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Cleveland. Also on our agenda this morning, im with him. This really is all about the person who has the boldest, most fierce vision on the issues facing america. Its a big get for Bernie Sanders. His first endorsement from a sitting United States senator. Oregons jeff merkley. Hes throwing his support behind sanders. The timing on this is important as Hillary Clinton hopes to win new york and put sanders in her Rearview Mirror and unite the party. Heres another sign that democrats just arent ready to end this fight. Rounding out our agenda this morning, the most important number of the day. April is going to be a very bad month for ted cruz. Trumps new convention manager, paul manafert, predicting a bad month for ted cruz. Im going to show you why i think he might have a point on that and why it may be because of this guy, john kasich. All of that, much more ahead this hour, but we are going to begin with donald trump. The republican frontrunner not backing away from his claims that hes been wronged by his party over how its nominating process is set up. The rnc, the Republican National committee, they should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this kind of crap to happen. I can tell you that. They should be ashamed of themselves. The rules are no good when you dont get democracy. The rules are no good they dont count your vote. When they dont like in colorado. The rules are no good when you have to play dirty tricks in order to pick up delegates. Trumps critics, of course, countering the rules were clear long before now on how this process was going to work. Calculation here may be that even if trump did know these were the rules, a lot of the firsttime voters who are flocking to him this year probably didnt. This message is aimed at keeping them fired up, but even some of trumps staunchest allies are not standing with him on this. Heres Rush Limbaugh yesterday. What do you mean if trump is denied . He hasnt won it yet. If he wins it and hes denied, then youve got a point. If he gets to 1237 and they try to take it away from him, then youve got a real point, but he hasnt won diddly squat yet. He hasnt got 1237. Theres nothing to deny yet and i think that may be a point. There is no entitlement here. Just because youre leading doesnt mean its yours. Also, theres this. The Washington Post reporting this morning that cruz is likely to block trump from getting the nomination with all of the delegates hes picked up if, this is the big if here, if that Republican Convention in cleveland gets to a second ballot. If trump doesnt have 1237 on the first one. Nbcs Hallie Jackson is here to walk me through everything thats going on. So hallie, it really is interesting to watch donald trump on this. On the one hand hes poised for a really big victory less than a week in new york. Yeah. But hes still talking about the one he just lost. Reporter right. Hes talking about colorado and as he looks strong in new york and not just there, the next three that follow. Northeastern states like connecticut, delaware, maryland, pennsylvania. Places where hes visiting. Hes in pennsylvania today. Trump over the last 24 hours hes tried to walk the line, trying to appear more president ial yet still clearly upset about what happened with ted cruz outmaneuvering him in the delegate hunt in colorado. You heard him talking about wanting to push more policies in his plans to roll out ten policy speeches over the next two weeks starting with one the next two months, pardon me, starting with one on the next week interestingly on party unity. Heres what trump had to say about that. Im going to be doing probably ten over the next two months. Do you know when the next one is going to be . I would say within the next week. Do you know what the topic will be . Were looking at different topics. One topic it might not be policy, it might be unity in the Republican Party because i think its very important. Reporter on the one hand he says its important but hes out with a new interview with the hill calling it a disgrace and taking it out on Reince Priebus. He said the rules have been the rules for a while. Complaints now . Give us all a break. This is unusual to see from the chairman of the party, steve. As you know, the party tries to remain as neutral as possible. The party is intended to try to help whichever person gets the nomination in a general election. Thats why you see the rnc taking aim at Hillary Clinton more often than not not backing any particular candidate in this race, at least right now. Hallie, it was only 12 days ago that trump had that meeting with Reince Priebus and the rnc. Now it seems like a long time ago. Hallie jackson, thank you. Well get reaction from dan balls and well start with the National Campaign spokesperson for Donald Trumps campaign, katrina pierson. Thanks for taking a few minutes. Let me ask you this. Your candidate, donald trump, has been complaining calling it rigged. He went 0 for 37 with delegates 0 for 34, excuse me, with delegates there. We went back and looked. This is august 2015. This was the headline that appeared out in colorado. This is the headline that appeared in papers around the country saying that colorado was canceling the vote at its 2016 caucus and saying this is the process. The process has been clear in colorado since last