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And theres nobody more honorable than rob portman of ohio because he called up, please let the money, i said rob, i hate being the country thats always giving money. When ukraine helps europe and the European Countries far more than they help us. Theyre like a wall between russia and europe. Theyre like a wall. Theyre a big, wide, beautiful wall, and he said, you know what . But its important, and in fact, he came soout and he said that. That was my only reason because i dont like being the sucker country. We were the sucker country for years and years. Were not the sucker country anymore but i gave the money because rob portman and others called me and asked. But i dont like to be the sucker, and European Countries are helped far more than we are, and those countries should pay more to help ukraine. Ask a question, please. Thank you, sir. What about mr. Biden . What did you want about biden . What did you want him to look into on biden . Look, biden and his son are stone cold crooked, and you know it, his son walks out with millions of dollars. The kid knows nothing. You know it, and so do we. Go ahead, ask a question. But the question, sir, was what did you want president zelensky to do about Vice President biden and his son hunter. Are you talking to me . Yes, it was just a followup of what i just asked you, sir. Listen, are you ready, we have the president of finland, ask him a question. I have one for him. I just wanted to follow up on the one i asked you did you hear me . Ask him a question. Ive given you a long answer, ask this gentleman a question, dont be rude. No, sir, i dont want to be rude. I just wanted you to have a chance to answer the question i asked you. Ive apsed everything, its a whole hoax. You know whos playing into the hoax, people like you and the Fake News Media that we have in this country, and i say in many cases the corrupt media because youre corrupt. Much of the media in this country is not just fake. Its corrupt, and you have some very fine people, too, great journalists great reporters, but to a large extent its corrupt, and its fake. Ask the president of finland a question, please. Okay. Ill move on now. Mr. President , in your opening remarks you said to President Trump that you had been to some museums today and that you respected the u. S. Democracy and encouraged him to continue it. Are you concerned that thats not happening, and my second question to you, sir, is the wto rule today in favor of the United States saying that the United States can now impose tariffs on european goods because of illegal subsidies against air bus. That was a big win for the United States, right . You never had wins with other president s, did you . But were having a lot of wins at the wto this was a case that started, i think, 10 or 15 years ago. Excuse me, the wins are now because they think i dont like the wto, and they want to make sure im happy because all of those countries were ripping off the United States for many years. They know that im wise to it. Weve had a lot of wins. This was a 7 billion win, not bad. I think the question is for me. The question is sir, if youre concerned that the president will impose those tariffs and the effect that that may have on the economy. Yes, first of all, may i refer to your democracy, i just wanted to tell that im impressed what American People have gained during these decades, 100 or so years building up very impressive democracy, so keep it going on. To wto, i have a lot of respect to multilateralism and to International Institutions so wto has given now a decision which is, well, quite tough with europe. But i just say that the wto has said its opinion, and thats that. I just want to finish by saying its an honor to be with the president of finland. Hes done a fantastic job, very popular, beloved over in finland. The wto has been much better to us since ive been president because they understand they cant get away with what theyve been getting away with for so many years, which is ripping off the United States, and please remember the president s last remarks that we are a great democracy. We have great. The United States is a great democracy, and im airing what im airing because we are, in fact, a democracy, and if the press were straight and honest and forthright and tough, we would be a far greater nation. We would be far greater when we dont have the cnns of the world who are corrupt people. Thank you very much, everybody. President donald trump lying to the American People and the world at a pace perhaps we havent seen before, just in the course of the five minutes since ive been sitting in this chair, the president uttered several lies including the fact that the United States has provided more to ukraine than European Countries, the ukraine is the most corrupt nation in the world. There have been no president ial victories on trade prior to his arrival, and he was corrected by jeff mason reminding him that a current wto ruling that was issued today is actually the subject of many years of effort by the United States, none of which virtually none of which involved donald trump. I dont know how Kristen Welker is in the east room of the white house where this just ended. Even by the standard of contentious exchanges with reporters, this one was high up on the list. This was high up on the list. The president clearly defiant and even angry at the end when he was asked a very direct question by my colleague jeff mason what specifically did he want the president of ukraine, president zelensky to do in regards to the bidens. The former Vice President and his son hunter biden, the president wouldnt give him a direct answer. Instead choosing to lash out at the broader impeachment inquiry. This is the tactic that we have seen by this president , and you really saw it play out throughout the entirety of this press conference taking every chance to attack adam schiff who he has dubbed quote, shifty schiff, and taking every chance to take aim at House Speaker nancy pelosi. He was asked at the top if he would comply with the document request, for example, ali, and he never answered that