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Dozens and current officials, mr. Trumps demands sent shockwaves through the white house and the pentagon where opposition to the order was more intense than previously known. The times reports that in an oval office meeting, National Security adviser john bolton, defense secretary mark esper, and secretary of state mike pompeo tried and failed to convince the president to release the aid. Were also learning that by late summer, the white house was still trying to develop a legal justification to keep the aid frozen. The proposed argument was that mr. Trumps role as commander in chief would simply allow him to override congress on the issue. At the same time though it appears that white house budget official Michael Duffey was ready to blame the white house for the hold up. Duffy emailed the pentagon suggesting any failure to release the aid should not rest with the white house. But in a stinging rejection, a pentagon official shot back with this you cant be serious. I am speechless. Late today, Senate Minority leader said the recording further highlights the need for witnesses to testify at the president s trial. Simply put, in our fight to have key documents and witnesses in the Senate Impeachment trial, these new revelations are a game changer. The story makes the choice even clearer. Will the senate hold a fair trial, or will it enable a cover up . President trump, if youre so confident you did nothing wrong, why wont you let your men testify . All right. Im joined now my democratic congressman steve cohen of tennessee, a member of the house judiciary committee. Charlie savage. This reporting from the New York Times, at the very least its more evidence that President Trump personally asked for this aid to ukraine to be withheld despite objections from top aides and that it had nothing to do with National Security because if it did you wouldnt have had the National Security adviser at the time, the secretary of defense and the secretary of state all encouraging him to release the aid. Well, it wasnt about National Security and it certainly wasnt about investigating corruption of anything in ukraine. It was about these conspiracy theories that apparently putin or somebody had convinced trump had some basis for reality or maybe putin just wanted trump to deliver to help putin get off the hook as if putin cares about being on the hook for interfering in our elections. Im sure he probably likes the idea that hes credited with that. But they want to get something on the bidens for sure. And this just this has been this has been on for a couple or three months and they dont want their folks to testify because they would have to purger themselves, show the American Public that the president of the United States did indeed subvert his oath, try to influence a foreign nation to get involved the in our political elections, and committed impeachable acts. And its clear this has happened and people in the administration knew what he was doing was wrong. And people tried to push the blame around. Duffey tried to get mccussker to take responsibility for the delay and have the money spent before the september 30 fiscal deadline. Its just unbelievable whats going on and it puts mcconnell and the republicans kind of in a trick bag. If they go ahead and have witnesses, theyll still vote not to impeach the president and theyll go back to their second line of defense. But the money was given anyway. And when they get to that defense which they use a lot, theyre basically admitting that their first line of defense didnt work and its not successful that the president engaged in trying to force a foreign power to get involved in our elections. Theyre falling back on their last line of defense, but they got the aid anyway. They still can use that and go ahead and vote that way to not impeach because they want to preserve the president. But if they dont have the witnesses and information continues to come out, then theyre going to be seen in the publics eyes as not only voted wrong and having a sham trial but being conspirators with mcconnell and having that trial and looking for information. Let me ask you about that because is that what nancy pelosi was banking on, if she were to delay the transmission of these articles of impeachment there would be some sort of evidentiary bombshell drop the in everybodys lap and it would lamp ramp up pressure for republicans to have a fair trial. Is this coming into fruition, her plan, her grand strategy here . Im not sure what the speakers grand strategy is. I guess youre suggesting shes playing chess and thinking three moves ahead while President Trump and his people are playing checkers or marbles or something. And that indeed could be the case. Speaker pelosi really is just done things trump cant even understand and shes run circles around him. Shes one of the greatest speakers in the history of the United States. She knows policy. She knows strategy. And she has a good grip for whats going on while trump is just hes just totally lost. I mean, hes still dealing with home alone and wanting to be in the movie again. And he is home alone. I mean, its kind of strange situation. Let me ask you a question because one thing i read that struck me was that theres something about the recording that speaks to what the democrats see and their theory of the case as the white house cover up. And that was white house officials trying to cocome up with legal justification after the fact for withholding the aid. Does that speak to a consciousness of guilt in your view . I think it does. Theres one really critical email that has been released pursuant to this freedom of information