Transcripts For KYW The Late Show With Stephen Colbert 20171

Transcripts For KYW The Late Show With Stephen Colbert 20171130

portrait of me hanging behind a ceremony honoring native americans? again, my nickname was "indian killer," not "indian tickler," not "indian honorer," "indian killer." literally, any other portrait would be less insulting to native americans -- the mascot for the cleveland indians, the lando lakes butter lady, the guy who dressed up like an indian who criedly in the commercial. johnny depp as tonto, anything. but trump is the president so to show my respect for navajo code talkers. i will speak in code. let them crack that one. >> it's "the late show with stephen colbert." plus, stephen welcomes: justin timberlake and san juan carmen yulin cruz featuring jon batiste and stay human. and now, live on tape from the ed sullivan theater in new york city, it's stephen colbert! ( cheers and applause ) >> stephen: hello! what's up, everybody? thank you, please, sit down, everybody. too kind. ladies and gentlemen, welcome to "the late show." i'm your host, stephen colbert, i am one of the few money still allowed on television because today matt lauer was is let go from nbc's morning show, the "today' show, this morning, today. according to the chairman of nbc news, lauer was fired due to "inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace." not to be confused with "appropriate" sexual behavior in the workplace. because that does not exist. ( laughter ) we should have seen that lauer had a strange obsession with women. i mean, just look at any of his actual halloween costumes. dolly parton, "baywatch" babe, paris hilton, and lucy from peanuts. good grief. after looking at those photos, i think he could have been fired for sexually harassing himself. but he wasn't, because we have some details, and they are not great. turns out, lauer once gave a colleague a sex toy as a present. it included an explicit note about how he wanted to use it on her. it's bad enough that he gave her a sex toy, but he also gave instructions? he found a way to mansplain sexual harassment! ( laughter ) "you're doing that wrong! let me get in there." ( laughter ) "this is why you like what i'm doing." ( laughter ) and it doesn't stop there. on another day, he summoned a different female employee to his office and then dropped his pants, showing her his penis. after the employee declined to do anything, visibly shaken, he reprimanded her for not engaging in a sexual act. i'm going to say what that woman honestly could not at the moment "what a dick." ( cheers and applause ) we don't have to blur that, do we? we don't have to blur that. we don't have to blur that. this morning, hoda kotb and savannah guthrie had to announce lauer's departure on the "today" show, which must have been awkward for them, and even more awkward for the fans outside the window. wooo! go hawks! where's matt? why's everybody so sad in there? karen, will you marry me?" karen, look at my penis! ( laughter ) it was the theme. it was the theme of the morning. while the news about lauer is shocking, there were some hints, like this 2012 interview between katie couric and andy cohen. >> you cohosted the "today" show with matt lauer for 15 years. what is matt's most annoying habit? >> hmmm... he pinches me on the ass a lot. >> audience: ooooh! >> stephen: well, that certainly explains their old reoccurring segment, "where in the world are matt lauer's hands?" you ( laughter ) donald trump weighed in on the lauer story tweeting, "wow." wait a minute, "wow"? i'm still not used to a president typing the word "wow." that's like if the first draft of the gettysburg address was "holy guacamole, this war sucks." wow. wow. ( cheers and back to trumps tweet: "wow, matt lauer just fired from nbc for 'inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace.' but when will the top executives at nbc and comcast be fired for putting out so much fake news." by "fake news" do you mean, "more than a dozen women have accused trump of improper conduct or sexual assault." ( cheers and applause ) is that what you mean by "fake news?" listen up! you don't get to comment! that is the pot calling the kettle at 3:00 a.m. and asking what she's wearing. plus, remember the whole billy bush bus thing? turns out, in private, trump's told multiple people that it may not have been him on the tape after all. and "we don't think that was my voice." quick tip: if you're going to say something that's already crazy, don't refer to yourself as "we." "all the voices in our head tell us that's not our voice." what's that? yeah, they agree with me. ( cheers and applause ) what? quiet. they're so loud. they're so-- they repeat themselves, but, lord, they're loud." but you know what, let's take him at his word. he's the president of the united states. maybe it wasn't him >> stephen: when you listen to it again, it can't be him because