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America. Governor Duvall Patrick makes a plea for compassion. If a stranger dwells with you in your land, you shall not mistreat him. My exclusive interview with governor patrick. All in starts right now. Good evening from new york, im chris hayes, a fairly Stunning Development tonight. Politicians are urging the u. S. To send commercial airliners into a war zone tonight. This just six days after another commercial airliner, Malaysia Airlines flight 17 was shot out of the sky in another active war zone, costing the lives of all 298 people on board. The faa tasked with protecting the safety of American Airline passengers decided to extend by another 24 hours the current ban on all u. S. Flights in and out of the airport outside tel aviv. An airport serving 90 of flights to and from the state of israel. Individual airlines began to cancel flights to tel aviv yesterday after a rocket fired from gaza, struck a suburban house just a mile away from the airport. The faa noticed making it official for all american operators, some major European Airlines cancelled flights as well, including air france, klm and luftansa. Israeli officials be objected strongly to the ban, and now some politicians are joining the chorus, Michael Bloomberg booked himself a flight last night, an Israeli Airline that continues to fly in and out of tel aviv. The faa ban gives hamas a win and hamas even put out a statement to that, theyre thrilled that they were able to cowher someone into stopping commerce and hurting israel. We cant let them do that. We just cant do that. Apac is criticizing the ban. Obama handed hamas its greatest victory by cutting off america from israel. The most hostile israeli act in our countrys history. This is the faa saying planes cant fly into an airport that just received rocket fire a mile away. Ted cruz is accusing the Obama Administration of using the flight ban for brazen political ends. The facts suggest that president obama has just used a federal Regulatory Agency to launch an economic boycott on israel, in order to try to force our ally to comply with his Foreign Policy demands. If so, congress should demand answers. The texas senator now vowing to hold up all state department nominees until questions are answered about the ban. This afternoon, the state Department Spokesman rejected the plan. Its ridiculous and offensive quite frankly. The faa takes their responsibilities very carefully. They make the decisions on the safety of american citizens period, for anyone to suggest otherwise is ridiculous. The war continued to rage on today. Over 100 targets attacked in gaza by the idf alone. Over 700 palestinians, at least 32 Israeli Defense soldiers have died since the conflict began. Alexander gerst posted an aerial photo of the explosions. My saddest photo yet. John kerry touched down in tel aviv today on a military plane to meet with Mahmoud Abbas and Benjamin Netanyahu in ongoing attempts to negotiate a ceasefire. We will continue to push for this ceasefire. We will continue to work with president abbas and others in the region in order to achieve it. And i can tell you that we have in the last 24 hours made some progress in moving toward that goal. Spoke earlier with the president s deputy, tony blanken. I started by asking his response to senator ted cruzs allegations. The response is, its plane and simply wrong. The faa acts independently, it makes judgments about the safety and security of American Airlines and american passengers. Were not in the business of second guessing the faa or telling it what to do. The faa is worki ining with isr to try to resolve this. The only people who are playing politics with this issue are the folks who are accusing us of playing politics with the issue. The negotiations are making progress, what exactly does progress mean and look like given the Current Situation . So secretary kerry is intensely engaged in trying to get a ceasefire, in the first instance a short term humanitarian ceasefire, that will work the space necessary to have some kind of dpurable solution that involves hamas stopping, reigning down rockets on israel. Sending terrorists in tunnels to kidnap or kill israelis, at the same time trying to alleviate the Living Conditions for the palestinians who are in gaza living under very, very difficult circumstances. One of the keys to making the circumstances so difficult is the fact that the palestinians in gaza have a hard time getting out of gaza. Egypt has closed one of the main border crossings. The commander of hamas said the single most important demand, they wont consider a ceasefire until israel pledges to lift the siege on gaza. What is the white houses feeling on that . I think the most urgent thing is to get the ceasefire, and then these other issues, which are important can be discussed and negotiated and dealt with. But unless and until we get a ceasefire, then the terrible violence that were seeing will continue. The israelis have to be able to have clear assurances that the rockets will stop, the tunneling is going to stop, the terrorism will stop. From there, these other questions can be discussed and negotiated. Order a ceasefire and then negotiati negotiations. No claim that would include some of the items that some including Palestinian Authority are calling for . What you can do is have a short ceasefire, a humanitarian ceasefire for a week or so, and start to engage these other issues. And then if theres not satisfaction on those issues, the parties will have to make their own decisions. The point is, to get the ceasefire to stop the violence in the shooting, and then to work on these issues, thats the way to go. Israel has accepted that, this is an Egyptian Initiative, hamas is the holdout, the real question now is will hamas accept the ceasefire and that will enable