act, and thats the email by duffey at omb when he says in communicating with the pentagon please dont share the details of this with anyone due to the sensitive nature of it. You know, when you keep things quiet and youre trying to hide the reasons that youre doing things, it does suggest its because you know that if the truth got out it would be either illegal, unethical, or political damaging in some way. So, prosecutors, as you just mentioned, often refer to that as consciousness of guilt. So, you cant help but wonder that if as time goes on more and more of this information comes out to fill in the gaps we will learn more about what was actually going on. Its very interesting to see as this information comes out, it demonstrates a motive, perhaps, for President Trump stonewalling that is if the truth were to come out in terms of witnesses or documents that they would be damaging to the president s case. And charlie savage, what about that . Based on this reporting, the white house lawyers thought that mr. Trumps role as commander in chief would simply allow him to override congress on this issue, on this issue of providing aid that congress had authorized. Its one thing for republicans in the white house to have a sweeping view of the authority of the executive, but this seems like its something else. Well, this is consistent with the very expansive theory of executive power that william barr, the attorney general, and Pat Cipollone and white House Counsel have embraced. Its well outside the main stream but the essence is when it comes to the National Security the president is the commander in chief of the armed forces and that means that congress cannot bind him. We see here that there was a large group of officials in the executive branch, omb, the Defense Department who were confused by the aid freeze, who saw it as contrary to American Security interests and stated policy and wanted to get the aid unfrozen and delivered to our ally in its time of need against russia. And then there were a very small number of people extremely close to trump who were acting to help him achieve this thing he was trying to do. Mick mulvaney is one of them, Pat Cipollone is one of them. And the lawyerly part of that is if this thing goes all the way and they never release the aid, it gets to september 30 and sorry ukraine youre out of luck, you didnt do what we asked you to do, they were going to say this wasnt illegal not withstanding the fact theres a law that says congress has the power of the purse. You have to spend it. The president doesnt get to put that in his pocket as he used to up until the nixon administration. They were going to say forget it, not withstanding the reform when it coms to National Security, the president still has the final say. Congress does not have the power of the purse. Its the inverse of what we saw with the wall spending where the president takes things not appropriated by congress and says hes going to spend it on things he wants, a wall, and hes not going to spend it. Two sides of the same coin. Were it not for the whistleblower complaint, who knows what would have happened with that aid. This New York Times piece bolsters what we knew. You have multiple witnesses who testified saying they were surprised to learn of the freeze to ukraine. Take a look at all this. I was shocked when on july 18th an office of budget management staff. As soon as i learned about it on july 18th. I and others sat in astonishment. In an instant i realized one of key pillars for our strong support for ukraine was threatened. Put this in the context of what we spent the last two or three months learning, watching public trials and reading through the testimony released. So, we have known that this is the basic narrative and this is not about one phone call and whether or not it was perfect. This is about a multimonth Bureaucratic Campaign on different fronts both to get ukraine to announce investigations and also a struggle here in washington over this frozen aid that unfolded through many meetings with many different officials fighting and trying to understand what happened. This new reporting by my colleagues, both the emails that came out from the lawsuit and the stuff they got on their own, has added a rich degree of texture to that, that this is a seasonlong, a multimonth campaign struggle bureaucratically, not just about one phone call. It does not contradict anything. It bolsters the basic understanding of what happened here. Theres another detail in this reporting that when i read it, i had this correction in mind to put to you. It says this. It says Mick Mulvaney is said by associates to have stepped out of the room whenever mr. Trump would talk with mr. Giuliani to preserve mr. Trumps attorneyclient privilege. Does that seem on the level to you . Multiple witnesses have described Mick Mulvaney as being one of the three amigos who were in on this entire ukrainian gambit . Thats a real red flag if you were to step out of the room. Attorneyclient privilege does protect communications between a lawyer and client for the purpose of receiving legal advice. What it does not protect is discussions to cover up a crime. Theres something known as the crimefraud exception. If Mick Mulvaney is stepping out of the room because theyre discussing illegal things, that to me is another red flag of consciousness of guilt that they know something is amiss, that the reason he needs to be out of the room is to protect privilege so this information will never be disclosed down the road. Congressman cohen, last question to you. How is it that reporters at the New York Times can get information like this that your committee apparently cant . Well, the