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New decade. Well take you live to times square where preparations are under way. We begin with breaking news in iraq where hundreds of protesters angry about u. S. Air strikes that killed 25 people over the weekend have stormed the u. S. Embassy in baghdad. The demonstrations turned violent with protesters hurling stones and setting fires which you can see there. While Security Forces and embassy guards fought back with stun grenades and tear gas. A group of demonstrators shouting death to america have broken down the gate leading into the u. S. Compound. President trump responded on twitter, writing, iran killed an american contractor, wounding many. We strongly responded and always will. Now iran is orchestrating an attack on the u. S. Embassy in iraq. They will be held fully responsible. In addition we expect iraq to use its forces to protect the embassy, and so notified. Nbcs hans nichols is in florida traveling with the president , and ali arouzy. Ali, whats the latest . Geoff, the ambassador apparently was on leave for holiday when this attack happened, it makes sense, its the holiday season. But were told hes now on the way back to the embassy. Were hearing the staff is on lockdown at the embassy. They are in a secure part of the embassy. There is no plans to evacuate them at this moment in time, even though theres still some several dozen hard core protesters still warming the area around the embassy. Its important to point out this is a huge, fortified, sprawling embassy, and the Embassy Staff that are in there are probably deep inside the compound and they are very well protected. Were also getting reports that the u. S. Is planning to increase security around the embassy in baghdad. Approximately 100 marines will be deployed and additional security is being provided by apache helicopters from an air weapons team. So this is a very, very serious situation. But as it stands, the staff in there dont seem to be in any imminent danger and the ambassador is apparently flying back to the embassy. Im not sure how hes going to be getting there, possibly with these apache helicopters. But that is a sign that the u. S. Is trying to put out that the situation for their staff at least is under control. But this is a very, very volatile situation. Im still looking at the pictures, there are fires raging all over the area. There are still angry mobs around there. Theyve set up tents around the compound. They obviously want to stay this out for as long as they can. Geoff . And hans, over to you, whats the word from the white house, from President Trump, beyond the tweet we mentioned at the top of the show . The president has left his golf club. He said he had some meetings there on the middle east as well as trade, very successful meetings. And hes now back at maralago. You basically have three diplomatic challenges taking place. Number one, you have the president speaking directly to tehran, with a strong warning. Then you have this idea of a reminder of the responsibility of the iraqi government. Hes speaking directly to baghdad saying, you have an opportunity here, you have a responsibility to protect u. S. Forces that, remember, were in your country at your invitation to help defeat isis. Finally, one of his tweets this morning is a direct appeal to the iraqi people to throw off the yoke of iranian influence. Remember, iran has so much influence throughout the middle east, especially in iraq with the Shiite Paramilitary groups, thats really causing all the problem. Remember, during the campaign against isis, there was if not coordination, there was an assessment that both the u. S. And the iranianbacked groups could Work Together to defeat isis. Now that isis is no longer a threat, there appears to be some friction between these groups and the u. S. Forces that are mostly in the north of the country, up toward the custokurn regional area. There could be some sort of action or retaliation. That doesnt necessarily mean militarily. We know the president likes this idea of proportionality, we saw when the unmanned drone was downed in june over the summer and the president called back attacks, called back strikes because there could have been loss of life, geoff. My thanks to both of you. Joining me is john ganz, former chief speechwriter for the pentagon. Admiral james stavridis, former nato admiral. His book is sailing true north. Also with us is douglas sullivan, former director of iraq for the National Security council. Admiral stavridis, lets talk about safety. I imagine Embassy Safety is of paramount concern especially following the deadly 2012 raid on the u. S. Compound in benghazi. The defense secretary in the last hour put out a statement saying that we have taken appropriate force protection actions to ensure the safety of american citizens. So give us a sense of what that means in real terms. Sure. Lets start with the fact that obviously embassies with smoke come out of them rattle old ghosts for the United States, going all the way back to tehran and the iranian hostage crisis. You mentioned benghazi. The u. S. Military has progressively, decade by decade, improved its ability to respond rapidly. When you hear 100 marines coming in, those are very highly trained socalled fast teams that are deployed by the