august. Seems to me you guys are surprised now to find out thats how it worked but you knew all along, department you . Well, of course, and thats what mr. Trump has said. Hes just identifying the rigged part of the system. What they have done is put in a pyramid scheme essentially to choose delegates. For example, in colorado, if you have 3800 people show up to be delegates, you would expect those who have been credentialed and those who have names on the ballot to actually receive credentials and receive the ballot and thats not what happened. Your local level person, local trump supporter can definitely show up at the convention but if their credentials are not there or denied, theyre not on the ballot, they dont have a chance to move up. They dont survive the next couple of levels. This is the party system choosing the delegates. Some people would look at how this has all gone, they say theres been unfairness on how this rules have been set that has benefited donald trump. For example, South Carolina had a cluttered field there. Donald trump got 33 of the vote but because of the way that state chooses to award its delegates, by congressional district, donald trump went 50 for 50. He got 33 of the vote, 33 of republicans in South Carolina checked his name off for president. He gets 100 of the delegates. Some people would look at that and say thats unfair. I think the beauty of the system is the simple fact was that this system was designed be to stop outsider candidates. Thats one of the reasons why colorado changed their rules when people who make the rules can change them in the middle of the game, yes, that is correct. Mr. Trump has been doing very well but its despite the system thats in place which is exactly why were going to move forward and fight for the delegates even though we know that the Party Leaders have already said they want to stop mr. Trump from reaching these delegates. We see the exact same tam particulars taking place in indiana as we speak. We mentioned it was less than two weeks ago dlump that meeting with Reince Priebus in the Republican National committee. This is what he tweeted out. Just had a very nice meeting with Reince Priebus and the gop. Looking forward to bringing the Party Together and it will happen. Are you closer or farther from that goal now 12 days later . I think the people on the ground, particularly the grassroots, those who have been fighting the party system for at least the last seven years, we have to remember the rnc changed the rules last time to stop a grassroots candidate from winning the nomination and we suspect that theyll do that again, but those on the ground, the millions of voters that have turned out for mr. Trump and those who have turned out for candidates out of the race, i think we are closer to bringing them together. Now they, too, see how the system was set up to keep their candidate from winning. There is a bit of news this morning, too, i want to mention this as well. Marco rubio, he was on the marc levin show last night. He was asked who would be supporting him. The candidates in the race, who would you consider the most conservative and who would you consider well, lets start there . Simon, ive been pretty clear that i want the republican nominee to be a conservative. In my view at this moment of the candidates still actively campaigning, the only one that fits that criteria is ted cruz. Ive said that publicly. Whats your reaction to that, katrina . I suspect all of the elected officials to stick together. These are two individuals who rely on the republican institution to keep them in power. So this is not surprising. Most of the elected officials are going to continue to support the party because they need that Party Apparatus to keep their positions. Thanks for the time. Thank you. Great to be here. Now were going to turn back to the set here. Joining me, dan balls, National Correspondent with the Washington Post and a political reporter with the new york times. The national picture, dan, what you just heard from katrina there, theyre claiming unfairness on this today. Have a case . Well, the rules are arcane but thats the way the rules have been set up and theyve been set up that way for a long time. Anybody who gets into one of these contests has to recognize that. The curiosity is at the very moment donald trump has brought in Paul Manaford to manage control of this and manage the next phase about the campaign is all about delegates, he goes off on a tear while Paul Manaford is trying to build an organization to compete more effectively than colorado. What is that doing . Were talking about eventually if donald trump is the nominee, there has to be a reconciliation with the republican nominee. What is this doing to that . This is a rupture in that. That meeting of two weeks ago despite Donald Trumps tweet was not a particularly good meeting. I mean, there was tension in that meeting and i think there is a feeling inside the Trump Campaign, at least on the part of some of the people, that they have do do somethi have to do something to repair that. Theyre also in a fight. We know when trump is in a fight he fights very hard and then theyll repair it. Donald trump is poised to do really well here. It seems to me what hes saying now, the complaints he has, whether theyre legitimate or not, they fire up his base here. They sure do. It is a