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Recess. I would settle for lunch. If we could have lunch and recess, i would take it. Me too. Thank you. As predicted right here republicans are finally using Abraham Lincoln against donald trump. A new group of conservatives scrambled to stop donald trump at all costs. Paul ryan acknowledging that the convention could be open in cleveland. To even address or hint to violence is unacceptable. If he can do it without riots in the streets the other candidates can do it as well. Any effort to help anybody but the republican nominee helps Hillary Clinton. We are going all the way to cleveland. It was an explosive hearing at times. I agree that the epa should have done more. It was also an emotional one on capitol hill. They should have rushed in sooner to rescue the people of michigan. As both michigan Governor Rick Snyder. You had the authority and backing of the federal government. Investigating the lead painted water in michigan. The president s nominee for the Supreme Court made his first visit to capitol hill today. I cannot imagine in he senator standing up and saying im not going do my duty. Im not going to change my position. I used to make a living identifying absurdity. Im hearing a lot of it today. The most powerful republican in government who is second in line in the line of succession for the presidency the speaker of the house paul ryan insisted today he will not become a candidate for president if the republicans have a contested convention, but he will be the most powerful person at that convention. Paul ryan will be the chairman of the Republican Convention. He will be the master of the Convention Rules and the interpreter of the Convention Rules. The convention parmt tear will work for him. Paul ryan is clearly not buying Donald Trumps idea that whoever shows up at that convention with the most delegates, even if its not a majority, should just get the nomination automatically. Nothings changed other than the perception that theres more likely to become an open convention than we thought before. So were getting our minds around the idea that this could very well become a reality and therefore those of us involved in the convention need to respect that. Need to respect that. That is a message aimed directly at the republican frontrunner who respects nothing. That is the chairman of the convention saying that the rules of the convention enforced by him will determine what happens at the convention, not the Wishful Thinking of donald trump. My goal is to be dispassionate and to be switzerland, to be neutral and dispassionate and to make sure the rule of law prevails and make sure that the delegates make their decision however the rules require them to do that. Republicans trying to stop trump today finally started ecoing what ive been saying for days about how Abraham Lincoln got the republican president ial nomination. In 1860 Abraham Lincoln it took him three ballots. Eric was part of a stop trump meeting in washington today. We find donald trump and Hillary Clinton both unacceptable and want to call for a unity ticket in the Republican Party now. To have the parties that have dropped out to hold their delegates so donald trump cant get to the 1237 delegates and after the first ballot try to shape the Party Without trump. The Group Released a statement saying we believe the issue of donald trump is greater than an issue of party, its an issue of character that all americans most confront. We call for a unity ticket that unites the Republican Party. Marco rubio, the former golden boy, announced today that he will not be on that ticket or any ticket because after failing to unite republicans in his home state to support his candidacy for president he plans to quit politics. Im not going to be anybodys vice president. Im not interested in being vice president. No mean that in a disrespectful way. Im not running for governor of florida. Im going to finish out my term in the senate over the next ten months. Were going to work hard here and we have some things we want to achieve and ill be a private citizen in january. The last time the republicans went into a convention without a nominee locked in place was 1976 when Ronald Reagan tried to snatch the convention away. The master mind of the reagan strategy was charlie black who this week signed on to john kasichs campaign. Charlie black told chuck todd that the Kasich Campaign hopes to follow the Abraham Lincoln model and grab the nomination on the third ballot. John kasich would have a very good chance to win in an open competitive convention that went more than a couple of ballots and thats the strategy hes going to win some more primaries too. If you add this up it could be that trump goes in with about 40 and you have 35 for either kasich or were for rubio or uncommitted, which gives you a chance for a mainstream ke conservative against two outliers to win. Joining us now is Stewart Stevens. Columnist for the daily beast and former strategist and joy Read National correspondent who has been out on that campaign trail everywhere and Charlie Pierce writer at large. These scenarios sound crazy to anyone who doesnt know the history of contested conventions. Anything can happen there. That is correct and i think that were getting another civics lesson is as much as we do not elect the president of the United States with our popular votes, we just decide which go to the elect ral college, in these primaries your vote does not determine who the nominee is, it decides which delegates go to a certain candidate and they will vote at the convention according to whatever rules the chairman of the convention decides are the rules that year and that is how the nominee is chosen. Hump re was imposed on the democratic electorate. He didnt run in a primary. Its the system, folks. Its the same way and its been for a very long time. Stewart, you were there four years ago at the Republican Convention where your candidate had it locked up, none of this was ever an issue. I