anybody who said that wouldn't get elected president of the united states. he's got to be innocent there's no two ways about it. >> jon: wow! >> stephen: can't have both. and i guess this can't be trump, either. >> i said it. i was wrong, and i apologize. >> stephen: admitting he was wrong and apologized in the same sentence. the only way it could have been more un-trump is if he said it while eating a vegetable. ( laughter ) not an onion ring. meanwhile, there's amazing news out of a different crumbling empire. because we just learned that prince harry got engaged! i'm aplutter. and who's the lucky bride-to-be, some third cousin from luxembourg with a prominent jaw? no, turns out it's actress meghan markle, known for her 2011 breakthrough role as ambitious paralegal rachel zane in the hit tv series "suits," but will be officially leaving after season seven, following her engagement news. see a couple of things from that. one, there's apparently a show called "suits"? i saw the ads, but i assumed usa network just got bought by mens wearhouse. and, two, it's been on for seven years! and meghan markle is a biracial, divorced american, which is great news for the gene pool of the royal family. they are a little inbred. most of them have to be put down with canine hip dysplasia. no it's sad. it's very sad. i agree. it's extremely sad. they're partly rotwieller. but, england, a word of warning: we had a cool biracial leader for a while, too. and i can tell you, you need to savor it because the next princess... is gonna suck. ( laughter ) ( applause ) suuuck. suck. here are the wedding details. in may, prince harry and meghan markle will marry at st. george's chapel, windsor castle. now traditionally it's at westminster abbey, but it was booked for a harry-potter-themed bar mitzvah. we've got a great show for you tonight. justin timberlake is here. but when we return, i ponder life's biggest questions with life's biggest star. stick around. what bad knee?u'll ask what throbbing head? advil makes pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain? advil. guyyou know whatals arethat coming through, coming through, coming through! this sunday only: save 10% on target giftcards save big with weekend deals, only at target. all smartphones are more or less the same, right? but this is the moto z. hello moto. can your phone turn into a projector? because a 70 inch projection beats any phone screen. and they might be bragging about portrait mode. but can your phone go beyond and transform into a real 360 camera? it's time to reinvent your smartphone. it's time to move on. moto mods on the new moto z, from motorola. available at all major carriers. when it comes to molding sarah is ayoung minds, teacher. nobody does it better. she also builds her own fighting robots. destroy. but when it comes to mortgages, she's less confident. fortunately for sarah, there's rocket mortgage by quicken loans. it's simple, so she can understand the details and be sure she's getting the right mortgage. apply simply. understand fully. mortgage confidently. ( band playing ) ( cheers and applause ) >> stephen: hey, everybody! welcome back to the show! give it up for jon batiste and stay human right over there. >> jon: hey! hey! hey! >> stephen: jon, jon. >> jon: what's you got over there. >> >> stephen: what do i have here over? >> jon: yeah. >> stephen: what do i have in my hand? as long as you're asking. what i have is my book "stephen colbert's midnight confessions." check it out right there. you know, christmas is coming. christmas is coming, and everybody-- young children, your aged grandparents. >> jon: right, right. >> stephen: people of intermediate ages. >> jon: all ages. >> stephen: everybody want wanto shear in the confessions. >> jon: right. >> stephen: that i've got in the book right now. >> jon: so much fun. >> stephen: you have to cleanse your soul before the coming of jesus on christmas day. or if you don't believe in jesus, it doesn't matter, you have nothing to cleanse. i have some confessions you want to check out, i take salad bar sneeze guards as a personal challenge. i can still name all four of the teletubbies, and have done so in my will. >> jon: oh, wow. that's impressive. >> stephen: buy it for someone you love. buy it for someone you love. >> jon: that's impressive. >> stephen: not my problem. listen, folks, i think you can tell from that and the conversations i have jon out here, just the basic vibe of the show, but i'm a pretty deep guy, which is why sometimes i have to ask life's big questions, like why am i here? and what is the nature of existence? and, "new phone, who dis?" and sometimes i need to express these thoughts, thoughts that can only be understood by another very deep a-list celebrity. so it's time for yet another "big questions with even bigger stars." ♪ ♪ ( applause ) >> stephen: wow. ( applause ) wow. what a lovely night. man, just-- just look at