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Access Hollywood Video. Jessica leeds told the times she was assigned the seat next to donald trump in first class on an airplane 35 years ago when donald trump was still flying on commercial airplanes. She said he politely introduced himself. But then after the meal was served and the trays were taken away, donald trump started putting his hands all over her and grabbing her. Here is some of her Video Interview with the New York Times. If he had stuck with the upper part of the body, i might not have gotten i might not have gotten that upset. But its when he started putting his hand up my skirt, and that was it. That was it. I i was out of there. The other woman in tonights New York Times report is rachel crooks, who is 22 years old in 2005 when she was working as a receptionist in a company located in trump tower. Here is how the times describes what happened the first time she saw donald trump in the building and introduced herself. They shook hands, but mr. Trump would not let go, she said. Instead he began kissing her cheeks. Then he kissed me directly on the mouth. Both women said that watching the president ial debate on sunday was infuriating, especially this moment. Just for the record, though, you saying that what you said on that bus 11 years ago, that you did not actually kiss women without consent or grope women without consent . I Great Respect for women. Nobody has more respect for women than i do. So for the record youre saying you never did that . Frankly, you hear these things said. And i was embarrassed by it. But i have tremendous respect for women. Have you ever done those things . And women have respect for me. And i will tell you, no, i have not. In a Telephone Interview with the New York Times, donald trump said none of this ever took place. Shouting at the times reporter who was questioning him. Mar el lago in florida where she was working as a photographers assistant. Ray charles was performing. Tasha dixon, a contestant in the 2001 miss teen, let me say that again, Miss Teen Usa Pageant said this today about donald trump. He just came strolling right in. There was no second to put a robe on or any sort of clothing or something. Some girls were topless. Other girls were naked. To have the owner come waltzing in when were naked or half naked in a very physically vulnerable position, and then to have the pressure of the people that work for him telling us to go fawn all over him. And tonight robert costa is reporting from Washington Post that donald trump intends to make good on his threat to the New York Times. He says that Donald Trumps lawyers are drafting a lawsuit against the New York Times that could be announced at any moment. And nancy giles, a lawsuit that still sort of seems like a he saidshe said in a way. But these women did tell people contemporaneously what happened. We also have a pattern of behavior from trump that is pretty clear. The thing about these October Surprise series that theyre not surprising at all. Right. Donald trump issued a statement tonight in which he said the campaign anyway said to reach back decades this, by the way, please listen to every word of this. This is so ironic in light of what the Trump Campaign has been up to. To reach back decades in an attempt to smear mr. Trump trivialized Sexual Assault. And it sets a new low for where the media is willing to go in its efforts to determine this election. Maria teresa, thats the guy who reached back decades sunday night to invite women from decades ago in bill clintons life to the debate. Tonight the Trump Campaign says you must never, ever reach back decades. Well, and he did it purposely to intimidate and humiliate his opponent in the most grossest of ways. Because she could not control what happened 30 years ago that had nothing to do with her but her husband. Thats what is absolutely obscene. But what donald trump has, his hardest part is actually taking ownership of when he does something wrong. The fact that we have types of him, decades long tapes of him going on howard stern, degrading women constantly, even making fun of how he actually can interact with his own daughter can make us feel uncomfortable. This is a pattern. This is who he is. If americans want to vote for him, lets be clear. This is the person who he there. Is no plan b and there is no other donald trump. This is the person that we are seeing every single day. And most recently, lawrence, i think you saw he was at a pennsylvania rally, and he said look, you know that im a snake. You voted me in. You nominated me. So he knows who he is. And now he realizes that its women who are going to get him to the white house. I said this before. Its going to be ironic that now we have Muslim American military family that is going bring him down. We have a latina beauty queen that is going to bring him down and women are going to bring him down. I want to read another piece of the statement because it is just breathtaking. He says it is absurd to think that one of the most recognizable Business Leaders on the planet with a strong record of empowering women in his companies would do the things alleged in this story. And nancy giles, this is the campaign that firmly believes catherine willies story about bill clinton in the white house when he was rather recognizable as president of the United States. Oh, yeah. If youre going with the unrecognizable guy wont do this theory, how do you explain what theyre saying about bill clinton every day . You dont. Because it doesnt make sense and it doesnt follow any kind of logic. I guess roger ailes could say the same thing about his network where he employees a lot