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Analysis and discussion of the days top stories and compelling issues from Lawrence ODonnell. Presidency. They all appear completely brainwashed now. We have never seen anything like this in american politics. And Today Is The Day that the president needed them to all be brainwashed. Senator ted cruz said absolutely nothing today, not one word, when donald trump had his fifth avenue moment, when donald trump publically obstructed justice today, which he did in more than one way, which we will get into a moment. Not one word from ted cruz about that today. And here is what that same ted cruz said about the president two years ago. This man is a pathological liar. He doesnt know the difference between truth and lies. He lies practically every word that comes out of his mouth. The man cannot tell the truth, but he combines it with being a narcissist. Bob mueller is totally conflicted and his 17 angry democrats that are doing his dirty work are a disgrace to usa there are two potential crimes in that tweet, two. One of which has not been mentioned at all today. Our first guest tonight noticed it and she and i will discuss it later this hour. Democrats were outraged by the president s obvious attempt at Obstruction Of Justice today. But republicans in their surrender to trumpism have forgotten what they used to think about special prosecutors investigations of president s of the United States. Mr. President , i am deeply troubled today because judge stars Pursuit Of The Truth is being undermined every step of the way, every single day in the press by those whose sole mission is to atake and impugn the Court Appointed independent prosecutor and the process. And these attackers are not the journalists or the broadcasters. Mr. President , what troubles me the most here is that these reckless attacks, these Ruthless Onslaughts are being carried out by the closest advisors to the president of the United States. My point here, mr. President , is simple. They are unfounded and unproductive, unconscionable. This is the moment in Mitch Mcconnells career when standing up to the unconscionable is the most important thing he can do. It is the most important moment in Mitch Mcconnells career. There will not be a Video Library that lives in history showing what Mitch Mcconnell had to say at this point in the challenge that donald trump presents to the United States of america because Mitch Mcconnell has been so silent at every turn. In history, we will be turning to the bank tape of mitch mcconnell saying nothing about what donald trump does. Mitch mcconnell was silent today. He was silent today in the face of a president publically obstructing justice. Mitch mcconnell could not find one word to say about it. President s of the United States cannot comment on ongoing prosecutions and Mitch Mcconnell used to know that. Everyone knew that. Prior to donald trump it only happened once in the modern history of the presidency, and it was a shocking mistake made by the welltrained lawyer turned president Richard Nixon. I noted for example the coverage of the Charles Manson case when i was in los angeles. Front page every day in the papers. It usually got a couple minutes on the evening news. Here is a man who was guilty, directly or indirectly, of eight murders without reason. And the country and the news media were stunned because the problem was Charles Manson was still on trial for those murders when the president of the United States said that he was guilty. And so immediately that very day in court in los angeles Charles Mansons lawyers moved for a mistrial in the case because the president of the United States prejudiced the outcome. President nixons Press Secretary immediately issued a Statement Saying the president did not mean to suggest that Charles Manson was guilty and later that same day president nixon issued a Statement Saying i do not know and did not intend to speculate as to whether the sharon tate defendants are guilty in fact or not. All of the facts in the case have not yet been presented. The Manson Trial Judge was able to deny the motion for a mistrial only because he believed no damage was done by the president s comments because the jury was sequestered in the Ambassador Hotel in los angeles where they were not allowed to read or hear any comments about the case. But Paul Manaforts jury is not sequestered. They are going home every night with an instruction from the judge to not read or listen to anything about the case. So the manafort jurors are at home tonight in a country where the president of the United States today called the prosecutors in their case angry democrats who are doing dirty work. Richard nixon at his worst moment wouldnt dare call the lawyers defending Charles Manson a disgrace to the usa, and that is exactly what the president of the United States called Paul Manaforts prosecutors today, a disgrace to usa. So the president is actively interfering and he is trying to stop any other prosecutions brought by Robert Mueller and stop the Mueller Investigation entirely. And he did all of that in public today because his lawyer told him to. Last week Rudy Giuliani said if you are going to obstruct justice, you do it quietly and secretly, not in