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Money can be used on abortion. That was assetaled assetaled issues get Florida State washington until today because of course, joe bidens been around long enough that he was in a position to have to vote on that and take a position on that as everyone did in the congress then. And so its back. As an issue. I got to say, i for one didnt see that coming an. I will tell you, i think that Vice President biden saying today his campaign saying today that he stands by that, that he Still Believes in the Hyde Amendment and still thinks thats good law, i think that is a position that will not outlive the democratic president ial primary. I think that women have led, i think Hillary Clinton on 2016 in 2016 led on the issue of the Hyde Amendment. The politics on this changed without Vice President biden noticing. The politics on this be have radically changed and if he sticks with that, hes going to drag that like an albatross around his neck with Democratic Women voters. I think that position is going to change. It is fascinating because in the biden time in the senate, it was as you looked on as something that actually protected democrats because they always got to say, being prochoice democrats, that no federal money was used for abortion. So it was used as kind of a political shield by democrat. It was. Then Hillary Clinton blew it up because the way the Hyde Amendment works in real life is incredibly discriminatory in terms of reproductive rights access for different types of women in this country. She took that on and i think she undid those years of democrats using that as a shield and trying to avoid the argument. And that is what broke the dam on it when clinton did that. I think biden didnt notice and hes going to get destroyed on that issue by his fellow candidates in the first debate. Im guessing. But well see. Its very clear one of the big challenges for the Biden Campaign is staying agile enough to not just 21st century politics but what is now going to be 2020 politics. Yes. Its a different ball game as you say from 2016 or 2008. Yeah, and it reminds me of that alexanderdryio oh cassio cortes tweet back at joe lieberman, new part who dis. Women have a different idea about that now and the women are leaving the party. It will be fascinating see thank you, rachel. We have highlights you have Elizabeth Warrens town hall in indiana tonight with chris hayes including what some trump voters had to say. The House Judiciary Committee is under tremendous pressure these days on the question of impeachment but the committee is proving they can legislate and investigate at the same time. A House Judiciary Committee bill went to the house floor yesterday and passed with 237 votes. It provides legal status for dreamers and a path to citizenship, some republicans actually vote ford that bill. And then today we learned that President Trump has new cruelties planned for the children being held at the southern border. No more english classes, no more playing psychotic o soccer. Youll want to hear the passion that freshman effective congressman joe nagoose brought to this subject on the house floor. We will show that you video from the house floor at the end of this hour and the congressman will join us, he is a member of the House Judiciary Committee. We will ask him about the crucial question of impeachment that the committee is now face. Republican president ial candidate bill weld, former governor of massachusetts and a former federal prosecutor will also join us tonight. We will ask him if he supports impeachment proceedings against President Trump. And we begin tonight with the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee jerry nadler who has expressed new confidence today that Robert Mueller will testify to his committee. In an interview with nbc news, chairman nadler said this. Mueller bringing him in . Lets just say that im confident hell come in soon. Does a subpoena need to make that happen. We may. We will if we have to. How much longer will you wait. Not too much. Later in an interview, chairman nadler said it may very well come to a form. Impeachment inquiry. We will see. Today an House Speaker nancy pelosi was asked if she was feeling pressure from the several democratic president ial candidates who now support impeaching the president. I guess we dont have that. Im going to read there for you. Nancy pelosi was asked about that and an shea said well, first of all, the chairman she said shes very proud of the work that the Committee Chairmen are doing. She said this fall ans to the Judiciary Committee. And then she said that where they go from here is one step at a time. Nancy pelosi continued to make those very careful statements that she has been making about impeachment without committing to impeachment but she said we know exactly what actions we need to take. Those were her final words on that subject. There are now 61 members of the house of representatives including one republican hob have made public statements in favor of starting impeachment proceedings against President Trump. We dont know how many silent members of the house are in favor of it. Half of the 24 democrats in the House Judiciary Committee now support impeachment inquiry. A now Morning Consult poll out today shows that 38 of americans believe that congress should start impeachment proceedings against the president and 48 believe that congress should not. In a new article in gq entitled. The political costs of not impeaching trump, former Senate Staffer add many gentle son writesnism