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Altogether, the industry supports over 9 million jobs nationwide. These are jobs that natural gas is helping make happen, all while reducing americas emissions. Energy lives here. As you know, alongside the first public trump russia hearings in the house monday morning, in the Senate Monday morning will be the First Supreme Court nomination hearings for neil gorsuch. To get ready for those gorsuch hearings, sunday night 5 00 p. M. Eastern, a special look at go such and those hearings hosted by ari melbur. You should watch this. Hes sitting in for lawrence because he works too much. Thank you. Thank you for the plug. As for working too much, the old saying, look whos talking. I feel it. Thanks. Have a great weekend. Donald trump has doubled down on his unsubstantiated accusation that president obama done in this office, in 50 days. Trump has done more in office the way a toddler helps out in the kitchen. Health Care Health Care for all health care for all its hard for most people to run away from their problems, because problems have a way of running with you. Thats what donald trump found today as he tried to run away from his domestic problems by focusing on foreign affairs. But that just put a global spotlight on trumps struggle to explain his baseless accusation that Obama Wiretapped him, a performance that has shown trump blustering, then nervous, now full of righteous blame as he pretends his accusation was from other people. Are there from time to time tweets that you regret in hindsight . Very seldom. We said nothing. All we did was quote a certain very talented legal mind who was the one responsible for saying that on television. I didnt make an opinion on it, that was a statement made by a very talented lawyer on fox. And so you shouldnt be talking to me, you should be talking to fox. So trumps new defense of his discredited claim that is its not his claim. He didnt make an opinion on it, except then he did. Again, in the same presser, suggesting that the premise that the u. S. Surveilled him was still operative, just like he claims it surveilled Angela Merkel in 2013. As far as wiretapping, i guess by this past administration, at least we have something in common, perhaps. Perhaps. Thats actually not true. While it was revealed that the u. S. Did snoop on merkels cell phone for a time, there is, of course, no evidence to support trumps claim that he was specifically targeting for wiretaps. All the latest news only reinforces that. Intel Committee Leaders in both parties rebutting trump. Today we can report nbc news documenting that trumps own Justice Department provided materials to those committees and they do not support trumps claims. Also the same doj confirming today that it had, quote, complied with those congressional requests for proof. Heres the bottom line right now. There are only two types of government sources on this story. Those who have rebutted trump completely, and those who havent spoken yet. The first category includes virtually everyone in a position to know, while the second category includes one man holding his rhetorical fire, fbi director james comey, who will testify before congress on monday, a hearing that may even overshadow President Trumps preferred monday headline, those hearings for his Supreme Court nominee. The old theory was that all of this type of stuff, these trump tweets, were clever distractions, deft moves of political chess to avoid negative headlines. But this has become the negative headline. It doesnt look like political chess. It looks increasingly like a game of political Russian Roulette with trump taking reckless shots that can easily wound his own administration. The record shows thats what sean spicer thought when he tried to muzzle trump and shut down this story, that was two weeks ago, when he first responded to the wiretap tweet by telling reporters, neither the white house nor the president will comment further on the issue until congress looks into it. That statement proved inoperative because trump keeps commenting. And that ensures he keeps taking his problems with him wherever he goes. Joining me now is jonathan finer, former Chief Of Staff to Secretary Of State john kerry, a contributor to Foreign Policy magazine. Evan siegfried, author of gop gsp. Dared corn, Washington Bureau chief for mother jones, msnbc political analyst. David, the record is voluminous. The record shows this claim of wiretap is false. Well, of course it does. And its also true that the Justice Department has no evidence that theres an easter bunny and theres no evidence that barack obama mugged donald trump in the streets of new york in 1987. He just says stuff. Sometimes it pops into his head, sometimes it comes from breitbart. Today it came from fox, from a guy he called a very talented legal mind who happens to be a 9 11 truther, andrew napolitano. And when trump gets caught head he says, well, it wasnt me. Im just the president here. You should go after fox. Hes essentially saying, they report, we repeat. Thats it. He doesnt feel that he has any obligation to vet anything that he says or tweets, and you almost, you dont but you almost have to feel sorry for the sean