Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Full Board Of Supervisors 51016 20

Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Full Board Of Supervisors 51016 20160516

>> supervisor tang. >> present. >> supervisor wiener. >> present. >> supervisor yee. >> present. >> madam president all members are present. >> thank you. ladies and gentlemen can you please join us in the pledge of allegiance. >> i pledge allegiance to the flag to the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> thank you madam clerk. are there any communications? >> i have none to report madam president. >> colleagues are there changes to the april 5, 2016 board meeting minutes and the april 6, 2016 special meeting minutes? seeing none is there a motion to approve the minutes? motion by supervisor mar. second by supervisor tang. colleagues can we take this out objection. without objection the minutes are approved after public comment. [gavel] madam clerk can you please call the first item. >> first item is the policy discussion between the honorable mayor mayor and the board of supervisors. the mayor may provide remarks up to five minutes and recognize the districts 11 from supervisor avalos. questions are in order as long as the discussion doesn't exceed five minutes per supervisor. >> thank you. mr. mayor, do you have any welcomes remarks? >> thank you president breed and supervisors and to the public that is here today. as you know across our country we're experiencing a crisis and it's a break down of trust between a growing number of communities and law enforcement. tragically here in san francisco we're experiencing this crisis too. the community's angst has been manifested in many ways and we have been working and meeting with the community for months through the community forums and certainly the anger is real. i have personally engaged with community groups protesters attempting to have a sug assistantive dialogue about reforms. most recently we saw a group of protesters here at city hall last friday calling for action. i respect the right to protest but last week's property damage and violence went too far. it is the purpose of protest to call attention to the issue of police reform and let me say this it's absolutely of the top of my mind. the situation is only solved when police reform is fully implemented and the public deserves nothing less, so i'm about taking action and we are. that's why last year i ordered a comprehensive review of the police department, the use of force policy and directed our police commission and police department to implement all forms, all possible forms right away. i asked our united states justice department, the highest law enforcement authority in the country, for a top to bottom review of our police department policies. i also asked the department of justice to independently investigate the shooting of mr. mario woods. i met with members of the police department including the department's african-american community advisory forum and held and attended numb -- niewmous efforts and police community relations. we are working on rebuilding the trust between the community and our police department and we have been doing so for months and it's something we will never stop working on. in fact just yesterday we received our first feedback from the justice department on the police department's use of force policies and while we are making progress we have more work to do to improve our policies and practices and we are committed to those reforms. that's why earlier this morning i announced additional funding over the next two years as part of the budget to help with the enormous effort under way to reform the san francisco police department and to rebuild the relationship between our police department and the communities it serves. in the next two years we will be investing even more resources to improve oversight, accountability, transparency, violence prevention programming and other police reforms to the tune of $17.5 million. we talked about the community. we talked with the community and we listened. we're funding an increase to programming for violence prevention programs that are working and providing our higher at risk youth and residents other alternatives like education, training, and the dignity of a good paying job. we're also dedicated to addressing the trauma and mental health needs of youth and families mostly impacted by gun violence. we're investing reforms -- we are investing in reforms for our police department that include equipment and training for non lethal and de-escalation methods. we are dedicating important staff training for implicit bias for the blue courage program, for cultural competency, crisis intervention from the cadets to the senior veteran officers. these are significant investments and it doesn't stop here. we know we have more work to do on police row reforms and training and intervention and housing and much moratorium to ensure that our communities feel respected, justly treated and safe, and i am committed to working on this and certainly with every member of the board and i know that much more remains to be done and i look forward to a continued dialogue and action on this important effort with you and the entire city. >> thank you mr. mayor. and colleagues based on recent events specifically the protests which escalated to not only vandalism but several arrests i think that we need to address the situation through this question time and not continue with the traditional question we have from supervisor avalos and i know members of the odd districts would like to ask questions not on the agenda of the mayor as it relates to the particular issue, and so colleagues can we do that without objection? without objection supervisor farrell. >> madam president may i interrupt for a moment. apologies supervisor farrell. to the member in the gallery we have a board rule that disallowed any audible expression of support or dissent and use your support in fingers instead. >> thank you madam clerk so as i said before i know that we have one specific question for the mayor but i do know that based on recent events there are members of the odd districts that have specific questions related to those particular events which unfortunately happened -- occurred after this agenda was publicized which is why those specific questions are not on this agenda, and so we would need a super majority of votes in order to pose those questions in each and every instance so what i am asking to do at this time prior to moving forward with the question is to not recognize supervisor avalos' question and to move forward with our more time sensitive questions and at that time we can debate whether or not those questions will be proposed, so can we do that without objection? without objection we will move to our time sensitive questions that are not on the agenda. [gavel] and at this time colleagues i would like to ask -- i would like to make a motion to pose a question based on recent events as i said and the fact that the recent events have escalated. my clear concern is for public safety and i would ask that we allow the supervisor from district 5, me, to pose a question to the mayor related to that scope and is there a second? >> second. >> seconded by supervisor campos. and is there debate on the motion? and so for the members who are listed on the roster is that debate on the motion or discussion about the motion? supervisor farrell. >> president breed and pardon if i am speaking on the wrong item and perhaps i should have addressed it in the first motion and i respect obviously your question and i didn't want to get into the individual ones from my perspective. it's a precedent setting nature here. i know we have the question set up by board rules and we can amend that if you want. i'm not in favor of that. i think we had the established policy for some time and i think it's a slippery slope to go down and perhaps better said during the first motion if you will because it's not any particular question or supervisor. i respect all of the colleagues a great deal but the nature of the item so i will not be voting in favor of it. >> thank you supervisor farrell and with all due respect this is our ability as supervisors -- there's a duty under the charter. this policy has been established and we have the ability when time sensitive issues are brought to the forefront to ask these particular questions and i think it's appropriate to do so at this time but i do understand and respect what you have to say about the matter so madam clerk on the meagz to ask please call the roll. >> that is on behalf of district five supervisor. supervisor peskin. >> aye. >> supervisor tang. >> no. >> supervisor wiener. >> no. >> supervisor yee. >> aye. >> supervisor avalos. >> aye. >> supervisor breed. >> aye. >> supervisor campos. >> aye. >> supervisor cohen. >> aye. >> supervisor farrell. >> no. >> supervisor kim. >> [inaudible] >> aye. >> supervisor mar. >> aye. >> there are eight aye's and three nos. >> a super majority is needed to pass. the motion passes. mr. mayor here's my question. on friday following the publication of today's agenda protesters gathered at city heal resulting in arrests and thousands of dollars in damage. this was the latest in a series of unrest unracist and homophobic scandal with the officers and shootings and multiple investigations into the department. the community is in pain. protesters are demanding the removal of the chief and i know you have said you will not do so. but my question is given this impasse this disagreement where does this end? where do we see this situation head dispd how do we reconcile and bring the city together to ensure that everyone feels safe in their communities? >> well supervisor breed thank you for that question. let me reiterate what i mentioned earlier and let me share with the board what i publicly said earlier today. i have ordered a number of reforms to the police use of force policies to prevent police involved shootings whenever possible. i have proposed comprehensive reforms and initiatives, many are mandated and modeled on the justice department's own recommendations and president obama's 21st century policing all of which was to rebuild community trust. i have also called for the highest law enforcement authority in the country, the u.s. attorney loretta lynch and department of justice to did a top to bottom review of our police procedures and policies and training of the use of force. concurrently the police chief and the police commission have submitted to me at my request a detailed plan to implement further reforms after they have conducted a series of community meetings around the city and with stakeholder groups. i have accepted their comprehensive reform package, a reform package that has been developed in partnership with our community, and that fundamentally reengineers the way that police officers use force while at the same time increasing transparency and accountability within the sfpd. they're not by any ways done. we're just beginning. and immediately i directed the budget director to incorporate these reforms into our budget planning so over the next two years we are investing $17.5 million in new funding in my proposed two year budget to include oversight violence prevention programming and instituting police reforms. >> [inaudible] >> specifically of the $17.5 million 11.3 -- >> [inaudible] (yelling from the audience). >> sir you're out of order. >> (inaudible). >> thank you to everyone who is here today. >> [inaudible] >> thank you to everyone who is here today. >> (inaudible). >> thank you very much. (yelling from the audience). >> fire chief sure. >> if we don't have an opportunity to do business as usual we have to go into recess and won't have the mayor able to . >> we appreciate your cooperation and will continue with the request for questions from members of the odd district, the supervisors from the odd districts and at this time i would like to recognize supervisor eric mar. >> [inaudible] >> oh -- okay. >> [inaudible] >> thank you madam president. >> wait one second. before we move forward i would like the mayor to finish the answer of my question. >> thank you supervisor. i was referencing the expenditure that we're presenting as part of our two year budget, the $17.5 million for both police reforms, violence prevention and oversight, scpis wanted to say supervisor that 11.3 million dollars 11.3 of that amount is directed at increasing programming for violence prevention, capacity building for impacted communities, jobs, path ways to employment to provide opportunities and prevent violence and strengthening our city's crisis response and interventions. these prevention programs are in our communities and we need to do more. we want to make sure that collaborative partnerships like road map to peace, programs such as my ipo employment program that has been successful we want to make sure we increase these and focus on continued population of at risk residents providing them with alternatives like education, training and the dignity of a good paying job. finally and specific to the police department we're investing 4.4 million dollars on the training and the equipment needed for that -- for the new training policies. they're substantial and meaningful changes to policy to equipment that will signal significant changes in the culture of how and when our officers will use force and adding time and distance and also ensuring more culturally competent police officers. the police department will invest in direct training for staff for implicit bias, the blue courage program, the cultural competency and crisis intervention training. the department will expand the crisis intervention training to capture more veteran officers so they receive this important training. as you know the department has established a new bureau within its department. that's the bureau of professional standards and principle policing and appointed a new deputy chief and assigning multiple divisions to create a unit within the police department that's charged with affecting the internal cultural change drafting and monitoring changes to that training and partnering and implementing the department of justice's community oriented police recommendations in every aspect. from body cameras for every sworn police officer to the crime data warehouse to piloting the e citations program we've have one of the most open and transparent processes for governing police in the country, and this investment will build on that foundation and help us sworn officers strengthen the ties with the community and keep our city safe at the same time. we're also adding $1.8 million to the police oversight through the office of citizens complaints which will increase its staff by at least four investigators and one senior investigator. the staff will be responsible for responding to any additional mandates passed by the voters to investigate all officer shootings. i acknowledge these reforms are no simple task supervisor and it requires serious effort on reform, job training, violence prevention. it requires education, housing and so much more and it does require all of us to work together. this supervisor is the end game. the community coming back together to make sure these reforms are more than just our words and that these reforms restore the trust between our police department and the communities they serve especially communities of color and i am hopeful that because we are san francisco we will come together stronger than ever and make sure we move together forward. thank you. >> supervisor mar before you move forward with your question you must make the case and ask to approve a motion to do so. >> thank you president breed. thank you mr. mayor. colleagues i have a question related to a sudden and unexpected incident that could have been anticipated on may 4 and raises a formal and time sensitive policy question that of police racism and killings and bigotry deep seated within the police department and i would like to ask a question colleagues refully on the information that is sudden and unexpected. >> supervisor mar has made a motion. is there a second? seconded by supervisor campos. madam clerk can you call the roll for the supervisor to ask the question. >> supervisor peskin. >> aye. >> supervisor tang. >> no. >> supervisor wiener. >> no. >> supervisor yee. >> aye. >> supervisor avalos. >> aye. >> supervisor breed. >> aye. >> supervisor campos. >> aye. >> supervisor cohen. >> a question are we able to get the question before -- >> i'm sorry supervisor cohen we need to move forward with the approvals first before we get the question. >> well it was unclear to me what exactly the procedure is. i don't want to grant an opportunity to ask a question if i don't consider it appropriate post may 4 so how do i know that if i don't know the question? >> [inaudible] >> the point is that any supervisor makes a reference to establish a case in order to -- >> right, you establish a case -- >> and the question can't be brought up until after the approval to allow the question to proceed is approved and if it's denied then we don't know what the question is specifically. >> point of order. point of order. point of order. >> yes? >> to the chair point of order? >> oh supervisor -- wait i'm sorry. we're in the middle of a vote so we need to finish the vote. madam clerk continue. i'm sorry. >> thank you mad at president and that is pursuant to the code and the vote is not interrupted for any purpose. supervisor cohen. >> yes. >> supervisor farrell. >> (inaudible). >> no. >> supervisor kim. >> aye. >> -- excuse me, supervisor kim aye. supervisor mar. >> aye. >> there are eight aye's and three no's. >> eight votes. a super majority is needed to ask the question. the motion passes. [gavel] supervisor mar. >> thank you. mr. mayor i am really appreciative of the progress that you cited, the reforms, the additional funding. we also received a list from president of the police commission, suzie loftus on a number of items happening but i will be frank and say respectfully it's not enough. i also wanted to say you have talked about the break down in trust of law enforcement in communities. it's not something that happened overnight. it's generations and decades. i have a question that's related to the racial justice committee of the san francisco offender's office. i was with the public defender jeff adachi and hillary ronan and danny glover and hunger strike going on with frisk koa five and the demands on the government and the board of supervisors and our office. i want to say the demand to the board of supervisors and you that we take action to address the unresolved of racial bias and big on the tree by officers of the san francisco department. i won't talk about the blue ribbon panel because i know others will. >> >> but tim rendon and the san francisco examiner raised these issues as well before us but the public defenders' office highlights the pattern and practice of city government tolerating racial misconduct while making public proclamations to the contrary and they reveal through the text messaging other -- there's a whole list that the public defender gives us including the december 2015 cell phone videos that shows 26 year old mario woods surrounded by the police department officers shot done in gunfire by five separate police officers for not responding to their command to drop a knife he held in his hand. they go on to cite the killing of latino immigrant lois gongora homeless man else also in an encampment by officers and they talk about dehumanization and define it in the letter carefully and academically as well and talking about police officers and the dehumanization of people not only based on race or socio-economic status but also immigration status, gender and other factors as well, and lastly they go on to say there's much more that could be done but co-chairs demeris and art evans and rebecca young of the committee and members of the public defenders' office and mark jacobs and -- [inaudible] francisco gularte and rebecca and others make a demand on the board of supervisors and city government will we create an independent office of citizens complaints with funding that is completely independent of the