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I also want to tell you there is a press conference expected in austin given the series of explosions that weve been monitoring. Weve been reporting on this. Youre looking at the footage there where we expect to get Law Enforcement authorities to come out and detail what they know at this late hour about the series serial bombings. Were going to monitor it in our control room tonight. And if we see Important News coming out of that or important disclosures, we will bring it to you as as soon as we get it. And a lot of people keeping their eye on what has been a very unpredictable situation in austin, texas. Well keep an eye on that. The other big story, though, that is our top story is a move away from not only the criminal probe by bob mueller that has put so much heat on donald trump. Tonight at least that criminal case has been overshadowed by three cases in civil court brought by women who say they deserve their day in court. Now ill tell you straight up tonight. We didnt choose to bring you these three cases. This isnt some kind of editorial decision to compare three different women suing trump or looking at their legal arguments. This is literally the news breaking on all three of these separate cases right now. Ra new woman filing suit today. Another who won a procedural step as the judge green lights her case today. And the third, Stormy Daniels releasing new evidence in her case that dates back far before the president ial campaign. So let me begin with a brief explanation, though, of the newest case filed today by karen mcdougal. She is a former playboy model. She is suing the National Enquirers Parent Company saying she deserves the right to speak about her alleged relationship with trump dating back to 2006. Now she says she signed a deal before the 2016 election for 150,000 that would enable the enquirer to basically silence her story. But now she says she views that contract as void. She says she was tricked into signing it while being misled as to its contents including by her very own lawyer. Then case number two, a judge clearing the path for a defamation suit against donald trump by former the apprentice contestant summer zervos. He put me in an embrace, and i tried to push him away. I pushed his chest to put space between us, and i said come on, man, get real. He repeated my words back to me. Get real as he began thrusting his genitals. He tried to kiss me again with his michigan hands still on his chest, and i said dude, youre tripping right now. Attempting to make it clear i was not interested. Many republicans argued bill clinton should face exactly these kind of civil lawsuits while he was president. And thats the exact case that was cited against donald trump today. The judge noting no one is above the law. Its settled. The president has no immunity and is subject to the laws for purely private acts. Then case three. News breaking today about Stormy Daniels Lie Detector Test. Her lawyer joins me in a moment releasing this picture of a test she took in 2011 to support her claims for an interview she did with intouch magazine about this alleged sexual relationship with donald trump. This is definitely newsworthy because it undercuts an attack made on daniels, that the whole dispute was just about the 2016 election. The new material shows some of the lengths she went to support her story back in 2011 when the idea of donald trump being president of the United States was widely considered a joke. Ha ha ha. Here we are. Now, does the tested self mean everything she said is automatically true . As a matter of law, courts dont admit the tests. They have about a 70 accuracy rate. This asked if she had intercourse with trump, whether it was unprotected and whether he offered to get her an appearance on the apprentice. The examiner asserting she passed the test clearly. Lawyer avanatti says he paid for the tape. We caught wind of the fact there were a number of main party, some in the Mainstream Media that were attempting to purchase the video and the file for use in what i will describe as nefarious activities. That very lawyer in the eye of the storm joins me now. Michael avenatti. Thanks for being here. Thanks for having me. This case stays in the news, partly because there seems to be new evidence that comes out. For new viewers, what is the import of it . Well, i think you put your finger on it, ari. The import is that back in may of 2011, my client sat in a room in las vegas with a licensed polygraph examiner. Was given a polygraph examine, and she passed with flying colors. I do want to correct one thing. The three questions you put up, she passed the first two. It was determined she was telling the truth. As to the third, as to whether she was promised a spot on the apprentice, the polygraph examiner concluded that it was inconclusive. So he did not conclude she was telling the truth. He did not conclude she was lying. It was inconclusive. You know that i strive to be very accurate as it relates to the information that comes out. And so when i see something that is not quite right, i want to make it known. So that was the detail. Appreciate that nuance. It is a nuance, but its important. Because we dont want the get over the tips of our skis. But i think its important because weve heard various attacks on my client relating to her motivations for doing this. People have said that she was trying to blackmail a president ial candidate in the waning days of the election, which is patently false. And its one of the things that i think is most important about this. Now, look, this is another piece of evidence. And its another document thats being presented to the American People. They can go online. They can download it. They can read it for themselves. They dont have to take your word for it, my word or anybody elses word. There is going to be this interview that is going to be broadcast on sunday where the American