. >> reporter:the el dorado county sheriff's office says that the cabin burned down on september 13th and that human remains have been found inside. >> reporter:initially we thought it was fact have three sets of remains. >> reporter:the sheriff's office and the el dorado county district attorney's office also now believe that the cabin was intentionally set on fire and that the people inside were murdered. >> reporter:the coroner's office has not yet identified the remains and says it could take some time to complete dna testing. the sheriff's office has also not identified any suspects or motives in the killings. they do believe that this is an isolated event and that neighbors are not in danger >> reporter:the general public does not need to worry about their safety. >> reporter:adam buchanan and his family live in this home in benicia. buchanan also has apparently did not go with his family to the mountains. since the cabin burned down, el dorado county sheriff's investigators have searched the family home and the offices of a construction business owned by buchanan. they also removed computers and other items from the office. >> reporter:the family's neighbors, including james stevenson who lives up the the street are stunned that is now a homicide investigation. >>it blows me away. i can't believe it. i hope they rule that out. >>broll it just doesn't fit who these people were... >> reporter:in benicia, charles c lifford kron 4 news. >> pam: the father tells this should have never happened >> pam: as he shows this temporary fix to his apartment's railing, eridani nunez recalls one of the most frightening moments of his life it happened right here just 24 hours prior to this interview. >> reporter:nunez's 11-month old son fell from this second story balcony, after the railing apparently gave way tuesday afternoon. >>"he is doing much better" >> reporter:nunez says he frustrated with the landlord and that the railing here the apartment complex on frisbee ct has been bad for some time >> i've seen the ambulance. i am in shock. >> they need maintenance on all of these complexes. everything, is just bad about this apartment. they need to spend money on it. >> reporter:victoria walker is the community and economical director for concord; she says city building inspectors spent the day looking over the railing and working with the land lord to ensure safety. >> i also noted that the property owner installed temporary repair and will continue to work with the property owner to ensure complete safety repairs are made. >> reporter:nunez says that's a step in the right direction, however he feels it should've have never got to this point >> this could have been avoided and none of this could have happened. >> reporter:i did check with the city, they say they that they do inspections of multi family homes like this every four years the 11 month old baby boy is expected to fully recover >> pam: homes to hundred of the evacuees will be closing tomorrow morning. j.r. stone is an callused of the tonight joining us live with where the belly fiery death duties will be going. j.r.?--where the deadly fighter mahal--valley fire evacuees >> reporter:the valley fire has now been burning for 12 days. >> reporter:cal-fire crews are slowly getting ahead of the flames. but the wildfire is far from out. >> we just hope that hellfires this again go home. >> reporter: many evacuees have already lost. --left both locations serving as shelters. >> we will be opening up once weekly it out. opening up to families and needs if it is still there. >> reporter: plaza per say they are not sure what is next. --slants--will friends of hers say they are not sure what is next >> reporter: bartholomew says, one thing is for sure is that she will not forget this place. >> reporter: >> the support here has been wonderful. if you get only see this all of the the world it would be a small miracle >> reporter: at this point only, a few yvette kiwis are still here. i was walking through fields of debris and there are still a lot of flies out here. >> reporter: j.r. stone kron 4 news. >> pam: the fire has now destroyed more than 76- thousand acres. >> pam: tonight it is 80- percent contained. >> pam: nearly 2-thousand structures have beed destroyed. and more than 3-thousand are still threatened. >> pam: an evacuation order for the town of anderson springs will be lifted tomorrow. >> pam: however, the order remains in effect for the cobb community. >> pam: and in the latest on the search for two missing men. >> pam: police have opened an investigation into the death of one man. after the fire in cobb mountain. >> pam: this after investigators found human remains that are believed to be 66 year old robert fletcher >> pam: fletcher lived here along humboldt drive and was reported missing on september 16. >> pam: fletcher 's family last spoke to him on the 10th of september and while he has not yet been positively identified, he would be the 4th person to die in the valley fire. >> pam: granted? kife to her throat.a >> grant: peninsula robber made off