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Jeopardy as dozens of republicans, including the president , make it clear, if the allegations are true, moore must step down. I have a very good team this morning. But first i want to explain exactly what were talking about. Its confusing. A new report from the Washington Post alleges that back in 1979, moore befriended a 14yearold girl, lee corkman, while he was working as a District Attorney in alabama. Cochran says on at least two occasions, the two kissed and on one occasion, he took off her clothes, touched her and encourages her to touch him. At least three other women also allege that moore pursued them while they were just teenagers but none alleged any sexual contact beyond kissing. The Moore Campaign is accuse the post of running a hit piece, saying, quote, it is no surprise with just over four weeks remaining in a race for the u. S. Senate with National Implications that the Democratic Party and the countrys most liberal newspaper would come up with a fabrication of this kind. This garbage is the very definition of fake news and intentional defamation. Well, it can hardly come at a worst time for moore or his party. Polls indicate hes leading doug jones in the special election for Alabama Senate seat and election day is just 32 days away. This morning, White House Press secretary Sarah Huckabee sanders issued this statement from air force one. Take a listen. Like most americans, the president believes that we should not allow a mere allegation in this case one from many years ago to destroy a persons life. However, the president also believes that if these allegations are true, judge moore will do the right thing and step aside. This is a lot to take in. Msnbcs Garrett Haake has been gauging reaction on capitol hill. Garrett what are you hearing . Already roy moore was a dicey guy. That many people in the gop were thinking, am i going to have to answer and defend this guy if he actually holds a senate seat . Right, roy moore has been saying incendiary things for the known decade, sort of the known commodity. A lot of republicans here on capitol hill did not want to see him in the u. S. Senate seat. Almost every republican on capitol hill backed Luther Strange whos been sitting in that seat since Jeff Sessions was called up to the justice department. So they wanted another guy. They may still be stuck with roy moore, but i have not seen up here any reaction quite so swift as republican senators trying to distance themselves from roy moore like we saw yesterday. Take a listen. These allegations are true, roy moore should step aside. If there is any shred of truth to these stories, he ought to step aside. If the allegations that are being made are true, then yes. Obviously, what ive heard of them, again, very serious. Its very disturbing what ive read about and ill have more to say about it im sure after i learn more. So stephanie, you hear a lot of that due process caveat, saying if these allegationings are true. Its not clear what beyond the on the record interviews with these women might convince them that thats the case. But, again, that all within essentially an hour and a half of this story dropping. You had all those senators saying they want to be as far away from this as possible. Okay, but do they . Because if if if, this things not going to come to court. The Washington Post story has, what is it, 30 people backing up, and this woman going on the record with her name. What other if are they looking for . Yes, i mean its a good question, stephanie. The only senator who dispensed with that sort of if then construction was john mccain who came right out with a paper statement right after this happened saying this is inappropriate, hes not fit to serve here. There was no ifs ands or buts about it. Look, republicans are in a dicey spot here. When you look at the polls in alabama, roy moore has a pretty comfortable lead. The average of the polls there has him up about eight points. I think the most recent poll i saw in alabama had him up by Something Like is 11. There just arent enough for his opponent to win on a democratic surge of his own. What happens now if roy moore wins this race still, which he very well could. His campaign is leaning into this, slamming the paper, calling it depham toeshgs even using these accusations to raise money for his campaign. So theres no indication that moores getting out of this. He could very well end up being a u. S. Senator. I cant even. All right, i got to bring in nbcs von hilliard who has made his way to the city of gadsen, alabama. Exactly what garrett was leading us into. When you talk to republicans in washington, theyve said a lot of quick things distancing themselves from roy moore but theyre in alabama. It almost seems like his fellow republicans are doubling down. Exactly, stephanie. Its been more than 25 year since a democrat has actually won a senate seat here in alabama. And just having conversations, i just got off the phone with trumps former Alabama Campaign chairman perry hooper who actually endorsed, hes one of these individuals, endorsed strange for the senate. I had the conversation with him this morning and i said what now, where does this go from here, do you believe the women, and this is what he said. I do not believe the women. I dont know exactly because i saw the same thing, same accusations