Once Global Nuclear war between the u. S. And russia wasnt some distant hypothetical insane possibility, president kennedy in 1962 realized even though he was president and had incredible power and responsibility in that situation, logistically, he didnt exactly know how one would go about doing this . How is a president supposed to start a Global Nuclear war if he decides thats what he wants to do . The overall idea is clear, a war room convened as commanderinchief and the president ordering them to start dropping Nuclear Missiles on moscow. But how do you actually do it . What are the granular specifics how you do it . How do you contact the war room . What exactly should the president say to the war room by the phone . Who would answer that phone and how do they know it was the president on the other end of the line. If the president did decide it was time to launch Nuclear Weapons at another country, as black and white as that sounds, its not actually a black and white decision, not just yes or no, nuclear war or no nuclear war, once you decide to use Nuclear Weapons, the president has options how many to use. How many different options would a president have in that instance if he called the war room and said, lets start this thing . Presumably at that point in time would be of the essence, and presumably the only reason we were shooting Nuclear Missiles to russia because they were on the way here and the president would have to work quickly. How could he granularly convey to the military which weapons he wanted fired, which targets he wanted destroyed. How would he be able to convey how big a nuclear war he wanted to wage in that instance. By this point, of course, the United States had already used Nuclear Weapons in wartime. Were the only country that ever had, right . The end of world war ii. Since then, we have built thousand of them and by 1962, we had hundreds of them on hair trigger alert, we had thousands of Nuclear Missiles and Nuclear Bombs locked and loaded and ready to go. Until kennedy got that close in the fall of 1962, to potentially using themw we never before had worked out these very specific granular details how a president would go about doing them. Those parts of this system had never been organized and put in an understandable userfriendly way at the disposal of the president and wouldnt be confuing or potentially hijackable in a moment of crisis. Cuban missile crisis may of 1962. By may of 1963, we had the Nuclear Football thanks to president kennedys concerns how the logistics went around that crisis, by the spring of 1963, there was a military officer following president kennedy around everywhere he went, carrying a heavy briefcase small suitcase, come to be known as the Nuclear Football, contains codes for the president to verify his identiity and attack options he wants to launch and at what targets he wants to aim then. And within the football the instructions he wants to convey to the military if he decides to do it. That whole suitcase was invented in 1963. That is the system. We still do it. Quite famously, it is the job for every president. Hopefully there is so low Blood Pressure file military officer available for the job. The job is to stay close to the president at all times carrying what is officially known as the president s emergency satchel. The whole prospect of the Nuclear Codes being physically close to the president at all times, its a little essentially unnering and makes you want to take seriously who gets to be president in this country. It is somehow additionally unnering to remember there isnt just one Nuclear Football, there isnt just one of those emergency president ial satchels, there are three of them. One, they keep physically close to the president at all times. One, they keep as a spare, ah and the third one, they keep with the Vice President. Which makes sense. You forget about that when you think about the responsibilities of being Vice President , right . He talks cavalierly about encouraing other nations, as hillary pointed out, to develop Nuclear Weapons as if a nuclear war is some trivial affair . Does he not understand we wrote japans constitution to say they could not be a Nuclear Power . Where was he . Someone lax in judgment cannot be trusted. Theres a guy that follows me right back here, has the Nuclear Codes. God forbid anything happened to the president and i had to make a decision, the codes are with me. He is not qualified to know the code. He cant be trusted. Vice President Joe Biden making the case against donald trump and in so doing he as Vice President has the Nuclear Football. If you are president or Vice President , the Nuclear Codes are never more than a few feet away. Vice president appeared in his hometown of scranton, pennsylvania in this joint appearance with Hillary Clinton. This appearance had been postponed because of certain various news events and finally came together today. Because this was hardscrabble scranton, pennsylvania, the hometown of joe biden and also the hometown of Hillary Clintons dad, she spent a lot of time there as a kid, because pennsylvanias considered a background state, because pennsylvania is considered a background state because of blue collar white people in parts