with prescription meds early tuesday afternoon. >> grant:new video tonight shows how it went down. watch as the guy hops over the walgreens pharmacy counter.we don't see the actual confrontation on this surveillance video. >> grant:but as we slow it down and freeze can see reach in his back pocket.pull out the knife. >> grant:it's clearly visible as he jumps over the counter. >> grant:he grabbed a pharmacist.put the knife to her throat.and ordered another employee to give him drugs. one he got what he wanted.he let the pharmcist go.and took off. >> grant:this is the walgreens in san mateo on el camino real near 41st avenue. >> grant:police, describing the suspect as a white guy in his 20's.5 foot 6.average build.beard.and a reddish.triangle shaped tattoo near the corner of his right eye. >> pam: pope francis. celebrating his first mass in the united states in washington d.c. today. tens of thousands of catholics and others. attending the outdoor service at the national basilica. >> pam: the pope wasted no time in his first full day in america. speaking out on a wide range of hot= button political issues. from abortion and immigrant rights. to climate change and predatory priests. cheers >> pam: huge cheers as the popemobile rolled slowly down constitution avenue. >> pam: security concerns kept the crowd at a distance. but in one case, he had a baby brought to him for his blessing. >>more >> pam: the pope's first full day in america began with a visit to the white house. >>"we see a living example of jesus' teachings, a leader whose moral authority comes not just through words but also through deeds." >> pam: the pope joined the president in calling for action on global warming. >>"climate change is a problem which can no longer be left to a future generation." >> pam: the president and the pope also discussed europe's refugee crisis and the status of immigrants in ths country. >>music >> pam: later at the national basilica, the pope congratulated the nation's catholic bishops on their handling of the priest sex abuse scandal. >>i realize how much the pain of recent years has weighed upon you and i have supported your generous commitment to bring healing to victims -- in the knowledge that in healing we too are healed." >> pam: that comment brought criticism from groups who said they expected more sympathy for victims and less for the bishops. >> pam: the pope's next gesture was also controversial. conferring sainthood on father junipero serra, the franciscan father who founded man of california's missions. native american groups tried to stop the canonization, saying serra was reponsible for the exploitation, oppression, enslavement and genocide of thousands of indigenous californians. >> pam: the pope painted a different picture. >>junipero sought to defend the dignity of the native community, to protect it from those who had mistreated and abused it. >> pam: back here in the bay area. many catholics are hailing the pope's long- awaited decision to bestow sainthood on father junipero serra. >> pam: today. hundreds of pilgrims gathered at the carmel mission. where father junipero serra is burried. >> pam: many paid their homage to the priest during mass. >> pam: later. everyone gathered in the mission courtyard where pope francis, live from washington, bestowed sainthood on father serra. >> pam: one of the fastest growing companies are expanding in the east bay. but some neighbors, have some concerns that a major affect the price of living. >> pam: potentially dangerous levels of toxic chemicals found in school lunches to writ we have a health warning straight ahead! >> diane: will be back with the 7 day forecast coming up in a few minutes. ♪ great change comes from doing the right thing. like the radical idea that health isn't an industry. it's a cause. so we do things differently. we combine care and coverage. and believe prevention is the most powerful of cures. so forgive us for not going with the flow. we just think the flow should go with us. which makes us rebels with one cause. your health. >> pam: stanford researchers find school lunches can expose school - aged children to a toxic chemical. >> pam: that chemical---- b- p-a ----is often found in the containers the food is stored in. and can be especially dangerous for children whose bodies are still developing. >> pam: we wanted to know how you can protect your children from b-p-a. >> pam: kron-4's alecia reid talked with the executive director of the center for environmental health. >> pam: alecia, what can parents do? >> reporter:this brings into children eating when they go to school. >> reporter:canned food contributes to most of the bpa exposure. and a lot of the food that is being served, comes from cans. >> reporter: >> - i didn't even know that >> reporter:many parents are hearing for the first time, that school lunches at both public *and private, middle and b-p-a. >>- that's definitely a concern. >> reporter:according to a recent stanford university study, the toxic chemical comes from foods that are stored in cans and plastic bottles. low