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The snow. And 200 troops from New York National guard arrived to help with snow removal, but the new york Governor Cuomo warned the snow is just too deep in some areas for plows to work properly. Nbc meteorologist dylan dreyer joins me from hamburg, new york where conditions are changing by the minute. Hi, tamron, literally by the minute. Minute to minute, you can go from brutal windy conditions to not much snow at all. Then if you go a couple miles over, you can see downpours of snow, or nothing at all. Right here, we are seeing nothing at all. I can see clear skies if i look to the west. If i look to the southwest, really dark clouds. Thats where heavy snow is, falling at rates of three to four inches per hour. That line will move back up here, where you can see we have feet of snow on the ground. We could see another foot, then it moves back south. The little bands of snow, this lake effect snow, about 15 miles wide, 15 miles long, and they set up shop in a couple different towns for a few hours, then move on. Unfortunately where they sit, they could produce inches upon inches and feet upon feet of snow. We do have a major concern going into the weekend. Temperatures are going to get up to 50 degrees. So all of the snow will begin to melt. Add on top of that some heavy rain and all of the snow, it is very light and fluffy, it absorbs water like a sponge, it will add all of the weight to the roofs that the snow is sitting on now. The next concern could be flooding and roof damage and roof collapses. Once we get into warmer air this weekend. You would think warmer air would help things. Unfortunately it could make them worse, tamron. Incredible to see so much snow in a short period of time and more to come. Thank you very much. Lets go to msnbc meteorologist. Looking at today and tomorrow with more snow in the forecast. The good news, taking a look at the radar, the heaviest band of snow is coming in just south of where the hardesthit part was in south buffalo. Thats where the snow band is. It is ten miles now sitting to the south. It is expected to start to move to the north as we push through the afternoon. Nal start to push further north. Snowfall rates of 2 to 4 inches continue through the afternoon. We are looking at right now places like hamburg and even further east an additional foot to come into play. Theres a live look now. You can see the snow is at a lull, but again, as we move through the afternoon that snow will start to ramp up once again. Tamron . Thank you. Now to politics. As president obama prepares to announce tonight that he is taking executive action on immigration, what political headlines have a say. Obama goes it alone. Obamas go it alone immigration move. Apologize for that. The president speaks at 8 00 p. M. Eastern time, expected to announce his use of executive authority, which he insists he has to allow as many as 5 million undocumented immigrants to stay in the country. They include undocumented parents of children born here. The president s plan would protect more dreamers, young people brought here illegally as children. And it would extend the stay of foreign graduates of u. S. Colleges with high tech skills. The president gave a preview in a video on facebook. Everybody agrees that our immigration system is broken. Unfortunately, washington has allowed the problem to fester for too long. So what im laying out is things i can do with my Lawful Authority as president to make the system work better, even as i continue to work with congress and encourage them to get a bipartisan comprehensive bill that can solve the entire problem. But republicans insist the president is acting illegally. We are unfortunately witnessing a constitutional crisis. What president obama is doing is he is defying the law, defying the constitution. If president obama acts in defines of the people and imposes his will on the country, congress will act. Were considering a variety of options. But make no mistake, make no mistake, when the newly elected representatives of the people take their seats, they will act. Joining me live, democratic congresswoman, Sheila Jacksonlee of texas, Senior Member of the house judiciary and Homeland Security committees. One of the most outspoken proponents of comprehensive Immigration Reform. Thank you for joining us. Thank you for having me. Let me play what the president said september last year regarding executive action and Immigration Reform, and contrast that to what he is saying tonight and what we heard from him earlier today. Lets play it. Young people who basically have grown up here are americans that we should welcome, were not going to have them operate under a shadow. But if we start broadening that, then essentially i would be ignoring the law in a way that i think would be very difficult to defend legally, so thats not an option, and i do get a little worried that, you know, advocates of Immigration Reform start losing heart, and immediately are thinking well, you know, somehow theres an out here. If congress doesnt act, well just have the president sign something and that will take care of it, we wont have to worry about it. Congresswoman, compare that to the president now