spicers, kellyanne conways, who are people who know better but pretend they dont. Thats become part of their job is to pretend otherwise. The wiretapping story causing International Problems with sean spicer citing that debunked report claiming that britains Intelligence Services wiretapped him as well. Jonathan, unpack that for us. Yes. So look, i think that the president hit an unbelievably negative trifecta in his Press Availability with chancellor merkel today. One, he reopened the wound with the uk that his team had tried to clean up earlier in the morning by again asserting they had wiretapped him when we all know thats not the case. He also drag the chancellor and the German Government into this fray, which im sure was the last thing they wanted when theyre trying to build a relationship with the United States. We didnt book a body language expert, but she didnt look into it, didnt look like she liked it. The third piece, in some ways the most troubling, he further drew down his own eroding credibility. Theres going to be a time the president faces a crisis thats not of his making and hell need credibility to go to allies and the country and say, trust me, this is what is happening and this is what we need to do. Hes undermining his ability to build that up trust. Take a listen to donald trump trying to say that this all comes back to whether or not he used scare quotes. When i say wiretap, those words were in quotes. That really covers. Because wiretapping is pretty oldfashioned stuff. That really covers fail lasurve and many other things. Nobody ever talks about the fact that it was in quotes. We have it before the committee and we will be submitting things before the committee very soon that hasnt been submitted as of yet. Its potentially a very serious situation. So all we did was quote a certain very talented legal mind who was the one responsible for saying that on television. I didnt make an opinion on it. That was a statement made by a very talented lawyer on fox. You see that msnbc fact check on each of those claims. These are falsehoods that he seems to think will still work with somebody . Theyll work with his base, who will buy anything he sells. But its not factually true. Every Single Organization that is said its not true. And its distracting. And the fact that the president of the United States has gone out and basically thrown said the buck stops somewhere over there, not with me, like harry truman said, is very disturbing. The president of the United States is also accidentally admitting that if anybody puts something in front of him, hes going to believe it. So if i tell him im the creator of ses street and hes now going to believe it. As republican, im very concerned by that. We have in one day, as jonathan mentioned, upset our closest ally, and one of the closest allies well need, especially in the fight on isis, as well as to deal with the Refugee Crisis thats going on in syria. I dont understand how today was a productive day. And throwing somebody else under the bus and not taking personal responsibility and saying im sorry, i messed up, thats not president ial. And thats not something we need in a leader. David, there are larger politics on that. Evan brings up sesame street. This is like when they were always telling big burden snuffle lup does was around the corner, eventually big period didnt believe it. Theres a Credibility Analogy but i dont want to stretch it too far. I want you to listen to tom cole, republican, talking about what should happen next. Its all well and good to say, donald trump does this and his base likes it and thats the end of the story. Its not the end of the story. Hes a flue new president. Heres a republican saying what should be done. Frankly, unless you can produce some pretty compelling proof, i think the president , you know, president obama is owed an apology in that regard. Because if he didnt do it, we shouldnt be reckless in accusations that he did. David . Well, thats at the very least. I dont think well ever see donald trump apologize for everything. He has said, he was asked during the campaign, have you ever gretted ything, have you ever had to apologize . And he said, eh, after 70 years, no. So there will be no apology. This is a fellow who can never concede really doing anything wrong from his bankruptcies to his lies. It doesnt matter. I do think jonathan finers point from early on is the deadon thing. Right now we have Rex Tillerson and others talking about going to war with north korea and jonathans right. One day the president will have to say, listen, we have intelligence saying this or that, and because of that we took military action. And how can you believe donald trump on anything . That intelligence could be something that he heard on alex jones radio show that morning. This is a guy who cant tell the difference between real facts, alternative facts, and things he just makes up. I mean, look, i obviously agree with that and i think one of the big problems that we have right now is there are too few people with credibility on these issues who are speaking on behalf of the United States. That starts frankly with the Secretary Of State, Rex Tillerson, who thankfully has now started