of the state like scranton, i think there was a lot of expectation today this bidenclinton event would be oo blue collar white people event and focuses on what the Campaign Sees as hard core middle class working and interests and talking about manufacturing and good trades. There was some of that but they also did other stuff and interesting news made. Hillary clinton announced the pure cancer moon shot the Obama Administration has taken up in its second term Vice President biden has been running from the white house. She said if elected, her administration will continue that effort and she will keep joe biden in charge of it. That was interesting. The Vice President talked about that cancer moon shot effort some today. Most of what he talked about was National Security on this day donald trump was giing one of his few and far between policy speeches where he actually reads from a teleprompter on Foreign Policy and there in scranton, pennsylvania, joe biden, simultaneously talking about not letting the Nuclear Football get anywhere near donald trump, talking about what he said was the damage trump has already done just as a president ial candidate to americas alliances and interests around the world. Putins determined to crack nato and crack the european alliance. That is his overarching, overwhelming interest. Im heading from he,etti on a plane and flying to kosovo, then to serbia, then im going to the baltic states. You know one of the reasons im going . To make sure to reassure those members of nato in the baltic states, we mean what we say. We mean what we say, this Sacred Alliance of 60 years. Because theyre worried this guys shame has no limits. Hes even gone so far as to ask putin and russia to conduct cyber attack is an intelligence the United States of america. Even if he is joking, which hes not, even if hes joking, what an outrageous thing to say Vice President biden ripping into donald trump today, and also announing that one part of his forthcoming european trip is designed specifically for him as Vice President to go reassure the baltic states, to go soothe their fears after donald trump repeatedly raised the prospect if russia invades those countries the u. S. Wont necessaily come to their defense against russia even though were in nato with them and treaty bound to come to defense. Its not an idle worry. Russia has been pushing at its baltic border pretty aggressively the last several years, taking on ukraine and waing war in part of ukraine. Heres russia, on the right side of the map. You see ukraine on the bottom and latvia, those are the bat tick states. Vice President Biden announing he will be visiting latvia to try to soothe their concerns we wont defend them against russia. Until 2014 in ukraine, russia did not apparently feel compelled to claw away at its border with ukraine and take over pieces of that country largely because russia had their own guy in control of that country, installed a russia friendly Viktor Yanukovych, and this prorussia proputin dictator in ukraine as his top political advisor in ukraine an american, experienced american political pro who kept an office in kiev, moved to kev parttime, this american political guru who basically orchestrated yanukovychs rise to power as putins guy as president in ukraine. Popular upriings in ukraine ultimately threw yanukovych out. After that he went scurrying back to russia and thanked putin for rescing him after he was thrown out of power in his own country. After that, that american political advisor kept working with Viktor Yanukovychs old party in ukraine to rebrand themselves and gave them a new name to helpet them back in power. If you care about ukraine politics and russia busting out of its western borders and taking over parts of neighboring countries and whether there is a nato and russia war because they will push into some russian countries on the western border and treaty bound to defend them, if you care about this stuff, it has always been this juicy interesting creepy american sidebar theres this involvement of this american political consultant and what happened over there. This american political consultant basically created yanukovych, the proputin guy in ukraine. Once he was run out of town, the same american guy helped yanukovychs chief of staff and former allies, helped his party regroup and try to get back in power. Is that american guy still working for those folks . Is there still an american political advisor, working the proputin side in ukraine . Theres always been this creepmy pressure about this International Story but now it ends up being a very important American News story that important political consultant with an office in kiev and brought the proputin dictator back into power, its important to know whether he is still doing that work, whether he still represents those folks and works on their behalf. That political consultant is the chairman of the donald trump for President Campaign now, Paul Manafort. His name has turned up 22 times in a handwritten ledger the Ukrainian Government believes to be a handwritten ledger of secret payments on the books to several entity. Manaforts name is in this socalled blackledger 22 times alongside payment amounts that add up to 12. 