in this proposal we have seen. Isnt it broadening the plan beyond what the president was initially looking at, which were the dreamers . You know, tamron, i think the president s words then are as true for him today, the president indicated his broad authorities, as broad as they may be under executive powers, does not give him authority to convey citizenship, and nothing in what we have seen in his proposal conveys citizenship. And it also reflects a thorough, constitutional study on his executive powers. If i can just frame for you one or two points. He goes immediately to issues dealing with Border Security. The president has enforcement powers, has the ability to determine how you enforce the law. He is going to be adding taskforce to Border Security to make it more efficient. Thats within his powers. He is going to continue the deferred adjudication, which is in his powers, does not convey citizenship, he is going to give them a period of time, let youngsters have the authority, have that provision for three years. He is doing administrative and using prosecutorial discretion authority. And if the republicans would simply calm down and listen to what the president said, which is im inviting you to the table of collaboration, im inviting you to do what is right for the American People, will you accept my offer, can we go further together and actually do comprehensive Immigration Reform. I want to play what josh earnest, White House Press secretary said on morning joe, why not wait until new congress has a chance to act. Lets play what he said. Were doing it now because House Republicans have indicated theyre not bringing up that Bipartisan Senate bill that has so much support. Two weeks ago when Speaker Boehner was asked by the reporters if he would commit to bringing up Immigration Reform legislation in the next congress, he wouldnt do it. That was on jose diazbalarts show. Nevertheless, you look at the landscape and have people wondering why not wait, do you believe the explanation given by josh earnest is the appropriate one . Do you not see the line of progress available in the house that you know so well . This was the first year the president or even first year of his second term, i would say yes. Then i would say yes to what was said about the republican attitude. The speaker of the house said directly to the president i want to do Immigration Reform. This is beginning of the second term. We passed a senate bill. It has been languishing for 500 days. No action has been taken. And theres an internal dna opposition. It seems to be some fear, some fierce fear of innocent people who simply wanted to come and work, and theyre across the gamut. Polish, irish, from south and central america, africans, from the caribbean. I believe there is no pathway forward except for Speaker Boehner committing to his house and to the new leader of the senate to actually stand up and tell the American People that we are prepared to work with the president as democrats are. But i cant see the president allowing this humanitarian crisis to continue. And that is the tearing away of parents, innocent parents, children left abandoned, young people wanting to go in the United States military but cannot because theyre unstatused. Children who are bright and brilliant wanting to go to colleges, valedictorians, unstatused, want to contribute to america. I think the president is within his constitutional authority. I dare the republicans to challenge on that basis. Why dont they do the humane thing, what the American People want done, we stand and Work Together to fix this in the right way. The law is still there. Let me talk quickly about texas, our home state. You said 1. 3 million undocumented immigrants in texas alone. Many paid taxes. Many children are born you have some 5 million people, this is some arbitrary number. Why not take a bigger step, when working at 1. 3 million alone in just texas. Im glad you asked that question. Certainly there was the proposal to allow the parents of children who had deferred action, but heres i think the reasonableness of the president and concern of constitutional authority. He vetted this with his legal council, constitutional experts. They narrowly drew this order to be sure he was in confines of his prosecutorial authority, and in his humanitarian relief authority. I think if the American People look, theyll see this is not a runaway president , who desires not to work with congress. It is a president thats begging for the reasonableness of these republicans to be americans and to stand collectively to solve an american problem and lets do it together. He is within his authority and doing the right thing. There are too many people in pain. Thank you very much, congressman Sheila Jacksonlee of texas. Thank you. Bring in columnist raul reyes and mike sacks son. Regarding the number of people the white house says this would impact, how that strategy plays into the legal argument being made perhaps by the administration. Right, the administration doesnt cite the number being vastly greater than the 1. 