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This was the last day before the Trump Presidencys 100th day. And congress put in less than half a day because there is no trump agenda item alive in congress right now. There is no bill moving anywhere in congress now. No legislative vehicle that is a trump agenda item. We have never seen a 99th day like this for a president. Every president s busiest legislative year is the first year. Its when their power of persuasion over the congress is at its highest. And it only goes down after that. What a president accomplishes in his first year is usually most of what the president will accomplish in his first term. This is so clear historically that when bob woodward chose to write a book entitled the agenda, he decided to focus entirely on a president s first year. And he picked a president with a loaded first year agenda, bill clinton. At this point in bill clintons first year, the congress was working overtime. At the same time, congress was working on nafta, a giant tax bill which was inside a giant budget bill. They were also working on a World Trade Agreement and the beginnings of both Clinton Health care and clinton welfare reform. Along with Little Things like an Emergency Extension of unemployment insurance. Some of those things made it all the way to the finish line and became law in the first year. Some in the second year, and some not at all. But they were all important in the first year. They were all being worked on every friday afternoon of the first year of the clinton presidency. And i dont necessarily mean that the house and the senate were in session every friday afternoon, although they were a lot. What i mean is anyone casually following the news could tell you what the Clinton Agenda was and what parts of it congress was actively working on. That is not true tonight. Well cant tell you that theyre actively working on anything. Republicans in the house have certainly wanted it to appear as though theyre working on a Health Care Bill. But when congress is really working on something, the house and the senate both have to work on it. Notice that no one in the senate has been even pretending twork on a Health Care Bill or consult with the house in any way on a bill that would have to pass the United States senate. So nothing about what House Republicans are doing or have been doing on Health Care Reform actually looks like a real legislative activity. And it certainly Isnt Real Enough to keep them in washington after lunch on a friday, even though the Trump Presidency desperately needed some kind of legislative accomplishments within the first 100 days there is only one thing we can promise you about the second year of the trump presidency, and that is that the Trump Presidency will accomplish less in the second year than in the first year. And that is because all presidencies accomplish less in the second year than they do in the first year. Because as president s always discover, when congress enters an election year, congress does even less than congress did the year before. They dont take risks. That is just a fundamental rule of congress that has nothing to do with President Trump. When you factor in how much Time Congress is going to take off this year for christmas, for thanksgiving, for the entire month of august, the fourth of july, memorial day week, donald trump is now more than a third of the way through his first year of dealing with congress. And he has nothing to show for it. Less than any president in modern history. And that could be why he is saying things like this. Well, i loved my previous life. I loved my previous life. I had so many things going. I actually this is more work than in my previous life. I thought it would be easier. Im a details oriented person. I think you would say that. But i do miss my old life. I like to work. So thats not a problem. But this is actually more work. Okay. Thats amazing stuff. Could we just replay the middle of that. I thought it would be easier. I thought it was more of a im a details oriented person. More of a what . I thought it would be easier. I thought it was more of a and then he does that donald trump thing. He cuts off donald trump. He doesnt let donald trump finish Donald Trumps thought. Thats the most important sentence in what he just said. I thought it would be easier. I thought it was more of a feel free to tweet me your guesses about how he was going to finish that sentence before he decided that he shouldnt finish that sentence. Whatever he was going to say, donald trump himself decided he shouldnt say it. It was against Donald Trumps better judgment. Imagine, imagine what it had to be for donald trump to think oh, better not say that. He thought it was going to be more of a what . The president gave that interview yesterday. He knew congress would be gone less than 24 hours later, and he would be stuck with his 100 days of zero legislative accomplishments on the Donald Trump Campaign agenda, which was supposed to be the Trump Presidencys first year agenda. Some of it was supposed to be the Trump Presidencys first day agenda. But just about all of it was supposed to be the Trump Presidencys first 100day agenda. A deadline that the president himself imposed. Thats why i proposed a contract with the american voter. Its a set of promises for what ill do in my first 100 days. It includes getting rid of immediately obamacare, which is a disaster. And now he misses his previous life. Did you hear the way he said that . He sounded like the narrater in a british novel looking back on his previous life from his now much more troubled, tragic life. Well, i loved my i i love mid previous life. I loved my previous life. I had so many things going. Has there been a more poignant line uttered by a president in his first 100 days . I loved my previous life. Did you