all those stars. there must be, like, 20 of them. >> maybe even 30. ( cheers and applause ) ( cheers ) >> stephen: oh, hey, justin timberlake. ( applause ) ( cheers ) ( laughter ) >> well, hello yourself, stephen colbert. >> stephen: you like to come up here and think profound thoughts, too? >> of course. , of course, i do. being profound is one of my favorite things to do, right after singing, dancing, acting, voice acting-- which is a totally different talent-- and wearing cool suits. >> stephen: that is a cool suit. >> yes, it is. >> stephen: hey, justin? >> yeah, stephen? >> stephen: if the universe is infinite, what's beyond? >> everything other than "bed" and "bath." ( laughter ) ( applause ) >> stephen: that's deep. ( cheers ) >> hey, hey, steve? >> stephen: yes, just? >> if god made the universe, who made god? >> stephen: oh, like most stuff, i think a factory in china. ( laughter ). >> you know, that makes sense. >> stephen: hey, j-to-the-t? >> yes, s-to-the-c? >> stephen: do you believe in fate? like, do you think you were born to sing? >> no. i was born to cry and poop ( laughter ) singing came later. then dancing, then acting, then voice acting-- which is a totally different talent-- >> stephen: i get it! i get it. i understand. ( cheers and applause ) >> hey, colby? >> stephen: yeah timby? ( laughter ) >> if you could have lunch with anyone living or dead, who would it be? >> stephen: that's a good one. i think gandhi. >> because he was such a great leader and humanitarian? >> stephen: no, because if he was on a hunger strike, i'd also get to eat his sandwich, too. ( applause ) >> that's-- that's well played. thanks. hey, timber lake house? >> yeah, col-bair balloon? >> stephen: can i ask you really, like, really personal question? >> sure, why not. i feel really close to you right now. ( cheers ) when you brought the sexy back, where had it gone? >> wow. no one has ever asked me that. sexy was actually just the name of my neighbor's rabbit. you see, they were in nebraska for the weekend, and i was pet sitting, but they were worried i wouldn't return the rabbit, so i wanted to assure them, via song, that i was, indeed, bringing sexy back. ( laughter ) ( cheers and applause ) i mean, if you listen, if you listen closely, it's all in the lyrics. ( laughter ) >> stephen: oh, right. take it to the bridge! the bridge is where you met them to give the rabbit back. wow. hey, do you think it's possible for our subconscious to reveal what we're really thinking about? >> of course, not, jimmy fallon. ( cheers and applause ) >> stephen: yeah, me neither, jimmy fallon. we'll be right back with justin timberlake! >> i, jimmy! we love you! ( band playing ) ( band playing ) ( cheers and applause ) >> stephen: oh, hey, everybody. welcome back. oh, ladies and gentlemen folks, gentle viewer, my first guest tonight is an actor you've seen in "alpha dog" "the social network" and "inside lou and davis." i hear he can also sing. please welcome justin timberlake. ♪ ♪ ( applause ) ( cheers and applause ) >> thank you. that-- that, stephen is what pandering will get you. ( laughter ) >> stephen: i was going to say-- >> i slipped a $20 under everyone's seat. >> stephen: did you really? >> that was very nice. thank you. >> stephen: no, but that's the true star, the true star takes a long time to walk out. >> oh. >> stephen: the biggest star in the world-- >> i have-- i have a sore back. that's the only reason i-- ( laughter ). >> stephen: you have a star back is what you've got. now, listen, we had your lovely wife jessica biel on here a couple of months ago. the bar is very high. she did a lovely job. the bar is very high. >> yes. she is lovely. >> stephen: yeah. and until you came on just now, she was the one we liked. ( laughter ) now we like both of you. >> oh. >> stephen: but you've never been on before. thank you for being here. >> i'm so happy to-- ( cheers and applause ) >> stephen: she said that your son is messy. he's two. this seemed to surprise her. ( laughter ) >> yeah. i-- i-- i saw her interview on the show and i said, "honey, you went a little hard on sielus. he's not even three yet." >> stephen: yeah, he needs something to talk to his therapist about in 20 years. >> well, apparently, her compassionate home is a reflection of getting her demons out on "the colbert show." >> stephen: maybe so. she must have been a neat kid if she's surprised a two-year-old is sloppy. were you? does he get the messy gene from you? where is-- >> ah... >> stephen: you were a degenerate as a child. >> ah, he-- again, i feel a little like i don't want to make judgment on him. yet. ( laughter ) but -- >> stephen: what are the chants he's watching this? what are the chances he's watching this, this ( laughter ). >> if mom's not home very good. i will say this, i will say this -- >> stephen: say it, put it out there. >> silas is a boy and naturally messy, and he got that from me. and