public. He is insisting it is impossible to publically obstruct justice. Today his defense turned on the meaning of the word should. What it is is that we said its an opinion and he used his he used a medium that he uses for opinions, twitter. One of the good things about using that, if hes established a clear sort of practice now that he expresses his opinions on twitter. He used the word should , not must. There was no president ial directive to follow. He didnt direct him to do it and hes not going to direct him to do it. Should. Rudy giuliani said he carefully used the word should. On the advice of his lawyer, did Rudy Giuliani advice the president to use the word should so he could defend him publically and base that defense entirely on that one word, should . What most republicans lost sight of is that president s must not give their opinions about ongoing criminal investigations and prosecutions. There is no innocent persian of the president of the United States putting his finger on the scales of justice. But a year and a half into the trump presidency, the president today decided he was ready to say the thing that he had not publically said before. Attorney general Jeff Sessions should stopped this rigged witch hunt right now. If there was a tape of donald trump saying that in the white house today, it would be the smoking gun in an Obstruction Of Justice case. But Rudy Giuliani has told him to do his obstructing in public as if he was standing on fifth avenue with a gun. There was a deeply perverse twist in Donald Trumps tweet today. Right after he tells Jeff Sessions to stop the Mueller Investigation, Attorney General Jeff Sessions should stop this rigged witch hunt right now before it continues to stain our country any further. There is now not a day that goes by that donald trump and Rudy Giuliani dont find new ways to continue to stain our country. Former assistant Watergate Special prosecutor and conservative Opinion Writer at the washington post. And, jill, we are going to talk later in the show about what you see as the trump tweets effect on the manafort trial, which is hugely important. But first of all, lets go to what Rudy Giuliani is saying today about the word should is not an order. What do you make of giulianis defense of what the president was saying today . I think its a very weak defense. And i will also say that it is a question for the jury as to whether should is an order or just an opinion. And i think that when presented to a jury, they would find in the context of all of the other tweets that the president has done and all the other actions that he has taken, including the firing of comey, that they would find that the word should was an order. And that it was intended that it be obeyed. The Attorney General is recused in this case, and he cannot take any action. But the president doesnt care about that. He said it should be ended. And it goes along with all of his other tweets that have said this is a bad investigation. Its a hoax. It is a witch hunt. Mueller is bad. His staff is bad. Sessions is bad. The fbi is bad. He has undermined the investigation from day one. He has polluted any possible impact on a potential jury in any case because of what he is saying. Jennifer, help us pause for a moment and consider where the country has come. From that nixon slip of the tongue, and it really was. There wasnt anyone out there who watched Richard Nixon out there who thought he didnt make a mistake. He corrected it as fast as he could. Weve gone from there to now where it is considered absolutely routine that of course the president of the United States gives his opinion. Rudy giuliani said it is a well established pattern that the president of the United States gives his opinion. Of course the president of the United States must never, ever give his opinion on an Ongoing Investigation and or prosecution. I think there are three things to keep in mind. First is to remember this occurs during the pendency of a trial. In the past when we had these conversations about Obstruction Of Justice, there was some question does it really count that it is just an fbi investigation . Maybe hes not really interfering with a proceeding under the law. This is clear. It is a trial. Hes asking not only that the entire investigation be stopped, but the trial be stopped in its tracks. I cant think of anything that is more evidentiary, and this goes to the second issue, of Corrupt Intent. Thats the name of the game. Evidence that donald trump from the getgo as intended to obstruct, delay, shortcircuit this investigation. And when he says things like this, it is not only that in and of itself it is obstruction, but it is evidence of intent. And that, i think, is now so plainly clear that all he has cared about is getting rid of an investigation into his cronies and into himself that the issue of Corrupt Intent will be easy to prove in this case. The third thing i think we should remember is that everyone was assuring us that the Paul Manafort trial didnt have anything to do with donald trump. I beg to differ. I think this is the beginning of the end. What did donald trump do again and again . He denied he or anyone on the campaign had ties to russia, had any communications with russia. And this is the first