5 million affected by president reagan first president bush. But the text of the law itself, says any alien shall upon order of attorney general be deported if they are part of so and so category. Shall, the word shall the republicans will say see, this is mandatory, he cant say that. The democrats will say upon the order of the attorney general, which makes it subject to discretion. So that will be the legal issue at play here, should the house, should the senate, should a state, should a labor group try to sue and get the president to rescind or struck down the executive order. Raul, the American Immigration council identified 35 times since 1956 that president s used their authority to grant relief to immigrants. Right. 11 president s in that time. You can go back further to as far back as roosevelt when he created that program, Congress Later approved it, when it expired, truman went back, started it again. Executive authority on immigration has a long tradition and history. That said, what people are looking for tonight, obviously the immigrants Rights Groups want him to go as broad as possible. Thats the hope. That goes against what the president said in his own words last year. Probably the upper limit of 5 million. Inevitably, there will be winners and losers. Citizens with children will be likely eligible for deferred action. That leaves out, for example, people from other categories, lgbt groups, and day laborers, Migrant Workers that tend not to come with their children, they will probably be left out. It will be a bittersweet moment. Very exciting for immigrant rights community, that they pushed it through young people, forced the president to take action, but theres a line drawn. Some will be in, some will be out. Which means some people will be upset about this because of the lingering battle thats taking place, and raul, as you know, the promises made by this president. Right. With these promises, his promises go back as far as may. He delayed doing anything all summer in the hopes of letting john boehner put something through. Each one of these delays created greater and greater expectations. If theres some disappointment, part of it is the president s own making. People are trying to find a way to be hopeful. I talked to many dreamers, depending on who is in and out, theyre going to continue to push and work and find a way to press the president to give additional administrative relief for other categories further down the line, because no one thought they could come this far. So far, the public does support this action. 52 to 44 in the Washington Post poll. The president has the public on his side. Our nbc, the wall street journal poll shows a Different Number as you know. Says here, 57 favor path hood to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, 74 backing it, when they hear what the pathway entails there. Thats one number. Nbc the wall street journal says 48 oppose the president taking executive action versus 38 supporting him. Thats the number from our poll. Let me bring back mike. The dynamics, you cover the Supreme Court, you know the dynamics of the spreek court, the view many have of the court, regarding the health care decision. Now this decision that will divide the country potentially. If the court gets its hands on this case, there are issues of standing whether the house of representatives can represent itself and challenge the law on its own. Beyond that, if they reach the merits, by the time they go to the Supreme Court, several appeal processes, maybe the president is stepping out the door and could be on the way to another administration. In the absence of additional legislation, passing through congress this type of relief the president is planning, there might be the option of a court striking it down, which would mean all the groups happy about todays impending order might be very disappointed several years down the line should a court strike it down. As i say, before the statutory language, it points toward president ial discretion on this, but a court could say it is a matter of quality, not quantity when you reach 5 million, over 1. 5 million. Tamron, speaking of the Supreme Court, the Supreme Court ruled on a similar issue, the 2012 case, u. S. Versus arizona, from jan brewer, the court ruled he has broad executive authority. They laid precedent in favor of the president taking action. Thank you both for your time. Appreciate it, gentlemen. Developing now, the latest on the gunman that opened fire at Florida State university library, forcing students to barricade themselves inside. Next, ill talk with a student that was live in the library, shot at, managed to escape. New video of bill cosby avoiding questions about allegations of rape. No, no, we dont answer that. Theres no response. Theres no comment about that. Then with the camera still rolling, bill cosby asks that reporter to edit out the exchange. We will have more of this newly uncovered tape, and the latest from tv networks that have relationships with bill cosby. And born in the usa series is back. A multimillionaire who had the choice to start a business anywhere in the world. And he chose the motor city. His amazing american story and the brand that everyone is talking about. Find me on facebook, twitter, instagram. Health can change in a minute. So cvs health is changing healthcare. Making it more accessible and affordable, with