police department and the police commission funding and separate line item in the city's budget to -- they demand that the commission have a separate division of internal affairs devoted to rooting root out bigging on ree and calling for investigation into the police department of violations of the civil rights of african-american and latino americans and based on corruption and scandal by the police department which have established a pattern of civil rights abuse and violations based on race. they appreciate our time and attention and ask if we support these demands. i support the demands. will you? >> well, supervisor you have said a lot in that question, so it's very comprehensive. i am open to reviewing every one of the recommendations. i do believe that we have in fact asked the department of justice being one of your requests to come in and investigate. it wasn't the exact words that you used but we certainly opened ourselves and made it in writing to have attorney general lynch investigate the shootings and whatever else they wish to that was part of their prerogative. to this date they have not determined that to be necessary -- at least that's how i interpret the response but they haven't foreclosed on it so it remains an open question for the u.s. justice department to respond in a way in which you suggest. i believe that we are funding the office of citizens complaint. if there's a dialogue to be had about their independence i am glad to have further dialogue with this body about its true independence. i believe it's independent and it has the authority and we will provide them with the resources necessary to make sure that they have the ability to investigate every shooting as this body has already indicated it should, and that is before the voters to confirm. >> thank you supervisor mar. supervisor campos. >> thank you madam president, mr. mayor, thank you for being here and in terms of the motion of why i am asking this question and not able to present the question prior is that i am asking a question about the preliminary report that was issued by the blue ribbon panel on transparency, accountability and fairness in law enforcement. that report was first reported yesterday in the examiner. i met today with the district attorney to talk more in-depth about the report so given the timing when this came out i certainly didn't have the time, the deadline to -- could not have met the deadline to present this prior so with they make a motion that i am allowed to ask a question about the blue ribbon panel. >> supervisor campos has made a motion. is there a second? seconded by supervisor avalos. supervisor wiener. >> thank you madam president. i will beet voing against this motion for the same reason as the other motions. orderless of the actual questions -- regardless of the questions and they're reasonable questions to ask none of these questions arose after the deadline to submit questions last week. none of thee questions arose in the last six days. these are issues that have been debated within this building for many, many, many months. just last tuesday we had a huge protest in the chambers about these very issues so in terms of our own board rules the votes on the questions to me it's about are we following the rules or not? and allowing these questions that absolutely in their substance could have been anticipated if someone wanted to submit them last wednesday but people for whatever reason didn't do so and now have decided that for theater or whatever else to do it. if you wanted to ask it you could have asked last wednesday. for this particular question the district attorney presented this exact idea to me as a member of the board of supervisors i believe a month or two ago. this is not a new proposal from mr. caston. he has been talking about this budget proposal for a while. this didn't arise after wednesday so i will be voting against this question as well. >> thank you supervisor wiener and again with all due respect i think that if there wasn't the ability for us to do this then the city attorney would inform us what is possible and what isn't and at this time madam clerk can you please call the role roll on the motion. >> supervisor peskin. >> aye. >> >> supervisor tang. >> no. >> supervisor wiener. >> no. >> supervisor yee. >> aye. >> supervisor avalos. >> aye. >> supervisor breed. >> aye. >> supervisor campos. >> aye. >> supervisor cohen. >> no. >> supervisor farrell. >> no. >> supervisor kim. >> aye. >> supervisor mar. >> aye. >> there are seven aye's and four no's. >> okay. the motion fails. it needs a super majority. [gavel] . with that supervisor yee. >> so basically i'm going to be asking that i am allowed to ask a question in light of the events that occurred from friday's vandalism and people's frustration that have shown in more recent days and also because of today's announcement with the investment. the question would be very related so i look like a motion to ask the question. >> supervisor yee made a motion. is there a second? second by supervisor kim. seeing no -- supervisor wiener. >> i'm sorry. could i ask supervisor yee to repeat that because i couldn't really hear. >> supervisor yee can you please repeat the specifics of the question? >> you didn't ask anybody else -- >> [inaudible] >> we can't hear you. >> i couldn't hear what you said when you spoke. >> i know but president breed asked me to give specifics to the question -- to my question? >> supervisor wiener said he didn't hear the proposed question and i was wondering if you are willing to repeat the motion that you made? >> so basically i did not talk about -- mention what the proposed question is just the reason i didn't am asking the question is because of recent events that starting from last week in particularly friday where there was vandalism and showing a lot of frustration of people. pretty similar reasons everybody else has given and including today's announcement of the mayor's investment in comprehensive police reforms, so these are my reasons why i would like to ask the question. >> thank you. so supervisor wiener. >> thank you and thank you supervisor yee for repeating that. i actually just a point of information and i realize we're -- i presume it's the last question or close to it. i think in the future it would be appropriate to ask supervisors to state what their question is otherwise we have no way of knowing whether it is actually something that arose after the deadline and what it's lead to and we have seen it again and again today there is a pro forma reference to what happens over the weekend and followed with a question what has nothing to do over the weekend but over the last months and years and that makes a farce of our rules so i can't tell from supervisor yee's comments actually what he is going to ask so i won't be supporting this motion. >> su supervisor wiener. mr. gibner can you explain whether members of the board at the time making the motion can pose the question? >> deputy city attorney john gibner. ultimately when the board is making the motion and making four findings. >> >> one there is sudden unexpected occurrence or incident. second the members of the board couldn't have anticipated that occurrence or incident by noon last thursday and the third going to the question the incident raising formal time sensitive questions and can't be addressed at the next question time next month so it would be appropriate although not legally required for the supervisor asking the question to announce the question in advance. >> okay. so supervisor yee would you like to pose the question with your motion or would you like to allow the vote to move forward without it? >> i will allow the vote to go without since that's what we have done already for the last few. >> okay. thank you supervisor yee. madam clerk seeing no other members -- supervisor kim. >> actually supervisor peskin is before me -- (inaudible). >> his name is on the roster too to ask a specific question at a later time. >> my comment is on the motion then. i think a number of things happened since friday to inspires the board to ask questions and we couldn't have anticipated before noon on friday. we have members of the community on a hunger strike in the last weeks and submitted into the hospital on friday and then a protest occur in this building that lead to damage of property but also very strong sentiments and statements and questions that were asked over the weekend, and i can imagine that many of us may not had a question on wednesday but certainly after the weekend would like to ask certain questions on behalf of the folks that we represent here in the city. i think this situation as many members have said has been going for months but for decades in this country and here in san francisco but i think that we certainly have seen an escalation in our community demanding real answers. we want to come to a solution, not just here in this room. i know our mayor wants to come to a solution too. we all want to live in a safer community and city but this is the time and forum to do that and i urged my colleagues to allow that discussion, this incredible important discussion to happen in this board chamber in front of the public, in front of members of the public. i think this is an purnt opportunity to do that and i support supervisor yee in asking his question today. >> are there any other -- supervisor cohen. >> thank you very much. i just want to speak to my colleagues that are interested in asking questions in order to earn my support of my vote i appreciate in the motion if you would explicit and clearly state the question since you need a super majority in order to be able to ask the question. i will strongly encourage you to be as clear as possible so i can support that motion. >> okay. are there any other questions or comments on the motion? supervisor yee. >> i would like to say i'm just going to reiterate. i think i always ask those questions and if you can't trust that it's your prerogative. we told the public we're going to ask questions. if you want to block me block me. >> okay. with that madam clerk seeing no other questions or concerns on the motion can you please call the roll. >> supervisor peskin. >> aye. >> supervisor tang. >> no. >> supervisor wiener. >> no. >> supervisor yee. >> aye. >> supervisor avalos. >> aye. >> supervisor breed. >> aye. >> supervisor campos. >> aye. >> supervisor cohen. >> no. >> supervisor farrell. >> no. >> supervisor kim. >> aye. >> supervisor mar. >> aye. >> there are seven aye's and four nos and tang, wiener and cohen and farrell in the dissent. >> okay. the motion fails. [gavel] at this time i would like to recognize supervisor campos. >> i don't know if you want to go to supervisor peskin first. >> okay. >> but out of respect to the order supervisor peskin. >> did you say to the elder? >> order. i didn't mean mean that supervisor. >> supervisor peskin. >> thank you madam president, colleagues. i rise to make a motion to ask a question given the unanticipated circumstances as president breed stated arise last friday evening and also manifested in the suspension of the hunger strike and for supervisor cohen let me specifically pose the question that i would like to ask the mayor and specifically over the weekend and up until today i have reached out to a number of other civic leaders including our public defender who on saturday went and visited with the hunger strikers at san francisco -- at the hospital and then i also reached out to former mayor brown to determine whether or not those two individuals could collaborate in attempting to conduct a mediation amongst a number of partyings including but not limited to the hunger strikers and community organizations and advocates as well as the command staff of the police department and other elected officials and my question is whether our mayor would be open to having that kind of intervention by third parties including former mayor willie lewis brown and the public defender jeff adachi? >> okay. so supervisor peskin made a motion and included the question. is there a second? seconded by supervisor mar. madam clerk on the motion can you please call the roll. >> supervisor peskin. >> aye. >> supervisor tang. >> no. >> supervisor wiener. >> no. >> supervisor yee. >> aye. >> supervisor avalos. >> aye. >> supervisor breed. >> aye. >> supervisor campos. >> aye. >> supervisor cohen. >> aye. >> supervisor farrell. >> no. >> supervisor kim. >> aye. >> supervisor mar. >> aye. >> there are eight aye's and three nos with tang and wiener and farrell in the dissent. >> motion passes with a super majority of eight votes. [gavel] supervisor peskin would you like to repeat your question or would you like to add to it? okay. mr. mayor. >> thank you supervisor peskin peskin. first of all let me make sure that i place this in context. -- sir excuse me >> sir, can you please remove your sign. thank you. >> >> mr. mayor. >> i wish to say first that i support peoples' right to protest and have a position that i may disagree with but that they present themselves to the city, to every agency, to this body to make sure they're listened to and out of respect of that i did attempt to do a direct meeting with the protesters during their hunger strike at the police station. it was not welcomed and i understand that. i've also reiterated that i had concern for the health of the protesters as well and i want to make sure that's clear. i personally ordered the public health department to make sure they had an ambulance to make sure they had health officials check on the protesters every single day, and whether people believe that or not i will tell you this is what i did out of concern because a hunger strike is a serious effort by these individuals. having said that i have remained open to meeting with a number of people, everybody who wishes to meet as long as they are respectful and also have been given opportunities to meet with me and to meet with members of the police commission, the police department, the department of justice, all the different agencies that are working with this body and working with me to make sure these reforms are real, so in that context supervisor my answer is yes that i would welcome that opportunity and i will seek it out. >> thank you mr. mayor. and i may add -- >> supervisor peskin. >> let me just add that i believe both individuals would be willing to be utilized in that role. >> thank you supervisor peskin. supervisor campos. >> thank you colleagues. colleagues, i would ask for -- i make a motion to rescind the vote and then i want have an opportunity to reask my question. i'm the supervisor for district 9 which has been the focal point for a lot of what has happened so i want an opportunity if it's possible to explain why the timing is such that i could not present the question previously so i make a motion to rescind. >> supervisor campos has made a motion to rescind. seconded by supervisor cohen. colleagues can we take that without objection? the motion passes and i recognize supervisor campos to propose a motion. >> and i would like to make a motion to allow me to ask a question and the question has to do with the request from the district attorney to create a separate unit but it's actually happening in the context of the findings of this blue ribbon panel report. i will be honest with you to me this is one of the most scathing and devastating things that has come out about our police department and a lot includes and references things that happened in my district including potential stopping and frisking of citizens that i represent, so i want to have an opportunity to ask the mayor a question about that and so with all due respect i ask for your support. >> and can you specify the case for the findings and why it's imperative it happened and not brought to light as of 12:00 o'clock wednesday? >> the district attorney teab has been talking about requests but the investigation with officer involved shootings has to do with the findings of the panel and no oversight of the police department and the fact there maybe racial profiling that goes on in these communities and that to this day not a single officer who has been involved in an off involved shooting has been fired so it's in the context of that report i want to ask the question. >> thank you. the supervisor has made a motion and seconded by supervisor cohen. supervisor cohen. >> thank you. supervisor correct me if i am wrong and the culmination of the session and findings were shared yesterday? >> yes. >> thank you. >> thank you supervisor cohen. are there any questions on the motion? seeing none madam clerk can you please call the roll. >> supervisor peskin. >> aye. >> supervisor tang. >> no. >> supervisor wiener. >> no. >> supervisor yee. >> aye. >> supervisor avalos. >> aye. >> supervisor breed. >> aye. >> supervisor campos. >> aye. >> supervisor cohen. >> aye. >> supervisor farrell. >> no. >> supervisor kim. >> aye. >> supervisor mar. >> aye. >> there are eight aye's and three nos with tang, wiener and farrell in the dissent. >> okay. the motion passes with a super majority. [gavel] . supervisor campos. >> thank you madam president. mr. mayor much has been said about the blue ribbon panel which consists of three judges, two judges were who appointed by the bench by governor brown and one judge appointed to the federal bench by ronald reagan so they're folks who are respected in the community, not only in the community at large but legal circles not only of san francisco but the entire state. this plu ribbon panels released preliminary findings yesterday that -- preliminary findings that bring to light a disturbing lack of oversight and accountability in the police department especially what they describe as rouge officers. again written by these three respected judges. at the same time we have seen a number of officer involved shootings mr. mayor and in all of the officer involved shootings many have taken place in the district that i represent not a single one of those officers involved in those shootings has been terminated by the san francisco police department. in fact this district attorney blue ribbon panel report shows there is 100% increase in the number of fatal officer involved shootings in 2015, 100%. now, in response to this the district attorney wants to establish a special unit that investigates all officer involved shootings and walled off from the regular work of the district attorney's office and housed outside of the hall of justice so there is true independence. the unit would be comprised of attorneys including 16 staff investigators, paralegals. the district attorney has requested a budget of 1.9 million and quite frankly as the supervisor for district 9 in light of the scathing respect by the respected judges i hope and i ask you today mr. mayor to please give us a positive sign and say that you will support this budget request because without a truly independent investigation of officer involved shootings i am afraid that the public will no longer trust not only this police department but this city government. >> well supervisor i first of all want to make sure that everybody knows here the district attorney has that authority to investigate each and every officer involved shooting and in fact he is doing so, so that has to be on the record that the independent findings of the elected district attorney who is in charge of investigating officer involved shootings they will make that finding, the investigation is ongoing and therefore i have to wait at least until the investigations are concluded to determine whether or not something has been wrong here. having said that we are already trying to reduce those opportunities where lethal force is used and that as i explained earlier in my comments we're not only making sure that we're complying with 21st century policing at the federal standard level as well as at our commission level listening to the community and investing properly. we're making sure we're implementing those with the budget i announced today. now, i have to say that this report that was just issued my understanding from reading the news reports that's it's preliminary and therefore i haven't had the opportunity to read the report in its full documentation. i will do so and i will