eight of them were there. justice kavanaugh wasn't. eight will be back in the courtroom hearing oral argument in the courtroom but you'll be able to listen live and that is a first for the court to do that in the courtroom. that is because the public still isn't admitted to the building. >> so the public is not there but presumably the lawyers are. >> well, it is going to be a very small number of people. the justices, essential court staff, and arguing counsel. the rules for the arguing counsel say as soon as you're done leave the building. don't go into the cafeteria. get out. so they're very tough. >> and the justices will not be masked presumably on the bench or will they? >> i don't know. they haven't said. they weren't today. so we'll have to wait and see. >> were you over there? >> yes. i was there for the ceremony. me, and we were allowed to come in for the ceremony strictly formal, ceremonial because of course she went through all the full swearing in to be on the court last year.