People are going to be able to observe my clients demeanor and hear her answers. And theyre going to be able to judge for themselves as to whether she is telling the truth or not. And this has always been what weve said for weeks. Now dont take my word for it or someone elses word for it. You should hear from my client. Hear her story. Hear her version of events and judge for yourself. And to the extent that mr. Cohen or the president have a counternarrative or a different version of the facts, they should go on a show, have a press conference, they could do any number of things and explain their version. Youre giving donald trump media advice. Let me read to you from Michael Cohen. Speaking out to vanity fair, daniels said her number was 130,000. Cohen relates it was strange. A not entirely round number. But he accepted. He asked this lawyer why she would tell her story when she previously denied it. Quote, he said she needed the money. I didnt come up with this number. That false . Absolutely. And were going to prove its false. Here is the best thing that i can say about mr. Cohens verse veracity. Here is the best thing i can say. Highly suspect. So Michael Cohen in your view is not telling the truth about your client needing money. Why . Well, i dont think he is telling the truth about a whole host of things, starting with the fact that he wants the American People to believe that he drafted this agreement on his own, negotiated it on his own. Mr. Trump never knew anything about it, didnt have anything to do with the payment. And by the way, here is an interesting question, ari. If thats to be believed, then why is mr. Trumps signature line in the agreement . Why is he listed as a party . And why did he jump into it on friday . I want to bring in our panel, and stay with me. This is very important question. Its a very simple one. If the whole plan was that mr. Trump was never going to be a party to the agreement and was never going to sign it, wasnt even going to know about it because mr. Cohen, his very close friend didnt want to bother him in the waning days of the campaign, and he was just going to pay the money and never even tell mr. Trump about it, then why did mr. Cohen draft an agreement with mr. Trumps name littered throughout the document with a signature line for him to sign . I will tell you my legal analysis. I think its a good question. Stay with me. As promised, i want to bring in matt miller, former sparm for attorney general holder, msnbc analyst as well as joyce vance, and joyce, when you hear this and you hear the lawyers fighting and you see the lie detector come out, what is your view of the wider significance . Lie detector tests are really interesting, ari. Youve noted that theyre not admissible in court, and thats because their scientific validity hasnt been established yet. Not to say it couldnt be done in the future. And perhaps this would be the case. But Lie Detector Tests are widely used in Law Enforcement. Particularly early on in cases when people are trying to decide whether a witness is telling the truth. Also, widely used in the Justice Department as an employment device. So the introduction of this Lie Detector Test not as evidence, but as an indication that ms. Daniels is being truthful at least in so far as her story about having intercourse with the president is very compelling here. And matt miller, when you were serving the obama administration, i dont recall him making a joinder motion for any lawsuits like this. No. We never dealt with anything like this. Look, i think mr. Avenatti is pursuing this case the way you would expect for somebody in his position. He is being very aggressive both in court and with media strategy. What is surprising is how you see the president responding. If Stormy Daniels were to come out and just Start Talking and explain that she had a consensual affair with donald trump, i dont think that would surprise anyone. Im not even sure it would hurt the president very much. But when you see the president pursuing this strategy to silence her in court, something weve not seen from previous presents, something that is completely inappropriate for the occupant of the oval office to do to a private citizen. Let me ask you about that, matt, and then i want to go back to michael. Youre putting your finger on the fact that for a long time it was said that donald trump would fight everyone in public but Vladimir Putin. And there were inferences that some drew from that. It seems that now here in the second year of the presidency, he will have a public fight with everyone but Vladimir Putin and Stormy Daniels. Yeah. And the question you have to ask, is he worried about something damaging in this case in particular . Maybe. Maybe not. Or is he worried about the precedent it might set if there are other nondisclosure agreements that he sign order that Michael Cohen signed on his behalf, in a strange arrangement where Michael Cohen was a party and maybe the president was or wasnt. Are they worried about setting a precedent here that if they let this one go by without a fight that it opens the doors to other people coming forward and talking . I dont think we know the answer to that yet. But that would be one way to explain the president s very aggressive, very unusual posture. Ari, im used to im used to playing chess. Okay, in my cases. And ive had the good fortune to go up against some really good chess players from around this country. Is Michael Cohen playing chess with you . Well, let me just say this. Really good chess players. Lawyers at the top of their game. Really good lawyers that are really good chess players. And i like to count myself as a pretty good chess player. Right now were playing three dimensional chess, and these guys are playing tic tac toe, quite honestly. And theyre not even playing tic tac toe that well. When we filed this case, there was one response that made sense, and one response only. And that response