income children who are getting federally funded meals are more likely to be directly affected. >> - hearing that makes me think i need to make better choices for him and my daughter >> reporter:b-p-a has many negative side effectsmichael green from the center for environmental health says it also mimics estrogen, causing developing bodies to react. >> - earlier onset of puberty in girls is related to bpa and other chemicals in the environment. >> reporter:there is something parents can do to help protect their children. for onesending them to school with lunches that have lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. >>- we pretty much package lunch everyday right now. it's always something. in 20 years theyre gonna find something else that causes cancer so you just have to be as careful as you can. >> reporter:the effort for healthy eating in school is there, but it's important that the ingredients aren't canned. >> reporter:parents can talk to their school district about getting more fresh fruits and vegetables in their cafeterias. >> reporter:reporting live in oakland >> pam:thank you alecia. >> pam:if you would like to read the full study. just head over to kron-4 dot com. >> pam:we have posted it there. or, you can download our free mobile app. >> pam:a 34- year-old man is behind bars. on suspicion of kidnapping his 5-year-old son. it started around 4-30- this morning. at a home on parrot drive in san mateo. >> pam:officials say, michael steele assaulted his wife and her father. >> pam:he then took his son by force. and drove off. triggering an amber alert. >> pam:sacramento sheriff's deputies arrested steele around 7 a-m in rosemont. >> pam:he was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder, domestic violence, and child abduction. >> pam:parents in the south bay are shocked over the arrest of a former school coach. >> pam:c-h-p officers arrested. 35-year-old julio ortiz last friday, along interstate -280 just south of highway- 92. >> pam:an officer reportedly saw him in a car. performing oral sex on a minor. >> pam:ortiz used to work as a coach at clifford elementary school in redwood city. and at selby lane school in atherton. >> pam:he was fired from the schools last year. after he was arrested for furnishing alcohol to a minor. >> pam:detectives are expanding their investigation. to see if ortiz sexually assaulted any other minors. >> pam:a beautiful wednesday as we begin the fall season. clouds rolling in tonight. >> pam:diane whats ahead for thursday. ? >> diane: we will have cooler temperatures for the evening and then we will start to warm things up into the '90s for the first week of fall. looking at the overnight lows at 5:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. we are looking at a handful of low 60s. 61 for antioch and livermore. even the east bay shoreline cities are in the '60s as well. >> diane: here is why we have the f o g and cloud conditions. that low pressure system for the remainder of the clouds. then we have a high-pressure system coming in from subroc california. and it will also heat things up for the next couple of days. it is a gradual warming trend. for the low 90s, for the inland old-that's valley locations. >> diane: then, after we get into the afternoon our print you see a lot of it is cleared up. and that is pretty much the same situation for friday. >> diane: those of the two days that would be in the low 90s. so, we are dealing with want to mild temperatures. and the north bay we will have scattered showers but it will clear out for noontime. >> diane: will cool things back to where we we should be for the first of fall, right are now low to mid '80s. >> diane: i will have their 7 day forecast coming up and just a little bit. >> pam: the popular ride- sharing service...uber... is now expanding its offices into oakland. >> pam: the ride sharing giant purchased the former sears oakland. >> pam: oakland mayor libby schaaf says, excited about the news, says the company is committed to working with the city to be a good neighbor. >> pam: however... some residents are worried that rents could increase. and ultimately lead to the displacement of residents. >> pam: mayor schaaf says, the housing affordability crisis is a bay area- wide problem... which was around before uber.. and it is something she is committed to addressing. >>new ahead at 8. a troubling trend. >> pam: hackers targeting baby monitors to spy on you. and your family. >> pam: and next. >> pam: autumn is here. and so are the sweets. >> pam: kron-4's vicki liviakis tells us about the fall pumpkin spice craze. >> gary: the dodgers, and the giants! we will know more later in this broadcast! >> pam: you know it is fall when the pumpkin spice rolls out. in imaginable product. >> pam: tonight on dine and dish - vicki liviakis gives us a taste of things to come for the season. >> vicki:you know it's fall when turkeys are pardoned. pumpkins are weighing in. and jack o lanterns talk. yes, fall is in the air. you can smell it. >> vicki:massive amounts of pumpkin spice. meet food