hear his voice completely fall out when he said i had so many things going. On the word going when you listen to that again, on the word going, he just sinks. The man has never been more publicly selfaware, more publicly introspective, which isnt saying much because introspection isnt Donald Trumps thing. Ask yourself how happy is your president. Well, i loved my i i love mid previous life. I loved my previous life. Had so many things going. So many things going. In a speech to the National Rifle association today, the president once again revisited his glory days. Actually, it was his glory day. What fun that was, november 8th. Wasnthat a great evening . You remember that evening . Remember that . [ cheering ] remember them saying we have breaking news. Donald trump has won the state of michigan. They go michigan . How did that happen. He goes on and on about it. Youve heard it all before. He was supposed to be telling them about how he dramatically to everyones surprise pulled off a victory in getting obamacare repealed and replaced when everyone said he couldnt. But he doesnt have that story to tell. And so he tells his favorite story, the Election Night story. And now in interviews he is looking Back Plaintively at when he thought it would be easier. Its so much easier to be president ial, because i dont have to use any energy. You know, being president ial is easy. Much easier than what i have to do. Youre going to have such Great Health Care and a tiny fraction of the cost. And its going to be so easy. The wall is peanuts. Thats going to be one of the easy negotiations, believe me. Were going to make America Great again. Its going to be easy. Joining us now, nicholas kristof, Pulitzer Prize winning columnist for the New York Times. Charlie sykes, editorinchief of write wisconsin and an msnbc contributor. Nick, the one contribution i had to Campaign Coverage when it would come to a trump speech or debate or something is to simply say thats not going to happen. Get rid of nafta, thats not going to happen. Coy rattle off all of the things that werent going to happen. I did expect the big tax cut to happen. Republican president s get elected, they cut taxes. There is a way to do that. George bush did it right away. So im sitting here not having come close to predicting they would get zero on the tax cut. But i dont have any other surprises. Are you surprised where we are in the 100 days . I think i had more faith than you did in the president s incompetence. Okay. It seemed to me doubtful he would manage to get these things through. And im indeed, i dont think he is going to get a Health Care Bill through. I dont think he is going to get a tax bill actually passed. And i doubt he is going to get an infrastructure bill, which is really the lightest load of all. Actually through. I think thats why he is so plaintive. I thought he thought this was going to be like being americas homecoming king, all cheers. And in fact it turns out to be about policy which he is not interested in and about msnbc and the New York Times saying he hasnt accomplished anything. Right. And charlie, i get the feeling that the president thought i get to be popular by being president. That yes, it will be great if i have a bunch of accomplishments in the 100 days. But if i dont have a bunch of accomplishments, dont i still get to be popular . I think there is a lot going on there. Youre right. This is the most poignant and revealing and defining point of his presidency. You unbutton it a little bit. What he is basically acknowledging is how manifestly unqualified and unprepared he was. He had no idea what it was going to be like to deal with congress. He had no idea what it was going to be like to deal with a federal judiciary. He didnt understand the constitution. He had no idea how complicated the Executive Branch was. And frankly, he obviously had no idea the gravity of the decisions he would have to make as president of the United States, including on International Affairs and trade. But what an amazing thing for him to sit down and go yea i really had no idea what i was getting into. And when i promised that everything was going to be eds, easy, i really didnt have a clue. Remarkable. And it is semi public information. Once youre elected president , to your surprise on november 8th, you have time to grab Bob Woodwards book the agenda. Its not a long book. Its about the first year of presidency. Its the single book to read if youre president. Youd pick up a lot. George mitchell would come to trump tower, and he would tell you here is how it works. He would happily tell you that, if you just took the time during the transition to have this kind of inquisitive mind what is it im getting into. I dont think he has that inquisitive mind. I dont think there is any National Politician ive ever known in my journalistic career who has been uninterested in policy or as ill informed about policy as President Trump. And i think this was compounded by the fact that he essentially wanted to blow up system that he didnt understand and was trying to recruit allies who also wanted to blow it up because they had that instinct were unfamiliar with what they were trying to blow up. Thats why he indeed of the top 550 positions of the administration he has only nominated 10 of them. He doesnt have allies around the gofrt. 