7 million. It doesnt say he received 122 million but slated to, according to this ledger. When Viktor Yanukovych was overthrown in 2014, one of the things they did was got into his palatial estates and recovered thousands of documents about yanukovych and how he ran the country and what nice stuff he bought for himself and his entourage that run the country. I remember we talked about how they went diing on the lagoon of his president ial palace and tried to sink and burn and destroy, as yanukovych was running back to putin and laid them out in the warehouses and dried them in his president ial sauna and tried to recover these documents. These documents were not taken from yanukovychs president ial estate, they were reportedly found in an office of his Political Party in central kiev, runs to 400 pages. Nbc news has obtained 22 pages of this ledger that do not apparently describe any reported payments to palm Paul Manafort, the Campaign Chair but give you documental basis. But the you cainian governments Anticorruption Bureau did not provide us with these documents but confirmed their authenticity. We contained 20 pages of this tonight. They wont be too much use to you unless you know the cyrillic alphabet, but maybe you do. Knock yourself out. Paul manafort said he has never received a single off the books cash payment overseas and says he stopped working there several months before viktor mankovic got thrown out by angry mobs and hit in russia. Paul manaforts office on a leafy street in central kiev and was all there and stuffed with Paul Manaforts personal stuff as recently as may of this year. The Clinton Campaign, for weeks now, including with joe biden making this intense multiple Campaign Push on National Security to try to say donald trump is unfit, to try to convince voters if what you care about is the safety of this country, donald trump cannot be trusted to handle International Relations and Foreign Policy on behalf of the United States and cannot be trust windy the Nuclear Codes. Thanks to the New York Times they hit him with something very specific. As soon as this went live, the Clinton Campaign at 11 00 p. M. Demanded a statement to know whether the donald trump for president or any others are currently representing or being paid by russian entities or pro kremlin entities. Because we dont know. In that political thriller youve been thinking about writing. When you get to the plot point where the Campaign Chair of a major president ial candidate is on the payroll for potentially hundreds of millions of dollars and still might be on the campaign, you have to throw it out because its too ridiculous, it could never happen. Truth is stranger than any fiction you could in vent. Energy is a complex challenge. People want power. And power plants account for more than a third of energyrelated carbon emissions. The challenge is to capture the emissions before theyre released into the atmosphere. Exxonmobil is a leader in carbon capture. Our team is working to make this technology better, more affordable so it can reduce emissions around the world. Thats what were working on right now. Energy lives here. One number 21 in the books. A dog, talked. Were decedent from the mighty wolf. A voice was heard. If you build it, he will come. A girl discovered magic. A revolution began. Welcome, to the wonders that happen, everyday. Welcome, to it all. Comcast. Now because of the military and frankly, putin has built up the nuclear again and again, theyre much stronger and our nuclear is old and tired and his nuclear is tippy top from what i hear. I like that putin is bombing the hell out of isis and it will be isis. Putin has to get rid of isis becae he doesnt want them coming into russian. I like putin because hes a strong leader unlike what we have, we have a pathetic leader. Its been one of the weird dynamics in the Trump Campaign for a while. The New York Times reports his campaign manager, Paul Manafort appears 22 times in the ledger of Cash Payments or planned Cash Payments in excess of 12 million to Paul Manafort from a prorussian Political Party in ukraine. Truth strange than fiction. Joining us now is the former u. S. Ambassador to russia, now Political Science professor at stanford. Nice to see you. Thanks for being with us tonight. Thanks for having me. Is the Clinton Campaign asking the right question here demanding to know whether his Campaign Chair or other advisors are currently on the payroll of russian interests or prorussian interests. Is that the right question to be asking, do you think . Its a reasonable rhetorical question. I highly doubt any of them are on the payroll. We do deserve to know when they were being paid, how much they were being paid and who paid them. Lets be clear. I worked in that part of the world for decades and stuied and written about it. Things are not so clean cut there. Not like you give to the campaign and the campaign pays the consultants. Sometimes there are murky deals done to pay campaign consultants. I think the American People desterve to know what he received and when he received it and what he received and make clear hes no longer working for mr. Yanukovych or his allies. Is it conceivable people working for yanukovych and al