ands Approval Rating was at 65 when his impeachment process began and only 19 of the public supported his impeachment. By the end, the numbers had flipped. His approval was 24 and support for impeachment was 57 . Tonight, when an indiana voter asked senator Elizabeth Warren about impeachment, she said this. The Mueller Report came out and the afternoon it came out, i read it all afternoon. I read it all night and i read it into the next morning. All 448 pages. I got to the end and there were three things that are just man, theres no avoiding them. Part one, a hostile Foreign Government attacked our 2016 elections for the purpose of getting donald trump elected. Part 2, then candidate donald trump welcomed that help. And part 3, when the federal government tried to investigate part 1 and part 2, donald trump as president delayed, deflected, moved, fired, and did everything he could to obstruct justice. If he were any other person in the United States, based on whats documented in that report, he would be carried out in handcuffs. Now i took an oath of office not to donald trump. Not to any president. I took an oath of office to the constitution of the United States of america. And that constitution says no one is above the law. Including the president of the United States. I bet that this is politically tough, i get it. But some things are bigger than politics. And this matters for our democracy. Not just now, butted you the next president and the next president and the next president. We have a constitutional responsibility here. And thats to start impeachment proceedings. Tonight, the question is what is happening in the house of representatives . And there is a new report in politico tonight at this hour saying that, and im quoting from the report about chairman nadler and Speaker Pelosi disagree about this. Politico says nadler pressed pelosi to allow his committee to launch an impeachment inquiry against trump, the second such request hes made in recent weeks. Only to be rebuffed by the california democrat and other senior leaders. Pelosi stood firm reiterating that she isnt open to the idea of impeaching trump at this time. So, are democrats waiting for the voters to come to impeachment or are the democrats leading the voters toward impeachment for the view from inside of house of representatives were fortunate to be joined by a Senior Member of the house, a veteran of the clinton impeachment proceedings are, Texas Democrat lloyd dougette, a member of the powerful house and ways and means committee. Also with us, Adam Jentleson. Congressman doggett, let me begin with you and your reaction to this reporting in poe at this time lit cothat indicates that chairman nadler has basically been trying to get the okaying from Speaker Pelosi to move to impeachment proceedings and Speaker Pelosi is opposing that. Is that your understanding of where it stands tonight . Well, i havent verified that report or talked with him since flying out today. But you know, personally ive come to the conclusion and not eagerly and not quickly, that instituting impeachment proceedings is what we must do. And i believe that a majority of the Judiciary Committee feels that way and perhaps chairman nadler who has done an extraordinary job is reflecting not only his own views but that of his committee. I came to that conclusion because i dont see our actions thus far as being Effective Response to the total obstruction of the trump administration. And i think the clip you just showed of senator warren who is always articulate and powerful supped it up well. We have a duty to the constitution and a duty to our democracy that we must fulfill not only because donald trump appears have engaged in criminal conduct but because were setting the precedent for future president s. Congressman doggett, im sure you have a high degree of sympathy for democrats especially newly elected democrats in swing district who have taken seats away from republicans that could easy by go back to republicans in another election. A democrat from texas in the house of representatives knows that theres another party out there obviously there used to be a lot more democrats from texas in the house of representatives. How do you see the politics of this for those colleagues of yours in those swing districts who run that risk, who have to calculate much more carefully what this would mean to republicans in their district and republicans who could otherwise be willing to continue to support that democratic member . Well, i know that whole issue figures prominently in the speakers thinking. 31 democrats in districts that trump carried very concerned about not only replacing trump ultimately but insuring that we have a Democratic Congress finally that can respond to a new president and move forward on the issues we all care about so much. You know, i think the effect is mixed. But my experience has always been that if you stood firmly and clearly for your principles and defined them, that people would respect them, even at a time of Great Division like there i believe that most of my colleagues in those districts who are forceful, who explain clearly and who we begin to lay out to the public were always told, well the senate will never convict. I think we have a responsibility to do the proceeding if we conclude that impeachment is appropriate. The final judgment is not only that of the senate, but of the American People who may be the ultimate voters on this issue in november of next year and they need to be fully informed about all the crimes that the president apparently