times has done a great job and a Great Service which is why the president went after the media immediately and said the press is the enemy of the people. Theyve stalled us. They havent complied. Weve gone to court and the Court Process has been slow and very difficult. We will probably get these documents and we will get witnesses, but its going to take a long time. Even the documents the New York Times have got have been redacted, so theres a lot more information there. Its kind of amazing when i think about what weve gone through with this impeachment hearing. So many people brought up, including myself, the Founding Fathers in our arguments about this crime and how they saw it coming and they were most concerned about a foreign power influencing our elections. Everybody in america, all the people were marveling at the Founding Fathers and their genius and what they expressed. And it seems like trump is on the side of king george because hes trying to get he and barr all the power for the article two folk and theres a reason why they made Congress Article one and gave us power of the purse and the sole power of impeachment. He doesnt understand either just like he doesnt understand the socalled emoluments clause. This is a shock to the Founding Fathers work and hopefully itll come out proper and this man will be held accountable. Thanks to you all. Coming up Rudy Giuliani shadow diplomacy extending beyond ukraine. New reporting indicates giuliani who is a private citizen, not a representative of the u. S. Government, was trying to negotiate an exit for venezuelas president. Giulianis efforts are raising serious concerns among actual diplomats. Does not believe President Trump is someone young people can look up to. Well explain in a bit. I dont think that President Trump as a person is a role model for a lot of different youth. Thats me personally. I dont like the way he tweets, the things he says, his word choices. All right. Weve got much more to get to so stay with us. Welcome back to hardball. Rudy giulianis dirt digging in ukraine wasnt his only attempt to insert himself in u. S. Diplomacy. His back channel work extended to venezuela contradicting official u. S. Policy in the process. Giuliani along with former texas congressman Pete Sessions participated in a september 2018 phone call with venezuelan president nicolas maduro. According to the post, both were part of a shadow diplomatic effort backed in part by private interests aimed at negotiating an exit tod maduro from power. Giulianis efforts drew the ire of john bolton who opposed his work in ukraine. During the impeachment hearings giuliani travelled to kyiv to meet with prosecutors and later said he wanted to brief lawmakers on his findings. Senators are wary of giulianis escapades. Senators on capitol hill are actively avoiding meeting with giuliani. Lindsey graham said, quote, my advice would be to share what he got from ukraine with the Intelligence Community to make sure its not russian propaganda. Im suspicious of what the russians are up to all over the world. Im joined by aaron ban coe and Larry Pfeiffer from the cia. We now know if we didnt know before that ukraine was no outlier. Youve got Rudy Giuliani running policy in at least venezuela as well, well before he was trying to sideline marie yovanovitch. What stands out is that its many of the same players. Its many of the same kinds of activity. Its the same possible so mingling of National Security work with his own personal economic interests. Youve lot lev parnas involved. So, if with all of those variables the same, one can only imagine that the other variable that were not certain of yet is probably true as well and thats that this is activity that donald trump himself was personally involved in. The other thing that stands out to me, weve had shadow diplomacy for two plus centuries of american hus ri. When it happens its done in coordination with the National Security information of our structure, the National Security adviser is involved and supportive, the Intelligence Community is usually briefing the individual to go into the discussions in an informed manner. If this article is to be believed, the National Security structure is opposed to what hes doing. That i think is what makes this one different. You touched on something i want to draw you out on. Thats the fact that giuliani blends his personal business interests with the work hes doing for President Trump. And during the impeachment hearings, one of the things we heard fiona hill say was to her mind it was a National Security nightmare to have people like Rudy Giuliani and Gordon Sondland running around europe selling access to President Trump to the highest bidder. Theres a counterintelligence risk if these are people operating outside the normal National Security process. They are not as well informed. If our american journalists are learning about the activities, i guarantee you the Foreign Intelligence Services of europe, including the russians and some of the Eastern European countries, theyre even more aware of it. And as they become aware of it, they can identify vulnerabilities and these individuals can be played or they can perhaps be compromised. Yeah. So, great counterintelligence risk. Hey, aaron, im old to remember because it was two months ago where Lindsey Graham said he wanted Rudy Giuliani to testify before the Senate Judiciary committee, in part because he wanted to have counterprogramming to put up against the House Democrats impeachment push. Now youve got Lindsey Graham saying hes concerned about the information Rudy Giuliani dug up and brought back. Thats right. I had a phone call with senator graham, and that was not