Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Budget And Finance Committee 62216

SFGTV BOS Budget And Finance Committee 62216 June 24, 2016

The future the nation and when i use the term equity i mean just and fair inclusion into a society in which all can participate, prosper and reach full potential. When we think about equity we often think about the fairness part of it. We think in the way that i just described it, but when you look at the inequality problem, when you look at the shifting demo graphics, it becomes clear if we get the equity agenda right , we get the nation right. Equity is the antidote to inequality and we think that equity is the superior growth modfrl the nation. The organization that i work for, policy link has something on our website which i guarantee you will enjoy playing with called the National Equity atlas. It looks at 150 regions across american. The first narrative tellathize story about changing demo graphics so you can go to whaerfb area and see the eshifting demo graphics. The next lists 32 indicators of economic wellbeing and broken down by race you can look at the Economic Indicators and see how American People are doing and people of color in particular. The last part is the punchline. What it does is looks at what would be the impact on the gdp if we got rid of Racial Disparity in termoffs income . If the curve of income did chbt have [inaudible] the people make thg lowest there are no difference on race and same with highest. The gdp would be 2. 1 twillian dollars hire every year. In 2012, in the San Francisco bay area the gdp would have been 117 billion dollars hires. Not only is equity important for fairness and justice and inclusion it is the spear yor growth model. I think it is clear we need it get this agenda right not just for emwithen of color and people left behind but for everybody. It reminds me of the curb cutter effect. You go the curb cuts, they are there because of the people with disabilities particularly those in wheelchairs. They are there because even though people with disabilities have been able to get legal rights the legal rights were hobbled if people couldnt maneuver to the knhunties to get jobs. Those curb curtss how many times you pushed a baby carriage and so glad it is there and didnt have to pick unthat contraption . How many times workers push carts and have the load lightened because of incurb cuts . How many times do people relax as the new bike rider 7 or 8 truversing the sidewalk and not riding the street . That is a example where wh we get something right for those most vulnerable it cast cades up. We get it right for those most vulnerable and get it right for everybody. The same is true if you think about the bike lanes. The bike laneerize there because of the vulnerability of people on bikes but in cityarve city where the bike laneerize installed traffic accidents have gone down. You get it proith for those most vulnerable you get is right for everyone. The bike lanes organize the traffic in ways we didnt know it has to be organi you look so good yeah shoulder roll, here we go. Get in there. Give yourself some love thank you so much. We are kaiser and hoping you have a great day and thrive are you awake . Do you feel refreshed . [laughter] what a talented bunch of women, who know you could rock it out . That was fun. Alright. Everybody whipeing off the sweat, settling down. Before we move on our graphic recorder julie [inaudible] is providing a visual interpretation of todays proceed squgz will have her drawings in the lobby later today. We have a fabulous Panel Discussion coming up for you, another one to lead our next discussion on leadership and visibility welcome nbc white house cur spondence, chrising. Joining is former hodef u. S. Protection agency and Vice President of environment policy and social initiative of apple, lisa jackson. Also welcome back to the stage cohost and mayor of oakland, libby schaaf. And a very special guest from nearby hayward welcome the 43 treasurer of the United States, rosie rios. And chris jansing, the stage is yours. Thank you all. And thank you for coming. Im so exsiteded to be with these women. They all worked together as one time ear another. It is like 6 degrees of separation but in addition they are womeen in fields that a lot of women found difficult to break through in, science and technology, government, level of finance. Being the United States treasurer and opening wine at a cocktail party, that is my name on the 5 and 10 and 20 dollar bill. They say that is my moms signature. Is their name too so they use it all the time. We want to talk today about what is means to be in a leadership role, what the visibility means, both the proand cons. I want to start with big picture question and go through all 3 quickly. How has being a woman helped your career and hurt it . That is a great question. This position of the treasurer of the United States is a woman since 1949 and at the time president truman thought is to have a womans name on the money. It was a symbolic gesture. On the other hand the position evolved over time and before i took the job it was ceremonial so felt the need to redeem it, validate with something more substanceative. Mayor. I think of two things where it helped me. One, i feel like sometimes i am under estimated in negotiations and that actually is my advantage. Sometimes with even professional sports teams. And then second, when i face the tv cameras and Say Something like, i came to run a police department, not a frat house, people feel how serious i am. They know that statement comes from a life experience, a lived experience that is very real. I think can at to your credibility and plat form of knowledge you can speak from when you are connected from your passion and knowledge. As far as hurting me, i want to be real, breast feeding. Breast feeding as a executive. To walk into had board room and have two giant wet spots on your blouss is one the hardest things. When i tweent the white house president o obama said there is something in the water because so many women were pregnant. They have a great set up at the white house and sure Valerie Jarrett will have things to say. Lisa i should give