Kill people after the drug expires at the end of this month. From a bureaucracy perspective, that makes sense. Hey, got to hurry, we cant use this stuff to kill anyone after april, so lets kill everyone in april then. Lets kill them all now. From the perspective of one of the people whos going to be killed though, you can see how that would seem like a random factor, deciding whether you are going to live or die. If the state didnt have this Expiration Date thing going on on that one drug they didnt notice before the, there would be no chance all these guys would be on deck to be killed at once. But thats the reason theyre trying to kill them all right now. Steven breyer is a moderate liberal justice on the Supreme Court. But he has decided to make a really hollering legacy out of his time on the court by dissenting again and again when it comes to the vagaries and the strangeness in the bias in our nations system of killing men and women who are prisoners. So thats where we were as of last night. Arkansas wanted to kill eight men over the course of ten days. They wanted to have already killed four of them by this time tonight. But over the course of this week, three of their four planned killings got blocked by the courts. And then last night as the u. S. Supreme court weighed in on the fate of the fourth man at the very last minute last night, a few land marks were reached. Number one, the new Justice Neil Gorsuch voted to kill his first man. He voted to kill and it was a deciding vote and that was his first significant vote on the United StatesSupreme Court. Number two, Justice Steven briar dissented again, short, sharp and to the point, less than two pages. Its pretty remarkable stuff, not particularly legalistic argument. He just puts it out there. Justice breyer, quote, arkansas set out to execute eight people, why these eight, why now . The apparent reason has nothing to do with the crimes or are presence of absence of mitigating behavior or mental state or need for speedy punishment. Four of the men have been on death row for over 20 years. All have been how did you find in solitary confinement for at least ten years. Apparently the state decided to proceed is that the use by date on the drug is about to expire. The justice continues, quote, in my view, that factor when considered as a determining factor separating those who live from those who die, that factor is close to random. He says i have previously noted arbitrarine arbitrariness with which the Death Penalty is administered. So steven briar dissent. Its one thing to have a fight whether or not killing prisoners is something states should, do but the way were doing it, the actual decisions about whether or not these guys are going to live or die, its basically random now. Its arbitrary, and under the constitution, that is illegal. But justice briars opinion was a dissent. The neil gorsuch won, and arkansas went ahead with one of the four killings they wanted to accomplish this week. The death warrant to kill will he deli expired at midnight central time, less than an hour before that warrant expired, the utes Supreme Court voted 54 to kill him. By 11 26 it was announced to the people at the prison. 18 minutes later they started injecting lee. And by 11 56 they said he was dead. Thats important, that timing there, just made it. The warrant that made it legal to kill him expired four minutes after they said he died. Arkansas still wants to kill all the other prisoners that it can next week before the Expiration Date on one of their drugsmation the rest of the executions illegal too. So theyre hurrying. One of the things well be watching in the news is the continuing legal wrangling to see how many of these guys are going to be able to kill. The pace of executions, the speedness of the process of killing people, how much time people get to try to fight off the state to save their lives, how many times they can go back to court and bring in new evidence or make new arguments or show new angles on what happened to them. A the time a person gets is one of the things that gets fought about all the time in Death Penalty states. In september, we reported on one of those fights that had taken an unexpected turn into president ial politics and ultimately into scandal. Ita it started in 2013. Republican politicians were trying at the time to hurry up the pace of executions in that state, florida already kills a ton of their prisoners, but the state eats governance rick scott, attorney general pam bundy, they were really crew saiding in 2013 on wanting to start killing more of that states prisoners faster. Rick scott had in fact signed a bill to make executions go faster in that state. Pam bundy is attorney general, was busy in court definition that new law, kill florida prisoners faster, we need to speed this up. We need to speed them through system. We need the pace of executions to be faster. Thats what was kbog in florida politicizing in 2013. And thats why it was weird in september of 2013 when pam bundy suddenly reversed course. There was a man who was scheduled to be killed on september 10, 2013. His execution was on the calendar basically thought they were going good to go with this one, but in that case, that september 10th execution, pam bundy actually intervened with the state to slow it down. She asked the state to please delay that execution, push it back, she had her reasons. Marshall gore was convicted for the murders of two florida women in 1988. He was scheduled to be executed tonight but a campaign if you ever took priority. Marshall lee gore was supposed to be executed at 6 00 p. M. But pam bundy asked governor rick scott to delay the execution for