combatant commander, here its Frank Mckinsey, whose headquarters is back in florida. Hes reinforcing with marines and of course, luckily we have 5,000 troops relatively close to baghdad who are doing the counterinsurgency work that you mentioned a moment ago. So there are plenty of forces on the ground here. But the key without question is getting iraq to step up and protect that embassy. And of course the strategic overlay here is the internal tensions in iraq between sunni, shia, and kurds. The iraqis feel caught in the middle between the iranians on one side and the u. S. On the other. Iraq will have some tough choices, to step up and protect that embassy. Lets hope they do so. I saw you shaking your head when the admiral was talking about internal tensions in iraq. Given your deep knowledge of the region, unpack that for us. I think the admiral is mistaken on this one count, i agree with Everything Else he said. This is not a sunni shia kurd battle. Whats going on is intersectarian. This is a fight between the shia population in iraq, theyve been doing these public demonstrations since early october demanding more accountabili accountability, less corruption and an end to iranian influence. This is internal to the shia population. Now, the demonstrators, i would say socalled demonstrators who stormed the embassy, they bear no resemblance to the demonstrators downtown at tarir square protesting against the government. You look at those democrats, theyre young, theres a lot of women, theyre carrying iraqi flags. This group is older, theyre military trained and carrying militia flags. These are two entirely different courses. Do you get the sense that the Trump Administration fully grasps everything you just said . Do you have in mind this notion that the Trump White House has fully prepared for all the unintended consequences that could come from getting involved in a region like this . There are certainly people inside the administration who get it. Lets make it really clear. Iran is at fault here, the iran is the ones who have started this, its their people assaulting the embassy. And the government of iraq bears some responsibility to, they failed to protect the k1 base, they failed to protect the embassy. But were americans, we can only talk about the american response, and its not entirely clear to me that weve fully thought through all the steps going down here. Why did we have to strike in iraq . There are plenty of these militias in syria, we could have done four to five times as much in syria to make the point really clear but left iraq out of this and not had to deal with iraq sovereignty issues inside the country. John ganz, President Trump says iran will be held fully responsible, im reading from his tweet here. However do you think the Trump Administration is willing to take their responsibilities to all this . I think this is another part of a cycle of tit for tat reaction counter reactions, its been going on with iran since the beginning of the Trump Administration, things get to the brink and then they calm down. Adding to what doug said, i think what were worried about, what i worry about watching this, is that the president has really made a sort of a part of his good morning credo a war with experts in government, people who have spent their time focusing on matters like iraq. The government has been dealing with iraq since 1990, and the gulf war. We have developed a lot of expertise, doug is a good example of that. Had a y what you find is the president has made these experts in government the enemy, part of what he calls the deep state, and hes slowly disengaged with this apparatus of government that allows consequences to be debated and discussed. He continues to, rather than consult those experts, ignore their best ideas. He proceeds to sort of run government in the way he appears to have made this decision. Admiral stavridis, i know thats something you care a lot about. Indeed. Certainly ill leave the political side of the deep state discussion to doug and john. Here is the good news. We have created cadres of deep, deep expertise in the u. S. Military, take general Frank Mckinsey who i mentioned earlier, who is in charge of this whole region. He served multiple tours in iraq. He knows the region deeply. He has a great deal of personal connectivity. I think thats a real positive for it. I want to underline another point, picking up on both doug and john, the ambassador who is on his way back, matt tewlor who we all know is a true expert in the region, a deep arabist, former ambassador to yemen where he dealt with this sunni shia tension, he will be a huge asset on the ground when he gets there. Back to doug, when i mentioned sunny shia kurds, what i did not mean is their tensions are what caused this incident. What i meant was its going to be difficult for the iraqi government, as divided as it is, to make the kind of unified response that were looking for, and im sure you would agree. Absolutely. What has to happen for the situation to deescalate, do you think . Someone has to make a dehe is can deescalatory move. No one was killed in the Embassy Breach so we dont have a causus belli there. We need something that gets this back into the political or perhaps economic realm and gets away from people having to shoot each other which always