Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 5am 20151119 : vi

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 5am 20151119

well, some out in the valley, you expect that. but there's a lot around the san jose foothills yesterday. that didn't show up until later. some pockets of fog. 40s and 50s on the thames. these have come way up. there were a lot of thursdays on monday and tuesday. is not the case now. we are looking good to go for sunshine here. so a cool morning but lots of sun. some areas of fog, high clouds to the north, near 70 after the fog lifts. a little hazy around the edge but nice with 60s, low 70s. 50:10. things still all right? >> things are okay. i've been looking at the chp list here. some of the other things. just not believing it. i tend not to believe when things look so good. but they are looking good. this is not bad. this is a look at the commute here on the bay bridge approach. looks very nice. there are no major problems getting it to san francisco. we're also looking at some of the other freeways around the bay. this is interstate 880 and traffic is moving along very nicely. in san jose northbound 101, 280 and 85 are off to a good start. i don't want you to get settled and because usually at about 6:00 is when we start seeing the traffic wake up so to speak. 5:02. let's go back to the desk. still following a developing story in napa county overnight. search teams have been scouring the napa river near the moors landing boat launch looking for someone who may be missing after jet skiing in that area. ktvu fox 2's brian flores in our newsroom, what do you know? >> rescuers who have been working through the early morning hours have now suspended their search for a person who disappeared while jet skiing with friends. i want to show you the area we're talking about. the search has been focused on the area of the river near the napa valley marina, not far from cuttings wharf road. 2 miles from the napa airport. the search is expected, we're hearing it could resume in a couple hours when the sun is up. it's easier for searchers to see. we have called the napa sheriff's office several times this morning. no one is there willing to comment. but the coast guard says it has been assisting with a search in that area. there's also a report of a broken jet ski being found in that area but no way yet to confirm if it was being used by that missing person. we'll course will continue to follow this developing story and bring you the very latest on "mornings on 2." back to you in the studio. >> thank you. now breaking news on the paris terror attacks. as alex savidge reported from our newsroom a half hour ago, french prosecutors announced the suspected mastermind of friday's attacks was killed in that police raid yesterday morning. investigators made the determination based on fingerprints. police now say the suspected mastermind was killed during that chaotic and bloody raid. he died along with his cousin, who blew herself up by detonating an explosive vest. new york city leaders are trying to ease fears of both people living there as well as tourists in new york. the mayor held a news conference late last night to downplay the release of a new isis video which suggests an impending attack on the city. the video includes images of times square. >> remind all new yorkers that we can depend on nypd and at the same time, every resident of the city can help them -- can help the nypd. we have a phrase, if you see something, say something. that phrase is very meaningful. >> city leaders are encouraging new yorkers to go about their normal business. police stressed that there is specific threat at this time. a southern california college student who was studying abroad in paris is now back home. it was the tears of his mother that convinced bruno sager, a student at california lutheran, to come home. he flew back yesterday, cut short his time in paris as an exchange student, by a month. he really wanted to stay for the whole time but when his family heard he was at that soccer match when the terror attacks occurred last friday, they pleaded with him to come home. >> we didn't know that something very big was occurring until i believe, the third explosion ended up coming off. and that was when everyone started to run for their lives. >> so scared. >> sajor plans to go back to paris and finish his foreign- exchange program. by the way, after the family left the airport, he asked to make a stop at in and out burger. to get a hamburger before he went home. in belmont last night a group of people gathered at notre dame university there, they prayed for the victims of the paris attacks. one of whom was a college student at cal stage -- tells the long beach. last night and a light vigil was originally planned to remember victims of campus violence in response to last month's massacre at umpqua community college in oregon. >> disappointed in the state of our world right now. makes people scared obviously. >> last night's vigil mourned both the victims of the recent attacks as well as shootings across the u.s. colleges. since august, after the umpqua attack there have been shootings at seven other college campuses. on capitol hill, the house is expected to vote on legislation making it difficult for some refugees from the middle east to come here to the united