should have been you know what . Youre right. I was a party to the agreement. This is the president speaking. She is free to talk. She can tell her story and im going to tell mine. Guess what . Had that happened, i wouldnt be sitting here right now and we wouldnt be talking about it. That is not what has happened. They have stepped into every trap weve laid in this case the last two weeks. Its remarkable. Ive never seen anything like it. Ive never had any good fortune like this. Were going to keep shooting until we miss. And the problem, ari, is now theyre doubling and tripling down. Now we have the president of the United States, and i think its important to take a step back and think about this for a minute. We have a sitting u. S. President who is carrying out a vendetta against a woman who alleges that she had an affair with him and suing her for 20 million. Yeah. And is attempting to continue to silence her and put her under his thumb. Thats what this is about. I think thats a significant part. And look, we have covered the story, and weve covered it especially assertively since friday. For everyone who says well, here is this Stormy Daniels story over here, why should it be about the president . No. Starting friday, the president inserted himself and is literally seeking to bankrupt a private citizen for their words. That is clearly important. I want to read for the benefit of response, Michael Cohen addressing when you were questioned about whether your client faced threats of physical harm and you said yes. Michael cohens new response ive never spoken to her, ive never emailed her, ive never texted her. Every interaction with her was through a previous attorney. I reiterate, ive never threatened her in any way, and im unaware of anyone else doing so. Your response. And the agreement was drafted without the knowledge of donald trump and mr. Cohen made the payment and no one else ever knew about it. Do you have reason to believe that specific denial is misleading . Jeff. And i think do you have evidence that Michael Cohen would know about the physical threats allegation you have made . Im not going to answer the question as to what we have and what we dont have. But here is what i will say. People shoo be very careful about representations they make, unequivocal reputations they make. Joyce, your thoughts on any of the above . It sounds like there is a little bit more evidence that mr. Avenatti has that well all learn about in the future. There has been at least some indication that there is additional evidence, that there are documents. I think he said that. And of course the nondisclosure agreement represents a whole host of potential pieces of evidence. Text messages, other information about former sexual partners. So i think a lot of folks will be looking forward to listening into the 60 minutes episode if it airs. But at the end of the day, we got to remember that what we have going on here is really a credibility matchup between the president s lawyer and a porn star. And that is a phenomenal place for this country to be at this particular point in time. And the president is in a real box because hes denied knowing her. He has denied knowing that they ever had any type of an affair. For him to walk that back to the point where he could let her tell her story and he could tell his i think is a very difficult path for him to walk. Right. And he may have really put himself in a box he cant get out of here. And on that point, matt miller, your final word on us. Ill hand the mic here to Stormy Daniels who wrote today, technically, i didnt sleep with potus 12 years ago. There was no sleeping. He was a goofty reality tv star. But i digress. People do care that he lied about it, had me bullied, broke laws to visit covered up. Ps, im not going anywhere, xoxoxo. Its tawdry. Its trashy. But what do people expect . This this is what happens when you elect a reality star president , someone who has for years operate kind of in the tabloid world, in the trashiest ends of the legal world and of the media world. This is the kind of thing you get with donald trump as president. And i dont think that Stormy Daniels or the other two women who have filed or are attempting to file suit against him, i dont think these are the last of these cases were going to see. Matt miller, joyce vance, and the lawyer michael avenatti, thanks to each of you for joining me tonight. Coming up, there is breaking news President Trump was specifically warned dont congratulate putin, be he chose to do that over advice from his own National Security adviser. Also tonight, reports steve bannon was supervising the misuse of data from facebook two years before the Trump Campaign. All of that coming up. And weve been following of course as i mentioned the serious breaking news out of austin, texas tonight. I want to mention again for our viewers, keeping an eye on this important story, we are still awaiting this Law Enforcement News Conference. They were called about an incident at a Goodwill Store. A reported explosion a short time ago. We can tell you police says it does not appear that that new report, however concerning it is, is at this time connected to the string of bombings. One Person Injured after investigating, Austin Police also tweeting this out. Quote, there was no package explosion in the 9800 block of brodie lane. Items inside the package were not a bomb rather an incendiary device. Well update you when we get it. More of the last word after this break. Guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night. Hold on dad. Liberty did what . Yeah, Liberty Mutual 24hour roadside assistance helped him to fix his flat so he could get home safely. My dad says our insurance doesnt have that. Dont worry i know what a lug wrench is, dad. Is this a lug wrench . Maybe . You can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. Gas, bloating, constipation and diarrhea can start in the colon and may be signs