has the potential to get rapidly out of control. Do you think were seeing the emergens of a trump doctrine as to when he will authorize use of force, or am i getting ahead of myself here . I hear laughter. You are so far ahead of yourself. The reason i make that point, something that hans nichols said, the president pulled back after they shot down a u. S. Unmanned drone but in this instance he obviously did authorize the use of force. No, its a good point. As i look at this, there is a trump doctrine that has minimized the use of force, to try to act unilaterally because its simpler and less complicated, and hope the pieces kind of fit together. I will give the president credit for using military force, for example, against syria after the use of chemical weapons. That was an appropriate, good use. I entirely agree with doug, why we didnt limit these strikes to syria i dont understand. And finally, ill say, its all about our allies. If were going to construct a real strategy to deal with iran going forward, weve got to work with our allies, partners, and friends not only in the region but the europeans, the nato side of this thing, could be very helpful over time. So i think weve got work to do, thats where i would love to see a trump doctrine that focused more on alliances than we see thus far. John ganz, ill give you the final thought. Consistency probably hasnt been the sort of watchword of the trump Foreign Policy so far. But one issue i think makes this difference is the timing. Weve had this repeated pattern of escalation and deescalation. But we have a senate trial on impeachment heading up, and we have the 2020, which starts tomorrow, the Election Year in the United States, so those two things will complicate President Trumps Foreign Policy. And lets just be clear, those in tie rehran, those in baghdad those in moscow, those in beijing, know that those will make it more difficult for the president to consider Foreign Policy without having to consider political relations on the hill. Thanks to all of you. Coming up, can i get a witness . Democratic leader Chuck Schumer renews his push to hear from witnesses in the impeachment trial after details emerge about top cabinet officials trying to convince the president to release aid for ukraine. President trump is pouncing on recent comments from former Vice President joe biden on complying with a potential subpoena in a Senate Impeachment trial. The president tweeting this morning that joe biden wants, quote, no part of a senate trial and that democrats will do everything in their power to keep the president ial contender from testifying. Joining me now is msnbc political analyst and republican strategist susan del percio, and neera tanden. Ne neera, lets play out this thought experiment. Clearly he doesnt want to testify because he wants the attention to be on President Trump. The impeachment is about trump, its not about joe biden. But the other side of it is, why not . Why not go in there and testify and set in a place on fire, rhetorically, i mean, and afterwards cut it into a 30second ad . This is one of the questions the Biden Campaign and Vice President biden should really consider. I think and trump did today was actually a strategic mistake on trumps part because it gives biden the ability to say, ill testify right after you do. And the last thing that donald trump wants to do is testify. And the reason why he doesnt want to testify, as weve learned over the last few days, there is mountains of information that shows that he is guilty of a crime here, essentially, and hes guilty of the impeachment charges. So, you know, i do appreciate what the Vice President is basically saying which is that hes not the subject of this impeachment inquiry, that his role as a distraction and it is really just trumps game, but i think this gives democrats more options in front of them, not fewer. And i do think that joe biden would be able to very convincingly say, as hes done over the last several months, that donald trump proves his electability argument, because he essentially tried to cheat in the elections because hes so scared of joe biden, and he would have a big audience to say that. Susan del percio, to neeras point, you have that reporting from the New York Times out earlier this week that showed that President Trump himself was directly involved in this entire ukrainian gambit and that officials at the white house tried after the fact in essence to cover it up, to find a legal justification for withholding the aid. Do you think thats precisely what House Speaker nancy pelosi was expecting or was waiting on when she decided not to transmit the impeachment charges to the senate immediately, because it ramps up pressure on the republicans to give the democrats a, quote unquote, fair trial that theyre demanding . I dont know if she knew that would come out, but she wanted the American Public to process the idea that this is a trial so of course we want the senate to hear witnesses and see documents. The American Public will demand to hear from the administration. Well never hear donald trump testify but we should certainly hear the senior members of his cabinet testify as to what they knew and when they knew it. As to Donald Trumps actions, no one is surprised, all you have to do is listen to the testimony on the