Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 11 20170117 : vimarsa

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 11 20170117

members skipping out on friday's swearing in grew longer over the weekend when president-elect donald trump traded jabs with john lewis of georgia calling the civil rights leader all talk and no action on twitter in response to lewis's claim his election was illegitimate. >> it's not very good. >> he's a hero. and to try to minimize him in any type of way is unfortunate. >> you've picked a fight with an icon. somebody who is respected on both sides of the aisle. >> reporter: congressman bob brady says he changed his decision out of respect for lewis. and while he doesn't question our political process, he does have doubts about the trump administration. >> i work with george bush, two republican governors try to work together, decent people. i don't know what's happening. i'm a little -- i'm majorly concerned about this. >> reporter: secretary district representative dwight evans told eyewitness news he won't attend either. in addition to supporting lewis, he cites health care and russian hacking issues as reasons for his decision. while new jersey representative bonnie watson coleman will opt for a prayer vigil instead. casey will attend but said senator casey has deep respect for representative lewis, someone whose actions over many years have moved our nation forward. the statement went on to read: it is the right of any member of congress to choose not to attend. and tonight we learn that pennsylvania's congressman bren done boyle who represents the 13th district has decided he will not attend trump's inauguration. in a statement representative boyle said in party accept the decision of the people, i respect it but i will not celebrate it. >> thanks for the update. >> stay with eyewitness news for coverage of the nauseous racial of president donald j. trump. i'll be reporting from the nation's capital thursday and friday and when we're not on tv you can get the latest at >> president-elect trump met today with martin luther king iii. the focus of the meeting was to improve voter participation and to stress the need to bring america together. >> provided at least a solution to begin to address a broken voting system. that was the dialogue, most of the dialogue we talked about constructively. >> king also said if his father were alive today, he would be working to create a climate where americans could be lifted out of poverty. and as we honor the civil rights leader today, a wreath and flowers were placed at the base of the martin luther king junior memorial at the nation's capital. dedicated in 2011 it became the first memorial on the national mall to honor an african-american and the fourth to honor a non-president. >> people across our area chose to honor the legacy of dr. king by volunteering in the community. the oldest and largest day of service in the nation. volunteers stood shoulder to shoulder with family, friends and strangers with one goal in 3450i7bd and that's keeping doctor king's legacy alive through citizen action. >> people are actually involved in doing things that they don't normally do on a regular basis what they're doing now. >> we're writing letters to military families, to their children, we're giving them books and we're making dresses for children in africa. >> a record 145,000 volunteers were expected to participate in the greatest philadelphia service event this year. the tapping of the liberty bell on inds mall was among many special ceremonies that took place today. state and local leaders were on hand for that event which celebrated its 32nd year. the mayor said the liberty bell like dr. king will always be a symbol of the entour fight for civil rights for all americans. >> haddonfield marks martin luther king day. commissioners, members, boy scouts led a procession down kings highway and back to borough hall. there was also an event recognizing students who took part in an essay contest honoring dr. king. rain will be moving in overnight and ice will be a concern. kate is tracking what to expect as many of you head back to work and school first thing in the morning. kate? >> that's right. we do have a couple of light showers moving in right now but the main event is still well back to the west. you can see some green, light rain over ohio. that's what we'll see tomorrow morning and perhaps some steadier rain you see back here over indiana. that's what we'll see later tomorrow afternoon. so tomorrow looks like a gray, gloomy and damp day from start to finish. as we go through the overnight hours, a few light showers moving through and the problem here is temperatures especially up around the pocono region and the northern lehigh valley are already near or below freezing. that means anything that falls could freeze on untreated surfaces. if you're heading out overnight or into tomorrow morning, check the car thermometer, if you're close to freezing, watch out if you're on side roads, bridges, whoever passes, even on your front sidewalk, especially north and west where temperatures will head to freezing, any rain that falls can freeze on contact. temperatures very close to that level. now from the city on south it looks like it will stay warm enough that we won't have to worry about much in the way of ice at all but we will see a decent amount of rain during the day tomorrow. light rain moving in possibly a few icy spots north and west overnight. by the second part of the morning commute we'll start to see some steadier rain and you can see the pink here to the north and west, an indication that some ice may be ongoing at 10:00. we'll talk more about the freezing advisory and we'll talk about the warm-up that could take us through the week and the weekend. >> a montgomery county community comes together to remember a young girl who was brutally murdered. today several hundred people showed up to remember 14-year-old grace packer. she faced a gruesome death allegedly at the hands of her adopted mother and her mother's boyfriend. >> this is a human being made in the image of god who is important. and she matters to us. she matters to the community. >> grace packer's biological parents were in attendance. both had a difficult time speaking about their daughter who was taken from them at age 3. >> a camden man shot by police during an alleged domestic violence incident has died. he died at cooper university hospital yesterday. he was shot by camden county police in the 2,700 block of federal street. when