of an imbalance of good bacteria. Only Phillips Colon Health has this unique combination of probiotics. It helps replenish good bacteria. Get fourinone symptom defense. Tomorrow, its a day filled with promise and new beginnings, challenges and opportunities. At ameriprise financial, we cant predict what tomorrow will bring. But our comprehensive approach to Financial Planning can help make sure youre prepared for whats expected and even whats not. And that kind of Financial Confidence can help you sleep better at night. With the right financial advisor, life can be brilliant. You know whats not awesome . Gigspeed internet. When only certain people can get it. Lets fix that. Lets give this guy gig really . And these kids, and these guys, him, ah. Oh hello. That lady, these houses yes, yes and yes. And dont forget about them. Uh huh, sure. Still yes xfinity delivers gig speed to more homes than anyone. Now you can get it, too. Welcome to the party. Donald trumps digital firm in hot water tonight. News breaking their ceo suspended after a hidden video scandal broke this week. Now the Washington Post reporting steve bannon, who has long been linked to the firm, Cambridge Analytica, was involved in how they used facebook to collect and potentially misuse data. The source here is former Cambridge Analytica employee chris wiley, who says the 2014 effort was part of a hightech form of voter persuasion under bannon, they identified and tested the power of antiestablishment messages that later would emerge as central themes in Trumps Campaign speeches. Messages tested included drain the swamp and deep state. Bannon helped launch cambridge in 2013. He also served on its board. While trump may want to get some distance from this firm right now, that just got hard were the next wave of undercover videos leaking. And were going to show them to you, the now suspended ceo nix boasting how they met with trump personally. Have you met with mr. Trump . Many times. You have . We did all the data, all the analytics, all the Digital Campaign, the television campaign. And strategy. Other video showing nix boasting they could set up political rivals on tape for financial or i guess sexual scandals, and then they would weaponize that online. Now we can all take stock of the obvious irony that that man, nix, boasting about all that was caught on tape and led to his suspension. Also, members of congress now demanding that more people linked to the scandal come testify. Key trump aides involved in cambridges work include kushner, manafort, and the digital director Brad Parscale who trump recently promoted to run the entire 2020 reelection campaign. Now one of the more dramatic claims that nix made on tape was not even illegal, but it probably is familiar to anyone following the alternative facts strategy of this trump white house. The tape also caught him saying, it sounds a dreadful thing to say, but these are things that dont necessarily need to be true as long as theyre believed. Joining me now, brendan fisher, director of the federal Election Commission reform at the Campaign Legal center. And betty woodruff, politics reporter for the daily beast and msnbc contributor. Betsy, your view of the significance of this and the what is revealed in the link there between an alternative facts approach to politics and a Digital Campaign that might be relentless at pushing misinformation. It speaks to the time we live in. And ultimately, the responsibility for how whether or not these ads work falls with the consumers. The people who see the ads. At the end of the day, these ads only work if americans dont follow politics closely enough, dont take the time to put in the legwork, fact check, and get a sense of whether or not the things that they are reading, the media theyre consuming is coming from reliable sources or not. Its harder than ever in this internet age in some ways, but there is such a rich variety of Fact Checking sites, an amazing websites and newspapers and Television Networks creating wonderful journalism that fortunately, it shouldnt be as difficult as sometimes it seems to be. Speaking of the significance of this news we have, one thing i can tell you is i dont think people should view the suspension of Alexander Nix as big of a deal as perhaps its being covered. A suspension is not a firing. Its not a termination. One thingy tell you, as someone who has covered Cambridge Analytica going back to 2015, the early days of the republican primary, ive been told by newsroom rose people that nix has or still has a clothe close personal relationship with rebecca mercer. Rebecca mercer on the board of Cambridge Analytica. She is a millionaire heiress. Until she turns on him, there is a good chance hell be back in the good graces of the company. I hear you making two points of skepticism. One, this might be window dressing dur the week the heat is on them. And two that lies only work when they are believed, which fits with what he was saying. And yet, brendan, i would take part i would take part issue with the idea that this is also up to consumers. Because at the end of the day, the reason that you have fraud laws is there will always be different types of fraud. Do you see anything from these reports that suggests anything beyond what is just shady or scummy and the implications of law . Sure. Sure. Well, one takeaway from this is whether were talking about foreign governments or reclusive billionaires, its clear that there are vulnerabilities in our laws. And there are vulnerabilities that can be exploited by actors who dont have the best interests of the American Public in mind. And congress has failed to update our laws and regulations as political campaigning increasingly moves online. One point i want to make about how Cambridge Analytica used this data is through highly targeted ads that were only viewable by the individuals to whom these ads were targeted. And Cambridge Analytica was very explicit about