Roy moore stands with supporters. I will stop standing when they lay me in a box and put me in the ground. Reporter al franken apologizes and welcomes an ethics probe after a california woman who accompanied him on a uso tour before he was in politics claims he tried kissing her in 2006. And a policy review on the senator. I remember that differently, but whats important is the impact it had on you and for that i apologize. I have tremendous work for you at the uso and im ashamed my actions ruined that experience for you. I am so sorry. Sincerely, al franken. And calling out the clintons. Hillarys new york protege shocks the world after announcing that bill clinton should have resigned after the lewinsky scandal. Yes, i think that is the appropriate response, but i think things have changed today, and i think under those circumstances there should be different reaction. Well have a lot of reaction to state senators comments. Stay tuned. Good day, everyone. Im Andrea Mitchell in washington. Women supporters of roy moore are speaking out today for the embattled senator candidate amid growing allegations of sexual misconduct, ranging from improper flirting to assault. I assure you, we could have filled these steps with hundreds, if not thousands, of women who can attest to roy moores professionalism, respectful behavior and good character. Judge moore has always been consistent in his personality and character. I have found his character to be only one thing, and that is godly. A defiant moore is refusing to drop out of the race. Hes clinging to dwindling republican support around the state while still slamming his accusers. The scandal showing signs it may be taking a toll on the race. A new fox news poll now shows moore trailing his democratic opponent by eight points. Gabe gutierrez is in montgomery, alabama with the very latest. Do we expect the candidate himself will show up at this rally today . Reporter hi there, andrea, good afternoon. Right now roy moore is not here at this event, but his wife kayla is, and we expect her to speak in just a few minutes at this News Conference from the women supporters of roy moore has been ongoing for about a half hour or more. Andrea, one of his steadfast supporters has been his wife. Shes been very active on social media and their Facebook Page saying these actions are menial. She says she is standing by her husband she has known for more than 30 years and has never lifted a finger to her, she says. Here in alabama, a new fox news poll has Democrat Doug Jones ahead by eight points, but more supporters showed up at another event in support of liberal kef conservatives, and they say he will stay in this race and not give in to what they call a witch hunt. The election will go on december 12 despite some calls to delay it. Here at this News Conference right now, you see female supporters of roy moore who say they just dont believe the allegations, they dont think theyre credible. But at this point, andrea, you know we have heard from nine separate women who are accusing roy moore of unwanted advances ranging from inappropriate flirting to Sexual Assault. Andrea . And gabe, lets hear from some of the women who you have interviewed skpoand our colleag down there. Tina johnson. She was 28 years old. She was groped, she said, by roy moore in his law Office Following a child custody suit, and heres what she had to say. My mother went first, and when i got up and went out, he grabbed my behind. Hard. He had power over me. He had me in a position where i couldnt do nothing. I didnt want it. You know, i was vulnerable and he took advantage of that. And he knew it. And gabe, as well, becky gray. You know full well she was a teenager. She was working in the mall at the gasden when roy moore was a local attorney, and she said he persistently asked her out. Heres her story. We all talked about how creepy he was and what a pervert he was and that sort of thing. Its not been a secret. Taking up the 10 commandments, okay, and all of that to me was only an act, you know. I never, ever considered him to be of, you know, having any morals, i guess, is what the only way that i know how to put it. You know, he just lacked a moral compass. So youve got those perspectives and yet the women who are coming out and supporting him today, how do you reconcile those two views of roy moore . Reporter well, andrea, and thats a very good question. Very different views. The women you see speaking behind me right now say this is not the man they know. They remember the judge here that stood up for the Ten Commandments. They say he has stood up for religious liberty, and they just do not believe the accusers you just heard from there. Tina johnson, the first woman you heard from, as you said, she was 28 years old. That accusation is different from the others because, according to her, it happened in 1991, several years after the other allegations, and that accusation also significant because that was after roy moore had married his wife kayla. Now, tina johnson says he was leaving the law office, and whats significant about her testimonial is he had this power over her and thats what weve heard from several other women as well. The other account you heard, that is something weve heard more often, that roy moore, from several people in his hometown of gasden, alabama, in the late 70s, early 80s, he would hang out at the gasden mall and make young women uncomfortable. We must say that roy moore denies any accusations of inappropriate conduct. He simply would not answer the last round of accusations, andrea. And this woman backed donald trump for president. Rick tyler is with me also, political analyst here, and ron mcclain, senior white house aide to president s clinton and obama. If you could help us understand roy moore and your own view of roy moore here today, having listened to both sides. Roy moore is very popular with a certain segment of republican voters. Theyve been with him for decades, through his rise to power, to the Supreme Court, to