over 900 locations for walkin medical care. And more on the way. Minuteclinic. Another innovation from cvs health. Because health is everything. Mmmmmmm. Look out. Now theres even more of the amazing cinnamon taste you love on cinnamon toast crunch. Crave those crazy squares even more. We are following a developing story out much Florida State university this morning. Police are investigating why a shooter opened fire in the universitys main Library Early this morning, injuring three people. New video sent to us by a student shows the moments after a gunman burst into the crowded library which was packed with hundreds of students studying for final exams. In it, another student we see another student that may have been shot, holding his leg, saying he is bleeding. Oh, my god, are you okay . It is bleeding, it hurts. Okay. Oh, my god. So the gunman was shot and killed by Police Outside the library. One of the students that was shot is in critical condition, another in stable, a third treated at the scene and released. Florida governor rick scott addressed that shooting just moments ago. The ultimate question why, well never have an answer that satisfies those whose loved ones have been injured or killed. For that reason, im asking everyone on fsus campus and everyone across our great state and even the nation to pray for fsu. Joining me now by phone, jason, an fsu senior in the library this morning. Thank you for joining us. Hi, how are you doing. Im doing good. How are you . A little shaken up, but i think im doing pretty good. What can you tell me about the events that played out . It was very surreal. I left the i left strozier and checked out a couple of books from the library to do a research project, and as i leave, he go down the steps and the person behind me fires the gun, and very clearly a gun when this happened, but at the time i didnt really want to accept that a gun had gone off. I slowly turned around, i saw the gunman run up to another student and shoot them twice before the student fell to the ground. It was at that moment that i realized i needed to leave as soon as possible and so i spun around, i sprinted to my car. When i got to my car, i called my dad immediately who calmed me down, told me i needed to call the police and let them know what happened. Which i did. And when i got back to my house, i was going through my bags to sorry, to get my books out to finish my respect paper, and the front cover of one of the books was just completely mangled, and when i opened it up, i realized that something had pierced through the entire book, gone into a second one. And my roommate came into the room, he found a bullet lodged in the bottom of my backpack. We are looking at pictures you sent to us. Did you recognize the individual as a student. He looked like a normal student. I didnt see anything about him that screamed he was a gunman or that he had mal intent. And lastly, does your school have in place the email and text alert to make students aware of emergency situations like this . Yes. I got that text as i was driving away. Police officers were pulling up on scene, driving down tennessee street to respond to what was going on, and the text had been sent more than five or ten minutes after the event happened. Sounds like it was a Rapid Response to an absolutely frightening situation. We are happy youre safe and our thoughts are with the students injured at the scene and hundreds of others inside and have to be shaken today. Jason, thank you so much. Please get some rest. We know this was horrifying, we appreciate you joining us to tell us what happened there. Thank you. Thank you. Up next, new video emerges of bill cosby refusing to address rape allegations, and telling the reporter to scuttle the interview. The impact this has had on bill cosbys career today. Ugh. Heartburn. Did someone say burn . Try alka seltzer reliefchews. They work just as fast and taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. Mmm. Amazing. Yeah, i get that a lot. Alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. Enjoy the relief. To map their manufacturings at process with sticky notes and string, yeah, they were a little bit skeptical. What they do actually is rocket science. 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In a newly released video, the tv dad that seemed to have all of the answers on the cosby show. I am your father. I brought you in this world and ill take you out. This time apparently did not like the questions. I just wanted to ask if you wanted to respond at all about whether any of that was true. Theres no response. The interview with cosby and his wife about art he was lending to the smithsonian took place november 6th. Toward the end, the ap reporter asked about the video that had recently gone viral, of han balance burress calling him a rapist. Theres no comment about that. Okay. And i tell you why. I think you were told i dont want to compromise your integrity, but we dont i dont talk about it. He then asked the reporter not to use that part of the interview. And i would appreciate it if it was scuttled. I hear you. I will tell that to my editors and i think that they will understand. I think if you want to consider yourself to be serious