all of us to work on these other issues. One of the things that makes this difficult for secretary kerry, is that hes not negotiating directly with hamas. The u. S. Does not recognize it as a legitimate interhoper. Given the fact that secretary kerry is sitting across the table from the iranians, why not just negotiate this directly with hamas . We have other countries, including qatar and the secretary is directly engaged with them. They have the ability to find out what hamas why not just talk to them directly . Hamas is a terrorist organization. And were not in the business of dealing with them. Other countries can, other countries will, and the question now, before us is whether hamas will accept the Egyptian Initiative and ceasefire. Whats the difference between iran and hamas . A big difference, but iran in the first instance is a country with whom were engaged in a discussion about whether we can end the Nuclear Threat that they pose through their program, and thats something that as you know, weve been intensely engaged in, and its profoundly in the interest of the United States and the International Community at large. Thank you very much. Thanks, chris. Israels urging the u. S. To reverse the faas ban, arguing the airport is perfectly secure. And tourists are being encouraged to go on with business as usual. Groups like birth right continue to operate despite the war. Israel has instilled the fear and insecurity created by the constant threat of rocket fire. Its this sense that attacks the sport of the operation. In israel, unlike the u. S. , almost everyone is required to serve in the armed forces, they have an intimate understanding of what war really means. A group of israeli reservists chose to voice their objections to the gaza war in the Washington Post writing, we are more than 50 israelis who were once soldiers and now declare our refusal to be part of the reserves. We oppose the israeli army partly because we reveal the current military operation. For us, the army is flawed for reasons far broader than the occupation. We rue the discriminatory policies. Joining me now, an israeli reservist and co wrote that letter. Shes also contributor to the Washington Post. Thank you for having me. This was a pretty gutsy thing to do. A lot of your fellow israelis whether theyre jewish, christian or otherwise say your countrys under attack, you signed on to be a citizen and serve in the armed forces and youre abandoning your country in your time of need . Yes. The army didnt call me right now, i stopped going there. A few years ago, but im still under reserves we were looking for refusal to go to the army. We wanted to say, it is political. We publish it now because we felt theres an urgency in this statement now, because were deeply concerned about whats going on in gaza strip right now. We mentioned the numbers, i dont have to go over it, we started to work on this thing months ago. And we wanted to open a discussion about mill t tarization, and the connection to show that theyre inseparable. You make an argument in the letter that basically says the fact that everyone does serve in the army, and the role that the idf has in israeli life which is quite prominent contributes to a toxic effect in which military solutions are raised up above political solutions. Yes, i mean we can see it now, with the support the idf is getting, even though all of us wrote a letter, we dont think that was necessary. We think the Israeli Government could have addressed this issue in political means. Theres a constant feeling among us that political means are never being exhausted before going into wars. And that is its also the most difficult time to talk against the army. I would imagine i mean, there is what is the space right now for dissent in israel against this war. It doesnt seem like theres much of it. The overwhelming majority of israelis support it. There are dozens of people who refuse to go to the military and participate in the operation. They didnt go public, and theres a reason. For us to go public right now, even though we didnt get the current callup, was a statement of supporting them, supporting everyone that refused to go to the army. America has been through 13 years of unceasing war. The longest period of war in history. One of the things is a very small percentage of americans have had to fight for the nation. Its created a strange situation. The small group of people sack fizing, a larger group going about life. A lot of people point to israel and say, everyones together. Its somehow binding the nation together to have everyone serving the military. We talk about solidarity and equality. Were trying to challenge the perception and to say that we dont want to live in a society where you have to go to the army when youre 18. Go because you want to go, not because you are forced to go, you are paying a high price. Thats the place to say its a huge privilege. The risks are really really high for most people. Its not that everyone is going to the army, its more about the efforts around it. Whats going to happen to you when you go back to israel . I think ill be fine. People will be angry at you . Yes, people are already angry. Some people. Yes, but the message was more important to us. What is, do you see this movement growing . Do you see peoples opposition to what you say is the kind of militarism of Israeli Society in retreat or advance . I really hope so. The whole idea was to start a movement that would reject the constriction and the army as a whole. And its mainly because we cant i think when we take we think about the structure in israel, with the idea for the current structure of the idea. If we cant imagine a solution, or we cant imagine a way out of it. Its very hard to think of israel without the idea. It was a nation that was born after being declared thank you so much. I really appreciate it. Tonight we may be closer to knowing who shot down Malaysia Airlines flight 17 in Eastern Ukraine. Late breaking news, we learn tonight an execution in arizona has gone horribly wrong. The story is still unfolding, well tell you what we know ahead. Start a team. Join a team. Walk to end alzheimers. Visit alz. Org walk today. So factors like diet can negatively impact good bacteria . Even if youre healthy and active. Phillips Digestive Health support is a duoprobiotic that helps supplement good bacteria found in two parts of your digestive tract. Im doubly impressed phillips Digestive Health. A daily probiotic. Hundreds of people lining the road to pay their respects, as 40 of the victims were driven in a convoy of hearses from the airport to nearby military barracks, Forensic Experts will begin identifying the bloodies. 