little weird that hes choosing to dwell on this really embarrassing series of set backs when hes about to go on what appears to be shaping up a pretty significant winning streak. It does fire up his base in new york and really across the northeast, this idea that the Republican Party establishment is distanced and generally perceived to be in new york a more southern entity is coming in to stop the hometown boy from doing really well. I do think also just sort of playing into his appeal, his local appeal here and in the area. His style of politics in general, which played not so well in a place like iowa, that had mixed success in some of these nicer states like minnesota and utah, this is pure new york. So for him to take a baseball back to reince like this, thats sort of what they expect. They love it. Hes leading in the polls. The other question is ted cruz, he comes in second place. He was never a good fit for new york to give. Is that further complicating it . Oh, definitely. He wasnt a good fit but he won the state convincingly. He was able to reinvent himself. Here in new york cruz is pretty upfront in the primary process. Hes expected to wrap it up. His strategy was geared towards lock that go down in the Southern States at the beginning of march. When he was popping off last winter about new york values he never imagined he would be in the bronx . Right. So let me ask you where this thing goes from here. After wisconsin it seemed the conventional wisdom jumped to, thats it, open convention, he cant get there. Im opening the map if he sweeps new york, big win in pennsylvania, big win in maryland. If he does well in the northeast states he could be sitting on a 400, 450 delegate lead over this month. Very true. I think that you go through this every day with the delegates. The real issue is not wins and losses in these states, it is how close is donald trump to 1237. So every delegate that he is denied is important to the stop trump forces and for him every delegate he can accumulate. We will swing back and forth about who has momentum. Hes going to win very well here. He should do well in these other northeastern states but the real key is how close does that get him to 1200 or 1220 or 1150. And thats thats going to be played out not simply in those but its going to be in the state conventions, its going to be the battle for some of these unbounds de delegates even if t go in unbound, somebody has them. Thats the real focus we have to do. Not what does wisconsin do at this moment of the momentum game. Thats the other question i have. If trump is short but its close, if its 1200, 1215, somewhere in there, that pressure, does the pressure build that, hey, he won the most states . He won the most delegates . He won the most votes. Weve got to nominate him or were going to have a revolt on our hands . Is that going to factor into it do you think . It depends on what that mum is. I dont think anybody at this point can say this is the magic number short of 1237 that he has to have in order for that kind of to take hold in cleveland. But if he has won the most states and the most delegates and the most votes by a lot, its going to be hard for the party to deny him the nomination. That clean sweep 95 for 95 in new york, how realistic is that . Totally plausible. When you are looking at the polls that show him at or near 60 , its really tough to hit that mark unless youre clearing 50 everywhere. Maybe john kasich can pick up a delegate on the Upper East Side but thats not much of a moral triump triumph. Appreciate your joining us. Coming up, Bernie Sanders picks up a key congressional endorsement. His only endorsement from the United States senate so far. This while hillary gains the nod from a big New Hampshire hespap york. What if anything does it mean for next tuesdays vote. Later, this is why they make the maps for me. Im going to show you what twitter, yes, even jimmy fallon did which is something that i did yesterday. 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Get all day minor arthritis pain relief with an easy open cap. Bernie sanders, speaks with jeff merkley from oregon. He was with us on msnbc morning joe. This is about the person who has the boldest, most fierce issues in the world. Issue after issue, Campaign Finance hes been out there leading clearly long before he ever decided to run. And on the subject of endorsements, sanders is set to announce another one later this morning in brooklyn. Brooklyn where he was born, of course, before moving to vermont for most of his life. We will also be hearing from Hillary Clinton in a few hours. She will address the National Action network here in manhattan. Today she picked up a big newspaper endorsement from the new york daily news. Both sides of the campaign are covering it. Msnbcs casey hunt is in brooklyn and Kristen Weller is in mid town manhattan. Lets start with you in brooklyn. Surprising news, too. Surprising to pick up an endorsement from one of his senate colleagues. Also the timing that here we are in mid april and he picks one up. Sign of momentum . Sign of things to come at all for the Sanders Campaign . Well, steve, i think a lot in many ways this is simply a sign of Jeff Merkleys home state. Oregon is a place that has been very hospitable to Bernie Sanders. It was a place that hosted one of those first mega rallies last summer where we