committed. Adam jentleson, the kind calf Political Considerations that i was just raising that we know have been raised with the speaker about the risks involved for democrats moving toward impeachment and how that could risk the positions of Democratic House members in swing districts, that is countered by you your new piece about the risk, the Political Risk youre talking about, the Political Risk of not impeaching donald trump. What is that risk for the democrats. If you want to put it purely in political terms which i do, the risk is low turnout. Thats what youre talking about here, the risk is that we spend the time between now and election day which is 17 months having these kind of political stories about disagreements with the caucus rather than yiping to use the power the House Democrats have and wield it effective lili to hold trump accountable. I wrote about my experience in the senate when the Merrick Garland was up for confirmation and mcconnell blocked him. There were extreme measures we could have taken but we looked at the plos that showed Hillary Clinton confidently beating donald trump and we said lets not rock the boat. Lets not dolts anything extreme. Well win the election and Hillary Clinton will send her Supreme Court nominee to be confirmed by a democratic smat. It didnt work out that way. When you have the opportunity to wield power against your opponent politically, you should use it. Dong cress man dog yet, adam makes the point in his piece that one of the biggest risks politically that the democrats did run in their current posture is the risk of looking weak by the failure to take action. I think adam has a very important article. The focus has been mostly on what would the cost be to democrats of impeaching and not enough on the cost of failing to do our job and sitting on our hands. We were elected to defend the constitution and our democracy. And to tand up to donald trump when hes wrong. The evidence out there is really far reaching. And i think we need to do our job not sit on our hands. Theres no reason that we cannot continue to attempt to legislate as we did this week as you noted very important action on the dream act as we have done week after week in sending bills to the senate that the senate will probably sit on. But thats not a reason to avoid our responsibility to protect the democracy by demanding some accountability from this president. Adam, it seems the democrats Many Democrats in the leadership anyway are using the experience of the clinton impeachment and thats something that congressman doggett sat through in the house of representatives and their lesson is that the clinton impeachment didnt work, bill clinton, the republicans failed politically on that and bill clinton remained popular. What are your lessons from the clinton impeachment that you would apply here and would not apply here . I mean look, the main lesson that i think is safe to apply in most circumstances is getting il peached is bad. Its not a good thing to happen to a president. The clinton situation was different than what we have now because bill clinton was popular, ken similar was not. The public thought starr was on a fishing expedition and thought bill clinton was being treated unfairly. That is economy different where you have a president loss historically unpopular and Robert Mueller who the Robert Mueller who the public has been fair. We do know clintons heir apparent al gore went on to lose an election he could have won given that he was inheriting a booming economy so theres an argument that it played out negatively politically in that respect. Bup the closest analogy is the nixon situation where the evidence against nixon was severe and it was overwhelming. And it took a president who was at 65 down out of office. So i there that is a much more appropriate comparison to make than the clinton situation. Adam jentleson and lloyd doggett, thank you both very much. Really appreciate it. Thank you. Coming up, i will ask the only republican running for president against donald trump, bill weld, where he stands on impeachment. , bill weld, where he stands on impeachment. Were home lets go what kind of suv is that . Its a brand new buick enclave. It really makes it easy to unload all those little maniacs. Sure does. Hey honey we should get one of those, and have like a ton more kids. Yeah, id love that. More kids. Yeah. Introducing the allnew buick enclave. Tomorrows suv for todays family. Current eligible gm owners get up to 16 percent below msrp on most of these buick models. Or get just over 76 hundred on this 2019 enclave avenir, thats 13 percent. I swibecause they let metual, customize my insurance. And as a fitness junkie, i customize everything, like my bike, and my calves. 