time that were seeing evidentiary proof that that is false. And donald trump i think knows very well where this is leading. We are going to learn a lot about in this trial but more so in the next one in d. C. That Paul Manafort was thick as thieves with the russians. For him at that level of the campaign to have those relationships with the kremlin and kremlin type figures i think goes a long way towards proving the collusion conspiracy theory. Matt, i know with your experience in the Justice Department, you know that previous departments have not even been tempted. Not even tempted to make Public Comments about ongoing criminal investigations and ongoing currently underway criminal prosecutions. But your reaction to what you saw in the president s tweets today and in Rudy Giulianis defense of them. You are right, lawrence. You are right, lawrence. It is a red line for any president to cross to interfere with an Ongoing Investigation, a trial, any Justice Department proceeding or anything the Justice Department is pursuing. The problem with the president , yes, this was an escalation today, but he crossed the red line a long time ago and he never went back after he crossed it. He stayed on the wrong side of that line and has been continuing to pressure the Justice Department, not just publically in his tweets and speeches but also privately in pressuring Jeff Sessions to back off from his recusal, pressuring rod rosenstein. Every one of these is an inappropriate action by the president. And i think, you know, the defense that rudy came out with today i think is probably the best you could do in this circumstance. What it ignores is the totality of all the evidence. And the interesting thing, i think the interesting thing, the most interesting thing about what he says thats been lost on a lot of people, he granted that, you know, it would be legally problematic if the president was issuing an order here. Thats implicit in their defense. That may be the best he can do for today. But the president has issued orders in the past. Lets not forget the New York Times reported he ordered don mcgahn to go to the Justice Department and get him fired. It is legally inappropriate for the president to issue a direct order interfering with the investigation, thats something his client has already done. Jennifer, count me as one of those people who still cannot get used to the idea that Mitch Mcconnell and paul ryan and the republicans just sit there and accept this and with their silence they are in effect cheering it on to see that video of where ted cruz was talking about donald trump from his heart about what a pathological liar he is and to listen to the sound of ted cruzs silence today remains an extraordinary thing. It does. And even people who are supposed to be the good republicans like Suzanne Collins makes these statements, oh, he really shouldnt do that. He should just let the prosecutor do his work and finish. There is no sense of outrage. There is no desire to defend the institutions of democracy. It is if as it is all some kind of game that their highest obligation to defend him or whatever political position, whatever looney tunes legal argument he is making, and they are completely devoid of any view, of any belief that their highest obligation is to the country. We talk about donald trump betrying the United States by being an agent or an accessory for vladimir putin. What about these people . Theyre doing the same thing. They have betrayed the country. They have betrayed their oaths of office. And i fail to see how any of them are fit for office after that. Thank you for starting us off tonight. Were going to discuss the point that you raised with us earlier today about what you saw in this tweet, and that is the possible crime of Jury Tampering, which no one has been focussing on. Were going to go in and take a sharp look at that. Also communication with Robert Mueller apparently a communication between the Trump Lawyers and Robert Mueller this week might have set off the tweets we started off today and some might have been cowritten by the Trump Lawyers, including Rudy Giuliani last night. Perhaps the word should was Rudy Giulianis idea last night. Thats coming up. Its the Ford Summer Sales event and now is the best time to buy. 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He made it clear that the president s team does not want to discuss anything that happened after the president took the oath of office. Giuliani said every question they propounded on obstruction, hes already answered publically. What they really want to do, we think, is get him under oath so then even though we say hes telling the truth, they can say comey contradicts him. And, david, we have reporting tonight from multiple sources indicating that what we saw on twitter today came out of the meeting with the Trump Lawyers last night. Well, i guess thats a little surprising because it usually seems like hes tweeting completely on his own without any guidance. The fact, though, that they are guiding him this way is also kind of unbelievable because hes out there saying one lie after another. I mean, each week i feel like we hit a different rock bottom. The depths of his audacity is unbelievable. Yes, i said the word lie because it