i will admit that. >> stephen: okay. >> but he also-- he is also very judgmental, which he also got from me. ( laughter ) and -- >> stephen: children don't like things to change. >> they don't. >> stephen: they like to be the same. >> neither do musicians. laugh. >> stephen: but you're more than a musician. you're also a dancer, an actor-- >> a voice actor. >> stephen: which is a-- >> which is a totally different thing. ( laughter ). >> stephen: you started off singing-- you started off singing in the church, right? >> i did. >> stephen: now, is that a good place to start because god will love you, even if you miss the notes? >> it's the only place-- for all you aspiring singers out there, it's the only place to start, best place to start. >> stephen: sure. do you have a favorite hymn or anything? >> "old rugged cross" is a good one. >> stephen: sure. >> the national anthem, the worst place. >> stephen: what, the worst place to sing is the national anthem? it's a tough song. >> it's-- it's very high expectation. >> stephen: hell of a range. >> and so that's your-- that's your -- >> stephen: i know the harmony of the national anthem. do you want to lay it down real quick? i know the bass. if you want to do the whole thing ♪ oooh do you want to try it ♪ oh, say can you see by the dawn's early light ♪ what so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming ♪ whose broad stripes and bright stars ♪ >> what is happening right now! ( cheers and applause ). >> stephen: play ball! that's what's happening right now! speaking of playing ball, okay, listen, super bowl, super bowl. >> hold on a second. >> stephen: hold on what? >> you just whriew blew my mind. >> stephen: i was in the choir. i was in the choir. i was the base line in the national anthem. >> so you know church is the best place to sing because you can go up there and completely botch anything, and at the end everyone says, "amen." >> stephen: yeah! they have to forgive you. >> "amen." >> stephen: they have to forgive you because jesus is watching. >> so for thinking about it -- >> stephen: thinking about it? >> if we are thinking about it. >> stephen: i think we are. >> church is the first place you learn how to lie. ( laughter ) ( applause ) >> stephen: super bowl. you're going to be the halftime show at the super bowl. congratulations, that's really exciting. third time, right? >> yes. >> stephen: third time. pretty exciting. now, i remember the last time you did it, kind of remember a few things about that. ( laughter ) any big-- any big plans? you need... i'm available. you want to come out there and be a dance partner, or anything like that. ( laughter ) >> uhhh... it's-- it will be great. it will be a great show. >> stephen: i have no doubt it will be fantastic. >> i'm very excited about it. >> stephen: justin timberlake, it will be fantastic. >> i'm very excited to -- >> stephen: what's that like? it's got to be the biggest audience you could possibly play. >> it is. every year, apparently, a lot of people watch the super bowl. >> stephen: yeah, i hear-- i hear-- i hear good things. >> yes. and like you alluded to, i have learned a lot of people watch super bowl. >> stephen: we have to take a break. don't go nowhere. neither do you. we'll be right back with more justin timberlake. ♪ ♪ ( applause ) i saw the change in rich when we moved into the new house. but having his parents over was enlightening. ♪ you don't like my lasagna? no, it's good. -hmm. -oh. huh. [ both laugh ] here, blow. blow on it. you see it, right? is there a draft in here? i'm telling you, it's so easy to get home insurance on progressive can't save you from becoming your parents. but we can save you money when you bundle home and auto. progressive can't save you from becoming your parents. un poquito mas rapido, no? [instrumental music playing hthroughout] [wheel squeaking] beautiful bike, just beautiful. ha,ha,ha. [pumping of bike tire] [pumping of hospital ventilator] [rain falling] [wheel squeaking] carlos! carlos! dr. brad needs to see you in room 3. [wheel squeaking] [heart monitor beeping] it's the one time of yearis weekend at kohl's friends & family take an extra 25% off! give joy with outerwear for her boots for him and stockings for the family! plus get kohl's cash! and remember - friends & family take an extra 25% off. give joy, get joy at kohl's. ♪ but it might be hard to handle ♪ ♪ like the flame that burns the candle ♪ ♪ the candle feeds the flame ♪ topped steak & twisted potatoes at applebee's. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. why? terrible toilet paper! i'll never get clean! way ahead of you. charmin ultra strong. it cleans better. it's four times stronger and you can use less. enjoy the go with charmin. fredget in, fred!thing for his daughter. even if it means being the back half of a unicorn. fear not fred, the front half washed his shirt with gain. and that smell puts the giddy in "giddy-up"! ah... the irresistible scent of gain flings laundry detergent. you can't help but smell happy. ( applause ). >> stephen: hey, everybody, welcome back to the show. we're here with the lovely, talented, justin timberlake. now, listen, the movie "wonder wheel" okay, in it, you're in it with... the lovely and talented-- who is in this movie with you? >> oscar winner kate winslet. i feel like i have to say, "oscar winner" kate winslet. >> stephen: do you have an oscar? >> i don't. >> stephen: you should. they don't give that for voice acting. >> no. >> stephen: damn, damn. that's (bleep). all right. >> i know. >> stephen: so "wonder wheel" takes place at coney island, 50s-ish. >> yes, 1950. >> stephen: and this is you. this is you. >> yeah, that's -- >> stephen: the lifeguard, right there. >> i-- i-- i want to be clear-- i will not be wearing that at the super bowl. ( laughter ) >> stephen: seems pretty safe though. this is the kind of bathing suit-- it's a bathing suit i would wear to the beach, it's one piece-- look at this-- and a belt. >> yeah. >> stephen: because you wear that-- that fits my physique. i go, "oh, there are abs underneath here. i wish i could show you, but the belt." >> yeah, that's right. it is-- it is so you can know where your waist is. >> stephen: you did-- you shared a trailer with kate winslet? >> i did. oscar-winner kate winslet. >> stephen: it was a half-oscar-winning trailer. >> a ghost oscar nominee, stephen. >> stephen: oh, yeah, for the song, for your fantastic song "can't stop the feeling." >> it doesn't matter. >> stephen: it totally matters. it totally matters. ( applause ) >> and that is what pandering will get you. ( laughter ) >> stephen: i will show you what pandering can get you from the most beautiful audience in the world. ( cheers and applause ) if you're going to pander, brother, if you're going to pander... ♪ ♪ ( cheers and applause ) >> stephen: stephen! stephen! stephen! stephen. >> stephen: >> you come into my house, you come into my house and think you can pander to my audience? how dare you! how dare you! well, i feel-- >> this was-- this was never a competition. i'm just excited to be here. ( laughter ). >> stephen: good, because you just lost is what you did. >> mow, (bleep). no, (bleep). >> stephen: i have to ask something here. >> yes. >> stephen: this is important. this is news. a lot of people know this. kate winslet said in an interview that she shared the trailer with you, you had that little thin wall between trailer. and that you would sing, she could hear you singing and peeing in the morning. how loud do you pee, justin timberlake? >> the latter half of that story is very true. >> stephen: you didn't sing. >> i wasn't, like, serenading kate winslet. it was, like, she's very intimidating. >> stephen: oh, is she really? >> yeah. she's, like a tornado of a person. in the best way possible. she was kind of -- >> stephen: oh, those good tornadoes. >> yeah, the good tornadoes. >> stephen: "wow, your town is totally gone, but in a great way." ( laughter ). >> no she was kind of our team captain, and working-- working with woody allen, we were all very terrified, and-- and-- and kate sort of, like, grabbed the reins of the whole thing. as she likes- -- >> stephen: what do you mean "grab the reins?" doesn't the director do that? >> well, um, see, i guess on behalf of the actors, she was kind of like-- like if he was the pilot, she was the flight attendant, and if there's a ton of turb lance, she's just constantly like, "you'll be fine." like, you know -- >> stephen: oh, oh,. >> for me, i'm a nervous flier. >> stephen: me, too, oh, yeah. >> and if there's turbulence, i immediately look at the flight attendant, and if they're make a face like... ( laughter ) i'm like... you're supposed to-- no! no! >> stephen: have you had a bad flight? i've had a lot of bad flights. >> displ yeah, i had one once when i looked at the flight attendant. >> and did that look at the flight attendant and she went, "i don't know. i don't know. i don't know." >> yeah, that's -- >> stephen: that's not good. >> and to be honest, that was kind of sometimes like what woody would say. >> stephen: "i don't know?" >> he'd be like, "i don't know." >> stephen: wait a second, in your metaphor, he's the pilot. >> i know. >> stephen: which is way worse. if, like, the cockpit door is open and he does this, "i don't know. i don't know." ( laughter ). >> yeah, yeah. >> stephen: "does anyone else want to"-- >> yeah. >> stephen: we have a clip. we have a clip right here. do you want to describe the clip? >> i just want to clarify that the first-- so, yeah, the first day that i was on set and i walk into my trailer, and it's morning time, so i was having, like, my morning relief, and i was-- i was peeing. i was peeing. and then all of a sudden, through the wall on the other... >> stephen: side. >> ...side. i hear, "i can hear you peeing, justin