commit to doing so and i will make sure that our commission reads it in detail when it is actually finished, but right now i can't tell you what the report says because i haven't had the chance to read it because i understand it is only a preliminary release of it to be completed in the next few weeks at which time i will have the opportunity to read in its full with the appropriate attached documentation and have that conversation with the da around what that report means. >> supervisor campos you have the opportunity to ask a follow up question. >> i have a follow up question. mr. mayor with all due respect don't you think it sends the wrong message and on one hand you're talking about the additional money you're giving the police department but at the same time you're reluctant to give funding to the agency that provides oversight to the police department and give the wrong message to the public? >> well i didn't say that. you're privileged to put words in my mouth. i said i would read the report and make a determination based on the report. the funding we have indicated already that would go to violence prevention and police reform were the result of a package reforms that we've had a chance to review in detail with the public, with the community groups, and with everybody that wanted input. this report that you suggest has been just released. i haven't had the opportunity to review that. >> mr. mayor with all due respect i think the mayor expects to be on top of the report the day it comes out and take action. thank you. >> thank you supervisor. supervisor avalos. >> thank you. thank you president breed and thank you for being here mr. mayor. and i also have a question on top of my question on the agenda. my question is related to sudden and unexpected and unanticipated events that happened here in san francisco recently that have resulted in city hall being occupied last week and the police presence that we have that we had last week that continues to this day. we've had a number of officers that have been stationed not just inside city hall but outside as well. that must cost a great deal of money and i think that it's really important that we figure out how to deescalate the situation we're in right now. we have a huge gulf between city hall, law enforcement and the community, and we need to be able to resolve that gulf and lessen it so we have better relationships and better trust in place so we're not going to see these types of demonstration going on and see the kind of police presence that has been here at a great cost to the city and i don't believe it makes sense to wait until next month's question time to get an answer about trying to minimize costs so my question is really going to be related to that so i would like to motion they ask a question about the cost to the city and building trust and oversight. >> supervisor avalos has made a motion to propose a question. seconded by supervisor campos. is there any discussion on the motion? supervisor cohen. >> thank you. i am still unclear as to your question. >> supervisor avalos. >> my question is going to be related to the cost that we're incurring, the public oversight that we're going to need to build trust and what the mayor's plans are to build trust with the community so we're not going to see the type of huge expenditure and police presence that we have been experiencing not just around city hall but the mission district and other parts of san francisco they think take away from all the other things that we're trying to accomplish to serve people in san francisco. >> supervisor cohen. >> thank you very much. i guess my question is is your question time sensitive? >> well as i mentioned when i initially offered the question it is time sensitive because we need a plan to place to make sure we're not expending the amount of money we're currentlyex spending for making sure we have a military presence here at city hall. >> and i think i would like to add from supervisor avalos' comments i mean we only get an opportunity to do question time with the mayor once a month and so the opportunity won't come around again until a month from now, so with that seeing no other questions on the motion madam clerk can you please call the roll. >> supervisor peskin. >> aye. >> supervisor tang. >> no. >> supervisor wiener. >> no. >> supervisor yee. >> aye. >> supervisor avalos. >> aye. >> supervisor breed. >> aye. >> supervisor campos. >> aye. >> supervisor cohen. >> aye. >> supervisor farrell. >> no. >> supervisor kim. >> aye. >> supervisor mar. >> aye. >> there are eight aye's and three nos, tang, wiener and farrell are in the dissent. >> okay the motion has the super majority of eight voases. it passes. [gavel] supervisor avalos. >> thank you colleagues. thank you for allowing me to ask the question and thank you for entertaining the questions mr. mayor. before the question i want talk about some history in san francisco. in 2005-06 in the western edition we had about 15 homicides a year that happened. that was riveting and tearing apart the community. in 2006 the mayor then gavin newsom taken surplus money and moved it over to the police department and said they could use it for over time to do suppression and redeployment of officers and minimize homicides in that part of san francisco, but there was a huge out cry from the public how those monies should be spent and whether we should be using more money for over time rather than getting at funds that could support the root causes of violence in our communities and so out a month long process that involved hundreds of people we were able to reallocate the over time for prevention services that included reentry service frts jails, job employment programs, programs that provide training for people for tech. this is back ten years ago. and those programs put in place many have continued to this day and we look at having that kind of public approach to saying how we're going to spend our money for policing is being essential so today mr. mayor you announced $17.5 million are invested in reforms and violence prevention and that makes sense and i worry about giving more to the bld when they aren't using it effectively over the years and this a significant figure. how is there a transparent thoughtful process how the money is distributed? how is there public oversight so the chickens can guard the fox holes? furthermore there is a lack of trust how the san francisco police department collects and shares data. will the additional funding how will it address these concerns? will there be independent neutral auditing process for the police department coming forward? thank you. >> thank you supervisor. let me make sure i have explained this announcement a little more thoroughly. $17.5 million was announced for the next two years. 11.3 million of that will go to violence prevention programs that go directly in many cases to community organizations like road map to peace, like the ipo hiring program, like community base violence prevention as well as trauma related programs, so that's 11.3. 1.8 is directly to the office of citizens complaints and the remainder goes to the police department for training for the new bureau for the equipment and for the implicit bias training so those read three buckets that comprise that amount. i would anticipate because it is through our budget that this body will have a chance to make sure it goes to the right places. now, the agencies that will mostly receive this 11.3 are ones that have been proven to actually reduce violence among young people in particular and that for example in the interrupt predict and organize program that has been working for the last three, four years we've had invited and identified at risk youth through community based organizations and funded their ability to get trained and hired by a number of both city agencies and the private sector. that's where the money goes, community based organizations. and you're welcome to have our budget analyst which we work closely to verify that's where the money has gone and will continue to go and i agree to work closely to make sure it does in fact have the experience of reducing violence. i am committed to doing that and it is my my philosophy it's not just building a large police force but about the community oriented programs that prevent the violence and means we have to invest in youth themselves whether education, training getting ready to work, having a good job. those where the monies are going. >> supervisor avalos you have a follow up question? >> just a follow up question. i appreciate your answer. i appreciate your philosophy. one thing we have an immediate presence of around city hall a lot of protesters that have been here and big concern how we can repair relationships between city hall -- not just you but you're often the target here between yourself and communities most adverse working to city hall. >> supervisor i think it's easy to say i'm a big target. i'm a small guy so i don't know why i'm a big target but i want to say this. i think we have as elected officers of the city have a shared responsibility to reduce violence and create an avenue in which dialogue does not lead to hire tensions or violent acts or acts against property: the sheriffs and the police officers are here the number and presence simply to protect everybody, you, visitors, all of other elected federals and anybody in this building that's their purpose. having said that i will engage with this body with the board of supervisors how we can together create the kind of avenues and venues in which it doesn't lead to hire tensions and more reduced violent efforts. this is the city hall of the people of st. francis, the first amendment city. we ought to find a way together to make sure we're working together that those that are hurt as supervisor breed has said, people in pain can come and see a city that is compassion about their rights and about venues and avenues to go forward. that's my personal history and i will continue commitment to work with you supervisor and every member of the board to produce that kind of atmosphere so we can reduce the attempt to get violent. >> supervisor avalos you have an additional question? >> i have the traditional question time question so i don't think it needs an extra vote on the agenda. >> no it does not. >> thank you for the answer to the lasted question mr. mayor and the question i had on the agenda which we worked with your office on. mr. mayor on may 1 after many years of struggle and delay we find finally launched clean power sf but in order to achieve our long-term goal of creating green jobs by building out renewable energy facilities we need to quickly expand our customer base. have you signed up for clean power sf super green option? if not will you pledge to sign up? will you work with me and colleagues to expand our publicity campaign for clean power sf? can you use your extensive connections to san francisco's business community to promote clean power sf? thank you. >> thank you supervisor and i am proud to join you supervisor avalos and the entire board of supervisors celebrating the may 1 launch of clean power sf. and i know it has taken a while to reach this historic milestone but we wanted make sure we got this right and san franciscans are ultimately the beneficiaries of the program. as you know the previous clean power sf program that i was strongly against for the variety of reasons. number one, it was administered by a oil company, a dirty power provider that manipulated the energy market during the energy crisis in the year 2000. number two, it did not have the majority of the renewable electricity from the bay area or the state and number 3, it didn't have a strong job creation plan. well today's program that i and this board support is light years ahead of the previous program. our default clean power sf product now costs less and delivering san franciscans cleaner energy. our renewable energy content is all bundled and coming directly from the bay area like the shilo wind farm located in solano county and lastly our program is now administered by the city work force at the san francisco public utilities commission. a report by lafco today estimates that approximately 300 jobs are created out of the first 50-megawatts of enrollment and the potential scaling up to over 9700 jobs upon full city enrollment. i don't believe any of this would have been possible under the previous contract with the oil company and i believe that is why we're currently seeing opt out rates at near zero. so i want to thank the board of supervisors. i want to thank the members of lafco and the public utilities commission and the staff and the many stakeholders for their steadfast commitment in helping our city reach this major milestone. supervisor i too have signed up for the 100% renewable energy through the clean power sf super green option, an option i am proud to say i had something to do with naming. i am doubling down and exploring options on installing solar panels on my house and gets where we want to. >> with clean power sf, a clean energy future that creates local clean jobs. we've already had huge successes in this area during the first enrollment phase which is specifically tartionets targeting small and medium businesses in san francisco. of those enrolled less than 1% opted out of the commercial customers. that's a great sign. sfpuc will partner with experienced multilingual teams canvassing on the next enrollment phase. in addition to educating about zero waste they will educate people around the clean power sf and combine them all together. and while we plan to enroll residents in district 5 and eight i want to remind everyone in the room today that anyone in san francisco can sign up for clean power sf today by visiting clean power the deadline for our next enrollment is august 1 for november enrollment so please don't miss the deadline. it's very easy to do so join the board and enroll in clean power sf and go to their website and no better time than to sign up. thank you supervisor. >> thank you. i would like to thank my colleagues and the mayor and members of the public for allowing the first time i believe allowing the board an opportunity to use this particular ordinance to engage in what i believe is an appropriate conversation to have with the mayor on a pressing subject matter. it is clear from the proposed questions that this board is definitely going to do everything it can to hold the mayor and the police department accountable to change. we know it's not perfect. we know we have more work to do and each and every one of us is committed to doing that work in order to move our city forward and bring our community, this board and law enforcement together. we still have a lot of work to do to ensure public safety and we're all very committed doing that work so thank you to everyone and thank you for being here mr. mayor. [applause] and thank you for the one person that agrees with what i said. [laughter] with that madam clerk can we please move on our agenda. >> items one -- 2-7 comprise the consent agenda and considered routine and if a member can be removed and considered separately. >> seeing none madam clerk can you call the roll. >> supervisor peskin. >> aye. >> supervisor tang. >> aye. >> supervisor wiener. >> aye. >> supervisor yee. >> aye. >> supervisor avalos. >> aye. >> supervisor breed. >> aye. >> supervisor campos. >> aye. >> supervisor cohen. >> aye. >> supervisor farrell. >> aye. >> supervisor kim. >> aye. >> supervisor mar. >> aye. >> there are 11 aye's. >> these items are finally approved and passed unanimously. [gavel] madam clerk item number 8 please. >> item 8 is a charter amendment second draft to amend the charter to sixteen and seventeen-year-old voting in municipal elections at election november 8, 2016. >> supervisor avalos. >> thank you madam president. i will not speak long on this but most of all i wanted to thank you colleagues for sharing our board chamber with the youth commission. i want to thank the youth commission for them present for the discussion of the charter amendment to extend voting in the municipal elections to 16 and 17 year olds. i thought it was most incredible experiences i've had in the board chamber to have a lot of young people school us about the work they do in san francisco making our city a better place and how they want to have greater responsibility in their effort to make san francisco a better place as well. we also had another avalos in the board chamber, the chair of the youth commission and that was super exciting to share the space with them. i just wanted to thank adele carpenter the director of the youth commission as well as shelly who was brought on to run the youth academy doing the work of educating other young people about this measure and i expect will be turned into some effort to help convince the people of san francisco to put this on the ballot but san francisco regardless of whether this measure is approved or not is starting a trend that will happen across the country where cities like ours will consider whether the young people are can actually vote in their elections in a municipal way so just want to say thank you for the youth commission. i also want to thank my staff member jeremy pollock for the work on this and colleagues i appreciate your putting your namings as cosponsors for the measure and indicating that you will vote for the measure and this is a historic day when it's on the ballot. thank you very much. >> thank you supervisor avalos. supervisor farrell. >> thank you president breed and colleagues. i appreciate the heart felt discussion around this proposal and the advocacy. i do agree we have a number of talented youth in our city that fight for change everyday and the youth commission and hearing last week is certainly a testament to that. you know we provide opportunities to engage in the city everyday and with the community in every neighborhood. there are opportunities at the youth commission, other advisory bodies through the legislative process and youth engagement is happening here in san francisco and will occur for generations. after all it's san francisco and our residents and youth are engaged certainly compared to other places i think we've visited and as we should. it should be a priority for everyone, not just the city government, for schools and infrastructure that youth are growing up and influenced by and it's important and i know this proposal has the votes to qualify for november and ultimately the decision will lie with the voters of san francisco but i want to articulate a few concerns from my perspective. first i think the age limits that we've imposed both through the federal and local governments are incredibly inconsistent and truthfully don't make sense from a macro perspective. we just increased the tobacco age to 21 which i supported. drive at 16, serve in the military at 18 and drink at 21 and now lower the voting age to 16. of course i think we can make arguments if you can drive you can vote and make counter arguments and the government can trust you to vote they can trust you whether you should use tobacco or not. the question of voting is much more consequential. the solution for this from my perspective uniform across the board at the federal level whatever the ages are but to have a patchwork system from my perspective doesn't make sense and as engaged i was at 16 year's old our dinner table was full of political conversations i wasn't ready to vote and didn't bother me. i was worried about getting a drivers license and playing baseball and get a date to the prom. voting simply wasn't on my mind and it wasn't on my radar screen to be an informed voter but i did struggled with this decision and particularly through the hearing last week the commissioners that spoke were incredibly eloquent and i want to say also even though she voted in dissent and how proud i am of the commissioner lily marshal -- [inaudible] and amazing youth commissioner and proud to support her as commissioner and should be the priority of the federal government and i know it has the votes to head to the ballot in november. i appreciate everyone's advocacy on this but i'm not going to support lowering the voting age today. >> thank you