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Com moving to get started. President ial campaign weve seen where candidates face the constant question, are you for or against the impeachment of the current president of the United States . Richard nixon and bill clinton were in their second terms when congress initiated impeachment proceedings. So that puts a new dynamic in president ial campaigning, most of the highest polling democratic president ial candidates for president have clearlily come out in favor of impeachment. But what about the republican candidate for president , running against donald trump . Former Massachusetts Governor bill weld has some personal history with impeachment proceedings. His first job in washington was as a staff lawyer working on the House Judiciary Committee with then Hillary Clinton as a staff lawyer doing the legal homework as the committee approached impeaching the president. Lauter, bill weld resigned as the head of the Criminal Division of the Justice Department over a scandal involving attorney general edwin meese who was bill welds boss at the time. Attorney general meese had been accused of using his office to enrich his personal friends. Indications this morning that the legal problems surrounding edwin meese may force more defections from the Justice Department. The department was rocked tuesday by the res anything nation of Deputy Attorney general arnold burns and he was followed out the door by william weld, head of the Criminal Division, both were unable to persuade the white house to dump piece. Officials say meese was stunned and was hardly able to speak when told of the resignations. Joining us now is bill weld, former republican governor of massachusetts run forth republican president ial nomination. Against President Trump. Thank you very much for joining us tonight, governor. Appreciate it. Always a pleasure. Lets go straight to the question of the day. Are you for sbooepment of this president. Ive been slow to come to there conclusion but ive finally come to the view that it is time. I wont say past time. But its time for the House Judiciary Committee, not the whole house to launch an inquiry, not take a vote but inquiry into impeachment of this president. I say that for two reasons. One in recent weeks, 1,000 former federal prosecutors, not ten, not 100, but a thousand have signed a document saying that the evidence of President Trumps obstruction of justice us the in the Mueller Report senior not even a close case. Its overwhelming and i agree with that and i signed that document. Number two, i think people have lost sight of the timeline here. The nixon impeachment started in october of 73, president nixon finally lost that in august of 74, ten months later. Well, ten months from today would put us into april which is well past it the super tuesday of the president ial primaries in 2020. We probably would already know who the nominees are going to be or have a pretty good idea. And thats not the ends of it at that point, if the house voted to impeach, the house would then appoint six managers as prosecutors to go try the case in the senate. Thats a minimum of another six, eight months. And i can tell you as a former quite veteran prosecutor, a complicated investigation white collar with long lead time, grand jury investigations, takes 12 to 18 months. It doesnt make six months. So if the congress doesnt act at all now, this whole thing may be over before they can act. Thats a pretty powerful motivator. I think what you just said, first of all youre breaking news here tonight as a republican candidate for president saying that this president should be the subject of an impeachment inquiry by the House Judiciary Committee. How are you going to bring that to Republican Voters in these republican primaries . Well, again, im just saying 1,000 prosecutors say this is a criminal offense. You never had that before. You didnt have that with dick nixon. He had carried 49 states. You know, things change in national politics. My friend and hero, george bush 41 was at 91 favorable rating in december of 1991. Pat buchanan won 30 something of the vote in the New Hampshire primary two months later. And that was the beginning of the end for my friend bush 41. So things do shift around. And you know, its not my job to carry it to Republican Voters. I dont mind citing the 1,000 federal prosecutors and saying that i know what theyre talking about because i do. But beyond that, if people wont be persuaded, they wont be persuaded. It seems in the reporting that democratic leadership in the house are worried about those swing voters in districts that congressional districts that were formerly republican, people who voted for a republican member of congress but there last time voted for a democrat. Theyre worrying about alienating them. You would be trying to appeal to exactly the same voter. Holding the position that there should be an impeachment inquiry. What does that do to your path to the convention, to your ability to pick up delegates going into that convention . Lawrence, the unstated premise of your question i think is that nothings going to change after the House Committee launches its inquiry. Inquiries have a way of unearthing information. And voters generally if new information comes to right, theyre going to Pay Attention to it. And the next on impeachment, nixon was lugely popular. I was advised not to take a position in that inquiry even though i was on the republican said. They said kid, its going to be the end of your career because the president is so popular. He just won 49 states. Mr. Trump has not just won 49 states and he is not at 91 approve of both parties as bush 41 was. But nonetheless, you know, you dont know the what the inquiry is going to turn up. Thats the point of an inquiry. Im not saying the house should take a vote. Im saying the committee and thats the relevant committee, peter rodinos committee that i served on was house judiciary that they should just be permitted to proceed. Im sure theyll have subpoenas. Im sure there will be fights. President nixon wound up being an article of impeachment was obstruction of the subpoenas by the House Judiciary Committee. That could well come again because mr. Trump hassoid hes going to cooperate rate with nobody no how if he investigate him or miss family or his administration at all. Thats breathtaking. Thats never