states. the measure would require the fbi to conduct the crown checks on syrian and iraqi refugees. it would also force the bureau of homeland security to certify to congress that each refugee is quote, not a threat to the security of the united states. >> we can be compassionate and we can also be safe. >> the idea that somehow they pose a more significant threat than all the tourists who pour into the united states every single day -- it just doesn't jibe with reality. >> president obama has pledged to allow 10,000 syrian refugees to come to the u.s. happening today, a court hearing in marin county scheduled for three transient accused of killing a man in marin county and a woman in san francisco's golden gate park. a 9:00 a.m. arraignment in san rafael is scheduled for these defendants. morrison lampley, sean angold, and lila allgood. they are facing first-degree murder charges for the deaths of a canadian tourist in golden gate park and the death of a hacker near fairfax last month. a special discussion today for students in palo alto. the, suicide. following a nationally published article, it focuses on teenage deaths in silicon valley. fox 2's did janine de la vega is in -- is in palo alto with more on what the students will talk about. >> reporter: dave, to give you a little bit of background, nearly 10 students from the palo alto unified school district have taken their own lives in recent years. the community has really worked to fight back against this and to try to prevent teen suicides. so later this afternoon, students at gunn high school are going to be holding a meeting to discuss this issue. here's what sparked it. very difficult for students and staff because an article titled the silicon valley suicides came out in the atlantic which is a national publication. it highlighted the recent teen suicide clusters many of which have occurred on the caltrain tracks. some felt it was sensationalist and didn't reflect the efforts made to help prevent teens from taking their lives. as i mentioned, they are going to have a meeting and only for students. held later today, the palo alto unified school district have been working to get rid of the stigma of talking about mental health and administrators and health workers have encouraged kids to talk about the stress and academic pressure they feel at school and at home. the center for disease control and prevention is planning to study the teen suicides that have occurred in palo alto in the recent years. we're going to have more on that coming at 5:45 as well as comments that have been made on social media about this. dave? >> janine de la vega in palo alto, thank you. frozen embryos of the center of a semper cisco divorce case should be destroyed. that's the ruling from the judge on the case. steven findlay and his ex-wife, dr. mcgeady, created the embryos after lee discovered she had breast cancer. the cancer was eradicated but findlay filed for divorce in 2013. the couple had signed an agreement with ucsf saying the embryos would be destroyed if the coupledivorced. lee argued the embryos are her only way to have a biological child, but findlay wanted the embryos destroyed. the judge in her ruling said quote, while lee might have a right to procreate, she does not have a right to procreate with findlay. the attorney says she is considering her legal options. time is 5:10. keeping college student states -- college students safe on campus. a new app that alerts friends, family and the police when you are in danger. welcome back to "mornings on 2." it's 5:13. two off-duty l.a. detectives are being praised for catching a man who stabbed a tourist. the suspect attacked a tourist yesterday from russia right across from the famous chinese theater on -- hollywood boulevard. two new york city detectes who were visiting on business grabbed the suspect and held him until the police got there. injured tourist is expected to survive. police say it was an unprovoked attack. former subway sandwich spokesman jared fogel is going to find out today how much time in prison he will have to spend on child pornography and sex crime charges. he is due in federal court today in indianapolis. he agreed to plead guilty to charges following a raid on his home. he had admitted paying for sex with girls as young as 16 years old and receiving child pornography. shot -- prosecutors want a 12.5- year prison sentence for fogel. focus has agreed not to ask for less than five years in prison. three people in the south bay are facing charges of human trafficking. authorities made the arrest after searching the restaurant in san jose. a home in san jose and the salon in saratoga. authorities say people working at the businesses say they have been mistreated and were victims of wage theft. police arrested the business owners, pedro rivas, mr. sanchez and paulina el faro, all from san jose. santa clara sheriff's office says the investigation began after several workers contacted officials and said they had been brought over from spain and forced into indentured servitude. san francisco police arrested a homeless man in connection with graffiti found at a french school police say 44-year-old edward vanwright is charged with vandalism, trespassing and being a sex offender on school grounds. it's possible he could also face a hate crime charge. the graffiti