200 vacant jobs at the state department. Charlie sykes, the incoming president s have all somewhere been on the scale of egomaniac to go off in that direction in the first place. But they have all had some measure of humility, varying measures of humility as they enter this transition into the presidency where you can see them and they will report this to people and to friends feeling the enormity of it and feeling daunted by how much homework they have to do before january 20th and how much homework theyre going to have to do every night after that. Yeah. Its one thing to have a great ego. But im not a psychologist. I dont play one on television. But donald trump is a narcissist in the classic term. If the normal range of ego is here, he is over here, unburdened by not an inquisitive mind, unburdened by much introspection. And obviously has no sense of humility. So im actually not thinking that that admission he didnt know what he was getting into means that you know what . I need to study more. I need to think more, i need to listen to more intelligent people. Here is a man who came into the presidency and surrounded himself with the clown car of staff, many of them still there. When he was asked what made your job harder than you thought. Mr. President , day 99. Whats made your job harder than you thought . Were moving awfully well. Were getting a lot of things done. We are i dont think there has ever been anything like this. Its a false standard, 100 days. But i have to tell you, i dont think anybody has done what weve been able to do in 100 days. So were very happy. Nick, i agree with him its a false standard. But its a standard he laid down for himself. But a first year is not a false standard. And when youre more than a third of the way through your first year and you have zero, its worth talking about. Yeah. Its a lot more whatever everybody is talking about is no significant legislation passed, and that is true. But if you look at the cabinet, he has one of the least impressive cabinets one has seen. He has appointed the least number of people to the administration of anybody recently. He has the worst Approval Rating of any new president in polling history. And there is really nothing on the horizon that would give one reason to think that things are going to get better. I mean, it has to be said that bill clinton had a somewhat rough start, not by these standards. John kennedy had again a somewhat rough start and they both managed to overcome that. In the case of President Trump, though, he has he comes at it from so much more difficult position. In foreign affairs, i must say there has been a real improvement by getting rid of mike flynn, bringing in mcmaster. He has switched positions on one issue after another and brought himself much closer to the traditional conservative republican position. And there is certainly much more of a realitybased posture in foreign affairs now than there was at the beginning. Charlie, your final word on the 100 days of President Trump. Well, the good news and the bad news for donald trump is that he has that echo chamber that no matter how bad he does, he has the Alternative Media Reality Machine that is going to beef him up. The bad news for him is its going to insulate him and he is not going to hear what he needs to hear. I think that the one thing that is probably the most Troubling Development is, and i know this word has been overused a lot. As we near the 100 days, how much of his behavior has been normalized . How much we have absorb and normalized his approach to the truth, how much we have normalized that he continues to use slurs like pocahantas. The bizarre erratic nature of this presidency. And i think thats something that we were concerned about at the very beginning. But look, there is huge steaks for everybody, for conservatives, liberals, democrats, republicans in at least stepping back and going okay, we got to put the country first. Were no longer in the the celebrity apprentice. This is tougher than reality tv and the stakes are a little higher for all of us. Charlie sykes gets the last word in this segment. Nick kristof, charlie sykes, thank you both for joining us. Coming up, it is trump versus ryan. It really is. The Back Stabbing backstage between President Trumps staff and Speaker Paul Ryans staff, and how paul ryan became the most unpopular person in American Politics today. Okay lets call his agent im coming over right now. The newly advanced gle can see in your blind spot. Onboard cameras and radar can detect danger all around you. Driver assist systems can pull you back into your lane if drifting. Bye chief. Bye bobby. And will even help you brake, if necessary. It makes driving less of a production. Lease the gle350 for 579 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. Trust 1 doctor recommended dulcolax. Use dulcolax tablets for gentle dependable relief. Suppositories for relief in minutes. 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The attempt to repeal obamacare is doing damage to paul ryan. He is now the most unpopular politician polled in the nbc Wall Street Journal poll. The number of americans who have are positive view of paul ryan has dropped from 40 to 22 with the number of negative views of paul ryan has climbed to 45 . According to a new fox news poll, democrats hold a fivepoint advantage on a generic congressional ballot. The latest gallup poll Shows Obamacare has an alltime high Approval Rating for obamacare of 55 . Last night at an event in new york city, President Obama pointed out that the Affordable Care act has never been more popular than it is now. And it is more popular than the current president. According to gallup, Donald Trumps Approval Rating is at 43 . Joining us now, Evan Siegfried, republican strategist. Joining us Karine Jeanpierre for moveon. Org and josh barrow, senior editor for Business Insider and an msnbc contributor. I was struck by the president going out of his way to say nice things about paul ryan in the interview we just heard because lets listen to this quote in Time Magazine. This is from an adviser to Speaker Paul Ryan who says its all about the show down there at the white house, says an adviser to Speaker Of The House paul ryan. They want the trailer, and were trying to make the ken burns documentary. Karene, i have not seen the adviser to the speak ever make