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Found themselves in a feud with donald trump. Theyre set to be honored tonight. Theyll attend the american arab civil rights leagues gala. And Hillary Clinton heads to iowa for an early vote event in des moines. I swear he was here. Joe scarborough made an appearance here on morning joe first look set. But now hes over there where hes supposed to be at morning joe. That does it for us on this thursday. Morning joe starts right now. Good morning. Its thursday, september 29th. You felt the fall yesterday, didnt you . Its here. Feel it this morning. Welcome to morning joe, everyone. With us on set, we have veteran columnist, msnbc contributor Mike Barnicle and Political Writer for the New York Times Nicholas Nicky nicky you know what makes us do it louder. Mike barnicle, we have to start here. Boston red sox. A. L. East champ. Backed in but were the champ. The thing is about the sox its incredible. Its like world series. Last place, last place, last place, world series, last place, last place its feast or famine and it has been for a long time. It was a winter night at yankee stadium. It was a muted celebration. Just how did it go . It was a winters night. The hopes of the new york yankees swirling in the outfield like paper bags. Was timmy there . Timmy was there with me, yeah. Timmy was the one crying in 2003 and you said i cant do this to my kids anymore. Timmy is the one who was crying when aaron boone hit the home run. He was back there in the same seat for the sweep. I have news. This is good news. Hillary clinton was the winner of monday nights debate according to a majority of likely voters. Who said this . Who either watched or hold on. Mike said i heard donald trump say specific several times that he won the debate. I was worried these polls would not bear out this way. That is for sure. Theres more were waiting for. Were waiting for the actual where they stand. And thats the thing. People can say they won this. I think we have a ways to go before we figure out it will impact the overall race. The online poll found 52 clinton won while 26 neither. 21 donald trump was the winner. And clinton seemed to reassure her base monday night among democrats. 50 said their opinion changed for the better. 2 for the worse. Among the republicans, republicans say 26 changed for the better for trump and 6 for the worst and clinton improved her standing among women. And 53 of people who watched the debate said clinton has the personality and temperament to serve effectively while only 36 said the same of trump. Weve got to wait and see if it actually changes. We had state polls come out yesterday that showed donald trump still doing very well in places like iowa, other swing states where republicans dont usually do well. The question is its so strange and sort of just starts to sink in as you Start Talking to this person and that, that im starting to wonder whether its going to have a big impact on the long run based on people ive been talking to. All antidotally but we pick up a lot. How many persuadables are there left at this point . Weve known these candidates for so long. The campaign has been going on for 18 months. Is there still a sizable group in the middle to say which one i like . People have strong opinions about these two candidates. People that love donald trump loved his performance the other night. The people that love Hillary Clinton loved her performance. The question is are there enough people in that mushy middle to make a difference. What i hear thats fascina fascinating, i talked to a guy conducting polls out west. He said there arent a lot of undecides left in this race. Youre for Hillary Clinton. Youre for donald trump. Youre for a minor candidate and then theres a big vote that says were not going to vote. I wonder whether those are the people that get reengaged. Maybe i will vote for hillary. Maybe i will vote for trump and then go back into that im not going to vote category. Thats the specific target for Hillary Clinton and her campaign is going after exactly those people trying to make the impression, the solid impression that, look, there are only two people who are going to be president of the United States. Its either going to be Hillary Clinton or donald trump. Its not going to be any of the Third Party Candidates. You dont think gary johnson . Come on. Were going to show this clip in a bit. What is wrong with this guy . He gets 8 to 10 points sometimes. I would ask what hes smoking. Ive been around a stoned guys that are more coherent than he is. They know what london, england is. Its not the same as past years. Usually its the last minute voter. This year its i cant stand both of these people. I cant do it. I cant do it. Its a different dynamic which is why theyre both under 45 or 48 . Speaking of dynamics we have interesting inside information from the campaign, conflicting opinions within Donald Trumps campaign about whether he needs to reset for the second debate. Yes. Yes, he does. The New York Times report says advisers concerned by his lack of focus on the debate stage intend to drill him for round two. The question of whether hes open to putting in the practice is a major concern to some on his team with aides blaming failure on a lack of prep time and advisers being unfocused themselves. The candidate is pushing back against negative reactions. I just walked in, and i saw some of the great people that represent your state. They said, wow, you did so great in the debate. We understand it. I really love the experience of it. It was amazing. I saw the audience was record setting. I just had a great time and i know you say the polls werent scientific but every single poll that was taken i won the debate and some of them by a lot. Are there polls that say he won the debate . There are online polls. The time poll. The drudge polls which were the question is are they accurate in the general election. Well see how National Polls look. Speculation in the next debate trump will go after bill clintons past scandals. Politico reports that Clintons Campaign has been preparing a response for weeks. That was something you saw him at the end of the debate saying he was going to do it, but im not going to do. Theres a concern that could backfire. How could it not . I think there is that concern there. I think the bigger concern is how do we get our guy to focus. I read a story yesterday that roger ailes tried to get him to focus and walk through things and he just donald trump would not sit there and focus. Ailes ended up telling old war stories about what it was like in the Nixon White House and i forget, maybe it was chris aliza saying ailes telling old w stories, how could this not be great . Its all donald trump. If donald trump wants to focus and he wants to prepare for the debate, thats fine. I just go to the first page of order of the deal. Its not how hes been doing business for 40 years. Its not how hes going to do business he says i dont prepare. Thats not what i do. Thats not what makes me successful. I dont prepare for my day. I just show up and see what happens. And thats what hes been doing this whole campaign. Who is going to walk in there and say, hey, donald, you need to change your m. O. That you think has been working for you for 40 years. The lesson he learned over the last 16 months is being himself and winging it has been a reward. Hes become the nominee. Now hes on the doorstep of the white house. His thinking is why would he change . Now, the bit in the New York Times piece that some are questioning steve bannon and Kellyanne Conway. Theyre the ones that righted the ship. Whoever is attacking bannon and Kellyanne Conway are just bitter outsiders. Those two actually have righted the ship. You can go from the day they started and he has been at least more disciplined in the day in, day out message. But its just like a Baseball Player. If you get a Baseball Player that goes through the entire year and they go through the entire year doing this and that and that before they go up and bat. You know, good luck getting a batting coach to say, hey, dont do that. I dont want you to go up and do this beforehand. Everybody has their routines. Trump has his routine. Its paid off for him up to this point. What do you mean no . Hes ahead in iowa by ten points. You know one thing we dont know because your name has been on the ballot. Every campaign is a mirror reflection of the candidate at the top of the campaign. So donald trump has eliminated, eclipsed 16 other republican candidates. He did it his way. Hes not going to change at this point. This campaign is about donald trump designed by donald trump, articulated by donald trump. Its who he is. By the way, mika, i know you say its not working for him. I got to tell you, hes doing ten points better than mitt romney was doing in iowa four years ago. Hes doing a hell of a lot better than mitt romney was doing in wisconsin. A hell of a lot better than mitt romney was doing in pennsylvania. A lot better than mitt romney was doing in a lot of states. I think most of us here this morning cannot predict who is going to be the next president of the United States. We can predict that four years ago. Thats true. Lets go to nbcs katy tur at laguardia airport. The Trump Campaign is headed to New Hampshire. I dont know if you heard, theres talk here on the set about concern about how the debate went. Concern about debate prep. Any changes in strategy . Reporter it all depends really on how the polls are. Going forward in the next two weeks whether he significantly slipped. When donald trump is close in the polls, he doesnt feel like he needs to change and become a traditional candidate. After the debate the other day on monday, ive talked to a number of aides, multiple aides who say they wished he had done more preparation or a lot more preparation frankly. They think that he needs Going Forward more traditional debate prep. That involves standing behind a podium potentially doing knock debates, having a debate coach actually come in and help him with his performance against Hillary Clinton, watching tape from that debate to see how they can improve upon it and also watching tape of clinton to find out how they can get under her skin. The campaign was confident about him going into that debate. They thought he would be president ial. They were clearly knocked off their game early on when clinton started talking about his father and the loan given him to start his business. That was not something the candidate had necessarily expected from what we can tell, but the campaign does say and multiple aides tell me that they wished he prepared more and they hope Going Forward they can get him to take it more seriously. They do say that one thing that donald trump hates to do is lose. So if those poll numbers go down, thats what i expect youll see him start to prepare in earnest. Katy, thank you very much. Im not sure how you can prepare at this point. You can prepare. You look and see what they did with sarah palin. Its like triage. George bush started prepping in april of 2000. He did mock debates. He was up against a guy, al gore, who was a policy wonk and bush focused on his three or four things so discipline can beat death. You have to prepare. The choices are becoming a little clearer for voters especially as it pertains to millennial voters who might look for that thirdparty option. Hillary clinton and her campaign fanned out across the eastern seaboard to try to bring home millennial voters. Clinton was in New Hampshire with Bernie Sanders where they talked about the future and issues like College Tuition and debt. Student debt. And clinton got a big assist from the obamas as well. Some of her support with Younger Voters and both the president and first lady had the same message. A vote for gary johnson or jill stein will help elect trump and then that message was doubled down by gary johnson himself. Another blunder. If you thought that aleppo moment here on the set was an outlier. My lord. Take a look first of all, heres the aleppo moment just in case you missed it. Take a look. What would you do if you were elected about aleppo . About . About aleppo. What is aleppo . Youre kidding . No. Aleppo is in syria. Its the epicenter of the refugee crisis. Okay. Got it. Well with regard to syria, i do think that its a mess. I think that the only way that we deal with syria is to join hands with russia to diplomatically bring that at an end. Okay. Typical gotcha media question. Fast forward to last night. Last night this happened during a town hall with msnbcs chris matthew. Whos your favorite foreign leader. Any continent, any country, name one foreign leader you respect and look up to. Anybody. Mine is shimon peres. Im talking about living. Anywhere. Any continent. Asia, south america, africa. Name a foreign leader that you respect. I guess im having an aleppo moment. Anybody in the world you like. Pick any leader. The former president of mexico. Which one . Im having a brain name anybody. Who is your favorite foreign leader. Get him off the hook . Any foreign leader . Merkel. Wow. He could not name anyone. A leader living or dead past or present. Julius caesar. He could not name hold on. How does somebody think theyre going to run for president and be this ignorant. Completely ignorant of just the most basic things. My children could answer those questions. Hes a protest candidate, right . Im not forgiving him. Im just saying its not why hes there. People voting for him will not vote for him based on strength of Foreign Policy knowledge or deep weakness of his Foreign Policy knowledge. Does he nod read newspapers . Does he not watch tv . You can smoke pot and listen to the radio at the same time. I watched that moment last night. I know hes for legalizing pot. He told usa today in jaune tht he had not smoked weed for seven weeks and would not smoke during the campaign or when hes president. We thought it had happened. Weve all been there. Hes saying hes not smoking weed. That excuse goes out the window. The more serious point is there are enough people in