That is behaving more and more like the house. We saw it with the end of the judicial filibuster for lower Court Nominees that democrats put through when president obama was still president obama and the end of the filibuster with supreme Court Nominees which republicans pushed through earlier in this term. And now were seeing republicans almost dare democrats to change the rules again if democrats take control after the november elections. Democrats really have no cards that they can play here to stop this nomination from going forward, although they could slow it down. But if democrats feel like even if republicans are playing by the technical literal rules of the senate, they werent keeping their word and were not operating with the kind of comity that is something expected on the senate side. So you are looking at a situation where we could find ourselves in a new congress with the senate and the house both operating in very much the same way. Republicans, Mitch Mcconnell warns about this idea that once you start changing the rules, you get into a dangerous position because nobody is in the majority forever but democrats are furious right now and they are ready to play like they see their colleagues on the other side of the aisle play to try to even the score. And is there really i guess the thing im surprised at, this looks like a political Suicide Mission for more than one republican. That to go down this road sight unseen, they will support nominee sight unseen. And when the ads 95 of the time, senator so and so votes with x, they are usually devastating. And it looks like a potential Suicide Mission yet the leader is forcing this. Any regrets on this . Reporter a couple things at play here. First of all, the timing. Republicans will say that any nominee that President Trump puts ford is moward is more in with what conservatives want than any no him knee who joe biden would put four when he would get the opportunity in january. So the timing works to the advantage of the republican senators who may not love a nominee who comes forward or frankly love being in this position at all. Second i would take issue with the idea that it is a Suicide Mission. I only see two republicans who are up in tough races who are not running entirely glued to donald trump. And that is Susan Collins and cory gardner. Other tough races are proxies for donald trump. They will go exactly as far as trump takes them. So for them, the Political Risk isnt that independents will somehow turn their backs on them. That ship has already sailed. They need the president s base to be their base too. I think only gardner and collins are trying to cue the middle course and for them the vote could be politically damaging. And i think that that is part of the cal could you police that Mitch Mcconnell is looking at when they look at the timing. There are suburbs in kansas, arizona, South Carolina. But i think that they are playing with fire here. Roe is more popular than republicans want to believe. So it is horrific than he reward. Lets move over to the white house, shannon petty, one of the things that it may be a mild surprise here, the president is one of those folks that he likes having a carrot and a stick. And if they confirm this nominee before the election, is the white house not worried that that would be, okay, they dont need trump anymore, now they can throw trump away, only reason i supported the guy was these court picks and that is out of the way now, i dont have to support him anymore, any concern that doing that before the election would actually hurt the president . I have heard that exact concern, that if conservatives can get their Supreme Court nominee filled and then be done with trump, that would be an ideal scenario for republicans who still hold these deep conservative values but dont like trump and his demeanor and his behavior. I have heard that outside the white house from republican strategists there. That does not seem to be a concern or calculation at all going on in the white house right now. And maybe that has to do with that their overconfidence, but the white house has definitely been pushinging to hold this vote as quickly as possible. The one argument i have heard from outside advisers about polling this through the election, have you vote after the election, that it could help with the senate majority. So it could help pull a Martha Mcsally or joni ernst across the line by bringing in republicans who might have been hesitant to vote for them but who will now turn out because they really want that Supreme Court seat filled after the election and they know that they have to get Martha Mcsally in there to vote for their conservative nominee after the leak. That seems to be the big debate going on as far as timing. Leak. That seems to be the big debate going on as far as timing. I think as a real actual value lid thing that is being discussed out there among republicans who arent necessarily aligned with the white house and the Trump Campaign. So judge barrett got her interview yesterday, Amy Coney Barrett. She is seen as the front runner. I was told by somebody that wans the president meets barbara lagoa, he may fall in love with her because of her over stylistic differences with judge barrett. What are you hearing inside the white house and when do we expect the lagoa interview . Well, Amy Coney Barrett has been sold to the president as a solid conservative pick, that