three weeks because she had a conflicting eventen her schedule turns out that event is a political fundraiser. And again, maybe from the perspective of the attorney general, from the policings perspective it makes sense. Move the execution instead. Maybe that makes total sense to you as the policing. But Justice Steven briar from the perspective from the guy who will be either leah or dead tomorrow based on the actions of the state, the date of pam done bys fundraiser is a fairly arbitrary factor in deciding whether hes going to live or die. But fundraising is very, very important. But heres where it veered into president ial politics. Because of what happened over the course of the following week after all that happened. That execution that was delayed so pam bundy could hold her fundraiser in piece, there was a lot of attention in the Florida Press and National Attention about how important frufundrais was to her. Fundraising was that important to her. Coverage of that was around that execution date, september 10th. Then three days later, an item that was considerably lower profile except to the people who who really cared about this subject ran in the Orlando Sentinel. This was september 13th. New yorks Trump University suit draws attention from officials. Quote, complaints filed in florida were among those cited by new York Attorney general aircraft schneiderman latest month when he sued trump and Trump University and the Trump Entrepreneurship Initiative alleging civil fraud. Claim to lure people into spending thousands of dollars on questionable courses and mentoring services. Trump has denied the allegations. But now Florida Attorney again pam bundys office is reviewing the energetic lawsuits teelgsz determine whether florida should join the multistate case. So this is Trump University fraud case. This is the one that trump settled by paying out 25 million to people who said he defrauded them in that scheme. This did not end well for him. But in 2013 that lawsuit against him was just Getting Started in new york, maybe in florida too . A lot of the complaints from that case were out of florida. And pam bundy was reported to be weighing whether or not florida as a state should join that lawsuit against trump over Trump University. Pam bundy was also reported that same week to be so inhumanly devoted to raising Campaign Fund that she rescheduled a mans death to accommodate her fundraising. Four days after that article about the Trump University lawsuit and pam bundy considering whether or not florida should join it, this check was sent to pam bundys god blessed reelection campaign. It was sent from the dump foundation. They didnt exactly spell this out in the memo line, but in invisible i think it said youre getting the state of florida involved in a lurkts would you also like to consider 25,000 check to your leakers campaign from the donald j. Trump campaign signed personally by donald j. Trump. One of the single biggest donations she got in that whole campaign cycle. Voila, pam bundys office said they would not have florida join the fraud suit against Trump University. Very tidy little timeline. Compared to a lot of other popularity things that get decided by politicians, even life or death things, this seems very tidy, not at all random. This seems not at all arbitrary. This seems direct. But wait, it keeps going because, first, that story made news because they were delaying an execution which didnt make he said is on the surface for republican politicians who were crew saiged to kill more prisoners that they would want to slow one down. Then that story made news because it turned out the reason for the delay is pam bundy had a fundraiser. Then pam dobundy took one of th biggest donations to her campaign that year. Then it made news again because that person who she decided not to sue, he went on to run for president. Then that story made news during the president ial campaign because it turns out that check from the donald j. Trump foundation, its illegal for trumps foundation to cut a check like that to a political campaign. And the irs caught him for it and he had to pay it back and pay a fine. This has made news a million different times, but it keeps giving, because now, three and a half years after pam bundy took that donation and said she will not sue donald trump, now donald trump just hired her chief of staff from that time who was involved in that whole scandal, who was included in all those discussions and decisions around the Trump University case. Trump as president just hired that guy to be the top lawyer in the United States department of education. Because maybe he remembers him from the Trump University thing . That was a school, right . Heres the announcement from the white house about him. Heres the slack jawed ap lead and their story a bit. Quote, carlos munoz helped defeat the offices decision to sit out the legal action against Trump University. Now the president is naming him to be the top lawyer in the u. S. Education department. Ap reported last year that bundy personally solicited a 25,000 political continue baugs from trump as her office was weighing how to respond to questions from the Orlando Sentinel about whether she will join new York Attorney general iraqshire man attorney. Just to tidy this up and nest all the dolls properly here, politician, trump sends fat check, illegally. Politician says upon further review im not suing the Trump University scam. Politician defends that stunning decision, stunning even at the time, that stunning decision with a pr effort, run out of her office, including talking points for reporters prepared by her chief of staff. And then chief of staff