193 of the people on board were dutch. In are reports of at least one dutch family having to cancel the credit card of their lost loved one after discovering it was being used by someone in ukraine who took it from the crash site. Chris murphy will be with me to discuss the maddening situation and the Game Changing ideas of who shot down the plane. Ifcorner of smart choicee and multiple choice, come to walgreens for help finding the one thats right for you. Like centrum. Select products are now just 9. 99 with card. At the corner of happy and healthy. Your eyes. Even 10 miles away. They can see the light of a single candle. Look after them. With centrum silver. Multivitamins for your eyes, heart and brain. Now with a new easytoswallow coating. A break in the case in the mystery of who shot down the airline. It was shot down by a missile known as a buk. Pinpointing it to a separatist group today moved us one step closer. In june, russian state media congratulated the pro russian separatists on their latest military acquisition, which was a set of russian made buk missiles. The dontsk resistance fighters have captured antiaircraft military station. The selfproclaimed donetsk said we dont have weapons that can take down a plane from that altitude. The selfprol claimed minister of donetsk denied being in position of a buk system. I can list all of the means of defense that we have in our possession. All of these means of defense are capable of crashing only the low flying targets. But today, commander of the italians seemed to give up the goods, saying the peoples republic, which is different from the donetsk peoples republican had a buk missile system. I knew that a book came from luhansk. At the time i was told that a buk from luhansk was coming. That buk, i know about, i heard about it, i think they sent it back, because i found out about it at exactly the moment that tragedy had taken place. That sounds like a smoking gun. Then just a few hours ago, in a further twist, came news that hes backing off his claims. He told life news he was misquoted. Reuters got it wrong, and merely discussed possible versions with reuters. Joining me now, senator murphy from connecticut. How much does it matter whether its ever definitively established. It seems like the world, the u. S. Have concluded that russian backed separatists are to blame for this . Yeah, i think thats the point. Our intelligence officials are confident that they have this missile system, to my mind, it doesnt really matter whether there was a russian standing next to the ukraine who fired it, whether there was a russian soldier who fired it, but for the russian provocation and support and assistance and direction, there wouldnt be fighting in the first place, there wouldnt be missiles taking airplanes out of the sky. Ive said from the beginning, that it doesnt really matter in the end exactly who pulled the trigger, or exactly where this weapon came from. Russia has blood on its hands, the minute they decide to stop funding the separatists, is when this rebellion ends. Let me take the other side of this, one of the things i think has been lost and was a surprise to people, this is very much an active war zone. There are two more ukrainian planes shot down today we got reports. Fighter jets taken down. I asked a Washington Post reporter in that region, what the folks on the ground were making of the war around them. This is what he had to say. People have lots of different ideas. But they by and large are really angry with the Ukrainian Military for what they see as an offensive that does not make any distinguishing between the rebels who have taken up arms and ordinary civilians. A lot of residential complexes have been hit with artillery fire. Are you confident the Ukrainian Government is taking adequate precautions around the civilian population as it pursues its military campaign against the separatists in Eastern Ukraine . Well, over the course of about 10 years, the russians very intentionally hollowed out the capabilities of the Ukrainian Military. They have people embedded within those organizations, to render them largely ineffective. Youre going to have mistakes. Some rather large ones by the Ukrainian Military as they try to push back. The reality is, if they dont draw the line, it wont stop. Putins ambition here is to continue to march his forces, the separatists for as far as they will go. Without modern training over the course of ten years, this is going to be an effective impact the other day, ukraine is united now. That weve gotten past our differences, we all want to be one country, this is the second day in a row that we saw fist fights on the floor of parliament. There we are. Are you confident the government is indeed united . Well, it was this is a very difficult time for them. Theyre managing this insurrection in the east, amidst an economic meltdown. The conflict continues, there are going to be tensions, i think this is the right leader for the right time, ultimately he has a message