been said before by a president. Well see where that goes. A quick word, governor, on your path in this campaign. Im sure you hope to do very well, better than pat buchanan in New Hampshire, your neighboring state of New Hampshire. Then what . Well, two paths, lawrence. One is geographic. It would be the six New England States down into the midatlantic. Then california and the west, oregon, washington, some of the mountain and Intermountain States where i spent a lot of time in the last cycle, utah, President Trump got 14 of the vote there in the primary. President trump in california just dont get along at all. So i think i can play in all those states and some in the southwest. That leaves only the rust belt. And as has been pointed out, some of those states have changed their minded that President Trump won. 2016. The republicans got blown aways in 201 in wisconsin, pennsylvania, of course, will be a huge battleground state. Again, im just talking about the primary now. Im not talking about the final. You know, i wouldnt have i chance in california in the final as a republican. But in the primary, i think id have some good prospects against the president. In terms of politics, im not going to try to convert the trump organizations in the 50 states. The republican state committees in those 50 states now are made and ordered by donald trump. Im going to try to go around the that base so to speak. Thats a tiny base by enlarging the electorate, bringing in more millennials, more gen examiners, more suburban women voters. I think these abortion laws over the past few weeks impugn gender equality. I think thats going to resonate. Republican president ial candidate, bill weld. Thank you very much for joining us tonight. Appreciate it. When we come back, more highlights from Elizabeth Warrens town hall in indiana where she was questioned by some trump voters. Ana where she was questioned by some trump vorste discover card. Hi, do you have a travel card . We do the discover it® miles card. 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Ive lived in an america where abortions were illegal. And understand this. Women still got abortions. Now, some got lucky. On what happened and some got really unlucky on what happened. But the bottom line is they were there. And under the Hyde Amendment, under every one of these efforts to try to chip away or to push back or to get rid of roe versus wade, understand this. Women of means will still have access to abortions. Who wont will be poor women. Will be working women. Will be women who cant afford to take off three days from work. Will be very young women. Will be women who have been raped, will be women who have been molested by someone in their own family. We do not pass laws that take away that freedom from the women who are our most vulnerable. Reelection polling continues to get worst for President Trump. A new poll shows is donald trump in trouble in texas. A state the republicans have won every president ial election since 1976. A quinnipiac poll shows joe biden actually beating donald trump in texas by four points, 4844. Elizabeth warren polls the second strongest against donald trump in texas, tied within that margin of error at just 4546. And a new poll every michigan, a stay that was key to Donald Trumps Electoral College victory shows the president trailing every democrat that every democratic candidate who was polled in that election against donald trump joe biden and Bernie Sanderss are both ahead of President Trump by 12 points, 534137 Pete Bouttigieg Kamala Harris are ahead. Nationwide problems for the president s Approval Rating which is negative in the seven states that he won in 2016. Seven important states that he won in 2016. Joining us now is maria teresa kumar, an msnbc contributor and Adam Jentleson is back with us. Maria teresa, a new issue in the democratic primary as of today, the Hyde Amendment which has been federal law since 1976 has now moved into the center of the campaign. Well, lets be clear. Who are the folks that cop out and vote time and again for the last six, seven election cycles . Eats women. When you Start Talking about Reproductive Health and going toe to toe with women, the idea youre not going to give them agency over their bodies and youre basically going to sub. You indicate a group of women that may mot have the means to do so, you put them derek. Theyre also voting in record numbers. That is one of the reasons why this will be a hot campaign issue. Youd Better Believe the day after that the president was inaugurated we had women marching in throngs all over the country. It was because they recognized what the vulnerability was and women will stick together on this and i think joe biden has to figure out if hes going to advance his cause, modernize his vunz recognize that its going to be the women that will put him in office. I think when were talking about the fact that the president is underwater, that is not so surprising when you talking about not only the issues that americans really care about but when you go into places like missouri, like michigan and youre talking about tariffs that are going to directly impact individual lives in manufacturing how much its going to cost tore them to get all of a sudden items they need for every day, whether its clothing it, becomes an economic issue. The president has to figure out how he reconciles his tariff deebs with bread and butter issues of making sure we keep manufacturing alive and people can pay their bills. Elizabeth warren wan this had town hall to be in fourth wayne, indiana because she wanted to go into the heart of Trump Country and she was asked a few things from trump voters throughout the hour. Lets listen to one of those exchanges. I just feel like ive been betrayed, let down. I thought trump was going to really secure american jobs and thats just not whats happening. Im looking to make about 1. 