started to get a sense that Bernie Sanders was going to potentially be a more significant challenger to Hillary Clinton than anyone expected at the outset. So i do think its still more noteworthy that this is the first of these congressional endorsements. That tells you, of course, a lot about the Hillary Clinton campaign but also how Bernie Sanders has interacted with his colleagues over his time at the senate. Hes not someone known as having a lot of friends or Close Friends in the u. S. Senate. Hes known as a little bit more much a lobe ner. He named jim inhoff, not someone who will come near Bernie Sanders. As for the trend in brooklyn, its union related press conferences. The communication workers of america striking this morning. Thats the only major Union National union so far to endorse Bernie Sanders, steve. Casey hunt in brooklyn. Thanks for that. Msnbc is going to have live coverage of that sanders endorsement announcement. We are keeping an eye on whats happening out there in brooklyn. Its set for sometime later this morning. Well bring it to you when it happens. Now were going to check in with the Clinton Campaign. Nbcs Kristin Welker is in the heart of manhattan. Kristin, good morning to you. We have a new line of attack from the Sanders Campaign that the Clinton Campaign is dealing with this morning. Tell us whats going on there. Reporter thats right. Well, the Clinton Campaign has been questioning secretary clintons judgment and sort of pointing to these various policy decisions shes made supporting the iraq war, for example. The fact that she supports fracking, thats something that he staunchly is opposed to. The Clinton Campaign firing back that essentially all of these attacks, calling her unqualified for the job, lacking judgment. Theyre making the argument that these are essentially personal attacks. Heres a tweet from nick merrill which i can read to you. He tweeted out, quote, lets be very clear. This is a character attack. This is exactly wha what berniesanders pledged he wouldnt do. Theyre trying to make the case that he is being hypocritical. Meanwhile, what we have been seeing in recent days is just the rhetoric between the two candidates really heating up. The race in new york, of course, couldnt be more important to both sides. For secretary clinton, if she wins here, potentially by double digits, that could almost put this race out of reach for senator sanders. Shes not only looking for a win, she wants to have a big win. Krit calling to that will be a large turnout among africanamericans. Shes going to be here trying to shore that up. Shell be talking about environmental justice, shell also be talking about housing and of course this comes after former president bill clinton had that dust up in philadelphia that really angry response to protesters at his event there that did frustrate some within the africanamerican community. Clinton Campaign Officials insisting thats not going to hurt her chances with africanamericans, but it is clear they are determined to make sure that doesnt happen. They spent a lot of time in africanamerican churches over the weekend. This speech prescheduled prior to that dust up. It will be vital that secretary clinton make the case that she is not just pandering to them, that she has a clear plan on the issues shell be talking about. Nbcs Kristen Welker with the Clinton Campaign. Ill turn now to howard wolf. Also Communications Director when Hillary Clinton ran for president eight years ago. Howard, thanks for joining us. Sure. Lets put the latest polls up on the screen in the democratic race. We have three new ones to show you. Hillary clinton leading 12, 13 points in all of them there. Whats interesting to me is when we looked at new york polls a month after before the race got here, she was up more than 20. Its come down from that, but im wondering, is it stable now or is it still volatile . How would you look at this . I would expect she would wind up somewhere between 50 and 55. She is obviously a known commodity here. She represented the state for eight years. She probably will not pick up a lot of people who dont quite know where theyre going to go yet. So anyone who isnt currently voting for her isnt going to end up voting for her. Probably 53, 54 is where she ends up. As Kristen Welker was saying, in terms of the delegates, in terms of what sanders is trying to pull off to counter her, the pledge count makes that math, which is already really tough for him a lot tougher. Well, were he to win new york, which i would be surprised although not shocked, were he to win new york, it would be a moral victory and not much else. Even the margin of his victory hypothetically would be so narrow that the number of delegates he would walk away from would be, you know, maybe a dozen, couple of dozen or less. So it wouldnt really make a consequential difference. You say you wouldnt be shocked. Whats his strength in new york . The democratic primary electorate in new york has moved pretty far to the left over the last lets say eight years since Hillary Clinton represented new york. Like whats caused that movement . Weve seen this in other states. What do you think is behind that . Overall democrats have moved to the left, republicans have moved to the right especially people who vote in primaries and caucuses. You saw bill de blasio get elected in new york as