prop tooz apple because your company was named wrun of the top 5 recruiting and retaining high quality talent but for you what it meant it to be a woman . I think you bring yourself to everything you do from academics to work place,thality is the good. Im a chemical engineer by training so i always felt i had a different perfective in a class full of back quh i was at school mostly guys who were studying along side me so it is a huge advantage. It can be the disadvantage because the perspective is different and dont fit the mold you have to fight to be heard and understood and not just sort of that classic moment where you Say Something and someone who is male says it a couple minutes later and they remember it because they say it. It is real but two sides the same coin. When i read you had a master degree in Chemical Engineering and got tight in the stomach and is that because that isnt my skill set . Or because there is something intrinsic in me that says that is something women are not good at and dont do . Are we still there with that . How is stem coming along . Stem is coming but it is pipeline issue. For some time Chemical Engineering had a lot more females studying at the under graduate level so we are perfectly capable no surprise of doing the work. I think what is a bit disconserting is retention part because we are soi like to use mr. Slaucken and diana troy, we are taught being a scientist we have toleave all this emotion back to make good decisions and what i believe and annemarie slaughter was on and what i believe is change the profession of engineering or science to incorporate a humanistic version. Im a chemical engineer that works on cleaning up hazardous waste. I want to look at stats because i think they are telling and interaesting in the context of the last speaker and we were behind this wall and watching and it is little disconserting it see two people of equal talent and resumes going for the same jobs and the way they are perseechbceived differently. Womeen earn 60 percent of masters degrees and half of law degrees. They hold all most 52 percent of professional level jobs so all great, right . Here is the bad news. Women are less than 15 percent of executive officers 8 percent of top wage earns and less than 5 percent of fortune 500 ceo. They hold 17 percent of fortune 500 board seats. Why are women not doing better . It isnt just the numbers it 1 the rends im more concerned about. If you think about the 3 pillars of influence, lets talk about money and power piece. Womeen started reteated from their participation as members of congress in 2010. The numbers started going down. The fortune 500 ceos it wasnt from 24 last year to 21 this year and it will be 20 when we lose urlsa burns. It is the trend we should think about and dont think we growing going in the right direction. I can talk about politics because being in washington and on the campaign trail, wrun the most fascinating and depressing conversations i had was with someone whos job to recruit woman to run for congress and other mayor or city council an what she told me is woman and men auch approach the jobs very very differently. Women go in because they want to change the world and dont want to say there are not men that dont go in for the right reasons. They go in because they want to be somebody who can be a positive force for changeism men go in maybe for that reason as well but it is power. When women especially women who they recruit for the house and senate, think about whatthey can get done and look how polarized washington is and know they will have to give up. We all know what price we pay for doing high level jobs. They just dont see thethey do a cost benefit analysis and dont see what could begained. Maybe 20 years ill be a Committee Chair and have influence. I dont know someone who run for different offices or city council, what do you see . It is applicable to a lot of places in the world, you do had cost benefit analysis and in theened you wonder if they think it isnt equal and have to do more in the other part of my life and do what jirjer rogers did compared to fred astair. So, what will it take . You know, im a fan of emerge california and emerge america. [applause] which is a organization that is helping Democratic Women seek first office. A lot of organizations are trying to get people into congress but you dont have qualified women to run for Congress Unless they start at the school board or Library Commission or something else. Secondly, their studies demonstrate there are two big reasons women choose to not run. First, they feel too many obligations outside of the their work. Their families, the home and so again, by liberating men and the rest of the society to share in those duties, will help all of us. And then secondly, women tend to need to be asked and so that is something we all can do. Encourage women to see themselves as those leaders. I agree but why do we wait . I bragged about the fact i never went for a job and people c5i78 to me as i made my way up to a small newspaper and Radio Station and television and coming to nbc [inaudible] happened to see mei was happy working away in albaany new york and was on vacation and ais a me and made a phone call. I dont think that is as truei have been in the business 40 years, but why do we wait to be asked . I think that we were trained maybe not by our caregivers but by society at large that women should be asked and i do think that changed a lot from the time when i was going through and being the only woman in class or only woman in engineering. I want to put all you on the spot. For all the woman who want to know how to ask how do they come to you in positions och power and leadership, what is the ask . I want to switch the script a little because i am tired of us blaming ourselves like you are not brave enough to do it yourself. It is really important in all areas of impact, gender is one, race is another that we stop blaming the individual actor and look at the system and us in government we often have been put in place to maintain the status quo. There are systems and practices in place that we have to disrupt if we want different outcomes. In oakland we change from having