made when President Trump was running. I dont like to see it. I think its false. But one way to get down to it is just to require them to take a polygraph test. Perry hoopers not the only one expressing skepticism. We have a couple others. Marion county gop chair david hall said yesterday, i really dont see the relevance of did. He was 32. She was supposedly 14. Riley sibenhour, geneva county, said, other than an underaged person, he didnt really force himself. This other person, quote, i wouldnt want to vote for doug. Im not saying what he did was good. This is pretty much kind of the sentiments. Were going to have one other one i think we want to pull up on the screen. This was jim ziegler, the Alabama State auditor, he said yesterday to the washington examiner, he said, quote, take joseph and mary. Mary was a teenager and jo sketch was an adult carpenter. They became parents of jesus. Theres just nothing immoral or illegal here. Maybe just a little bit unusual. As garrett was attesting to, ray moore is a known commodity around here. This man was removed as chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court twice. I was here a couple weeks ago after he beat Luther Strange in this runoff and was in this deli talking with dozens of people. I said, you said repeatedly controversial statements suggesting a muslim shouldnt be in congress, suggesting homosexual acts should be illegal. You still support roy moore . They said, if it means beating a democrat, well do just that. Well vote for roy moore. Well see if that sentiment holds up. The first, one made a statement, the only thing there is being with someone underage. Thats okay, that the fact she was underage, well just put that aside . No, thats a big issue. The second point id like to make where he said the same thing happened to trump. I need to read something, you ready . I did try and f her. She was married. I moved in on her like a bitch. I couldnt get there and she was married. Then all a sudden, i see her, now shes got these big phony tits and everything. She totally changed her look. Ive got to get some tick tacks just in case i start ticking her. You know im automatically attracted to beautiful. I just kissing them. Its like a magnet. Just kiss. I dont even wait. When youre a star, they let you do it, you can do anything. And you know the next line, grab them by the blank. No one did that to President Trump. Those are his words. I want to bring in my panel. Jason johnson, politics editor at the root. Com and professor at Morgan State University and msnbc political contributor. Matt well, is editor at large at reason, a libertarian monthly magazine. And steve core naek,kornacki, m political correspondent. Matt, heres what blows my mind. Roy moore and his squad are raising money off of this. Sure. What goes on in the great state of alabama . Every single day that roy moore is still in the news and still isnt resigning is a really, really bad day for the National Republican party here. Precisely because of all those quotes we just read from the alabama republicans who are supporting them. Everyone else in the country is reading this and saying you cant be serious, that theres nothing immoral about hitting on a 14 not just hitting on a 14yearold the only issue is she was under age, what . The only issue is you put your arm around her and say, hey, mom, go in the courthouse, ill watch her for you, cool. A mother at a custody hearing. Custody hearing. So the Republican Party, as steve im sure about to tell you, theyre already wearing trump badly this week. It wasnt a good week everywhere. People are running against trump democrat. So democrats are going to be running against everywhere. Not just in alabama. But everywhere against roy moore. The Republican Party right now is a party that doesnt have room for someone like jeff flake whos a very decent guy, hes a traditional republican, hes interested in fiscal conservativism, hes proimmigration. No, we dont like him, but we like this culture war, lawless troll, which roy moore has been his whole life, even before he was heavily petting 14yearolds in the woods. Explain to me why this argument works. I heard steve bannon go after jeff flake, saying, please, hes a guy who let an unlimited amount of immigrants in. There was never an unlimited amount of immigrants, a, and b, steve bannon made the same point we heard earlier, the same thing happened to trump with the access Hollywood Tape as happening to roy moore. What happened to President Trump was true. Right. He just won in spite of it. Nothing happened to President Trump other than he got elected. He assaulted women. His first wife accused him of assaulting her. Heres the other thing, earlier this year you have the governor of alabama step down for having an affair. He literally stepped down for having an affair. Apparently having an affair with a 40somethingyearold woman as an adult that cost you your job, but trolling for dates at custody hearings in the 70s is something people as a d. A. As a d. A. , is something that people will defend you for. It is disgusting. I will tell you this. I was talking to one of our root reporters based in alabama, i said, look what are you hearing. He said, people are still going to support the guy. The only way that doug jones ends up possibly making this competitive is if the large turnout you saw for democrats in places like