is a lie. So if his lawyers are advising him to put out tweets like this, they are advising their client to lie. I dont think thats going to end up being a good strategy in the longrun. And tim, there is a report in the New York Times tonight about the status of the interview discussion, which this programs official position is it has always been fraudulent. There is never a chance that donald trump would ever sit down with an interview with the prosecutor. There is a report saying mr. Trump has told advisers he is eager to meet with investigators to clear himself of wrongdoing, the people said. In effect, he believes he can convince the investigators for special counsel of his belief that their own inquiry is a witch hunt. Now, i dont believe the New York Times has ever printed a more gullible sentence that donald trump believes he can convince muellers team that what theyre doing is a witch hunt. Im going to surprise you because i think that sounds very much like donald trump to me. You think hes that sick . He has this sense of himself as constantly in control of processes that hes not in control of. And thats why you see these collisions with his lawyers who know that they have on their hands a profoundly loose cannon. I think everything they want to do is avoid having him sit down with mueller. Rudy is spouting off all this stuff is hes already answered in public about this obstruction. What theyre afraid of is under oath donald trump will sit there and he will present a preponderance of the evidence that contradicts everything hes saying, everything he hasnt seen before, and he will get he will damage himself under oath. I know hes capable of this because hes done it in front of me. He lied under oath about a number of things and when he was forced to comment about records in front of him, he was put in the corner. They dont want him there. The problem with him is his ego is so massive and he doesnt have a sense of his own faults that i think he does think he could sit across from Robert Mueller and convince mueller and muellers team that theyre wrong. I actually think that that times report sounds spoton to me. And, david, the man who is now saying today that they should end the Mueller Investigation said this about james comey. This is december 2017. He said i never asked comey to stop investigating flynn. And if there is anything that is credible about donald trump, its that he asks people to stop investigations as he did today publically. You know, i run a burrow of 20 people. If i say to someone, you shouldnt write this story, in my mind, im instructing them to write this story, and i expect to see the story. But, you know, without getting caught in semantics, this is what the beginning of a constitutional crisis looks like. The president of the United States asking or telling the Attorney General who is recused to unrecuse himself and stop an investigation that seems to be getting even closer to trump and his inner circle. We get distracted by the outlandish drapings that come out on these decisions and then we get bogged down with Rudy Giulianis semantics. But at the core is a fundamentally unamerican authoritarian impulse. And that should frighten people. Republicans are saying absolutely nothing about what i hate to say is kind of a historic moment. Tim, Rudy Giuliani today saying the special prosecutor should put up or shut up at the same time that he has spent the entire year, that the trump team has spent the entire year avoiding an interview that the special prosecutor has been asking for. They want to speed this along to the extent they can because they want to limit the scope of this investigation. Everything is in bob muellers favor to continue probing this. It is not only just an obstruction and a collusion investigation. There is also a possible high crimes misdemeanors. Bob mueller knows way more than the press knows and more than giuliani knows and giuliani is frightened by that. Trump never gave any guidance around the flynn issue, we know from reporting this week in the New York Review Of Books that there was a white house memorandum in which both reince priebus and don mcgahn told the president the fbi was interested in flynn before trump talked to comey. Tim obrian and david corn, thank you for joining us. Sure thing. Coming up, Congressman Eric will join us. He crossed what may be a line for him today when he tweeted to the president about Robert Mueller, you fire mueller, we fire you. And the other potential crime in the trump tweets today that no one has been talking about. Jill saw it. She will explain it next. Two words to contemplate during the break, Jury Tampering. Its a hightech revolution in sleep. 