timberlake!" ( laughter ) and -- >> stephen: do you know, do you know that is one of the things-- >> and it's a voice that's very distinct. >> stephen: sure, sure. >> "i'll never let go, jack!" ( laughter ) i don't know why why she's always-- ♪ ♪ yeah. >> stephen: that is something i would not want the stewardess to yell through the door, by the way. >> that's true, that's true. and-- and-- and i immediately was like, "oh, my god, kate winslet can hear me peeing." and we do the movie and we bonded, and she is one of the most-- she is like the michael jordan of acting. she is one of the most gifted, but also giving and kind actors. and we just bonded so much. she has a-- a-- i think three kids, but her youngest is almost the same age as mine. and we kind of bonded over that. and, you know, it was like it turned into, by the end of the shoot, you know where it was like, we roll in, and like you just hear, like, "i still hear you ji jim justin timberlake. and i'm like, "pretty good flow, right?" ( laughter ) ( applause ) >> stephen: so this clip, this clip right here is you and her. >> yes. >> stephen: you two are in a relationship. >> yes, she's got a marriage with a character-- jim belushi. and she's having relations with my character-- we're not baking cake. >> stephen: no, no. >> and-- and i've-- i've-- i've sort of figured out that she thinks this is going to go further than it's going to go, and i'm trying to break up with her. and this is a piece of-- and then this happens! you know. >> this is-- it's-- it's much too expensive. i can't accept this. >> how would you know it's so expensive? >> i've inquired about this watch. >> i was with you. >> jenny, okay, this is a $500 watch. >> you always wanted this watch! >> yes, but it's much too extravagant. you can't afford this. >> that's my business! >> and even if you could, it's much too extravagant, given-- >> given what? >> it's too much to spend to me. you shouldn't be getting me jewelry? >> why not? is it too meaningful? >> you inscribed it. ( cheers and applause ). >> stephen: doesn't end happily. i'm not going to give anything way, but it doesn't end happily. >> it's-- i will say this, like, working with woody allen was a dream come true and it's a really beautiful movie and i'm really proud of it. >> stephen: well, i'm really proud you're here tonight. thank you so much for being here. ( applause ) "wonder wheel" opens friday. justin timberlake, everybody. ♪ ♪ ( applause ) akes shopping supe. like when you finally get home from the store but forgot that one thing. (sigh) just say, "hey google, buy dog food." it knows that was a disaster and this one's your fave. and while you're doing that, it can do this. google home mini: okay, ordered coffee. and when you don't want to share everything with your family... 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( ♪ ) i was wondering if an electric toothbrusthan a manual.s better and my hygienist says it does but they're not all the same. who knew? i had no idea. so she said, look for one that's shaped like a dental tool with a round brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head surrounds each tooth to gently remove more plaque. and unlike sonicare, oral-b is the only electric toothbrush brand accepted by the american dental association for its effectiveness and safety. my mouth feels so clean. i'll only use an oral-b. oral-b. brush like a pro. ( applause ) >> stephen: welcome back, everybody. my next guest has been an outspoken advocate for puerto rico's recovery over the last two months. please welcome the mayor of san juan, carmen yulin cruz. ( cheers and applause ) ♪ ♪ >> stephen: thank you very much. >> thank you. >> stephen: thanks so much for being on. >> no, thank you for having me. and thank you to the band. that was really great. >> jon: thank you, thank you. ( applause ). >> stephen: now, puerto rico was devastated after hurricane maria on september 20? >> september 20. >> stephen: okay. so it's been two months. we don't hear about it as much in the news on the mainland that much anymore. how is the recovery going right now? >> well, it's not going as fast as it should. we still have about 60% generation. you have to understand, generation is not that people have power. because all the power in the island gets generate from the southern part. and then it just gets sent around through mountains. >> stephen: so what percentage doesn't have power right now? >> well, about 50% of the population still doesn't have power. and the ones that do have, it's very unstable. we have had two blackouts in the past three weeks, total blackout on the entire island, which is 100 miles long by 30 miles wide. you could be operating in an operating room and all of a sudden, you end up with a light and your cell as a phone. our children are going to school only four hours a day because there's not electricity. and a lot of people, especially the elderly