the use of fear, about the use of fear in trying to motive voters to vote for donald trump or to deter potential Hillary Clinton voters from voting at all. And when youre using highly controversial fearbased messaging with no accountability whatsoever, there is a tendency to further divide the American Public. And fear is not brendan, what about the thing i asked . Do you see any laws broken here . Sure. So one what brought Cambridge Analytica on to our radar back in the 2016 election was the fact that the mercers, who own Cambridge Analytica were operating a superpac that was working very closely with the Trump Campaign. And superpacs are supposed to be operating independently of the campaigns that theyre supporting. We know that the mercers requested that the Trump Campaign hire steve bannon as campaign ceo. They did so. We know that the mercers requested that but youre not seeing it in the videos . Its okay if the answer is no. Yeah, well, so the short answer is we believe that there is evidence that the Trump Campaign and the mercerbacked superpac were coordinating. Right. Potential illegal coordination. Through Cambridge Analytica. Got you. What wisconsin is a little different than whats on the videos. Betsy, final question on the russia probe. Nix is caught suggesting he didnt have any problems with his house testimony. Did you see this being a bigger flash point there with whoever is left investigating that . To be totally honest, i dont think it is. The house investigation at this point is basically running on empty. Theyre putting together reports there is going to be two different reports. And unfortunately, the maxim that Alexander Nix handed down to us, that people will sometimes believe false things is something were going to see playing out when the house reports come out, and when there is a high likelihood that within at least one of those reports will be the deliberate distortions of fact. People have to be vigilant news consumers. They have to take these things seriously. They have to think critically. And they have to remember that the way democracy works, what makes democracy work is people putting in the work and the effort that it takes to make sure that they have a correct, clear understanding of what things are actually happening. I appreciate your candor there. Its certainly true. The republicans have locked most of this down. The last part was nix saying, caught on tape, regarding his testimony to the House Republicans there, no secrets. Theyre politicians. Theyre not technical. They dont understand how it works. And then he said theyre always just puppets, which was quite something to say about republicans who were trying to defend him anyway. Betsy and brendan fisher, thanks for your expertise tonight. Thank you. Up next, President Trump hiring new lawyers to go on offense against bob mueller, and only a handful of republicans seem to be stepping up to the plate. What are the others going to do . Thats next. Hey, need fast heartburn relief . Try cool mint zantac. It releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. Zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. Nexium can take 24 hours. Try cool mint zantac. No pill relieves heartburn faster. You may be at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia, that can take you out of the game for weeks, even if youre healthy. Pneumococcal pneumonia is a potentially serious bacterial lung disease that in severe cases can lead to hospitalization. It may hit quickly, without warning, causing you to miss out on the things you enjoy most. Prevnar 13® is not a treatment for pneumococcal pneumonia. Its a vaccine you can get to help protect against it. 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Bob mueller is certainly probing whether President Trumps more than impulsive. Because proving the mental intent for obstruction usually require morse than impulse. It requires corrupt planning. Consider that for ten months, donald trump avoided ever criticizing bob mueller by name or ever impulsively even tweeting his name, until now. After the friday night firing of comey Deputy Andrew mccabe, trump is now singling out mueller by name. It looks like a new phase. It looks deliberate. It does not look impulsive. And some republicans i can tell you tonight apparently agree. Speak out in the most direct terms weve seen about what happens if trump tries to illegally remove mueller. Theyre talking about potential impeachment. If the president fired robert mueller, do you think that would be an Impeachable Offense . Probably so, if he did it without cause, yeah. I think what the president will have done is stopped an investigation into whether or not his campaign colluded with the russians, what effect the russians had on the 2016 campaign. I cant see it being anything other than a erupt purpose to stop the investigation without cause. I think it would be a constitutional crisis. Or jeff flake who wrote this just tonight. Were begging the president not to fire the special counsel. Dont create a constitutional crisis. Congress cannot preempt such a firing. Our only constitutional remedy is after the fact through impeachment. No one wants that outcome, he writes. Mr. President , please dont go there. Mitch mcconnell tried a different tact insisting that mueller wont be going anywhere. And paul ryan claims he has assurances. Are you prepared to take any action to protect the special counsel and Rod Rosenstein if it comes to that . I just dont think its necessary. I dont think bob mueller is going anywhere. I think there is widespread feeling and the president s lawyers obviously agree that he ought to be allowed to finish the job. The special counsel should be free to follow through his investigation to its completion without interference, absolutely. I am confident that hell be able to do that. I received assurances that his firing is not even under consideration. Not even under consideration. That