this country who are so dissatisfied with donald trump and Hillary Clinton that are crying out for somewhere else to go. They would love not to vote for either of those candidates but can you vote for him . He would be the commander in chief and he cant name a foreign leader. Thats unbelievable. We havent even gotten to hes one of the harry potters. He may have been the fifth. Kenneth brannon would zap somebody. Amazing. What he did with cinderella is not like anything ive seen before. Have you seen his version of cinderella . Its remarkable i tell you. This wizard would try to zap harry and you forget your memory and thats what hes looking like. Its happening. You really need to watch more harry potter movies. How about trudeau . He lives about eight miles away. He probably smokes pot. Youve seen his old boxing matches he does. Boom. Boom. Its rigged. Its rigged. How are you, nick . Im doing good, joe. Can you believe he didnt know a single living leader. I can have the last performance after aleppo. Hes a protest candidate. So is jill stein. People are not voting for them as having the conventional attributes of a normal candidate. Im not excusing them. Im saying they there are as a vessel for peoples frustration. A vessel with a lot of holes. When we bump in, can we have him use his tongue as he answers. Thats a good one. Are you all done . All right. We havent even got to the Miss Universe stuff. You shouldnt have been talking so much. Unbelievable. Donald trump says he saved the Miss Universe that had gained all sorts of weight in his opinion. Well get to that. Were going to actually play that out and spend a lot of time on it, so we make sure all of americas women see how insu insulting that candidate is. Also, one of the Senate Democrats who is breaking with the president , connecticut senator Richard Blumenthal will join us. General Michael Hayden and steve case is here to make his endorsement in the president ial race. First, bill karins can a check on the forecast. Gloomy forecast and wet and dangerous forecast this morning. Just got word down around ft. Bragg in North Carolina they have a flash flood emergency ongoing. Eight inches of rain overnight. The little river which borders ft. Bragg to the north is expected to have the alltime highest river levels through the day today. Well watch that situation down here in fayetteville, North Carolina, closely. Tremendous amounts of rainfall coming down around washington, d. C. And toward maryland. 11 Million People under a flood watch throughout the day. Flash Flooding Risk greatest from d. C. Areas to the west where heaviest rain will be in Northern Virginia especially. Were watching Tropical Storm matthew. Now up to 65mileperhour winds. The trend overnight is better for the gulf of mexico. Its looking very unlikely the storm heads your way. We have to watch florida carefully and bahamas through the next five days. And of course the east coast is still in play. Trending a little more offshore overnight. Hopefully it will continue that way and we wont have to deal with that in the days ahead. Washington, d. C. , tremendous amounts of rainfall as we go throughout the day today. Major travel delays expected. More morning joe when we come back. Th have a perfect driving record. Perfect. No tickets, no accidents. That is until one of you clips a food truck ruining your perfect record. Yeah. Now you would think your Insurance Company would cut you some slack, right . No, your insurance rates go through the roof. Your perfect record doesnt get you anything. Anything. Perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Liberty stands with you. Liberty mutual insurance. Im raph. My name is anne. Im one of the real live attorneys you can talk to through legalzoom. Dont let unanswered legal questions hold you up, because were here, were here, and weve got your back. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. President obama is ramping up americas military presence in iraq. Another 600 u. S. Troops are being deployed ahead of a major offensive to take back the city of mosul from isis militants. The white house says the new forces are there to assist kurdish and iraqi fighters and are not in a combat role. It brings the total number of forces on the ground to around 5,000. The operation to retake mosul could begin by early next month. In neighboring syria, americas relationship with russia appears to be unraveling as the sides support opposing forces in that countrys civil war. The Obama Administration now says it may stop working alongside moscow in targeting a mutual enemy, isis terrorists and their supporters. Thats because russia has been bombarding the city of aleppo at unprecedented levels. Hundreds of thousands of civilians are trapped there. If the u. S. Does suspend its coordinating cooperation with russia, it could spell more chaos in the wartorn nation while battle lines are increasingly blurred. Joining us now, former director of the cia and nsa and now a principle at the chertoff group, retired general Michael Hayden. Syria in a total meltdown. Our second american president in a row who thinks they can deal with Vladimir Putin and are let down in the most extraordinary way. Its terribly disappointed. Weve talked about this before about our lack of leverage on russian behavior and poor secretary kerry is out there. Im reminded of a line from monty python. Go away or i will be forced to taunt you a second time. Thats pretty much all of the tools he has left in the kit. Theres no physical pressure. No action that we seem to be willing to take to make russians change course. Why are we not willing to blow up, to target assads fighters on the ground that are targeting civilians in aleppo . So its complicated. We had nsc representatives here that talk about the legal structure that would be required and so on. Fundamentally, joe, its because the president doesnt want to do this. Im convinced many senior advisers early in the game when this was easier and would have been more effective have recommended a more aggressive pattern. Does the president allow his final year in office to be the overseer of the continued genocide in aleppo, in syria . Does he is that what he wants in his museum . Complete abandonment not only of aleppo but syria and the responsibility of hundreds of thousands of deaths on him . Of course he doesnt want it. Thats going to be the legacy. Hes not going to dramatically change course. I dont think anyone expects that. And you see the inevitable carrying out of the lack of america putting its thumb on the scale the way the russians have already put their thumb on the scale. Can we think of any time that the world has stood by like this . Samantha power writes a problem from health. We got engaged in bosnia. The book back in the 80s where fdr turned a blind eye to the holocaust. Is there a parallel where we have sat and watched hundreds of thousands of people slaughtered. We have. Bosnia, croatia, were there but very late to the game and a quarter Million People were killed. The genocide in rwanda. We were there and we were late and separated warring factions and provided some relief, but we did not intervene early enough. Thats why samantha wrote the book and president created a structure within nsc to tee up these questions to intervene more effectively and early. Were roughly 120 days from a brand new administration and new president of the United States. What happens with the new administration and new president given what has happened already to our reputation in the middle east as a result of syria . The degree of difficulty for the new administration. If its a trump administration, i just dont know. And theres no real coherence other than were going to be really tough and frankly he doesnt seem to be very sensitive to the emotional needs of any of our allies. I think with secretary clinton, she begins to buy back trust. She will be more forward leaning in this. She was more forward leaning in the administration. Shes mentioned safe zones. Shes mentioned no fly zones. Both of which are much harder to do now. I think she would begin to move in that direction of a modest idea. Just a strip along the turkish border and another strip along the jordanian border where you can provide a safe haven and you say to the other players, dont go there. Were going to defend these people in these zones. What would lead them to believe that we would have an or else in there . It would have to rely on the character of the president and frankly the willingness of us to demonstrate there is an or else. And thats so much harder now, mike, than it would have been a year ago. Were exactly 12 months since the russian intervention. Thats made itinfinnently more complex. You look at Samantha Power coming out several times in the last couple weeks blaming russia. Do you think the administration is ramping up to something by talking this way . I like to hope that. Ail fall back on my monty python line and ill be forced to taunt you or shame you a second time. I just dont see a willingness behind that. And theres an additional complication. No president wants to launch anything in the last hundred days of an administration because fundamentally youre committing your successor to consequences of your action. Its even harder now. We havent even mentioned, mika, the evidence that came out that russians were in fact responsible for the shooting down of the commercial aircraft over ukraine, which was evidence yesterday. Thats the official report. Anyone who could point to ukraine on a map knew the russians had done this. It supplied the equipment. Surprisingly no consequences. It just went away. One methodology they used to make it go away is information dominance. They began to feed stories out there in the Public Domain just to confuse things. There are a lot of people who said some level of attention to this and said its hard to tell what happened here. Its not. This was done by ukrainian separatists who were provided a weapon they should never have been able to get their hand on and provided that weapon by the russians. So if you were advising a president right now upon news like that, what would the advice be you give . I would put that in the box of things that russians are doing that really need a response. Its ukraine. Its crimea. Its buzzing of what are ramifications of no response . The ramifications is heres someone, Vladimir Putin, enough of a realist to know he has a weak hand here. But since nothing is pushing back, i think hes actually incentivized for the next 100 days to push this as far as he can and throw dnc stuff in there as well. What does pushback look like . There are a variety of things we can do. You try to toughen sanctions but thats a slow moving course of activity. Ill be very straightforward. We should have given the ukrainians defensive weapons a long time ago. Just kind of go out and say we just made this decision. Were going to give them antitank muscles. Thats the way its going to be. That would be a response. It would be noticed. And the nofly zone, do you support the nofly zone and the safe zones . I would. And believe me, if i were still sitting in that room in the white house and president said now were going to do this, i would rush back and say this is going to be hard. How do you do this in a way that doesnt actually make it worse . Look at where we have gone as a byproduct of our inaction. General Michael Hayden, always extremely insightful to have you on the show. Thank you for being on the set with us. Still ahead, some of Donald Trumps supporters are concerned about the Supreme Court. For others its about trade and then there are those who simply want to punch washington in the face. Robert draper breaks down his cover story in the New York Times magazine. Morning joe will be right back. If youre 50 or over, what comes to mind when you think about healthcare . Understanding your options . Or, if youre getting the care you need . At aarpadvantages. Com, you can find helpful information about healthcare options. Leaving you more time to think about more important things. Like not having to think about healthcare at all. Surround yourself wbr id wbr21560 with healthy advantages at aarpadvantages. Com health. b you had somebody who basically insulted women and then doubleddown, i think, this morning in terms of how he talks about them and talks about their weight and talks about how they look instead of the content of their character and their capabilities, which is not something i want not somebody i want in the oval office that my daughters are listening to and sons are listening to, and so across the board you have somebody who appears to only care about himself. Donald trump saying that not only did he barely know her, but he saved her from being fired because of her weight. Do you have anything further to say on this Miss Universe thing . No, not much. I hardly know this person. This is a person 20 years ago. A lot of things are coming out about her. Im not going to say anything. I couldnt care less. Its somebody i dont know. Certainly dont know very well. I saved her job because they wanted to fire her for putting on so much weight. It is a beauty contest. Say what you want. They know what theyre getting into. Its a beauty contest. I said dont do that. Let her try and lose the weight. Can you imagine i end up in a position like this. Thats the way it is. I really just dont know here. Hes trying to help. Hees the hero of this story. No good deed goes unpunished. Donald is laboring under that right now. The fact that they continue to talk about it, its a beauty contest, right . You cant actually have any weight on your body for a beauty contest because that wouldnt be beautiful. Think about that. In fairness, you shouldnt put on 60 pounds if you want to why are they still talking about it . Newt gingrich said that. AstronaNewt Gingrich is talk about that . Seriously. Thats the pot calling the kettle black. So people like donald trump and Newt Gingrich and men can walk around just all get out and its not an issue. But women in order to be beautiful you have to be 117 