officers arrived on scene they say they saw the suspect point a gun at a woman and an infant. a northeast philadelphia synagogue is dealing with vandalism again and police are investigating. the stone front wall at the nikvah was spray painted with gra fee ta. since november there have been a total of seven cases of vandalism at the synagogue including one in december in which paint balls were used to break the surveillance cameras. the congregation is understandably upset about this latest incidents of vandalism. >> the stone is special stone, jerusalem stone, it's very beautiful and it's very powerful and when people do things like this, it's very upsetting. >> a synagogue in philadelphia's tacony section was vandalized just last week. >> a new law takes effect tomorrow that will transform how people can buy beer in pennsylvania. our natasha brown explains the changes and how one local distributor says this will be a boost for business. >> reporter: you can find just about any kind of here at the ben fringe lynn distribution store in old city. even the most pricey and exclusive brew. what you can't find is a 6 pack or a single beer being sold. but that's all about to change on tuesday. >> i think it's a great thing because i think sometimes you have to buy more than you want. >> reporter: a pennsylvania state law that becomes official on tuesday will allow beer distributors to sell any quantity including 32-ounce bottles, 6-packs and growlers. >> going to be putting in larger refrigerators for the singles and the 6-packs that are coming. you can literally buy a 6 pack of six different types of beers and figure out what you want. we're really excited. >> reporter: the state's distributors were once largely limited to selling only cases and kegs and most recently 12 packs. distributors see their sales booming behind this latest move especially here in old city. >> i would say one in seven people that come in here are tourists from the united states or a foreign country or maybe a couple of beers and they get discouraged and ovenl they walk out. so our sales are probably going to increase. >> if you want to get a 6 pack you have to go to a bar and pay tremendously more than you would here for a 12 pack. >> not impressed. i want 24. they wouldn't do me any good at all. >> this new law will allow bars to start serving alcohol at 9:00 a.m. on sundays without having to serve food as well. >> here's a toast to villanova university. cape may brewing company will be pouring a new ale to honor the 175th anniversary of the college. it's a classic pale ale brewed with a sample of german malts. visitors at a popular nature preserve stopped in their tracks. >> all because of that. still to come tonight, where this giant alligator was taking a leisurely stroll . a deadly ice storm is being blamed for sixth deaths tonight. that ice made travel treacherous leading to spinouts and a lot of accidents in kansas. utility crews are working to restore power after limbs and entire trees fell victim to the weight of the ice. officials say it will take days to get cleaned up and back to normal. >> the gunman accused of killing 39 people during a new year's eve attack in kur key is in custody tonight. the suspect was captured at a house in istanbul. he opened fire in a nightclub on new year's eve. the islam i can state has claimed responsibility saying the attack was in response to turkish military operations in northern syria. the wife of orlando nightclub shooter matin is scheduled to be in court tomorrow. investigators believe she knowingly took steps to interfere with the investigation into the mass shooting. she moved to san francisco after the attack. >> the last man to walk on the moon has died. eugene cernan flew three times in space. it was in 1972 that he left his footfrints on the moon's surface. he also traced the initials of his then 9-year-old daughter into the dust of the moon's surface. he was 82 years old. >> company executives spoke publicly for the first time since deciding to shut down the circus. during the press conference they explained the reason why the greatest show on earth must come to a close. according to them last year's decision to get rid of the elephants had a lot to do with it. >> last year after we retired the elephants from the touring units, we saw a steeper drop in sales, it led us to this decision. we're no longer able to see this as a sustainable business model. >> you can see the circus for the last time before it packs up for good. they'll be in philadelphia at the wells fargo center from february 16th-20th. it's the video that lit up the internet today. a giant alligator slowly walking across a trail in lakeland, florida. it happened at the circle b bar reserve. visitors come to the reserve to see a wide variety of plants and wild dpts life. before you start calling this a fake video, regulars at the reserve say the gator has been around for decades. so much so they have a name for him. hu humpback. >> the thing is so old. >> it's probably not even on your mind. i'm talking about those beach tags. >> it's going to cost just a little more at some shore points this summer. eye with it niece news has confirmed in avalon the price of beach tags will increase by a dollar. the seasonal price will go from $22 to 23 bucks. stone harbor will raise its price as well. >> usually so jealous of seeing those videos in the middle of wivrnt, but it hasn't been that bad. it's going to get even warmer through the rest of the week. we're talking about temperatures heading to an average of 20 degrees above normal and that's sustained over the course of at least a week. a lot of times it lasts for a couple of days and then the cold air comes back but this is a sustained warm-up. it looks like it may last us through the majority of the rest of january at least. but that also means some rain is in our future. kind of a claudy, gloomy night as we look life from the new jersey side of things across the river where it is 37 degrees. temperatures are marginal close to freezing here tonight and that is a concern for some spots as a little bit of rain will be coming in through the overnight hours. temperatures trending upward this week as the system lifts to the north it's bringing a lot of warm air in with it. you can see a warm front draped across the northeast right now. temperatures close enough to freezing in many spots overnight and into tomorrow morning. any rain that falls could freeze on contact. notice right now just a couple of spotty sprinkles. it's not going