birmingham or some of those other upset elections ends up changing the dynamic. More often than not, the republicans have geenfort and this guy. Hes not going to drop out so walk me through the politics. Look, republicans would love him to drop out. This is a guy who had to get dragged off the state Supreme Court twice. Hes not going willingly. We know that. That means he will appear on the ballot as the republican candidate for u. S. Senate in alabama in december. But there are two things to keep in mind here. Number one is yes, alabamas a very republican state. Yes, you have to go back to the early 90s to find a democrat winning a senate race and yes, they typically win these by 25 to 30 points but the polling you showed a few minutes ago already shows this is the most Competitive Senate race alabama has had in a generation. And is entirely because of roy moore and all of the baggage he brought to the race before these allegations. Keep this in mind, roy moore last ran for office in alabama in 2012 for chief justice. Its a statewide election in alabama. On that same day, mitt romney, the republican candidate for president , got 62 of the vote in alabama. Absolute landslide. Roy moore running statewide same day, same ballot, 51 . He barely got a majority. He barely won that job. Thats because of all of the baggage he brought before this. I would say it is very possible in a special election for the u. S. Senate. I know a federal office is different than a statewide office like chief justice. I would say its very possible that doug jones, the democrat, could beat roy moore on the strength of if you want to say strength, of these allegations coming out of roy moore now. Given all of the baggage he brought before this. Its certainly possible given all the dynamic hess put out there. That moore could survive, but he does not have, i think, as much of a margin for error by far as a republican typically does in alabama. Other wild card, you had all those quotes from republican senators. The one that jumpps out at me is Luther Strange. The appointed incumbent senator in alabama who lost the republican runoff. He said, im disgusted by this and i will have more to say. And the question here is this, when he has more to say, is he going to say republicans, if youre as disgusted as me, you write my name in, in december. If he steps forward and says that, a possibility right now, if he steps forward and says that, that changes the math completely. I do not believe Luther Strange would win as a writein candidate because probably half of the Republican Party will vote for moore anyway. Will he split the Republican Party in a way that alters the math, i think that would be very possible if he steps forward and does that. Okay, but am i wrong then . I realize youre saying lets just focus on the race. Am i wrong to try to really look at this . On one hand, you have people saying if, if, if. On the other, youve got defenders in alabama who have actually said, well, look at the bible, jo sketch was a grown man, and mary was a teenager. Last i checked, she was a virgin, it was divine intervention, immaculate conception. That is a ridiculous claim. Its actually a massive insult to people of faith. Exactly. And, again, theyre going to be wearing this all over the country. This is why everyone on capitol hill is freaking out. But jeff flake for are they freaking out . Im tired of hearing theyre freaking out. Where . Tough words. Lets see you do something. Well, i mean, theyre freaking out for themselves. What can they do . Right . Jeff flake previously prior to all of this said we shouldnt this party shouldnt back roy moore okay, heres what they can do, they can say maybe this happened 40 years ago but this is the final straw. Right. Because this aint a one off for roy moore. Im pretty sure this weekend he said that transgenders have no rights. If we want to go through the roy moore play list, the best of, this is just number 462 of things that traditional conservatives might be appalled by. Look, roy moores statements are basically like Steve Bannons diary if you read it out loud. Every sickle rangle racist thin could come up with. And i agree, look, he may not have the margin of error, you know, that other republicans have but the margin was 18 years, you know, 40 years ago and people dont have a problem with that. If this hit a week before the election, i think he could be done. I dont think with 33 days where hes going to have explanations, hes going to have people defending him, is he necessarily going to lose the race. Its 5248 in the senate. Senate republicans including some people we saw mike lee was going to host a fundraiser for moore. A constitutional conservative. Roy moore, a lawless jurist. Was going to host a fundraiser with rand paul on it because theyre all obsessed with maintaining that majority. So that they can get their judges. This is a degradation of their own sense of responsibility. Im tired of the argument. How about your daughters. How about your humanity. President trump may be in vietnam but its still america first. This morning, in front of business leaders, the president criticized International Trade agreements and slammed his own predecessors for supporting them. From this day forward, we will compete on a fair and equal basis. We are not going to let the United States be taken advantage of anymore. Nbcs Peter Alexander