sounds good. But it was more than considered. The New York Times reported trump tried to fire mueller in june and was only blocked when his own White House Counsel Don Mcgahn refused to ask the doj to dismiss mueller, saying he would quit instead. Im joined by Jennifer Rubin, an msnbc contributor as well as ezra klein, editor at large at vox and host of the podcast the ezra klein show. Ezra, when you look at this breakdown between leadership and some other republicans making some noise, what direction do you think were headed in . Nowhere good. So i think you see a couple things here. One, as much as i admire what senators graham and flake are saying, if they had the power that i wish they had in the republican party, we would have had a solution, say, on daca long ago. So i dont think you can look at them as the way of taking the temperature of where the center of the party. What i do think is surprising is how little instinct for selfpreservation mcconnell and ryan have here there are plenty of bills that could protect mueller right now. You could make him genuinely independent. You could create an independent Congressional Commission there are all kinds of things that are in congress right now that you could do to protect mueller to make sure you never have to face a scenario theyre worried theyre going to have to face, which is a where they either have to act or protect trump at the cost of their own legacies. They havent done that. Theyre relying on trumps good temperament to keep him out of trouble here strikes me as a bet that if i were them, i wouldnt want to make. And jennifer, a lot of this comes down to whether its time to issue these warnings and talk about the i word, or whether if you follow the logic of some of the trump defenders, thats getting ahead of whats happened which is mueller has been on the job for ten months. I dont know if you ever listened to the wrapper day vis. Im like a bad doctor. I aint got no patience. There is a sense here that nobody has patience 20 let this play out. Which side do you think is right . I think ezra is right. Its dangerous to take assurances from this white house about anything. And what if next time don mcgahn takes direction and does tell the special prosecutor that he is toast, or does decide to fire Rod Rosenstein . So it is really playing with absolute fire there is no reason, for example, why they cant pass a simple resolution which should pass unanimously saying that this would be an Impeachable Offense. That at least would set out a clear line for the president. There is nothing that prohibits them from doing that. There is no constitutional prohibition on that. I would say, though, i think Lindsey Graham unintentionally gave us a very interesting argument. If corrupt intent would be demonstrated by firing bob mueller, why isnt corrupt intent shown by firing james comey, by coming up with a false cover story to explain the trump tower meeting, by all the whole litany of things that he has done . In essence, Lindsey Graham is acknowledging that these actions in the course of his presidency if made for his own selfpreservation are impeachable acts, it doesnt have to be just the firing of bob mueller. So someone should get ahold of Lindsey Graham and say but what about all these other things that he has been up to . So i think the republicans are chasing their own tails here. Theyre trying to simultaneously avoid the issue at the same time trying not to look like utter hypocrites. And i dont think theyre doing a very good job, nor are they fooling the American People into believing theyre actually doing their job. Ezra, speak to jennifers point. Essentially, if youre talking about firing Law Enforcement officials for the criminal probe, its already happened. Why is there a celebrity aspect around mueller when these other people were also important . I have often wondered what it is exactly that we are waiting on mueller to prove. I think a lot of people are expecting something to be revealed that has not been revealed. And i think there are a lot of details that are. But in the question of whether or not there has already been a obstruction of justice, of course there has. Donald trump want on nbc and said it forthrightly. It is perfectly clear what he did and why he did it. One of the things i do worry about in all this, what we are actually watching, more than the firing of mueller, thats been sort of a specter hanging over this. Were watching the one so discrediting of mueller on the right. There has been a longrunning and fairly Successful Campaign within the fox news universe, within the republican congress, if you look at what house members who are conservatives have been saying to discredit muellers findings before they come out. And the other is that by drawing this out, theyrele . A cultureation process. Look, he already fired comey and Nothing Happened so he could go and do the rest of it. People become used to things. One thing that concerns me is bob mueller could come out with a searing report months from now. The report could show without a shadow of a doubt obstruction of justice. And what . Republicans and fox news are going to say some of it is old news and they already knew about it. Some they disbelief. There isnt a remedy. Politically republicans have done everything in their power to recover and protect donald trump. I dont see what were expecting to be different in the coming months. Ezra klein giving everybody a lot of good vibes to go to bed to. Always. The slow flouting of all constitutional norms and the lack of political backbone to save our republic. Having said that, i think you are both articulate these concerns well. Ezra klein and Jennifer Rubin. Coming up, more breaking news. Warned not to congratulate Vladimir Putin on the election, and then he went ahead and does it anyway. Also, well keep monitoring the situation in austin, texas. The austin pd called on the scene of this explosion. Police say there