of women and he is also you know, it brings up a couple of things for me. And i want to echo something maria teresa said. And thats how gross it is he tries to conflate his action was bill clintons. I am in no way condoning anything bill clinton did. But hillary is the candidate. And there is something kind of sexist about him kind of bypassing her and going to bill as if there is anything going there that can balance his reckless actions. Anybody that watches law order knows that if youre a defense attorney, youre going to defend even people that have done horrible things. So what is he trying to say about hillary . Hes got nothing to say about her, and any kind of actions she might have done that are equating to what he did. Everyone should be reading this New York Times piece tonight or tomorrow. But i want to read one passage of it. Because it takes you into the life of someone who has this kind of thing happen to them. This is rachel crooks. And its her boyfriend at the time who is describing what he came home to that night. He said i asked how was your day, mr. Hackenberg recalled. She paused for a second and then started hysterically crying. After ms. Crooks described her experience with mr. Trump, she and mr. Hackenberg discussed what to do. I think that what was more upsetting than him kissing her is she felt she couldnt do anything to him because of his position, he said. She was 22. She was a secretary. It was her first job out of college. I remember her saying i cant do anything to this guy because hes donald trump. And anna marie, that is one of the looks inside one of these horrible stories. I mean, i dont know where to begin. You brought me back, quite honestly. I mean, i have to say, i am very concerned for a lot of women out there. Because i was brought back by that statement by something that happened to me when i was a young woman. I would be so shocked if the other two women youre speaking to havent had something similar happen to them. Something like that happened to me when i was young and i couldnt do anything about it. That is what happens to women. That is why this is so preposterous that if donald trump wants to go to war on this, this is such a different animal than what happened with bill clinton. For one thing, as we are saying, bill clinton is not running for office. For the other thing, donald trump is a predator. He is a predator who thinks that his socalled celebrity can allow him to do anything. There are women that want to show thats not possible there are women that want to say, no it doesnt allow you to do anything, and im going to show you by voting against you. What i just want to follow up one thing with anna marie, and then ill come to you. I want to hear you all on this particular point that im about to ask. I want to go, anna marie, to this perception that mr. Hackenberg, that her boyfriend had at the time. It was his perception in the passage i just read that he felt that she was more upset, more upset by the feeling of powerlessness after the fact than the actual moment in his company. I think that describes perfectly what happens for woman when this happens. In the moment, you actually have some physical agency unless its somebody a lot bigger than you, which does happen. But you can kind of turn away run away. Its afterwards when you realize you cant do anything about it and if it happens again you also cant do anything about it. This is toxic. This is completely toxic for trumps campaign. He will not recover from this. Maria teresa, please go ahead. This is the Silver Lining. People across the country are having these conversations with their husbands, with their spourks with their sons. These are the limitation. This is when you have to have consent. This is the only thing i think will actually bring to the top how pervasive this is in our culture, and the fact that no one is going to be getting away with it is i think fantastic. I have to applaud the athletes. The athletes have come out and said this is not wanter in the locker room. This is not acceptable. You actually see men coming forward and saying we have to stop this and making sure that women feel safe in their own agency. I have appreciated that so much, hearing the athletes saying what we talk about in the locker rooms are stocks and bonds. Right. What the traffic was like on the way to work. And i also have to say how much i really hate that part of what is being said by his campaign is these arent matters that interest women. This isnt what is important. Women want jobs. Yeah, they want jobs, but they want to feel safe in the workplace. They want equal pay, and they dont want to feel like someone in authority can bully them or Sexual Assault or harass them. So this is one of the most important things i think, one of the most important issues facing this country and facing the world, frankly. So im glad that its getting out there and getting some steam. We have a lot of video to get to tonight, and a lot of ground to cover. So were going to have to go to a break in a moment. I just want to nancy has made the point that on howard stern, donald trump, and we dont have the time to play this right now. Were going to play it later in the show. Donald trump bragged about the fact that he owns the Beauty Pageants and the teenage girl Beauty Pageants allows him to walk into the Dressing Room whenever he wants, to and he picks the time to walk in there that is most exploitive. And ana marie, we have that on video. Thats another donald trump confession on video that he is joking about with howard stern, that he never thought was going to come back to him in his life. But there is the confession already on video for what he