take much for this to freeze on contact and of course as we know it doesn't take much ice. put some salt down or be careful when you step out tomorrow. here's the rain that's going to come through tomorrow, mainly in the afternoon, that will be the steadiest but we'll time it out for you. you can see whoever night everything is light, very spotty. by tomorrow morning around 9:00 or 10:00 a.m., we'll start to see rain. up to the north still right around freezing at this hour. that means some icing is possible. by noon it's warm enough that this is mostly just rain and we've got another batch of some steady embedded downpours coming down around 3:00 so it will be wet for the evening commute as well and even headed into wednesday morning, a couple of scattered showers around to start the day before gradually drying and possibly clearing out a little. maybe a little sun peeks through during the day wednesday but not a ton of sun for the next couple of days. the second half of the commute in the lehigh valley and the poconos, temperatures at or below freezing, anything untreated could get slippery and icy spots on sidewalks as well there's our freezing rain advisory for the lehigh valley and berks county, it will kick in at 1:00 a.m. for the poconos it's already in effect and through 10:00 tomorrow. periods of light rain on and off through the day tomorrow and wednesday will start with a stray shower before we clear it out or at least dry it out in the afternoon. i don't think we see much sun on wednesday. if you want to get outside and enjoy temperatures above average, thursday is your day. it looks like the nicest day of your 7-day forecast. mostly sunny and highs in the 50s. but watch what happens to this polar air as we go through the next week or so, all the polar air locked up in the arctic region. sometimes this time of year you start to see a piece of that break off and head south. this is all staying locked up well north of us and that goes right through january 23rd and it doesn't look like much even through the 27th or the 28th. so temperatures staying above average for the foreseeable future. tomorrow periods of rain, areas of fog. still pretty chilly. 40s in the city, 30s to the north and west. areas off to the south tomorrow will get into the 50s. noticeable temperature gradient across the region tomorrow. wednesday is mild but cloudy. thursday is your nicest day and it stays in the 50s right through the weekend. a few spotty showers, maybe a few clouds but normal highs of 39 or 40 we're in the 50s for january in this long of a stretch, pretty great. >> i got my beach ball ready. >> flip flops and all. >> don bell is up next with sports. >> villanova shooting for a record against seton hall. sports coming up next. ♪ ♪ with simply right checking from santander bank, just make one deposit, withdrawal, transfer, or payment each month to waive the monthly fee. and there's no minimum balance. you're alright with simply right checking from santander bank. ♪ are you feeling alright, baby? ♪ it ain't rocket science. if jo jo plays, they have a chance. back in the lineup after resting saturday. the sixers beating a team they've lost nine in a row to. right there the sixers still up by 3. later on how about -- final seconds of the third quarter now, the black on matthew, jo jo 22 points, sixers up by 2. the jumper. 17 points sixers beating the bucks 114-104. >> you know i'm trying to do my best. trying to help my teammates win games and we do that tonight and we're going to keep on going in trust the process. >> trust the process. moving on if you're an opponent the pavilion is where confidence goes to die. see tan hall visiting villanova. the wildcats are looking for their 47th straight win on cam pass. that would be a school record. the previous record was set by jay wright and the cats from 2007 to second half the route is villanova with a 30-point victory and a record 47 straight wins at the pavilion. mlb new york is reporting that the phillies have signed michael saunders to a one-year deal with 9 million for a team option for 2018. the free agent is coming off an all-star year with the toronto blue the phillies mlb urban youth academy doing it big on mlk day. a free basketball clinic at the brand new ryan howard training center in south philly. they also announced a $25,000 student scholarship to go towards players' college costs. here's a message. >> to have a dream, do whatever they can to make it happen and work hard and work towards something, whether it's professionally, whether whatever they want to dorks have something to work towards. >> good job by roman and team. we know ryan howard legacy as of a 2008 champion. the things he does. >> love seeing that. >> thank you. up next, how . a local charity giving back in honor of dr. king. >> and it involved serving hot meals to the homeless. eye with itness news tonight they provided dozens of people with something to eat. according to chosen 300, dr. king spoke at that very same spot in 1965 in front of 10,000 people. kate? >> coming off one weekend, a long weekend for some, and we're looking forward to the next one and it looks pretty good temperature-wise. temperature is expected to be about 10 degrees above average both saturday and sunday this upcoming weekend but not a lot of sunshine to go along with the warmth. we'll see clouds and a chance for showers but the good news is you'll need your i checked, everything's there... wait a minute... hey... hold on, i can explain. you better have a good answer... switch to geico and you could save a ton of money on your car insurance. why didn't you say so in the first place? i thought you's was wearing a wire. haha, what? why would i wear a wire? geico. because saving fifteen percent or more on car insurance is always a great answer. our morning crew aback tomorrow. for kate, don and everyone here. i'm yukee washington. >> i'm jessica dean. >> thanks for captioning sponsored by cbs ♪ it's mlk day, we here also have a dream. that you will save big on a new mattress. there's 25% on every mattress, pillow tops, inner spring, gel latex, comfort coil, memory foam, horse hair, goose feather, sheep, every mattress in stock. >> one day only, mlk day sale. our bedding will not be judged by the price on the tag but by the content of its lumbar support. >> this is starting to feel like it's in poor taste. >> you're right. 25% is in poor taste. come in today and save 35%. >> no, i mean exploiting a civil rights icon to selltt

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