that it will not appear anywhere. Six women have now publicly accused cosby of Sexual Assault. Over the last ten years, it has been coming and going, coming and going, it has been sliding under the rug quite a lot. Now its time, people are listening. Court records of a 2006 civil suit that was settled show ten more women made anonymous claims. Cosby has never been charged with any crime. A former prosecutor tells nbc news there wasnt enough proof. I thought cosby was guilty and had done something wrong, but that, i mean, i cant stand up in court and tell the judge and jury my gut tells me hes guilty. Cosbys attorneys said their client would not dig any fie decade old discredited claims with a response. They call the most recent from Janice Dickinson a complete lie, contradicted by accounts in her own book. The loss of innocence that i suffered and these women out there suffer is why im sitting here today. And i dont care about what cosby or networks or anybody says, i am you will hear me. Nbc has pulled the plug on a planned sitcom starring cosby. Netflix postponed the comedy special. And tvland scrapped reruns of the cosby show. With all of these allegations swirling around him, it is difficult for him to launch another tv show or film. Cosbys next scheduled performance in the bahamas is scheduled to go on, so is another one tomorrow in florida. His Management Team is only saying were only in position to judge him based on his career as an entertainer and humanitarian. Tamron . Thank you. We are hours from the president announcing executive order to allow millions of undocumented immigrants to stay in the United States. Up next, why pain is likely coming for the president and republicans. And alarming close calls. A new report of drones nearly striking jet liners at one of the nations busiest airports. One of the stories we are following around the news nation. For respawn, building the best Interactive Entertainment begins with the cloud. 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The new nbc the wall street journal poll gives us a clue on some pain that could be coming president obamas way. The poll shows that americans have a problem with the process more than the policy. 48 of americans say they oppose president obama taking executive action on immigration, just 38 approve. When it comes to policy, 57 support a path to citizenship, up to 74 when people are told what that pathway entails. President obama, if there is going to be back lash, it will be on the process, he is going after this unilaterally. And that his potential pain here. That is the potential pain. But when you look at the gop, and we know whats around the corner, mark, regarding eventually a selection of the individual who will represent the party in the general election here, we have jeb bush, for example, giving a speech, someone who has been open about his views and criticized within his own party for Immigration Reform. Sounds like numbers we have seen and how theyre processed may paint a different picture when looking at people running for president. I think that president obama by doing the executive action does thrust into the center of the 2016 contest. If president obama has short term pain associated with this, you could make the argument that republicans will have long term pain because it will be such a big issue in their president ial primary season, forcing the party to go to the right on immigration like we saw in 2008 and 2012, and making it harder for the eventual nominee to get to the center on immigration, given the latino vote plays a big role in president ial elections more than the mid term contests two weeks ago. Mark murray, see you and hear more from the president in a couple hours. Thank you. Thanks. Watch our special coverage of the president s announcement on immigration beginning at 7 49 p. M. Eastern time here on msnbc. Developing now, snow bound in buffalo. More snow is falling on top of six feet already on the ground. Up next, talk live to mom who was trapped at home with her toddler. They have been stuck since monday. And they may not get out until the weekend. It is definitely one of those what would you do moments. Thank you mom for protecting my future. Thank you for being my hero and my dad. Military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa Auto Insurance could be one of them. If youre a current or former military member or their family, get an Auto Insurance quote and see why 92 of our members plan to stay for life. To build something smarter. Some come here to build something stronger. Others come to build something faster. Something safer. Something greener. Something the whole world can share. People come to boeing to do many different things. But its always about the very thing we do best. But its always about the very thiugh. Do best. Heartburn. Did someone say burn . Try alka seltzer reliefchews. 