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In another tweet, the president compared his former Campaign Chairman to the murderous gangster al capone and said he is now serving solitary confinement, although convicted of nothing. The president is finding every way he can to try to tell the Manafort Jury what he used to say about Paul Manafort directly, that Paul Manafort is a good guy. He know exactly what would have happened in court today if donald trump would have tweeted the opposite. If donald trump had tweeted that Paul Manafort is a disgrace to the usa. If donald trump has tweeted that Paul Manafort is guilty. Paul manaforts lawyers would have immediately moved for a mistrial, and the judge would have been forced to grant a mistrial and end the manafort prosecution. Former federal prosecutor believes what she saw the president do today is nothing less than the crime of Jury Tampering. Jill is back with us. And, jill, when you pointed this out to us today, i have to say i hadnt seen it myself. I hadnt thought about this as a direct interference with the manafort trial. Well, because the jury isnt sequestered, they may see this. I know theyre not supposed to watch the news or hear the news, but its so all pervasive that i worry they might. I think the words that you just read are really a message to them in the same way i think the pardon was a message to witnesses you dont have to cooperate, dont worry about it. You can be in Contempt Of Court and ill pardon you. I think hes sending a message. He also in addition to the language you read, he also was very complimentary to Paul Manafort by saying that he had worked for Ronald Reagan and dole, so he was going out of his way to say things that were laudatory about this defendant. It is just simply inappropriate for a president of the United States to use a public means of communicating, which twitter is, and the judge in new york ruled that tweets were a public mechanism for the president. Sean spicer has said that they were official statements of the white house. But in the judges ruling she said he could not block parttime that criticized him on twitter because it was a public forum. I think you put all of that together and hes using a public forum to send a message to the jury that he should not have his former Campaign Chair convicted of anything. He said hes not being convicted yet. And the judge is a 78yearold judge who we have every reason to doubt knows how twitter looks or what it looks like and doesnt realize on twitter information can come up that you are not looking for. You might be looking for your granddaughters tweet and a trump tweet could easily come up there. Here is what the jury. You must resist talking to anybody about this case, resist television, radio or whatever else reports about this case and dont listen to any of it. They dont know what you know. You are here. Do not undertake any research or investigation on your own. Put it out of your mind. And, jill, every courtroom practitioner i know realizes that most jurors actually do their very, very best in trying to obey those instructions, but there are always some who dont, dont even try. In this case, the likelihood of the trump information getting through is extremely high. There is a risk and there is no question that jurors do their very best. They take instructions like that very seriously and will really follow it. They will not watch television. They will not read newspapers. So i think they will be careful. But this is a different world. And when you mentioned judge ellis, im also concerned about how strict hes being on the prosecution in terms of the evidence that hes allowing in. So far he has not allowed certain photographs in that i think will take this case from being just a documents case to being much more interesting to the jury. Jill winebanks, thank you very much for joining us tonight. Thank you. Thank you. Coming up, President Trump pushed a congressman too far today. The congressman will be our next guest. burke at farmers, weve seen almost everything so we know how to cover almost anything. Even vengeful vermin. Not so cute when theyre angry. And we covered it. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum now im gonna tell my momma that im a traveller im Gonna Follow The Sun now im gonna tell my momma that im a traveller im Gonna Follow The Sun transitionsâ„¢ light under controlâ„¢ a former prosecutor who chooses his words very carefully. He is always a calm, deliberate speaker and today in reaction to the president s tweet saying the Attorney General should end the Mueller Investigation, Congressman Swalwell replied, fire mueller and we fire you. Today the democrats in congress have come to the impeachment cross roads. He is a member of the House Judiciary Committee, which has jurisdiction over the articles of impeachment. Impeachment is something that democrats have avoided talking about up until today because the leaders of the party have believed impeachment is not part of their Winning Campaign formula. I had hesitated to use impeachment. People wanted me to impeach president bush going into iraq and impeach president clinton. There is an investigation. Let it take its course. But i do not think that impeachment is a policy agenda. That was on may 23rd. What is now a long time ago. Today donald trump took two big steps closer to impeachment if Congressman Swalwell and the democrats have the majority 97 days from now. Jill winebanks who was part of the team who delivered the report to the House Judiciary Committee that was used as the basis for the articles of impeachment that forced Richard Nixon to resign the presidency said that donald trump is now guilty of Jury Tampering with the Manafort Jury today. That wasnt part of nancy pelosi and the democrats calculations yesterday. What do the democrats do now . What