question directly. We never heard a yes from President Trump. What we do know is that press secretary Stephanie Grisham in the moments after we learned about that potential subpoena for documents, instead of saying they would cooperate chose to cast whats happening on capitol hill as a kangaroo court. So we saw more of that anger and defiance from President Trump as he tries to argue that the phone call was, quote, unquote, perfect, and yet of course everyone has seen the contents of the call and can decide for themselves. But i think what we saw here, ali, underscores the fact that this is something that is getting under President Trumps skin, to say the least. He has taken over the communications here at the white house to deal with this, and some of his outside allies have a lot of concerns that theres not a broader strategy, and i think you saw that on display here just moments ago. So theres this, theres the arguments with the adam schiff and the media the president has, but theres another aspect to this, and that is the white house has stonewalled previous subpoenas from capitol hill. Were now on our third round of subpoenas, three different sets of subpoenas in the last week having to do with the ukraine phone call. Do we have some sense of strategy from the white house . Because these subpoenas will arrive. They will in some cases be followed by Court Filings if theyre not if theyre not responded to. Whats the white house planning on doing on that front rather than the communications front . Reporter well, if past is precedent, i think you can expect to see the white house try to block documents and testimony. That is what we have seen from them in the past, and theyre not giving any signs that theyre going to change course. Ive been asking the white house all morning long if theyre going to cooperate with these new requests for documents, and i have not gotten one person here to say yes, instead defiance, a lot of officials here echoing what you just heard from President Trump, and again, ali, i think President Trump gave you a sense of what we can expect to see when he was asked if they were going to cooperate with these requests, the president saying, look, well work with them, but never saying yes, were going to hand over those documents. So this is an intensifying standoff, and think about what we heard from the secretary of state. Mike pompeo who has accused House Democrats of buly bullyin current and former staffers to try to get them to testify, he is certainly signaling he has no plans to cooperate. Kristen welker, thank you. Kristen in the east room of the white house where the president for the second time today has appeared before reporters. The do nothing democrats should be focused on building up our country, not wasting everyones time and energy on bs. Thats the words im using. The president wasnt that nice in the tweet he sent out today in the house impeachment inquiry into his july phone call with ukraines leader. He used a different word instead of my acronym bs. The tweet was one of many in which he continued to defend the call and blast House Democrats. The president kept up the attacks during his news concerns with the president of finland that just ended. To impeach a president over a fraud that was committed by other people that want to win an election in 2020, which they wont, is incredible. This is the greatest hoax. Now, its gone on for a long time. We had the mueller collusion delusion, okay . That went on for years. The president s comments came hours after the chairs of the house oversight, intelligence, and Foreign Affairs committees said they plan to subpoena the white house for documents related to the ukraine call. The chairman wrote in a memo quote the white houses fragrant disregard of multiple voluntary requests for documents combined with stark and urgent warnings from the Inspector General about the gravity of these allegations have left us with no choice but to issue this subpoena. It also follows confirmation from secretary of state mike pompeo that he did in fact listen in on the president s phone call with ukraines president after denying that he had done so. He also used a News Conference in rome to address why he is pushing back against congressional requests to interview current and former state Department Officials. What we objected to was the demands that were put that are deeply violate fundamental principles of separation of powers. We will of course do our constitutional duty to cooperate with this coequal branch, but were going to do so in a way that is consistent with the fundamental values of the american system, and we wont tolerate folks on capitol hill bullying, intimidating state Department Employees. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Intelligence Committee chair adam schiff talked about the impeachment inquiry during a News Conference this morning and had strong words for the president and secretary pompeo. Lets not make any mistake here, the president wants to make this all about the whistleblower and suggest people that come forward with evidence of his wrongdoing are somehow treasonous, and should be treated as traitors and spies. This is a blatant effort to intimidate witnesses. Its an incitement of violence. One thing the president brought up during his News Conference is a report from the New York Times that the House Intelligence Committee learned about the outlines of the whistleblowers concerns about the president days before the complaint was filed. The House Intelligence Committee is now responding to that report. Nbcs Geoff Bennett joins us now from capitol hill. Lets just hit on that last piece of news, geoff. Theres some sense that the house knew about this report. Tell me about what they knew. Reporter right, so the New York Times, ali, is reporting that adam schiff, the house intelligence chairman got advance notice that the whistleblower had a complaint to make. The New York Times reports that the whistleblower tried to elevate this complaint through the agency where he or she works. The times reports the name of that agency. I will not say the name of ha agency out of respect for the whistleblowers