supervisor farrell. supervisor cohen do you rise? >> [inaudible] thank you very much. so first of all i want to recognize supervisor avalos for -- hello -- for putting the motion before us to sit as a joint body with the youth commission and the board of supervisors. i initially was against this. i voted against this endeavor but i want to publicly say i enjoyed the experience tremendously and i got a lot out of the discussion chairing my desk with my youth commissioner and upon discussion had the opportunity to know her better and she got the experience to experience first hand what life is like on this side of the rail and incredible valuable experience and i applaud the wisdom and foresight for allowing or forcing us to sit as a committee and for this hearing. that was very good. i want to commend the commissioners had had the opportunity to sit for hours and experience life as a member of the board of supervisors. i think it was a valuable experience for them and recognize the leadership of the youth commissioners. i want give a little bit personal history. before i was a member of the board of supervisors i grew up in san francisco and before there was a youth commission there was a forum and the predecessor of the youth commission and when mayor frank jordan was the mayor and through that experience of working and interning at hrc and having informational introduce with the board of supervisors i was able to function with a clear reality about what my life's goals were and in high school that helped shape myself as a supervisor as i am today but also cultivate the leadership so i can connect with the desire to lower the voting age to 16 or 17. i do have a couple of concerns that i am happy to discuss. last week in the debate i certainly asked and raised questions how much this would cost? we haven't done the due due. i understand it's a hearing and didn't have finite or a range of numbers to consider but one thing i walked away from the conversation there is a cost associated with this proposed ordinance and i don't say that that i shy away from spending money unnecessarily but i don't want to be naively optimistic on something that has a cost where dollars can go and allocation towards other city services. i believe that there are some very serious legal implications. i touched on this last week and impediments to passing this chart amendment. the charter sets the requirements for who can vote and not local legislators. an argument was made that was very interesting they heard one of the youth commissioners say "yes, we can -- we're in the middle of a transition period going to college, moving away but i want to say we're always in a transition period and not just at 18 and certainly not at 16. when the parents pass away as an adult that's a major transition. when we get married it's another transition and have children and our lives are filled with transitions and doesn't carry the weight why to lower the voting age. more importantly supervisor farrell mentioned something that was very critical and talked how this body unanimously took a vote several months ago to raise the smoking age to 21. now i am concerned that we're being inconsistent with the message and development because at this same podium young people came and they voiced their concerns and said we want you to raise the smoking age and let's be clear we're in line with a trend happening across the country, the state of hi walky and boston and others have raised the age to 21 so we want to lower the age to vote to 16 but we're raising the age to purchase tobacco to 21. okay. here's another one. now this is the one that i am concerned of. juvenile justice advocates have expressed a concern that we already lock too many kids and i am afraid if we lower the voting age one could make a argument when a juvenile commits a crime they're able and mature enough -- since mature enough to vote they're now mature to face tougher penalties and that's a critical question that wasn't addressed in the presentation and we have a disproportionate rate of african-american males and latinos locked up and being tried as an adult so i think it's a very slifly slope with the argument if one can vote one should be able to stand trial so that's something i do want you to consider, and if this measure were to go forward i would love safeguards that would ensure if 16 year olds can vote we don't prosecute as adults and in solitary confinement and in adult facilities for the crime they have committed so i wanted to be open and transparent about the concerns. i won't be supporting this measure. i think that it's noble and a good idea but in terms of actually the application of it i am just not in favor television. thank you. >> thank you supervisor cohen. >> >> supervisor mar. >> thank you president breed. i will just say come on supervisor cohen. this is about expanding democracy. it's about civil rights, voting right for the womens' suffrage movement to immigrant rights and expanding democracy so more people have a say in government. as the only person on the body that has a 16 year old i know she's ready as many youth that testified and the coalition of vote 16 not just san francisco but in this country and tacoma and mar land and other cities and expanding democracy and this valley and the bay view that has the lowest turn out gives a voice and allows the young people ready to be part of the process to cast that vote but also to organize their communities to raise awareness and for others. as supervisor avalos mentioned thank the peopla that showed up at the hearing and the richmond district and the study body president and all of the students at balboa and local and all the -- lowell and all the students that came out and standing up for rights and 18, 19 year olds did during the anti-war movement and right to vote it's implesessive how they presented to as well and they can be rooted in the communities to really make changes positive that for the immigrant families and making a change in their communities so i applaud the youth commission and supervisor avalos and the growing movement around the country. we in san francisco can really make a difference and i am thankful for of us putting on ballot and hopefully impacted in the neighborhoods and communities and thank you to supervisor avalos and the youth commission. >> thank you. supervisor wiener. >> thank you very much madam president. you know there are some policy proposals that look good at first glance and the more you learn and talk and study them the worse they look. this measure is exactly the opposite. i will be honest when this first came out my initial knee jerk reaction before i reviewed research on it was not favorable but the more i learned about the proposal, the more i read about it and saw the experiences in other countries that have lowered voting age to 16, the more i talked to youth and to young people who are a little older than the 16, 17 year time range the more i came to support this measure. this is good public policy. there are so many 16 and 17 year olds who are ready to vote and who will be passionate intelligent thoughtful voters. you know i mentioned lasted week or two weeks ago -- or last week i guess it was that a little is not the best -- a little is . >> >> age for voting and those that deny climate change and that the president is a citizen but looking at the issues of the day and whether we continue to veer towards the consequences of climate change, whether we're going to actually have functioning infrastructure in this country, whether we're going to have an economy where young people are able to have an economic future in our country, whether we're going to have social security sustainable not just in the next five, ten years but next 50 or hundred years, whether we have will clean air and forests in the future. these issues impact our kids and when we have people who are 16, 17 yield who are capable of making intelligent decisions in the voting booth. >> >> and profounding impacted by the issues i think it makes all the sense in the world to extend the franchise to them. i feel the need to respond as the author to tobacco 21 to the comments from my colleagues. we were very clear and if you look at the movement to raise the age to 21 for tobacco it has nothing to do with the idea that young people don't have the intellectual capacity on whether to smoke. it's because cigarettes are worse for young developing bodies and brains than they are for older people that cigarettes having longer term and worse consequences for people 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 years old than 25 or 30 years old. cigarettes are more attractive for young people than older people and if you start smoking as a teenager you're likely to be addicted for life than starting at 25 or 30 so it wasn't about whether we trust young people to make a decision. it was purely about the science and the public health literature that shows definitively that they're worse for young people so this is really apples and oranges although i understand the very superficial attractiveness of saying we have one age for this and one age for that. we need to make the decisions on their own merits and i think it makes sense to change the voting age to 16. >> thank you supervisor wiener. supervisor avalos. >> thank you. i really appreciate supervisor wiener's comments about vote 16 and about discussing comparing youth voting at early age to youth being denied tobacco until 21 years of age. that's a public health issue dealing with public health and i actually never quite heard the argument as well as i heard it from supervisor wiener right now so i want to thank you for putting that out there. this is also not a measure that is about redefining adulthood and the privileges that adults have. this measure is about extending democracy, about increasing voter turnout, about enfranchisement, about making sure that people from a earlier age can be consistent lifelong voters and that's what the youth commission was able to really make such an impactful way last week when they were here that this measure is about getting more people into voting at an earlier age. i thought it was so well done how they made the argument and the entire frame they worked from to put it forward and we heard it and i wanted to thank the youth commission and josh cardenas commissioner from district 11 and the commission asked me to carry it through the board of supervisors and extend the work from the board of supervisors and voting today. thank you. >> thank you supervisor avalos. supervisor kim. >> i wanted to express my very strong support for the charter amendment that is before us today, and one of the points made earlier as to why not to support this measure i think is the reason we should support the measure. the fact that 16 and 17 year olds can be tried as adults and thrown in solitary confinement they should vote and have a say on the criminal justice policy. in fact many policies that impact young people end up on state ballot measures. a example is prop 21 back 2000 and young people have a say on tried as adults in the system and governor brown has a measure proposing major change to the juvenile justice system and judges should decide whether they're tried as adults versus prosecutors. now this measure isn't going to change their ability to vote on state measures but it's certainly an example how we on an annual basis put measures forward that hymn r impact them and should have a voice and all of the issues and rehabilitate schools and the renewal of proposition 30 and money is coming into the schools, the ability to make city college free in san francisco or funding for muni and lacks access to cars and vehicles. shouldn't they have a say whether the city increases revenue for muni? one of the missions as representatives is amplify the voice of the people and ease participation in the democratic process. this was a debate with rent choice voting and one reason i support it in most elections we see the turn out is greater in november than a run off. the one exception is the mayor's race both in 1999 and 2003 we saw greater turn out in the run off than the general election. that is a reason to maybe shift that system for the mayor's race but certainly not for other races. i think the board consistently looked at how do we increase turn out? the community is stronger when more informed and when more people participate in the process to make the decisions that impact all of us and this measure will do that. one, it will increase the universe of those that can vote on issues that impact them on a daily basis but two we have seen the data and evidence from other countries that allow young people to vote and increase participation in the long-term. we know that 18-30 year olds have lowest voter anticipation in the world. that is unacceptable and we should make it easier to vote for them and there is evidence they're likely to participate in the future if they vote in school when in a stable environment in the homes and families and communities when learning civic participation and government their junior and senior year of high school and on top of that we have the full support of the board of education. in fact they went out of their way to make sure they support vote 16 but they would support curriculum and programming in all of our public high schools to ensure that 16 and 17 year olds are ready to vote so not only put forward this question before the voters but prepare young people through a public infrastructure to ensure they're ready to vote. i think for all of these reasons this measure is incredibly important and colleagues i encourage to you support this today. >> thank you supervisor kim. supervisor yee. >> thank you president breed. i would like to encourage that you all support this measure. as i mentioned last week i believe that and the research has shown that when you start early in any of the activities that you're involved with you will continue and have a stronger bonding for those activities and certainly voting, taking part in voting is one of those. i mentioned also that in my own program in the district which is the participatory budgeting i allowed 16 year old to vote on that with the same idea they make the decisions and get involved now they will care more about the neighborhoods they will live in and i think we allow for our 16, 17 year olds to vote early that they too will also care more about the neighborhoods they live in, the city they live in and so forth. some arguments i have been hearing that people give in regards to "oh my goodness how can we let them?" i have been around long enough to actually i heard the same arguments in the 70's when the age for voting was actually 21 and people said "oh how could you? a 19 year old, a 20 year old, 18 year old -- how could we allow them to vote? how ridiculous that could be? after all our country is about 21 year old." i am glad the majority of people didn't believe that and the result is great in terms of letting those younger to vote and as we learn more and more from other countries that the impact is very positive and my own experience for younger adults, younger people is that they're very capable. not only are the youth commissioners that we have seen capable but when you talk to people -- when you talk to students that are in high school and i engage with them a lot, not only because i'm on the board of supervisors but all my life i have been working with youth that they're very capable of making decisions. they're very capable of asking good questions. even elementary school -- i am not saying they should be voting for this, but when they come into my office and engage with me they ask very good questions, so should is what i am seeing and maybe it's my experience how i relate to younger people. i like to put it on the ballot and if that's the experience of most of the adults that vote right now then we will win this particular measure. >> thank you supervisor yee. supervisor campos. >> thank you. i will be very brief and thinking about this as supervisor cohen laughs at that statement. you know i think that those of us who are voting age, 18 and older, would have a point if maybe things as we have handled them were in better shape. you look at where the 18 year old and olders have brought our city. we have thousands of people on the street. we have a police department that is not trusted by many communities. you have families being pushed out. at the national level those that are 18 year old and older for one major party are about to nom dpait nomidate donald trump to be the nominee so i don't think 18 year olds and older have a lot to brag about and if you gave them a chance chances are they would do a much better job than we would. so that's i didn't am supporting it and an important fact the more people vote the less likely they're to be incarcerated and for that reason alone we should try to move this forward as quickly as possible. thank you. >> thank you supervisor campos and seeing no other names on the roster i was hesitant about supporting this but i do think given some of the great arguments made by many youth commissioners and people that testified last week i was very impressed and i do think we should give the voters an opportunity to decide and with they will be supporting it. madam clerk on this particular item can you please call the roll. >> on item 8, supervisor peskin. >> aye. >> supervisor tang. >> aye. >> supervisor wiener. >> aye. >> supervisor yee. >> aye. >> supervisor avalos. >> aye. >> supervisor breed. >> aye. >> supervisor campos. >> aye. >> supervisor cohen. >> no. >> supervisor farrell. >> no. >> supervisor kim. >> aye. >> supervisor mar. >> aye. >> there are nine aye's and two nos can cohen and farrell in the dissent. >> okay the charter amendment will be submitted. [gavel] . all right. it is pass 330. we have special commendations and at this time before we move to our asian pacific islander commendation period i would like to recognize supervisor wiener. >> thank you very much madam president. colleagues today -- i will let folks clear from the chambers. >> please exit quietly. thank u and congratulations to all of the youth that came out for the item today. >> thank you. madam president and colleagues i have the privilege of honoring a merchant in my district who is retiring after many decades, great service to our community, gary weise, owner of a unique flower shop in the castro who isingly the business isingly selling the business after 32 years and began the business near stones town in 1975. after that he moved the shop to the current location on market street in castro and noe and met his partner and husband and the shop wind windows were a topic of conversation and saw it when you walked by and floral arrangements that were art work and tour buses stopped to take a look at it. after 41 years of being in the flower business he is looking forward to retirement and the business will be around for the next generation and a leader in the community beyond his business. he is the president of [inaudible] hite neighbors and on the neighborhoods association in the area and instrumental role in transforming the corbet slope into a community garden and park slight fixture and leader in the area and someone we rely on the work that we do. >> >> so gary it's my great pleasure to honor you and thank you for everything that you do and i know we haven't seen anywhere near the end so congratulations. thank you. [applause] >> thank you. good afternoon members of the board and president breed and supervisor wiener for this monor. as the decades pass you swim with the current or in my case against it. you hope people appreciate what you do and have done. i am honored by this acknowledgment. i would like to make a small plug for small business if i may. for obvious reasons and lately we rve preserving housing for working class people of san francisco. what hasn't been discussed enough is the extinction of small businesses priced out and replaced by big name chains. you have walked in neighborhoods full of character with unique interesting stores. unless you happen to be in the one rare neighborhoods that banned formula retail you will see fewer small businesses. vacancy exhaustion is what