Intel Committee a few weeks ago and we knew that donald trump was intimately aware of it. But this is the way he operates. And at this point, i just i hope that the argument is making its way through to especially some moderate republicans who know better, who should demand that we hear from witnesses. And on that point, republican senator Susan Collins spoke to maine public radio this morning about this idea, but calling senate witnesses. Here is what she had to say. I am open to witnesses. I think its premature to decide who should be called until we see the evidence that is presented and get the answers to the questions that we senators can submit through the chief justice to both sides. I see you shaking your head incredulously. Whats up . You know, i think in a trial you have witnesses and you dont have witnesses after the jury asks the questions from the judge or whatever shes thinking. You just have the witnesses before the jury makes decisions. Mcconnell doesnt want that. He wants a trial thats fast and forgettable and he doesnt want witnesses on the floor because that prolongs the entire thing, and when you have live witnesses speaking extemporaneously, who knows what theyre going to say, and it injects this question of what happens to this trial. The reason he doesnt want witnesses is because the witnesses will prove guilt. Thats whats happening here. Its not just that its a long trial or the issue will go on or it will be politics. I think the republicans in the senate dont want to have witnesses because as weve learned, over the last 24, 48 hours, those witnesses like mike pompeo, john bolton, others, they will basically have to fess up that the president is guilty. You have essentially a Political Party covering up for the president by using a sham trial. Susan collins may come up with fancy words to create a new kind of trial. That is a farce, it is not a trial, and she knows it as well as i do. Susan, what do you think, will Chuck Schumer be able to turn his 47 Senate Democrats into a coalition of 51 democrats and republicans that would put him in the drivers seat and enable him to force mcconnell to have the kind of senate trial that Senate Democrats want . If thats the narrative they push, it will be harder. I dont think any republicans will be looking to give control over to senator schumer. I think they have to keep a narrative that theyre looking for the truth. I do think it is a possibility that they will demand that we hear from witnesses. I mean, Mitch Mcconnell has been basically pleading with the president for the last three weeks over the airwaves, do not demand a trial, we need to put this to bed for the same reasons, for the very reasons that neera just said. The more that this goes on, the more information that comes out, the guiltier the president looks. And lets just not forget one thing when were taking this all into consideration as time goes by. Mitch mcconnell cares much more about keeping his majority than he does about reelecting the president of the United States. And if that means allowing Susan Collins or cory gardner or others to take a tough vote so they can hold onto their seats, they will. Great point. Susan del percio, neera tanden, thanks for those great perspectives. Happy new year. You too. Moments ago police on the ground in hong kong threw tear gas and used Water Cannons against pro democracy protesters. Well keep you updated on developments. Coming up, new Year Celebrations being held all over the world already. And here at home, the finishing touches are being put on the legendary times square preparations to say goodbye to a decade and ring in 2020. Well check in live at times square coming up next. Youre watching msnbc. Watching. Theyre walking into a trap. Your orders are to deliver a message calling off tomorrows attack. If you fail we will lose sixteen hundred men. Your brother among them. We need to keep moving. Come on theres only one way this war ends. Last man standing. When youyou spend lessfair, and get way more. So you can bring your vision to life and save in more ways than one. For small prices, you can build big dreams, spend less, get way more. Shop everything home at wayfair. Com i had moderatetoseveres Rheumatoid Arthritis. Ive always been the ringleader had a zest for life. Flash forward, then ra kept me from the important things. And what my doctor said surprised me. 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We are a little less than 12 hours away from a new decade and in much of the world, its already 2020, and the celebrations have already started, like in new zealand, australia, hong kong, and thailand. But arguably the bestknown new years celebration will be held in new yorks times square. Nbcs Stephanie Gosk is in the middle of it for all of us here. Stephanie, if you have to work on new years eve, you got the choice assignment, congratulations on that, my friend. How big do they expect this celebration to be tonight . Reporter its a lot of fun to be out here. People that are out here filling these streets right now have waited their entire lives to come out and do this. Its on everyones bucket list. Its one of the largest parties in the world. A little bit of history, this party in times square has been going on since 1905, over a century old. The ball didnt actually drop until 