allowing briefings to be conducted from the state department. We didnt have any between roughly january 19th and march 6th. Hes finally started to answer some questions of his own in a Press Availability in asia. But what we need is policy statements. Speeches. Public diplomacy conducted by people other than the president and the Press Secretary who i dont think are the best face for america to the world right now on these issues. David, on the confirmation of all of this, in court, lawyers never want to ask a question they dont know the answer to. Because you end up looking really stupid. And here is donald trump out there not prepared and says, just go ask fox news. The folks at fox news he talks to all the time. His staff talks to them, he t k talks to tucker carlson. He could have checked this out, he clearly didnt. After saying that heres what happened. Shep smith. Fox news cannot confirm judge napolitanos commentary. Fox news kws of no evidence of any kind that the nowpresident of the United States was surveilled at any time in any way, full stop. Full stop, david. Well, you know. Kudos to shep smith and others at Fox Who Dont Want to be tarred by Donald Trumps lies. As much as others on the network have enabled him. And we can never forget, ari, i know you dont, that this was a guy who for three years ran around saying, i have evidence that the president wasnt born in hawaii i have my investigators you cant believe what theyre reporting to me, you cant believe the information im seeing, information that we never saw. That even didnt make to it newsm newsmax. So this is a fellow who again and again commits the same crime. We shouldnt be surprised. And its too bad that so many people have fallen for it. And now you see a lot of republicans, tom cole is an exception, who still try to apologize for this. Or at least pretend its not a very serious matter. David, i think you may have just coined a new standard. The not even newsmax will touch it standard for those who follow newsmax. Com. This isnt just on Foreign Policy, weve seen a pattern with the president since he took office where hell say or do something and make a promise he wont uphold. How is that going to help him negotiating with congress over passing legislation and trying to strong arm them into passing the Affordable Health care act thursday in the house when he goes back on his word . He did it last weekend with preet bharara. Blaming other people and saying, it was in scare quotes. I dont understand from the republicans ive spoken to on the hill, they are nervous, they dont think he can keep his word. You need to have that as a president of the United States. Absolutely. Jonathan finer, david corn, evan, thank you so much. Coming up, President Trump says the Health Care Bill, going grate great another republican senator saying its doa. Later, a look at the cost of brinksmanship in trumps Foreign Policy. Had. The classes, the friends, the independence. And since we planned for it, that student debt is the one experience, im glad shell miss when you have the right financial advisor, life can be brilliant. Ameriprise politics, And Trumps Travel Ban . Im excited to tell you i am anchoring a twohour special on that confirmation fight on the eve of the hearings, sunday, 5 00 p. M. Eastern, joined by senators on the judiciary committee, leaders at naacp and planned parenthood, conservative legal scholars, a former clerk to judge gorsuch. Id like to tnk its the ultimate pregame for coirmation day. I hope you all will tune in. I hope youll keep it locked here on The Last Word. Next were reporting on that story, trump saying the Health Care Bill is all coming together, now a key republican senator saying he wont even vote for it. My belly pain and constipation . I could build a small city with all the overthecounter products ive used. Enough ive tried enough laxatives to cover the eastern seaboard. Ive climbed a Mount Everest of fiber. Probiotics . Enough avo if youve had enough, tell your doctor what youve tried and how long youve been at it. Linzess works differently from laxatives. Linzess treats adults with ibs with constipation or chronic constipation. It can help relieve your belly pain, and lets you have more frequent and complete Bowel Movements that are easier to pass. Do not give linzess to children under six, and it should not be given to children six to less than eighteen. It may harm them. Dont take linzess if you have a Bowel Blockage. Get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. The most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. If its severe stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. Other side effects include gas, stomacharea pain and swelling. Talk to your doctor about managing your symptoms proactively with linzess. President trump says he has a third republican senator, this is big, dean heller of nevada, says he also will not vote for the bill. He told bloomberg news, i dont support the house bill in its current form. Joining us now is jared bernstein, former chief economist to Vice President biden and msnbc contributor, evan siegfried, author of gop gps. Jared, lets start with politics. I know you want to get deep into insurance rates and all that. But