is live in vietnam. Peter, President Trump and president putin were supposed to meet today. What happened . Yes, actually, just a moment ago, we saw pictures we can play for you. This is the president s, putin and trump, shooting hands here at the asia pacific cooperation summit. They stood side by side for whats described as the class photo, the family photo of sorts between World Leaders here. This is notable because just a couple of days ago we had heard from the president as he was flying to asia suggesting that the two men would meet. Today, we heard from Sarah Huckabee sanders the president s press secretary saying there was no formal meeting on the schedule, blaming scheduling conflicts of sorts. She did say they would cross paths. Weve now seen thats taken place. Well see if the two of them do meet at any greater length after dinner or perhaps tomorrow as the president wraps up this summit here. Among the topics theyll focus on, if they do meet, certainly north korea, syria, with the new reports of the u. S. And russia have neared a deal to resolve the syrian civil war. There have been big differences over the future of bashar al assad. Notably, though, the president today was strongness language, as you just played, specifically on the issue of trade. This is the first time the president is in this region after saying the u. S. Will not be parent of any tpp, transpacific partnership, International Trade deal, saying he doesnt want multilateral deals but would prefer the oneonone deals. Saying americas priority when it comes to its own economy is that any deals it has are fair, that theyre balanced and based on a principle of reciprocity. A day after coming from china, where the president tried, sort of flattery to pursue deals of sorts. Some agreement with his friend, president xi. The president much tougher, suggesting among other things he would not accept currency manipulation and the theft of intellectual property. Flattery but it makes no sense. Does he think the president of china doesnt hear what he says when he leaves the room . Its crazy. He can say really great things in front of him and then when he walks out and says something else, guess what, theyre aware of that. It just makes absolutely no sense to me. All right, peter, stay safe out there. Coming up, allegations of Sexual Misconduct against emmy winning Comedian Louis c. K. We have the stunning and im going to say gross details and the swift fallout. A new bombshell report out this morning about former National Security adviser Michael Flynn just a week after nbc news learned special Counsel Robert Mueller has enough evidence to bring charges in the flynn investigation. Remember when he scolded me for asking about russia . Ha, ha, ha. Only invisalign® clear aligners are made with smarttrack® material to precisely move your teeth to your best smile. See how invisalign® treatment can shape your smile up to 50 faster today at invisalign. Com thats it girl get it, woo, yeah mom my games over. Parents arent perfect, but then they make us Kraft Mac Cheese and everythings good again. Welcome back, im stephanie ruhle. Special counsel bob muler is turning up heat in his russia investigation. A new report out from nbc news reveals that mueller is Digging Deeper into former white house National Security adviser mike flynns foreign dealings, looking at a potential secret deal between flynn, his son and the turkish government. Lets bring in nbc National Political reporter cara lee, one of the reporters on the mike flynn story. Walk us through, whats the update here. So essentially what weve learned from multiple sources is that the special council is looking into whether during the transition Michael Flynn cut a deal with with the government of turkey in which he was to receive an estimated 15 million directly or indirectly in exchange for doing two things once in the white house. The first one is to somehow orchestrate this return of this cleric that the turkish government has wanted extradited from the u. S. For some time and hes living in pennsylvania. The second thing is they wanted charges dropped against an iranian turk who was charged last year with essentially helping iran skirt u. S. Sanctions and hes currently in jail in the u. S. Awaiting trial. And so what we dont know is whether that was acted on and whether there was followthrough on this. We know the special counsel is looking at this and specifically looking at a meeting that happened in december of 2016 at the 21 Club Restaurant in new york with flynn and senior turkish officials and the question is whether this alleged deal took was discussed and sort of hatched at a meeting there at that particular time which as we all know was just weeked away from the inauguration. What are the takeaways from all of this when you think about the direction of the Mueller Investigation . Sarah Huckabee Sanders was it a week ago said after we heard about manafort, this is a sign that the Mueller Investigation is ending soon. I dont read it that way. Yeah, i dont think anyone is saying anything like that. I agree, youre absolutely right, this is not. And it was not a sign that its ending any time soon. In fact, i think that was a sign that its just Getting Started in some ways. All right, you know, i want to point out one thing. Someone said to me the other day all this russia stuff, when are democrats going