1907. At the time it was made of iron and wood and it was covered with 100 25watt light bulb. Its now nearly 1,200 pounds, covered in waterford crystals. Its become a highlight and a huge draw. Unlike the early days of the celebration, this one is very much a global party. People coming in from all over the world. With those people coming in and the world the way it is today, security is of course of high concern for new york city officials. But this security operation here in times square is really a welloiled machine at this point. There are thousands of Police Officers on the streets and actually up in the buildings, in the hotels, looking over the square. You have bomb sniffing dogs, magnetometers, even drones flying overhead. And then as you can see, people are coraled into these areas that they call pens. Once you go in, you cant come out. There are no chairs, there are no backpacks, there are no coolers. Its a pretty uncomfortable experience but one obviously lots of people are willing to put up with to be here tonight. And this year, unlike years past, you have the weather thats cooperating, its about 40 degrees out there. I know there have been some nights when its been a chilly five or ten degrees. Are they expecting more people out there tonight . Reporter yeah, ive loved quite a few new years eve nights in times square. This is pure bliss in comparison to some recent years. There have been torrential downpours, actual scary cold conditions when people are standing around for hours on end, its so cold theyre worried. Today its above freezing, theres no rain. People are out here early. You can see the streets start to fill up. Theyre expecting over a million people, one official saying it could be as many as 1. 5 million people, geoff. Nbcs Stephanie Gosk in the place to be tonight, great to see you, stephanie, happy new year. Reporter thank you, same to you. Coming up, lets make a deal. Why does indicted Rudy Giuliani associate lev parnas want to turn over his iphone to the house intelligence committee. Disease and bad breath. Never settle for 25 . Always go for 100. Bring out the bold™ great riches will find you when Liberty Mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Wow. Thanks, zoltar. How can i ever repay you . Maybe you could free zoltar . Thanks, lady. Taxi only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. I dont make compromises. I want nutrition made just for me. But i also want great taste. So i drink boost for women. New boost women with key nutrients to help support thyroid, bone, hair and skin health. All with great taste. New boost women. All with great taste. The good news . Our comfort lasts all day. The bad news . So does his energy. Depend® fitflex underwear offers your best comfort and protection guaranteed. Because, perfect or not, lifes better when youre in it. 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Ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. Why are we doing this . Why are we doing what . Using my old spice moisturize with shea butter body wash. All i wanted was to use your body wash and all i wanted was to have a body wash. Lawyers for lev parnas, Rudy Giulianis former associate now charged with Campaign Finance violations, are asking a judge for permission to share documents and contents of an iphone with the house intelligence committee. The Attorney Says they expect the Justice Department to share the Materials Today that were previously seized from parnas home, adding that review of these materials is essential to the committees ability to corroborate the strength of mr. Parnas potential testimony. Joining me now is barbara mcquade, former u. S. Attorney, and david drucker, senior Political Correspondent for the washington examiner. Barbara, whats parnas trying to do here . The house subpoenaed a number of documents from parnas including his cellphone. He was unable to produce it because the fbi seized those items and theyre part of the case against him in the Southern District of new york. The court has issued a protective order there, and a protective order typically says the parties cant share discovery material with the world to try to keep it out of the press and in the hands of others. And so he is seeking relief from that protective order so he can get those materials back from the government and then comply with that house subpoena to share it. And the contents of the cellphone can be a treasure trove for prosecutors. So thats whats happening procedurally. And david drucker, do you think parnas is trying to play both sides here . Uh, yeah, clearly. You talk to anybody who has been aware of mr. Parnas, has been associated with him generally, and a lot of people will tell you privately that hes not the most reliable character, he can be very suspicious, if you will, very shady. I dont think anybody should infer too much from what hes tried to do here as somehow being exculpatory of one point of view or another. I do think the continued discussion of what lev parnas may have done or not done, what information he may hold, might continue to be troubling for Rudy Giuliani, who has had to deal with some of the fallout from all of this. But, you know, i also think this ends up into the big noise vortex of impeachment and trump and everything that sort of consumed us in 2019. As we saw