was an incendiary device. But but what police are saying, what im hearing fresh from our control room as told you we would monitor, this Law Enforcement briefing is that the latest materials that were collected in the latest investigation theyre doing on that most recent site was not actually incendiary. It was not actually what they view to be explosive materials. And not connected to the other bombings. You may recall we mentioned some of the reporting on that. Whats new right now, as you can see on your screen is Law Enforcement officially saying that on the record in this briefing. We wanted to get you that update, and well have more on that coming up, including a report from nbcs Gabe Gutierrez that a mail employee was going through basically some materials that had been dropped off. There was a kind of a flash, and there were minor injuries sustained. So i wanted to mention for my colleagues as well as we monitor those events and bring you more as we get it. Im going to fit in a break and have more politics after this. Im a concrete mason. I had severe fatigue, became diagnosed with hodgkins lymphoma. He was a good candidate for immune therapy, which is allowing his immune system to attack the tumor. Learn more at cancercenter. Com im all about my bed. This mattress is dangerously comfortable. When i get in, i literally say, ahh. Introducing the leesa mattress. A better place to sleep. This bed hugs my body. Im now a morning person. The leesa mattress is designed to provide strong support, relieve pressure and optimize airflow to keep you cool. Hello bed of my dreams. Order online. Well build it, box it and ship it to your door for you to enjoy. Sleep on it for up to 100 nights and love it or youll get a full refund. Returns are free and easy. I love my leesa. Today is gonna be great. Read our reviews, then try the leesa mattress in your own home. Experience the leesa difference before you buy, at any west elm. 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It says the warning in his briefing was in all caps letters stating do not congratulate, which as everyone knows shouting in a security memo. The report also says trump chose not to be heed talking points from agents to condemn putin about this recent poisoning of a former russian spy in the uk with a powerful nerve agent. Senator john mccain weighing in an american president does not lead the free world by congratulating dictators on winning sham elections. And by doing so with Vladimir Putin, President Trump insulted every russian citizen who was denied the right to vote in a free and Fair Election to determine their countrys future. And Lindsey Graham said this. What is disappointing is President Trump didnt mention the two people in britain or the continued interference in our election. Every time you talk to putin and you give him a pass, that emboldens him. Its clear to me were not sending the right message to putin about his behavior here in our own backyard, and we had a chance to reinforce an ally and we missed that opportunity. The subtext there, Lindsey Graham saying donald trump all but sided with putin over our ally britain. Im going to turn next to jeremy bash. He joins us for this breaking news and what it means for the trump white house. Come to my window ohh crawl inside wait by the light of the moon come to my window ill be home soon ill be home, ill be home im coming home come to my window ohh applebees to go. Order online and get 10 off 30. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. And get 10 off 30. Weeds. Natures boomerang. At roundup®, we know they keep coming back. Draw the line. One spray of roundup® max control 365 kills to the root and keeps weeds away for up to one year. Roundup®, trusted for over forty years. So lionel, what does 24 5 mean to you . Rade well, it means i can trade after the market closes. Its true. 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Vladimir putin is a thug and a murderer and a killer and a kgb agent. Donald trump says he add meyers Vladimir Putin. At the same time he called george w. Bush a liar. That is a twisted example of evil trumping good. The putin regime is a totalitarian, autocratic regime that preys off the people of russia. Hes a crook, hes a thug. The russians did a number on us. I hate putin. Joining me now, jeremy bash, former chief of staff to the pentagon and Jennifer Rubin back with me. Jeremy, lets start with a negative interpretation of this that is not the worst interpretation. The worst would be the ongoing questions about whether Vladimir Putin has some sort of reason to have sway over donald trump. A better but still negative interpretation would be that donald trump cant be told what to do. Hes going through some sort of coming of age, selfdiscovery as president , were told by the New York Times this week. He feels unbridled. I dont know what that means, if the last year plus was bridled. But this is more about him acting out and rejecting advice of something larger. Your theory . I think this is the latest manifestation of President Trump pursuing an American Foreign policy that is manifestly prorussian and therefore antiamerican and fundamentally weak. It undermines our allies, in particular Great Britain which suffered this nerve gas agent attack on its soil. And also it sends a horrible message around the world because it basically telegraphs to our adversaries that the president will easily c api tulate to you if you show adoration or favor. I agree with jeremy. There is no one that so intimidates donald trump and renders him speechless as Vladimir Putin does. How does this comport to his behavior towards everyone else . Why is it that donald trump is so compliant, so afraid to confront Vladimir Putin . It doesnt make sense when you look at his America First boasting. So the only conclusion you can come away with is that hes scared of Vladimir Putin. And why would he be scared of Vladimir Putin . Back to the initial