residents and merchants experience when a store front is vacant for a long time. those that - prefer small businesses do this and the businesses on upper market is priced on downtown prices and 3,000 to 4,000 square feet and twice that small businesses need and afford. most remain empty. most property managers aren't concerned. vacancy exhaustion will set in. with no rent control we will see more formula businesses just as we're seeing now without encouraging more affordable housing and prevent all of the artists and teachers and florists from leaving town and i hope there is a way not to prevent small business from dying out in san francisco and thank you for listening and thank you very much for this honor. [applause] >> and gary thanks for the help in saving the flower mart. >> thank you gary and congratulations and thank you so much for acknowledging that we must do more for small businesses in the city and county of san francisco. i couldn't agree with you more. thank you and congratulations. okay colleagues it is now time to do our asian pacific american heritage month honorees and i know that each member of the board of supervisors has someone very special that we would like to honor today. we will be going in the order of roll call but at this time i would like to acknowledge supervisor mar to provide opening remarks to set tone for the occasion. >> thank you president breed. i'm going to be extremely brief, cut to the chase. thank you. thank you. thank you to clateen chang and the members of the heritage planning committee for every year for 12 years really putting so much time and effort to celebrating the diversity of the asian pacific islander communities and honorees. i wanted to say that the co-chairs this year have been from japantown rishard harsh motto and nancy and thomas lee as well. apa heritage is really critical as we move forward as a city not only celebrating pride and heartage and struggles against displacement and empowerment for the asian pacific islander communities. this year as the committee identified its several historic milestones one is the 40th anniversary of the san francisco soul sister communities and the asian art museum and the anniversary of japantown. i also want to acknowledge we passed as a board a few meetings ago the first tuesday of may will be a celebration here at this board of supervisors of asian pacific american heritage month and provide these commendations but because of last week different issues we pushed to this meeting. i wanted thank my colleagues for cosponsoring that legislation that passed unanimously. with they think it's about the milestones and these leaders that we are honoring today and thank you president breed for accommodating the awardees today. thank you. >> thank you supervisor mar and with that we will move forward with recognition gz the first supervisor on roll call. supervisor mar unless you want to acknowledge the person you have here to provide an award to. >> yeah, i will -- yeah, i would love to go first. >> of course you would. anybody here would love to go first but i will recognize since you organized the event supervisor mar please. >> thank you. colleagues my honoree is irene diacollier, a long time resident and education leader in the city. she is here. please come here and here with her husband another educator and long-term residents of richmond rarely get acknowledged for the maze work she's done. sheets' retired san francisco unified school district teacher and i believed kindergarten teacher to my legislative aid as well. she's been a champion in the field of access to bilingual education and the fight for language equality and the struggle for asian american studies and built organizations of chineses teachers and other organizations. it was national teacher recognition day last week and i wanted just to acknowledge her amazing story. she immigrated to the u.s. from china and learned english from sink or swim methods and a traumatic experience that many young immigrant students deal with but became a leader with commitment to language equality and struggle for the communities and francisco middle school and galileo school and san francisco state university. there is a new third world liberation front at san francisco state campus she was a striker from 1968 and 69 along with malcolm as well and found her voice as an activist at the time and as daughter of a seamstress fought for better conditions in the communities and -- and she was a curriculum writer for many different projects of chinese american history and asian american history. she worked on the establishment of the first chinese immersion program where supervisor yee's children went and the my niece goes there as well and no one of thought the program would succeed but blossomed into alice fong yu and prop to the founders of the program. she is dedicated toed chinese teachers and amazing community grouch teachers and educators that exist through count little hours of. >> >> countless hours of teacher and others raising money scholarship for youth to the high school every year supporting many young leaders and have become teachers over the years. though she is retired she spends hours with teachers and educators and she and others took a heroic effort to analyze many different textbooks and educational books to align it with the core curriculum and they gathered every single book from the bay area libraries and personal collections as well to help focus teachers and bring different resources so that excellent books and resources were tied to the curriculum so it helps with academic achievement for young leaders -- young learners. she has a lit and one of the teachers from presidio middle school and taught stories of gig lamesh and others in her class. with her daughter she published crossing boundaries and bibliographies for asian pacific islander heritage month. a week after national teacher appreciation day i wanted to thank her for so much of the work and i present richmond district, district 1 honoree for asian pacific american heritage month. [applause] >> thank you supervisor mar. thank you to the board of supervisors. i came to this country 63 years ago without a penny in my pock get without a world of english on my lips and thanks to my many teachers i have become who i am today so thank you very much to our teachers and i am very proud today to accept this award, not just for myself on behalf of the many of the teachers that spend countless hours and if i may i need to have a few moments of your time. first of all even though you can say that i am a success story we have many, many students asian american students, asian pacific islander students who are not succeeding in this city. although the percentages are amazing and everyone looks at the percentages of students who succeed and say wow and then they look at our small numbers. 17% are at the bottom quartile but whether we look at actual numbers are we doing well or not? when we look at the actual numbers, the actual numbers of asian pacific islander students who are failing exceed the number of african-american students who are also at the bottom quartile and few resources are given to asian pacific islander students so sometimes percentages do not tell the entire story. the second point i would like to make is that there are only nine books on the state exemplar list for the common core dealing with asians and asian pacific islanders and so this year as supervisor mar mentioned we brought some very, very good books and we showed them to teachers this year so we hope we can get more books actually into our schools and into our libraries and some of them tell a war in cambodia and vietnam and within our own country and how people were able to recover and rebuild from those experiences. the last part i would like to mention is we often mention that we are having trouble hiring teachers, and yet sometimes even when we have qualified candidates they wait for a very long time before they're contacted for interviews so we have plane issues still appearing before us, and i would like to thank supervisor mar for selecting a teacher for his district and thank you for a chance to say to talk about some of the issues that we're still working on today so thank you very much. [applause] >> thank you and congratulations. and at this time i would like to recognize the supervisor from district 4 for her commendations, supervisor katy tang. >> thank you very much. will stella please come on up so i would like first thank all. honorees who made it today in city hall. >> >> i know many came last week and unfortunately weren't able to participate in the ceremony and thank you for everyone here on behalf of for being here. stella is a wonderful staff for the elderly for 14 years and the center coordinator at [inaudible] senior center so what she does is amazing. they're a group of 80 seniors that go there every weekday and they go and they have meals together but more importantly than that they're actually sharing time with each other socializing, learning new skills getting assistance with paperwork bills they receive that they have trouble reading so i have gone to the senior center on many occasions and seen how lively your whole bunch is over there and so recently we actually did an ipad training class and they were engaged wanting to learn them and take selfies and pictures of each other and what stella does with the seniors on a daily regular basis is important to make sure that the seniors are active members of the community so stella has also lead senior wellness classes and ranging from arthritis to chronic disease prevention and graduated 120 seniors so far that program. she moved from hong kong in 2002 and started a self help for the elderly back in 2003 and worked at the chinatown office and move to the senior center so i know in her free time she enjoys social dance, singing karaoke with the seniors at the center and i hope you continue serving the seniors for many years to come thank you so much so for the service to the community. [speaking foreign language] [applause] >> my name is stella. i am pleased to be here and honored to be nominate d by the supervisor as the honoree. i am an immigrant from hong kong and came to san francisco in 2002 and working for 14 years and it's a community based organization committed and promoting independent and self [inaudible]. i same persons with the self help and enjoy serving the asian community especially low income and hard to serve population. we provide nutritious meals and multicultural and services to the seniors and help themselves and others. being a immigrant of chinese i serve them with their language and understand their needs and concerns and try to best improve their well being. from my work i can tell it's satisfying and meaningful. i find it rewarding when the senior opens up the story of their life and family. having each other in the center and the client -- becomes a friend with me. finally i would like to express a big thank you to supervisor tang for her nomination and another big thank you for the elderly to give me the opportunity to work with the seniors and be here today but the biggest thank you to our seniors from the senior center who came here to support me today. thank you so much. [applause] >> thank you very much stella. i would like to invite all of the seniors to come up for a photo. [speaking foreign language] >> okay. please come up. >> thank you and congratulations. [applause] >> okay supervisor wiener you're up. >> thank you very much madam president. today i will be honoring miriam chen who is the board chair of asian pacific islander community center. she is unfortunately ill so the executive director of the community center will be accepting on her behalf. she immigrate to the u.s. and got degrees in the u.s. after graduating she returned home to san francisco to serve as executive director for chinatown resources development center, a non-profit organization providing vocational esl and employment development training for immigrants in san francisco. she went on to cofound a financial it company headquartered in san francisco and providing services to fortune 500 companies in the u.s. japan and china. her next business venture was in 2006 established a technology development center in china. in 2009 she initiated rmb $20 billion investment to develop the world's largest water show in china with an entertainment group. today she is a consultant to the cities in china with the ultimate goal to generate more investments benefiting her hometown of san francisco. for the last years her passion has been serving as board member and now chair of the board of asian pacific american community center which is a non-profit community based organization in visitacion valley. with the tenure of help with the terrific executive director and team of talented and committed board members she doubled the budget of the organization tripled the clients served all the while gaining respect and recognition of both the community and the organization's sponsorses. she directed staff and spirited the board to bridges with other associations and unite citizens regardless of ethnicity and language and view. last year the organization served over 2500 clients provided over 100 toys to under privileged children, holiday turkeys and distributed bags with groceries to low income families and with three part time staffers and dedicated volunteers. miriam has a big personality to say the least. her pleasments wouldn't be achievable without the motto never take no as an answer and supervisor cohen has worked with her and vouch with what i said and an honor to honor today and i am sorry she is sick. >> thank you supervisor and she is very accomplished woman and she is an amazing boss as well. up until the last minute she keeps telling me what to say and to do. especially wanted to thank you supervisor wiener and supervisor cohen for your support. without your support in our community we couldn't accomplish all the stuff that supervisor wiener listed today but she wanted me to read something. i am very honored and humbled to be recipient of the ars ward from the office and speaks of the hard work of the board and staff members and visitacion valley which we serve. our organization did manage successfully to turn the corner the past couple of years but all the good work couldn't have been accomplished without everyone's effort and support of supervisor cohen and scott wiener so i thank you very much for the award and we have folks from our community that wanted to come up here as well too. i'm not sure -- [inaudible] did you want to say a few words in chinese? no. okay. that's okay. i think she's a little shy today, so -- all right. they want to take a photo. >> [inaudible] >> thank you. >> if i could everyone looking this way. >> thank you and congratulations. so at this time i would like to recognize supervisor avalos. >> thank you. i would like to call up tiffany yang. so we're honoring people today who are helping to provide a voice for asian pacific comern american community and promoting issues of important to the community and promoting civic engagement of asian pacific americans and when i saw what the categories were i thought immediately of tiffany ying. tiffany has -- she's spent the better part of teenage years active with the common roots program, the chinese progressive association and as a fellow focusing on ending the prevalence of a politicallism in youth and environmental racism and injustices in the community and world. after she created from george washington high school she grew experience in political experience in allegheny college in pennsylvania and majored in political science and continued her activism in social justice issues as a sustainability advocate and leader and the community wellness garden project and active member and president of the asian student union. after graduating in 2013 she has returned to san francisco and the chinese progressive association as a community organizer, coordinates the common roots program which she came out of and develops cross cultural solidity deepens youth understanding and social and political issues facing the community and grow the leadership skills hopefully creating more of her in the world. before i got to city hall i recall that there was a community meeting that happened in the neighborhood of the bookman center and at united methodist and about the changes to the m line and at that time there was hundreds of people that came to the meeting, many from the chinese community, and there was no translation to help explain the changes that being proposed for the m line early on and running for office in 2008 i recognized that there was a huge need to be able to grow the civic participation and the connectness of the growing chinese community in the neighborhood and we have been working on establishing community garden on brotherhood way. it's called scientister hood farms and we had a great experience and she's lead the community outreach effort uniting people in the community all across the different groups and making sure that members of the asian and chinese community are part of the process to help and design what the community garden will look like and what is interesting about the process as well across brotherhood way from another part of the city that is not district 11 there were people who have been trying to drive their own vision of what the project would be, and it's much different than what the community on the other side of brotherhood way is trying to do. it's because we've had a great process that tiffany helped to lead that we have a really beautiful design going forward and we just broke ground on that design just about three weeks ago and it was great to see the full diversity of the community that was there to be there for this garden that will be for everyone who lives around the area including the people across brotherhood way that doesn't like the design to begin with so that has been what is great about the participation of tiffany and chinese progressive association and other groups like them in san francisco that we have been able to grow the voice of people that felt shut out of the political process so i want to say i am so thankful for your work and presence in the area and you have been bringing the voice and incredible success and a great learning experience along the way and i look forward working with you in the coming seven months they will have here but you will be go much longer with the work so thank you very much so much. >> thank you. so thank you everyone. [applause] i wanted to thank the board of supervisors for allowing me to be part of this cohort of folks celebrated for the api heritage month and especially thank supervisor avalos and his staff breath and francis for supporting me in my development these past years in district 11. you have all helped me grow immensely by sharing with me the history of district 11, all the different dynamics and people and i want to thank my cpa family for helping me understand the great need in organizing and growing our presence in the xex sesessor and omi neighborhood. i am excited as supervisor avalos mentioned we're about to see two community farms breaking ground this year. >> >> i am excited we're working on people's voice survey campaign to capture and understand the community's needs and working and housing access to working and work conditions and to be able to be part of a diverse collaborative that just launched a work force hub in the excelsior and i am proud because i organized and involve over 30 mono lingual chinese neighbors and seniors and my dad in that horde and -- sorry -- seniors in leadership activities. and finally i wanted to say it's such a great honor to work and organize in district 11 because that's where i developed my deep roots in my family lived there for a long time. i played and lived on the same streets since my dad and mom bought a moment in the area in 1988 and i don't think there's a better way to ground myself here than to finish fighting to keep san francisco and especially district 11 a thriving and affordable place for working class immigrant families. thank you. [applause] >> thank you and congratulations. now i would like to recognize