the senate race. Theyre very devoted, very loyal to him. Its like a religious leader type, is the way they look at him. Theyre solid behind him and they witnessed him in the public light for a long time and they feel strongly. On the other hand, he doesnt always have the, i guess people dont always view him as someone who has taken office seriously because he has been suspended from the Supreme Court of alabama twice. Hes been elected and suspended. And some people view that as a waste of the office. And he says that he believes that religious things come first, like the Ten Commandments and some of the other views hes taken. And some people disagree with that. They say there is a separation of church and state, and they dont feel like they think hes above the law, is their description of him. You got one group saying hes godly, and you got another one saying hes above the law. So you got two factions here that are seeing him in different ways. That certainly really is driven home by the way they speak out about him. You personally, and im sure this is very conflicting, do you find the women accusers to be credible . I do. I find most of them to be credible. You know, they are allegations, so we do have to keep that in mind, and to be fair, its kind of like if you look at bill clinton. He had a lot of people that stood behind him and said the rumors and things werent true this is premonica l lewinsky. And you had these accusers saying, this is what he did to me. Its similar to that. Youve got a very popular elected official. So youve got the public side, and youve got the private side that only the women know about that hes been inappropriate with. Same with roy moore. I really appreciate that inside statement, because i want to ask rick tyler here, this is a challenge for the National Republican party, certainly Mitch Mcconnell and the senate leaders. And youve got the president ducking all questions about it. The president has no more authority to comment on this, because if roy moore isnt fit as u. S. Senator, as many say he isnt, and i would agree with that, then as a set of accusers, the president has a set of accusers. So he doesnt want to go down this road, and obviously the white house doesnt want him to go down this road because he has no moral authority to speak about it. Yet he did go down the road with al franken, but that, of course, brings me to ron mcclain. Your views having worked with bill clinton, having worked with barack obama, having lived with that whole impeachment process in the clinton crisis and how women in the cabinet were confused as well. Many thought he had let them down and lied about it. Certainly, i think they did. It was a very hard time, people had very hard feelings about it. President clinton ultimately acknowledged that he had done wrong, asked forgiveness and admitted the error of his ways. Indeed, even proposed that he be censured by the United States senate which was blocked at the time. Whats happening with judge moore is very, very different. Were talking about many acts involving minors and things like that. This is a whole different kettle of fish. Caleb moore, who has not spoken up very often publicly kayla lets listen a little to what she has to say. Thank you for your prayers, your messages, your phone calls. Im sorry i cant get to them all. Weve just been inundated with so much positive response from the people of alabama. For the record, its about 90 positive, and most of the negative is from out of state. The people of alabama understand whats going on here. My husband, judge roy moore, is fighting for the people of alabama and has been fighting for over 30 years. The people of alabama know him. They have seen what he has done, fighting for fighting for life. Fighting against abortion, fighting for the acknowledgment of god, fighting for traditional marriage and fighting to protect the second amendment. And fighting for our rights given by god, protected by our constitution. So the liberal press, Washington Post, who endorsed Hillary Clinton who also endorsed our opponent gets involved in this race along with the human rights campaign, the dnc and the washington establishment, all of the very same people who were attacking President Trump are also attacking us. I personally think he owes us a thank you. Have you noticed youre not hearing too much about russia . To the president , i would say now is a good time to get some things done in congress. While they are down here trying to distract the attention of our opponent, who is an ultraliberal, who was an obama delegate, who is for fullterm abortions, who is for more gun restrictions, who is for transgender bathrooms, who is for transgender in the military, is against everything we and alabama believe and stand for. [ applause ] the Washington Post has called everybody that ive ever known for the last 40 years. They have called everybody my husband has ever known for the last 40 years. They print whatever anyone says without checking to even see if it is correct. They have staked out ottawa county, basically camped out to the end of this election. So thank you, people of alabama, for being smarter than they think you are. They will call you names. They will say all manner of evil against you, and i would say consider the source. I have been married to my husband judge roy moore for over 32 years. He was a graduate of west point, he served our country in vietnam and he has always been an officer and a gentleman. [ applause ] he is a loving father and grandfather. Most important, he is a christian. So let me set the record straight. Even after all the attacks against me, against my family, against the foundation and now against my husband, he will not step down. He will not stop fighting for the people of alabama. In his words, and i quote, i will not stop until they lay me in that box in the ground. Thank you for being here, and god bless the United States of america. As you just heard kayla moore, roy moores wife, strongly supporting her husband. What