quandary, the initial question thats at the heart of the russia investigation. There you go again, jennifer, as the saying goes. Exactly. And if you can come up with a better explanation for why hes afraid to confront putin on mangling and misleading and twisting our electoral process, why he wont confront them about the poisoning on ally soil of two people, and why he feels compelled to congratulate him for a victory in a nonelection, other than that, i dont know what it is. By the way, this extends a little bit beyond putin as well. He also, if you recall, congratulated erdogan in turkey after he ran a fixed election. This is what trump does. He doesnt really understand or care to understand the difference between a real election and a fake election, which should be of concern. And this is not America First, this is russia first. Russia first. Jeremy, earlier in the show i played a little bit of Mitch Mcconnell trying to dodge questions on mueller. I will note that Mitch Mcconnell did take a harder line of disagreement with trump on this putin issue today. When i look at a russian election, what i see is the lack of credibility and tallying the results. Im always reminded of the elections they used to have in almost every communist country where whoever the dictator was at the moment always got huge percentage of the vote. So calling him wouldnt have been high on my list. Jeremy . Well, it shows you that the mainstream republicans are antiputin and that trump is really out of step with them. And i think jennifer kind of points to the ultimate question here, why . What is the leverage that putin has over trump . Why has putin become kryptonite, if you will. The mere mention of his name renders him powerless. Its disturbing, and part of it has to do, i think, frankly with longstanding business ties and Financial Relationships between donald trump, the Trump Organization and people around Vladimir Putin who have lent him money and who have actual Financial Leverage over him and who could wipe him out at a moments notice if they called those loans. Jeremy bash and Jennifer Rubin digging right into it. Thank you very much for joining us on the last word. As promised, we turn again to new updates on this breaking news. Authorities in austin have wrapped up that press conference. Nbcs Gabe Gutierrez was there on the story. What can you tell us . Reporter hi there, ari. This News Conference just wrapped up, as you mentioned. Authorities say this incident earlier today, one, is not relate to do that string of bombings, the serial bomber the authorities described before. But they also described a little bit of how this unfolded at a Goodwill Store here in austin. They say that someone dropped off an incendiary device, an artillery simulator, what they described as a military memento dropped off in a bag at goodwill. An employee took it out back and there was some sort of injury. The employee was treated for his hand and released. Ari, this is a neighborhood that is extremely on edge, and over the last several weeks has now had at least five explosions, and in addition to that, a sixth package that was intercepted before it could explode. So certainly this is an ongoing investigation. Hundreds of federal agents, atf and fbi, working this case. But again the breaking news. The early reports of a new explosion here in austin. It appears to be a false alarm at this point. Thats what we were just hearing from authorities, ari. So, gabe, putting the wider context beyond just this incident which weve been monitoring tonight to see, okay, was it related and whats going on down there, how does this relate to the larger investigation they have going which has been scary for that community, this seemingly series of events . Reporter right. I think this really speaks to how seriously authorities are taking this, even the first whiff of any explosion. They sent massive amounts of police here. This is a serious investigation. Were now looking at five explosions that appear to be linked, six packages overall. Two people have been killed and at least five injured. Today we learned a lot of new information that these packages are now being spotted in fedex facilities, one near the san antonio area that exploded last night in the overnight hours. It had a minor injury with a fedex employee. But then authorities found another package at a separate fedex facility here in the austin area near the airport. They are now poring over Surveillance Video from another fedex store where they believe the serial bomber or someone who knew the serial bomber may have dropped off those packages and mailed them through the fedex delivery system. Ari, that is extremely significant, because up until now, we hadnt heard of any of these explosives being sent through the mail. Authorities are now trying to nail down a suspect by looking at that Surveillance Video, ari. Gabe gutierrez in austin, thank you very much. Im ari melber. You can always find me on my show at 6 00 p. M. Eastern. Up next, there is a foreign ambassador who is literally giving advice about russia that the president would have received here today that he chose not to follow. Also i want to tell you Steve Kornacki and that guest will join Brian Williams with a lot of news. Kornacki on the 11 00 news tonight. Brian williams starts right now. Tonights lead story from the Washington Post, the president told not to congratulate Vladimir Putin on his victory in a regged election but he did it anyway. And even to those around trump, its another measurement of how far we are from normal. A bigname d. C. Attorney 39s to join the Trump Legal Team while a republican senator says if the president gets rid of mueller, its time to talk impeachment. Three women going after donald trump in the courts, a porn star, a former playmate, a contestant on the apprentice as the 11th hour gets under way on a tuesday night. Good evening

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