supervisor from district 7 supervisor norman yee. >> thank you president breed. first of all i want to thank supervisor mar for his opening remarks for the celebration in the month of the apa and i also wanted to acknowledge the asian art museum and the chinese cultural center for the contributions to the celebration. they generously gave gifts of annual membership to each of our 11apa month honorees and we hope that they as well as their families and friends will enjoy the rich cultural offerings of the art museum and the cultural center and congratulations to the rest of the honorees but today a special honoree comes from district 7 and her name is terry carson and the branch manager of the west portal branch library so come on up. i am proud to honor her for the 25 years serving the san francisco public library system in over 25 branchs -- i don't know how you did that, 25 branches. currently leading the west portal branch for ten years and prior to that the richmond branch. in all her roles she uses bilingual skills for the communities access to all of the library and communities multicultural resources. among the accomplishments she has lead roles in managing several key community partnerships such as the laptop lending program and the summer reading. she is also one that i have seen over and over again leading many of the community activities that happens in the west portal area. i especially want acknowledge the leadership she shows with staff and community. this is what some of your staff had to say about you terry. terry is calm, thoughtful and effective leader. particularly skilled at resolving intense situations with confrontational patrons. you wouldn't have too many; right? in a firm but yet sensitive way. another comment "she is great in getting things done and making things happen. terry has a talent for crafting" which i didn't know about which she shares with the community and leading the popular adult craft lessons. she is extremely patient and always explains how to e reader to first time users in a kind and clear way. you must have a lot of patience. she often goes the extra mile to do something special to individually appreciate her staff members and here's another staff comment "she cares about the staff and patrons and the greater community." these comments come from the staff means a lot, just shows the type of leader you are. you give not only to the liar staff but also to the community. >> >> and more importantly terry always leads the people she with us happier before she came. >> oh thank you. >> i am honored to present this apa heritage month commendation to terry for the contributions that spread the joy and love and learning of reading to so many people in san francisco. her leadership and passion to further literacy strengthens the diversity of inclusiveness in the city. terry congratulations. thank you very much. >> thank you. thank you so much u thank you. [applause] >> >> i would like to thank you supervisor yee and the board of supervisors for this award. i never thought i would be honored in this way as a little girl at the age of nine. i imgritted to america under difficult circumstances. i worked at the san francisco public library since a teenager putting myself through college. i would like to thank my husband and son for the support. i would like to thank the san francisco public library, my incredible staff and the west portal community for the opportunity to make a difference. i hope that all of you have at least a chance to attend some of the programs at the library offers. if not ap may as you know is api may month and the library put together incredible programs for all ages. if you haven't been to one of the programs please take a look. the programs are all for free. you can borrow books there are ebooks and media you can stream and amazing and not only that it's free for everyone. talking about the summer we talked off the summer reading program and started srld and ends on august 14. everyone can sign up for that and there are prizes and amazing programs that the staff has put together for you all to enjoy thank you so much so for this award. thank you norman yee. thank you. [applause] >> thank you and congratulations. it is now my turn supervisor from district 5 and i am proud to today to ask lawrence lee to come forward. lawrence. oh there you go. i thought you were in the back somewhere. thank you so much for being here today. colleagues we all know that bike to work day is on thursday. i am really excited about that and i have been doing bike to work day for a few years now and i am always so excited to see lawrence's smiling face because i'm not a morning person but when i see him volunteering his time to get folks biking safely and with the community it makes me mile and happy and on behalf of district 5 i want to honor lawrence because she has done so much work in our community that focuses on making san francisco better for people in general. spfl the infrastructure. for the for the past nine years worked at spur planning good planning and government through education and research and advocacy. in the early 2000's worked at the tenderloin resource center providing health care to the most vulnerable residents in the district and he is an avid bike elfists and member of the bicycle coalition and a member of the board of directors and served as the president. he has been working passionately to transform one of the most commonly used bicycle corridors in my district the wiggle. the wiggle green corridor from scott and felt street is going through major improvements so pedestrians and bicyclists and residents feel safe and comfortable with traveling through our neighborhood, the lower hague. i working with him on the project and inspiring to work with someone passionate about bicycling and public safety as lawrence is. as more san franciscans relying on alternative transportation like biking i am grateful for his experience that the city is providing the resources to keep everyone safe and riding comfortably through our streets. lawrence's community involvement doesn't stop at improvements to the infrastructure. the involvement includes being a member of the lower hague merchants association and work with the neighbors to reenvision the neighborhood through the public realm project. he's a member of the community advisory committee for better market street which will renew one of san francisco's most vibrant public spaces and a past -- and a board member and past chair of the yerba buena district and working to improve transportation in the city and county of san francisco and i am honored he's a neighbor and amazing inspiration. we appreciate your countless hours of voluntarism on behalf of the citizens and city and county of san francisco and i am so proud that you are a resident of my district so thank you lawrence and congratulations. [applause] >> thank you so much. i am deeply honored right now. i grew up isolated from asian culture in south carolina and tennessee. so i grew my surroundings as an outsider and i was viewed as a yankee. my surroundings caused me to be more future oriented with a firm belief that life should be better for me and for others so here i am in san francisco working with an entire community of leaders who collaborate towards progress working for an employer spur that works towards solutions for a better city and including better bicycling so i see this as share recognition and partners for the wiggle neighborhood and green corridor including the san francisco bike coalition, its staff and volunteers and over 10,000 members. i also see it as recognition for the lower hague merchants and neighbors association and alamo square neighbors who collaborate on the project, also the dedicated professionals at planning department, sfmta, public works and of course president breed and all of you who i love working together on solving problems in the city, so it does take a community to achieve progress. a group who takes responsibility and acts urgently for great public spaces in our neighborhoods, safe cross town routes for all san franciscans, vision zero, reducing injuries and deaths on our streets and simply put just respect for all citizens, and unlike any other place i have lived our community does this. we continue to look forward for more progress and we look forward to -- i look forward to celebrating the completion of the wiggle project after construction begin this is year. i look forward to page street prioritizing biking because hundreds of users use it everyday. i look forward to expanding our bike network in the district because biking is so popular. we're fortunate to be living in our district and you know right now because the number one request for bike riders is to ask for improvements on oak and felt street along the panhandle and plus expanding this network to all neighborhoods so we can all get around safely and you listed all of the projects that i care so much about thank you so much so. i am deeply honored to be recognized my my own community and look forward to celebrating the progress with you in the upcoming month scption on thursday for bike to work day. [applause] >> again lawrence congratulations and thank you. and with that i would like to recognize the supervisor from district 10, supervisor malia cohen. >> thank you very much colleagues. i would like you to be wowed by the wonderful woman as she makes it down the aisle and the lovely ms. eleanor fernandez. clap. [applause] i'm so excited to see you. this woman is so amazing. she -- well first before i go on how wonderful you are i want to give a acknowledge to mr. moses who is here and the executive director of the southeast facility. please come up and i see other community members here as well so eleanor is a proud fill pina american women and grew up at military bases in united states and europe and asia and was on treasure island as a daughter of a navel officer and went to lowell high school and graduated in the sunset there. she eventually earned her degree, bachelors in english literature from nerter dame university. she is surrounded by a large family including her supportive husband. is john here today? >> no. he has to work. >> of course. that's how supportive he is. he works but she posts about the family and daughter janella and is she here today? >> no. she has a math test. >> so this family is very focused but to go back to her i want to highlight how dedicated she is to the professional career. she's worked many years for the san francisco public utilities commission as you know is the city water, power and sewage agency and with them for 15 years and servesace a committee coordinator for the southeast facility commission. she supports their economic development governance facility and housing and public advisory committee lead organizing the job and career health fairs for three years and steadily grown and more interest from the general public and that's where our pact intersectd and incredible at organizing. when you need anything you can go to her. eleanor fernandez is supported and sat on many groups for the filipino-american community for dozens of years in the san francisco bay area. she is the vice president and global filipino network known as gfn and creates a platform that filipinos over the world can connect and collaborate and communicate to be informed and also to better educate themselves. their vision is see a stronger more unified community worldwide. she was the former executive vice president and member of a young filipino professional association now called your filipino professional association for nearly eight years and completed her tenure in 2011. also the marketing and community outreach manager for the japanese youth council who sponsors many children and youth educational non-profit programs throughout the city of san francisco. she also in all of this time -- i don't know how she does it but burrerates two social media pages in san francisco and one is the san francisco bill area and the go to site for announcements of interest to her community and the second page is called philanthropy which connects resources with the resourceful. this is a beautiful woman, incredible leader, most deserving of the award and privilege to present to her the special honor and recognition. [applause] >> thank you so much. first i would like to thank supervisor cohen who is a fellow lowell graduate. i think we have mutual friends there but in the past years i worked with dr. moas scpes staff and carla vain and the commissioners and the chair standing next to me lavon king, karen chung -- and all of my colleagues here today from sfpuc and the facilitator and coordinator and hiding and [inaudible] butler and member of the community and here today and i want say this award means so much. i am really surprised and i am used to being behind the scenes and a huge honor of the representative of the community and i am humbled and touched and acknowledge of not only me but the council people and the good hearted generous people that support me over the years. mostly i want to honor my uncle who is a long time ethnic studies professor from san francisco state in the 60's and danny glover and saw a picture of him with him and started the department at san francisco state and to the countless volunteers who read real behind the scene heroes in hunters point and visitacion valley in district 10. they teach me so much everyday. i come and when i hear the phone i think about what i would do in their place as a person and human being as a mom working what i strive in my work is to always work with humility and be kind to people and gather strength and lots of prayers and have courage and i can't believe it's been 15 years so it shows my age too but luckily i have good filipino genes so i just want to thank you you too. i want to dedicate this to -- it was mothers district -- day and dedicate to the strong moms holding it down in the bear -- bay area and working hard and for my little girl and take a moment to think about the importance of nurturing and educating and passing on your legacy to the children of the generation and tomorrow issues are asking for bright hard working people to follow them and the only way to create these individuals is support leaders and our board and schools, our hard working teachers and the countless people that have the strength and i am grateful. [speaking foreign language] thank you so much to supervisor cohen and your aid i work with so closely and happy asian pacific american heritage month to all. [applause] . >> thank you and congratulations. >> sorry one more. >> here we go. one, two, three. one, two, three. >> all right. thank you and congratulations. now i would like to recognize the supervisor from district 2, supervisor mark farrell. >> thank you president breed. i have the honor of recognizing introducing a stalwart in the community for decades and that is mel lee so mel why don't you come on up. [applause] all right everyone so i got to know mel in his capacity as the co-founder and general partner of a place in district 2 called the avenue on van ness called the san francisco care center that's an assisted living development really in the heart of the city and focus on care for the elderly with problems of dementia and hospice. 145 residents are served there and mel did an amazing job with the organization. he it is r was born in china but moved to the u.s. at early age. >> >> he has served at state and local level the city of san francisco under seven mayors in the state and different capacities. commissioner from the library from 2008-10. on the board of governors of the state bar of california from 04-07. president of the yerba buena center at the moscone center. commissioner and president of the redevelopment center for 12 years and served as a board of recs for vital non-profits in the chien easy community. for years has been on the chinese benevolent association and 45 years part of the cemetery management and nine years the chinese hospital treasurer and better of the board of trustees from 2007 to now. mel is incredible recognized member in the city and at place of work and i want to thank you for the work and not really today but the contributions to the city of san francisco. >> >> so congratulations to you. >> thank you supervisor. [applause] thank you very much for the honor supervisor farrell. some 40 years ago i was up here facing a group of wonderful supervisors and quickly i am here again. i see my friend aaron peskin many times at many events and before she became a supervisor katy tang who i worked with you at the library on 39th avenue and malia cohen i met you many times at bay view hunters point and at the opening if you recall. of course wonderful work at the richmond district eric thank you very much. jane kim i have seen at many events. i want to thank you and of course supervisor norman yee an old friend for decades and i am glad you're here. of course supervisor david campos but one person i almost forgotten is a year and a half ago when i travel with mayor ed lee. i walk into a plaza guess who i saw? president breed. remember? that was a year and a half ago warm day in summer very humid but thank you very much for the honor to receive the award. thank you everybody. [applause] >> thank you for your service to the city mr. lee and congratulations. >> thank you. >> thank you. okay with they would like to recognize supervisor kim. >> thank you madam president and i would like to bring up both dale yanami and brandon liu. my honoree today is one of the original giants of the asian american civil rights movement here in san francisco garrett liu and attended berkeley in the 60's fighting for the creation of the ethnic studies program and demonstrated in a strike the longest student strike in the history of this country fighting and establishing ethnic studies on the first in san francisco state university of which i was a beneficiary many years later as an asian-american studies graduate at stanford. since the struggle african-american studies has become its own department along with asian-american studies become being the studies chicana studies and the creation of a ph.d program in this university, also the focus of a student rally at sf state today. after graduating from berkeley garrett went to law school at [inaudible] my alma marter and graduated with a skills to defend those that can't defend themselves. when you're an attorney it's not easy to represent those when many people tell you those causes are a lost cause but he never let that stand in his way. in fact one of the first cases he took on as an attorney was defending wendy [inaudible] a fugitive caught with patty hearst and the liberation army and represented for free many of the demonstrate ors arrested in the anti-vietnam war protest. while still in law school he furthermored the organization advancing yesterday known as the asian law caucus. at the time this was a radical legal organization back in the 1970's dedicated to advancing justice and amplifying the voice of those marginalized and rendered invisible by barriers. we take many of the legal services for granted today but many had to fight to create and develop and fund. he dedicated his summers establishing the asian law caucus including finding the first location and oakland and built the book shelves himself. he brought in one of the caucuses' first clients barry chan who was arrested and roughed by the police in chinatown and lead to a successful lawsuit against sfpd and generating fees to help the caucus and on the road to be the civil rights power house we know today and we in the community got our start and victor wrong the commissioner in the room today and and i applied for a job there and i graduated college. >> >> and many things to know about them and 42 years of practicing law and upholding commitment everyday that every individual deserves representation and this means that we have a stronger legal system. when the defense and the prostitution represent for the people that is when we can have the most faith in the law. i want to recognize him the love of hi life diane and also his two sons dylan and brandon who is here today. >> >> brandon i want to thank you, your brother, your wife for sharing him