Transcripts For MSNBCW The 11th Hour With Brian Williams 201

MSNBCW The 11th Hour With Brian Williams February 9, 2018

Would Keep Congress under strict budget caps. Paul saying he isnt voting for more debt. If you were against president obamas deficits and now youre for the republican deficits, isnt that the very definition of hypocrisy . Dont you the remember when republicans howelled to high heaven that president obama was spending us into the gutter, spending us into a oblivion. Now republicans are doing the same thing. So where does that senate bill go from here . Joining us now from the capital is nbc news capitol hill correspondent garrett haake. Very long night for you and everyone else there. A long night and what will be a busy morning as this bill now goes over to the house of representatives. This was supposed to be the easy part. The senate ultimately passing this bill with more than 70 votes. But some six or seven hours after it could have been done if not for rand pauls protest on the issue of debt and deficits. Thats going to continue to be a problem for this bill as it now goes over to the house, the Freedom Caucus, the most conservative members of the house dont like this bill for the same reason. They say the 300 billion with a b dollars of additional spending its going to authorize over next two years is too much. Its too expensive. Its not necessary. They wont vote for it. That means this bill will need democratic support in the house of representatives and its not guaranteed to get that. Nancy pelosi the democratic leader has said she wont vote for it because whats not in it. In this case democrats are upset theres no immigration provision in this bill whatsoever. Nothing to deal with the dreamers. Democrats had made that a hard line for a budget deal or anything to fund the government. They did it once before in the previous shutdown. They have flirted with the idea of making it a hard line again at this point although its not clear that the Democratic Party has a united position on what to do about this bill whether they will vote for it or against it. It seems like at least some dras are liable to come across and vote with republicans to move this bill forward and keep the government open. And one last piece of business in the senate tonight that might give democrats in both chambers and across the country some hope for this, just before adjourning for the night, Mitch Mcconnell set up the vehicle for what will be a big busy immigration debate in the senate next week. Setting up a possible start of that debate for 5 30 on monday. You have to set the pieces in motion a long way in advance in the senate. Mitch mcconnell did so tonight holding up his end of the bargain for Senate Democrats. Well see if that influences how his house colleagues treat this bill when it moves over there sometime in the next few hours. Garrett, lets take a step back to last few hours depending on where you are on the board, i think that rand paul, senator of kentucky is either a hero or a villain tonight. Yeah, thats right. This morning, sorry, long night. Youre telling me. Look, conservatives will look at rand paul as somebody who has held the line on what was for a very long time conservative orthodoxy that the debt was a big problem and than spending against the deficit was something that republicans should fight back against. You played some of that in the sound bite leading into this segment, this idea for paw to say if we fought this when barack obama did it, why are we suddenly okay with it when its a republican president and a Republican Controlled Congress saying let us continue to spend in this way regardless, he didnt win this argument tonight. He brought this back into the forefront for a party that is largely turned away from this as a driving issue under trump. At the end of the day, the vote was the same. This still passed the senate. Did he force the conversation here a little bit. Much to the bipartisan irritation of his colleagues who wanted to vote some time ago so they could fly home for the weekend. Is in any indication there was any activity from the white house trying to influence things today . We know there were some conversations between the white house, the majority leader and rand paul early in the day. We know that the president has supported this bill. We know that the president had urged its passage. But theres also a certain element of the senate trying to stand up for its own prerogatives here that any single senator has the right to slow this process down. They often cant stop things. They certainly cant create legislation on their own but theres something of a proud tradition in the senate if a single senator wants to take up his or her right to use the time allotted to them in debate to do exactly what paul did tonight, theyre going to do that. Even senators like Mitch Mcconnell who were probably annoyed to be here this late and having to fight this out and having to deal tomorrow tomorrow and the next day and november with the political repercussions of another Government Shutdown respect the fact that thats this institutions role and his pauls prerogative gum up the works as much as he wants as a senator. He could have spoken more. Youve probably been speaking to a lot of people, senators themselves. What do you think is behind his decision to cut that short . I think after a certain point, its hard to see what further point he could he have made. If youre doing this to draw attention towing this issue, forcing a shutdown draws a lot of attention but to continue to talk about it at 2 30 in the morning, the 2 30 a. M. Speech isnt going to get aired on tv any more than the 10 00 p. M. Speech is. It may be part of a media strategy that after a certain point there are diminishing returns to keeping this argument going well into the wie hours. You have been mentioning that this was supposed to be the easy part. And it turned out to be the opposite of that. Given