that live in buildings, i say they've become human cages because they cannot have the water pumped up. in the middle of -- >> stephen: is there fresh water? >> well, about 90% have water but we're still under a health advisory, so you either have to filter the water or you have to boil the water, but, of course, you can't boil the water because you don't have any electricity. so it's-- it's a touch-and-go situation still. and this new "tax" reform is not going to help us, either, because it puts a 20% excise tax on all of the imports that come from puerto rico into the united states. >> stephen: but, wait, so there's a 20%-- >> 20% increase income tax from all of the imports that will come from puerto rico into the united states. >> stephen: but puerto rico is the united states. >> well, you know, we are a territory of the united states. >> stephen: but you're citizens? >> yes, sir, since 1917. and i mean, maybe this is not the place to say it, but president trump has not been up to the standards that this country deserves. ( cheers and applause ) >> stephen: this is a shot-- this is a shot of you in the floodwaters. >> that was water with human excrement. >> stephen: if it. down in-- is this in san juan. >> in san juan, a place called ocean park. >> stephen: and at this time and since then-- especially since this timeue were crying out for help saying the people in san juan in puerto rico were dying and you needed more help. and you got this response from the president, "mayor of san juan, who was very complimentary only a few days ago, has now been told by the democrats that you must be newscast tow trump." and here is-- this was your-- >> that was my reply. >> stephen: this was your reply. ( cheers and applause ) >> but-- i have-- i have something for you, if i may. just a little reply with a twist. you get your own nasty shirt with a little puerto rican twist in it. this is just for you. >> stephen: oh, that's nice. >> yeah. >> stephen: thank you. are these available, or, like-- >> we-- we started-- that's the first one we made. we started a foundation because, you know, there's a big difference-- and, again, i don't mean to be harsh, but there's a stark contrast between the american people and their huge heart and you have poured yourself out in support to us, and how you often ask-- you've done it on your show so many times. and those that can see you-- because, you know, they have electricity-- are really cognizant of the fact that you have been one of those voices that has never forgotten us, and for that i want to be very greatful to you and thank you for that. >> stephen: thank you for what you're doing. thank you very much. >> we started this foundation, the foundation is called "somebody help us. you can send there if you want. i got $20 bills from people in texas. and the american people have such big heart, and the contrast with the american president that has such a big mouth. ( applause ) >> stephen: now, how many-- how can people-- how can people out there continue to help right now? well, first of all, you can keep us in your thoughts. whenever you see something for puerto rico, retweet it, or put it on facebook. secondly, you can donate to the american federation of teachers. they're doing this whole thing with operation blessing, clarity filters. if you donate, you get a clarity filter, made by kholler, to a family in puerto rico so they can have clean water. you can donate to the unions, the a.f.l.-c.i.o., took 320 workers and they stayed in puerto rico for two weeks, helping san juan, 42 communities. or you can go to, and make a small contribution. doesn't matter. you people, again, i have to thank you, because you have never left us alone, and i hopi never forget us because we have a long road ahead of us, but-- can you say "damn it" on tv? >> stephen: sure. >> so, damn it, we're going to make it. ( applause ). >> thank you very much. >> stephen: thank you so much. >> stephen: mayor carmen yulin cruz, everyone! go and we'll have a list of the nonprofits the mayor mentioned. we'll be right back, everybody. ♪ ♪ ( applause ) un-stop right there! i'm about to pop a cap of "mmm fresh" in that washer. with unstopables in-wash scent boosters by downy. and if you want, pour a little more. ah, it's so fresh. and it's going to last from wash to... ...wear for up to 12 weeks. right, freshness for weeks! unstopables by downy. for a fresh too feisty to quit. late show," everybody. tune in tomorrow when my guests will be the great kate winslet, now stick around for james corden and his guests armie hammer and juno temple. good night! captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh ♪ are you ready y'all to have some fun ♪ feel the love tonight don't you worry 'bout ♪ where it is you come from it'll be all right ♪ it's the late, late show >> ladies and gentlemen, all the way from alaska,l

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