i do. You know this congress. On a scale of definitely passing to oh my god we have a problem, what does it mean when this early in the push theyre losing this many republicans . Much closer to we have a problem. But i wouldnt say that the likelihood that this gets out of the house is zero. You know, theres a chance that theyre going to be able to muster votes. The hard part is that you just heard the hardright republican say this draconian bill, and i wont go into the numbers other than to say it unwinds the Coverage Benefits of Obamacare In Part by really gutting the medicaid program. Jared, its friday night, you keep that calculator in your pocket. Well, and transferring all of those hundreds of billions of benefits to rich people. So thats not farright enough for some of this caucus. Meanwhile theres moderates, many of whom have the Medicaid Expansion in their states, and theyre hard pressed to vote for a bill thats going to take 14 Million People off the rolls. But it could come out of the house. It could go over to the senate. Something very different could come out of the senate. And then youd have this collision in conference. And i have a hard time seeing what that produces. And evan, the politics here, of course, most senators in the repuicanarty are on the record being against obamacare. Thats the easy part politically. Look at senator Jolene Ernest in iowa, trying to make her case to her constitt wins on this fight. We cant maintain the current status of the law because we know that it is its failing already. [ Crowd Yelling ] health care for all health care for all health care for all health care for all health care for all thats the grass roots. Heres the quote of the senator, to give her her due. Senator ens telling the des moines register, after that Health Care Town Hall i cant say whether i support it or i dont support it, this republican bill. We have to know how its going to impact iowa families. We were able to hear some of that today. Im a conservative and i didnt like obamacare, i didnt think it should go in. But now Affordable Health coverage is a right. People dont like when it you try and take away a right. Be you on the right or the left. When you actually look at whats in this bill and what it does, it takes a topdown approach which most conservatives massively object to. Giving a family of four a 4,000 tax credit no matter where they are. Family in southwest pennsylvania under obamacare now gets under obamacare 11,000 paid toward insurance. In this proposal its 4,000. Areas in appalachia have talked about donald trump, donald trump has talked about an opioid epidemic, this bill allows people to impose a cap on coverage, be it treatment for addiction, mental illness, or chemotherapy. They could yank the needle out of your arm. Youre basically saying this Bill Isnt Good for the working class, white or not white . Its not good for anyone. I dont think ive seen a Health Care Bill like this unite both republicans and democrats in opposition, but its for differt reasons. So i think evans making a critical point that has kind of gotten lost in the mix because weve been focused on the republican plan. And the point is, obamacare has created a baseline. It is a new baseline that it is going to be extremely hard to come in this far under. If you had a bill that sort of tweaked things away in a way that the cbo said might be a little worse, maybe you could bend yourself into believing that this could really meet that baseline. But what 37 come up with is miles below the baseline. Its losing republicans, senators, governors, and members of the house. To that point, look at republican governor case trick ohio, hutchison in arkansas, snyder in michigan, and sandoval, who wrote this letter to Mitch Mcconnell and paul ryan. They say, look, this bill provides almost no flexibility for states and doesnt assure the resources necessary to make sure no ones left out and shifts significant new costs to states. Its one thing to have a libertarian ideology, another thing to say, we have an obligation as governors do day to day to make this work. Yeah, i think that youre seeing governors recognize this is going to be an unsustainable Budget Crunch in ohio and throughout the country. Especially in michigan. And i think were seeing a lot of people recoil. This bill is a very bad bill. Theresident has married himself to it and is refusing to divorce it, the fst te hes ever refused to divorce anything. So were seeing the president of the United States, who didnt even get in this bill what he wanted, which was eliminating state lines, which is a perfectly reasonable thing to do to create competition that even democrats could get behind. And nobody loves it. The only thing that is actually good, and its only good for millennials, are the Health Savings accounts because theyre the most fiscally conservative generation and they save. Evan is a very nice guy, a nice country club republican. When hes busting out a sick burn like that, you know hes clearly passionate. Final word to you on the road ahead. If this is the only thing, which is what paul ryan says, and this cant get through the senate by the rough count, then what . Then probably what happens is all those