what i was expecting to hear on the other end of the line. Its a new development. As we dug around after speaking to senator graham that this is a sentiment felt by other republican lawmakers especially in the senate as well as democrats we spoke to as well, that the characters that giulianis meeting with in ukraine, Ukrainian Parliamentarians who are more closely lined with the russian block of the Ukrainian Parliament who are known for peddling conspiracy theories on their social media threads, holding press conferences, and we know from giulianis trip to kyiv he worked with them on this new documentary hes put out. And thats whats really concerning senators, we need to find out whether or not the information we might get briefed on is russian propaganda. For his part, President Trump has been supportive of giulianis most recent trip to ukraine telling reporters earlier this month his lawyer found what he called good information. Take a look at this. Well, i just know he came back from someplace and hes going to make a report i think to the attorney general and to congress. He says he has a lot of good information. He has not told me what hes found, but i think he wants to go before congress and say and also to the attorney general and the department of justice. I hear hes found plenty. And just two weeks ago, just days before the house voted to pass articles of impeachment, President Trump was asked how much giuliani had shared with him about his visit to ukraine. Not too much. But hes a very great crime fighter. He was the best mayor in the history of the city of new york. Hes a great person who loves our country. And he does this out of love. Believe me, he does it out of love. He sees what goes on. He sees whats happening. He sees all the of the hoax that happens when they talk about impeachment hoax or the russian collusion delusion. So, erin, do we know what giuliani has told trump . Is that a knowable thing . Weve certainly asked both mr. Giuliani, officials at the white house, and giulianis lawyer. We have not gotten a straight answer about exactly what President Trump and giuliani have spoken about but we do know they spoke about the ukraine trip if not briefly and at length for at least an hour is what we heard. Weve also heard that giuliani has brought back a lot of materials from ukraine to brief President Trump. Documents and other kinds of materials that hes brought back after meeting with these two individuals in parliament who i mentioned earlier. Now, the daily beast previously obtained a 50page document from one of those Ukrainian Parliamentarians and that specific dossier has been circulated among top officials in the past several months and what it lays out are allegations saying that ukraine actually interfered in the 2016 election and it wasnt russian. That is a well debunked Conspiracy Theory that has been propagated for at least a year. And we know these kind of material has made its way into giulianis hands and has been briefed, has been sort of read out to people inside the white house including President Trump. And larry, were talking a lot about Rudy Giuliani, but in fairness to Rudy Giuliani, hes only giving President Trump what President Trump apparently wants, right . Help us understand this sort of rumor to trump pipeline, this Conspiracy Theory straight to trump pipeline. Its the thing that President Trump himself seems to be demanding. True. And its a very dangerous thing. During my time in intelligence, Senior Leadership time in intelligence, it was not at all unusual for individuals who were seeking influence with the president or seeking influence in a foreign country to come to the National Security staff pedaling information they had obtained that was going to break open some crisis. And that material would routinely be given to the Intelligence Community to assess. And they would assess it for its sources. In this case, if it was documents they would be able to look at the documents and many cases determine if they were counterfeit. And they would then be able to provide assessment. And more often than not, the assessment was that this stuff was garbage. This case we have the information going directly to the president. We have a president who seems inclined to want to consider information from the Intelligence Community as being establishment or deep state information. At a minimum, hes taking this conspiracy information and putting it on the same level as exquisite intelligence analysis thats wellsourced coming from the intel community. Great insights. Appreciate that. My thapgs to you both. Up next, President Trump is looking to beef up his Legal Defense team ahead of a Senate Impeachment trial. His top hiring criteria, unwaivering personal loyalty and youve got to look good on tv. 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So call now for free information. And youll also get this free beneficiary planner, and its yours just for calling. So call now. The possibility of some republicans and democrats breaking ranks with their respective parties. Thats next. Youre watching hardball. Can my side be firm . And mine super soft . Yes with the sleep number 360 smart bed, on sale now, you can both adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. Can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. And snoring . No problem. And done. So, you can really promise better sleep . Not promise. Prove. And now, during our new years special queen sleep number c4 smart bed is only 1299, save 400, plus 0 interest for 24 months on all beds. Ends new years day. Welcome back to hardball. Earlier this month Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell told the press he would not