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And give that thing a hinty of something cherry or minty its time to bake the world a better place with new nestle© toll house delightfulls. Bake some love™ nestle©. Good food, good life. Developing now. We follow our top story. Dangerous conditions as more snow is falling in parts of western new york. Already struggling to dig out. Joining me, Jennifer Schram and her family stuck in their home, they dont expect to get out until the weekend. How are you hanging in there . Hi, tamron, we are hanging in there. Thanks so much for having us. Absolutely. Tell me who is in the house with you. My husband is downstairs with our 14 month old son. So more worried about the 14 month old or adults. It is definitely challenging. Our son is awesome we are trying to find creative ways to keep him going and keep us going. It sounds like youre keeping your spirits up, despite the fact it has to be extremely difficult, you dont know when you can precisely leave there. Correct. Our local nbc affiliate let us know that the snow band is back on the way up, it will be over us this afternoon. Are you able to open your front or back door . We can open the front door. The snow is about five feet against the patio door, dont want to open that, have that fall into the house. We were able to get out the front door with the help of our neighbor, elaine, we were able to shovel a path down the front of our house. Where my truck is. But it is going to be difficult to get the truck out. Were looking at some of the video you were able to give to us. To be honest, looks like youre inside a snow globe. Kind of what it feels like. Thats what it looks like. How are your supplies at this point . Were rationing things. We did go shopping monday evening before the initial snow band set up, so we did get supplies for four days or so. But like i said, we are rationing it out and hanging in there, getting creative. I know, i guess you get creative. We spoke with you. It is one of those what would you do moments. At least youre together, as you pointed out, the end may be near as far as being able to get out of there safely. We give you our best and to the baby and to your husband. And i think they owe you, your husband should give you a day spa treatment or something after all of this. And if i make it up to buffalo, ill babysit. I dont know if thats good or bad. Hang in there, jennifer. Sounds fabulous, thank you so much. Keep your spirits up. Thanks. An alarming Close Encounter for some drones flying near planes. The faa is investigating several reports of close calls between unmanned drones and commercial planes flying into jfk airports. Three pilots report drones flying to close to jet liners in the past few days. It didnt show that any took evasive action and all three flights landed safely. That bicycle accident that injured u2 front man bono was more serious than first reported. He was trying to avoid another cyclist when he crashed sunday. He suffered fractures to an eye socket, shoulder blade, and elbow. He underwent five our surgery, doctors inserted three metal plates and 18 screws. He is facing months of physical therapy. But is expected to make a full recovery. A reporter from australia got a painful reminder of the dangers of live reporting. He was doing a story from a skatepark in venice beach when this happened. Thousands of traditional geez. Okay, that is terrifying. He says it shook him up. Id say. But this is amazing. He went on to finish that news story. You wouldnt see me for two years. You might not ever see me again if that happened to me up next, todays born in the usa. Dont ever show me that video again. Thats terrifying. A businessman that made millions, could set up shop anywhere he wanted to, my goodness, he turned to a Great American city to help bring it back from the brink. To map their manufacturings at process with sticky notes and string, yeah, they were a little bit skeptical. What they do actually is rocket science. High tech components for aircraft and fighter jets. Were just their bankers, right . But financing from ge capital also comes with expertise from across ge. In this case, our top lean process engineers. So they showed us who does what, when, and where. Then we hit them with the important question why . Why put the tools over there . Do you really need those five steps . What if you can do it in two . Whoo, thats an interesting question. Ideas for improvement started pouring out. With a little help from us, they actually doubled their output speed. A hundred percent bump in efficiency. If you just need a loan, just call a bank. But at ge capital, were builders. And what we know. Can help you grow. Which means its time for the volkswagen signthendrive event. For practically just your signature, you could drive home for the holidays in a germanengineered volkswagen. Like the sporty, advanced new jetta. And the 2015 motor trend car of the year allnew golf. If youre wishing for a new volkswagen this season. Just about all you need is a finely tuned. Pen. Hurry in and get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first months payment on select new volkswagen models. I lost my sight in afghanistan, but it doesnt hold me back. I go through periods where its hard to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. Non24 is a circadian rhythm disorder that affects up to 70 of people who are totally blind. Talk to your doctor about your symptoms and learn more by calling 8448442424. Or visit my24info. Com. The ultimate arena for business. Hour after hour of diving deep, touching