people, all those hardright republicans and donald trump who ran on replacing obamacare, go back to their districts and say, we tried, folks, but that damn senate wont let us do it. And it goes back to business as usual. That Doernsnt Mean Obamacare i out of the woods. Once this government stops supporting the measure, its obviously going to be harder to sustain. But obamacare may be in better shape than many of us thought it was on election night. Yeah. It is an extraordinary set of developments and it seems to relate in part to the white houses choice or inability to actually do detailed negotiating even though weve heard a lot about briefly, jared. Never underestimate how lousy this white house is at governing thus far. So youre not accusing the administration of competence . You said it better and quicker than i could. Which is a skill. Jared bernstein, evan siegfried, thanks for joining, appreciate it. Coming up, this is a whole other story. Donald trumps top diplomat saying all options, including military force, now on the table if north korea doesnt back off and denuclearize. The last time the u. S. Was on this brink with north korea was back during the clinton presidency. Ill talk to the lead negotiator of the deal that averted what some feared a war with north korea, straight ahead. How to win at business. Step one ask the presenter to go back a slide. Well played. You just tossed a mind grenade into into your colleagues dulled senses. Look at them, what did i miss . He oneupped me once again. Step two choose la quinta. 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On his first trip to asia, Secretary Of State Rex Tillerson said he wanted to be clear that the Trump Administration would consider a military first strike option against north korea. Let me be very clear. The policy of strategic patience has ended. All the options are on the table. Certainly we do not want for things to get to a military conflict, were quite clear on that in our communications. But obviously if north korea takes actions that threaten the south Korean Forces or our own forces that will be met with an appropriate response. If they elevate the threat of eir Weapons Program to a level that we believe requir action, that option is on the table. Tillerson also toured the heavily guarded demilitarized zone where north and south Korean Forces stand just feet from each other. A south korean soldier was seen snapping a picture of tillerson through a window. There is a context for these threats. In recent weeks north korea has conducted a series of Ballistic Missile tests. Experts tracking whether theyre proceeding towards the capacity to achieve nucleartipped missiles that could reach japan or the u. S. Tillersons comments reflect an intentional escalation of sorts of pressure designed by the state department. President trump meanwhile striking a similar note but in Bumper Sticker form tweeting, north korea is behaving very badly. They have been playing the u. S. For years. China has done little to help. For a simple response to that simple message, consider china is north koreas strongest ally and largest trading partner. Theyre not known for helping that much in this arena. Tillerson, meanwhile, will be in china on saturday. Former members of the Clinton Administration have said the u. S. Considered a strike on a north korean facility in 94 when it was on the brink of producing weaponsgrade material. Ambassador Robert Ga Lucci was the chief negotiator, Distinguished Move Soar at george town. Let me start with the interpretive question. Nothing new about the u. S. Trying to be strong while leaving some options open. What did you hear in tillersons statement there . Is it normal or different . Ari, it may have been normal in the sense that theres nothing new, theres no news. If all the secretary meant was that all options are on the table when we consider what to do about north kea and a policy review, then hes said what other admintratns have said in this context and others. If all he meant, if all he meant was that if north korea was about to strike one of our treaty allies, republic of korea or japan, or the United States of america, that in that case we would feel free to preempt that strike, thats still nothing new. We would expect nothing less from our president. However, if he meant something else, if he meant that we were not going to allow that north koreans to develop an intercontinental Ballistic Missile that could be mated with a nuclear weapon, if they went to test such a missile not attack but test such a missile we would contemplate at least striking it, Striking North Korea to destroy that missile, that would be new. That wouldnt be a preemptive strike that would be preventive war. Ambassador, this is diplomatic speech. Are you saying it was vague and open to those interpretations . If so, was it strategically vague . I think it was vague. And i dont know whether it was strategic, whether the secretary intended to leave that ambiguity there. I simply dont know. I do know, though, that one should not expect, we should not expect, the United States should not expect to strike north korea kin netcally with a Military Strike and have no response from north korea. That