is accused of tonight. Yeah, there it is. This is a pattern for him not just in the way he talks about women, but the way he talks about almost everyone. I know you have been very observant about this. Probably the other women on this panel have been observant. He exploits whoever he can when he can. He thinks less of people who are not as powerful as him. That means women, minorities, people who are disabled. He manipulates and controls whoever he can. And he thinks he can get away with it. I think the stern stuff is just another sign of him thinking he get away with it. He was so open with stern because he thought it didnt matter. He thought his power and his celebrity and his money would allow him to say whatever he wanted. Go ahead, maria. He also and its not just women and minorities and people of color. Its also small businessmen. Right. Anybody he feels that he can trample with and basically get away with it. There was a piece where a man who sold him 100,000 worth of pianos and came back and said sorry, im just going to give you 70,000. The idea that he is above the law. He understands tax code enough to write these things off is really its not only unappealing. Wait a second, you have learned how to play the system so well that you feel you dont have to be accountable to anybody. I think that this 18month cathartic exercise weve been doing with donald trump is actually very good. Because we actually now can have conversations on when people talk about white male privilege, he is the epitome of that. Nobody else would be able to get away with what he is doing. Hillary clinton is taking the stage in las vegas. We will go to her as she gets into that speech. But i just want the make the point, nancy, that donald trump has always thought this is funny. Thats what you see on the tape with billy bush. Its funny. He thought it was funny with howard stern. And its not funny. To echo what ana marie just said, not only it is not funny, but its rude. Its disgusting. And he has gotten away with it. Thats the thing. He continues to get away with it. So i think it encourages him to exhibit the same behavior as he gets way with it again and again and again. And it is not locker room talk. As if even if it was just talk, it wasnt a painful, horrible thing to lobby at someone. But locker rooms across the country have said nahah, we dont talk about that. I was in a lot of sports. I have never heard anybody, and i know a bunch of crude guys. And i have never heard anybody brag about Sexual Assault, ever, nothing like what that guy was talking about on that bus. And the Rush Limbaugh today discovered that the problem and he really did discover this today. He said the problem is consent. Ana marie, he said the only thing liberals care about in terms of Sexual Behavior is consent, that liberals are okay with Everything Else, as long as its consenting adults. And Rush Limbaugh didnt realize that yes, that is correct that is precisely the position. As rush is thinking there are all these other things that should be condemned like homosexuality and all these other things, the only things they seem to care about is sent. And he was offended. I. I think and there is a Silver Lining here. I remember i actually heard rush limbaugh say that live. I happened to be somewhere where he was on. He did say this in this astonished voice. Another person could read that same statement much as you did and its a statement. Whereas he was shocked by it. Its really stunning. Nancy giles, Maria Teresa Kumar and ana marie cox, thank you all for joining us. I appreciate it. Thank you, lawrence. Were going to continue monitor Hillary Clinton at that speech in las vegas, and continue with more of our guests joining us. I think he is a very dangerous man for the next three or four weeks. Those interest words of the reporter who has been covering donald trump longer than anyone else. Wayne barrett was the first reporter to take on the myth of donald trump in the Village Voice way back in the 1970s. Donald trump tried to stop Wayne Barrett every way he could think of, including trying to bribe him and threaten him. But Wayne Barrett stayed on the trump beat and paved the way for so much of the Investigative Journalism that has been done on donald trump since then. Were joined now exclusively by Wayne Barrett, the author of trump the greatest show on earth, the deals, the down fall, the reinvention. Also joining us david corn and msnbc political analyst. Wayne, ive been wanting to talk to you about this for a long time. And just the simple question. As donald trump said or done anything in the last year of this campaign that has surprised you . Grabbing the pussy surprised me. Even those words come out of his mouth. And i was a little stunned by that, lawrence. Its great to be here with you. Certainly the stories of today do not surprise me. This ability to roam the earth looking for someone to grab is not surprising at all, but saying i grabbed them by the pussy, that surprised me. And wayne, you knew him and were covering him before his big rise to fame, and certainly before he had his own tv show. Do you sense that giving donald trump his own tv show, that was a kind of heroin for him, that it took all of his worst traits and amplified them . Yes. I think his worst trait obviously he objectifies women. But what he really has done is objectify himself. Thats why he talks about himself like trump. Trump did this, trump did that. The process of objectifying yourself is totally connected to the camera. Because thats his thats his lifeline. And i really think that one of the reasons he tweets at 3 00 a. M. Is because there is no camera around to talk to. So the camera