is the pain, do you suspect, on the voters in alabama from hearing her at this rally today . Well, i think a lot of the voters in alabama are tired of d. C. Insiders trying to come in alabama and control our campaign. Because it is for the voters of alabama. We saw it with Mitch Mcconnell intervening on Luther Stranges behalf, when i was helping out mel brooks for that campaign, they got really ugly and really attacked his character, his positions and took a lot of his quotes out of context. He got taken out in the first goround, and then their plan, from what i understand, was to take out roy moore the second part, but it didnt work. And roy moore beat luther strange. But there is a lot of animosity there for d. C. And Mitch Mcconnell, especially, is probably one of the least liked politicians for alabama voters, if you did a poll. Also the fake news, the mainstream media, thats not real popular in alabama, either. So you got those 40s aligning with the roy moore supporters, and that just it just fuels the fire. When Mitch Mcconnell was talking about possibly looking into a writing campaign, the fact Mitch Mcconnell was looking into it really fires people up in a big way, and that really helps the roy moore campaign. Have you decided how youre going to vote . I have not decided, though i feel like its going to be very difficult for me to vote for roy moore because of the allegations of the women. I believe most of these women. I feel like they have been attacked unfairly. It takes a lot of courage and a lot of strength to come out all these years and actually Say Something about someone who has risen to power. Hes very popular among a certain segment of people and theres a lot of backlash that comes with that. Thats a tough thing to do. Do you think you could vote for a democrat . I dont know. I really dont want to, but maybe ill write in another candidate thats republican. I just dont know right now. We still have several weeks before the election. A lot can change, as you know. A lot has changed in the last week. So well see what happens, but i just dont know that i can vote for him. Thank you so much, laura payne. Thanks for coming on today. I want to get back to ron mcclain. On the subject of bill clinton, we had a pretty startling declaration from senator kristen g gillebrand, was questioned about the seat for the senate, and when she was asked, do you think you would be in a different position if president clinton had resigned . She said, i dont know, i think this has been a problem weve had in society certainly my entire life, but weve ner had a conversation this important and it couldnt come too soon. Under those circumstances, i think there should be a very different reaction and a different conversation also about President Trump. Are you surprised by senator gillibrand . Im not surprised that these questions are coming back and people have to deal with them in a different context. People are struggling with the fact that president clinton did something so wrong. He said at the time it was wrong, took responsibility and urged censurism. But i think its a hard thing, and its a hard thing to deal with those allegations and discussions today. You heard kayla moore deal with past tense and present tense and how they should be viewed today. Hillary clintons longtime aide and adviser wrote last night, ken starr spent 70 million on a consensual blank. Senate voted to keep potus w jc. But not enough for you, senator gillibrand . Over 20 years you took the clintons endorsements, money and seat. Hypocrite. Interesting strategy for 2020 primaries. Best of luck. Fiphilippe is known for his sharp barbs. I understand why people very close to the clintons are upset about that, i do, but i dont think that kind of dialogue is that helpful. Rick tyler, is there a moral equivalency between roy moore, the accusations about trying to date and becoming sexually involved in one or two cases with underage young women, troll trolling the mall for teenage girls, and what we saw during the clinton years . I get asked a lot, why dont you bring up the clintons, why dont you bring up the clintons . The reason why i havent, its like what about this, right . Its not about clinton and the establishment, its about roy moore and his behavior. Im sure a lot of those women believe roy moore because a lot of them wear a mask. He wears one mask to the public and he takes off that mask when he behaves in a very different way. In fact, hypocrite comes from the word actor and actors used to wear a mask. Thats where we get the word hypocrite. Roy moore is acting like a hypocrite. Maybe roy moore, i dont know, maybe he acted that way 30 years ago, and now theres an accusation in 1991, and maybe he does act differently. But why not say that . Why not say, i was a different person then. Hes taking the donald trump approach and just saying deny, deny, deny and well get through this. Obfiscate and delay and get through the election. Well see what works. Right now hes down on the fox news poll. Ultimately alabama voters are going to have to decide. This is all in a political context. Its not in a legal context, and people have to just decide. I think long term it would be terrible for the Republican Party if they send roy moore to the senate. Rick tyler, ron mcclain, and thanks to laura payne in alabama. Donald trump slamming al franken but staying silent on roy moore. Youre watching Andrea Mitchell reports on msnbc. Your brain is an amazing thing. But as you get older, it naturally begins to change, causing a lack of sharpness, or even trouble with recall. Thankfully, the breakthrough in prevagen helps your brain and actually improves memory. The secret is an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. The name to remember. When this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night, so he got home safe. Yeah, my dad says our insurance doesnt have that. What . you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. 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