be an impartial juror because the impeachment process was political. Lisa murkowski told a station she was disturbed by that. We have to take that step back from being hand in glove with the defense. I happen to think that that has further confused the process. Murkowskis public grievance is notable given her partys slim majority in the senate. It takes only four republicans joining with democrats to force leader mcconnells hand on any number of thorny issues in the senate trial. Ahead of the impeachment trial, all eyes are on a handful of republicans who are viewed as potential defectors. Three democrats could also buck their party. Im joined by Barbara Boxer, the former u. S. Senator from california and the host of the boxer podcast and michael steele. I want to start with you because we talk so much today about what House Speaker nancy pelosi is going to do and when shes going to transmit the articles of impeachment. Lets talk about Mitch Mcconnell. He has the republican in the white house and the republican majority he has to keep intact to get the fast and forgettable trial he envisions. Senator mcconnell is fortunate. He doesnt have the protrump caucus that house leaders have to deal with. Theres no matt gaetz or jim jordan. Thats a big advantage. What he wants, a swift dignified senatorial swiftness is not wants. Ooing its notable he talks about coordinating with white House Counsel. Think its notab talks about coordinating with white House Counsel. He talks about coordinating with the white house or the administration, not necessarily giving the president what he wants but moving through this in the most politically late politically damaging way possible. Yeah. Hey, senator boxer, i lived through the clinton impeachment. Help us understand, given your experience then and your experience just in the senate, whats the cost benefit analysis for someone like a doug jones or someone like a Lisa Murkowski in trying to decide whether or not theyre going to split with the party, maybe not on voting on whether or not to remove President Trump from office but on Something Like having a trial with witnesses. Well, im going to be really from the heart here. You cant do a cost benefit analysis in a situation like this. When a president has been impeached by the house and this is a very different case than the clinton case. Weve discussed that before. One was lying about sex. The other is abuse of power, shaking down a foreign leader to get dirt on your opponent. Very, very different. But in all cases, whatever the reasoning is by the house, you need to just sit back and do your duty. You raise your hand to do your duty. So i like the fact that were seeing some independent voices on all sides. Its got to be that way, or the system fails. Youve got now Something Like 70 of americans, according to the latest poll, wanting to see a senate trial with witnesses. You cant get 70 of americans to decide or agree on what day it is. Right. Yet you have 70 of americans saying they want a fair trial as democrats see it. Senator boxer, do you think that in and of itself will be enough to put pressure on republicans to give democrats the thing that they want, to have folks like Mick Mulvaney, john bolton crossing that threshold of the senate floor and telling the American Public what they know . I would hope so because as we know and if we look back to the clinton days, which you raised, there were witnesses. Now, there was a vote to call witnesses, and there were witnesses, and they decided to take their depositions. But heres the thing. We know that we had many, many witnesses already confirm what the president did, shaking down this foreign leader, endangering National Security, giving putin another victory and all the rest of it, using taxpayer funds. Its pretty ugly. And weve had a number of brave people come forward, nonpolitical people, many of them republicans, to testify. But still and all, there are many others that were in the room where it happened, and they need to be called. And, yes, i do think that with the public saying thats the way it go, it could weigh heavily on certain colleagues there. I would think the democrats would vote to call the witnesses, and i do think theres several republicans who are fairminded, who might do that and some others who are frankly scared because theyre in purple states and they need to win. Hey, michael, you said earlier that mcconnell doesnt have to deal with the ride or die trump caucus which should be printed on some t shirts or something. To your point, republican senator James Langford of oklahoma, he told a cbs station that he doesnt think the president is a role model but that doesnt mean hell stop supporting his administration. Take a look at this. I said very early on in the Campaign Time period, when people asked me in 2016, what are you looking for . I said, well i always look for a president who can be a role model. I dont think that President Trump as a person is a role model for a lot of different youth. Thats just me personally. I dont like the way that he tweets, some of the things that he said, his word choices at time are not my word choices. So that was langford and chris coons talking to cbss face the nation. Weve heard versions of this before. Republicans say donald trump isnt a good guy, but hes still my guy. Yeah, you can see that in the ad that the president played in the world series. You may not like trump, he may ruffle some feathers but it takes donald trump to get stuff done. There are a lot of people who believe as senator langford does that the president s record can be defended, record low unemployment, et cetera, but his personal character is indefensible. What about mike