will they do and say about impeachment in the 97 days before the election . Congressman Eric Swalwell will join us next. Fact is, every Insurance Company hopes you drive safely. But allstate actually helps you drive safely. With drivewise. It lets you know when you go too fast. And brake too hard. With feedback to help you drive safer. Giving you the power to actually lower your cost. Unfortunately, it cant do anything about that. Now that you know the truth. Are you in good hands . He is a member of the House Judiciary Committee and a member of the intelligence committee. Were not going to lead with were not going to lead with impeachment. Were going to lead with health care. If he wants to fire mueller, he can see us in the Judiciary Committee and he can sue thousands of people until the streets that have already signed up at trump is not the law dotorg. Firing i believe the number of democrats who support it now more than doubled. I believe republicans can come on board. I say that because i topped to many privately who have drawn that as their own red line. This is not the Mueller Investigation. This is the United States. And actually i think the way mueller has conducted this investigation, mueller has kept quiet and followed due process. The evidence in this case is not going away. Your colleague, adam schiff, the top democrat on the intelligence committee, said the president of the United States just called on his Attorney General to put an end to if this is Obstruction Of Justice today, why would democrats be reluctant to talk about impeachment . We shouldnt be. I think we should just make it clear that we still prioritize the needs of our constituents, which is their Rising Health care costs, their uncertainty about where the next paycheck is going to come from, and concerns that there is corruption in government tied to all the outside influence of money. But we also have a responsibility to make sure that nobody including President Trump is above the law. And also, you know, lawrence, the president has to know that bob mueller has already written a, if youre reading this ive already been fired, letter. Hes probably sent it to the Southern District of new york and the Attorney General of new york. So again, this isnt going away. He can fire all the lead investigators he wants but people will continue to work on this case. It seems he can expect the president s Jury Tampering in this case to continue, because his objective is to do whatever he can to get a hung jury, anything that isnt a successful for Robert Mueller on that first prosecution, the president must believe that would be a huge win for him personally. Yes, it seems that he is trying to in any way inflame the proceedings. But as you pointed out earlier on the show, and i have prosecuted dozens of cases to verdict and have talked to the jurors afterwards, overwhelmingly they follow the instructions from the judge. They dont talk about the case during the trial. They dont listen to outside influence about the trial. And so it looks like the case here is one that is going to heard fairly, whether the president likes it or not. And with 97 days to go in the campaign, its impossible for democratic strategists to anticipate how this issue of impeachment could be different a week from now, how it could be different tomorrow. Do the people quietly, however theyre talking about this in the house, realize that, that whatever plan they have to put impeachment at the low end of their public priority list, its not up to them what President Trump might do to change that . You know, lawrence, our first responsibility is to defend the constitution and the safety of the american people. If we have a president who is just a Wrecking Ball to norms and institutions, we have to be agile and ready to act. The best thing is to have the house called back into session and to preserve the investigation as it is. Theres already legislation thats passed the senate Judiciary Committee that Mitch Mcconnell should bring up and i believe the house should also pass that legislation to show the president that there is no way out of this. But again, republicans, this is their red line as well. Congressman Eric Swalwell, thank you very much for joining us on this Important News night. We appreciate it. Tonights last word is next. Woman it felt great not having hepatitis c. Its like a load off my shoulders. I was just excited for it to be over. Harvoni is a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of Chronic Hepatitis c. Its been prescribed to more than a quarter Million People and is proven to cure up to 99 of patients who have had no prior treatment with 12 weeks. Certain patients can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. Before starting harvoni your doctor will test to see if youve ever had hepatitis b which may flare up and cause serious Liver Problems during and after harvoni treatment. Tell your doctor if youve ever had hepatitis b, a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv or any other medical conditions and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. 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No collusion, no nothing. No collusion, no nothing. No collusion

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