means we would have to be ready for military engagement, for war. And so would our allies in japan and south korea. What about President Trumps belief that on this, like on trade issues, china can be bent in some way . We have had a theory of dealing with north korea by going to beijing and having the principal supporter of north korea use its influence in pyongyang to bring the north koreans around. That we tried in the Clinton Administration. It has bn tried in the bush administrati, the obama administration. And is every reason why we should keep trying. This is something of a chinese phenomenon in that sanctions are limited in their impact because china makes sure theyre limited in their impact. But going to china is not really a policy. It is something that should be part of an overall approach to north korea, but we shouldnt expect now it will start working where before it hadnt. Ambassador and Professor Robert ga lucci, thank you for your guidance and expertise tonight. Thank you. Coming up, the Trump White House wanted to make sure everyone read the positive coverage in the Washington Post about its budget. It included the link at the top of an email to reporters. But there was a really embarrassing problem. Thats next. For my constipation, my doctor recommended sale ends march 20th. One new gnc bounty is more absorbent,mom per roll so the roll can last 50 longer than the leading ordinary brand. So you get more life per roll. Bounty, the quicker picker upper i did active duty 11 years. My in july of 98. And two in the reserves. Our 18 year old was in an accident. When i call usaa it was that voice asking me, is your daughter ok . Thats where i felt relief. It actually helped to know that somebody else cared and wanted make sure that i was okay. That was really great. Were the rivera family, and we will be with usaa for life. Usaa. We know what it means to serve. Call today to talk about your insurance needs. Why pause a spontaneous moment . Cialis for daily use treats ed and the urinary symptoms of bph. Tell your doctor about your medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas® for pulmonary hypertension, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. To avoid longterm injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. If you have a sudden decrease or loss of hearing or vision, or an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. Ask your doctor about cialis. Be careful what you eat. Be careful what you tweet. If youre sharing an article, read more than the head line. The Trump White House was reminded of that basic lesson when it sent out a link to an article that was trashing Trumps Budget. A Washington Post article. But was headlined Trumps Budget makes perfect sense and will fix america and ill tell you why. Solid headline. But this piece was a satire. By a humor writer, alexandra petrie. She was using a trumpstyle fan fiction voice to say, this budget will make america a lean, mean Fighting Machine with bulging, ripping muscles, not an ounce of fat how will i survive on this budget, you may be wondering . I am a human child, no the a costly fighter jet. Well, you may not survive. But that is because you are soft and weak something this budget is designed to eliminate. Now, that already has since been removed from the online version of the white houses daily newsletter. Here for more on all things budget and trump, selena maxwell, director of Progressive Programming for sirius xm and former official with the Hillary Clinton campaign, erin gloria, the daily beast. Is this a mistake anyone could make . Anyones friend, mom, dad, brother, could post something having not read it. Slure, absolutely. But im glad theyre not the president of the United States. I think the sort of person who Doesnt Take Care to read past the deadline is not the sort of person you want in charge of anything important. Of anything, yeah. But here we are. Especially when its something as consequential as the budget. You have an antipoverty budget thats really going to impact people in their real lives. And so you want a white house whos going to Pay Attention to the details. And they didnt do that here. Let me give you an article headline you dont have to read because it matches the content of the article. The new york daily news, one of our hometown tabloids, they make it pretty clear. Trump budget axes terror funds. They call it madness. You see that provocative cover. They say nypd security aid slashed, mayor saying the president s putting us in the crosshairs. And nypd chief who doesnt do a ton of national politicking also just put out online the statement, how do you say youre procop and antiterror, and you slash us completely . I mean, i think that the president and his Administration Talk all the time about how we need to keep americans safe. But this demonstrates that they arent putting any meat on the bones of their rhetoric in terms of policies that would actually go to do that. They put forward a muslim ban which has been knocked down again by the courts. So i think theyre going to have to come up with some more detailed strategies on how to actually combat terrorism that arent banning an entire religion from entering the country. To take it