mayor because the primary electorate had moved to where he was ideologically. Jeff merkley came on board. The timing is interesting. You have youre just going through. The delegate math that looks kind of grim for Bernie Sanders, at the same time he still is winning states, pretty big states like wisconsin. It seems strange that you have two parallel things going on where Hillary Clinton seems on course to get the nomination and a chunk of the party doesnt want this to end. Thats true. I think it will go until june. I think Bernie Sanders will have won enough states and enough money to take this all the way to california. Hillary clinton took it all the way to the end in 2008. She had enough money and was winning states in the spring. That may be frustrating to the Clinton Campaign. It was frustrating to the Obama Campaign that Hillary Clinton was hanging in there. Im curious. You probably have a glimpse into what maybe is going on in the Sanders Campaign. The situation for him in a lot of ways similar to what you lived through in 08. How are you thinking about it at this point . Look, weve got no chance but were going to stay into this at the end . So hope always springs eternal. When you win a state, even if you dont actually win that many delegates, its a great feeling. You feel like, whoa were winning states, maybe we have a chance at this thing. There is a reality of delegate math which appeals to your head but the winning states and going to big rallies, having people shower you with love and affection and tell you you ought to be president , that appeals to your heart. Sometimes you listen to your heart, not your head. In fairness, Bernie Sanders has run a great campaign. He has won states. He has won a lot of votes. He has pushed his message forward. He has every right to compete and there are clearly a lot of people who want him to. At the end of the day because there are no winner take all states in the primary, its very difficult to catch up once you fall behind. You look at the states ahead of us, Bernie Sanders will win some of them but he will not win enough of them by enough delegates to take her overtake her in the earned delegate math putting aside super delegates. If he cant win new york, too, that math gets tougher. Howard wilson, thank you for joining us, appreciate it. Coming up next, it is time for the most important number of the day. Heres a hint. It could be some good news for john kasich or really some bad news for ted cruz. Well tell you what the number is and what it means ahead. Later on, look at this. I finally made it on to the tonight show, although maybe im not glad i did. Who knew that jimmy fallon was so interested in electoral maps. Well show you that, too. To satisfy the adult and kid in all of us. Nutritious wheat for the adult youve grown into and delicious sweet for the kid youll never outgrow. Feed your inner kidult with frosted miniwheats®. 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And that was Donald Trumps new convention manager, Paul Manaford laying out the Trump Campaign expectations for the next month. That brings us to our most important number of the day. Look, its already up on the board. Here it is, and im going to circle it for you. It is 21. Its the 21 that john kasich is getting in new york in the latest poll. This is our latest poll here in new york. Obviously donald trump well ahead here in new york right now expected to have a big win. Could end up taking all 95 delegates, but i think what could be as important when you look at the long term in this republican president ial race, when you look at ted cruzs prospects, what could be equally important is who gets second place here in new york. Now why . Why . Its because donald trump was thought to be in big trouble a week ago when ted cruz beat him in wisconsin. Ted cruz beat him by double digits, remember, in wisconsin. People said, what did that mean . It meant that the Republican Party, the stop trump wing was consolidating around ted cruz. That was the story in wisconsin. They consolidated around cruz, support for kasich fell off completely at the end there in wisconsin. We said, boy, if this keeps happening in other states, later on in this process donald trump could be in trouble and ted cruz could really start making some ground up but, look, if you come to new york and kasich is beating cruz for second place here, that doesnt say much for that idea that the stop trump forces are consolidating around cruz. The problem could get even bigger for cruz when you look a week later. We have polling out of maryland already that has kasich running in second place there. Weve had polling in pennsylvania that has kasich running in second there. We havent seen rhode island, we havent seen connecticut, we havent seen delaware. It is certainly possible that in the remaining six contests this month john kasich could beat out ted cruz for second place in all of them. What would that do . That would cast a lot of doubt on the idea that the stop trump crowd is coalescing around ted cruz. It would also bring a little bit of life back to john kasich. It would make him viable for the last month of this campaign, may and june. The first contest up in maine is back on turf thats friendly to ted cruz, at least theoretically friendly to ted cruz. It would be indiana on may 3rd. This is a state ted cruz badly needs to