you have to sell in Eastern Ukraine, they dont want to be part of russia, but they want more power. Theres no reason why they shouldnt be allowed to elect their own governors, have robust trade with russia. There is a deal here, ultimately where he can deliver a lot of what Eastern Ukraine wants and unite the country around a less centralized form of government. Thank you so much. Great. A mystery in new york today, did Governor Cuomo corrupt the commission he set up to get rid of corruption . Ill talk to one of the antigovernment crusaders whos calling for him to resign ahead. What if a photo were more than a memory . What if it were more than something to share . What if a photo could build that shelf youve always wanted . Or fix a leaky faucet . Or even give you your saturday back . The new snapfix app revolutionizes local service. Just snap a photo and angies list coordinates a toprated provider to do the work on your schedule. The app makes it easy. The power of angies list makes it work. Download snapfix for free. Looki prefer today. Eeks . Clairol age defy color collection. With our best breakthrough gray coverage. Lustruous, radiant color that looks 10 years younger. Today. 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It looked like a fish opening and closing his mouth. Joseph wood sentenced to death for the murder of his father and girlfriend. He was pronounced dead nearly two hours after he was put to death. This is the fifth execution ive seen done. Usually it takes about 10 minutes, the person goes to sleep. This was not that. This, it looked like that at the beginning for the first seven minutes. He closed his eyes, he went to sleep. He started gasping and he did. He gasped for more than an hour and a half. When the doctor would come in to check his consciousness, he would turn the mike on, you could hear a deep snoring, sucking air sound. The whole process took about two hours from start to finish. The death of joseph wood was so drawn out, his lawyers had time to draft and file an emergency stay an hour into the execution. The Arizona Department of corrections began the execution at 1 52 p. M. , at 1 57 p. M. Adc reported he was sedated. At 2 02 he began to breathe. At 2 03 his mouth moved. Hes been gasping and snorlting for more than an hour. He is still alive. This execution has violated mr. Woods eighth amendment right to be executed in the absence of cruel and unusual punishment. His lawyers have requested a stay of execution. The two drug combination the Arizona Senate will use for executions, first used in a january execution in ohio that saw an inmate choke, gasp and take nearly 25 minutes to die. The Supreme Court lifted that stay of execution yesterday paving the way for today. Arizona governor jan brewer released a statement on the matter this hour, i am concerned by the length of time it took to complete the lawful execution of the convicted double murderer, joseph wood. Justice was carried out today, i ask the department of corrections to conduct a full investigation. He did not suffer, this is in stark comparison to the gruesome vicious suffering he inflicted on his two victims and the lifetime of suffers he has caused their family. 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Its hard to stress just how bipartisan lets say nonpartisan a disgusting cesspool of public corruption and terrible behavior this really is. Ten state officials have been implicated in just the past 18 months, its no surprise, a new poll found that two thirds of new york voters think albany lawmakers are corrupt. To corrupt the new york daily news, they think their legislature is a cesspool. Andrew cuomo has made a big, big issue. Hes the guy who was going to clean it up, not long after revelations of a bribery plot in the mayors race last year, involving a state lawmaker, cuomo created a new panel to investigate the states political corruption. I worked with the people, i wont stop fighting until we all have a government we can trust. He vowed the Moreland Commission would be independent but a blockbuster investigative story reveals it was far from it. After the commission issued a subpoena to a media buying firm. Cuomos most senior aid called a commission and ordered him to pull it back. The subpoena was swiftly withdrawn. Thats just one example from the times investigation, that found that cuomos office deeply compromised the commissions work. Federal prosecutors are investigating the shutdown in march. We reached out to Governor Cuomos office to invite him to the show tonight. Professor of harvard law school. Hes urged a petition if he did indeed interfere with the commission. You are one of the big anticorruption crusaders of the time. Why have you launched the petition . Well, if in fact he has interfered with this commission which he set up and called an independent commission, that cuts to the core of the trust that we were 130ezed to have in a process like this, designed to bring out and to end the corruption in new york. And the challenge here is, for him to demonstrate that in fact he was living up to the promise that he gave when he said he was going to set up an independent commission, if the times report is true, he does do that, he set up a puppet commission and has tried to play it to make it look like it was doing what it promised to do, but was doing nothing more than exercising the power that would benefit him . Cuomos office wrote a lengthy response. The main this rust was, we set up this commission, it reported to the governors office, of course it reported to us, we had to have some role in what it did and didnt do. Theres nothing wrong about that, its not like western dealing with some criminal investigation from a district attorney. This was our commission we set up. And we ran it how we wanted to run it. Its nixonian in its characterization. You remember