with us. garrett was able to do all he could because he was loved and supported incredibly by his family and i want acknowledge that support and i want to acknowledge a man who needs more introduction and dale and his partner for decades and established the asian law caucus and formed one of the first asian american firms in the country and they're here today to accept this award on behalf of his family. garrett passed away last month unexpectedly to many of us that look up to him. i want to thank your family and keeping his story and legacy alive. the world is less colorless and alive without him. may you arrest in peace and we will -- rest in peace. may you honor his legacy and in the community. [applause] >> supervisor kim thank you very much. board of supervisors, we really appreciate this honor and i want to thank ive lee. i'm an attorney. i'm a mouth piece hired by the family. i represent my client brandon liu whose father was my partner and friend for 45 years. there are many stories about him, most i can't tell here and jane captured the best of him and there were other things he did that were remarkable. he was a role model for people as an attorney and whether it was a noble enterprise and he showned otherwise and shown in the memorial when judges and attorneys and all showed up to honor him and practiced with integrity and serve the clients which was remarkable and i am sure part of the empathy grew from his own experiences as a minority in oakland and somebody on the other side of the law. for example the time that he got his license taken away for erratic driving. i was a witness to this because he ran through pylons in the in field of malibu speed way and the only guy that lost the license there but he never lost many cases in his life and again his inspiration to those younger attorneys, another generation of people and people like jeff adachi who was our law clerk many years ago and he continued shine bright for the folks and give them a sense of hope and yes depending the accused is something that is something worthy and noble as well so we lost him way too early but we hope his legacy will live on so thank you very much. [applause] >> i would like to thank the board of supervisors for this award. i know my dad would be greatly humbled to-this so thank you. [applause] >> thank you and congratulations. and with that supervisor peskin. >> thank you madam president. i would first like to acknowledge supervisor mar around apa heritage month and the leadership and claudia chang for the work events including today's a lion in winters still a lion but looks bike we have one returning shortly. >> >> colleagues i have the pleasure of honoring a woman today who can't be here today but back in san francisco soon. rose grew up in china and hong kong as a refugee after her father died in the civil war. she carried the history of the homeland to san francisco and at 17 received a scholarship on the womens' college on the peninsula a trail blazer as a teenager and got degree from columbia journalist school and served at the "san francisco chronicle" and the first female there and faced with racism and sexism and jokes at her expense but rose never let anyone get the better of her. we all know it's better to get the better of rose and the rescue of a kitten snuck kit -- stuck in a tree and did the best on the story and even if she wasn't allowed to do the high profiling assignments as the male counter parts she would do the best job and be the best possible. rose is one of the smartest resourceful woman i have met and strategist and mate tree ark of chinatown and above and the advocacy efforts she spear headed and the chinese new years parade the largest in the country or the rebuild of the chinese hospital. she is larger than life and a trusted adviser and trail blazer that demands respect in a field dominated by men and a community large excluded and marginalized from the political process. she has been a advocate for asian americans and political life and counseled leaders in san francisco and tireless advocate for preserving the essential culture and social heritage of chinatown in the chinese american community even in the face of a changing city hit by ever intensifying wave of gentrification and rose kairs about chinatown. you can never doubt that and even though chinatowns across the country are losing inch by everyone ours is a hub here for chinese americans that raise families in the city. i remember the struggle to get funding to feed seniors in the sros and moved b visiting them in the homes and the conditions they were living in and literally living our mush and how they were suffering. when city hall determined it wouldn't release funds for the seniors she found the money itself and made sure the community was taken care of. this has been the dedication to the community and never asked for material compensation in return. many are familiar with her incredible whit and caught in the cross hairs of humor and righteous anger but underneath that tough exterior is a passionate owl and operator and the reason the parade is one of the entertaining public events every year. >> >> people literally come to hear rose berate us as we drive by unless you get the silent treatment in which case you know you're in big trouble. it's never a dull moment with this woman. i know we were concerned when the health gave way last year and thankfully it's on the mend and joining us soon in the coming weeks. not soon enough to be here today but here to speak on behalf of malcolm young deputy director of the chinatown developmental center and mentored over the years by her as was just spoken to as asian law caucus attorney and housing advocate and i want to thank claudine chang one more time and all of the honorees are receiving special congressional recognition from leader pelosi as well so thank you ms. pac. >> thank you supervisor peskin and the entire board of supervisors. before i get to rose i'm in an interesting situation that i am accepting award. the nominees are phenomenal and we have the founder of the developmental center, one of the original members and the founders of the asian law caucus and organizations i have a long history with so this is quite a ceremony. on behalf of rose i would like to thank supervisor peskin and the entire board of supervisors for honoring her with this award. if roases -- rose were here today -- wait i can't say that so i will skip it. i don't know if you know the impact and she has a lifelong body of advocacy and instrumental in passing the 1987 china area plan and supervisor peskin referred to. the plan has protected chinatown from the kind of gentrification we see in the city. after that she had the vision to bring the central subway into chinatown not a favorite topic of some folks here but essential component of bringing this neighborhood into the future and of course most recently she played a key role in shepherding the opening of the new chinese hospital and many of you attended and incredible ceremony and honor for all of us to see the city name an alley way after rose. for chinatown rose has been a city wart advocate for the families and those aging in place and call san francisco home. >> >> and a civic leader in par with any that the city has scene from my perspective and i believe from the perspective of many in the town. for the last couple of months when we talked on the phone she's been reflecting on her past and also what she is doing next. she knows she's close to completing some lifetime goals and looking for the next goals as she returns so for san francisco i believe it's a blessing -- although a kurses for some, but i think really a blessing for the city of san francisco. thank you supervisor peskin and congratulations auntie rose. [applause] >> and if you're watching thank you for all that you've done for the city and county of san francisco and congratulations. [applause] and with they would like to recognize our final commendation supervisor david campos. >> thank you very much madam president. i don't know how you follow rose pac, force of nature and it's impossible to think of san francisco without her so thank you rose. congratulations. i am proud today to honor co cash fang that couldn't be here today. i know we were going to do the presentations last week and unfortunately cash couldn't be here but i am proud to honor him a resident and business owner in the portola a district that represents a very best of san francisco. he is an incredible individual and immigrated at 17 and began as a restaurant worker and put himself through school and saved enough money to open his first restaurant live sushi in potrero hill and opened that nine years ago. since then he opened four strunts another sushi restaurant and one on townsend street and a high end sushi restaurant that actually just earned a michelin star shortly after opening but the main reason i am opening cash today and for those accomplishments aloned he should be recognized he played an instrumental in reviving a beloved legacy business in my district and that is breakfast at tiffanies. for those that haven't been there it is one of the most beloved diner brunch places on san francisco's seaside. i think san francisco. it can go head-to-head with anyone. in september 2013 joal aiden who owned the resident since 1978 died much of cancer. for 35 years jerry ran breakfast at tiffanies. when he passed away the sister wanted to keep it open but the building owner was ready to sell the business and refused to renew the lease. cash bought the building in 2013 and as an investment and he was planning open a northern chinese noodle spot in the portola and as he began to remodel the place the neighbors in the area started talking to him. they would post notes. they would actually knock on the door, sometimes not necessarily in the niest politest way and ask him to reopen breakfast at tiffanies so working with the former manager jack he decided to respond and listen to the community and so he switched course and revived that legacy business. sure enough those who have been there recently breakfast at tiffanies opened with resounding excitement from the community. it's widely successful and you know this wouldn't happen without cash so cash for your contributions for this saving this restaurant and commitment to the community and restoring this historic institution we're proud to honor you today. you're not here physically but in spirit and on behalf of the portola neighborhood, district 9 san francisco thank you very much and we can't wait to nominate breakfast at tiffany's as a legacy registry so thank you. [applause] >> thank you supervisor campos. and with that i would like to recognize claudine chang to give final remarks close out our commendations. >> thank you president breed and i want to congratulate the board of supervisors for continuing this tradition of honoring outstanding citizens in your district and mentioned by supervisor mar our celebration theme this year in the city is celebrating significant community milestones and i think this board of supervisors couldn't be more proud of living in the city and county of san francisco and the board of supervisors by adopting the resolutions that you did making sure that the board heritage month and commendation day is the first tuesday of each may is really a first in this country and a shining example for many cities to follow so i want to thank you so much. >> thank you claudine again for your hard work and bringing us all together here today. i want to thank each of every honoree for the work that you've done on behalf of the city and county of san francisco but i know that you were here last week and you came back this week, the majority of you, and we want to thank you for your patience as we move through this process. we want to express our deep appreciation for your commitment to san francisco and on behalf of the board of supervisors we commend you, we honor and thank you and continue to move forward and do some of the great work that many of you have done here in our great city and with that colleagues that ends our commendations for asian pacific american heritage month but i do have a surprise commendation. it is a commendation that is something that i think will be a treat for a lot of folks here. this individual who i would like now to recognize has been the budget and legislative analyst for the city and county of san francisco since before i was born. i love saying that harvey and today we have a surprise commendation for him. you might have seen him stroll in through the halls papers in hand moving real quickly and it's none other the great harvey rose. [applause] so yesterday may 9 was harvey's birthday, his 80's birthday and in true harvey form he actually came to work and met with every member of the board of supervisors to discuss some of the upcoming budget items on the agenda. it's what he does. the only time i think harvey will maybe miss work -- maybe miss meeting with one of us when there is a giant's game and i know how much he loves them and loves to go to opening day. harvey was born in may 9, 1936 in new jersey to win fred and lillian rose. may 9 in 1936 was actually mothers day and your mother told you that you were the best present she has ever gotten. he has one brother and one sister and attend the ruckers university in new jersey. then moved to miami with his family and graduated from the university of miami still before most of us were born in 1958 -- right harvey at least before i was born with a business degree in accounting. he met his wife in a blind date in 1960 and lady made one of the best decisions of his wife and marrying her in 1961. they moved to los angeles and had two daughters, heidi in 1965 and lisa in 1969. while he worked for the federal government accounting office for four years and then the city of los angeles for another four years. they now have five grandchildren who harvey thinks are the only ones who still actually laugh at his jokes. harvey was hired by the board of supervisors of the city and county of san francisco as our budget and legislative analyst in 1970 and 71 and has continued in this capacity ever since. first as a city employee and then a contractor since 1978 except for a brief tenure as the state auditor controller for the state of california. he found that work boir boring and rapidly returned to the city and county of san francisco. all of us that had the privilege of working with him he truly loves working for the board of supervisors. he has saved san francisco taxpayers millions and i am not exaggerating, millions of dollars and is legionary -- he's a legendary force for good and accountability for local government. i know harvey looks forward to another 45 years as a budget and legislative an scplift eagerly awaiting a review of the fiscal 2061 for the budget for the city and county of san francisco and with that harve i we have created what i think is an appropriate and imprepare im-- imperative item and make sure you were surprised and several whereas clauses on the board of supervisors. each member of the board of supervisors has created a clause so we're going to read those clauses to you here today. we're going to start off with my whereas clause and move on to supervisors. you have the whereas's clauses in your hand and read rapidly since we're celebrating 80 years and services to the city and county of san francisco we feel it's appropriate to do this for what i believe is a person who definitely deserves this recognition and honor. whereas after reading the budget and legislative analyst detailed report and viewing your televised out birch at the budget and fntses committee hearing i am recommending the elimination of your position. supervisor tang. >> harvey maybe the only person capable of threaten the board of supervisors for eating the budget analyst report with ketchup if proven wrong on an issue. >> harvey love of soul source contracts and retroactive request for funding approval, deep appreciation for puns like account with the bank of the north pole but frozen the assets has been an inspiration to all departments. >> harvey if you're running around late and took the same time as the reports the board of supervisors would be at a loss. >> supervisor kim. >> and whereas harvey rose is never ever wrong except skipping lunch on mondays. >> supervisor cohen. >> and whereas harvey rose is the highest volume user of paper clips at the board of supervisors. you could always tell the importance of the item with the number of clips attached to the report. the occasion of his 80's birthday is definitely a four paper clip day. >> supervisor farrell. >> harvey rose is never afraid to challenge a department and following supervisor tang and eat any department's proposal with a bag of ketchup if often incorrect. >> supervisor wiener. >> those that tangle in the process look like polite school children compared to harvey when talking to leaders over every dollar in the budget. >> supervisor avalos. >> whereas harvey rose's prowess with numbers and accounting may look neutral and objective to the board of supervisors even though the city departments don't always buy it with the family he turned his age into a policy matter convincing the children he remains 34 years of age year after year even when their parents passed that age. >> supervisor mar. >> whereas harve sea particularly geeky nerdy star wars convention participant who did the budget analysis for the death star. >> and our clerk. >> harvey it's true that your economic theories and spending thift have been part of the debate since the word war one and the daily run around lake merced provided us to the unique contribution and legislative propensities to the general and to the rainy day fund but don't worry i will never tell the members whose legislation didn't meet the standard when you submitted the official reports submit ripped up or bite marks and that is true. >> and with that colleagues we will be introducing a resolution commending harvey rose for his tireless service and almost half century service to the city and county of san francisco naming may 9 now and forever more harvey rose day in the city and county of san francisco. thank you harvey. we are lucky to have you. [applause] and happy birthday. >> [inaudible] >> well, president breed, members of the board you know i'm never speechless but i am almost speechless. this was a surprise. thank you so much. i will be brief and just state that it is been a distinct honor and privilege for me to serve the board of supervisors since 1971, and it's just a tremendous honor for me to have this occasion happen for all the board members to say things like this and i'm not sure i deserve them but thank you very much. >> thank you and we are so honored and grateful to you and as a supervisor who has served with you for more years than anyone else i think on this board i would like to acknowledge supervisor peskin. >> thank you madam president. i would like to say mr. rose the reason i don't have a whereas in that resolution is because i was advised by the city attorney that i was during my hiatus from the board of supervisors on your selection committee and i didn't want to have a conflict but i will say that all of the department heads that you pissed off over that 45 year period conspired to make us put your contract out to bid and i was proud that you won that bid by unanimous vote of your counter parts all over the state of california. may the harvey rose office continue to serve this function for many years to come. thank you harvey. >> thank you. supervisor farrell. >> okay i'm going to stay on this side of the desk right now. harvey i just want to say to you personally as chair of the budget committee for the last three years and going into the fourth year we couldn't do it without you. that is a truism i know everyone knows and i want to thank you for the counsel over the last years. every week during the entire year especially during budget season i love the puns about eating with a bag of ketchup. you're good with one, two blow ups with the heads during budget season but the tireless work that you put in and let you know how amazing you are and you're one of the true gems of this city hall and the people that work