win if hes going to stop donald trump. What does he need to beat donald trump in indiana . He is going to need the stop trump forces to consolidate their support around him. But if we come to indiana with john kasich beating out ted cruz for second place in six straight contests, that might be tough for ted cruz to pull off. John kasich could come into that state with viability. Doesnt mean john kasich wins it but does it mean that john kasich takes enough votes that would otherwise go to ted cruz and gives donald trump the victory at indiana . If donald trump is winning indiana, then Donald Trumps path to 1237 gets a whole lot easier. So thats why that 21 excuse me, the 21 for ted cruz for excuse me, for john kasich here in new york is our most important number of the day. And if i seem a little bit nervous here, its because i unintentionally made my way onto the tonight show and all over twitter yesterday because of something we did with yesterdays most important number of the day. I dont know if you were looking at it, but we had a malfunction on the screen here yesterday. I was trying to get a map of the United States up. Didnt show up on the screen. Took out my third great art skills and i tried to draw a very, very rough outline of the United States. It turned out it was a little too rough. Jimmy fallon noticed and this is what happened. Let me see if i can get this here. Work your magic. The states that are going to come. Didnt actually work there. Its good. Its a blank slate. Do whatever you want to do. Im going to draw a map of the United States here. This is my version of a map of the United States. Now heres the thing, hows this one, ally . Put the kids to sleep thats thats nuts. No, no. More than that. More than that. More than that. Did you say election . Okay. Sorry. Honestly, i thought when i was drawing that they would make fun at me for not being good at art. When we got off the air somebody told me what they thought it looked like. I was shocked. You know what i thought it looked like . I thought that looked like a goldfish. A goldfish cracker, thats what i thought it looked like. People have such dirty minds out there. Anyway, i remember watching the tonight show as a kid. Always wanted to get on the tonight show and now i realize, you dont always want to be on the tonight show. Anyway, jimmy fallon, that was very funny. Glad i could give you some material. Coming up on our show, the draft paul ryan for president movement hit a major speed bump yesterday and speaker ryan once again said he has absolutely no interest in being the republican nominee this year. So who does he think should be . Try your favorite ranch with a fresh taste so crisp, youll be surprised it doesnt crunch. Hidden valley cucumber ranch. Just one of our delicious ranch flavors. No, youre not yogonna watch it tch it we cant let you download on the goooooo youll just have to miss it yeah, youll just have to miss it we cant let you download. Uh, no thanks. I have x1 from xfinity so. Dont fall for directv. Xfinity lets you download your shows from anywhere. I used to like that song. Ya know, viagra helps guys get and keep an erection. Talk to your doctor about viagra. Ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. 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That talk has persisted throughout the winter and spring, but in a press conference yesterday paul ryan once again said in the strongest terms he has tried to say it so far, that he would not accept any nomination for president this summer at the Republican Convention. And in an interview he told nbcs Peter Alexander that the nominee should be someone who is actually running. Earlier today you talked about how the rules committee, you would encourage them i would. To make it so that nobody who didnt run could be on the ballot. Does that mean we could see someone like scott walker, jeb bush im not going to foreclose anyones option. All im saying, the members of the rules committee who have yet to be selected, its comprised of delegates, i think they should have a rule that you have to run for election. You have to be one of the candidates. I didnt run for president. I chose to this is why i say i will not be the nominee for our party. We should select among the people who actually ran for the job. And that full interview with Peter Alexander and House Speaker paul ryan is coming up in the next hour. Still to come in this hour though, ted cruz unloading on donald trump calling him a bully saying he couldnt run a lemonade stand. Im going to ask a key cruz supporter, congressman Raul Labrador, if those attacks are going to make a difference or if its too late. Our cosmetics line was a hit. The orders were rushing in. I could feel our deadlines racing towards us. We didnt need a loan. We needed shortterm funding fast. Building 18 homes in 4 ½ months . That was a leap. But i knew i could rely on American Express to help me buy those building materials. Amex helped me buy the inventory i needed. Our amex helped us fill the orders. Just like that. Another step on the journey. Will you be ready when growth presents itself . Realize your buying power at open. Com e trade is all about seizing opportunity. And id like to. 