was discovered tuesday at the french american international school on oak street. it was an eight-point start with a crescent moon and police say they believe that is a symbol of a group founded by a student of malcolm x. they also say there's no evidence that vanwright meant to threaten the school or that he is connected to any terrorism. also today, mineta san jose international airport will announce an expansion of its international destinations. the airport has not been more specific but the san jose mercury news reports air canada will add two flights a day to vancouver, british columbia. the paper says flights will start in may of next year. official announcement will be made at 9:30 a.m. today and this will be the fourth new international service that the airport has announced this year. sfo preparing for the busy holiday travel period next week. the airport expects more than 150,000 people through thanksgiving next thursday. and more than 3 million people are expected to travel starting tomorrow all the way through january 4. that's about an 8% increase compared to last year. sfo is warning people all parking facilities will be at or near capacity by thanksgiving day. you are encouraged to use part or airport shuttles. i've had that happen where you drive up and there's no parking. the lot is full, the lot is full. >> everywhere you look. >> that can be very stressful. plan ahead when it's a big weekend. they will fill up. >> i'll get my parents to drive me. >> you lucky duck. >> i get my parents to drive me. >> make it easy. >> unless they are going with us. >> then -- >> right. that's happened. so there you go. then you've got friends, living in the area for a while. bribe someone. let's go out and take a look at the commute. the traffic -- i which i will -- i wish i was a going on vacation. westbound they bridge approach, not a big delay but there is one already especially the lanes. this will be full by 5:30. you might have an opportunity to get out there rather quickly but if you have your routine, it will be full at 5:30 a.m. but not that full unless something happens. that's why i'm looking at the list that chp provides. really actually doing very well out there. 880 northbound and southbound moving along very well. as promised, looking at 580 through the livermore valley, all the money pass not bad. 680 looks good from san ramon all the way down to fremont. 5:17, let's go to steven the weather center. sal, i always pay to be driven to the airport and be picked up. i never want to worry about a thing when i'm going on vacation. >> you are a smart man. >> it pays off. it's worth it. every penny. we do have clear clear skies, a little bit of fog showing up around nap. martinez, i'm sure there's some around crystal springs reservoir and morgan hill to san jose. if not, it will be popping up soon. otherwise clear out there, not as cold, still cool but not cold like we were a couple days ago. let me give you a little heads up. next week could be brutally cold. okay? just so you know, about five days away. patchy fog, sunny and warm, next week, much colder. rain and mountain snow. this all comes in as advertised, we could be looking at record lows by this time next week. so stay tuned. rain first and second, ninth, 15th, cold rain next tuesday wednesday. if it's not going to be raining, it will be really cold. that sure looks to be on tap here. christie is in the city. she says good morning, steve. temperatures pleasant here in the city this morning. i would say. this panel says 53. officially 51 these have come up big time. so more 40s and 50s, death airport 39, fog being reported, there's some around martinez as well. pockets of fog out to the valley. sacramento, there is some. maybe mount diablo, some will develop. 54, bodega bay and san francisco. that's cold. that's as cold as they've been in a long time. 39 ukiah, 21, 31 for truckee and reno. 41 sacramento, fog out to the valley, of beit arcata, eureka and crescent city, a little bit of cloud cover. we don't. after the fog, sunny side up, a little haze around the edge. upper 60s, low 70s, rain and snow on the go in the pacific northwest. high pressures are -- our fair weather fend for four or five more days. lots of sun, probably into saturday, more clouds on sunday, clouds increase and a cold -- colder, not cooler, colder pattern with rain developing. this could be almost shame -- champagne powder in the sierra nevada. that's next week. i bring this up because as you know that's a big travel week. for us, a cool morning, lots of sun, a few high clouds to the north. patchy fog, near 70 for some. it's nice in the sun. just that temperature drops pretty quickly now. 70s for many, upper 60s, a little bit above average now for this time of year. temperatures will stay this way through saturday. i would think by sunday, start to see an increase and monday everything begins to rapidly change. >> man. >> what -- how much rain are we going to get next week it? >> that's the question. if it goes over land, it will be more cold. if it goes over the ocean or water, rainfall will be much greater. either way, it's going to be cold. >> and we're going to get some rain. >> correct. >> tuesday, wednesday, thursday. >> get the scarves. >> everything is in the car. i have everything this time of year. >> thank you, steve. 