has become the camera has become his lifeline. And he has turned himself into an object, which is basically the great story of his life. D its its as if he is so disconnected from Human Emotion other than anger, he is so disconnected from human any form, including the children. I mean Art Of The Deal he mentions them once in his first memoir. Tony schwartz who wrote it said they were never around and he never talked about them and never interacted with them. Of course they didnt live with them. Ivanka was 8 when they moved out. And yet he gets great credit for raising these kids. But they havent been close to until they could make money in his company. And so i think that the disconnect between him and the life most of us live is really profound and deep. And i want to bring david corn in for a second. David, i just wanted to read a report from Bloomberg Today that says bannon, steve bannon told trump staffers according to advisers who are present, this has nothing to do with consensual Sexual Affairs and infidelity. This is bill clinton. Were going turn bill clinton into bill cosby, meaning thats why theyre not using any of the women who were allegedly involved in consensual affairs with bill clinton. They are simply using the ones who say that bill clinton behaved with them the way donald trump admits to behaving on that access Hollywood Video. You know, i was talking to some trump people over the weekend before the new allegations emerged. And we were just talking about the video. And they said trump has only one play, to go nuclear. And the interesting thing to me is the only nuclear play that they saw was attacking bill clinton for behavior from 20, 30, 40 years ago that had been reported, litigated, that, you know, only marginally is connected to anything you can say about Hillary Clinton when you had to know, this is not a surprise that donald trump was as vulnerable or somewhat is vulnerable on this front. Even before these women came out. There have been already cases that had been published in the guardian, the New York Times and elsewhere where these allegations against donald trump. And i think wayne makes a great point about Trump Objectifying himself. Trump is a commodity. He is a brand. He is not a human being in a lot of ways it seems. And thats how he has been selling himself. And he seems oblivious to anything that goes on in the world outside of his own concern with his own brand, his own commoditification. And therefore i could easily see him running to wage the very type of attack that he would be vulnerable. To one last point. I wrote a story a couple of months ago that he that people around him in the start of his campaign wanted to have a vetting of him. Have Opposition Research conducted on trump, which is kind of common for most national campaigns. He said no. Now we know why. Wayne, i have to say, you know sorry. Were going go live to Hillary Clinton now, her speech. Well, he has doubled down. He doubled down on his excuse that its just locker room talk, and i got to tell you, after he said that in the last debate, the most amazing thing happened. Athletes and coaches started speaking out. From the nba, from major league baseball, from the nfl. Theyre coming forward and saying hey, not in our locker rooms. Thats not what happens. But he is not just insulted women. He is an equal opportunity insulter. He has insulted everybody. He insulted a distinguished federal judge who was born in indiana, and he said well, he couldnt be trusted to be a judge because his parents came from mexico. He has targeted immigrants, african americans, latinos, people with disabilities. He has targeted p. O. W. S and muslims. He has also targeted our military. He has called our military a disaster. Now how can you be the commander in chief if you dont respect the men and women who serve in the United States military . I think he has shown us who he is. Now the question for all of us is who we are, right . What are we going to do to show i want to go back to Wayne Barrett as Hillary Clinton continues her speech there in las vegas. Wayne, a point i wanted to make is i had consistently predicted that donald trump would not run for president. And i was right every time, except the last time. And the reason i was saying that is that i had been reading your reporting of back i guess when i just got out of high school. And all the reporting about donald trump in the meantime. And i saw what was there. And just your reporting alone is an Opposition File unlike weve ever seen on a president ial candidate. And i just i know donald trump knows that its out there. I just couldnt imagine him leaping into this. Were you surprised that he decided to run for president finally . Yes, i was. But keep in mind even when this video emerged, part of the Trump Defense has been well, he wasnt running for president. Yeah, yeah. And so he said and did reckless things. In fact, he ran for president for four months in 2000. Roger stone ran that campaign. He tried to get the reform party line. He pulled out. And as i wrote in the book in 1988, he was flirting with it. He referred to marla as his southern strategy. He didnt think ivana would be presentable in a national campaign. And he thought that marla maples could help him carry the south. Patiently he doesnt need marla to carry the south now. Race will do it for him. But he has been talking about this, thinking about this. Roger stone, who has been with him for 30 some years the night he was nominated, posted that this was a celebration of over 30 years of work together. And so theyve been thinking about this. And yet he would still behave while he was considering being a president ial candidate