will really fire up very much very much evangelicals and get them to come out in big numbers for the president. Of course we know from pollinging, the president is not doing as well among he haves as he was before. Lagoa would be a more moderate alternative. She is certainly a very conservative judge, but she had a bit more of a bipartisan vote in her last confirmation hearing. She could be a better candidate to sell to moderates and independents in the suburbs. But this campaign is going again as they have been since day one on a base strategy, on a focus on turning out evangelicals, turning out rural white voters, not focusing so much on the suburbs, focusing on the more working class noncollege educated voters. So that seems to be where all the momentum is going except for this argument about being helped with hispanics and cubanamericans in florida. But the Trump Campaign was already feeling confident with this group even before lagoas name being hut put in this race. As someone said, they think they know where this is going, but they never know with the president. He delayed the kavanaugh pick by a week and that was a nightmare for a bunch of people. So at the end of the day, we know that the wild card here is always the person at the resolute desk. Peter baker, from the new york times, Mitch Mcconnell is in some ways a pretty risk averse guy. And the fact that he is trying desperately to get all this done before the election, i think means that he is admitting something that he has yet to say publicly. He does not think that republicans can hold the senate and he does not think that trump will hold the presidency, so he is trying to jam this all up front. It feels like that this is a lot more risk than republicans are claiming today. Yeah, i think that is a fair inference. You thought that you were going to keep the white house and keep the senate. And why not do the vote after the election and use it as you just discussed as a carrot to voters to come on out, that you have to show up at the polls if you are a republican particularly if you are antian br abortion. So it means that the conclusion that they need to get it done now. So it means that the conclu that they need to get it done now. And if you are thinking long term, a seat on the Supreme Court which could stay in her hands for 30 years lets say in some ways argues for more benefit for republicans or the conservative cause than a single Senate Election or single president ial election. That there is a long view of this in which to have three trump appointments on the bench, which is what we would have if she is confirmed, has a longer lasting value for your issue, your values and your movement. You know, peter, i am curious though that if they go down this road, you know, abortion is a double digit roe is dunlg ou digit in the majority and people wanting to keep it. The Health Care Law i know what the conventional wisdom is, but look at what kavanaugh did in 2018. All it did was give josh holly and mike braun maybe instead of five point victory, maybe ten point victories. But it didnt stop the suburbs from going dramatically blue. Thats right. You and i are old enough to remember when he would not have wanted a fight about abortion if you were a republican right in the last week of an election. It would have been dangerous and thought of as explosive. But this does talk about how politics have changed, that at least this president is not trying to reach out to the middle, not trying to lure in independents and conservative democrats. He is trying to helply indicate the electorate he had four years ago, pull out the inside straight he did winning the Electoral College even though he lost the popular vote. But there was a poll this morning showing that democrats were energized too. 60 of democrats said that the Supreme Court would be their most important issue and that is up 12 points since Ruth Bader Ginsburgs death. So it is a doubleedged sword. It may give democrats a greater motivation than they already have and they do have it because they are pretty passionate about getting trump out of the white house. So it could backfire on the president. It is a real gamble i think for this white house and this senate majority. Yeah, i think that it is a big gamble and i think people that you have to be careful not to assume old conventional wisdom on this stuff. Because if you look at 2018, kavanaugh helped in two states, period. Hard to see where it really helped the right. And let me check in with ali vitali following the biden campaign. She is joining us on the phone. Ali, the front and center issue has been the virus and health care. There is a lot of base democrats that want to see more fight from the democrats on this court fight. How is joe biden going to walk that line to both show some fight but not get dragged into, you know, sort of fights about what the size of the Supreme Court should be which is clearly a topic he does not want to address before the election . Reporter clearly a topic he doesnt want to address. And im sorry for joining us by phone. Were having some issues on the ground here in flint. Our camera guy here will take you inside what were seeing at the book shop which is a lot of motorcade action and we expect Kamala Harris to be coming closer to us now. But that poll for joe biden is really important right now. We saw it during the primary between the progressive and the moderate sides