seriously, is the president counting on the fact that cops in new york wont read the daily news or listen to their chief . At what point do they say, oh, he campaigned on being for us, and its not like a 5 haircut, its the federal government b e bailing on the Police Department in obviously one of the largest terror targets in the country. Theres a range of possibilities between these extremes. A, it could be it was an oversight, that maybe somebody got a little bit too happy with the pen and crossed something out they shouldnt have crossed out. They did tweet out an article that was a satirical takedown of their budget as praise, so it is possible somebody made a mistake. Also, theres part of my brain that sees trump as sort of somebody thats driven by fear and spite. And it seems as though hes really hated in his hometown of new york city. Across all different types of people. It doesnt seem that out of line to me to imagine hed be somebody that maybe doesnt care as much about new york city because they havent cared about him. That its all about where hes getting the love. Right. As jayz would say, either love me or leave me alone. If hes not feeling the love, it may not be there. Listen to tom cole from the Budget Committee talking about how these budgets work. To be clear to viewers as folks probably know, this is the beginning, not the end, and Congress Makes a lot more decisions. Budgets are all tradeoffs. In the end, the president proposes a budget, he did exactly what hes required to do by law. But congress has to work through it. I would actually be tougher on congress here. Id be tough on the president too. How about that . Sometimes it is a trumpfixated world, im fully guilty as a member of the media being sometimes a part of that. But this is the Congress Constitutional responsibility. Theyre going to have to decide whether they see this as a blueprint, or say wow, too hard to square, even budget hawks say you cant cut 30 out in one year and expect things to work. I think this is going to be an interesting test for congress at republicans to see if theyre going to oppose things that the president s putting forward. I think in terms of budgets, budgets are moral documents. Budgets set the essentially tell the country what your priorities are, which groups of americans are priorities for your administration. In this administration and this document that came out, its clear that poor people, elderly people, people of color, are not high up on the list of the Trump Administrations priorities. Now that may or may not be true for Congressional Republicans who have to run every two years in the house, every six years in the senate. They have a different calculus. You make a great point, it comes back to choices. I will end with a quick excerpt from that satire article. There are arts cuts. The article explained the n. Amendment, National Endowment for the arts, will be destroyed but replaced with an armored helicopter with a shark painted on it, which is art. Thats art too. Well take a quick break. On monday were going to hear from fbi director james comey as i mentioned. For the first time in public remarks about russias interference in the 2016 election and any related investigations. Hes also of course going to be asked about trumps claim that he was personally wiretapped by barack obama and any attendant proof. The panel weighs in after the break. vo what if this didnt have to happen . I didnt see it. vo what if we could go back . What if our car. Could stop itself . In iihs frontend crash prevention testing, nobody beats the subaru impreza. Not toyota. Not honda. Not ford. The allnew subaru impreza. More than a car, its a subaru. What bad back . Gels work so fast youll ask what pulled hammy . Advil liqui gels make pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain . Advil. Has been a struggle. I considered all my options with my doctor, who recommended oncedaily toujeo®. Now im on the path to better blood sugar control. Toujeo® is a longacting insulin from the makers of lantus®. 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Monday confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Nominee Judge neil gorsuch in the senate. Also monday, fbi director Jim Comey Testifying For The First Time before the House Intel Committee about any russian interference in the president ial election and trumps wiretapping claims, get your popcorn. As if that wasnt enough, House Republicans now saying they think theyll have enough support for a full vote on Health Carrie peel as soon as thursday. Today some members of the Republican Study Committee are saying they will support the bill after some alleged concessions from the president. Our panel is back. What a panel it is. Zerlina and erin. This was a big issue in the campaign. I mentioned you worked for hillary. Yes. Donald trump didnt win more votes but he did win the thing that matters, electoral college. Yes. He ran 100 on repealing obamacare. It is proving harder, though. Yes, i think one of the reasons its proving harder is because its a lot easier to say im going to repeal and replace obamacare as a Talking Point than it is to take away Health Insurance from americans who are benefiting from it