most of his adult life, he would still behave in this totally reckless way. Wayne barrett, thank you very much for joining us tonight. I really appreciate it. Really appreciate your perspective on donald trump. And david corn, thank you for joining us also. Sure. Really appreciate it. Were going to stay monitoring Hillary Clintons speech. I think were going to squeeze in a break here. And well be right back. Ces in y life. So when my Asthma Symptoms kept coming back on my longterm control medicine. I talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my Asthma Treatment with breo. Oncedaily breo prevents Asthma Symptoms. Breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a longterm asthmcontrol medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Breo wont replace a rese inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. Breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from Asthma Problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. 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These are her first public remarks since the new allegations have come up tonight against donald trump. The behavior that donald trump admitted to on the access Hollywood Video that appeared on friday is tonight being corroborated by several home with have come forward today to say that he did indeed touch them and kiss them without their consent. Lets take a look at what donald trump admitted to in that access Hollywood Video. Use tic tacs in case i start kissing her. Im automatically attracted to beautiful. I just start kissing them. Its like a magnet. You just kiss. And when youre a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Whatever you want. Grab them by the [ bleep ]. Do anything. Joining us now, Michael Steele, former chairman of the Republican National committee and an msnbc analyst. Also with us tim miller, a member of the Never Trump Movement and a former Communications Director for jeb bushs 2016 campaign. Gentlemen, id like to listen to what is now a more relevant tape than it was even yesterday. And that is were going to hear donald trump with howard stern admitting that he does indeed when he owned those Beauty Pageants and the teenaged Beauty Pageants, he would indeed walk in deliberately on the girls when he knew they were undressed. Lets listen to this. Well, ill tell you the funniest is that ill go backstage before a show and everyone is getting dressed and ready and everywhere else. And you know, no men are anywhere. Im allowed to go because im the own over the pageant. Im inspecting it. Is everyone okay . Theyre standing there with no clothes. Is everybody okay . And you see these incredible looking women. And so i sort of get away with things like that. Michael steele, its only october 12th. Yeah. Which means we dont yet know what the october 13th surprises are or the 14th or the 15th. Yeah. No, there is clearly a lot more to come. There as you noted earlier, lawrence, a long history here that has been reported on. And now in light of these new accusations as well as what we got from last friday, i think this funnel opens up. And its a huge, huge problem for the party. It is a huge problem for the campaign. There is no Walking Around this gingerly. There is no putting a good face on it. This has been dealt with, confronted directly. And i dont know how this party or the campaign does that. I just want to play something john boehner said earlier this evening where he basically was on fox news saying he didnt see how this could get worse. Lets listen to this. What more could be said . In this election cycle than has already been said . So you seem to think that we kind of already know what donald trump is all about, and that nothing further could come out that would make any difference . It cant be any worse, could it . Well, thats a good question. What do you think . I dont think so. And tim miller, that was minutes before the New York Times posted this story tonight of these two women coming forward saying yes, he did to us what he says he did on that access Hollywood Video. I love Speaker Boehner, but this line of thinking was way, way too common within the party. And donald trump told us all we needed to know last year. The very first question of the very first debate was megyn kelly to donald trump going through all of the nasty, demeaning, harsh, cruel comments he had said about women over the course of his life. And obviously worse and lower comments have come to light since then. But we knew that. And a lot of washington leaders, including Speaker Boehner unfortunately said oh, ted cruz is the devil. He cant be that much worse than ted cruz. Now were stuck with this guy. And its a major, major problem for our party. And its going to be something we have to rebuild from for years to come. Gentlemen, if you can bear with me, we want to try to fix our Break Structure here. So were going work in a quick break here. We went quite a distance without a commercial earlier. A quick break here. Were going to continue to monitor Hillary Clintons speech in las vegas. We will come back to that if she responds to in any way to the news about donald trump tonight. Well be back with Michael Steele and a tim miller after this break. Mom, clothing optional. Lendingtree. When banks compete, you win. Okay . Awkward. Like their photo claims tool. It helps settle your claim quickly, which saves time, which saves money. And when they save, you save. Thats auto and Home Insurance for the modern world. Esurance, an allstate company. Click call. Esurance does insurance a smarter way, which saves money. Like Bundling Home and auto coverage, which reduces Red Tapewhich saves money. And when they