assume the rules werent that important because there wasnt anything contention in that florida convention, but this time with the charlie blacks moving in weve got a real game going on here if donald trump doesnt show up with the majority. Yeah, listen ive been fascinated by this. I wrote a novel coming out in june about a brokered convention because its a fascinating study and a human hot box of emotions. I think its going to be tough for donald trump to get to 1,237 and what youre seeing is a resistance to donald trump because hell be a disaster ele elect rally and theres these issues that bother people across the board. What i think is going to be fascinating here is the stress test that this puts these candidates under. This is a period where theyre going to be watched very carefully and in many ways its going to be like the recount period back in 2000 where these candidates are going to be under tremendous unnatural pressures and you have to see how they handle it. Now so far id say Donald Trumps not doing a very good job, but in some ways i suppose its an opportunity for the guy to step up and be bigger, but he usually doesnt do very well in those moments. Lets listen to what eric said today about what this means for the party. I think that if donald trump becomes the republican nominee, the Republican Party ceases to be the party that i was a representative of so there is going to have to be the ground work for a new Political Party in the country that represents people who typically have been Republican Voters in the past. Charlie pierce, the United States did perfectly okay up until about the 1850s without a Republican Party existing. Might we be on the verge of a return to that condition . First of all, in honor of Saint Patricks day i would like to Say Something which is who is eric when hes at home. What kind of power broker are we dealing with here. If Stewart Stevens has a novel coming out this summer, i want him picking the rest of my bracket. Third, i dont know. Honestly i dont know whether it would be good or bad for paul ryan to preside over a convention where they push donald trump out of the nomination. I have no idea what the Republican Party is going to look like in a month yet alone when the convention rolls around. But this is one of those situations where the republicans have no good choice. If donald trump shows up there without enough delegates to secure the nomination, then hes showing up as the weakest nominee theyve seen against gerald ford and possibly weaker because he may well show up with fewer delegates. So what do you do, do you go forward with this inexperienced candidate who is the weakest nominee you maybe have ever had or do you come up with some other result . The party is already split. Ever since the emerge answer of the tea party there have been two republican parties operating under the same umbrella, but having come from cleveland i can tell you there will be no overtime for any Police Officers in that city. There is already a sense of real nervousness about what will happen. Youve had donald trump essentially threatens riots if he doesnt get his way. Parties have a self interest. Of course they want to prevent this person who is just little more of a vulgarian. Its ironic that eric is standing up for sort of the integrity of the Republican Party, but they have a self interest of preventing themselves from being destroyed by somebody who is going to march into the convention without the support of anyone there. People who come to the convention are partisans. Theyre the republican establishment. Theyre going to sit there and watch donald trump become the nominee. Theyre going to fight it. The Republican Party has to live with the convention of allowing and helping to create donald trump. Stewart, with paul ryan as the most important noncandidate going to that convention, hes already taken a number of stances against donald trump, against things donald trump has said. He came out as soon as donald trump said ban muslims from the country. Paul ryan was against that. He was against Donald Trumps hes tans about rejecting white extremist. With paul ryan in that position, with this party where it is, do you see it the way i do that there is no good choice, there is no choice that everybody can just cheer about when they leave cleveland . Listen, ive been using the guns of august analogy, the book about the sort of world war i. Ill be happy if we can avoid killing each other. My goal here is straightforward. I dont want donald trump to be the nominee of the Republican Party. I think hes a horrible person. He represents i think a dark side of the american spirit in so many ways and i think it would be an absolute disaster for the party and for the country for him to represent a major party. So how we get there im less concerned about than getting there. That to me is the essential goal. You see this as a moral matter as well as a political matter . Absolutely. Listen, donald trump is a bigot. This is a party lets see how far weve wandered here. George bush 39 is the person who signed the american for disabilities act. Now we have someone out there mocking people with disabilities. We have someone accusing george bush 41 of being a war criminal. This is just talking about our neighbors to the south as rapist. It is absolutely a moral question. Were going to have to take a break here. When we come back, he has written the must read of the day about the big problem republicans have with white voters. There just arent enough of them. 