comments about that about the white house when theyre trying to work together. Yeah, thats about right with this administration, with this presidency. I mean, look, lawrence. What you have is the most unpopular president of this time in our modern history and unpopular now. Unpopular speak over the house who have teamed up to get exactly nothing done. They havent been able to accomplish anything in this 100 days. And the thing about it is that the republicans have the largest majority right now currently in the house since 1928. And the only thing they were able to do was fund the government for another week. And now theyre learning that governing is indeed very, very difficult, beating up on obama was easy. Saying no was easy. But when it comes to getting things done when they actually have the majority and all of the three branches, they cant get it done. There is another quote in Time Magazine that is kind of extraordinary. Another statement says more than once, white house officials have told paul ryan that his role as speaker may be in jeopardy if he does not do more to help trump. Its Jekyll And Hyde with this Guy One Ryan Adviser says of the president. But were talking about him. So that must mean he is winning. Evan siegfried, im amazed to see white house officials thinking as they appear to threaten paul ryan that they could get him removed as speaker. That possible . No. The House Republican conference can have him removed as speaker. I know technically how it happens. But does the white house have the power to get enough republicans in the house to overthrow paul ryan . What were seeing here is a white house and a president who misunderstands the fundamental function of what congress is. They are a separate but coequal body. And you see the president in how he has handled legislation, especially in the ahca. It was like the ceo mentality and congress are the middle managers who get things done. And President Trump comes in and fixes it. The president needs to actually be working with congress. Because congress, if he keeps treating them like this, theyre going to slow walk the legislation just to remind him he has power and congress is 435 people with very big egos. What is your reaction to these statements from paul ryan people from his team about this kind of friction with the white house . I think there is a reason this stuff is showing up as Anonymous Grumbling In Press rather than open warfare which is that both trump and ryan need each other, much as they may dislike each other, to the extent that ryan and his caucus hope to get anything done, they will need to rely on donald trump not only to sign it, but to put his Political Capital behind whatever fairly unpopular thing republicans in Congress Might like to do on health care or tax. I think theyre not going to get it done anyway. But they have less chance of getting it done if they were in open warfare with the president. And i think people in the white house know that its not really paul ryans fault that they cant get votes for these things. They cant get votes for these things because theyre very unpopular, and because trump lacks the skills in the Political Capital to gather the votes for them. And if they caused some chaos and tried and maybe succeeded to push ryan out of his speakership, not only would that weaken the president s relations, whoever replaced ryan would probably be even less effective than ryan in the role. So none of them like the situation theyre in, but none of them can improve their situation by actually going war to the other. So they just complain about each other to the press. According to a new politico article, there are at least some people in the white house who think they have a better idea than dealing with paul ryan. And thats on the tax bill. We have one of them saying we arent listening to anyone else on taxes, says one Senior Administration official, referring to ryan. Its our plan. Karine, thats not the tax plan that paul ryan has been talking about. If they think they can go it alone on a tax plan without the Speaker Of The House with them, thats going absolutely nowhere. Thats exactly right. I mean, look. When you go back just a few years ago with President Obama and nancy pelosi, they actually had a wonderful working relationship. And nancy pelosi was able to deliver for President Obama because she understood and he understood how the government worked. And this you dont get you dont see this at all in this relationship when it comes to paul ryan and donald trump. And if the administration decides to go that route, theyre going to lose. Josh, the comments you see in the Time Magazine article show you that there is a war going on here that is incredibly unprofessional. And it sounds like the ryan people have just abandoned the norms of professionalism in order to mount public defenses of paul ryan. Well, im sure theyre exasperated. And wouldnt you be . I dont think they intended to be in this position where they were relying on donald trump. They thought they would have a sort of normal republican like marco rubio in the white house who would be more helpful in gathering votes in congress, more engaged in the Policy Process and less embarrassing in their public comments. So i think its only human to find this situation untenable and awful. But i do find it funny, describing themselves as trying to make the ken burns documentary. Yes. There. Have been an audience at both ends of pennsylvania avenue. And a lot of the blame for what has gone wrong in these first 100 days does lie with republicans in congress. I dont think it lies so much with ryan personally. I think the Republican Party as a whole was nowhere on Health Care Policy for seven years. All they knew is they hated obamacare and it was inevitably going to blow up in their faces when they had to make policy on it themselves. Long