to get over it, they had a bad candidate. Heres the thing, the two are not separate. Democrats could have a bad candidate. Hillary clinton could lose the election. That has nothing to do with the fact that there could be some very bad actors who are part of the Trump Administration or at least a campaign team. All right, carol, thank you so much. Were going to take a break. Coming up, a bombshell in the federal corruption trial of a new jersey senator bob nmenende. A dismissed juror makes a pretty bold assertion. Now, you ready for this, deliberations must start from scratch. Plus, the premiere of comedians louis c. K. s movie canceled after multiple women accused him of Sexual Misconduct in the New York Times, thats next. There was an old woman who lived in a shoe. She had so many children she had to buy lots of groceries. 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But were only as strong as our community. Who inspires and pushes us to go further than we could ever go alone. Sofi. Get there sooner. Welcome back. Im stephanie ruhle. Youre watching msnbc. It is time now for your morning primer. Everything you need to know to get your day started. We begin with russian president Vladimir Putin suggesting the u. S. Is try to interfere in russias president ial election by banning russian act leets from the 2018 winter olympics. The International Olympics committee announced sanctions thursday for allegedly violating antido antidoping rules. More than 600,000 people have signed up for obamacare in the first few days of open enrollment. That is a significant jump from the first four days last year. Millions of americans in puerto rico are without power. You ready for this, again, after a major power line that was repaired, remember whitefish, by whitefish energy, failed thursday morning. What they fixed now broke. More than 80 of the island reportedly plunged into darkness including san juan and other major cities. And one person was killed and another injured during a major police chase and shootout in rhode island on thursday. Authorities say police were chasing two suspects in a pickup truck, one suspect was killed, the other injured and taken to a hospital. And were learning new allegations of Sexual Misconduct against one of the biggest names in comedy, louis c. K. In a New York Times report, five women have come forward with disturbing accusations against the multiple emmyaward winning comedian and writer. Walk us through this one. The New York Times report is detailed. It really is, stephanie. Were living in this extraordinary time where women feel empowered to come forward but it means that every day were learning more about just how wide spread this problem is. The New York Times says there are these five women who have come forward. Dana and julie were comedic partners. They say they went to his hotel room after the show. They thought they would be safe because they were both there. And thats when they say he proceeded to take off his clothes, get completely naked and started masturbating. And then the thats just disgusting. Thats not just hes a predator, thats vile. These women didnt come forward for all these years . They were embarrassed by it. You can imagine. And this apparently was his m. O. Because he went to other women. He actually asked Rebecca Corey if he could do the same thing. She says stunned and angry she declined. She pointed out that he had a daughter and a pregnant wife. His face got red, she recalled, and he told me he had issues. Darn right he did. Is one of the issues here though youre a comedian, youre in the Entertainment Industry. Its not even like theyre on a movie set and they could go to a director or producer. Who could you go to . Theres no human resources. Exactly. And there are studios that produce these things for him, you know, there are clubs that have these shows but these women they dont want to touch it. There was nobody they could go to. And goodman and wooloff started talking about it and thats when his agent sort of shut it down. They said they felt the immediate blowback from talking openly about this. They found out other women we actually got a call at nbc news today, somebody called in to our tip line and said this happened to her and give her a call back because this was so widespread and everybody knew about it. Okay, listen, his a gent is tied into this, but what about live projects he has going on . He has a movie coming up. Its interesting, the Entertainment Industry has looked at accusations a cross the board when its louis c. K. , spacey, and theyve shut down projects. Not that we see in government. The moral campus has shifted to hollywood. Exactly, weve heard that for years hollywood has sort of brushed this under the rug. So now some of these studios are coming forward, are stopping projects. His latest movie, that has now been the premiere was canceled while the studio investigates. Hbo has dropped him from an upcoming special. And fx, who did so many projects with him over the years, says they never heard any of these allegations at the time but they are also now investigating. This is what i cant get over. Hollywood where the casting couch was born, an industry with the worst reputation ever, taking swift action. Government, lets wait and see. Extraordinary. All right, we got to turn to another story. New revelations this morning in the federal corruption