what senator paul has gone through, how do you think that that will influence a vote in the house . Well, look, there are a lot of the conservatives who agree with him, a lot of folks in the Freedom Caucus in particular and other more conservative bastions of the House Republican whos dont want to see this bill done because of what because of the spending issues. Theres this underlying current here in how the house is dealing with this. There are a lot of people who will vote no on this bill and hope yes. Even some of those fiscal hawks on the Republican Party want to see the military continue to be funded. They want to see the government continue to be funded. Its very hard to get any of your other priorities done when you have shut down the government. So there are people who hold their nose and vote against this bill and hope their colleagues in bother parties are willing to get over their same actions that they have and vote to pass it because none of this an immigration bill doesnt get done, funding the military doesnt get done. If this deal doesnt pass. For these larger issues to be debated in both houses. Garrett headache, thank you very much. You bet. Joining us for more is Nbc News National Political reporter jonathan allen. Lets expand a little bit on what garrett was just talking about, being specific about the points of this bill and what is the holdup for both democrats and republicans . Good morning, melissa. The holdup for republicans is beak what rand paul has been talking about all day today which is a belief that republicans were supposed to get into office and limit spending rather than increase it. The holdup for democrats is not so much about whats in the bill but whats not in the bill. And we heard nancy pelosi, i was going to say yesterday but now its two days ago with her marathon speech on the house floor eight hours in defense of the dreamers. For a lot of the democrats in the house, its not the only thing they dont love about this bill but for a lot of dras in the house in particular, they are worried that the dreamers wont have a fix beak that there wont be some sort of law to follow this one that allows for people who were brought to the country illegally as children to stay here without fear of deportation. Senator paul ryan has been emphatic. He did say promising really that to get over this hurdle first, he promised that he will address daca. Are democrats buying that . They are in the senate. The Senate Democrats are buyinging what majority leader Mitch Mcconnell has said which is that hes going to set up a process to do immigration bill to deal with the Daca Recipients and the set of dreamers as garrett just reported, senator mcconnell started to move toward that in the senate. The House Democrats do not have faith in what senator mcconnell is doing and have put pressure on speaker ryan to try to get him to make a similar promise to what mcconnell has. So they are hopeful what mcconnell is doing will yield what they want and ryan has said that he will bring an immigration bill to the floor so long as its something that President Trump supports and thats really the crux of it at this point for a lot of those democrats is they dont believe necessarily that thats a good thing because they dont agree with what President Trump would like in exchange for protecting those dreamers which is the 25 billion for the border wall and some of them are okay with that but more important to them is curtailing the diversity Lobby Program and limiting the number of people that immigrants can bring in from their own families into the u. S. Jonathan allen, stand by because we want to go to raul reyes joining us at this Early Morning hour at this point. Attorney, columnist and nbc news. Com contributor. Lets expand on a couple things. Thank you for joining us. My pleasure, good morning. Good morning to you. Lets expand on that. What do you think about the promise that the dreamers, the daca act will in fact be addressed after this vote is prupbly passed in the later hours in the house . And also, what do you make of some of the senators having to make very difficult decisions such as ted cruz who would normally not vote for more spending but here he is in texas and Disaster Relief is included in a lot of this. And those two things believe it or not are rather enter twined. Right, i think that for or democrats and progressives who have been nervous about whether Mitch Mcconnell was actually going to keep his promise that he would bring forth and allow the debate to go forward on daca and fate of the dreamers this is obviously a step in the right direction. The big question is going to be what the parameters of any type of deal that would allow these young people presumably to stay in the country, the length latetive fix, whats it going to look like. On the left you want what they want. S is a very narrow film for the dreamers that would most likely have to include some type of Border Security but not the wall. Orthopedic, most republicans are now the Trump Administration has to a certain degree successfully shifted the conversation to ip clue Legal Immigration channels. So theyre going to want much more as jonathan mentioned in exchange for that. So theres a lot of uncertainty as to how its going to play out. I do think though its an important step that at least after so long of daca being kicked down the road and you know, being passed like a hot football that it is on the calendar to be debated and these parameters to be worked out. Thats great. And i would like to point out one other thing about this whole what were seeing tonight this shutdown. You have to remember, aside from people in washington who having to stay up late and try and figure this all out and People Like Us in the media keeping up with it, i think theres a lot of people out there who just regular american who are just exasperated by the whole thing. Granted rand paul might have his reasons why he did this