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Today paul ryan, who will be the chairman of the Republican National convention, krcriticiz the republican frontrunner for the nomination for saying there will be riots if he doesnt get that nomination. Nobody should say such things because to even address or hint to violence is unacceptable. Well be right back. They say when mr. Clean saw all the Different Things his new smart phone does. It reminded him of his magic eraser. Its not just for marks on walls. Its tough on kitchen grease. And bathroom grime too. Hes your. All aroundtoughcleaner, mr. Clean. For crash survival, subaru has developed ours most revolutionary feature yet. A car that can see trouble and stop itself to avoid it. When the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety tested front crash prevention nobody beat subaru models with eyesight. Not toyota. Not ford or any other brand. Subaru eyesight. An extra set of eyes, every time you drive. Try cool mint zantac. Hey, need fast heartburn relief . It releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. Zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. Nexium can take 24 hours. Try cool mint zantac. No pill relieves heartburn faster. When donald trump looks out at his rally audiences, once theyve forcibly removed the proteste protesters, he sees a sea of white. Trump audiences are the only aud ens that weve seen that are writer than the people attending the Republican Conventions, but donald trump and the Republican Party have a serious problem with white voters. As Stuart Stevens points out there arent enough white voters for the gop to win. In 1980 Ronald Reagan won 56 of white voters and won a land slide victory of 44 states in 2012 mitt romney won 59 of whites and lost with 24 states. Were back with Stuart Stevens for more on this. Also joined by eugene robinson. Stuart, whenever i read your stuff you do your homework and the math. And none of us know how to do math around here. I was quite struck by that. I did not realize that mitt romney got a larger percentage of the white vote than Ronald Reagan got. What else dont republicans know about the math of the white vote and Winning National elections . Well, i think one of the myths out there is just a lot of white voters werent motivated as they were for Ronald Reagan, when in fact a higher percentage for white voters not only voted for mitt romney, but a higher percentage turned out for mitt romney. Look, this is what i call the lost tribes of the amazon theory. If we go up the river far enough, they will come to the edge and vote for us. Theyre not there. The countrys changing and you have to build a party that will be able to get a coalition of white and nonwhite voters. Mitt romney was able to get 17 nonwhite voters. To win consistently youre going to have to get that up to north of 25 . And gene, in stuarts piece he points out where the electal College Begins as soon as you stop voting on election day its pretty well guaranteed that the democrats are going to start the night with 240 elect ral votes because theres these 16 states they always win. The republicans can guarantee they will start the night with only 103 elect ral votes. So theres theres the republicans starting off the night only like 28 electoral votes short of winning the presidency and republicans are out there now thinking that donald trump is somehow going to create this gigantic turnout of voters who have never been there before who are going to change that math. Thats not going to happen. It doesnt happen and smart republicans like stuart have realized this for some time. They can do math at the rnc and you saw in the postromney autopsy a version of this basically. The party has to expand its appeal to africanamericans, to latinos, the countries biggest minority group, to asian americans. All those groups as you saw on the graphic went heavily for barack obama. If the party were to nominate someone like donald trump, assuming the Republican Party didnt just add om miez, it would solidify this sort of new American Coalition relationship with the Democratic Party and it would be a long, long, long, winter for republicans. And stuart, making a move in the right directions here politically hasnt been easy for the republicans in the last four years. They tried initially to do something on immigration reform. That got shot down by the right wing of the Republican Party. What else could they have tried to do to try to gain some ground here with nonwhite voters . Well, look, lets just step back. You have two a 74yearold white guy and a 60 something year old white women. On the republican side you had two cuban americans, an africanamerican, a woman, there was a much more Diverse Group running. So that in itself is a start. But its not just policy, though policy is part of it. Its being able to reach out to these voters with a sense that you care about these voters. And thats the thing about donald trump. Its not that donald trump is some tough stance on immigration per se thats killing any chances that republicans are going to have. I mean, thats not a particularly positive factor, but its when he calls mexicans rapists and he talks about muslims in terms that are not american. We dont have a religious test in america. When he talks about, this horrible language that he uses about dipping bullets in pigs and shooting muslims, we dont do this in america. There is something about this that is foundmentally hateful to different groups. It sends a terribly wrong signal and were that person to be the nominee of the party i think it would have devastating elect ralal consequences. You know, i mean i think that stuart is right, but it is policy too. I mean, i think the Republican Party really does need to think about how to how to design and yes modify policies that appeal to minority voters and the party just doesnt do that. The party sort of sticks with a very sort of standard reagan tax cut, deregulation ideology, which is fine for small owners and people like that that theyre trying to appeal to, but doesnt say a lot to average minority voters. It really doesnt connect with them. So in a state like my home state of South Carolina you have republican figures like the governor and the senator tim scott who people like and rin te end africanamericans are not going to vote for because they dont like the policies. Thank you both for joining us tonight. Really appreciate it. Good to be here. Thank you. Coming up, president obama is now getting involved or may be getting involved in the democratic primary. I use whats already inside me to reach my goals. 