5:21. a protest outside a hearing outside cal berkeley. the decision affecting student accused of rape. first, protecting your personal information online. what amazon is now doing to protect your identity this holiday season. announcer: if you'd give thanks for a better night's sleep... [barks] sleep train has just the ticket. [train horn blares] during sleep train's "thanksgifting" sale save up to $300 on beautyrest, posturepedic, serta, even tempur-pedic! get up to three years interest-free financing! plus, choose a free gift with selected mattress sets! but hurry, sleep train's "thanksgifting" sale won't last! ♪ sleep train [train horn] ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ welcome back to "mornings on 2." it looks like amazon has quietly set up additional security measures just before the holiday shopping season. the online retailer is now offering what's known as two factor authentication. that's when you have to enter a randomly generated code sent to you by text message on your phone before you can log into your account. amazon users have to go to their account settings to set up that feature. amazon says users can also set up trusted devices where they don't have to enter security codes. >> you can get your flu shot today without ever leaving your home. uber will make house calls delivering flu shots to san francisco and several other cities around the country. here's how it's worked -- from 11:00 to 3:00 you select the uber health option on the uber app. you have to pay $10 for a wellness pack and then ask for the option for a free flu shot. a registered nurse will come to you and give the flu shots for up to 10 people. the program was launched last year. it's expected to be in high demand this year. those overhead muni lines on san francisco's market street will not be taken down during the super bowl. that announcement came yesterday during a joint safety meeting with city leaders. there was talk of taking down the muni lines just to make more room for a super bowl event in san francisco between january 29 and february 7. but a lot of residents complained their commutes would be badly impacted. >> they worked around the overhead wires. those won't be at issue. the closures won't be any longer than the nine days. >> the nine days the police chief referred to are the lead up to the super bowl when several areas of san francisco may see streets closed because of nfl related events. the chief also says there will be extra security in place including an increased police presence. he encouraged everybody to notify authorities if you see something suspicious. the time is 5:25. the national football league will ask a federal court to allow a settlement on the thousands of concussion lawsuits to go forward. the nfl agreed to pay about $1 billion to former players who suffer from alzheimer's disease, als, parkinson's, and advanced dementia. the settlement does not cover depression. or seizures or mood disorders. which some experts say they are connected to concussions. the settlement is opposed by some players who say there would be no payment for future cases of brain decay if -- that was found in junior seau and dave duerson who committed suicide. the sparks fly as the berkeley school board meeting -- up next, actions parents want the district to take in response to racist threats at berkeley high school. authorities say the suspected ringleader of the paris plot was in fact killed during a police raid yesterday. ♪ ♪ hush my darling... ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. [snoring.] ♪ hush my darling... [snoring.] ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. [snoring.] take the roar out of snore. yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. who patiently teaches how ta feast comes to life. the "family" ...who spends their holiday dinner with thankful strangers. the neighbor...who shares the season with another. you inspire us to do everything we do... ...for goodness' sake. welcome back. i'm dave clark. >> i'm pam cook. thank you for joining us. 5:30, just about. checking in with steve. >> just about 5:30. one minute away. >> it's getting late. >> pam and dave, pretty quiet conditions out there. the breeze has tailed off and the fog is beginning to show up a little bit here. we'll keep track of that. usually around 7:00. there's some out to the valley here as well. there's not much of a breeze. 30s, 40s, and 50s. napa 38, fog around napa airport, martinez as well. a lot of 40s and 50s. cool to cold but not as cold as it was a couple days ago except for the fog in the valley which can be stubborn. a few high clouds to the north. nice day and temperatures warming up as you noticed. patchy fog, but temperatures a little bit above average with mid-and upper 60s around the bay near 70 inland. 