pounds. Can someone tell me what year were in here . Is it 2016 . I think were back in the 70s with those hideous pageants which we need to talk about at some point. Someone that runs beauty pageants, how do they think about women. Young women Walking Around in bikinis getting graded on how they look. I cant believe we still do these things. Do we want someone who ran beauty pageants and think its okay to talk about gaining weight being a problem. Do we really want that person in the white house hiring women . I dont think hell hire women unless theyre 10s in his view. Which is 117 pounds and starving and covered in plastic. My question is this. Bill oreilly goes lots of lip gloss. Its disgusting. Its perverted. Oreilly, goes, so, you have anything else to say about this beauty pageant thing. Thanks for that softball. Really . That silly story. Anything to say about it. Its a serious story. Stupid men. The correct answer is no, right . Why cant they just say no . Put it behind him . He thinks shes right. Thats why the answer was not kno no. The interesting subplot is an agent of donald trump. The same with khans. On this one you heard him say why am i put in a position like that. He also turns these events into selfvictimization. I saved her job. I think he lives in this bubble of rich guy, real estate developer, tv star and beauty pageant owner. And the rules in those worlds are things that he thinks will apply outside. For example, its really cool that on taxes i havent paid taxes in forever because guys in my business do that. It makes me smart. That does make him smart in the real estate business, i guess. It does make him smart as a president ial candidate. Its devastating i think. So he needs somebody near him who can say this is dumb. Stop talking about it. Im not sure he has that person. So Claire Mccaskill took a swing at it yesterday. The Democratic Women senators have talked and were concerned about donalds weight. Campaign stress . We think a public daily weighin is called for. Well be right back. Mika hasnt really talked about this much, but shes got a lot to say and shell share that with you when we return on morning joe. Hey listen, when you tell our friends about your job, maybe lets play up the digital part. But its a manufacturing job. Yeah, well ge is doing a lot of cool things digitally to help machines communicate, might want to at least mention that. Im building worldchanging machines. With my two hands. Does that threaten you . No dont be silly. Im just, uh, going to go to chop some wood. With that . Yeah we dont have an ax. Or a fireplace. Good to be prepared. Could you cut the bread . I just saved thousands on in less than a minute, i found out how much home i can afford. I like how you shop for loans the same way you shop for flights online. I didnt realize that lendingtree you can save money on almost any sort of loan. I consolidated my Credit Card Debt with a personal loan. I found a new credit card with 0 interest for 15 months. You just shop, compare, and save, and its all free. Go to lendingtree right now and start saving. [baby talk] [child giggles] children i, j, k. [telephone rings] man hello . Man you may kiss the bride. [applause] announcer a full life measured in seats starts with the right ones early on. Car crashes are a leading killer of children 1 to 13. Learn how to prevent deaths and injuries by using the right car seat for your childs age and size. Is that not funny . Its 46 past the hour. I was telling willie, when you get a 13yearold daughter she sends you a text and has has friends all weekend. Shes booked. I get to see her from 3 00 to 6 00 on friday and then she said ill see you at church on sunday morning but shes with friends spending the night. Very busy, joe. Busy schedule. I dont think she wanted you to talk about that on national television. Joining us now, cofounder and now chairman of aol and chairman of the Case Foundation and revolution, steve case, and steve, you announced your support for Hillary Clinton in a Washington Post oped saying i have tried to steer clear of politics and avoided endorsing candidates and making big contributions to campaigns. I decided to make an exception in this election. Im well aware that millions of people are angry about their prospects and fearful that the forces of globalization and digitalization has left them behind. I also recognize many are frustrated by the politics and feel we need an outsider to shake things up. But i dont think donald trump is the answer. For those people or for the country. I dont agree with everything Hillary Clinton has said and done, but for 2016, i believe Hillary Clinton represents the best choice for the United States. And our best hope for remain the most innovative and entrepreneurial nation in the world. Steve, thanks for being with us. When is the last time you endorsed a candidate . I never have. I stay out of politics. I work in a bipartisan way. I decided to make an exception. You never endorsed anybody publicly . Ill focus on policy and do it in a bipartisan way and stay out of politics. I decided last few months when my book came out i did talking including on this show and people were asking because one of the chapters is around the role of government around the third wave so which candidate do you think would be stronger. I just ducked it. I just decided that its too important to continue to duck. Surprised actually. Trump is very successful in business and more of a entrepreneur so you think there would be more natural infinity there but he hasnt focused on the issues. I thought he would come out with plans. He never has even this week in the debate there wasnt any real substance to it. There have been candidates that had great differences. Pretty dramatic differences. What makes 2016 so important to you that you decided to make this jump . Do you think donald trump would be dangerous . Dangerous is a strong word. I worry about some of the issues around his temperament. You talked about issues around judgment, both on the global affairs. My focus is on the innovation creation side of things and what clinton has done is laid out a specific frame work. A lot of support in the Tech Industry around things shes been talking about and recognizes support all around the country. Weve got support entrepreneurs everywhere. Shes talked about that. Shes talked about tax incentives to support more investment in startups and longer hold period and kept focusing on the rhetoric and issue of border and immigration troubles me. We need to be a welcoming talent and be a magnet for talent. So its too focused on high level rhetoric. Donald trumps proposed dropping the Corporate Tax rate as a longterm businessman do you think thats a good idea . You have to look at the tax code. Everything needs to be on the table in terms of a simpler tax system that really is more in link with whats happening around the world. His proposal is really to cut rates substantially including for people like me and deficit would go up substantially although independent analysis said that was too far. Its lower rates. Simplicity is a good thing. You have to make sure you invest in startups and companies that are creating jobs. If you create a company that has 10,000 people working for opposed to ten people, thats a different tax rate. So how do you basically focus on creating the right incentives in the tax code to really drive innovation. On globalization, people that feel left behind, these trump voters, theyve been hearing promise about new jobs, tech jobs, green jobs, retraining for years and years it hasnt changed their lives or come true. What do you say to Trump Supporters like that about supporting Hillary Clinton or how she can change their lives . I understand the anger and frustration. I spend most of my time in the middle of the country meeting with people in these cities. The reality is things hes talking about wont have positive impact. You have to invest in technology. We wont turn back the clock. Whats the alternative though . You look at cities where trade deals have had biggest impact. They all voted for Bernie Sanders or donald trump. You can say protectionism isnt the answer. Donald trumps approach to the trade isnt the answer. Unfettered free trade has left a lot of people behind. I understand that. So whats the answer . Ive been to pittsburgh, detroit, st. Louis. These are cities that were strong in the Industrial Revolution and lost their way in the Technology Revolution because of the startups in those cities they are seeing companies betting on pittsburgh. I think people are giving up on cities. It wont be trying to talk about rhetoric of the 40,000 foot level but how do you create companies that create jobs and create that sense of hope and possibility. I understand the anger. I understand the frustration. I just dont think trump is the answer. I think clinton would be the better choice. Steve case, thank you very much. Coming up on morning joe, donald trump says he was against the iraq war all along Robert Draper of the New York Times magazine joins us to try to get to the bottom of that claim once and for all. Morning joe is coming right back. The pursuit of healthier. It begins from the second were born. Because, healthier doesnt happen all by itself. It needs to be earned every day. Using wellness to keep away illness. And believing a single life can be made better by millions of others. As a Health Services and Innovation Company optum powers modern healthcare by connecting every part of it. 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Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Ask your dermatologist about otezla today. Otezla. Show more of you. Coming up at the top of the hour, Hillary Clinton tries to play it cool with the kids. I was part of a special task force. A very young looking cop that once infiltrated high school. How do you do fellow kids. What . Were going to talk about her efforts to woo millennials and Mark Halperin joins the political roundtable and well talk to Kristen Welker and hear from rick tyler on the texas senators aboutface with donald trump. Well be back with much more morning joe. So you did a Vice President ial debate. Did you prepare a lot for that . I know where youre going with this one, all right. Yes, i did, david. All right. Has preparation helped . It does, david. Yeah. It often helps. Top of the hour. Welcome back to morning joe. Its thursday, september 29th. Mike barnicle is still with us. Always prepared. Joining the conversation, managing editor at Bloomberg Politics and cohost of with all due respect Mark Halperin. His team is here too. And on capitol hill, former Ted Cruz Campaign Communications Director and now an msnbc political contributor rick tyler. And ageing teenage sensation willie geist. Right . Teen heartthrob. You know when you walk in new kids on the block are, like, 48 years old. Fanny pack. Smoking cigars. Not the same thing. The newish kids on the block. The polls are proving me wrong so far. We dont have national or swing states. A new poll found 52 feel that Hillary Clinton won the debate. 26 said neither. 21 said donald trump was the winner. Theres some good legitimate polling on the debate. Mark halperin, what impact does that have . At the end of the day, do you think the first debate is a wash . Or do you think hillary is going to pick up a few . Everyone said she won in a big way. I go back to good gets better and bad gets worse. Shes got confidence now. Shes raising money. Her team is confident. Theyre getting volunteers out. Easier to get surrogates out on the road for her. I dont think trump as mika suggested on tuesday, i dont think this will cause him to collapse in the polls. I think Trump Supporters are finding ways to rationalize what happened. But he needs to convince people hes ready to be president. I think hes in a bit of a suspended animation now until the next debate. This is sort of hard to believe. Im read it off the paper here according to the New York Times. Conflicting opinions within Donald Trumps campaign about whether he needs to reset for the second debate. They are debating whether or not he needs to actually try a different approach. Advisers concerned by his lack of focus on the debate stage intend to drill him for round two. The question of whether hes open to putting in the practice is a major concern to some on his team with aides blaming monday nights failure on lack of prep time and too many of his advisers being unfocused himself. The candidate is pushing back against negative reactions. I just walked in and i saw some of the great people that represent your state. They said, wow, you did so great in the debate. We understand it. I really love the experience of it. Amazing. I saw the audience was record setting. I just had great time. I know you say the polls werent scientific but every single poll that was taken i won the debate and some of them by a lot. We talk about the first debate. We could go back to 1984 like brokaw did in his package when he was here. Ronald reagan had a horrific debate. He turned it around. George bush had a horrific debate. He turned it around. Barack obama in 2012 had a horrific first debate. He turned it around. I would say based on expectations all three of those performed worse to expectations that were hoisted upon them than did donald trump in his first debate. Lets face it. Donald trump does have a lower bar, and hes allowed to screw up more than Hillary Clinton for whatever reason with voters. America loves a comeback story to be sure. Had he prepared, he still might have had problems because its hard, but the town meeting is even harder. You sound like george bush in 2004. Its hard. That meeting is harder and if he doesnt practice where they bring in real people or people playing real people, he loses again. He doesnt practice. Not only does he not practice, he mocks those who practices. Remember what he said about mitt romney in 2012. He too much in his head. Got wound too tightly. Got to go out and be trump. Thats what he did through the primary and it worked for him. For me though, preparation