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Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney failure. With trulicity, i click to activate whats within me. If you want help improving your a1c and blood sugar numbers with a noninsulin option, ask your doctor about onceweekly trulicity. And click to activate your within. The New York Times reports today, quote president obama told a group last friday that Bernie Sanders is nearing a point where his campaign against Hillary Clinton will come to an end and the party must soon come together to back her. The president s comments were sum yar rised last week and the comments were later confirmed by a white house. All of those sources remain anonymous. Today he said this. President obama made a case that would be familiar to all of you, which is that as democrats move through this competitive primary process, we need to be mindful of the fact that our success in november in electing a democratic president will depend on the commitment and ability of the Democratic Party to come together behind our nominee. The president did not indicator specify a preference in the race. The times report does say, quote, president obama stressed he was not endorsing either candidate. Joining us now is the National Affairs correspondent for the nation magazine and co author of people get ready, the fight against a jobless economy and a citizenless economy and the aut author about barack obama and the clintons. Joy, youre the expert. What do you make of this story. He knows Hillary Clinton better than he knows Bernie Sanders. Hes closer to Hillary Clinton. If you talk to obama people, particularly obama people who didnt sign on with the Hillary Clinton campaign for one reason or another, you will still hear the sense that Hillary Clinton is the most likely nominee. Shes the long standing of the two, and the party is much more behind her. I talked to an obama person today who essentially said look at a certain point the party has to start focusing on things like Voter Registration and mobilization and if the coordinated campaign cant get started and Hillary Clinton is focusing on Bernie Sanders then shes not doing that Important Party building. I think there is a sense and i would not be surprised if president obama would if he could make a public declaration, would make it for Hillary Clinton. Just so happens Bernie Sanders was here in the last hour with rachel maddow. Lets listen to what he said about this. I dont want to speculate on what he said or what he didnt say. Ive heard theres been some push back from the white house kind of indicating that he didnt say that. When only half of the American People have participated in the political process, when some of the largest states in this country, people in those states have not been able to voice their opinion on who should be the democratic nominee, i think its absurd for anybody to suggest that those people not have a right to cast a vote. John, youre reaction . Well, id start off by saying that i have enough respect for barack obama to and his political skills to be pretty sure that he would not make a major statement about the 2016 president ial race to a bunch of donors in austin, texas. If he wants to send a sfiignal, this is a very skilled political figure and he can do it much more direct than this. So what we have a situation where i think he went to meet with a group of folks, they talked about a lot of politics and as joy points out i think he walked through some political scenarios, im sure all that happened, but one thing to remember is the Democratic Party in the last number of election cycles where they won the presidency in an open year had contests that went on into may and june. Barack obama is familiar with that reality and then turned around and did a very good job of winning the presidency. That happened in 1992. Bill clinton was still wrestling with jerry brown well into may. What i think we need to understand is the process thats going on right now is very, very healthy for the Democratic Party. It is great that the Democratic Party is having debates and is having people get mobilized and come to rallies and by comparison to the republicans, i think the democratic race looks very vibrant and very encouraging. So i dont see why people would want to dial that down so that all anybody talks about is what donald trump or somebody that doesnt like donald trump is doing. Joy, thats i think a great point is that imagine where the democrats would be right now if their primaries were already over. The trump domination of the news cycle has been just overwhelming for everyone involved in dealing with it like us as well as the public. Without whats going on on the democratic side, without the debates theyre having, what would the public know about what the democrats positions are. I think one of the issues for Hillary Clinton is that she has been saying in rallies if she could just start getting to trump it would be a good thing, but they does have the reality that she did take the primary all the way to june when she was running in the democratic primary against senator barack obama. There had been a lot more contests in the bag and she was a lot closer than Bernie Sanders is. His mathematical distance from her is greater just as a statistical matter than hers was, but the idea, yes, theres been a lot less excitement generated on the democratic side of turnout because the republican race has dominated things. But i think the other argument that youre hearing again and im telling you what i heard speaking to an obama person is that the problem is when barack obama was the leader, he was registering voters along the way and he was carrying this sort of movement behind him and so was Hillary Clinton. That isnt happening so much now and i think thats why people are getting nervous. Thank you both for very much for joining us tonight. Really appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you. Up next, michigan governor faces an angry congressional hearing. Everyone was angry in that hearing about the poisoning in the water and children in flint, michigan. Pet moments are beautiful, unless you have allergies. Then your eyes may see it differently. 