privacy. There was some concern about the way the complaint was being handled. At that point the whistleblower approached the House Intelligence Committee to get some guidance about how to convey the nature of the complaint. At no time, according to the committee, did mr. Schiff learn about the substance of the complaint, so here is a statement from patrick boland, the spokesperson for adam schiff as conveyed to alex moe. He said the whistleblower contacted the committee for guidance on how to report possible wrongdoing within the jurisdiction of the intelligence committee. At no point did the Committee Review or receive the complaint in advance. He continues, the committee did not receive the complaint until the night before the acting director of National Intelligences opening hearing before the committee. More than three weeks after the legal deadline by which the committee should have received the complaint. So in that press conference we just saw, where the question was conveyed to President Trump that adam schiff might have had advance notice of what the complaint the was about, the question was completely misrepresentd and it teed President Trump up to make the claim that adam schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee had some hand in writing it, which is completely false according to the reporting and according to the statement from the committee. Hopefully that clears some of that up. As this fight plays out, the state department has gone to the Inspector General is on capitol hill at this hour to brief lawmakers about what has been described as an urgent matter related to the state department and ukraine. What do we know about what is going on . Why is the state department Inspector General on capitol hill talking to lawmakers . Reporter a couple of things. I can tell you that the state Department Ig Steve Linick is here, we cant have cameras over there, other sidewise i would br there talking to you. We dont know what the substance of this urgent matter is. We know that it came directly after secretary of state mike pompeo pushed back on House Democrats demands to depose those five current and former state Department Officials as part of its ongoing impeachment inquiry. There is some outside reporting that this might have something to do with retaliation within the state department aimed at career officials who are trying to cooperate with House Democrats. That has not yet been confirmed by nbc, but other reputable news organizations are reporting that. What we do know is that this has something to do with a document that was provided to the i. G. s office by the Legal Adviser of the state department, so that suggests to me a couple of things. One, theres a paper trail that could be material in this ongoing investigation, and two, the timing matters here as well because the staffers for these relevant committees are being updated about this in advance of the depositions that they plan to take. So right now we know that the relevant committees will hear from two of the five current and former state Department Officials. Tomorrow well hear from theyll hear from kurt volker, the former envoy to the ukraine. He, according to the whistleblower complaint knows a lot about what Rudy Giuliani was up to as he was trying to run that influence Campaign Across Eastern Europe and then next friday youll hear also the committee will hear from behind closed doors, they will depose the former ambassador to the ukraine who the Trump Administration effectively brought back and she of course would know a lot too. Shed have a front row seat so whatever Rudy Giuliani was trying to do there, stirring up suspicion can digging up dirt on joe biden. Thanks as always. Jeff ben et reporting from capitol hill. This is an ongoing story and geoff will be back to us as soon as we have more developments. Joining us now is ambassador nancy sotoberg, a former u. S. Representative to the United Nations and a Deputy National security adviser during the clinton administration. Shes currently the director of Public Service Leadership Program at the university of north florida. Thank you for joining us. I think we need to be clear for our viewers who may not understand when people are called from an agency like the state department to present or testify or talk to congress that theyre not actually allowed to have their bosses lawyers there. Pompeo is saying that congress trying to intimidate state Department Employees because congress is not allowing them to come to congress with state Department Lawyers, but in fact, the whole point is not to come with your bosss lawyers. You can come with your own representation, theyre entirely able to, but Congress Sees having your bosss lawyer sit next to you why testifying as possible intimidation, not the other way around. Right, you can bring a lawyer with you, and normally a state Department Lawyer might come with you if theres tricky questions about sanctions or anything like this, but this is an entirely unprecedented pressure on anyone who wants to go and testify to the house and senate authorities. What i would caution those who are trying to obstruct justice and the inquiry here is that the truth will come out, and everyone whos being caught in this web of trying to say no, no, no is going to be ending up as part of the obstruction of justice. This is always what people go down on, and what they need to do is just fess up. The questions that remain are significant. Who held up the aid to ukraine and why . The president had rightly increased that aid. This is a country under threat of russia. What was the process involved in there, when was it released and why . Who else has these individual emissaries of the president , we have other lawyers giuliani going around the world on taxpayer money presumably to try and come up with this investigation if theres something to investigate, let the professionals do it. So theres a whole cascade of information. It is all going to come out, so they should stop obstructing and just put it out and let the chips fall where they may. So theres obstruction. Theres the president who, by the way, said that the United States has provided