is not memorizing every World Leaders name, its being prepared for those two toor thr hanging curveballs that are thrown when they go after him saying did you support the war . I talked about it in interviews. He didnt do the basic comebacks you should have prepared in a debate. Hes not a politician. He cannot make that turn. He cannot make that pivot on questions. You can see that during the debate. My question to you is this story on the front page of the New York Times about inner campaign turmoil, however you want to describe it, same story appeared about four or five weeks ago revolving around paul manafort. Whats going on . I put trump at the top tier of tolerance in people leaking from his campaign. He cant be happy about it. I will tell you, the turmoil is greater than that story suggests. It has been for a while. With whom . Within the whole campaign. It doesnt reach the candidate. No, it does not. They are all fighting each other. The candidate is in his Office Taking phone calls and he doesnt its more than fighting each other. It is a model of inefficiency. They are reliant on him like when he won the nomination. They have more people. Spending more money. Their state staff. From what im hearing, there is an extraordinary amount of inefficiency and failure to do the basics. Rnc is doing some of the ground game. And trump is going to get 42 million votes minimum. Its not like the bottom is going to fall out. Political pros there are conflicting. Look at the top of the Trump Campaign. You have a guy, steve bannon, successful career in business and media, but hes never done anything like this. Jerry kushner heavily involved in the campaign, never done anything like this. Dave boss has been around politics but never at this level in a president ial campaign. Kellyanne conway, we think shes very talented. Never the Campaign Manager of anything. You were doing what everybody does. Youre going down person by person by person by person and looking at when i look at whats happened since they came onboard and see a more focussed and disciplined campaign, you can stack as many over here as you want to. You have donald trump. If he prepares, everybody looks good. If he doesnt prepare, everybody looks bad. Heres the crazy news, rick tyler, he could continue to not prepare. He could continue to do everything wrong by washington standards and still get elected president of the United States if you look at these polls. If that is in fact the case, then you will have had a man who flew his Political Campaign airplane upside down for 15 months and will forever blow out of the water every single truth about modern Political Campaigning thats ever been talked about or drawn up. Thats absolutely right. Look, everybody talked about donald trump in any way and made a prediction about him has been wrong. I understand that donald trump has a proposal to the president ial debate commission. He would like 30 minutes of true and false and 140word essay questions. Maybe that would help. Theres no question that he absolutely needs to be prepared. Again, hes done everything unconventional and gotten this far and hes actually very tight in the polls. In fact, Hillary Clinton is having a big problem now with millennials. Thirdparty candidates including gary johnson are getting those. He gets up to 26 of voters between 18 and 29. Thats a huge problem for her. Stunning. Thats a huge problem. One other thing, if you could just i mean, people get prepared the way they get prepared. I talked about hitters. They have their own ways of getting prepared. When i get prepared for a debate, i would cram for days and then, you know, six hours beforehand, i would just drive. I would listen to music and get in the good place. So everybody has their own way of doing it. People that are sitting around saying donald trump needs to sit in a room and prepare, thats like somebody coming up to you saying you know what ted cruz needs to do before his next debate . Not prepare at all. He just needs to go out fishing and get in a good place. Its not i mean, thats not who ted cruz is. Ted cruz is a little unusual. In fact, he prepares all the time. Hes thinking about this all the time. And he does study and he does work hard and like you the day before the debate, hes not doing much except for trying to clear his head out. Thats very important. But donald trump doesnt seem to take the time to study the issues and the worst, joe, is hes not intellectually curious about issues when he talks about nuclear weapons, about pacific theater, about these grave and very serious issues. He just doesnt seem to know about them. Want to know about them or take them very seriously. I think thats a big problem. Speaking of knowing things, your third option for president , gary johnson, did it again. Its not like an outlier. Stuck his tongue out again . That would have been good news. Do we have this video . Alex, i asked you for the tongue video an hour ago. I find it yucky. Just a little. I thought he was going to lick kasie. It was really word. Is he going to whats going on there . Kasie flinched. She pulled back because she was afraid he might lick her face. Lets let it breathe. I do. And it wouldnt have anything to do with my debate performance either. It would just be that people would recognize that theres another choice and that there would be an examination of me and bill weld as who we are and what weve done and not based on that. I think i could stand up there for the whole debate and not say anything and emerge as the leader. So theres that. There was that. This guy is just to frame this, rick, where is he in the latest polls . Where is he standing . Im looking at kasies face she might get licked. Where does he stand in the polls . What did you just say . With millennials between 18 years of age and 29 years of age, hes getting 20 of the vote. If there was just donald trump and Hillary Clinton, 10 said s they wouldnt show up. Its a huge problem. This is a note to millennials. There was that with the tongue and then there was the aleppo moment on the show with Mike Barnicle and now here is gary johnson with Chris Matthews last night. Who is your favorite foreign leader . Who is my favorite . Name one foreign leader that you respect and look up to . Anybody. Mine was shimon peres. Im talking about living. Go ahead. Any continent. Canada, mexico, asia, south america, africa, name a foreign leader you respect. Im having an aleppo moment. Im giving you the whole world. Anybody in the world you like. Pick any leader. The former president of mexico . Which one . Im having a brain freeze. Who is your favorite foreign leader. Fox was terrific. Any foreign leader. Merkel. He said i just thought of somebody. Who. Peter frampton. That didnt help him out either. He ruled airwaves in 76. Never a foreign leader. Gar y johnson comes alive. That was a disaster. This election is like onion tv. Lets focus on gary johnson. They dont care. To them its perfectly acceptable to vote for a thirdparty candidate and not worry about consequences of doing that. In other words, their candidate is not going to win. It just doesnt matter to them. Again, thats a serious problem for Hillary Clinton. Im happy to vote for a thirdparty candidate but you have to vote for somebody who knows what theyre going to deal with. Imagine sitting across vladimir putin sticking his tongue out or not knowing who these people are. Thats the frustration. People do not like donald trump or Hillary Clinton. They would love to have some place to land but you cant land on that. How does a guy just not how does he not know a single leader in the world . I like shimon peres. To be tripped up on name a single world leader you like, unbelievable. Its like asking a surgeon. Name a bone in the body. Having a brain freeze on that. I like hair. Is hair a bone . Does that count . To go to the millennial thing, this is that moment was so good for Hillary Clinton because her chances of winning if gary johnson collapses go up a lot. And millennials, sometimes people dont care. The millennial problem is biggest obstacle to getting elected. Willie and i have been spending a lot of time in jamaica lately and we have a song called what is aleppo thats going to come out next week. Whats the flip side . Its the extended concert version. I thought it was the song just name one. I cant believe this is serious. This is the president ial election. Trump, clinton and johnson. Seriously. Should i get a treadmill. Is hair a bone . Thats what the doctor is asking. And lose some weight. Rick tyler, thank you. Rick, thank you so much. Thanks. Where were you when framton comes alive, comes out . He was not there. Are you there, rick . I was in junior high school. Yeah. Absolutely. You sit there and listen to it . I did. With all our friends. Who was your favorite band member . I couldnt do that. It was angela merkel. Maybe david cameron. What was your Favorite Song on the album . Well go there. I dont remember. Do you feel okay. Rick tyler, thank you. Follow my lead next time. Still ahead on morning joe just be quiet. What was your Favorite Song . Guitar talk man. Exactly. Well go to break. Still ahead on morning joe, first it was servers of the dnc and then the election systems. Whats yet to be seen . Could hackers in russia actually impact the vote count in the 2016 election somehow . And next, president obama suffers his first veto override of his tenure so the families of 9 11 victims can try to sue saudi arabia. Richard blumenthal opposed the president. He joins us next on morning joe. 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So joining us now, one of the 97 senators who voted to override the president s veto, Ranking Member of the committee on veterans affairs, senator Richard Blumenthal of connecticut. Great to have you here. We talked about this when we were up at voices of september 11th and your fellow senator, we were up there talking about september 11th preventing the next september 11th but even at that time you were talking about pushing the white house to allow those survivors, many whom were at that event, be able to sue saudi arabia and you told us, mark my words, im going to keep fighting for it. And were going to make sure its overridden. Yesterday what youve been fighting for for so long happened. It happened because of the 9 11 families wanting justice for themselves. Simply a day in court. Not only for their own benefit but really to deter similar kinds of Foreign Government, aiding and abetting, terrorists attacks on citizens of the United States. As much as the president has said he wants to support them with resources, they deserve a day in court to hold accountable the saudi government. Do you understand the concerns of the administration that now this opens up american interests that could be vulnerable to similar actions . I understand. I respect the president s thinking. But i just think hes wrong. I think that those fears are overblown. And fears of reprisal and retaliation should never cause us to compromise our ideals of justice. Terrorists wanted to destroy our system of justice and those american ideals. They tried and failed. Now these 9 11 families are very simply seeking their day in court. Senator, the president said last night at a town hall that you played politics for this. If you vote before 9 11 before an election, thats a hard vote for people to take but would have been the right thing to do and how do you respond to saying youre playing politics with this. This legislation has been around for years. The Court Exception or ruling that in effect opened this loophole was done in 2013. I think the court, Second Circuit court of appeals was dead wrong in misinterpretation of congressional intent. This issue has been brewing for a while. I wrote the president along with senator schumer in Early September as joe said very clearly, and we in effect urged him so sign the legislation. We never heard back. The white house was late to this game. I said as much to members of the white house staff. I think theres an issue of principle here. Theres really a fundamental, moral and legal issue in closing this court made loophole and giving these families very simply an opportunity to hold the saudis accountable if they had no involvement in the 9 11 attacks, even though theres mounting evidence of it, they have nothing to fear in our courts. If theyre culpable, they should be held accountable. Explain to people who arent following this as closer as some, now that youve overridden his veto, what happens . The families can go to court. How quickly will they be resolved . The suits were filed some time ago by a number of the families. They were dismissed because of lack of jurisdiction. Now my guess is theyll either be refiled or they will be revived in court. I cant tell you the exact timing. Thats up to the lawyers. Thats an important question. Those lawyers and these families will have to make their own independent decisions about what they want to claim and when. The point is that their courage and perseverance is not only about themselves, but to deter similar state sponsored terrorism. When a Foreign Government aids and abets terrorist attacks on this country, it should not matter whether that aid was done outside our borders or inside. If a terrorist launches a missile with the help of a Foreign Government from outside this country and missile destroys people here, nobody would say that those terrorists or the Foreign Government should be absolved of responsibility because it occurred outside our borders. May seem like a complicated or technical point. Makes a big difference. Great to have you on the set. Thank you for fighting for families. Coming up, first georgia was close and then arizona. Could it be that South Carolina is now in play for Hillary Clinton . Well talk about that in just a few minutes. Can i answer that . On morning joe. No. Youre not a cook, if you dont cook. Youre not a firefighter, if you dont fight fires. Or a coach, if you dont coach. And you cant be our leader, if you dont lead. Our next president needs to take action on Social Security, or future generations could lose up to 10,000 a year. Were working hard, what about you . Hey candidates, do your jobs. Keep Social Security strong. 