5:30. anything new? >> we do have more traffic. just to put the question on social media, why are you up so early? the bay bridge toll plaza, we have a full parking lot, that was a freudian slip -- a full lot. not a full lot here at the toll plaza. cueing up, getting onto the bridge. no problems getting into the city but more people are there. i also see our spider on the right-hand side of the screen. if you have a high definition tv, that could be somewhat jarring to you. it's a spider. there you go. the morning commute on the san mateo bridge, looks pretty good. heading out to the high-rise. we're looking at the livermore valley westbound 580 from the also must pass to dublin. that traffic is moving well. 5:31. let's go back to the desk. we are monitoring the major news coming out of france. new updates just an hour ago, the government announced the man behind friday's attacks was killed in that police raid yesterday morning. police and special forces stormed an apartment building north of paris and fired off 5000 rounds. forensic investigators reportedly made a positive i.d. through fingerprints. police add that a female suspect who killed herself during the raid by detonating a suicide vest was his cousin. reported alex savidge is following all of our developers in our newsroom this morning. alex? >> good morning to you. one concern is about new attacks. france remains on heightened alert this morning. there are serious concerns, officials have a lot of concern about potentially new attacks that could happen there. the french prime minister has want islamic extremists might next try to use chemical or biological weapons. he urged lawmakers to extend a national state of emergency by three months. the state of emergency already in place in france and it gives police broader powers for searches and limits public gatherings. there are also security concerns, similar ones here in the u.s. isis video has surfaced suggesting that the extremist group plans to target new york city and late last night, mayor bill de blasio and police chief bill bratton came together in times square to hold a news conference trying to ease the fears of both new yorkers and of course tourists as well. this isis video contains images of the city including times  square but authorities say the threats on the video are really nothing new. and police are prepared. >> there is as we have repeated frequently, no city in america that is better prepared to defend and protect against a terrorist attack. we worked tirelessly to ensure that. >> on the issue of security here at home, congress will be taking an important vote later on today on a bill that would put in place stricter requirements for syrian refugees who seek asylum here in the u.s. republicans are pushing for changes after word that one of the paris attackers may have slipped into europe by posing as a syrian refugee. so now there's a debate in congress going on and the bill that will be voted on later today would require fbi background checks and also homeland security verification component as well. and we do expect the democrats will be voting no on that bill, but that critical vote will take place later on today. in our nation's capital. >> thank you for the update, alex. 5:34. a woman from petaluma is in jail accused of a sex crime. the fbi lead sonoma county investigators to 42-year-old tonya hopper who they say took advantage of a developmentally disabled adult. they didn't give details about what happened or say any more about the victim. ms. hopper's mother says her daughter suffers from emotional trauma from an attack that occurred when she was in high school. she also says her daughter also has a learning disability and has a history of being attracted to men who take advantage of her. >> she trusted the internet. and somebody that she met over the internet. and you can't do that. >> police say it's unusual that a woman is the suspect in a sex crimes case. they don't think there are other victims, but they continue to investigate. a uc berkeley student accused of sexual assault in a campus dorm will reportedly not be allowed to come back to the university. about a dozen uc berkeley students and supporters protested yesterday outside a building where a on this case was underway. the alleged victim claims another student raped her in a dorm room in october of 2014. the alameda county district attorney's office says it reviewed the case and decided not to press charges. the university would make no comment on the case but says it has taken steps to encourage victims to come forward. >> everything from increasing the number of survivor advocates to provide support for survivors, to strengthening policies, to having a one-stop place for them to go so they can go to one website and find out about all the resources. >> the chronicle reports at that hearing, the alleged attacker was expelled from the campus indefinitely. kehl state east bay in hayward launched a new safety app for students, faculty and staff. the app called rave guardian offers a panic button by touching the button. law enforcement can you -- locate you and profile information. you do have to be committed for the internet for it to work but the app also allows campus police to notify other law enforcement agencies if the student is off campus or even out of state. another feature is a safety timer so that a student walking to their dorm can set the timer for the estimated length of the trip. >> i feel like that's better , like, text me but, like, people forget, you know? i feel like like the app will make sure you are, like, not working and that, you know, like like you got home. >> upon safe arrival, the student turns off the timer but if the student doesn't arrive within the estimated time, a text alert will go out to a person the student designates. if you designate campus police, an alarm will sound