curator maggie spicer - and no she didn't make up her last name. >> vicki:so you could say maggie spicer knows her spices. she says it's no accident our senses are being the season. >> vicki:it set off our olfactories. like a drug to our noses. from pumpkin pies and turkey tasty pumpkin muffins. >> vicki:pumpkin spice is in everything on the grocers shelf. creamers. coffees. even m&m's. starbucks says this season's pumpkin lattes include real pumpkins. but just in case you're experiencing an early on set fatigue - there's a new friend of fall. >> vicki:the toasty graham latte. in san francisco, vicki liviakis kron 4 news. >> pam: you heard right. >> pam: a 2- million dollar verizon phone bill. and now one family says, they might lose their home because of it. >> pam: and next. >> pam: one family's epic 13-thousand mile trip. to see pope francis. >> grant:new at 8: if you know someone from around here who went east to see the pope.get this: >> grant:drove nearly 14,000 miles to see pope the pope arrives in philadelphia in just over three days. .but the city of brotherly love is already celebrating. >> grant: they will be in philadelphia this weekend creek the family system apostate in philly until he celebrates mass on sunday. and then just a few 13,000 mi. back to argentina. >> pam: police are looking at whether these two home innovations are connected. >> pam: 96 knows a the exact moment you are hooked on bench watching at the soles. --netflix --epi sodes >> diane: i will let you know if those temperatures will remain for the rest of the week! welcome to subway, what can i make for you? how about our new flavor-packed italian hero? with three authentic italian deli meats; spiced capicola, a cracked- pepper-seasoned mortadella and spicy genoa salami. enjoy it while it's here! subway. eat fresh. when broker chris hill stays at laquinta and fires up free wi-fi, with a network that's now up to 5 times faster than before you know what he can do? let's see if he's ready. he can swim with the sharks! book your next stay at! >> reporter:a frightening moment for a woman near redwood city. when a man tried to grab her and force her into his van. >> reporter:the attempted kidnapping near redwood city. on the 6-hundred block of second avenue. >> reporter:kron four's jeff bush is live at the sheriff's department. with the details of the case jeff. >> reporter:the san mateo county woman was walking alone on tuesday morning around 8:30 along second avenue in unincorporated redwood city. according to the sheriff's office, this man attempted to lure the woman into his van. she said no but the suspect kept trying to get her to join him in his vehicle >> reporter:eventually, officers say the sidewalk and grabbed the to force herbut, she fought back and was able to get away. >> reporter: she said she was going to suspect got scared and drove off to the east. fortunatly, the woman was not injured >> reporter:but, as you can imagine, she was pretty upset. >> reporter:police say this sketch is very detailed and they say the suspect is described as with brown hair and a big nose with a mole or scar on his left cheek. the van is described as a 90's gmc with a roof rack on it. >> reporter:residents in the area say they are worried he may come back. >>daisy morales >> that is actually really scut scary. i am scared of going out to the street now. because of a guy try to capture a girl. that is really scary. resident >> reporter:that's actually very scary. >> reporter:if you have any information about this attempted abduction the sheriff's department would like you to give them a call. >> reporter:i'm jeff bush, live in redwood city, kron four news. >> pam: a man armed with a gun. forces his way into a sausalito home tuesday night. >> pam: the home invasion occurred just before 8- at night. on the 100- block of central avenue. >> pam: sausalito police say, even though the suspect was armed with a gun, the home owner refused to go along with his demands. >>the suspect fled the scene >> reporter: >> pam: the suspect is described as a male of unknown race, wearing a mask 5'8" to 5'10" in height with a slim build wearing a neutral colored jacket. and blue jeans. >> pam: investigators are checking to see if there is a home invasion robbery that took place just a few miles away, in the city of tiburon 2 >> >> pam: an oregon couple is afraid they may lose their home. if they don't get a problem with their phone bill fixed. >> pam: the couple says, they only had the phones for one month. but verizon is billing them more than two- million dollars. >> pam: jamie wilson fills in the details. >>"yeah, it's been very stressful to say the least." >> pam: >> reporter:ken slusher wired over a down payment on a brand new house. the place that he, kids can't wait to move into. >> reporter:but it may not happen because of this: >>"your total amount due is $2,156,593.64." >> reporter:that's the current balance on ken's verizon wireless account. >> reporter:a service that he and his girlfriend had for one month last november until they started getting