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Com ink upgrade your phone system and learn how you could save see what the power of points can do for your business. At vonage. Com business what if 30,000 people download the new app . Were good. Okay. What if a Million People download the new app . Were good. Five million . Good. We scale on demand. Hybrid infrastructure, boom. Ok. What if 30 Million People download the app . Were not good. Were total heroes. Scale on demand with the Number One Company in cloud infrastructure. Hewlett packard enterprise. Yoyeah, i do. E . You guys are working on some pretty big stuff over there, right . Like a new language for crazybig, worldchanging machines. Well, not me specifically. I work on the industrial side. So i build the worldchanging machines. I get it. You cant talk because its super highlevel. No, i actually do build the machines. Blink if what youre doing involves encrypted data transfer. Wait, what . Wowwww. Wow . What wow . There is no wow. See that plane. See that plane. That plane was built in america. 35 past the hour. He said something. I was just looking on the twitter. And it ends up that Rolling Stone did, like the top 100 tv shows of alltime. Im going to talk about omissions for a second. The Carol Burnett show which was Ground Breaking. Not even in the top 100. It was a list made for millennials. The Mary Tyler Moore show not in the top ten. You start right there. Morning joe is one. Also, the thing is, i think the most remarkable thing, i dont even think i love lucy is in the top ten. Whats on there . Jersey shore . Its like breaking bad. I would put that in the top ten. Its like the wire. Breaking bad. I tell you what, i still think to this day the most remarkable achievement of anybody on television was what Johnny Carson did every single night. I remember being a young guy watching Johnny Carson saying the fact that we get this every night for free is remarkable. I dont see carson on there. Carol burnett is incredible. What she did is nothing short of Ground Breaking and remarkable. Have you seen the list . My laptop was made the same year that i love lucy came out. Its a little slow. Steve kornacki, what do you think . Did alf make the list . Of course. Steve is here. New poll out of South Carolina, this poll was taken up until the day of the debate that shows race for president is statistically die. This is Winthrop University poll putting trump at 42 and clinton who believes this poll . I think the debate might have changed things. I just dont know which way. Theres no way donald trump is going to lose South Carolina. Steve, is donald trump going to lose South Carolina . No. It was ten points in 2012. It was ten points in 2008 for romney and mccain. Its a polarized state. There may be a little shaving. Maybe he wins it by six or seven. I dont think hes going to lose it. Any reason to believe the debate will have an impact on the poll numbers . If you look back at 2012 and look back at the debate winner for the first debate, mitt romney did get a bump in 2012. Go back to 2004, john kerry got a bump. Now they were behind coming into the debate. Hillary clinton being ahead going in. I dont think as much. If the average moved a point or two in the direction over the next week, i think that wouldnt be shocking. Anything more than that, if this jumped four or five points, we would be surprised. Operating in a polarized atmosphere right now. Anything more than a blip will be surprising. Lets look at it from a different angle. Contributing writer for the New York Times, Robert Draper. The author of this weeks cover story. Right wing air war. Donald trump and the battle within conservative media and in it he writes in part this. Some of Trump Supporters within the conservative media are attracted to his actual position on issues. For others, trumps assurance that he will appoint Antonin Scalia like conservatives to the Supreme Court is enough for their support but trump fulfills the urge many have to as the chief executive of the conservative policy group heritage action for america puts it, punch washington in the face. Thats what they want to do. And they will vote for donald trump to get that. Robert draper, you also talked about the war that donald trump has created among the rightwing media. What did you find . Its a war that has fractured the conservative media pitting folks who had been differing in tone, differing in emphasis but otherwise singing from the same hymnal in terms of conservative ideology for the last 20 years or so. George will of the Washington Post, find themselves in an antitrump situation pitted against people like ann colter and sean hannity in the protrump camp. Again, in a lot of ways this describes the greater divide in the Republican Party but it feels more personal with these people who not only have as personalities have their own kind of cult followings but again despite basic tonal differences have been very, very much in alignment. Going after each other on twitter. Going after each other on the air. As i say, its become a personal thing. What about the godfather of them all . Rush limbaugh . Where is limbaugh in this . Hes a dodger in all this in that he has never come out and said i endorse donald trump. In fact, now what hes saying is that why does it matter . Why does anyone care what i think . Thats a bit disingenuous. Limbaugh is not leaving his followers. Not getting too much in front of his audience because he knows repercussions of that can be a severe blowback. Erick erickson who now has his own radio show has essentially decided to quit talking about trump all together because hes so antitrump that whenever he does talk about trump in these negative ways, his female listenership will go up but listenership for talk radio is largely white male. Each has come up with their own solution. How much of this is sort of people riding the trump wave for professional reasons just to be honest . Someone like sean hannity, ann coulter, people home theres something at the end of the rainbow if trump becomes president. Trump said to me, look, im on Sean Hannitys show for one main reason. He gets good ratings when im on. Ann coulter has been beating the trump for years on immigration and trump has provided a unique mouthpiece. For some of these guys, this is their last rodeo and last opportunity to get in on a republican administration. Folks like ann coulter are not exactly theyre not washington insiders. Neither is donald trump. Donald trump, if he becomes president , is not going to rely on washington establishment figures to lead his administration. In fact, coulter as well as hannity and laura has provided debate advice. Part has to do with money. Part has to do with ego. I remember Rush Limbaugh in the 90s how things took off for him when bill clinton became president and he got a democratic president and didnt have to deal with a republican. It was easier for him to attack bill clinton every day. The conservative media, is this part of them would rather have Hillary Clinton presidency because thats an easier daytoday mission for them . I suspect. Its a lot easier to have an antagonist in the white house to rally out against all the time. There is this sort of discomforting feature which is that for so many of these guys theyve been saying that this is it. If Hillary Clinton is president and sean hannity said this to me when i interviewed him, he said i think the country is over with. They said this in 2012 when obama was up for reelection against mitt romney. They said it in 1992 when bill clinton was elected president. So the republicans weathered all this. So after a while, the question is going to be begged, will their listenership find believab believable. Does donald trump have ties to help him stay onboard or all transactional . Personal ties, yes. None of them are friends. Its an open question as to who Donald Trumps Close Friends are. Thats a subject for another day. When it comes to these media figure, sean hannity has known him for about 20 years. I dont get the sense they socialize much. Ann coulter as my story indicates in a course of a conversation that they had in which she was offering him strategic admonitions after talking about the size of his endowment. As a result of that, donald trump awarded her honorary membership and waived the membership fee. None of these guys are close. Its more that they have the same bulldog temperament. They see donald trump in themselves and vice versa. So basically i would say he gets along with them well. Theyre not running buddies. All right. Thank you. Well be reading this weeks New York Times magazine. Thank you very much. Willie is working on a list. Were not going to get to it now. Youve been digging into this. Its heavily weighted toward recent history. No question. Theres one thing on the list thats so absurd i cant take it seriously. Freaks and geeks lasted one season. Johnny carson, 30. Its ahead of carson and 60 spots of the Dick Van Dyke show. Well be right back with more on this shocking development. And roast it until its just right. And she makes stuffing from scratch, topping it with a healthy helping of delicious gravy. Marie callender spends time on the little things, so that you can spend time on what really matters. Marie callenders. Its time to savor. Youre at the top of your game. At work or at play, youre unstoppable. Nothing can throw you off track. 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Maybe it was. It could be russia. It could also be china. It also could be somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds. Okay. You know, he didnt have to make it personal. The tweets against me were bad enough. Now hes talking about my weight. Always with the weight. Time magazine picked russia at the culprit, not the 400pound man. New storied tited russia wants to undermine faith in the u. S. Election. It explores mounting evidence of a russian operation targeted the 2016 president ial campaign. Joining us now, time magazines editor in chief, nancy gibbs. What new reporting do you bring to us . An alarming situation. We have been digging into this a long time with intelligence officials. This really does go to the very core of democracy. Its not about whether a foreign power can change the actual election result. Its just whether they can make you think they can. And right now, there is a poll that has only a third of people who actually think their ballot will be counted fairly. Theres already a context that people doubt the outcome of this election, donald trump has been saying the only way he can lose is if its rigged. We went through this in 2000 when the Extraordinary Events in florida made people question the legitimacy of the bush presidency. Eight years later, we saw the campaign to undermine the legitimacy of obamas presidency. To get to the point where people dont come together in a peaceful transition of power believing like it or not, the president is the dually elected president is a very serious challenge to democracy. It is. I had seen something recently about the possibility of russians hacking into voting machines. You say, your reporting says really, really hard to do. Thats not the problem. There are 9,000 polling places. You would have to physically tamper with every machine. These machines are not connected to the internet. Most of them have paper backups. There are ways to disrupt what happens on election day, and the fbi is watching this very closely. But you have to be on the grund. You have to break in. Right. The problem is not that youre going to go in and actually tamper with results. Again, this is the reason we frame the cover this way. Thap dont have to. They just have to make you think that somehow the system has been compromised. The results arent fair. You cant trust what has been reported. You cant trust the media. You cant trust the ballot counts. Then you have a delegitimizing of the outcome. When china was suspected of hacking the u. S. Government, named them, why hasnt the u. S. Government said on the record, even though they make it clear they believe it is russia, why havent they made it clear. This is a fascinating debate. Do you name the russians . Do you call them out . And partly, i think, maybe this goes back to draw a red line in syria. The next question is, okay, if you name them, and if, what are you going to do . How would you retaliate . Its isnt that president obama hasnt said our cybersecurity offenses and defenses are the best in the world, but what if the targets werent government to government. What if it is Television Networks and private companies and the private sector in the u. S. Economy, where enormous disruption is possible. This is very dangerous territory. Theres a fight within the administration on how much to escalate this in advance of what the threats might be. Im thinking back to the 2004 election, and on the left, there was that whole sort of conspiracy thereory that grew around ohio and the voting machines. In 2000, the elections. How easy it is for conspiracy theorys to grow around election results. If the idea for russia is to undermine confidence in our elections, have we done a good enough job ourselves of that through the year snz. We have. Were in a much less trusting place now, and that, too, is a real threat to the ability of whoever wins to govern. If theyre not seen as being legitimately elected, its not as if there arent enough head winds already. What putin is doing about his own standing at home. The more chaos he sows, the more he delegitimized the democrat, process overseas and says none of these leaders are authentically elected, the more it counters the criticisms of his own authoritarian regime there. And donald trump may be amplifying this, saying the election is rigged. Thank you, nancy gibbs. Coming up next, 40 days and 40 nights in this president ial election, and we have new polling on the voters who they think they won the debate, and