before donald trump was a politician for real. Thank you for joining us tonight. Really appreciate it. Thanks, lawrence. Coming up, donald trump, what he said about Michael Flynn tonight in a new fox news interview. Left, when he resigned, you said these birds once affected by oil with a crust made Chfrom Scratche and mixes crisp vegetables with all white meat chicken, and bakes it to perfection. Because making the perfect dinner Isnt Easy As Pie but finding someone to enjoy it with sure is. Marie callenders. Its time to savor. Rick stengel, former underSecretary Of State for Public Diplomacy and public affairs. He is also an msnbc political analyst and Evan Siegfried is back with us. Rick, the president said i do feel badly for him. What does he fired him. What does he feel badly for him for . I dont know. Okay. So im not the only one who couldnt follow. Yes. Im not even interested. What about the Obama Administration approved his Security Clearance . Well, its absolutely absurd. The Obama Administration fired Michael Flynn in 2014 for all kinds of reasons. Now if donald trump, i believe he was in the private sector. If youre hiring somebody from a competitor who was fired, wouldnt you check him out a little bit so they didnt do they didnt do their Due Diligence on him. What he doesnt understand is the fact that all of these things that flynn did, he did during that period between when he was fired in 2014 and when trump had him as National Security adviser. And bringing in a National Security adviser requires a much higher level of vetting than just to look at classified documents. Thats pretty easy. Evan, the president fired the man for lying. And the president says he was treated horribly. Is there some translation here that were missing . Im sure there is in trumpese. The president is now saying i am being saladed with this and he is trying to blame President Obama. The truth is nbc news is starting to report the Trump Administration or the Transition Team also did their own vet of Michael Flynn. So if they didnt catch this, it was an incompetent vet, and we have to look at other areas. If they did catch this, that is even more worrisome because they looked the other way there is a real problem going on here. Rick, the on the vet, lets say youve decided we want this fired general from the Previous Administration because he says things that we like. You still have that Vetting Responsibility that evan was just talking about. Again, the vetting is done by the civil service, by the fbi there is an fbi background check. They have to do that for every new person coming into the administration. They call your second grade teacher. They call your neighbors. They the all of those things that is done. That is one of the permanent functions of government. I just i just dont get what what is he clinging to here . When he says he was treated horribly, what is his objective when the president says that . He is the one who fired him. I think that the president feels any time the military is disrespected in any way, shape or form in his mind, that its absolutely horrible. And yes, we should respect. Actually, isnt it that he feels that he had to fire him because of what the press did to him. Right. So he is indirectly blaming the press. Would he have not have fired him if the press didnt reveal he lied. All right. We have to take a break here. Evan siegfried, thank you for joining us. Coming up, what donald trump doesnt know about pocahantas. He got a big reaction from his audience today when he talked about pocahantas. He needs to know a couple of things about that. Whoa thats amazing. Hey, im the internet i know a bunch of people who would love that. The internet loves what youre doing. So build a better website in under an hour with. Gocentral from godaddy. Type in your idea. Select from designs tailored just for you and publish your site with just a few clickseven from your. Mobile phone. 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Captain john smith wrote a praisefilled letter to queen anne about pocahantas saying pocahantas saved his life when his father was to be have him executed. Pocahantas laid her head on his chest so smith could not be beheaded without pocahantas suffering the same fate. In his letter to the queen, john smith said she hazarded the beating out of her own brains to save mine and not only that, but so prevailed with her father that i would safely conducted to jamestown. Pocahantas was not her real name. She and her tribe decided to hide her real name from the english settlers. William stiff was born 100 years later and became an historian. He wrote a book titled the history of the first discovery and settlement of virginia. William stiff explained why pocahantas hid her real name from the english. It turns out although she bravely welcomed the english, she and her tribe didnt trust them. William stiff wrote her real name it seems was originally matoax which the indians carefully concealed from the english and changed to It Pocahantas Out of a superstitious fearless they by knowledge of her true name should be enabled to do her some hurt. And tonight 400 years later, the president of the United States is trying to do Elizabeth Warren some hurt by throwing a name at her that was invented by Native Americans to protect a woman. Thats what general liabilitys for. What . injured employee . Ow. Workers comp helps you pay for a replacement. Whats happening . This is carla. Hows it going . And if anything comes up, our experts are standing by. Boo lwhos the lucky lady . Im going to the bank, to discuss a mortgage. Ugh, see, you need a loan, you put on a suit, you go crawling to the bank. This is how i dress to get a mortgage. I just go to lendingtree. I calculate how much home i can afford. I get multiple offers to compare side by side. And the best part is. The banks