save, you save. Thatsome and Auto Insurance for the modern world. Esurance, an allstate company. Click or call. We have more breaking news tonight, this time from People Magazine. People magazine has a report on a December 2005 incident involving a People Magazine writer Natasha Stoinoff. She is driving what it was like for her when she was working on a story in 2005 that brought her to mar el lago and donald trump. There came a moment where she found herself alone in a room with donald trump. People magazine carries this account from Natasha Stoinoff breaking what happened. She said we walked into that room alone and trump shut the front door behind us. I turned around and within seconds he was pushing me against the wall and forcing his tongue down my throat. I was stunned and i was grateful when trumps longtime butler burst into the room a minute later as i tried to unpin myself. The butler informed us that melania would be down momentarily. And it was time to resume the interview. Were back now with Maria Teresa Kumar who has rejoinedteresa, w the October 12th Surprises continue almost by the minute. Here is People Magazine, obviously this has been a legally vetted, carefully legally vetted report. They would not publish it without that. Reporting that this reporter alone with donald trump at mar el lago with melania his wife upstairs, and donald trump shut the door behind us. I turned around, and within seconds he was pushing me against the wall and forcing his tongue down my throat. That is precisely what he said to billy bush was his modus operandi. Its what he tried to do with the woman on the airplane and the receptionist. This is clearly a pattern. But your just reading that statement, lawrence was gutwrenching. I cant imagine any viewer right now not even in tears or feeling uncomfortable. He is taking us to a very dark place. And the fact that these women are sharing their bravery with us of Sexual Assault, i have to applaud them. Because its something that cannot be easy. And its finally giving voice to so many people out there that feel that they have been alone for so long. And i feel that this is were on october 12. But not only is this a pattern, but i can expect more. And hopefully things that are not more ruthless on his ability to prey on women. And i just want to read another passage in this. Its a long report. I just want to stress, this is People Magazine. That means this has been vetted by very high powered corporate lawyers who know exactly where the libel laws protect them and where they dont. They are lawyers completely unwilling to take the slightest risk with this kind of report. She says that an hour later, i was back at my hotel. My shock began to wear off and was replaced by anger. I kept thinking why didnt i slug him . Ana marie was saying the same things. When women get into places where theyre vulnerable, you end up feeling that you did something wrong. And that is precisely what a predator wants you to do. Thats about what someone that basically practices Sexual Assault wants you to do. But again, i cannot put my arms around any republican that can possibly stand by his side. This is not leadership if they continue feeding this monster and saying he is okay and fit to be president. The fact that he preys on the most vulnerable, that he encounters, you can only imagine what he would do not only to the rest of the country, but now the world. There was j. R. Rowling said a tweety she did want his hand on the Nuclear Weapons and someone said but youre not an american. But im the world. A country which is incredibly diverse, which thrives on entrepreneurship and thought and differences. A loug someone who has clearly shown his stripes to us from the very beginning to come in and try to basically distort and destroy our balance of power. He has been a ruthless going more recently as you mentioned earlier, threatening the New York Times for suing him on a story that is clearly increasingly validated, being a predator towards women. The fact that he went after a federal judge saying that once he is in office, he would basically strip him from his judgeship, and going after Hillary Clinton saying if he wins that she is basically going to be put in prison for a political opponent. This is not america. This is much more closely tactics that you see in russia. And something of a dictator such as putin that many folks in russia would agree than something that is done by a person running a country that has checks and balances, that has a judicial branch, that has a congressional branch, and that has the oval office. And anna ma marie, there is here about this reporters reaction to this Natasha Stoinov is her name. And i just wanted to read some of it. Its too difficult to read some of it. She said why didnt i slug him. Why couldnt i say anything . The next Morning Anger became fear. I had been up all night worrying about this. And ana marie cox, the pain thats being expressed in the aftermath of these incidents is so deep. And its hard to read. Oh, we dont have ana marie cox. Nancy giles here with news the studio. This is the part where youve seen me trying to read this. It isnt easy. Its awful, its awful. As woman who has grown up in new york and has lived through kind of rude things that guys can sometimes say in the street, construction workers, being on a packed subway and feeling somebody pressing up against you, theyre bad enough. What these women are describing is just god awful. And, you know, i can only repeat and agree with what the other two women on the panel have said. It almost doesnt seem like america. You wonder how somebody that started his campaign with such horrible things said about