by the end of the year, no opinions were materially changed in terms of how you felt about the president and his leadership. If you liked it, everything was great. If you didnt like it, everything wasnt great. His numbers are consistent regardless of some of these pieces that were still discussing. We have seen an uptick in the numbers of americans calling for impeachment and his removal from office. Well, youve seen an uptick generally. But youve seen it kind of go back and forth, right . So at first, before impeachment started, voters were really suspicious. Then you saw numbers go up quite a bit as more democrats embraced the idea when it was more of a reality. You saw independents look more favorably on it, you saw republicans recoil from it. You saw those numbers dip, then go back up. What are the numbers like in the states that matter . If youre talking to voters in pennsylvania, michigan, florida, you see the president still vulnerable but in many ways remarkably resilient. His most recent numbers had him on the upper end of his generally low range, hes in the 43, 44 range according to the averages right now. That doesnt mean things wont get worse for him. That doesnt mean he did nothing wrong necessarily. It just means that i think voters, particularly voters that support trump, have built this into the price of admission for him and none of the things that we learned about ukraine have really changed minds. Barbara mcquade, i want you to react to something we heard the Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer say about this new reporting from the New York Times, he called it a game changer, that folks like john bolton and Mick Mulvaney had more information to share about President Trumps direct involvement in what democrats call his shakedown of his ukrainian counterpart. Do you think that that reporting will be enough to pressure republicans or should it be enough to pressure republicans into calling those witnesses before the senate in the senate trial that we expect would start sometime early next month or early, starting tomorrow, january 1st . As time goes on, were seeing more and more information trickle out. We saw some extraordinary reporting from the New York Times just in the last couple of days filling in a lot of the gaps about the conversations that occurred around that phone call. President trump has always wanted to say look at the transcript of that perfect phone call. Its of course not even a transcript, but that is not the sole basis for that impeachment. There is a whole range of conversations that occur all around that. And the more information that comes out about that, the more likely i think we are to call for additional witnesses like bolton, like pompeo, who know more about all of the negotiations that were going on. So i think one of the things that nancy pelosi may be banking on is, every day she withholds those articles of impeachment, from turning it over to the senate, theres the possibility that information comes out that could change the minds of voters which could in turn change the minds of senators. The other thing we learned in this interim as we expect the senate trial to start sometime mid to late january is that Rudy Giulianis work in ukraine was not really an outlier. He was also involved in venezuela, where he reportedly had some business interests there. Barbara mcquade, whats your top takeaway from that reporting . I think it demonstrates just how dangerous it is to have Rudy Giuliani involved in dealing with Foreign Policy. When you are a lawyer for the government, you have one and only one client and that is the United States of america. And that way everybody is sure youre on the same page. Youre advancing the interests of the United States. Rudy giuliani, on the other hand, claims to represent donald trump personally, as a private citizen. Hes advancing his interests around the world and along the way, he is collecting up clients who are paying Rudy Giuliani legal fees who have interests adverse to the United States government. In venezuela he picked up a client who was being investigated by the Justice Department for money laundering. So he has conflicts of interest in representing all of those different constituencies. You can understand why people like john bolton thought he was a hand grenade getting ready to blow up everybody. He is a dangerous person to be involved in representing the United States. We should leave that to the career professionals and the president , who should be working only in the interests of the United States and not in the private interests of others. Barbara mcquade and david drucker, my thanks to both of you. Up next, poll position. New reaction from the campaign trail as the dnc rejects a proposal from andrew yang trying to make the january debate more diverse. This is msnbc. This is msnbc. Can determine your future. Your school. Your job. Your dreams. Your problems. indistinct shouting but at the y, we create opportunities for everyone, no matter who you are or where youre from. For a better us, donate to your local y today. I dont have to worry about that, do i . For a better us, harmful bacteria lurk just below the gum line. Crest gum detoxify, voted product of the year. It works below the gum line to neutralize harmful plaque bacteria and help reverse early gum damage. 