gary john sun falls victim to another gotcha question. This time, who is your favorite foreign leader . Just one. Ill just take one. Morning joe will be right back. Its a twoparty system. You will have to vote for one of us. Hes right. Its a twoparty system. I believe ill vote for a thirdparty candidate. Go ahead, throw your vote away. [child giggling] child look, ma. No hands. Children i, j, k. [bicycle bell rings] [indistinct chatter] [telephone rings] man hello . [boing] [laughter] man you may kiss the bride. [applause] woman ahh. [indistinct conversation] announcer a full life measured in seats starts with the right ones early on. Car crashes are a leading killer of children 1 to 13. Learn how to prevent deaths and injuries by using the right car seat for your childs age and size. Good morning. Its thursday, september 29th. Really felt fall yesterday. Feel it this morning. Yeah. Welcome to morning joe, everyone. With us on set, veteran columnist mike likes the fall. Mike barnicle, and Political Writer for the New York Times, nicholas confessore. Nicky. What . Nicky. Come on, try it. Nicky. Not going to work. Nicky. All right, so Mike Barnicle, we have to start. Im cerea, we start here, but we have to start here. Boston red sox. I was there until 12 30 last night. Backed in, but were the champ. Thats okay. The thing is about the sox thats incredible. World series, last place, last place, last place, world series, last place. We have learned, it is seriously, feast or famine and it has been for long time. Last night was pretty good. It was a winter night at yankee stadium. Yes t was. A muted celebration. Come on. Just how did it go . It was a winters night. The hopes of the new york yankees swirling in the outfield like paper bags. Was timmy there . Timmy was there with me. Yeah. Timmy was the one who was crying in 2003, and you said i just cant do this to my kids anymore. Tim w timmy was the one when boon hit that homer. Okay, enough. I have news. This is news . This is good news. Good news. Hillary clinton was the winner of monday nights debate. What . According to the majority of likely voters who watched or saw the coverage. I heard donald trump say specifically, several times, that he won the debate going away. He had great, great, great i was worried these polls would not bear out that way, that is for sure, but theres still more were waiting for. Were still waiting for the actual where they stand. Actual polls. And thats the thing, so people could say, yeah, they won this. I said she was perfect, but i dont know about i think we have a ways to go before we figure out whether its going to impacts the overall race. The nbc survey monkey poll said 52 said clinton won, 26 said neither, and 21 trump was the winner, and clinton seemed to reassure her base. Among democrats, 50 said their opinion changed for the better. While among republicans, 26 said their opinion of trump change for the better, 6 for the worse. Clinton also appeared to have improved her standing among women, with nearly a third saying their opinion changed for the better. And 53 of people who watched the debate said clinton has the personality and temperament to serve effectively as president while only 36 said the same of trump. Willie, we have to wait to see if it actually changes the numbers. We had state polls come out yesterday that shows donald trump still doing very well in places like iowa. Other swing states where republicans dont usually do well. The question is, and its so strange, sort of just starts to sink in as you Start Talking to this person and that, that im starting to wonder whether its going to have a big impact in the long run based on a lot of the people i have been talking to. I always wondered again, anecdotally, but we wick up a line. How many persuadables are there left at this point . We have known these candidates for so long. The campaign has been going on for 18 months. Is there still a sizable group of people in the middle who are saying im waiting to see who i like. People have strong opinions. The people who love donald trump loved his performance the other night. The people who love Hillary Clinton loved her performance. Are there enough people in the mushy middle to appeal to the people. I talked to a guy conducting polls out west, and he said there arent a lot of undecided refts in this race. Youre for Hillary Clinton, youre for donald trump, youre for one of the minor candidates, or theres a big group that are saying were not going to vote. I wonder whether those are the people that get reengaged, maybe i will vote for hillary, maybe i will vote for trump, and then they go back into that im not going to vote category. Thats the specific target for Hillary Clinton and her campaign, is going after exactly those people. Trying to make the impression, the solid impression that look, there are only two people who are going to be president of the United States. Its either going to be Hillary Clinton or donald trump. Its not going to be any of the thirdparty candidates. You dont think gary johnson . Come on, that guy, were going to show this clip in a little bit. Seriously, what is wrong with this guy . He gets 8 to 10 points. I would ask what he was smoking, but i grew up in bands. I know a lot of stoned guys who are more coherent than him. Its not the same as past years. It usually is the lastminute voter, im not sure who i should support. Im not that tuned in. But this year, its, i cant stand both of these people. And i cant decide i cant do it. I cant do it. Its a very different dynamic which is whiy theyre both unde 45 or 48 . Speaking of dynamics, really interesting inside information from the campaign that reportedly conflicting opinions within Donald Trumps campaign about whether he needs to reset for the second debate. Yes. Yes, he does. A New York Times report says advisers concerned by his lack of focus on the debate stage intend to drill him for round two. But the question of whether hes open to putting in the practice is a major concern to some on his team, with aides blaming monday nights failure on a lack of prep time and too many of his advisers being unfocused themselves. Meanwhile, the candidate is pushing back against negative reactions. I just walked in and i saw some of the great people that represent your state, and they said, wow, you did so great in the debate. And we understand that. I really loved the experience of it. It was amazing. I saw the audience was recordsetting, and i just had a great time. And i know you say the polls werent scientific, but every single poll that was taken, i won the debate, and some by a lot. Where are there polls that say he won the debate . Online polls. The drudge polls. Which were all right. Kind of accht in the primary, but the question is are they accurate in the general election. Well wait and see. Just ahead, speculation the next debate, trump will go after bill clintons past scandals. Politico reports Clintons Campaign has been preparing a response for weeks. So yeah, that was something you saw him at the end of the debate saying he was going to do, but im not going to do. I think maybe perhaps there might be a concern that could really backfire. How could it not . I think there is that concern there. I think right now the bigger concern is for some people inside the trump camp, how do we get our guy to focus . I read a story yesterday that roger ailes went out and tried to get him to focus and tried to get him to walk through things, and he is just donald trump would not sit there and focus. And so ayles ended up telling old war stories about what it was like in the Nixon White House. And i forget, maybe it was Chris Cillizza who said, my gosh, roger ailes telling old war stories, donald trump unfocused . How could this not lead to a great result in the debate . I love all this talking about, oh, this camp inside the Trump Campaign are saying, this camp. Its all donald trump. If donald trump wants to focus, and he wants to prepare for the debate, thats fine. I just go to the first page of art of the deal. Its not how hes been doingbeds for the last 40 years. He literally says, i dont prepare. Thats not what i do. Thats not what makes me successful. I dont prepare for my day. I just show up and see what happens. And thats what hes been doing this whole campaign, and who is going to walk in there and say, hey, donald, you need to change your m. O. That you think has been working for you for 40 years. The lesson he learned over the last 16 months is just being himself and winging it has worked. There have been rewards. He went from 1 of the primary to winning the primary, becoming the nominee. Now hes on the doorstep of the white house. His thinking is why would he change. This bit in the New York Times piece about some in the camp are questioning steve bannon and Kellyanne Conway like its their fault, they righted the ship. Who is a whoever is attacking bannon and Kellyanne Conway are bitter outsiders because those two have righted the ship. You can go from the day they started. He has been more disciplined in the day in day out message, but its like a Baseball Player. If you get a Baseball Player that goes through the entire year and they go through the entire year doing this and that and that before they go up and bat, you know, good luck getting a batting coach to say, hey, dont do that. I dont want you to go up and do this beforehand. Everybody has a routine. Trump has his routines. Its paid off for him up to this point. You know what do you mean, no . Hes ahead in iowa by ten points. Every campaign at some level is a mirror reflection of the candidate at the top of the campaign. So donald trump has eliminated, eclipsed 16 other republican candidates. He did it his way. Hesinali not going to change as point. This campaign is about donald trump designed by donald trump, articulated by donald trump. Its who he is. And by the way, mika, i know you say its not working for him, i gotta tell you, hes doing about ten points better than mitt romney was doing in iowa four years ago. Hes doing a hell of a lot better than mitt romney was doing in wisconsin, a hell of a lot better than he was doing in pennsylvania, than he was doing in a lot of states. Most of us here this morning cannot predict who is going to be the next president of the United States. We could predict that four years eago. Thats true. Lets dough to katy tur. Theyre about to take off. I think the Trump Campaign is headed to New Hampshire. I dont know if you heard, theres a little talk on the set about concern about how the debate went, concern about debate prep. Any changes in strategy . Reporter well, it all depends really on how the polls are. When we go forward in the next two weeks, whether he significantly slipped. When hes close in the polls and you have seen this, he doesnt feel the need to change. Like he needs to become a more traditional candidate. After the debate the other day on monday, i have talked to a number of aides, multiple aides who say they wish he had done a little more preparation or a lot more preparation, frankly. They think he needs Going Forward more traditional debate prep. That involves standing behind a podium, potentially doing mock debates, having a debate coach actually come in and help him with his performance against Hillary Clinton. Watching tape from that debate to see how they can improve upon it. And also watching tape of clinton to find out how they can get under her skin. The campaign was confident about him going into that debate. They thought he was going to be president ial. But they were very clearly knocked off their game pretty early on when clinton started talking about his father and the loan that he gave him to start his business. That was not something that the candidate had necessarily expected from what we can tell, but the campaign does say and multiple aides do tell me they wish, they wish he had prepared a little more and theyre hoping Going Forward they can get him to take it more seriously. They do say that one thing that donald trump hates to do is lose. So those poll numbers go down, thats when i expect youll see him really start to prepare more in earnest. Thank you very much. The only problem is im not sure how you can prepare at this point. Well. You could prepare. You look and see what they did with sarah palin. It was like triage. They got her ready. Or george bush. He started prepping in april of 2000, he did 15 mock debates. And he was up against a guy, al gore, who was a consummate policy wonk, who is very experienced, and bush was able to learn how to focus on his three or four things, bringing every question back. Discipline can be depth. But you have to actually prepare. The choices are becoming a little clearer for voters, especially like as it pertained to millennial voters who might look for that thirdparty option. Hillary clinton and her campaign fanned out across the eastern seaboard to try to bring home millennial voters. Clinton was in durham, New Hampshire, with Bernie Sanders, where they talked about the future and issues like College Tuition and student debt. And clinton got a big assist from the obamas as well. Shes seen Third Party Candidates erode some of her support with Younger Voters and both the president and first lady had the same message. A vote for gary johnson or jill stein will help elect trump. And then that message was doubled down by gary johnson himself. Another blunder. Like, if you thought that aleppo moment here on the set was oh, my lord. Take a look, well, first of all, heres the aleppo moment, just in case you missed it. Take a look. What would you do if you were elected about aleppo . About aleppo . And what is aleppo . Youre kidding. No. Aleppo is in syria. Its the its the epicenter of the refugee crisis. Okay, got it. Got it. With regard to syria, i do think that its a mess. I think that the only way that we deal with syria is to join hands with russia to diplomatically bring that to an end. Okay. Okay. Typical gotcha media question. Fast forward to last night. Last night, this happened during a town hall with msnbcs Chris Matthews. Who