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That was ted cruz absolutely unloading on donald trump last night. Just a small piece of a nearly 30 minute interview he gave with glen beck in which cruz called trump a bully. He accused him of inciting violence. He said, quote, his campaign couldnt run a lemonade stand. I want to bring in Raul Labrador. He endorsed ted cruz in february. He joins us. Congressman, thanks for taking a few minutes. Look, ted cruz has talked roughly this way about donald trump before and usually when he does the question comes up, okay, this is what youre saying. If trump is the republican nominee, could you support him. Ted cruz has mostly said he ultimately would. He did start to back off a few weeks ago. Let me ask the same question to you. If donald trump is the Republican Party nominee given these sorts of things that the candidate you support is saying about him, could you support donald trump for president . Ill support anybody who is the nominee of the Republican Party. The difference is going to be how enthusiastically i support the nominees. Somebody like donald trump whos going to lose colorado. Everything hes been doing this weekend to antagonize the republicans in colorado means that hes less likely to win the presidency. He needs republicans in colorado to win the presidency. He needs republicans in all these swing states and every time he loses a state its not because of poor organization, its not because he just it wasnt a good state for him, its because somebody cheated him. And hes a big whiner and im really surprised about that because the strongest argument for donald trump is that hes the smartest guy in the room that is the best organizer, that is the best negotiator, but the last few weeks have shown that all those things are false about donald trump, that he doesnt know how to negotiate, he doesnt know how to hire the best people, he doesnt know hes really not that smart when it comes to the process of becoming the president of the United States. What he knows how to do is he knows how to do a press conference. He knows that you guys are going to play that press conference from top to bottom, youre going to play him 24 7. Thats how he keeps winning. When it comes to on the ground organization, hes not very good at those things. And he keeps telling us that hes the best at all of these Organizational Skills and he clearly doesnt know how to do it. You mentioned that the swing states there, you point to colorado. Colorado had the convention the state convention that donald trump lost. You say, well, he cant win in the general election. If were going to use that as the standard, how these candidates are doing in the primary season, you had ted cruz losing arizona, that could be a swing state. Losi losing virginia, that could be a swing state, north carolina. Im not talking about losing the state. You lose the state and you move on and you thank the people of that state and you say, hey, thanks for giving me an opportunity, which is what ted cruz has done every time he has lost a state. What donald trump does but, congressman, let me just what hes saying though about colorado, get you to respond to this then, what hes saying is the people of colorado didnt get a chance because there was no primary or caucus. Every state does it differently and what donald trump has done is he has insulted the Republican Party of colorado. Guess what you need to win the state of colorado . You need the Republican Party of colorado to work with you. If hes going to insult them, they are not going to work with him. He knew the rules. The rules have been in place for a year. In fact, if you think about it, those rules were set up for other people to win, and the person who won was ted cruz because he decided to study the rules, to figure out how you can win the state and he won the state. If if if donald trump were a gracious winner, he would just move on and say, hey, i lost the state but i still have the lead in the delegates and im going to continue to go to new york and all these other places. But not once has he been a gracious loser in any of these races. And i think thats antagonizing pretty antagonistic. I think ted cruz is a better candidate, a better general election candidate and i think people are going to coalesce around him a lot more than theyre going to coalesce around donald trump. I guess on that question of the rest of the party, the nontrump part of the party coalescing around ted cruz. It seemed that we saw that in wisconsin. The question was would we start seeing that going forward. We were just talking about this. We were looking in new york right now. John kasich is in front of ted cruz, john kasich is ahead of him in pennsylvania, in maryland, in a couple other states. It seems that that consolidation that was supposed to happen after wisconsin isnt happening. Well, these are different states and what you need to do is, look, the final result. How is ted cruz going to do comparatively to how hes performing right now . You guys didnt make a big deal when ted cruz won texas, which he should have won. And i think donald trump should win new york. This is hisstate. But the question is how well will ted cruz do in all of these state. You will see that because of their organization, because of the things and because of things that theyre doing, theyre going to polls are show rights now. And i think thats what youre going to show. There is going to be a coalescence around ted cruz in some of these states. Then youre