strange statements. >>"mistakes are always made and what not. but the number of errors and the comedy of which that happen is astounding to me right now." >> reporter:their first bill should have been for around 120-dollars. >> reporter:instead, it was for $698 with a previous balance of 451-bucks. >> reporter:the next statement asked for just 9 dollars. >> reporter:ken says they canceled the service in december and returned the phones to a local verizon store in january. >> reporter:but the bills kept coming. ken says customer service agents in person and on the phone promised to clear it up but then: >>"our records indicate that this account is being processed or has been processed for collection. >>"if i don't get this straightened out in the next 24 hours, i can almost guarantee i'll lose this house." >> reporter:with two collection agencies coming after him, ken says his mortgage company will not go through with the home purchase. >> reporter:he says verizon has admitted that its all a mistake but they still haven't made it right. >>"if we can get some sort of response from verizon in any way, shape, or form. an apology would be nice." >> reporter:in a statement, verizon blamed the problem on an error in its automated voice response system. >> pam: the company said quote-- "the error caused him to receive an incorrect voice message. that he owed $2 million on his bill. >> pam: we are correcting the error now, and have resolved the issue to his satisfaction." >> grant: who would do this? >> grant: their use the blood in happier times. -- buddah >> grant: now, the dog is un able to walk very much. apparently, has to wear a diaper. there is a pay to set up to help fund the needs of this adult fairy-- the funds of this dog. was tampered with. >> hopefully they get to the bottom of how this bag that open. and there is the real evidence? and establish why anyone would have been its center of to tamper with it. >> are happy with the results of this analysis. obviously, someone else is not happy. >> pam: kane is under investigation for an alleged sexual assault that occurred last month near his home in buffalo, new york. >> pam: the alleged victim's lawyer told reporters the original evidence bag in the case was anonymously delivered to his client's mother's home >> pam: he said the bag is authentic and was tampered with. the lawyer called what happened the "worst case of victim bashing" he's ever seen. >> pam: kane has not been charged in the case, and is in training camp with the chicago blackhawks. >> pam: he's done nothing wrong. >> pam: still ahead. >> pam: an extremely rare find. >> pam: a family discovers a double- headed reptile. slithering in their backyard. >> pam: and next. >> pam: netflix knows the exact episode that gets you hooked on a t-v show. >> diane: the temperatures will return for the first week of fall. i will explain with straight >> grant:the los gatos-based company has been analyzing viewers t-v watching habits and has figured out the point when we decide we can't get enough. >> grant:to be defines that moment as the episode where 70 percent of viewers went on to finish the season. the streaming service even examined some popular shows. >> grant:like breaking bad. >> grant:the streaming service says most viewers get hooked after watching episode 2. >> grant:what about netflx's own house of cards? episode 3. >> grant:it took viewers a little don draper. you need watch 6 episodes of mad men before you're hooked. >> grant:and viewing habits are very different from country to country. netflix's data says the dutch tend to fall in love with shows the fastest.while australians get hooked a couple of episodes after the rest of the world. >> diane: 68 oakland, fremont 68 degrees and low 60s to to the mid-60s. dropping temperatures down to the seventh for the valleys and east bay shoreline. 8:00 a.m. tomorrow morning, partly sunny conditions. >> diane: temperatures at 83 degrees for the valley and we are going to be warming things up for the next couple of days at the 90 degree temperatures for thursday and friday. as you can already see, is pushing clouds in place and f o jeter for the morning hours. we will remain with the dry conditions and mild warming trend. for san francisco peninsula and the east bay shoreline. >> diane: more like, a small to mid '80s for hayward, fremont at 87 with mostly clear skies. and mid-70s to upper 70's for san francisco. >> diane: tomorrow, 91 and slightly warmer and 92 on friday with the we can't clear skies palo ladies for the valleys and 70's for the bay area cities. >> pam: new tonight at 8. imagine being spyed on in your own >> pam: cyber security experts are warning. that wi-fi enabled video baby monitors. are being targeted by hackers. >> pam: we will take a peek at how the giants are doing tonight. sports next with gary radnich! >> pam: our tech reporter gabe slate met with a security firm. to find out how you can protect yourself. return to index of >>sot - jacqueline arrizon / mom of 2 year old phil >>" very scary, definitely feel violated " >> reporter:that's jackqueline arrizon, phil, reacting to the recent reports of video baby monitors being hacked to spy on children and other dark deeds >>" you're always kind of on edge with your kids. you want to know where they are at and what they are doing. and to have somebody watching with you and not know that. it's very scary" >>sot - travis moss / cyber security with 'safe security' "you won't know. they won't follow you around with the camera, they won't talk through the mic, they are not going to alert you that they now have access to your network because they got other plans in mind for you" >> reporter:travis, a cyber security expert says there are peeping toms who will just watch you and listen to you through the baby monitors. and yeah that's creepy >> reporter:but the real danger is the hackers using the baby moniters as a gateway into your network and critical information. >> security "any device that is wifi enabled allows them into your network. it's like a trojan horse. >>they are going to use that to get to the real information, your identity and banking info etc." >> reporter:to protect yourself, make sure you're home wifi network has a strong password. >> reporter:change your user names and associated with your wifi >> reporter:make sure to run software monitor software or app. >> reporter:and unplug the camera when it's not in use. >> reporter:for more tips and a list of according to security researchers log onto kron 4 page. >> reporter:with your tech trends gabe slate. >> grant: when do not have any. we did have our readers. --our ears >> grant: this is creepy. >> pam: this is very creepy. >> diane: even was home surveillance cameras. i am a little worried now. (laughter) >> gary:the yankees on the road in toronto. where they honored the game. >> gary: >> he will be remembered as a true legend of the gang. --game >> gary:a tribute to berra played in the rogers centre the yankees wore his "number 8" on their uniforms the line-up card beared yogi's image >> gary:back in the bronxsigns in yankee stadium >> gary:the 3-time mvp 13- time world series champion and 18-time all-star remembered as much for his personalty and unique and often contradictory "yogi- isms" died yesterday at the age of90. >> gary: the yankees were shut out by the blue jays. >> gary: giants aren't leading to zero. --2/0 >> gary: now the a's are being blown out by texas. >> gary:a little intrique to the raiders-browns game taken >> gary:johnny manziel will not start at quarterback sunday will be back under center for the browns after being >> gary:although manziel hit some big passes in his two starts his play was spotty from the 1-1 browns >> gary: carr and company were back sunday's game >> gary:point favorites >> gary:although it looks like he won't be facing him sunday carr said he's been rooting for manziel return to index >> gary:the raiders will paint their 50 yard line gold after all! >> i always keep up the guys from my class. i was happy for him and routing for them. accept this week. they have done a great job. >> to have a system to rid the nuance is different each quarterback. other than that, we are preparing for both guys. we are always preparing for the backup. >> gary:a somewhat annoyed mark davis appeared at the team's wanting to be video taped >> gary:but did want to let the media know the team has had every intention of painting the 50 in gold in recognition of super bowl 50 to be played at levi's stadium >> gary:davis said it hadn't been done because the field hadn't been converted from baseball the raiders ae the only team in the nfl to share a stadium with a major league baseball. >> gary:former warriors and 2-time nba slam dunk champion jason richardson annoinced his he made a point to especially thank the bay area for suppoting him . >> gary:the minnesota timberwolves have bought out former number one overall pick anthony bennett the timberwolves attempted to deal bennett but failed to find any trade partners >> gary:the buyout is reportedly worth 3.6 million dollars bennett has averaged just 4.7 points per game throughout his two-year nba career return to index of >> gary:here is something scary 33-yeard old mark mccracken encountered a hammerhead shark while fishing a half- mile off gaviota state mccracken fought off the shark with his paddle after kayak >> gary:he also said the shark followed him all the way into about three feet of water return to index of >> gary: pam, i have been and that water. >> pam: i know, you need to be careful. (laughter) >> pam: a missouri family who recently moved out to the country side to experience nature... got just what they asked for. >> grant:the simpson family's three-year-old zavaya found this tiny two- headed snake. being an animal lover simpson decided she'd let the kids keep the snake for now. >> grant:they found a fish tank to house it. the snake is lucky to have been caught. >> grant:researchers say two-headed long. return to index of >> pam: the night - ( engine stops ) - ( trunk clicks, creaks )

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