is your favorite foreign leader . Who is my favorite . Anywhere in the country, any one of the continents. Name one you look up to, anybody. Mine was shimon peres. You have to do this. Anywhere, any continent. Canada, mexico, europe, asia, south america, europe. A foreign leader you respect. I guess im having an aleppo moment in the fourn president of mexico. Anywhere in the world. Anybody you like. Anybody, any former leader. The former president of mexico. Which one . Im having a brain dash im having a brain freeze. Fox, cedillo. Name a former leader you respect. Any foreign leader. Merkel. Okay, fine. Oh. He could not name anyone. A leader living or dead. Past or present. Julius caesar. America. Hold on. How does somebody what is bill weld thinking . Think theyre going to run for president and be this ignorant . Completely ignorant of just the most basic things. My children could answer those questions. Hes a protest candidate, right . Im not forgiving him. Im just saying thats not why hes there. I suspect the people who are voting him are not going to vote for him based on the strength of his Foreign Policy knowledge. Does he not read the newspapers. Does he not listen to the radio, watch tv. You can smoke pot and listen to the radio at the same time. Im not defending him. So i watched that moment last night. I was astounding and i know hes for legalizing palt. I looked up, and he told usa today in june that he had not smoked weed at that point for seven weeks and he would not smoke during the campaign. Im dead serious because i thought maybe it happens. We have all been there. But he says hes not smoking weed. So that makes it worse. The more serious point is there are enough people in this country who are so dissatisfied with donald trump and Hillary Clinton that are crying out for somewhere else to go. They would love not to vote for either of those candidates, but can you vote for him . He would be the commander in chief and he cant name a foreign leader. Still ahead on morning joe, hundreds of iamerican troops are heading to iraq. Well speak with Michael Hayden. And later, nevada went for george w. Bush in 2000 and 2004 and then president obama in 2008 and 2012, but an Unlikely Group of voters could help it swing back red. Latinos for trump . Jacob joins us with that story. First, bill karins with the forecast. Two big weather stories today. We already had historic flooding around fayetteville. The military bases down here are impassable. A twohour delay for schools because of eight inches of rain overnight, and now heavy rain moving up through and near baltimore, washington, d. C. , and right around the coastal areas of the delmarva peninsula. Well watch that today. 11 Million People at risk for flash flooding and the focus will shift to the mountains of virginia and West Virginia later tonight. Just got the update in on Tropical Storm matthew. Almost a hurricane already. Winds add 70 miles per hour. Once it gets up to 74, the becomes a hurricane. It should happen later on today or tonight. Its still moving to the west at 16 miles per hour. Well get the path update from the Hurricane Center at 11 00 a. M. We get them every six hours. This is from 5 00 a. M. It takes it as a category two hurricane, dangerously close late sunday night to jamaica, john t guantanamo, and then the could skirt off the east coast wednesday and thursday of next week. New york city, not as rainy as our friends to the south, in baltimore and also d. C. Just hit and miss showers today. Your rain will come tomorrow. Youre watching morning joe. Well be right back. Does your makeup remover every kissproof,ff . Cryproof, stayproof look . Neutrogena® makeup remover does. It erases 99 of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. Need any more proof than that . Neutrogena. President obama is ramping up americas military presence in iraq. Another 600 u. S. Troops are being deployed ahead of a major offensive to take back the city of mosulfrom isis militants. The white house says the new forceerize there to assist kurdish and iraqi fighters and are not in the combat role. It brings the total number of American Forces on the ground to around 5,000. The operation to retake mosul could begin by early next month. Meanwhile, in neighboring syria, americas relationship with russia appears to be unraveling as the sides support opposing forces in that countrys civil war. The Obama Administration now says it may stop working alongside moscow in targeting a mutual enemy, isis terrorists and their supporters. Thats because russia has been bombarding the city of aleppo at unprecedented levels. Hundreds of thousands of civilians are trapped there. If the u. S. Does suspend its coordinated cooperation with russia, it could spell more chaos in the wartorn nation where the battle lines are increasingly burned. Joining us now, the former director of the cia and nsa, retired general Michael Hayden. Syria in a total meltdown. Once again, we have our second american president in a row who thinks they can deal with Vladimir Putin. And are let down in the most extraordinary way. Yeah, its terribly disappointing. We have talked about this before. About our lack of leverage on russian behavior. And poor secretary kerry is out there, im reminded of a line from monty python, go away or i will be forced to taunt you a second time. Which is pretty much all the tools he has left in the kit. All is no physical pressure. No action that we seem to be willing to take to make the russians change course. Why are we not willing to blow up, to target assads fighters on the ground that are targeting civilians in aleppo . Joe, its complicated. We had nsc representatives here, they would talk about the legal structure that would be required and so on. But fundamentally, joe, its because the president doesnt want to do this. I am convinced that many senior advisers earlier in the game, when this was easier and would have been more effective, have recommended a more aggressive pattern. Does the president allow his final year in office to be the overseer of the continued genocide in aleppo . In syria . Does he really is that what he wants in his museum . The complete abandonment not only of aleppo but of syria . The responsibility of hundreds of thousands of deaths on him . Of course he doesnt want it. But that is going to be the legacy. Hes not going to dramatically change course. I dont think anyone expects that. You see the inevitable carrying out of a lack of well, a lack of america putting its thumb on the scale the way the russians have put their thumb on the scale. Can we think of any time that the world has stood by like this . Its Samantha Power writes, a problem from hell, but we got engaged in bosnia. Of course, the book, the abandonment of the jews back in the 80s, where fdr turned a blind eye to the holocaust. Can you is there a parallel where we have sat and watched hundreds of thousands of people slaughtered . We have, and in my professional lifetime. So bosnia, croatia, the dissolution of yugoslavia, were there, but were late in the game, and a quarter Million People were killed. The genocide in rwanda. We were there, but we went late. We finally separated the war in factions and provided some relief. But we did not intervene early enough. Thats why samantha wrote the book, and the president is actually created a structure within the nsc that would tee up these kinds of questions so that we could intervene more effectively, more early. But were not doing it here. So general, we are about roughly 120 days from a brandnew administration and a new president of the United States. What happens with a new administration and a new president given what has happened already to our reputation in the middle east as a result of syria . The degree of difficulty for the new administration . If its a trump administration, mike, i just dont know. Theres no real coherence other than were going to be really tough. And frankly, he doesnt seem to be very sensitive to the emotional needs of any of our allies. I think with secretary clinton, she begins to buy back trust. She will be more forward leading in this. She was more forward leaning in the administration. Shes mentioned safe zones. Shes mentioned nofly zones both of which are much harder to do now, but i think she would begin to move in that direction. A modest idea, just a strip along the Turkish Border and another strip along the jordanian border where you can actually provide some sort of safe haven, and then you simply say to the other players, dont go there. Were going to defend these people in these zones. The russians in a nofly zone, what would lead them to believe that we would do that we would have an or else in there . It would have to rely on the character of the president and frankly, the willingness of us to demonstrate there is an or else. And god, thats so much harder now, mike, than it would have been a year ago. Were exactly 12 months since the russian intervention. Thats made it infinitely more complex. Coming up on morning joe you could also swing an entire precinct for hillarys opponent with a protest vote or by staying home out of frustration. Because heres the truth. Either Hillary Clinton or her opponent will be elected president this year. Its not about voting for the perfect candidate. There is no such thing. Do you want Hillary Clinton to be your president or do you want her opponent to be your president. That is the choice. Hillary clinton and her campaign tried to gain back support from Younger Voters. Nbcs Kristen Welker joins us with her new reporter. Plus, how america got to this moment where someone like donald trump could be the republican nominee for president and maybe even win. Kurt andersen joins us with a look at how this happened not just politically but culturally. Youre watching morning joe. If youre 50 or over, what comes to mind when you think about healthcare . Wbr id wbr89546 understanding your options . Or, if youre getting the care you need . At aarpadvantages. Com, you can find helpful information about healthcare options. Leaving you more time to think about more important things. Wbr id wbr89866 like not having to think about healthcare at all. Surround yourself with healthy advantages b at aarpadvantages. Com health. Weve just been hearing youre a digital company, yet here you are building a jet engine. Well, ge is digital and industrial. Like Peanut Butter and jelly. Yeah. Ham and cheese. Cops and robbers. Yeah. Nachos and karate. Ahh. Not that one so much. The rest were really good. Socks and shoes. Ok, ricky. 32 past the hour. Joining us now, bestselling authder, radio host kurt andersen. Tonight, his radio show is premiering an hourlong special that takes a cultural look at how we got to this moment in politics. Heres a clip. Were going to have a presidency that follows the contours of reagan in the sense that its going to be a movie. But the movie is a very, very different movie than the one that Ronald Reagan presented, which was a genial, uplifting kind of film. You know, this would be four years of a very angry, resentful kind of movie. When you see vengeance on the screen, its on the screen. And it stays there. Vengeance in real life in the office of the presidency is another thing entirely. 50 years from now, historians are going to look at this period and theyre going to be scratching their heads and wondering how in the world did this happen. And the answer will be, entertainment. Thats how it happened. Or anger. Anger and entertainment. You have anger. Yeah. Thats been growing since jobs started going to japan in 73 and 74. And thats why donald trump still talks about japan all the time, because hes still living in the 70s and 80s, but we knew about the anger, bubt the stagnant household incomes, about the politics that led us here but the thing our studio 360 is about is the blurring of the lines between entertainment and politics. I mean, you can say you can pick your starting point. We pick it with john f. Kennedy and the beginning of television. He was such a witty, carey grant kind offi figure. Which of course, the ikes of the world were almost aghast that a rich boys ad he did, a rich boys dad bought him the white house. Theyre almost as auguaaghast al of us are of trump. He also got the movie of his war hero made while he was in hospital. Got to pick the script, the actor. Also had somebody write a pulitzerprize winner book for him. That, too. In 1968, you had nixon appearing on laughin. But that was so we got there by bits and pieces. Ronald reagan, obviously, a m e movie star, talking about in the dubai, the wardrobe budget of the pentagon, but really understanding to be president , to be a president ial candidate, youre a performer of it. We then have this but its not a comedy. It is not a comedy, but the lines between what is reality and what is politics and what is entertainment have been blurred. You have candidates for the last 25 years going on saturday night live each time, and on Late Night Television to play in sketches. Also about marketing. Mika also flinch whz i say it, but i always said that barack obama was sold like a bag of potato chips. He was just marketed. Im reading a biography of bobby kennedy, and his father screamed out to somebody, were going to package my boy like a bag of corn flakes. And who was the great shocking 1968 Nixon Campaign about, the book by joe mcginniss, the selling of the president , mr. Roger ailes was the genius who changed it. As soon as he saw how that election went and nixon won, he said this has changed it forever. So how do you fit Bernie Sanders, not famous, not telogenic, how do you fit his success into that . And not a World Wrestling hall of famer. Right. He is he is an entertaining and interesting outlier. The reality tv candidate who like, look, he actually made it. Of course, he didnt make it. He didnt get the nomination. Got pretty close. Very close in the conventional 20th century person Hillary Clinton beat him, who was playing a different game. Im not saying entertainment explains it all, but this 50year morphing toward entertainment