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If you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. Ask your doctor about cialis and a 200 savings card s today michigan Governor Rick Snyder testified before the House Committee on oversight and government reform about the flint water crisis. It was an appearance where a politician says hes taking responsibility and not trying to shift blame while right before your eyes he tries to shift blame, in this case to the federal government, even though poisoning the water supply was entirely the result of the governors bright idea to seize control of the local government in flint. Were taking responsibility in michigan and were taking action and thats absolutely essential here in washington too. Inefficient bur krats at the epa allowed this continue unnecessarily. Im glad to be sitting with the administer from the epa because all of us most be held accountable. So the governor blames the bureaucrats at the epa for allowing his mistake to continue, the very same epa that the republicans want to cut funding for or abolish in their wildest dreams. Here is the how she replied. Looking back on flint from day one the state provided our Regional Office with confusing, incomplete and absolutely incorrect information. Their interactions with us were misleading and contentious and as a result epa staff had insufficient information to understand the potential scope of the lead problem until more than a year after to water supply was switched. Predictably the republicans on the economy tried to blame the epa, which is their way of blaming president obama and the democrats on the committee tried to keep the blame focussed on the republicans in michigan whose decisions poisoned the water and the children in flint. When things got rough for you and your administration started being investigated, you got michigan to pay your legal fees. Governor do you admit here today that you have asked the people of michigan for more than 1 million to pay for your criminal and Civil Defense fees. Yes. It makes me sick to think you found a way to have the state of michigan pay over 1 million in legal fees, yet you thought so little of the people in flint that you could not be bothered to ask the legislator for money to switch them over to clean water. You cannot be trusted and i got to tell you you need to resign. Joining us now mayor of lansing michigan. He ran against Governor Snyder in 2010. Mr. Mayor, when you consider the Million Dollars in legal fees versus the thousands of dollars maybe 36,000 a year it would have cost to make the clean water choice in flint, its just a stunning comparison there. There were so many mistakes along the way and when you hear the governor say he takes responsibility, but its these other peoples fault thats a little disheartening. The mayor of flint is worked triple time. Shes been incredible trying to address this problem. The people have been without good water coming up on two years. Theyve been using bottled water for three months. Very difficult to take care of your family. Theyre told its okay to bathe with it, but some people have rashes. Its time to fix the problem. The governor hasnt pulled up behind the mayor because he no longer has power. He had total power when this crisis happened. He had taken the place of the city council and the mayor, but he has yet to really support the new mayor of flint who deserves his support to get real help to the citizens of flint. This was a man made crisis, but its a crisis nonetheless. Its a disaster for the people of flint and they deserve Disaster Relief and they dont have it to this day. Do this day theyre using bottled water. Where is the help he promises, but the led is still there. They havent gotten the lead out. I dont see the plan to get the lead out and theyre not supporting the mayors plan to get the lead out. Lets listen to what the representative said to the governor about exactly what they are trying to do to help people now. Tell me the constituents that you responded to based on that report. The constituents . Were out to talk to every person in flint. Youre talking to them . Your response to date to know who is effected why your report and then to talk to them. Not maybe. Its to go to their homes to have aun opportunity to ask woud you like a filter or water test. How can we help support you . Mr. Mayor, its amazing that he thinks the people in flint would just like to have a little filter to stick on to that poisoned water to take care of them. They made this switch almost two years ago. They put these people in peril. These are people with elderly parents and young kids. They were lied to by the government and then youre asking them what would they like . What they would like is what every american takes for granted which is clean, safe water. Thats what theyd like and thats what they deserve. Theres a lot of things that have come out of this testimony. I think its great that congress is demanding accountability and transparency. Its more than closing the barn door because this effects a lot of communities around the country so i help that congress will keep digging, but we have to keep the pressure on locally. Im doing what i can to help the mayor of flint, but they need resources. They need the state should pay for it. The state has a huge surplus which they stole from governments and theyre going to have to use the surplus to fix the problem they created. If you pay it, you buy it. He should stop trying to blame other people and step up and fix the problem and get the lead out in flint. Thanks for joining us. Thanks. Coming up, this senator says what hes been hearing from republican senators about the Supreme Court reminds him of the stuff he used to write for saturday night live. . Is it becoming a better professor by being a more adventurous student . Is it one day giving your daughter the opportunity she deserves . Is it finally witnessing all the artistic wonders of the Natural World . Whatever your definition of success is, helping you pursue it, is ours. Tiaa. And im still struggling with my diabetes. I do my best to manage. But its hard to keep up with it. Your body and your diabetes change over time. Your treatment plan may too. Know your options. Oncedaily toujeo® is a longacting insulin from the makers of lantus®. It releases slowly to provide consistent insulin levels for a full 24 hours. Toujeo® also provides proven full 24hour blood sugar control and significant a1c reduction. Toujeo® is a longacting, manmade insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. 