mexicans and the accusations, the claims that all black people are Dodging Bullets and living in hell and taking a judge, with his own ego and his own remarks kind of coming back to choke him, its almost shakespearean because his ego in the end and his need to be on tv and on the radio and throughout and publicized, and a big important person, those are the exact words that are going to come back. And actions i think will haunt him. Were to be take a break. Were waiting for Donald Trumps threat to sue People Magazine over this report. He has already threatened to sue the New York Times. The times article, the people article, those articles are vetted by The Very Best lawyers that exist in this country. The likelihood of there being an opening for a libel suit against either one of these articles is very unlikely. Well be right back. [click] and move only when you hear thelick th says theyre buckled in for the drive. Never give u till they buckle up. Statement from an unnamed spokesperson of the Trump Campaign saying, quote, this never happened. There is no merit or veracity to this fictional story. Why wasnt this reported at the time . Mr. Trump was the biggest star on television, and surely this would have been a far bigger scoop for People Magazine. She alleges this took place in A Public Space with people around. This is nothing but politically motivated pileon fiction. Of course there is a lie in the trump statement. She does not say it took place in a public place. She specifically describes the door being closed. And no spokesperson at the Trump Campaign has any authoritative capacity to say, nancy giles, this never happened. How do you know . You werent there. You know what i think has really brought it out is there he was at the debate, asked specifically about this. And at the debate, with millions of people watching on television, he said he never did it. And i think for anyone who was in a situation where he did grab or grope or anything like that, it must have been like a slap in the face. Like the whole thing being experienced again. And i think thats why youre going to have more and more people coming out saying this happened to me. Tim miller still with us, Republican Campaign professional. Tim, is there anything they wont do for money over there at trump tower . Is there anyone on that payroll of the Trump Campaign that when they read a story like this refuses to say this never happened . Is there anyone there who knows none of them have the moral authority to make that statement . No. Look, with the exception of one or two people, all these folks were hired after the convention this summer. Kellyanne conway is the Third Campaign manager. She saw all of the op about donald trump over the last year. She saw all the nasty comments he made about women. She saw all the nasty comments he made about the disableded and hispanics and veterans. All of these people are completely, you know, in league with him and enabling him. So now theyre going to have to spend the next 27 days either in hiding or continuing to put out statements like the one that you just read that lies and defends him. I dont understand what they get out of it at this point. Michael steele, i guess there is just a template over there for this never happened Press Release to put out for whatever the next accusation is that comes out. Well, yeah. Theyre kind of used to it by now. Kind of roll it off the desk and put it out there. You know, that statement i suspect probably came probably from trump himself to say it, even though it was anonymously given. Thats how they can say that. But the fact of the matter is this is just the beginning of the floodgates. You put it i think very aptly, lawrence. You know, what is tomorrow, the 13th going to offer us . What is going to be the surprise on the 14th . This is not a good space for anybody in the country. Its particularly the party in this campaign. Someone is going to have to put an end to it. And the only person who can do that is donald trump. And david corn, any other women out there who had been thinking about maybe telling their stories when they see other women coming out, that can only be possibly an encouragement or possibly give them the sensation that, well, at least theyre not alone if they do tell this story . Every reporter who has worked on the trump beat the last year has gotten tips and leads about women and this sort of treatment. Its not a secret. And as weve seen in the bill cosby case, the once people start coming forward, there tends to be more, not less of that. But i got to say for all those republicans out there, anybody who may be surprised, this guy for years has shown his misogynistic, racist, bullying, bigoted side. So a person like that engaging in this sort of behavior really comes as nothing other than in keeping with everything we know about him for years. And so all those conservatives who are still on the trump train and the people in congress, you guys knew. You gals knew. And there is absolutely no excuse. I salute people like tim miller. I disagree with him on almost Everything Else for knowing that Character Counts and you can see what type of guy trump was from a mile away. Maria teresa, let me get a quick last word from you on this. I think its exactly what david corn is saying. How can we as americans actually stand by and allow this person basically a free pass . Every single woman that is coming out, if you notice, its the exact same pattern. And my hope is that those women keep coming out and that theyre brave and they keep having these conversations. But also we recently did a posted something on voto latino

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