right now. The old saying is, People Dont Know who gave you Health Insurance, but theyre going to know exactly who took it away from them. Theyre going to know when they go to the doctor and they ask for a much larger copay than theyre used to paying, who is to blame for that. I think its the damage for republicans that is theyre taking away something from people. Let me push back on that, erin. Let me put forward a different theory which is that everything trumps doing is great and the press hasnt been speaking properly about it. Hm. Under that theory, its not so much what hes doing but the improper words of the press. Here is the president on that point today. I want everyone to know im 100 behind us. I want everybody to know that the press has not been speaking properly about how great this is going to be. They have not been giving it a fair press. The press is, well, as you know, in many cases, i call it the fake news. Its fake news. This is going to be great for people. I just want to let the world know i am 100 in favor. If you could respond without speaking improperly, i would appreciate it. Sure. Sorry, as a member of the press, its very difficult for me to not speak improperly. One thing i want to say is donald trump right now is coming up with coming up on a reallife confrontation between his words and reality. People who in the middle of the country, who maybe voted for him, who dont really care about russia, dont really care about the integrity europe, dont have time to think about that, care about their health and care about how much of their money is going to pay for health care. If donald trump cant follow through on his promise, this is something thats going to affect them and the proof will be in the pudding. Regardless of what donald trump says, these people will still have to pay more for health care. Its not the press saying it, its the congressional budget office, its individual analysis of what the impact on families would be. Its like Hillary Clinton throwing shade at President Trump and saying, youve just discovered health care is complicated. Thats a real quote. Diplomacy is exhausting. Shes travelled a lot, right. Getting things through congress. Its not about strong or weak. I work the in the senate, lawrence worked in the senate. Its not about whether people are aggressive. Right. Theyre all aggressive. They made to it the u. S. Senate. Like people who tend to be president are aggressive. That doesnt get you over the line. Theres a lot more nuance and collaboration thats required. Do you think hes evincing it yet . No, i dont think so. I think hes going to have a tough time, one, because hes never Held Elected Office so understanding how politics works just in a really basic level is going to be its been difficult for him, it will continue to be difficult for him. But also, you just cant strongarm your way to passing a legislative agenda. Thats not how this works. And the guy who sold trump university to people and stole their money should hes not the one that im going to believe when hes saying, youre going to like this plan, trump cares going to save you so much money. I dont believe him. Youre saying he stole the money in fairness, he did give 25 million of it back when he was forced to in court. Right. I mean, listen. If youre going to be fair. Yeah, totally, thank you for being fair, ari. I think, like i was saying, i think that donald trump cant Say Something when people are experiencing something else. Like their reality is going to trump his words. And whats also interesting is that Donald Trumps idea that he can kind of strongman his way through things. Its really an extension of how hes always operated as this extremely masculine, aggressive, flashy person. And thats not something that outwardly manifested as a way to run the country. It may have been popular in certain parts of the country so everybody goes, oh, people like this. The question now is whether people like the results as a governing strategy. Were just 7 1 2 weeks in. Well see what the results are, its just our job to report them. Coming up, The Last Word of the week which is kind of sort of related to that video right there. Afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. To take advantage of this offer on a volvo s90, visit your local dealer. [burke] billygoat ruffians. Seen it. Covered it. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum does your child need help with digestive balance . Try align junior probiotic. So she can have a fraction dominating. Status updating. Helloyellowbelt kind of day. Get 24 7 digestive support with align junior. The 1 doctor recommended probiotic brand, now for kids. Cuts the Environmental Protection agency . Saw that coming. The only environments you care for are fairways and greens and the dangerous marshland you call a haircut. Cuts to the National Endowment for the arts . Not surprised. The only painting you like is paintings of yourselves when they take out the neck fat. But Meals On Wheels . How dead inside do you have to be to not want old people to get food . Your heart is so small, it makes your tiny hands look like catcher mitts. Old people voted for you

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