does explain donald trump. So donald trump has, it seems to be, both of those things going. He knows how to entertain. What hes done for 30 years of his life, and also a large swath of the country that is receptive to someone completely new and different. You cant have one without the other. You have to have both together to succeed at the level he has. When i was doing spy magazine in the late zaths and he used to talk about running for president , we said, please, sir, please. But it wasnt serious because the time was not yet right. The blurring of reality. We hadnt had Reality Television yet. We hadnt had all this entertainment of politics yet. And we didnt have the stagnant wages and the Political Economic conditions that made his moment now, and here it is. You know, well see if its a perfect storm, but the combination of the economics and politics with this generation or two or politics as entertainment. Donald trumps moment. Again, you can go back to Ronald Reagan. For sure. And ge theater throughout much of the 1950s, six, seven, eight years and then hes governor. Same thing here. You can catch this new studio 360 special. Starting tonight on public radio stations. Check your local listings for that. In the studio 360 podcast feed which you can subscribe to. Kurt andersen, thank you very much. Great to have you on. Cant wait. Up next, we head west for one of the tightest races of all, nevada. Jacob soboroff joins us to explain how hispanic voters could make the difference after all. Back after this. Does psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching moment . If you have moderate to severe psoriasis, you can embrace the chance of completely clear skin with taltz. Taltz is proven to give you a chance at completely clear skin. With taltz, up to 90 of patients had a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. In fact, 4 out of 10 even achieved completely clear skin. Do not use if you are allergic to taltz. Before starting you should be checked for tuberculosis. Taltz may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. Tell your doctor if you are being treated for an infection or have symptoms. Or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. Inflammatory bowel disease can happen with taltz. Including worsening of symptoms. Serious allergic reactions can occur. 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Lets bring in Msnbcs Jacob Soboroff live in las vegas. What are you hearing . Hey, good morning, mika, good morning, joe. Its surprising, frankly. This is donald trump who no secret, judge curiel, build a wall, have mexico pay for it, he said mexicans were rapist and criminals. When jow say, you look at the numbers nationally, 18 seems high. Here in nevada where its 30 , its frankly puzzling. I called up jesus marquez, a member of Donald Trumps hispanic advisory council. He happens to be a radio host here, and i said can i go on your show and talk to listens to see if any latinos for trump call in. He let me do it. Heres what happened. [ speaking spanish ] soboroff. Did i say it right . Soboroff. Close enough. Close enough. Llt lets go to what we wanted to talk about, about politics. Yes, and not only that, 30 of the latino vote, but a very, very close race here. Effectively a tie. Donald trump is getting 30 of the latino vote in nevada. Im curious to hear from your listeners why. My name is vanessa, and im a Small Business owner. I just finished watching Donald Trumps business class, and im in favor of donald trump. I just, you know, saw hes going to be helping us, the Small Businessperson. So of course, im voting for him. In terms of his comments about latinos generally, about jurj curiel, about the border, do you believe hes a racist . No, i dont. I believe hes a person who speaks his mind. Im tired of the normal politician that goes out there and gets polished. They get taught how to speak. Hey, juan. Good morning. Yes, im going to tell you why im voting for donald trump. Illegal immigration is not a big issue for me. My big issue is jobs and creating and having a better economy. And you think donald trump is better suited to that . Possibly deporting them, i would not like to see that because i do have some that are friends, but if it happen has happen the better to economy and secure the borders. The main issue is jobs and the economy, correct . Correct. Jobs and the economy. So much more about their economic selfinterest than latinos as a group as a whole. Lets be honest. Donald trump is still getting his clock cleaned with latinos out here. The latest flap with Miss Universe doesnt help. Im sure i will hear from people on social media saying were crazy for even focusing on this, but 30 is a large number. More than we expected. Jacob, thank you so much. Thank you. Nice work. Thank you. Coming up, trump said he held back in not going after bill clintons scandals in the first debate. Well hear how the clinton camp is preparing for round two in case he does. Keep it right here on morning joe. If you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Introducing Otezla Apremilast . Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. 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Lly it took awhile to sink in. We had to think a little more seriously about saving money for the future and for the kids. The income of airbnb really helped to mitigate the stress. But we have that flexibility of knowing that if you know things get worse, we have this to help keep us afloat. So thats very, very important for us. When making life or death war or peace decisions, a president just cant pop off or lash out irrationally. No. We need an adult in the white house. I guarantee you, we know that hillary is the right person because we have seen her character and commitment, not just during this campaign, but over the course of her entire life. And for those who question her stamina to be president , hillarys resilience is more than proven as she said on monday night. Shes the only candidate in this race who has traveled to 112 countries, who has negotiated a ceasefire, a peace agreement, a release of dissidents, who spent 11 hours testifying before a congressional committee, and when she gets knocked out, she doesnt complain. He doesnt cry foul. No, she gets back up. She comes back stronger for the people who need her most. Joining us from white plains, new york, nbc News White House correspondent Kristen Welker who is traveling with Hillary Clinton to an event in des moines, iowa, today. The Clinton Campaign making a push to tap into the support that senator Bernie Sanders has. Reporter thats absolutely right. We saw that on display yesterday at the university of New Hampshire. Secretary clinton and Bernie Sanders holding their second joint appearance there, and his message to those Younger Voters who almost all supported him during the primary was, its now time to vote for secretary clinton. And he talked about the facthat secretary clinton largely adopted his plan for college affordability, trying to make public colleges free for many americans. Secretary clinton really needs Bernie Sanders. Right now, she is beating donald trump when it comes to the Younger Voters, but the thirdparty candidates are getting a serious look bike millennials. Gary johnson gets 16 , and clinton off where president obama was with young voters at this point in the race in 2012. I spoke to some of the Younger Voters who said they supported senator sanders in tprimary, an i asked if they were ready to support clinton now. How much do you think Bernie Sanders being here today campaigning for Hillary Clinton helps Younger Voters like yourself decide to vote for clinton . You may have seen from the event here, it was over capacity. Everybody takes things in different ways, but i feel it was definitely a positive thing having him here. Him campaigning as hard assee is right now, motivates me to get out there for her. And mika, worth noting that one of those students saying that he is going to vote for jill stein. His mind is made up, even though he doesnt think jill stein is going to win. This comes as the clinton team is bracing for sharper attacks from donald trump and his surrogates. The trump team signaling theyre going to get personal. You heard trump start to talk about that after the debate, praising himself for not raising bill clintons pa incretidiscre. That may be changing. The reaction in clinton world is to dismiss it and say its a distraction because donald trump doesnt have policy issues to tox about. Were set to head the iowa later today. By the way, early voting starts in iowa today. Thank you very much. Who around here thinks hes going to bring up personal problems of bill clinton . Do you really . Yes. In the debates . In a town meeting . No, before that. As he has already. Not with her standing on the stage with him. I doubt it. Maybe somebody else will. Hes going to have like Rudy Giuliani and who else . Newt. Those are two guys perfectly positioned to criticize the personal lives. Perfectly positioned. Are they really going to do that . Is rudy going to finish his Public Service this way . Well, i think a lot of people who work for Rudy Giuliani and city hall are concerned about what he is doing to the image that he had when he was there. Especially the september 11th image compared to his image today. I talked to several people who are very concerned about it. He has an important legacy, a very, very important legacy for this city that he needs to protect. This election is going to be over in a couple months. He needs to protect his legacy, and what he did for the city and this country in the hours and days and weeks following september 11th. I would say that goes for all republicans right now who are in office. He has really diminished that legacy. He needs to protect his legacy. Up next, new yorker magazine gives donald trump the pageant treatment. Well reveal their new cover image ahead on morning joe. 98,352 whats that . The number of units well make next month to maximize earnings. Thats a projection. No, its a fact. Based on hundreds of proprietary and open data sets folded into a realtime, actionable analytics model. Nine. Eight. Three. Five. Two. Youre not gonna round that up . You dont round up facts. Powerful analytics driving decisions for the worlds most valuable brands. Hewlett packard enterprise. Explore your Treatment Options with specialists who treat only cancer. Every stage. Every day. At Cancer Treatment centers of america. Learn more at cancercenter. Com experts. Stop clicking around. Travel sites to find a better price. The lowest prices on our hotels are always at hilton. Com. So pay less and get wbr id wbr105533 more only at hilton. Com. b using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i bought all the framework. Wire. And plants needed wbrid wbr105853 to give my shop. A face. No one will forget. See what the power of points can do for your business. Learn more at chase. Com ink do you have anything further to say on this Miss Universe thing . No, not much. I mean, look, i hardly know this person. This is a person 20 years ago. A lot of things are coming out about her. Im not going to say anything. I couldnt care less. But its somebody i dont know, dont know very well. I saved her job. Because they wanted to fire her for putting on so much weight, and it is a beauty contest. Say what you want, but they know what theyre getting into. Its a beauty contest. I said, dont do that, let her try to lose weight. Can you imagine i end up in a position like this . I dont know her. The correct answer is, i dont think so. I dont think so. I dont think so. Just want to get people back to work. Change washington. Heres the new cover of the new yorker. A beauty contest. Yeah. Okay. Mark halperin. Miss congeniality. Funny. What did you learn today . Whats that, you do . Oh, good, mark, you spoke to Katrina Pierson yesterday. This is from set this up for us. Just, the woman who trump t criticizes on megyn kellys show, and then megyn kelly brought in Katrina Pierson to respond. Take a look. I think if we look at the contest, were talking about beauty pageant. These individuals who participate in these contests have a weight clause in their contract. But he has called some women fat pigs. Hes constantly evaluating women on a number, if theyre a seven, a ten. Hes very into the body shape of women. Absolutely. Mr. Trump owned a beauty pageant. Thats where some of that comes from. That is also entertainment. That is also television. When you look at the women, for example, like his wife, and his daughters, they say he treats everyone the same. We cant just pull out one section of women and say he only does this to women. He will criticize those who criticize him. But you cant be a ten if youre flat chested. He hasnt said the equivalent of a man. Everyone has their own opinion of what a ten is. So true. Its a subjective thing. Thats a defense. To you, its a ten. To me, its an eight. Wow. Yeah. Really good appearance. So fox isnt talking about this . Other than megyn kelly. They didnt cover it . Almost not at all. Did they see it when it happened . It was on their channel. Another morning show had that trump interview when he made the news you think they would want to cover it like everyone else. I learned the man getting the third most votes right now in the yoousz in the president ial election cannot name a foreign leader. Mike . From the chakhan family to alicia machado, its the things at the edge of the circle that sometimes sink you. Were laughing about gary johnson. I think his continued stumbles and his complete inability to prove he has any, any knowledge thats required to be president of the United States, we may be looking back at these mistakes and realizing that they actually do change in a very big way who is president of the United States, bought donald trump is not going to get 50 of the vote. His hope is for gary johnson and jill stein to split it up. Thats not going to happen because he keeps doing what he did last night. What did you learn . Im ee

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