much more in aid to ukraine yet another one of the many, many lies in his press conference that he just had, but he has also hes really going after this whistleblower. Hes saying he wants to know who this whistleblower is. He wants to know everybody who gave the whistleblower information because theyre spies. The other day he said that its treason and the penalty for trapezius treason, he said what we used to do too traitors, implying they will be executes. Thats a whole other thing. The government has methodology for allowing people to come forward and say there was some wrongdoing. The president is sending a very clear signal out there nobody else talk to anybody. This is what the president has done all of his life is obfuscate, never back down, attack, attack, attack. Hes gone after chairman schiff very viciously today, and what i think will emerge is there are three equal brafnches of government here. The president controls one, but it is staffed, even his bureaus are staffed with true patriots who are not going to be caught up in this web of obstruction, on few ska on few skags, they will be telling the truth. What youll see in this whistleblower and there will be others who emerge, is telling the truth of what happened and why they think some of the actions the president made were not in the interests of the United States, and you noticed in that press conference the president really didnt answer any of the questions. He went off on his absolute tactic of attack, attack, attack, throw up other issues that then, you know, the soccer ball is going to chase that for a while, and i think what Speaker Pelosi said today is exactly right. This is a somber serious process. Lets get the facts in front of the congress, in front of the public, and in front of the administration, and we will see where the chips fall. I dont know whether hell be impeached, but i do know that the information of what happened on the ukraine aid, who else what other governments are they going out after . You can the president , its very dangerous to be personally attacking those involved with this process. He also needs to respect the process, and he clearly does not, so thats not going to work. The congress is an independent branch that has the right to investigate these incidents, and they will get to the bottom of it. The former ambassador to ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch was expected to be deposed by the house. She may be deposed next week. In a phone call, the famous phone call, the president said to the president of ukraine, the former ambassador from the United States, the woman, was bad news, and the people she was dealing with in ukraine were bad news. Now, a number of almost 50 former female u. S. Ambassadors have written to the administration to President Trump to protest this, and in that letter its written that this appears to be a threat of retaliation for political reasons, which is both shocking and inappropriate. The reason i ask you this is because it brings into sharp relief the work that the state department and u. S. Diplomacy does that is very different and separate from political work that the president wants done, and the mixes of those two worlds is dangerous. Well, thats our government, though. I was a political appointee for eight years in the white house as the number three person up at the United Nations, and i had an agenda that we were pushing, and i would rely constantly on the professionals that staff the vast majority of the government. I was glad they were there. They know things. They have histories, and every now and then we would buck them like we did on the irish peace process. We listened to them very carefully before doing that. What you see throughout the government are patriots. I work side by side with people from the cia, the justice department, the pentagon, state department, i never once had any clue to where their political leanings were, and thats what the president s going to find is there are patriots throughout this government, which who have the courage to stand up for what they believe is correct, and they will come out and theyll be more whistleblowers. One of the president s aides has been on tv, stephen miller, he said this is the deep state. This these people that you describe as apolitical or nonpolitical or not knowing what their political beliefs are because theyre committed to being civil servants, some people describe as the deep state. Yeah, and thats because they dont have any real deep appreciation for just how hard policy making is and carrying out their oath of office, which is swearing to uphold the constitution, which every one of these servants has taken seriously to uphold. They like to work behind the scenes under the limelight. They are hardworking. Theyre in their offices by 7 00 in the morning, often until late hours because they believe in what the United States stands for and the policies that they are beholden to implement. And when you have instances where the oath is threatened, they are either going to speak up and protest it. They can quit, very few of them are going to take too many hits doing things that they see as wrong. I think what youre seeing now, there will be more information that comes out, other phone calls, who else was on the line. Who held up the ukrainian aid . Who else was involved in that decision . What was conveyed to the ukrainians when that aid was not provided to them . Was there a quid pro quo, whether it was on this phone call explicitly, and ari, you have to understand when a president is on the phone, that is a monumental moment for whoever is on the other end of the phone. When the president asks you for something, that in and of itself is dramatic pressure. And in this case unprecedented, and we will clear through all the smoke and mirrors that were seeing going on with the new issues that theyll keep pulling up because it has frankly worked for the president throughout his entire life and his last three years. He feels like he got through the Mueller Report just fine, but i would caution to him and to everyone involved in these investigations, tell the truth. Dont try and hide things. It