pence . Hes waiting in the wings, right . If you play it out i mean one of the things thats very strange in both the clinton impeachment and this is that the parties fight so hard to defend a president who is probably harder to reelect or probably less likely to have a successful next election at the president ial level if they stick with that president. Vice president al gore as incumbent president of the United States would have rolled to victory in 2000. Thats just not the way democrats chose to play it. Thank you former senator Barbara Boxer and my friend michael steele. Up next, time to get down to business. Just five weeks out from the Iowa Caucuses and if youve been waiting to get your head in the game, nows the time. Were going to run through some of the biggest moments in the campaign so far to help you get up to speed. Youre watching hardball. Im alex trebek here to tell you about the Colonial Penn program. If youre age 50 to 85 and looking to buy Life Insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. What are the three ps . The three ps of Life Insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. A price you can afford, a price that cant increase, and a price that fits your budget. Im 65 and take medications. Whats my price . You can get coverage for 9. 95 a month. I just turned 80. Whats my price . 9. 95 a month for you, too. If youre age 50 to 85, call now about the number one most popular whole Life Insurance plan available through the Colonial Penn program. It has an affordable rate starting at 9. 95 a month. No medical exam, no health questions. Your acceptance is guaranteed, and this plan has a guaranteed lifetime rate lock, so your rate can never go up for any reason. And with this plan, you can pick your payment date, so you can time your premium due date to work with your budget. So call now for free information. And youll also get this free beneficiary planner, and its yours just for calling. So call now. Welcome back to hardball. Five weeks from tonight well be talking about the results of the first in the nation Iowa Caucuses as the president ial election gets into full swing. As we count down the final hours until 2020, lets take a look back at the highlights of the president ial campaign in 2019. The calendar says 2019 but dont be fooled. 2020 is already in full force. A crowded and diverse field of declared or likely democrats. Im filing an exploratory committee. I will lead with integrity. You dont get what you dont fight for. Bernie sanders making it official. Im running for president. Bernie, bernie. Sanders is facing a completely different primary from last time. I am a candidate. On this snowy day on this island i announce my candidacy. Im running for president. Because we need dreamers in washington. Good leadership brings out the best in us. Thats what we believe. Im cory booker and im running for president of the United States of america. I am announcing today im running for president. Im running to serve you. Because we have to beat donald trump. Thats why im running for president. Donald trump must be stopped. We will take our democracy back. Join me if you want to get to work. Im on my 40th trip to iowa. My name is tom steyer. Im running for president. Joe biden nearly slipped up and declared himself a candidate a bit early. I have the most progressive record of anybody running for anybody who would run. I felt these hands on my shoulders. And the boundaries of protecting personal space have been reset, and i get it. Joe biden finally makes it official. I can beat donald trump. Thats the signal theyre trying to send with this rollout. For a smalltown mayor, Pete Buttigieg has big ambitions. They call me mayor pete. If elected he would be the youngest president , the first who is openly gay. There were times in my life when if you had shown me exactly what it was inside me that made me gay, i would have cut it out with a knife. Were draining the swamp. President trump in front of a capacity crowd kicking off his 2020 campaign with familiar themes. Our radical democrat opponents are driven by hatred, prejudice, and rage. Donald trump has violated his oath of office. He should be impeached. Sleepy joe biden whos dumb as a rock. We need to get rid of donald trump. The great pocahontas. Trump is a pathological liar and a racist. Crazy bernie. There was a little girl in california and she was bussed to School Every Day and that little girl was me. I did not oppose bussing in america. Kamala harris mischaracterize her position on the busing question in particular . Yes, she did. Get the people that are racist off the streets. Buttigieg, we said second place with white voters, 18 . Black voters, zero. Two American Cities in shock and mourning this hour after two Mass Shootings in less than 24 hours. Hell yes were going to take your ar15, your ak47. I have a 6 and 3yearold boy. I was imagining it was one of them that got shot and the others saw it. Thats kind of been the subtext of this campaign, the issue of the concerns about bidens age. You just said two minutes ago they would have to buy in. Are you forgetting what you said two minutes ago . One day its joe biden. The next, Elizabeth Warren. What should we make of this surging in the polls . I dont do polls. We dont want each others families bankrupted by medical bills. Ive got a plan to fix it. Your signature, senator, is to have a plan for everything except this. The difference between a plan and a pipe dream is something that you can actually get done. Guaranteed universal medicare for all plan. Maybe a nice idea. I wrote the damn bill. Raise your hand if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants. [ applause ] senator Bernie