trial of democratic senator bob menendez. A dismissed juror is speaking out giving us a peek into which direction the verdict could go. Through the whole trial, i did not fall asleep, i paid attention, to everything that they showed me. I think the defense showed me enough to say hes not guilty on every count. That certainly helps things. Menendez is accuse of accepting gifts and luxurious vacations from a florida eye doctor. In exchange, menendez allegedly lobbied government officials on the doctors behave. He has pleaded not guilty to all charges. I want to bring in my friend attorney and essence magazine contributor edwin charles. What do those comments that she just made do to this trial . I think what it does is it puts the trial in jeopardy. When a person goes on trial, theres a process called deliberation. That process includes the jury getting together and discussing behind closed door, its supposed to remain secret, they discuss the elements of the crime or if its a civil matter, they discuss the elements of what the law is. Shouldnt she be told yes youre dismissed but no talking . Exactly, she should have been told no talking. Now this gives the defense i think an ample opportunity should he be convicted for appeal. Because he has a sixth amendment guarantee that the process of deliberation is going to be impartial. And so if i was on that defense team, i would be jumping up for joy because at least this gives them a window if hes convicted for an appeal. Also its possible a mistrial can be declared. Legally, she was declared to do that . She was, she was. I mean, the problem is what it does is it taints the entire process. And i dont understand why she wasnt told keep your mouth shut. You know, what happenings in deliberations stays in deliberations. Kind of like vegas. Exactly. She also told reporters why she thinks hes innocent. Another thing that could taint the jury. This is his friend and they keep saying, oh, if i take you out to dinner and i pay for your tab, isnt that a gift . No, its not. Okay, i got a lot of friends. Luxurious vacations, private jets. With menendez in a position to lobby government officials to help this guys business. Come on now. Yeah, well, the thing is the prosecutors do have a high burden. They have to show was this quid pro quo. And we had a recent Supreme Court decision last year where they narrowed that definition and said that official acts have to be actual acts. It cannot be phone calls. It cannot be meetings. It cannot be, you know, just making things like that on behalf of somebody. It has to be an actual official act and it has to be shown that they did that in exchange for Campaign Donations or what have you. Then if thats just the way friends live, i need to get somber friends, okay. All right. Midwin charles. Up next, the Republicanled Senate has just unveiled its tax reform bill but there are some pretty big differences from the houses version of the bill. How he gonna get this thing through thats so different from the first by thanksgiving . Were going to break it down after the break. 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For some, lyrica delivers effective relief for moderate to even severe fibromyalgia pain. And improves function. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions, suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worse depression, unusual changes in mood or behavior, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. Common side effects dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain, swelling of hands, legs and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Those whove had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. With less pain, i can do more with my family. Talk to your doctor today. See if lyrica can help. Welcome back. Im stephanie ruhle. Now its time for money power politics. Stop laughing, this is serious business. Lawmakers are plowing ahead on tax reform, still aiming to have it signed before the end of the year. Heres the issue. The senates bill out yesterday has some crucial differences from the house bill. One of the biggest differences, the 20 Corporate Tax rate would be delayed until 2019. Well, the stock market reacted negatively to that detail. The bill also takes a different approach to tax brackets and certainly popular deductions. The House Majority leader planned to vote on their version of the bill next week. By imagine back with me. Jason johnson and matt welsh. The white house is saying the president , is quote, encouraged by the progres. President trump is not really behind much in this. At the end of the day, this tax bill is written for President Trump. Right. He benefits from this thing. Exactly whether you look at the house bill or the senate bill, its him and his friends who are going to benefit the most and we still have questions as to whether or not thats going to help the economy or kill it. Thats one of the reasons he doesnt want this delayed. Heres the thing, just from a pure legislative standpoint. Weve never gotten any indicator and here we are a year since he was elected, nine months since hes been in office that donald trump is a good negotiator when it comes to any legislation. We dont know what they need for the house or the house change and what they need for the senate. They dont have incentive to do something this radical before next years elections