traditional election to ranked Choice Voting that allows a voter instead of picking one candidate to rank tupe 3 candidates and one of the things that it often results in and not saying it is not perfect but it often results in actually more politecome paining because you dont want to offend the supporters of your competitor because you want them to put you second. Hat is so true in this campaign season. Yeah. Hello. That is a system change, changing the way we do elections led to more civil campaigning. I think it starts individually and think disruption is a big piece but i call myself a constructive disrupter. You have tobe very strategic and have to do your homework. You shouldnt ask for something and bang on the table because you deserve it because you are a woman you have to do the research you need to do to make your proposal. When i took this job i wasnt going take the job because i was a woman or a history of latina, i made a proposal and wasnt going to take it unless it was substantive enough to use my finance background. It is systemic. The Treasury Building was built in the 1800s and didnt have a nursing lounch. I took it on because i thought it was porpt for a woman coming back into the workplace to feel they are valued and have a place to go and can do their job. It is more than that. As you probably know i have worked on the projecktd in the last 8 year tooz put a woman on our currency. Working on it very successfully this is best example of what you are talking about, i have the printing drecktder who reported to me and his deputy and his deputy and they worked at the be 2rks all most 100 years so the projject came to mind december 2008. As you look at how the [inaudible] the person on the front [inaudible] it was strange that 50 percent the population was not honored as part of our history. I ask the 3 people individually why the conversation hasnt happened before in 120 years. Mean while there is over 40 countries, us and saudi arabia. The answer i got from each people individually was the same, no one ever brought it up. So, what else are we not bringing up . Hash tag, bring it up. What else are we not bringing up . I know you have your phone, hash tag bring it up. I guess in that context, is there something that you learned along the way when younger women come to you or women returning to the workforce which i see a lot in the 30s or 40s because they see a lot of young women in journalism and ask what can i do. Do you feel that part of your leadership responsibility is to give that opportunity to young woman and what do you tell them . I absolutely believe part of our job is insure diversity and for us diversity at apple but for me personally is more than gender or gender identification, but at this forum lets talk about that. Meantering is important. Finding sponsors for people there to help you succeed. Dont confuse meantering with charity work. You have to make the valued proposition for me because there are so many people that are looking to find the right place. It is really important to know what you want so you asked about why dont we ask. I think we just need to profect asking. We need to prosquecktfect saying here is what i bring to the table and i will never ever discount the importance of looking someone in 24 eye and saying, i want to work for you and here is what i can do to help you be successful while i also become successful. Everyone, male and female needs to dothality before she wrote a best selling book there was gasps in the audience when she suggested she did not like it when someone says will you mentor me. That she felt that was somehow less thani dont want to put words in her mouth or what do you consider with this role both in government very different types because you had to run for office, do you consider yourself a roll model and feel a responsibility in the leadership position to help other women achieve that . It was a great moment when a boy looked and said, can boys be mayors too . Im like, oh my god i was like, yes, sweetheart, they can. For methis ties into answering your last question. My advice to young people, one is just to be very clear about your passion and mission and values. At least in my business you need a very thick skin. You got to always have the place to come back to. The other thing and this sh kind of a twist on meantering is Pay Attention to relationships and that can beit is no accident rosa, rosie, we are up here together. Isnt that ironic . We work together. A champion can be on a specific project it is project management the approach whether investment so far a firm and the Due Diligence process is very, very specific how you decided whether or not your investing in a project the existing conditions and now the recommendations from the limbs if you think about that in a more simplistic way how you propose a prong this is what i use when i propose this what is what you use for any type of projects this recognition inspiration taking on the ability to be able to do our homework and think about what youre doing for that champion how to affect the organization or is people around you and is inspiration what that means in terms of what youre leaving behind you if you think about what to propose a project or program and you go to someone male or female and asking them to be a champion of what youre froeps scloons you follow that path of Due Diligence the same way it is not failed me it kind of takes the personal stigma off of what it means with you approach a male colleague or boss is it so very, very specific and let me tell you that works 100 percent great advise weigh coming down to the final minutes what time do you get up in the morning. 4 oclock 6 oclock how how many you are hours a week do you work with your job in the with the kids in the how much you work. Nonstop 24 7. Ill say on my minds wjd weekends. Can we take anything onstage or the black berries. You know she works with the government but im saying when ill with any kids two kids 100 percent with them absolutely the time i spend on weekend is 100 percent with them absolutely. How many hours a week do you work. You dont want to work i was the mayor you, you

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