never works, and its always the coverup is what brings people down. Its never what the original decision was. So be honest about what the original decision was. It will be far less painful, far less costly in legal fees, and actually, fulfilling your own oath to uphold the constitution. And whats happening is this circus of news and issues and tweets and new investigations and counter suits and all of this effort to not answer the fundamental questions. What was the situation under which that aid was suspended, who made that decision and why, and of course whats happening with all these lawyers running around the world trying to find out the biden history. Its fascinating, but it will all come out. You are optimistic. You leave this conversation on an optimistic note. As many have said, the truth comes out. We will ultimately get the truth. Thank you for joining me. My pleasure. A former United States ambassador to the United Nations. Up next, marking two years since the horrific mass shooting in las vegas, gun Safety Advocates and democratic president ial candidates are there discussing how to enact safer legislation. Were going to have a live report from our msnbc forum, and were going to talk to parkland Florida Shooting survivor and now gun safety advocate david hogg. Ill ask him whether any of the gun control plans from the 2020 candidates have impressed him. You are watching msnbc. 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And now, juul is pushing prop c to overturn ecigarette protections. Vote no on juul. No on big tobacco. No on prop c. Right now in las vegas marking the twoyear anniversary of the deadliest mass shooting in u. S. History. Gun add vvocate groups are host a forum. The candidates for president are presenting their plans for addressing gun violence epidemic. For more details on what the candidates have said so far, lets go to msnbcs craig melvin whos been moderating todays forum. What have you heard that stands out to you . Good to see you, buddy. So far weve heard from four of the nine that you mentioned. We started the morning with mayor Pete Buttigieg, the mayor of south bend, indiana, and then we heard from secretary julian castro, and then after secretary castro, senator booker, cory booker from new jersey, and then we just wrapped up before the lunch break with senator elizabeth warren, and as you know, there is not a great deal of daylight between a lot of the plans when you look at the plans from the democratic contenders. What has been most interesting is hearing the candidates talk about the issue of gun violence, in some cases in deeply personal terms. Also hearing from folks in the audience, the audience is comprised of survivors of gun violence, some survivors of Mass Shootings, some survivors of domestic violence, family members of those who have lost loved ones to gun violence. Those are the fakes who are m making up the audience. One of the more moving moments this morning has been gabby giffords, the former congresswoman. She got up to help kick things off skps off, and she made some comments. Shes also going to be asking a question of one of the candidates this afternoon. We still have yet to hear from Vice President joe biden whos actually going to be taking the stage at the top of the hour, senator Kamala Harris will also be here, beto orourke will be here, and then well finish thing up with andrew yang this afternoon. As you guys have noted, senator Bernie Sanders was set to participate, not participating because of that medical condition that was revealed just a few hours ago. So it has been, a ri, it has been fascinating to hear not just the problems because the problems as you know have been welldocumented, but hearing some of the ideas with regards to solutions, some ways to try and dramatically reduce the amount of gun violence that we have in this country. So let me ask you this, craig, is there a lot of space as you can tell between the candidates . They all believe that whatever system weve got going on right now is not working to prevent gun violence. Is there a lot of range, or is this sort of a we need to be united as democrats and present a face to the country. Id say more of the latter, not the former. I mean, there has been this morning some conversation over mandatory buyback versus voluntary buybacks with regard to assault weapons. It was interesting to hear senator cory booker since they threw down the gauntlet on a National Gun Registry program, and senator booker also beating his chest a bit saying that he was proud that some of the other candidates had come around to some of his positions that he said had been considered a bit out of the mainstream up until a few months ago. Joe biden, as you know, late last night, he dropped his plan to reduce gun violence. Weve been sifting through that over the past few hours. Looking forward to being able to ask senator biden about some of the specific policy aspects that hes proposing. Of course, when you look at the candidates who have a record on gun violence and dealing with the nra. Youve got Bernie Sanders, youve got joe biden. Youve got elizabeth warren, well spend some time talking about that record as well. Craig, thank you, food to goe you as always, my friend. Mayor Pete Buttigieg kicked off todays forum by criticizing the Trump Administrations efforts on combats white identity extremists and pledge. Weve got to confront White Nationalist violence as the National Security threat that it is. Now, this administration has actually cut funding for this, so there were Resources Available in the department of homeland security, for example, set up in the knowledge that part of keeping this country safe means keeping it safe from home grown extremists. I proposed adding a billion dollars to the funding for these activities because we have got to recognize the warning signs and act with the knowledge that not all domestic or sorry, not all terrorist threats come from abroad. Joining me now is parkland shooting survivor and one of the cofounders of march for our lives david hogg. Good to see you again. All the years that ive covered these Mass Shootings and school shootings, something