and thats fundamentally the problem. Unless hes having those meetings and can convince people he will have their back no matter what the consequence, this doesnt get done. Hes never had anyones back no matter what the consequences. Besides his daughter ivanka. If you we know in the senate bill it eliminates state and local income tax. That is a killer for hightax states like new york, new jersey, california. How do any republicans get behind that . They learned on tuesday all politics are local. How do they go home . Well, the Senate Republicans from new jersey and new york and california and illinois dont exist because theyre all democrats. This is the math theyre putting together. But what theyre not thinking of is theres some other hightax states that will be hurt by this, wisconsin, michigan, ohio, maine. There are republicans in those states. You cant aford to lose almost anybody here. Bob corker said to chuck todd a month ago, i wont vote for this if it adds one penny to the deficit. The cbo, congressional budget office, said it will add 1. 7 quadrillion pennies to the deficit. I spoke to a lobbyist last night who said right now its not about politics, its about politics. And what we need to get. A month ago no, but bob corker is immune to that sense of politics. So hes going to be a no. If john mccain is a process no and hes threatened this, he wants to be a bipartisan thing, thats too off the table. Jeff flake has also raised objections to adding too much to the debt right now and the senate bill compared to the house bill will add more because they change the cut or the cap on Mortgage Interest Rate deduction. I need to bring somebody into this who doesnt actually have a vote but he has a whole lot of say. Steve bannon. How does this bill work for President Trumps base . Steve bannon going on and on, saying we need to do stuff for the american worker, the american people. This bill clearly is a cut for corporations. Howard shultz, former ceo of starbuck, said corporations dont need it. It is a hope and aspiration help for the middle class and poor. Lets just take a look at education. Look at this, number one, if you take away peoples ability to write off their state and local taxes, people move to pay more taxes for better schools. Youre already hitting middle class families right there on that issue. Then next, they said, you know, you can no longer write off graduate school too wigss. So educators and people who want to advance their degrees, theyre no longer going to have the opportunity. And senate bill has an excise tax on College Endowments so colleges who offer scholarships to kids will now be taxed for trying to provide an education for regular people. Thats just one area. This bill politically is a killer for next year. Every single republican who will possibly vote on any version of this is going to get hit in 2018 midterms. We know there are blowback in some things, the adoption tax credit for example. You saw that the house and the senate were in agreement. What other areas could they be in agreement that yes, when gary cohen and Steve Mnuchin came out with their plan and it was all trickle down, we now see changes already. Where do you see changes coming . It will only go in the direction of caving to more people who squawk. So the more corporate loopholes that they tried to close in the house, theyre going to reopen in the senate. Didnt actually close that many loopholes. No, they didnt. Thats the thing thats stunning. The whole reason for cutting the Corporate Tax rate was not because corporations dont have money, theyre saying that tax code is far too complicatcompli. If you close loopholes and cut the rate, theyre going to be able to do a whole lot more. They didnt close the loopholes, they just cut the rate. Thats called a sweet, sweet hookup. The two biggest loopholes for individuals were state and local and mortgage interest. Thats how you get money to pay for this. Theyve caved on the mortgage interest one. They will i think cave also on state and local. So this would just be a tax cut without reform and it will absolutely blow apart i have to ask, how detailed to these lawmakers get . Do they actually read it . When you think about pass throughs, llcs, to which the president has over 500. Theyve even split the baby saying well, it does count, you do get the low rate. If youre in real estate, if you own a bodega. But not if youre a doctor, if youre a lawyer, if youre in the insurance industry. How do lawmakers say, owe, that workings . How do they not notice the president clearly carves this to help himself . I dont think theyre paying that much attention. I dont think agreements are going to be anything they can solve before christmas. If you cant decide on four or seven tax brackets, i dont think youll get into the minutia. There is no sense that you have educated economists at play. It seems all political. That hurts everybody whos in congress. Thats whats stunning to me. They may not be paying attention. Average americans might not Pay Attention to every detail that manafort and flynn and cohen do or did during the campaign but they certainly Pay Attention to what their taxes are. All right, coming up, President Trump has clashed with his predecessors. But the Vice President , he appears to be making nice with his. Were going to take you inside the vp secret club that includes joe biden and