2 million new jobs. New jobs that are good jobs, that are jobs in manufacturing, that are going to be good union jobs. Adam jentleson is, Elizabeth Warren surrounded by trump vote ares there, the four of them sitting around there. Right in the middle of her town hall. Yeah, and i think what you what came through for me there was you know, senator warren is a working class person from oklahoma. I mean, thats her background. You know, she is incredibly comfortable in those situations. I was reading a month or so ago, she went to kermit, West Virginia to talk about the opioid crisis. These are people she grew up with. Shes incredibly comfortable in a persontoperson situation and that came through there. Maria teresa, one of the things we saw with the trump voters in the town hall their disappointment for what trump promise pds on the opioid crisis, thats one of the things they asked Elizabeth Warren about. What youre finding is when they voted for trump, they were basically most americans that voted for him were flipping a coin. They never fully recovered from the 2008 recession. They had lost their jobs and saw things going south. Were going to give this businessman a try. This businessman turned out to be basically a con full of snakes in promising them nothing and not changing their lives and instead impacting their live liveliho livelihood. He has not addressed the opioid ep dep nick epidemic. Elizabeth warren reminds americans what happens when you roll up your sleeves and we reinvote of in our infrastructure and you get people back to work. The reason someone goes to the polls is someone that is for president who is going to make their Economic Life much better and again, remembering and reminding ourselves that not every single american has recovered from that recession. That is what people really care about. That is why theyre looking for more middle of the road people, folks that have big ideas to course correct account country where we are right now. Maria teresa, were going to a break. I wanted to hear from you on the breaking news from the Washington Post today about new cruelties that the president has in mind for the children in custody at the southern border. You know what is the most disappointing piece . These individual Detention Centers are for profit. They are raking in the money while theyre basically taxing individuals and creating maximum cruelty for young people. Woo we are talking about minors who dont have their families, separated from the world in many ways and all theyre asking for basically is giving them legal aid so they can have representation, giving them the opportunity to learn english and a chance to play soccer outside. The president doubles down and says were not going to do that even though he knows people are making an record profits off these peoples backs. We have no oversight. Congress, one of the reasons that is so many people came out and voted in november was because they wan accountability. We need congress to actually do that. Hold these people accountable and make sure someone is paying for the suffering being inflicted unnecessarily. Maria teresa kumar and adam, thank you both for joining our discussion tonight. After this break, Senate Republicans have finally found their breaking point with the donald trump. Thats next. Point with the donald trump thats next. That i won the best of i casweepstakes it. 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Which Senate Republicans are finally publicly admitting are taxes on the American People. Senate republicans are breaking with President Trump over his threats to impose massive new taxes on everything we import from mexico unless mexico stons people from cross our southern boarder. The Republican Senate is from texas where joe biden is now leading donald trump in the polls were the most adamant in their opposition to the is the threatened tariffs. Were holding a gun to our own heads said john cornyn. Ted cruz said theres no reason for texas farmers and ranchers and manufacturers and Small Businesses to pay the price of massive new taxes. Weve been telling you for years now that the trump tariffs are actually taxes on americans and now finally republicans admit that. Seven republicans broke with the president yesterday in the house of representatives and voted for the American Dream and promise act of 2019. The bill was delivered to the house floor by the House Judiciary Committee proving that the Judiciary Committee can legislate and investigate the president at the same time. The bill would grant legal status and a path to citizenship for young people who were brought to this country as children and have lived here all of their lives. Freshman member of the House Judiciary Committee know neg use of colorado rose in support of the bill. I rise today not just as a proud american but as the son of immigrants, the son of african refugees refugees who came to te United States [ applause ] who came to the United States over 35 years ago from a wartorn country in east africa. They became naturalized citizens and they never forgot nor took for granted the freedom and the opportunities that the United States of america gave them and their children. That i am able to stand in this chamber with