happened after parkland that really motivated people thanks to you and your fellow classmates. But as we know, those Mass Shootings are not how most people die from gun violence. How do you use that argument, because people always like to write these people, these extremists off who shoot up Public Places by saying theyre unusual, theyre different. The problem is people die from suicides. People die from guns in their house all the time, and greater gun responsibility is something we often think about. Yeah, the way that i respond to that is that march for our lives recently released a comprehensive plan to dramatically reduce gun deaths over the next ten years if it was implemented today, and the way that i think people should be thinking about the White Nationalism and extremism is how often times Mental Health is used as a scapegoat to not talk about racism and patriarchy and, you know, the fact that we like to racially profile white men in this country because wed rather talk about Mental Illness and stigmatize that than talk about the root cause of the majority of these Mass Shootings, which is antisemitism and White Nationalism. Our president for sure plays a major role in both. Lets talk a little bit about the plan that you have suggested. It is talking about fundamentally changing the standards by which somebody can own a gun cutting the rate of gun deaths in ten years, cutting in half accountability for the gun lobby, naming a director of gun violence prevention, generating Community Based solutions and empowering the next generation. Youll notice the first letters of all of that spell out change. Lets talk about the first one, changing the standards of gun ownership. That is something youre getting a lot of pushback on. You know, you would think that we are, but i think in reality were really not. Legislatively we might be, but i think the majority of americans for the most part support a gun licensing system. Simply that you should need a license to buy a gun the same way you need a way to buy a car in the first place. The same way you need to have that car registered, you should need to pay annual registration fees for your weapon to be sure youre being safe with it. The majority of americans support strengthening the stupid background check system weve got in this country, where you can go to a gun show or get a gun from a relative. Do you think the majority of americans support licensing for guns . Yeah, i believe some of the polling has shown that. In some of the polling ive read about 60 of americans support a gun licensing system in the first place because they agree that something needs to be done about this. Universal background checks is just the first step. It cant be the last step, and we certainly need to do a lot more because the root cause of gun violence isnt simply a lack of background checks. Its historical injustice that affects communities across america from, you know, the most rogue communities to the most densely populated urban communities that have all experienced injustice in different ways. Thats part of what this plan hopes to approach is a comprehensive way of addressing those injustices because we know one of the number one predictors of where gun violence occurs the most in cities is where communities were red lined by the United States federal government and many different economic systems in the 1930s and 40s, and we know that a majority of gun deaths happen in communities in Rural America in suburban america that are in extreme despair and are affected by massive amounts of environmental injustice and dont get the help that they need because in every community in the United States everything youre pointing out is not Mass Shootings. Most deaths are not Mass Shootings, so what part of the change plan that you have do you think will most likely address that . All of the stuff that doesnt make the news, all the stuff, you know, people die every day, and theres no mention of them. Yeah, i think what it does more than anything, basically you would say all of it approaches and addresses the parts that dont get on tv on a daily basis. Extremist protection orders for example. A lot of these gun licensing systems have shown dramatic impact in places like connecticut where theyve seen homicides go down in massive amounts and gun suicides as well go down. We know that one of the number one predictors of the likelihood of somebody dying as a result of suicide is whether or not theres a gun in their household. Now, i want to point out something incredibly important that i think people dont understand about a majority of these candidates plans, and its that all of them have these point by point plans. They dont have a comprehensive plan. What we need right now in the United States is not bandaids on the bullet hole that is the United States of america and in our children and in the future of our country, we need an absolute major we need we essentially need a system of blocking that and actually stopping the bleed in the first place. We need a system and a plan that isnt just universal background checks and then well see if we can get that, and then well go and try doing an extremist protection. We need a Civil Rights Act for violence and White Nationalism to be stopped in the United States. And david, im just looking at a september npr pbs news hour marist poll where it was asked about requiring individuals to obtain a license before purchasing a gun. It does show 72 of americans in favor of that. Its even a majority of people who identify themselves as republicans. David, good to talk to you, thank you. Yes, thank you so much. I appreciate it. My pleasure. David hogg is a cofounder of march for our lives and a parkland shooting survivor. Shes been an outspoken advocate for impeachment and now says the president should be removed from office and thrown behind bars. Im going to talk with congresswoman Maxine Waters about the state of the impeachment inquiry next. Plus, how the president s unhinged leadership style shapes policy and the effect it will have on future administrations. You are watching msnbc. You should be mad they gave this guy a promotion. You should