base, and putting ducks in rows. The only problem with Conference Calls eventually they have to end. Unless you have the comcast business voiceedge mobile app. It lets you switch seamlessly from your desk phone to your mobile with no interruptions. Ive never felt so alive. Get the future of phone and the phones are free. Comcast business. Built for business. There is a lot going on this morning. Here are things we thought you should know. Samesex couples in North Carolina can begin tying the knot. The Supreme Court rejected a last minute attempt to block the union. They began issuing licenses yesterday. A previous ruling regarding a case in virginia cleared the way for samesex marriages in South Carolina and a handful of other states. As the secret service rebounds from major security lapses, one lawmakers suggestion about how to protect and the president raised eyebrows as acting director joe clancy testified on capitol hill. They brought up a medieval solution. Moat, water, six feet around be kind of attractive and effective. Sir, it may be. A moat. And those are the things we thought you should know. We are returning to our very special series, born in the usa where we highlight american success stories. We spotlight a Company Helping to revive a major american city. As detroit struggles, much of it has been on the motor city. The Manufacturing Company set up shop in an old gm factory and since then helping the city gain ground in a surprising market. Luxury goods. They began producing happened crafted watches under the simple premises, made by americans for americans. Now its exploded into a lifestyle brand brucing bags, wallets and other Leather Goods along with my favorite, the bicycle. All of the products are assembled bia detroit residents. Much of the success has been attributed to the made in detroit slogan which struck a cord with many rooting for the city including former president clinton. I bought 14 of them. You did . Yeah. Five at christmas and when i was there. I hope i will get more customers. Steve, it doesnt get better than an endorsement from a president. You are right. Its fantastic. It seems to be on everyones tongue hes days. They spruced something about married and dumber. They the luxury website and some of their representatives. They came up in each of these conversations. Right, right. We opened a factory in a college in detroit. The whole idea was to try to get involved in the city and to go back to it, that has been an amazing thing. The red carpet has been thrown out for us. Its a wonderful design school. 250 of our people and we have everything from marketing and Product Development and design and finance, etc. Its where we have our factory and our movement is assembled. Thats where all of them are. They are conceptualized or they are coming from. What the city has done for us. Here you are coming in from detroit. That would be a terrible injusti injustice. One would never think of it that way. The city is a very important part of who we are and what we have done. Having them together as a brand is fantastic. You wouldnt buy a product from us because it came from detroit. Its about the quality that goes into everything we do. Its tying the knot and tying everything together and making sure that the fabric of everything we do whether its the products or the websites, the stores we have opened, we have or six stores in london open in chicago the middle of next month and opening in l. A. Tomorrow. By tying all of the pieces together, we have a very important story to tell. Its detroit, the quality and the value that goes into it and the design of all the products. By coming in and building detroit, that means families. That means people moving back into detroit and seeing hope in areas that when you look at it, its heartbroken. We are an at uplift. We had wonderful people join us from all waux of life. What we are trying to do is create careers and professionals. Thats the way to do it. Bravo is everything you are doing. Im in a bike race on saturday, cranks giving in new york. Hopefully i will shine. Look at this. Wait a minute, wait a minute. There is more. How about this . Absolutely. I department want to be late for the show. You are right on time. Thank you so much. Congratulations. That does it for this edition of news nation. Thank you so much for hanging with us for the hour. Up next, Andrea Mitchell reports. See you tomorrow. Right now on Andrea Mitchell reports, piling on. Gets socked with more than feet of lake effect snow and more is on the way. The danger is the sheer weight of it all. Collapsing roofs under the weight of six feet of snow. You can imagine the stress it is putting on structures here. Executive action. The president goes it alone on Immigration Reform, setting off a political war with republicans. Part of staying competitive is making sure we have an immigration system that doesnt send away talent, but attracts it. Thats what i will be talking about a little bit tonight. As far as keeping america prosperous and strong. Coming up here, valerie jarrett, the Senior Adviser and luis gutierrez. Campus shooting in florida. Three University Students are shot when a gunman

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