when nixon appoints or had the attorney general appoint Archibald Cox to look into the watergate affair. Nixon didnt like what cox was doing, he said you shouldnt be asking four our tapes. Look, you work for me. He said, no, i work for the attorney general. And nixon said, to the attorney general, get rid of this guy. I cant do that. In this case, when the commission starts issuing subpoenas, theyre invoking the law. When you start invoking the law and using the legal power like that, the question that raises is whether the governors authority, whether the governors decision has been restricted, in my view is, thats been suggested with whats going on with the u. S. Attorney, it was restricted. The mere fact that he had set it up, doesnt mean he gets to control everything that happens inside. If he wanted to have his press people run an investigation, he could have set up the press people you invoke the power of the law with a subpoena, youre restricted with what you can do, its ours to do with as we want. The guy has to get stuff done, he would say, ive gotten a lot of things done, ive gotten my agenda through. Albanys a tough town. You have to break some eggs to make an omelet. Yeah, well, albany may be a tough town, he may have done a lot of things, the question here is whether hes behaving in a noncorrupt way with a commission designed to flesh out corruption, my view is, if you reach in, and start effecting what the commission can do. A commission which was set up to look at government. If they want to go after me, let them go after me. That commission controlled in that way, betrays the very kind of corruption which he says hes trying to bring out. He believes lose behaving as if hes above the law here, and that is the keystone of corruption, and thats the reason that weve said that if in fact this is what hes done, he needs to step aside, this is worse than the kind of internal corruption that brought down governors like spitzer, this is one at the core of what hes doing. Lawrence lessig from harvard, thanks a lot. My exclusive interview with Duvall Patrick. No question about that. But your erectile dysfunction that could be a question of blood flow. Cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be Ready Anytime the moments right. You can be more confident in your ability to be ready. And the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. Side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. To avoid long term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. 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A certain type of visitor not welcome. Tens of thousands of unaccompanied Migrant Children coming across the borders that intensified. Duvall patrick announced a plan last week, to offer secure temporary housing in his state for some Migrant Children crossing the border. The town has found itself embroiled in the fight. As officials are opposed to the migrant housing. Money spent on immigrants could be better spent on citizens in the community. Something should have been done years ago to keep people from crossing the border. Send them back, they broke the law. As ugly as the response to this crisis, one of the most compelling voices weighing in on the side of trying to help has been Duvall Patrick. America and this commonwealth in particular has given sanctuary to desperate children for centuries. We have rescued irish children from famine, russian and ukrainian children from religious persecution. Cambodian children from again side. Sudanese children from civil war, and children from new orleans from hurricane katrina. Once in 1939 we turned our backs on jewish children fleeing the nazis, and it remains a blight on our reputation. Many of the concerns that have been raced are quite reasonable ones you would expect from citizens and local officials, i also think that the answers that have been given us by the Obama Administration are also reasonable. Were talking about a short term duration. Housing a limited number of people in a secure facility. Its a way to relieve the suffering of children, i think theres a way to do that and a way thats been proposed to do that, where we as citizens of massachusetts and the nation can help. When you hear someone, this is a reporter who attended a town hall saying, these people dont have the same culture we have in born, we have to protect our children. Theyre adults, they know what theyre doing, theyre going to be sucking us dry, send them back. Whats your reaction . That sort of language is unhelpful and coarse. Its not the first time in American History that newcomers have been talked about in terms like that. Every time over the course of a century and a half or so of fairly regular immigration and some of that in waves, weve had to endure all of that until we got to our higher and betterselves. And weve been stronger as a nation as weve done so. In this case, were not talking about integrating the children into massachusetts or American Society and culture, were talking about where they can be housed and fed and clothed and schooled while theyre processed under our law. I think we ought to be able to do that. Why not . Why only 35 days . Isnt america with its 300 Million People and one of the most powerful wealthy nations on earth. Cant it absorb 90,000 children and terrified parents who are running from terrible violence . Look, i guess my point is, that the immigration debate generally is one where i feel we get a lot more heat than light. Theres general agreement that we need comprehensive Immigration Reform that is more consistent with our values. The first person i ever heard describe the problem and the response that way was george w. Bush when he was president of the United States. There used to be a bipartisan understanding that not only have we broken we have a broken set of laws, but that we need reform