going to go to indiana, to california. Youre going to see the states where ted cruz is going to overperform. I think thats what youre going to see that the Republican Party is coalescing around one guy. It shouldnt be surprising that donald trump is doing well in new york. Its not like its news to anybody. All right, congressman Raul Labrador from idaho, supporting of ted cruz, thanks for the time. In a bit of breaking news were learning about, Bernie Sanders with a pair of endorsements today. First one we told you about earlier, the only u. S. Senator yet to back him, oregons jeff merkley, coming onboard the sanders team. Now the new one, the new York City Transit union. Sanders is speaking at an event with them in a few minutes. Well bring it to you when it happens. This could be a big one in new york, of course, the next primary. More on it right after this. Oh yurt. Yes earthy. Just rustic. [laughing] oh my gosh. Wow. [owl howling] [gulp] uh, how about an island . Island, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. [laughing] were you laughing in your fantasy . Yeah me, too. [gasps] quite like the human foot. Introducing the 241 horsepower lexus is 200 turbo. With almost twenty percent more base horsepower. Once driven, theres no going back. Everything your family touches sticks with them. Make sure the germs they bring home dont stick around. Use clorox disinfecting products. Because no one kills germs better than clorox. Who dont have access thto basic banking,on people but that is changing. At temenos, with the microsoft cloud, we can enable a banker to travel to the most remote locations with nothing but a phone and a tablet. Everywhere where theres a phone, you have a bank. Now a person is able to start a business, and employ somebody for the first time. The microsoft cloud helped us to bring banking to ten Million People in just two years. Its transforming our world. Well, its a battle of new yorkers on the democratic side here in new york. Bernie sanders, of course, was born and raised in brooklyn. Hillary clinton has called the state home for 16 years now. She served as a u. S. Senator for eight years from new york. Does any of that make a difference, though, to the voters here . Thomas roberts is in brooklyn. Thomas, not only that. On the republican side, look, donald trump is as new york as it get. Trump, sanders, clinton. Anyone have a home town edge here . You see trumps name all over the west side highway as being a sponsor of the cleanup project for that, and his name all over buildings, but you make a great point. For the Democratic Candidates about being born in new york or bred in new york. The argument for Bernie Sanders is he was born right here in brooklyn and his roots originate from this very area. Hillary clintons argument is she serves as a senator from the state, elected twice. Both have their Campaign Headquarters right around the corner, as you know. But Hillary Clinton is leading the charge within the state itself, as the primary looms around the corner next tuesday. Now, anecdotally, i had a chance to speak to something in the coffee shop around the corner. She was reading the new york times. The endorsement from senator merkley going to Bernie Sanders from oregon. As i was talking to her, she said shes a Hillary Clinton supporter. And because its a pragmatic vote, she thinks that hillary is a terrible campaigner, but will be an excellent president. Then i ran into somebody who works for a Production Company here in new york, based in oregon. Hes voting absentee, he likes Bernie Sanders. Its a mixed bag. Thomas roberts in Bernie Sanders native brooklyn. Thats going to wrap up this hour on msnbc. Jose diazbalart is up next. New york citys Christine Quinn is one of his guests. We got another one. I have an orcogram for an owen. Thats me. You should hire stacy drew. She wants to change the world with you. She can program jet engines to talk and such. Her biggest weakness is she cares too much. Thank you. My friend really wants a job at ge. Mine too. Im a wise elf from a far off shire. And sanjay patel is who you should hire. Thank you. Seriously though, stacy went to a great school and shes really loyal. You should give her a shot. Sanjays a team player and uh. Trust safelite. With safelites exclusive on my way text youll know exactly when well be there. Giving you more time for what matters most. team sing safelite repair, safelite replace. People are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes with noninsulin victoza®. For a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar. But it didnt get me to my goal. So i asked my doctor about victoza®. 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Were expecting to hear from senator Bernie Sanders any moment now who is in brooklyn to reveal a new endorsement from a union group. Going to bring you his remarks live. Earlier today, we learned oregon senator jeff merkley became the first u. S. Senator to endorse sanders. Do you think he can win . I think that anything is possible in a campaign. Obviously, the math is an uphill climb. But we have been surprised by what happened in campaigns time and time again. Kasie hunt and Kristen Welker are following the campaigns. Steve kornacki is here with analysis. Good morning to all. Kasie, let me begin with you in

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