gets awesome new job from trump. As the top lawyer in the department of education because honestly, keyword, university. Is that where they filed him . Thats a senate confirmable decision, by the way. Well see if that becomes an issue in the senate when they trying to confirm him. Theres a lot going on right now in National Politics a. By the time were back on the air doing our monday night show here, arkansas wants to have killed two more of them by then. Legal fights over those killings continue right now as we speak. They will likely continue through the week if you watch that story. Were also still waiting for any sort of plausible explanation for this reporting from the miami herald whose reports discovered the president took a secret meeting at maralago with two former president s of the nation of colombia who were lobbying against the peace deal thats pengds in that country to end the worlds longest war. This a super sensitive and complicated subject. The United States of america taking a position on that will be super important to how that works out. If our president is taking meetings with former president s of colombia who are trying to undermine the current government to scrap that peace deal, thats a really big deal in diplomacy. Thats a really big deal for foreign policy. And therefore its nourish that meetings like that one of you happening outside the purview of the u. S. State department which is supposed to be careful about these things on behalf of the people of the United States. Its weird it would be happening outside the purview of the state department, let alone its at a golf club. The explanation for the meeting was, yeah it happened, but it didnt mean anything. The former president s of colombia were just there at maralago with a member of the club. So it was just a quick hello. But the former colombian president s are making public statements and publicly thanking President Trump for the cordial and frank discussion they had about colombia and the region. A conversation they did to have with the president of the United States admittedly because someone paid the president of the United States 200,000 to get into his club. 200,000 minimum. As the heterosexual puts it, the unclosed meeting also raises a number of questions of the ease with which people can influence trump can access him through membership of his club without fear of Public Disclosure. A maralago membership costs 200,000 for the initiation alone. Theres normal and sometimes terrible politicizing in the states and the capital. We got word today that theyre going to trying to repeal obamacare again. Theyre also going to totally overthat you will tax code. Quick, an artificial measuring stick is upon us. Do something. Theres new news from the trump russia investigations tonight and from the Justice Department where the person overseeing those investigations at dodge is leaving her post now. A lot going on. A lot to notice. We are still going to need this country when these guys are done with it. And for the sake of who we ever want to be again, it cant ever not be news. It always has to be news when something really looks like bribery at the top levels of american government. When something really looks like bag of cash under the tashlgs corruption. When it really looks like you pay money, you get access to the president. When it really looks like Public Officials are taking money in exchange for their official actions and then getting thanked and rewarded for it down the road. When that stops smelling bad to us, when corruption doesnt seem like news anymore, then we do consign ourselves and the generations after us to the corruption weve never tolerated before, not at this level of our National Politics. To that end we have lined up next the biggest potential target of opportunity in terms of bribery that anybody has yet reported about our new administration. It is the product of mind bendingly throw and difficult reporting by some very good reporters. And one of the reporters who just worry through some proverbial shoes to break the scheuer, joins us tonight. Thats next. When standard Cancer Treatment no longer works for patients like lynn, advanced Genomic Testing may lead to other Treatment Options that can work. Learn how Genomic Testing is changing the way we fight cancer at cancercenter. Com genomics no one burns on my watch try alka seltzer heartburn relief chews. They work fast and dont taste chalky. Mmmmm. Amazing. I have heartburn. Alka seltzer heartburn relief chews. Enjoy the relief. 35 million into the president s pocket. And depending on your business, conceivably that might get you something more valuable than hand crafted italian brass doorknob. The hand carved doorknob place with the round top windows, it is a trump property. Its for sale by Trump International realty. You will recall he put his money into a trust and the beneficiary of the trust is him. So when the Company Makes money, he makes money. Reporters from usa today has done just painstaking but incredible and important work. They tracked down exactly what that potentially means in terms of the presidency and his business interests going forward. Nobody figured this out before before usa today did the incredible leg work necessary to tell this tale, we didnt know this information. Heres their lady, usa today spent four months cataloging every property trumps companies own. Trump never sloefd a complete unit by unit inventory of his Companies Real Estate holdings or sales. Theyre being modest about this but usa today, their reporters had to build this list unit by unit, city by city across the country interest skrash on their own with not guilty to bill on i