of this party. And now it will be happening with the sides that think staying out of this court fight and elevating it instead on the issue level is the way to campaign or whether taking it into washington, d. C. And starting to make a battle on even just the granular politics of replacing the Supreme Court seat before the election. For the biden harris ticket, they are trying to push this into the box that they have already been using on messaging, pressing the pandemic, making it about health care and about the economy. That is probably true here in flint today. But when you sea poll you see pw that 80 of americans say that they are highly interested in this election, that is something that ive started hearing from voters even just being on the ground here today in flint. People telling me that they themselves are already keeping up with the Supreme Court fight which allows the biden harris ticket then to try to talk to people about health care, about the pandemic, that same kind of messaging that they have already been using because voters are walking and chewing gum at least it seems like they are keeping themselves apprised of the granular details and also paying taenkt attention to the message that the ticket is putting out. So well see if that is something that they can continue to do as this fight giets nastir on the hill. Ali, thank you. And also shannon, garrett, of course peter baker, were just getting started. I thank you all. Coming up, well dig in deeper on the politics of the Supreme Court, how much will it mobilize voter, how far down the ballot will it have an impact. A closer look at what the gops next moves could mean for the senate. And later, is the uk on the verge of a second wave . Coronavirus numbers are ticking up rapidly. 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Stress comfort from natures bounty but come ye back when su mom, dad. Whys jamie here . Its sunday. Sunday sing along. And he helped us get a home and auto bundle. Hes been our insurance guy for five years now. He makes us feel like were worth protecting. [ gasps ] why didnt you tell us about these savings, flo . Ive literally told you a thousand times. Oh, danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling im just gonna. From glen to glen i dont think that it is right to bring a nominee forward in an election year. Given the people of this country have started to vote already, to put a nominee in the middle of that kind of very hyper politicized environment, i dont think that it is right for the institution. We wont nominate a Supreme Court justice until the people have spoken. Weve advised the president we will not consent to one of his nominees, well let the American People speak. If there is a republican president in 20167 a, you can S Lindsey Graham said lets let the next president whoever it might be make that nomination and you could use my words against me and youd be absolutely right. 2020, which is the election year, i think then that is fair to come around and say that as well. Until he goes through election cycle and when he is relaeblgel then he could make the new a point the. Precedent set. So come 2020 if there is an opening, im sure you will remind me of that. The hypocrisy Television Ads wont be difficult to makes a you can see. Those are all Senate Republicans in previous years explaining why a Supreme Court nominee should not be confirmed in an election year. And those are also Senate Republicans facing tough reelection battles this year. Joining me now is mark murray and david wasserman. So mark, i know politics aint bean bag. Circumstances change. But lets just focus on Lindsey Graham. He is probably the best avatar of this because he said you can remind me of it. So if Lindsey Graham were up ten in, do you think he would have stuck by his principle . I think probably party determines most everything. But what i can guarantee you, that his democratic challenger Jamie Harrison has raised millions of dollars. And made that montage you put out will be in ads in South Carolina and iowa. And it does put the republicans on the spot. Not only because of the message of hypocrisy as you layout, but also because you these are the i incumbe incumbents. A lot of people look bake to the 2018 catch gnaw okavanaugh hear helping those in red senate states. Ron of the reasons that the rms had to o. Wn all the mes. And now they say if you are really angry at washington, if you dont think it ends up working all that well, why not vote some new blood in. And this will end up being the message that they have. It might not be enough in some of these states particularly like South Carolina where republicans outnumber democrats, but it certainly would be a potent message for these democratic challengers to have. And dave, that is the larger conversation i want to have here. This conventional wisdom is already that this will automatically help Senate Republicans because of what we saw particularly in missouri and tennessee. And it is possible missouri and tennessee it helped in missouri and tennessee in 2018. Right . And there are suburbs in kansas, there are suburbs in South Carolina. What is the real risk here . Chuck, the states that will be deciding senate, the states deciding the president ial election are not indiana and missouri or north dakota for that matter. In 2016, 22 of trumps voters according to the research that i did a dive over the weekend on were proc