dick cheney. One thing might pence knows, he knows how to play politics. I dont want to sound paranoid, but dya think our recent online sales success seems a little. Strange . Na. Ever since we switched to fedex ground business has been great. Theyre affordable and fast. Maybe too affordable and fast. What if. People arent buying these books online, but they are buying them to protect their secrets . . hi bill. If that is your real name. Its william actually. Hmph affordable, fast fedex ground. [ click ] [ keyboard clacking ] [ clacking continues ] good questions lead to good answers. Our advisors can help you find both. Talk to one today and see why were bullish on the future. Yours. I cannot imagine managing my diabetes without my dexcom. This is the dexcom g5 mobile continuous Glucose Monitoring system. 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And biden will call him to say, im going to meet with this foreign leader, are there any issues that you guys are having . What is there any sensitivities . So they have this exchange of information. And similarly with cheney where they talk foreign policy, domestic policy, what its like to be a Vice President , the inner play between the white house and capitol hill. So pence has cultivated these two and really created what one aid described to me as a warm relationship, particularly with Vice President biden. Wise move, yoda. Sort of a brotherhood. Do they have a secret handshake or code names . They have secret service code names, but i dont know they use them. They should have a handshake, like blood brothers. All right, in all sincerity, you have joe biden in there, hes not ruled out a run in 2020. There are a lot of democrats hoping for it. So are there political implications here . Many say Vice President pence has himself lined up with a staff so big, hes ready to step in and take the big seat at any time . Well, for Vice President biden, i think you could argue that he may have some Political Risk in terms of if he wants to run in 2020, which he has not ruled out, hell have to face the democratic primary. And democrats are really, you know, largely, if not unanimously, opposed against this administration. So having a relationship maybe could be problematic for him. But this is his brand, this is what he does. He sees this, and talks to people around him in a statesmanlike duty. That he would talk to the Vice President and counsel, help him through this first year in office, with dealing with all the big issues. And i have to say it, also, joe biden left the white house after decades in politics and dealing with these issues. And this keeps him in the mix. And they have known each other for ages, too. Just think about the position, President Trump, i and i alone, Vice President pence, starting the vps club. Thank you so much. Coming up, a key republican lawmaker is not a fan of his partys tax bill. Congressman peter king of new york will be here to explain his problem with the plan and what it would do to get what they ne need, his support. A morning latte, some strategicallyplaced needles, unicorns and sore muscles. With the help of two very special pintsize helpers, i finally took some time out of my busy schedule to get in the Small Business saturday spirit and try some new businesses in my own brooklyn neighborhood. For more, watch your business weekend mornings at 7 30 on msnbc. Sponsored by American Express, Founding Partner of Small Business saturday, shop small on november 25th. With some friendly advice, a genuine smile and a warm welcome they make your town. Well, your town. Thats why American Express is proud to be the Founding Partner of Small Business saturday. A day where you get to return that love, because shopping small makes a big difference. So, on november 25th get up, get out, and shop small. Just serve classy snacks and bew a gracious host,iday party. No matter who shows up. Do you like nuts . Before we go, we want to acknowledge veterans day, which is tomorrow. I want to thank all the servicemen and women who put their lives on the line for us, hopefully you remember thanking veterans isnt something to do just on veterans day, it is something we should do every day. These are people who put their lives out to protect our democracy. Thank you so much. That wraps us up this hour. Im stephanie ruhle. Ill see you again at 11 00 with my friend and colleague, ali velshi. I echo all the sentiments you just laid out for the veterans. Im in for Hallie Jackson who continues to cover the president overseas. This morning at home, new reaction in the Bombshell Senate sex scandal. Roy moore pushing against allegations of misconduct with underaged girls. Fellow republicans urging him to get out of the race. Those calls falling on deaf ears. We are live in alabama. And President Trump meeting World Leaders in vietnam and meeting with Vladimir Putin overnight. We are live on the ground with the president. And we are live with a new report on former National Security adviser Michael Flynn. His alleged plan to extradite a turkish citizen from the u. S. And the payday flynn and his son were hoping to cash in on. But well start this morning in alabama and the explosive allegations rocking the senate race there. Nbcs Gabe Gutierrez is there. Hes live in roy moores hometown, gadsden, what is the latest there

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