at dispatch. school officials say the timer function also works off campus. parents of african-american students at berkeley high school say they are not happy with school districts response to a racist threat posted on a school computer earlier this month. at the school board meeting last night, parents said the district did not do enough to address concerns raised by the threat. a berkeley heights ninth grader posted a hateful message on the school computer threatening a public lynching next month. specifically on december 9. in reaction, students held a massive walkout. parents are now demanding the school board set up a town hall meeting to address racism in the school district. we want a community town hall meeting specifically for african-american and black families because we need to know our kids are safe. e-mails are clearly not enough. you need to come and talk to us. the student confessed to posting the message on the library computer. the district says to -- protect privacy they cannot disclose what punishment that student received. the superintendent of the berkeley unified school district released this statement at the meeting last night saying in part, quote, while the investigation of this incident has led us to believe that the student who posted a hateful language had no intent or capacity to do physical harm, the pain that this action caused is real. he went onto say that that steps are being taken to turn december 9 into a day of affirmation for students at berkeley high. 5:38. san francisco department of public works are re-examining those orange safety barriers at construction sites after ktvu pointed out that some of the barriers near union square did not follow city rules. the issue came up after this surveillance video from last friday shows a runaway bus hitting those barriers and they are easily knocked out of the way. the barriers are supposed to be filled up with water so they weigh more than 1300 pounds. then they are locked together so they don't scatter. the public works department says there's a penalty for not following that regulation. >> the contractor who does not comply with the standard is subject to fines of up to $1000. >> when we checked, three of the various had big cracks or holes in them. we can see inside two of them. they were only about 20% filled with water. the contractor was notified. the city says the damaged barriers are being replaced. 5:39. securing guns in cars in san francisco. coming up at 6:00, the changes to a proposed law that would affect more than just police officers. we're looking at a commute in the east bay that is not too bad. looking at 24 through lafayette. not a bad commute through the tunnel. ♪ ♪ grow old with me ♪ let us share what we see ♪ just you and i ♪ ♪ grow old with me ♪ let us share what we see ♪ and oh the best it could be ♪ just you and i ♪ ono off-days, or downtime.ason. opportunity is everything you make of it. this winter, take advantage of our season's best offers on the latest generation of cadillacs. the 2016 cadillac srx. get this low-mileage lease from around $339 per month, or purchase with 0% apr financing. it is now 5:42. thank you for joining us. today, students and community members are going to talk about a very troubling subject. teen suicide. it's an issue the palo alto school district has been dealing with for quite some time. >> now a national publication is putting spotlight back on this issue. ktvu fox 2's janine de la vega is in palo alto. some people are not happy about this new report, janine? >> reporter: dave, a lot of people have been commenting on social media about this saying that it's hurtful. what was written. and they say it's not reflective of all the efforts they've made to help prevent teen suicide. effect fact some of the students at gunn high school are so fired up about it that they are going to hold a forum this afternoon to discuss it. here is the story we're talking about. it is called silicon valley suicides. it was featured in the december issue of the atlantic. a national publication. it focused on the teen suicide clusters that have happened in recent years saying between the two high schools in palo alto, the tenure suicide rate is four to five times higher than the national average. on social media, community maps are speaking out. they say lots of current and former students are saying this article from the atlantic was unfair and sensationalist. others say it blamed parents and teachers and ignored the efforts the community has made to prevent teens from taking their lives. the school district, an outreach group worked to provide support for students and they've been encouraging them to talk about mental health and the stress and pressures the students here feel at -- while attending school. the centers for disease control and prevention are going to be doing a study about the teen suicide that have occurred. and it's going to look at local risk factors and provide ways on how to help improve supporting the use here in palo alto. that study is expected to be done sometime early next year. >> okay. janine de la vega in palo alto, we'll talk to you later. thank you. 5:44. authorities in sonoma county are investigating a chain reaction crash, one that killed the driver of a tanker truck. it happened yesterday afternoon just after 3:30 on eastbound