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This morning growing anger among some democratic contenders after the Democratic National committee rejected candidate andrew yangs request for more polling before the next debate. As of right now yang will not make it on the debate stage for the january 14th debate in iowa. He appealed to the dnc to commission more early state qualifying polls, warning in a letter to chairman tom perez earlier this month that, quote, a diverse set of candidates might be absent from the stage in des moines for reasons out of anyones control. This is a troubling prospect for our party regardless of the dncs best intentions. Voters would cry foul and could even make unfounded claims of y bias and prejudice. The dnc responded, the dnc will not sponsor its own debate qualifying polls of president ial candidates during a primary. I want to bring in margaret se and gabby orr, a white house reporter, i want to start with you, he is taking aim at the organization that you used to work for. He said the fact that he is not qualifying is out of anyones control, but is it . Give him credit, he has run an Extraordinary Campaign to date. He meets the threshold for donors, 225,000 pollers. I spoked to the dnc folks and theyre addiment about this rule and theyre not going to change the rules halfway into the game. There is still time. We still have time. I expect a lot of polls nationally and in the early states to come, and maybe he qualifies i think it may be be premature. I think there will be a bevy of polls. Lets take a look. Were seeing signs of a surge, but there has not been a poll in iowa since early november. A lot has changed that is not being picked up, so i dont understand the dnc. Clearly anyone here looking at overflowing house parties, people see were a campaign most likely to upset in iowa. Im not arguing with the ref, when i played football at stanford they said focus on your mission, playing hard every day here to win. Dont understand that the debate right before the caucuses with one of the campaigns that is clearly not competitive does not make sense, im focusing on the game. Gabby, what do you think . It is a tail of tle of two approaches. He says he will put all of his energy into iowa and New Hampshire and making sure that he has the momentum going into the caucuses in the first of the nation primary, and then you have andrew yank complaining. There is 2016, there is so many but he still has time. He has ten full days to make up various polls out of iowa and New Hampshire, and i think he should be focusing on that. Ten days in politics is great. He has the physical and mental stamina. I have to tell you, if youre 79 years old and youre running a race and youre concerned about so many of the contenders being old. Hillary clinton should have been so lucky to have had a heart attack instead of just stumbling into her van and suffering if thar. He is he nom than ins. He comes across as a 70yearold man and not a 79yearold man. Why did Elizabeth Warren suffer so much and bernie doesnt seem to suffer at a. So im waiting to see where it is coming from, but do women suffer more from their Health Care Plans than a man . You phrased it rhetorically, but lets talk about it. I think the issue with Elizabeth Warren on health care is that when she and bernie are the progressive candidates, some of her positions have recently is raised questions to show she is for is any more. I think if youre a authentic progressive, you may a questioneds for Elizabeth Warren. She has probably the overall strongest campaign with people on the ground. I think that raised questions over the last month in terms of how she tried to explain her position on health care. I think it has she was a republican and she became a democrat and now she is embracing medicare for all. And also, it is he has been evasive in her responses when asked about the funning for her plans. At least bernie said they are suffering for their dakotass. Thanks to the three of you. Coming up, stay with us here on msnbc. Much more on the protests at the u. S. Embassy in baghdad. I dont keep track of regrets. And i dont add up the years. But what i do count on is boost high protein. And now, introducing new boost mobility with collagen for joint health. When taken daily, its key nutrients help support joints, muscles, and strong bones. New, boost mobility. When youyou spend lessfair, and get way more. So you can bring your vision to life and save in more ways than one. For small prices, you can build big dreams, spend less, get way more. Shop everything home at wayfair. Com everything your trip needs, for everyone you love. Expedia. For everyone you love. When you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea. Try pepto liquicaps for fast relief and ultracoating. Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea. 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Spending about 100 marines to iran to help secure the embassy in baghdad. Half of the marines are at the embassy and the rest are on the way. Thousands of people gathered outside of the Embassy Today protesting the u. S. Air strikes over the weekend that killed 25 members of a Iraqi Militia group. They used tear gas to try to keep them out of the main

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