be mad at forced camaraderie. And you should be mad at tech that makes things worse. But youre not mad, because you have e trade, whos tech makes life easier by automatically adding technical patterns on charts and helping you understand what they mean. Dont get mad. Get e trades simplified technical analysis. Hi. Maria ramirez mom maria Maria Ramirez. Mcdonalds is committing 150 Million Dollars in tuition assistance, education, and career advising programs. Prof Maria Ramirez mom and dad Maria Ramirez to help more employees achieve their dreams. President trump lashed out during a press conference alongside the president of finland this afternoon expressing deep frustration at the state of the impeachment inquiry launched by House Democrats and he made the target of his anger wellknown. Will you cooperate with those subpoenas . Well, i always cooperate. This is a hoax. This is the greatest hoax. This is just a continuation of whats been playing out, john, for the last since my election i would say. I had a great call with the president of ukraine. It was 100 , you have the transcript, and then schiff went up and as the chairman of the committee got up and related a call that didnt take place. He made up the language. Hard to believe, nobodys ever seen this. I think he had some kind of a mental breakdown. Thinks he had some kind of a mental breakdown. I lost track of the number of times the president lied in that little press conference, but he said i always cooperate with subpoenas. Going to leave you to figure that one out for yourself. This latest tirade comes after House Speaker nancy pelosi and house intelligence chairman adam schiff, who he thinks had a mental breakdown, gave an update into the progress of the house impeachment inquiry putting the white house on notice. We see the actions of this president being an assault on the constitution. Once we had his even admission to that, we had no choice but to go forward. Its hard. We want to weigh the equities. We want to be fair as we go forward. We want to make it abundantly clear that any effort by the secretary, by the president , or anyone else to interfere with the congresss ability to call before it relevant witnesses will be considered as evidence of obstruction of the lawful functions of congress. Joining me now democratic congresswoman Maxine Waters who expressed support for pursuing impeachment well over a year ago. I dont know, do people call you when the president calls them names because youre far beyond that. He was i think you might have been one of his earliest targets, certainly one of his early targets. Yes, absolutely. He has called me names as hes called many others names, and ive been at this almost two years because i understand the danger of this president. I understand that he has cl colluded with russia. I understand that hes embraced putin. I also understand that he really wants to be and act like a dictator, and im very worried about our entire government. Im worried about his administration, and the fact that he has enlisted those who will protect him, stand up for him no matter what he does, and so now you have the head of our state department of state. You have got also our attorney general, where do we turn to try and get some help and some truth about what is going on . Were in a dangerous time, and more than that, this man is dog whistling about a civil war. This is dangerous. And so were going to move forward with impeachment. I think that nancy pelosi did a great job, and i think that she is focused, and now we all must be focused, and im so pleased that we have more than a majority in our caucus, and so were moving forward. So Nancy Pelosis focused but you did say, you just heard her say, we want to weigh the equities. We want to move swiftly and follow the facts. You have said that you think donald trump should be thrown in solitary confinement. Are you worried that maybe your passions about him are getting past the speed at which nancy pelosi would like to run the impeachment hearings . I think that most people know me and know what ive been doing for the last two years. They know ive spoken about the president s lack of understanding or appreciation for the constitution. He doesnt care about the democracy and how he has undermined all of those who are trying so hard to make this democracy stronger, and so i think people know me, and i think that they know i have the best interests of this country at heart and that ive worked very hard, and that ive spoken truth to power in ways that many others didnt even have the courage to do it. And so im not worried about anybody thinking that somehow i am not on track to move forward with my caucus and with the speaker to be focused, laserlike on what we have to do to move this impeachment inquiry forward. Youve got tough skin. Youve been attacked by the president several times, but you are an elected official. Theres a very different flavor when the president goes after this whistleblower and anybody who informed the whistleblower. There is language that the president used including calling them traitors and spies. Today again saying i want to know who this person is. Someone needs to turn this whistleblower in and that he tweeted in fact consequences. I think going after Maxine Waters is different than going after a whistleblower. Well, whatever. He shouldnt be going after anybody. Hes a president of the United States of america. He is setting some of us up to be killed. I have Death Threats constantly. There are a number of people who have been convicted for threatening to kill me. And when he does that, hes dog whistling to the white supremacist, the kkk and the dangerous people. We have stories about many of those White Supremacists who do nothing but practice how they are going to be involved in a civil war and fight against its government. And this president is irresponsible in so many ways, aside from making us a target of these White Supremacists and those who would kill us in a civil war. Some of us would be the first to be killed. And so i want to tell you whether its Maxine Waters or whether its a whistleblower, he has no business doing that. Do you think hes endangering peoples safety . Oh, absolutely. I mean, i cant go to the Grocery Store anymore by myself. I have to pay for security all the time. I cant move around the country without security. And the whistleblower is protected by law. And he should not be talking about he wants to interview them. If he knew anything about law, he wouldnt be so ignorant as to think that somehow anybodys going to allow him to interview a whistleblower. Representative Maxine Waters, good to talk to you. Thank you for joining me today. Maxine waters of california. Next up, discussing the president ial brand of leadership and the lasting effect that it could have for generations. You are watching msnbc. Are watcc so, to breathe better, i started oncedaily anoro. Go your own way copd tries to say, go this way. 