and he can point to certain principles but i think when this, how this shutdown differs from the last one we had just a few weeks ago is that its a little more complicated to explain it. It involves some procedural moves and gets into theoretical issues. In my view, the more complicated something is to explain to the general public youre already at a disadvantage. At least the last time the democrat coz say were fighting for the dreamers. This time it was much more muded and complicated. Im not sure how that is going to play with the general public which has a low opinion of washington and lawmakers to begin with. So theres that. I think he may have won, made his point as a tactical in the tactical sense but i think its just caused nothing but heartburn for the party because it makes the gop leadership look so dysfunctional. Although this is not all the Republican Leadership it is one man exercising power that he does lawfully have. It makes the whoa party come across as not having their act together since they control all the houses of government. So i think thats just its important to remember how the general public is going to look at this essentially when we keep going right down to the end people get very frustrated with that and say why can washington not get this their act together especially in a week when were seeing so many gyrations in the stock market. Raul reyes, we have to leave it there. Im melissa rehberger. Keep it right here for continuing coverage of the second Government Shutdown of the year. The Rachel Maddow show continues after this break. You know whats awesome . Gigspeed internet. You know whats not awesome . When only certain people can get it. Lets fix that. Lets give this guy gig really . And these kids, and these guys, him, ah. Oh hello. That lady, these houses yes, yes and yes. And dont forget about them. Uh huh, sure. Still yes xfinity delivers gig speed to more homes than anyone. Now you can get it, too. Welcome to the party. On november 14th, 1995, so midway through bill clintons first term, the government shut down. November 95, they closed down the monuments. They furloughed government workers shut down went on for five days and then less than a month later, deja vu all over again. Good evening. Just in time for the holidays, the president and congress teamed up to present the nation with a little equivalent of a hole in the christmas stocking. The government shut down again because the two sides cannot agree on a sevenyear plan to balance the budget. Like a recurring bad dream more than a quarter million federal workers reported to work only to be sent home again for the second time in a month and once again National Tourist attractions normally swarming with visitors were like ghost towns and everyone was playing the blame game. Did you see the banner on the bottom of the screen for that news report . Can we put it back up there. Shut down roman ii. Looks like shutdown 11. It happened again. Weeks after congress reopen the government they ran out of money again and shut it down all over again. This has happened before. Yes, tonight with the Government Shutdown as of right now, we are living through a remarkably stupid second scoop of Government Shutdown this evening as we speak. But it isnt the first time, not even the second time weve had a twoscoop shutdown. 1984, reagan was president. Reagan had a republican controlled senate, a democratic house, a partisan impasse led to the government shutting down on a monday then on wednesday it reopened. Then on thursday they shut it back down again. At least they didnt do it at midnight like we do. The New York Times reports from that 1984 burst of idiocy that government workers were sent home in the middle of the workday on thursday for the second shutdown. Everybody had to pack their lunches and go home for the afternoon. By friday though they were welcome back at their desks because the second scoop that have shut down in 1984 they ended in less than a day. So feels absolutely bizarre that were having a second shutdown in a couple of weeks. But we have seen this before. Like love birds and like pants these things do sometimes come in pairs. It still feels acutely ridiculous. Joining me now is michael beschloss. You get time and a half for doing live history after midnight tonight. Thanks a million. Its so rare i get to say good morning, rachel. I guess i get to this morning. Yeah, exactly. You can say good morning. Hard to fied out which it is. So historically, are there are there way more, have, there been way more Government Shutdowns than we think just because we dont remember most of them because a lot of them are ephemeral and pointless . Yeah, there have been a lot of times in American History when the president and the congress do not agree on funding the budget and there is a gap. But the question really arises why have we seen this so much especially in the last 30, 40 years or so. What happened was 1980, jimmy carter was president. His second attorney general was a guy named ben sililetti. He handed down a ruling which is if there is a funding gap even if brief youre going to violate the law if you keep agencies open. Youve got to furlough employees. Thats xwr we began to see these things in the 1980s. The other development that made a big difference was tv in the house and senate. Came to the house in 79. Came to the senate in 1986. That made it almost a theater for someone like Newt Gingrich you were talking about at the time of the clinton shutdown or rand paul this morning to go on in his case the senate floor and make a big speech in favor of his views on taxes and spending saying that the Senate Republicans should be more like deficit hawks. So whats the if thats the transmit mode in terms of why a show boating member of the house or a show boating senator might want to get in front of the cameras and make a case and shut down the governm

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