highway 37 near sears point. the chp says the tanker truck driver crashed into the back of a big rig that had stopped in front of him. then that crash pushed the big rig into four other vehicles. no one else was hurt. the lanes of highway 37 were closed for several hours while the investigation took place. fremont police say they were called to break up a fight that sent three people to the hospital. officers arrived at some they'll drive and roscommon at about 8:30 last night. a large group was involved in a fight. we're told no guns were used but three people were taken to the hospital including one who suffered what is described as major trauma. several people were detained and interviewed, but so far, no word of any arrest. a 5-year-old and his father are still recovering this morning after being wounded in a drive-by shooting in richmond. the man and the son were in a car tuesday night on south 37 near florida avenue when shots were fired from another car. witnesses report seeing a white car speeding away from the scene of the shooting, possibly an oldsmobile early 2000 model. anyone with information about the shooting is asked to call richmond police. >> time is 5:45. a very unusual traffic jam last night because a woman was walking in the middle of traffic in her underwear. these pictures were posted on social media. a chp officer says the woman you see in the middle of the screen ran onto the lower deck of the bay bridge on the 5th street ramp about 6:00 last night. she was fully clothed at that point, but eventually she started taking her clothes off. after about 20 minutes, chp officer picked her up, took her to highland hospital in oakland for a psychiatric evaluation. 5:46. so far commute has been pretty uneventful but crowded out there. >> crowded. we've been talking about how early people get up. i posted that question on my facebook page. this one got to me. sal, i've got to let you know i hate waking up at 4:00 a.m. it is the middle of the night. but if i don't get on the road early it will take two hours to get to work instead of one hour. >> a lot of people understand that. >> a big difference. >> from carol, i feel your pain. right now, the traffic is getting busier. but as we we look at the easter freeway, i want to show you this, this is taking 19 minutes to drive between the carquinez bridge and the macarthur maze. keep that time, if you watch for long time, keep this in your mind. if we come back in an hour, it might be double that. in a couple hours, might be triple that time. so she is absolutely right. when you get to the bay bridge toll plaza, you get to the macarthur maze, you will see traffic is backed up for about a 10-15 minute delay. later in the morning this can turn into a 30 or 40 minute delay so that's why people get up early and they are up earlier and earlier as you know. let's take a look at 580. slow traffic on the ultimate pass and livermore. no troubles on 680 from san ramon down to fremont. 5:47. let's go to steve. i wake up at 2:30 a.m. to beat the traffic. >> there you go. >> [laughter] >> like you do. >> that's me. >> and to get here on time. >> thank you. we do have mostly clear skies. i say that with a little bit of fog around. just a wee bit out there. tends to pop up after about the 6:00 hour. napa airport, probably some by the lake, san jose foothills, crystal springs reservoir, east bay, mount diablo, so far mostly clear out there, forecast headlines, next week, though, looks like a huge change. it will be significantly colder. question is how much rain will we get? also snow. there could easily be a couple feet. this is an extremely cold and slow-moving header. won't kick in until tuesday and wednesday. and asked thursday. if you are traveling, especially to the mountains, leave monday or tuesday if you can. the ninth, 15th, looks like a very cold right next tuesday and wednesday, with snow lingering up in the sierra even on thanksgiving. even if we don't get much rain, we are going to have really cold temps. a lot can happen between now and then. because it's a holiday, have to give heads-up. 40s for some, 50s for other. napa and fairfield, close for livermore, 50 at sfo, for some on the mild side, others a little cold. overall loss of sunshine, storm tracks days to the north for now. not much will happen. bodega bay, 54, buoy, 54, even all the way down to southern california. santa barbara, buoy is 61. about a month ago there were -- they were 71. huge huge drop, 39 ukiah, so there are 30s to the north, but a couple days ago we were around 32, 33. except for eureka, humboldt county, maybe the sierra, lots of sunshine. just going nonstop up in the pacific northwest. high-pressure built in, fair weather friend, for five days, more clouds and fog coming it on the weekend. a dry pattern, until next week, clouds on the move, i want to emphasize how much colder it could be. that's the key here. we will find to the details on the rain on monday. there's too much of a discrepancy. the colbert looks to be a unanimous. lots of sun, a few high clouds near 70 for some. santa rosa 74, sonoma county airport, napa, fairfield, concord, brentwood, fog can creep back in for the valley. contra costa, overall, hazy, sunshine, 60s and 70s above average. not much change through saturday. everything begins to change. >> remember, pam doesn't