come crawling to me. Everything you need to get a better mortgage. Clothing optional. Lendingtree, when banks compete, you win. Okay . Awkward. She pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress. But once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. I use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. You are free to go. Tide and downy together. Today north korea launched its Ninth Missile since President Trump took office. According to u. S. Officials, the Short Range Missile exploded midair shortly after takeoff. Tonight President Trump tweeted north korea disrespected the wishes of china and its highly respected president when it launched though unsuccessfully a missile today. Bad, exclamation point. This missile test comes one day after President Trump said this. There is a chance that we would end up having major, major conflict with north korea. Absolutely. Id love to solve things diplomatically but its very difficult. Rick stengel is back with us. Rick, the president s tweeted reaction to this, basically saying how could they possibly disrespect china. Uhhuh. Well, hes trying to show the world that he formed a romance with president xi. Of course what he is realizing about diplomacy is it is a multilevel chess game, you have to rail against china for a balance of chad but work with them on north korea. You have to work that balance. He doesnt seem tosy say that he completely surrendered all positions he has in regards to trade saying of course im not going to talk about currentsy manipulation because he is helping us with north korea. It doesnt seem like he is trying to balance owes things. Yes, i guess he is folding his tent on that already. And maybe he made a distinction that this is more important. Obviously it is very important. China has the most leverage with north korea. More than we do. All of north koreas trade passes through china. Even the talk of new rounds of sanctions which i support is a little bit toothless because there is hardly anything to sanction there. They have an economy the size of maines. They have apparently figured out how to live with deprivation. They figured out how to live with deprivation in order to have a nuclear program. The Nuclear Strategy is their strategy. You have a leader desperate for attention, i know that sound familiar, and the way he does that is through the Nuclear Strategy. The president leaning entirely on the chinese is one part of it. The other part of it is he raises his rhetoric to a combative level, the trump rhetoric that weve never seen in an american president before. Its entirely irresponsible. Its tactical impatience to contrast with secretary tillerson obamas strategic patience was the wrong thing. This good cobb cop bad cop thing is reversed. The Secretary Of State is supposed to be the bad cop. The president is supposed to be the bad cop. The where do you see this going . President trumps rhetoric cant get any more heated. He is escalating the rhetoric. People around the word are saying we have to deescalate this. Trump is single handedly escalating it and turning it into something that kim jongun wants. He wants attention and this tension of World War Three going on. Coming up, a hundred nights of late night trump comedy. Im dr. Kelsey mcneely and some day you might be calling me an energy farmer. Energy lives here. Source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. Its proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. Humira is the 1 prescribed biologic for psoriatic arthritis. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Want more proof . Ask your rheumatologist about humira. Whats your body of proof . And is a now a master class in a hundred days of comedy. In honor of our new president dress rehearsals over guys, the tragedy has begun. He focused on the size of his crowds, the size of his ratings, the size of everything. Instead of the cia he should be talking to a cichiatri serks, the. If you want to make people safe, stop making them walk this the streets. Big news out of the kremlin sorry, misread that, the white house. When asked if the allegations were true, sessions said absolutely niet. I cant believe Jeff Sessions lied to america. Especially after this country spent so many years buying his cookies. Trump would like us to focus on his scandal about obama wiretapping him. Trump said it was upsetting because he is a private man who likes to keep his thoughts to himself. Where did trump get the info, from the cia, the fbi, out of his ass. The chairman is killing it, it, being the trust in his investigation. Didnt literally mean that prep president Obama Wiretapped him. He also said President Trump didnt literally mean for people to vote for him. Bad news, mexico didnt give us cash for the wall . Good news, we have new hands. 400 million tax break to the rich and the poor will receive a box of bandaids and airborne. You cant tear your eyes away from sean spicer. Its like watching a car crash that knows nothing about the holocaust. Hoentlely, though, are you okay. Are you kidding me. Job Approval Rating is at just 36 . Trump was confused. He said, how can they disapprove of a job im not even doing. Done, thats enough fun for tonight, can i have my desk back. Yes, of course, mr. President ill go sit at my desk. President trump on friday walked out on an oval office Signing Ceremony without actually signing his two Executive Orders on trade. Thats literally our best hope against the Trump Administration, him forgetting what he came in the room for. President trump recently bombed syria while eating the most beautiful piece of Chocolate Cake america has ever laid eyes on. Thats a fact. You dont know what cakes ive seen. These hundred days have been such a success. And im so sad my presidency is coming to an en

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