all of you today is proof that the American Dream is real, and i want it to be attainable for generations to come. That is why we must pass hr6 today [ applause ] right now right now right now there are young people all across our country who know no other home but the United States. These kids are dedicated and willing to put in the hard work to earn a college education. They are excelling in their careers. They are contributing to our communities in countless ways every day. We cannot allow these young people to continue to live in fear to be at risk every single day of being ripped away from their lives and losing everything that they know. After this final break, we will be joined by congressman neguse. Well ask where he stands on impeachment of the House Judiciary Committee and that comment he made to chairman nadler and House Speaker pelosi and what he had to say about fighting dreamers on the house floor. 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Having headaches and migraines more than half the month . It could be chronic migraine. Text track to 50334 for our migraine tracker, then talk to your doctor. Mr. Speaker, i would like to offer a quote. And the quote is as follows. It is bold men and women yearning for freedom and opportunity who leave their homelands and come to a new country to start their lives over. They believe in the American Dream, and over and over they make it come true for themselves, for their children and for others. They give more than they receive. They labor and succeed, and often they are entrepreneurs, but their greatest contribution is more than economic, because they understand in a special way how glorious it is to be an american. That quote, thats not my words. Those are the words of president Ronald Reagan. [ applause ] and they were delivered by president Ronald Reagan in 1980, the same year my parent came to the United States. Lets pass hr6 today and lets treat every person in our country who has struggled and is just as american as you and i are. Lets treat them with the respect that they deserve. Joining us now is freshman congressman david neguse from colorado. He is a member of the House Judiciary Committee. I loved what you delivered this week, that the legislative committee and Judiciary Committee can pass a bill at the same time, legislating it and passing it on the house floor. Certainly a strong difference of opinion between you and jerry nadler and nancy pelosi on impeachmen impeachment. Congressman neg urk congressman, chairman nadler asked for impeachment and was told no a the house floor. Is that your understanding of chairman nadlers position . We could say legislating in oversight was not mutually exclusive, and that certainly was the case yesterday when we passed the dream and promise act. With respect to that report, i havent seen that report, so i dont know if im in a position to comment on it. You have reported on this, as have many others, there is obviously differences of opinion within the democratic caucus. As one would expect, we are a diverse party, a big tent caucus. We represent different areas of the country, geographically diverse and idealogically diverse as well. There will be differences of opinion both on policy and on oversight. Obviously, as you know, there are some who believe in a proceeding under the normal sort of oversight process is the most prudent step. There are others, and that includes me who believe that opening an inquiry, an impeachment inquiry, is the most prudent step. As you know, and youve interviewed several of my colleagues previously, those of us who serve on the Judiciary Committee, a number of us fall in that latter camp in part because we have witnessed the who who wholesale obstruction of congress in a visceral way. The subpoenas that have been ignored by this administration again and again are subpoenas issued by our committee. So of course we are going to have more, as i said, perhaps visceral understanding of that kind of obstruction happening up close. Look, i think our chairman is doing a terrific job, and he has scheduled a set of hearings that i believe youve already mentioned in your Program Starting next week that will really focus on the substance of the special counsels report, and i think again try to educate the American Public about the findings in the report, which in many ways have been kind of obfiscated by the administrations obstruction by our ability to engage in basic oversight. I have to say, in my experience working with chairmen and committees in the senate, to me the public indicator that chairman nadler is leaning toward at minimum, if not clearly favors moving to impeachment, is hes allowed half of the democratic members of his committee, including you, to be out there publicly favoring impeachment. And the chairman at least used to try to control what their members said publicly. You know, ive only been in congress for a few months, so you, of course, have a far better understanding of it given your experience in the senate for many years. But my sense of it is we govern by consensus in the caucus. Each of us are elected to represent our constituents to the best of our ability and ultimately to honor the oath that we take to defend the constitution. Members are going to make the decisions that, you know, is ultimately on their own timetables and i think we ought to respect that. Congressman joe neguse gets tonights last word. Thank you for joining us, congressman. Thank you, lawrence. The 11th hour with Brian Williams starts

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