Sanders was hospitalized last night after experiencing chest discomfort. Hes off the road for a little bit, his appearances have been canceled. Bi am back. I think theyve got their eye on somebody whos currently in the democratic primary. Shes the favorite of the russians. She knows she cant control me. Mike bloomberg started as a middle class kid. He launched his campaign with the single largest political advertising buy in u. S. History. Im not a billionaire. I cant fund my own campaign. Im suspending our campaign today. It is a problem that we now have an Overall Campaign for the 2020 presidency that has more billionaires in it than black people. Its the least diverse democratic field on a debate stage so far. I have not denigrated your experience as a local official. You actually did denigrate my experience, senator, and it was before the break, and i was going to let it go because we got bigger fish to fry here. But you implied that i dont think we have bigger fish to fry than picking a president of the United States. This year, it is feeling real intense as these democratic contender try to get a toehold. Mr. Vice president. Why dont you come on up . Were live on msnbc now. Look at that. Thats Vaughn Hillyard in our shot right there. The question, congressman, is where is the rental car from . Behind me, Elizabeth Warren is in that. I want to show you what this event looks like. Are you really asking m he to tell nbc exactly what the president of the United States. America does not want to witness a food fight. Governor steel bullock at the iowa state fair, dont eat your way out of it. Just trust me. Are you ready to be president . We better be. Lets just pick somebody, please, and lets start this thing. Youre selling access to the president just like he was. Youre a damn liar, man. Thats not true. Thats right. Im tougher than i look. Man, you want to wrestle . Hey, hey, hey. The bad news is ive caught a cold. Nevertheless, i persist. He tweeted, watching Sleepy Joe Biden making a speech. So boring. He should get a life. We dont want to be politically correct. He and his account should be taken down. Thats me. Let me turn it off. Its Elizabeth Warren. Sorry for this fruit fly. Thank god this wasnt betos day to see the proctologist. Im going to get me a beer. Its going to be a really long election. Well, that was quite a look back. My hats off to the team that produced that. Coming up next, congressman john lewis announced hes beginning treatment for pancreatic cancer. The latest on his condition and fight ahead coming up next. Youre watching hardball. sensei beautiful. But support the leg when i started cobra kai, the lack of control over my business made me a little intense. But now i practice a different philosophy. Quickbooks helps me get paid, manage cash flow, and run payroll. And now im back on top. With koala kai. Hey more mercy. vo save over 40 hours a month with intuit quickbooks. The easy way to a happier business. When you see something that is not right, not just, not fair, you have a moral obligation to say something, to do something. Our children and their children will ask us what did you do . What did you say . For some, this vote may be hard. But we have a mission and a mandate to be on the right side of history. That was congressman john lewis during his most recent appearance on the house floor giving an impassioned plea during the fight over impeachment. Now the georgia democrat and civil rights icon is facing a different kind of fight. He announced over the weekend that hes undergoing treatment for stage 4 pancreatic cancer. In a statement, lewis writes, i have been in some kind of fight for freedom, equality, basic human rights for nearly my entire life. I have never faced a fight like the one i have now. Lewis, who was elected to congress in 1986, is the last survivor of the socalled big six civil rights activists, led by the late reverend dr. Martin luther king jr. In 1965, lewis was brutally beaten by police while leading a civil rights march across the Edmund Pettus bridge in selma, alabama, in what became known as bloody sunday. And earlier this year, the congressman sat down with Chris Matthews and spoke about the fight for forces of good in our country. You have to have faith. You have to believe. You have to have hope. And you cannot give up. And i will not give up. I will not become bitter. Its that same resolve that his friends and colleagues say will see him through this latest battle. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi writes in a tweet, quote, know that generations of americans have you in their thoughts and prayers as you face this fight. Former president bill clinton wrote, if theres anyone with the strength and courage to fight this, its you, john. And former president barack obama added this. If theres one thing i love about john lewis, its his incomparable will to fight. I know hes got a lot more of that left in him. Praying for you, my friend. Congressman lewis says he plans to return to work in congress as he undergoes treatment and hopes to be back on the front lines soon. Thats hardball for now. Thanks for being with us. All in with chris hayes starts right now. Tonight on all in pompeo, bolton, mulvaney. Everyone was in the loop. A stunning new report on the role trumps top men played in the corrupt ukraine extortion scheme. And the day they all tried and failed to convince him to end it. Then, the fleecing of america. Look, i like golf. Its fine. Reporter the 120 million hustle in which we pay trump to golf at trump properties. What a deal. Plus, the triggering. The pathetic truth behind the great home alone 2

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