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I make clear through my brother to the senator that my candidacy would not be an opposition to his, but in harmony. Senator Robert Kennedys campaign lasted less than three months. It ended when he was assassin e assassinated here in los angeles on june 5th, 1968. But not every Insurance Company understands the life behind it. Those who have served our nation have earned the very best service in return. Usaa. We know what it means to serve. Get an Auto Insurance quote and see why 92 of our members plan to stay for life. vo you can check on them. You can worry about them. You can even choose a car for them. mom honey, are you ok . child im ok. announcer vo love. mom were ok. announcer vo its what makes a subaru, a subaru. No, youre not yogonna watch it tch it we cant let you download on the goooooo youll just have to miss it yeah, youll just have to miss it we cant let you download. Uh, no thanks. I have x1 from xfinity so. Dont fall for directv. Xfinity lets you download your shows from anywhere. I used to like that song. And now for the good news. 9yearold baker drum is detraits super. He said when he became a teenager he wanted to give food and cloetsing to the homeless. His parents told him he didnt have to wait so with the help of his parents the Nonprofit Organization was born. Now once a month super ewan and his super volunteers distribute food, clothes and basic necessities to the homeless. Last year his short film was one of 15 chosen for the white house student festival whose theme was the impact of giving back. The website, little things, recently caught up with super ewan. After i put on my cape, i go into the dining room and i make a sandwich and start filling out the bag with candy, apples and chips. This is the packet for my friends and i call them super friends because i dont like to call them homeless. I wish more kids could be like him. If i had a son or daughter, i would like my kid to be just like that. [eerie music] i am the ghost of cookies past. Residue. Oh. So gross. Well, you didnt use pam. So it looks like youre stuwith me bargain brand cooking spray leaves annoying residue. Thats why theres pam. Jake reese, day to feel alive jake reese, day to feel alive jake reese, day to feel alive theno one surface. Out there. No one speed. No one way of driving on each and every road. But there is one car that can conquer them all. The mercedesbenz cclass. Five driving modes let you customize the steering, shift points, and suspension to fit the mood youre in. And the road youre on. The 2016 cclass. Lease the c300 for 399 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. As is traditional for Supreme Court nominees judge Merrick Garland Senate Republicans are still refusing to consider the nomination in any way. No hearings, no votes. Today at a Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing to consider all business, senator al franken said this. Supreme Court Nominees have gotten hearings for the last 100 years since 1916. You cant say i want the people to decide, wait for the next president , oh, wait a minute, if we lose the election, then well vote for this guy. Then well have this. Will you at least admit to me that is condititradictorycontra. I was in your shoes i would be saying thats wonderful, at least were going to vote for this nominee one way or the other. No, its its double talk. Dont you see that as double talk . Dont you see that though . Doesnt anyone here see that . I guess not. I guess not. And Charlie Pierce is back with us. And charlie, senator franken went on to say that what the republicans were saying reminded him of stuff he used to write at saturday night live. That was the al franken from his old job that you dont see very much in the senate. Hes been a real work horse and not a show pony there. He raised a challenge to the senators when he said what about why dont you just do absolutely nothing. Lets listen to that. You could be the ropeadope senate and not do anything. Heres what the constitution says. Provides only that the Congress Must be in session at least once a year. Is that what you guys want . The Congress Shall assemble at least once in every year and such meetings shall begin at noon on the third day of january. The American People are looking at this and seeing what this is. This is obstruction. Charlie ive seen a lot of Senate Hearings and i havent seen any moments like that. No, that was a good one. What bothers me about this thing is that the president is free to nominate anybody he wants and hes done that. The senate is free not to do anything about it. But what the republicans seem to want is they want to not do anything about it, but pay no political price for that. And im sorry, they cant have both of those. They cannot they cannot they cannot not have hearings on this nooecminee, but they cant hide behind some fanciful constitution of the mind and they cant say well let the people decide on it because the people decided in 2012 who was going to nominate Supreme Court justices between january he is certainly not my preference, senator cruz is not. Then the fight is on, as obamas pr

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