that makes us as open doored as we are open hearted. We are the only superpower in history as one very famous man once said, whose power comes from giving, not from taking, and i hope that there is a way ultimately for us to welcome the suffering, the huddled masses from around the world, historically that has made us stronger. My point is, the question about whether or not to help shelter these desperate children, some of them as young as three years old, now at the southern border is a separate question from what our immigration laws ought to be. We have a humanitarian crisis on our doorstep right now. And good ethics and good morals, i think demand we do something about that. There are people who look at what governor perry has done in texas, with ordering the National Guard down there, and a very conservative red state and say, thats politics, thats posturing. Someone could look at you and say, youre a blue state liberal and its massachusetts, its going to play well for the crowd to trumpet your own empathy. Is this an advantageous view for you to take . No, as you can see, as you mentioned from the as you can see from the letter that you quoted, i havent gotten it yet, ive heard about some of the comments at that meeting, that there are views on both sides of this issue here in massachusetts, ive never thought we were as reliably blue or liberalist. We have the whole spectrum of points of view. Im trying to assure that our citizens points of view on this issue are informed on fak. Thats not always easy too do, when so much of the general immigration debate is not. But we have seen, and we saw it very recently in the wake of the marathon bombings, that we are capable of enormous grace when were called upon to do so, and frankly weve seen that through history in this commonwealth and country. Thats the nerve im trying to touch right now. Governor of massachusetts, Duvall Patrick, thank you for your time tonight. Thank you, chris. We know what happens when migrants come into this country, what happens when theyre deported back to their own . [ female announcer ] theres a gap out there. Thats keeping you from the healthcare you deserve. At humana, we believe if healthcare changes, if it becomes simpler. If frustration and paperwork decrease. If grandparents get to live at home instead of in a home. The gap begins to close. So lets simplify things. Lets close the gap between people and care. In the nation, the safest feature in your car is you. Add vanishing deductible from nationwide insurance and get 100 off for every year of safe driving. 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Shes raising her nephews and son and supporting her mom and she cant find enough work to support her family. Was she an economic refugee or fleeing violence . Its both. I think a different kind of refugee than we see in war situations. These are people that are living in a place where anything can happen at any time. No ones immune to the violence. We were five feet away from him when he was murdered, thats where it really hit me, its a deceptively beautiful country and the people are very hospitable. But the gangs are there, and they are leaving because of poverty and this other element. How much could you feel that other element . I think its very hard for us to get an image. We have an image of what a war zone looks like, what a country struggling with poverty looks like. The idea of gangs that are so threatening, how present did that feel . We cant take our cameras to these areas because it would endanger the people we would be interviewing, because they would get a lot of questions. One night we rode around with the police to go to the scene of a murder, it turns out there were three or four, just bodies that had been there for months and someone finally called it in. Its ever present, its really intense down there. Is there any degree to which people who tried to leave have been deported back are known to the gangs that they is there some sort of punitive fear that theyre going to be targeted because they tried to get away . We didnt come across that, but as a rule, i ask people, are you going to go back or not . Some people were just like, im done, throwing in the towel, ill make the best of it here. Other people said, yeah, ill go back, a lot of people said theyre going to wait it out, they know this is going to blow over. How much is the coverage how much is the humanitarian crisis we call here, getting back there, how is it being covered there . People are so aware of it, people know now what the law is, they know what theyre doing is illegal and they wont get in, i think people are going to hang back for a while and let all the Media Attention blow over. It is getting back there that were covering a lot, and theres a ramped up deportation . Yeah. And folks are more aware of what the loss is . Yeah, definitely. The things pushing them out are going to remain . They are. But i know how politics works, i know no ones going to do this, if you want to solve this problem, investing in education and giving kids opportunities to get back there. There are opportunities that are helping kids stay. Anyone who wants to be part of the solution should look for those sorts of opportunities. Thanks so much. Great reporting. Thats all in for this evening, the Rachel Maddow show starts right now. Good evening, rachel. We have breaking news tonight. It has happened again, and apparently its just going to keep happening as long as the courts in this country keep letting these things go forward as if what we are doing in this country with our execution process right now is something other than what it really plainly is, which is human medical experimentation on live prisoners. There has been tonight another dramatically botched execution in the United States. Th

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