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The New York Times report on President Trumps idea for a border that soldiers shoot migrants in the leg to slow them down and fortifying the border wall with an alligator and snakefilled moat. But a closer look inside that meeting also reveals a leader with an unwavering commitment to curbing migration into the United States no matter the cost. The piece reads in part, quote, in the oval office that, march afternoon a 30minute meeting extended to more than two hours as mr. Trumps team tried desperately to placate him. You are making me look like an idiot as multiple officials in the room described it. I ran on this. Its my issue. Joining me now is Chris Whipple is the author of the gatekeepers. I dont know what youre going to do when you update your book to include this presidency. I dont know youve done the beginning of this presidency. But it might have to be a blank set of pages because there are no chiefs of staff. There dont even seem to be senior staff acting as guardrails on this president. Maybe the good news, ali, is that there are no moats or snakes as far as we know on the border. The guardrails are gone, the grownups are gone. The chief of staff has abdicated his most important duty. But i think were in a scary place. Something on matt miller said earlier is the president s state of mind. In the darkest days of watergate when Richard Nixon was walking the halls and drinking heavily, James Schlesinger made sure he had the Nuclear Codes safe. Richard nixons mental state was far superior i think to Donald Trumps mental state. We saw it today. So we are in a scary place i think right now. Right because this is not about firing a random person. The language that hes using, hes talked about civil war. Hes talked about traitors. He said he wants to find this whistleblower and everybody who talked to the whistleblower. He talked about a coup. A coup is a violent uprising. Impeachment is not a violent uprising. It may or may not be President Trump who does the bad thing. He could set us into a war. But people might act on his words. Well, and hes gone from angry crazy to epiplectic. And i couldnt help thinking about a very senior white house official told me he said this is a man who fears no god and no man. He didnt say no woman. And i think nancy pelosi has him terrified. You know, we saw her this morning. She was focused. She was laserlike. She gave this very powerful civics lesson that trump has never absorbed. I think hes just terrified. Lets talk about a civics lesson. The whistleblower operates under a system that is designed to protect people who want to come forward and say i think something is wrong, right . It is an integral part of government and business. The president is now trying to paint this as a conspiracy with adam schiff, the head of the intel the House Intelligence Committee. Hes floating that out there. Well, its a ridiculous notion, at least so far as we know at this point. Based on what we know, its no mystery that the whistleblower wanted to reach out to the hill and get at least some kind of a heads up on where to go. How this plays out. How this plays out. Because, in fact, if not for the i. G. And the director of National Intelligences office, we might not know about that complaint to this day. Right. The i. G. Gave capitol hill a heads up, gave schiffs office a heads up. I think the whistleblower was concerned because as we now know it, it had been bottled up by the white house and the department of justice. Chris, do you think when you see what you saw today we saw the president two instances weve seen i dont even know how many tweets weve seen about this exclusively but were into well over a hundred at this point. What happens next because this does feel a little different than what weve been talking about for the last two years. Today the president as you said seemed apipleptic. We talked about there being no guardrails. The guardrails now, the people that we have to count on are people like the whistleblowers in the agency. The flood gates have opened. People are coming forward. As nancy sodergerg said, the truth will out. But its really critical for the House Committees to follow the example of peter rodino and liz holzman. The Gold Standard was 1974. And pelosis been very successful so far. She thinks the House Judiciary Committee is actually being more effective now than they mightve been in watergate. That is it for me. I will see you again at 1 00 p. M. Tomorrow. Deadline white house with Nicolle Wallace begins now. Hi, everyone. Its 4 00 in new york. As public support for the impeachment inquiry into donald trump rises, and the House Committee is investigating the president s request for dirt on the bidens from a Foreign Government reaches deep into the west wing with a threat of subpoenas, donald trump appeared to totally lose it today after a night in mourning of increasingly paranoid and agitated social media posts that seem to warn of his impending outbursts, the president let it rip at an oval office appearance. His outbursts included threats for the whistleblower whose account of president ial misconduct has been almost entirely corroborated by the president himself and his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani. The president ial tantrum

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