want it to be too cold. >> she's out of luck. >> it's actually kind of nice to put on the coats and boots. >> we could have record lows on thanksgiving. >> record lows on thanksgiving? >> slow-moving system. very slow. >> there goes the outdoor flag football game. >> well, -- >> bundle up inside. >> depends on how much antifreeze is out there. >> the time is now 5:50. one of the top stories, heartbreaking story of former nfl quarterback doug flutie honoring his parents this morning. coming up, a touching note he wrote on his facebook page. after his mom and dad died within an hour of each other. ♪ ♪ it took the rockettes years to master the kick line. but only a few moves to master paying bills on technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. [door bell ringing] ♪ come on-a my house, my house, i'm gonna give you candy. ♪ ♪ come on-a my house, my house, i'm gonna give you... ♪ ♪ apple and plum and apricot-a too, eh! ♪ ♪ come on-a my house, my house a come on. ♪ ♪ come on-a my house, my house... ♪ ♪ i'm gonna give you everything. ♪ complete your thanksgiving table at target. get a $10 gift card when you spend $50 on groceries. see store for coupon. ♪ come on-a my house it is 5:53 here on "mornings on 2." santa clara county is facing a lawsuit alleging inhumane conditions at the main jail. prison law office says the jail solitary confinement practices are inhumane and unconstitutional. the lawsuit accuses the jail of isolating hundreds of men and women in concrete jail cells as malaise -- as small as six by 7 feet for months or years at a time. >> conditions in santa clara are worse than what we've seen in many other jails. they are certainly worse than what's happening in the state prison send -- state prison system. >> the state print sheriff's office would not comment. time is 5:54. it is trading day for square the mobile payment processor. it's going public today. the ipo price was set at $9 a share. that's lower than the 11-$13 range that was projected. square was founded and run by jack dorsey who is also by the way the ceo of twitter. >> a watchdog group says a jurassic world toy could be dangerous for children. the group world against toys causing harm released a list of the worst toys for this holiday season. the jurassic world foam velociraptor claws toy can hurt your eyes and your face. the tour industry association says that's not true. they claim the group doesn't even test the toys on its list. if you'd rather stay away from the shopping mall the day after thanksgiving, a local nonprofit has a deal for you. the save the redwoods league is offering free passes to 49 california state parks. on black friday. the parks include mount paes and samuel taylor state park in marin county and seven state parks in santa cruz. the visitors can download your free pass from the save the redwoods website. automakers at the l.a. car show unveiled some of the newest cars to hit the market. the once like honda, jaguar and even some 2017 model vehicles. some of the cars got a lot of attention like that one right there. the redesigned lincoln mkz, fiat 124 spider and porsche 911. beginning this saturday, san francisco will host its 50th annual auto show and dozens of automakers from around the world are expected to showcase new designs. this is video from back in 2013. san francisco auto show happens at the moscone center. if you are interested in learning more we have more information on our website, 5:56. a major new development in the paris terror attacks. officials say the man behind those attacks is dead. how they identified him after he was killed in a raid. plus, a new video from isis. r: during sleep train's "thanksgifting" sale save up to $300 on selected mattress sets, even tempur-pedic! get up to three years interest-free financing! plus, choose a free gift! but hurry, sleep train's "thanksgifting" sale won't last! what if the holidays were about people again? and the four-letter word that defined the season was l-o-v-e, and not s-a-l-e. that's the world t.j.maxx, marshalls and homegoods stores live in. where there's no need for sales because we offer amazing prices on thoughtful gifts everyday. let's put more value on what really matters. this season, bring back the holidays. with t.j.maxx, marshalls and homegoods. good morning. thank you for joining us. thursday november 19, i'm pam cook. >> i'm dave clark. let's check weather and traffic. steve paulson has a lot of stuff to tell you. >> in 30 seconds. >> you can do it. >> a little bit of thought beginning to develop out towards antioch, napa, and maybe where you are as well. san jose was the main folks yesterday. san jose foothills. pretty quiet. not much of a breeze. it will be sunny and hazy, mild and warm. 30s, 40s, 50s. a few 30s, santa rosa, fairfield, 52 in san francisco. we are starting on the milder side for some. still on the cool side, everything pointing towards lots of sunshine and mild to warm temps. stays to the north until next week. a cool morning, lots of sun, high clouds near 70 for some. patchy fog may hold down a few times, 60s and 70s, a little bit above average and. more on her change for next week in 10 minutes or so. now an update on your traffic. anything popping up there? >> we have slowed traffic out there. that's for sure.

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