here. you're the truly -- you're the real deal and care so much about our city and budget process. we have been lucky to have you for so many years thank you on a personal level and on behalf of all of us and thank you for what you do and look forward to a great budget season this year. >> okay. thank you. supervisor campos. >> just to be brief i know there are people that don't know about harvey rose and the role he plays but it's no exaggeration in my view to say that san francisco has not had a greater champion for transparency, accountability, honesty and integrity in government than harvey rose and i know that when young people learn about government in san francisco i think that no lesson would be complete without saying that someone who has been a great champion for the people has been harvey and i know that i wouldn't be the kind of supervisor that i want could be that i tried to be without the work of harvey rose and his office and you know there's something about the name harvey and you have the great harvey milken that harvey rose is up there and it's been an honor and thank you for everything that you do. >> thank you. supervisor avalos. >> hi hearvey. it's been 11 years since we worked together on the board of supervisors and i want to thank you for helping me sort through all the minutia of financing as part of our job here at the board of supervisors. i was a legislative aid when i first got on the board and i looked to you, monique and ben rosen field and ed harrington and those people that taught me about the budget worked and i hope okay with your name next to them and it's appropriate that you are and just for your work -- this is just for me. i was able to come on to the board of supervisors and budget chair in my first year in office and remarkable experience and the partnership i with you during that time i will never forget and your staff of course we had together was great and you teed up a lot of great things i could find in the budget that enabled us to have a add back list that was $45 million unprecedented so i know there's a lot scrambling in that head of yours and saved the city money and made the departments work efficiently and more effectively and us to be better supervisors and thank you for the work here in san francisco. [applause] >> so i know you don't like all this attention except when you're yelling at a budget department head over chairs or pencils so we're going to go back to the business board of supervisors and we love you and grateful and appreciate for the work to the city and county of san francisco. happy birthday harvey. all right ladies and gentlemen with that we are done with the mushy accommodations and get back to the business of the people. madam clerk can we get to income nine. >> item 9 is ordinance to proat $260 million proceeds from sort certificate of participation for interim responsibility for financing related to the transbay transit center project. >> roll call vote. >> supervisor peskin. >> no. >> supervisor tang. >> aye. >> supervisor wiener. >> aye. >> supervisor yee. >> aye. >> supervisor avalos. >> aye. >> supervisor breed. >> aye. >> supervisor campos. >> aye. >> >> supervisor cohen. >> aye. >> supervisor farrell. >> aye. >> supervisor kim. >> aye. >> supervisor mar. >> aye. >> there are ten aye and one no. >> shall this ordinance be finally passed? [gavel] . madam clerk please call items 10-16 including 15. >> item 10 through 16 minus 15 and the suits for the city and individuals in san francisco superior court unless otherwise stated. item 10 settles the lawsuit by lisa owen for $2,250,000. item 11 settles lawsuit my ying zhang and chen li for $175 million . item 12 by kai yuan and jian ping yuan for 175,000. item 13 unlitigated climb lie the city against asiana airlines for payment of $3,450,000. item 14 settles the lawsuit filed by fernando guanill against the stay for $150,000 in the united states district court for the northern district of california skipping over please call item 15 and 16 settles a lawsuit by the fireman's fund insurance company against the city for $125,000. >> roll call vote. >> on those items 10-16 minus 15. supervisor peskin. >> aye. >> supervisor tang. >> aye. >> supervisor wiener. >> aye. >> supervisor yee. >> aye. >> supervisor avalos. >> aye. >> supervisor breed. >> aye. >> supervisor campos. >> aye. >> supervisor cohen. >> aye. >> supervisor farrell. >> aye. >> supervisor kim. >> aye. >> supervisor mar. >> aye. >> there are 11 ayeace. those ordinances are finally passed. madam clerk please read item 15. >> item 15 settles the lawsuit for the northern district of california ordinance by j.c.r. a minor by and through his guardian ad litem by guillerma bojorquez against the city for 50,000. >> colleagues on item 15 we need to -- president breed needs to be recused. can we have a motion? motion by supervisor avalos. second by supervisor peskin. take that without objection. [gavel] so president breed is recuseod that item and take a roll call. >> supervisor peskin. >> aye. >> supervisor tang. >> aye. >> supervisor wiener. >> aye. >> supervisor yee. >> aye. >> supervisor avalos. >> aye. >> supervisor campos. >> aye. >> supervisor cohen. >> aye. >> supervisor farrell. >> aye. >> supervisor kim. >> aye. >> supervisor mar. >> aye. >> there are ten aye's. >> this ordinance passes on first reading. madam clerk can you please call the next item. >> item 17 is administer the administrative code for the enforcement of federal immigration law except individuals held to answer for a violated felony. >> this has been has been introduced by supervisor avalos. supervisor avalos. >> thank you supervisor campos. colleagues i go back and forth how i want to talk about this measure now. i'm going to ask for a continuance of this measure. i think it's best that i start providing a little context so we founded our sanctuary city ordinance in 99 and reestablished in 2013 understanding that local law enforcement relies upon trust of the community and police and when it come to the the immigrant community of course that trust is really important that there's a good relationship betweenllow law enforcement and immigrants living in the city including undocumented immigrants. we also have put forward the value that deportation is not a tool of local public safety that our local public safety efforts deal with the local justice system, criminal justice system and immigration enforcement is civil enforcement, two very different things. we also know if we entangle members of the community even as witnesses with local law enforcement there could be a law enforcement that would lead to deportation and chilling effect of people coming forward as witnesses as people who have seen or victims of crime or people that are suspects of crime and so making sure that we have that clear separation the goal of the ordinance. it's not preventing people from being deported but trying to prevent the erosion of the trusted relationships that are the pillar of local law enforcement. right now san francisco is experiencing a crisis of confidence in low law enforcement and a number of officer involved shootings that ripped apart the communities and shaken the city to the core and military presence of police and sheriff at city hall because of the erosion and trust. that is generally across san francisco but recently in the last year we have seen a huge erosion of trust between the immigrant community and city heal as well as local law enforcement as what happened as a result of the pier 14 killing of kate steinle. that was a very tragic incident. she was a very sympathetic person to a lot of people and that lead to people having passionate interest in whoever was responsible being held accountable except the level of responsibility seemed to be spread across many, many people such as what could happen when an event gets politicized. at the presidential level and people running for the president of the united states we saw donald trump putting forward a campaign based on hatred and zone phobia and anti immigrant his teria and under minding the sanctuary city policy. immediately after the tragic death of kate steinle people questioning why we have a sanctuary city policy and blaisming it perlet death even though were there other issues and law enforcement officer's gun got on to the pier and accidentally shot off from an inl grint man and blamed for his death. these are terrible things that happen and happen from time to time and doesn't mean what we lower our standards are for human rights and civil rights and protecting people of all walks of life in our city but that's exactly what happened. it's interesting to see how it happened as well. the shooting happened on thursday or friday on a monday there was a statement that came out from the mayor's office and said that he supported due process ordinance and he also cast blame on sheriff mirkarimi at the time who was running for reelection. two days later there was another report or a press release from the mayor's office that pointed to obsolete out dated language in the originally sanctuary city ordinance that said that local law enforcement could pick up the phone and call ice on anyone booked on a felony. that was completely the opposite lowest standard that we could have have and not put forward in the due process ordinance for 2014 passed unanimously by the board of supervisors and signed into law by the mayor. at that time we united around one exception that someone who had a violated felony conviction in the past seven years could possibly be detained past the release date for ice to pick up if there were other extenuated circumstances in terms of the person's records and living in the community. that was a standard we united around and put into place but having the standard of book on a felony created a funnel to channel people through the local law enforcement on the way to deportation proceedings under ice and that's what we're fighting against today. today we're trying to have one clear standard for what we're going to have for local law enforcement follow when it comes to any communication with ice and more than anything we want to make sure that the outdated language in the sanctuary city ordinance language that was not in the original but added few years later in 1993 that we want to remove that language to have the higher standard we put in place in 2013 so because of last year -- as of last year about 300 cities and counties around the country had said they were not going to comply with the program which the due process for all ordinance originally was about that we wouldn't honor the request to detain people past the release date for ice to pick up. 300 others in the country said they weren't going to comply with the letters. san francisco was one of many and last year as well the immigration and customs enforcement agency changed the policy. no longer did they want local law enforcement or sheriff's departments to hold people pass the release date. they wanted to be notified that when people who they deemed -- ice deemed undocumented were going to be at the door to pick them up. from the point of the immigrant's rights community and from immigrants itself that is the same effect as detention. defengz as the same result of notification and lead into people getting into the deportation system and law enforcement is part of that system that we strived for years to keep separate. unfortunately after working at negotiating with the sheriff's department we're not on the same page and it is vitally important we're on the same page. as we know the state of california gives the sheriff her authority as a county represent to make her own rules and it makes sense that the sheriff doesn't have her own rules that are separate from what the rules that the community would like to see and the rules that the board of supervisors would like to see and the rules that the mayor himself would like to see and i want to hold time out to actually get there the policies put forward in the should have been's memo talking about what she would be the guidelines for the communicating with ice have a little bit ways to go still. she was able to move somewhat in our direction and without going into details she still has a funnel that is wide, wide open to get many people that could be put into the deportation system, and i think the most important thing is to recognize the rules that she wanted in place how they relate to the crisis in confidence we have in the police department. we just heard from the blue ribbon panel that stop and frisk is a reality and if we have stop and frisk that's a reality and something that is continued then we're having a difficult time seeing the reforms we want to see put m place carried out by the department. that means we have not just a wide net for people already in the justice system but a vacuum cleaner that is pulling people into our justice system if we're using that to get people into the system many people will be put into deportation proceedings and we have that left to work out with the sheriff and colleagues i would like to have your support in making sure we can negotiate directly with the sheriff so she can see such a policy that pulls in people for a felony doesn't fit with the values of san francisco or the immigrant community and we can do a lot better. [applause] >> through the president -- through the president just a gentle reminder to the public in the gallery it's a violation of the rules to use vocal expression. we appreciate your supportive hands. >> so last year we saw the city caving into politics of fear and zeno phobia and today we have a way before us to put a way to a block on -- i'm sorry, i am getting distracted rite now. we have a way to block the sheriff and the city from exposing many people to deportation so we still have a ways to go. colleagues i request your support through negotiations in the week to come. i want to continue this item for two weeks. i would rather have it next week but the sheriff will be out of town and i want ample time for discussion so thank you colleagues. >> excuse me, excuse me -- >> [inaudible] (speaking from the audience). >> sir, if you don't mind can you please exit the chamber? thank you. >> (inaudible). >> just -- thank you. >> i would like to continue. >> supervisor avalos has made a motion to continue this item for two weeks to the meeting of the 24th of may. second by supervisor cohen. do we have discussion on the motion to continue? members i see individuals names on the dais -- i mean on the -- okay. so do you want to finish the conversation? >> i want finish up real quick. >> all right. supervisor avalos. >> i am just reminded with the presence of this man who is intim dating people in the audience just what city hall went through last year, and fox news came here tried to have their own reality tv show here putting san francisco sanctuary city ordinance in the cross hairs. we were actually harassed in our own homes and communities because we were standing up for san francisco's values and that is something -- i want to thank you all -- colleagues for actually what you had to go through with all of that. some of us got threats because we were holding up san francisco values and you see there's a level of intimidation even in the board chamber and people not fearful of being a minority in the chambers and don't fit with the values and we have to stand up and be courageous at this time when the fear of immigrants is so strong and trumped up at our presidential election so colleagues again thank you for holding fast to our due process for all ordinance last year. we have to do more work this year, not just to hold fast but closing the loop hope that ice would like to make. >> and the sheriff -- we need to ux night with the sheriff and the community and work together in the future to protect san francisco against harassment from the federal government. >> thank you supervisor avalos. supervisor cohen. >> thank you. thank you supervisor avalos. thank you for spearheading the effort to bring this ordinance before us today. i'm going to be supporting you. and want suggest the community and the request for the continuance and my hope that the conversation will move forward in a productive way. i want take a moment and thank the sheriff to explain to me and the members her perspective on the issue, even if it's one we don't agree with. a few months ago we had a similar conversation with resolutions dealing with the priority enforcement program and at that time i passionately expressed that i thought the efforts were better spent on ordinance with a binding policy. i was a member of the board a few years ago and passed the ordinance for due process for all and established guidelines when the city should communicate with ice on individuals in custody and i believed we needed to establish a different process for individuals who have committed serious and violent felony in the city and frankly don't deserve our protection. as a result we spent significant time discussing and detailing set of crimes which would allow the sheriff to communicate with ice. we established policy guidelines on what the sheriff should also consider such as an individual's ties to the san francisco community and any evidence of their rehabilitation. since the enactment of the due process for all ordinance the federal government has changed their program to one that requests notification of release rather than a detainer. this ordinance simply updates our existing policy to reflect the changes in the federal program. i don't believe this program is fundamentally different different than the issues we had with s com. notification and detention can have the same impact on the individual in custody. i don't believe that we need to revisit a list of serious and violent felonies covered in this ordinance which we established a few years ago so i believe that the policies are essential to ensuring everyone in our communities that they have confidence in law enforcement that they can live the lives in city and county of san francisco without fear of intimidation and i am part of the team that is leading the effort to reestablish trust within law enforcement, and to ensure that reporting crimes in our neighborhoods is not a painful and scary process so supervisor avalos i will be joining you in the request to continue the item as we continue the conversation and if can i be of assistance i will be in the conversation. thank you. [applause] >> thank you supervisor campos. >> i'm not going to speak to the substance of what supervisor avalos is doing and that i wholehearted lie support. i hope. >> >> our sheriff was watching what transpired in the chamber because i think that illustrates why this is so critical and why it's so critical for us not only as a board but also for the entire elected family of san francisco to speak with one voice. you saw the intimidation that this sick person brought to this chamber targeting by the way a young man chewy and his family and have been an inspiration to our community. this young man has survived but keepia twice. >> (inaudible). >> three times and the fact that he his mom are here tells how important this issue is and that a sick man would come to this chamber to intimidate this young man illustrates why we as san franciscans need to speak with one voice and to say that we're not going to be intaimidated and thank you for being here. i want to say sorry this happen but thank you for your courage and i think that for chewy and everything he represents and his family has fought for i hope we can find in the next week a compromise and i am really sorry. i am very proud of you. [speaking spanish] >> thank you supervisor campos. seeing no other name on the roster there was a motion to continue this item to the meeting of may 24, 2016. it was seconded. madam clerk -- i mean colleagues can we take the continuance without objection. >> madam president you recused yowrses on the previous vote. >> oh thank you madam clerk. madam clerk on the continuance to the meeting of may 24, 2016 can you please call the roll. >> supervisor peskin. >> aye. >> supervisor tang. >> aye. >> supervisor wiener. >> aye. >> supervisor yee. >> aye. >> supervisor avalos. >> aye. >> supervisor breed. >> aye. >> supervisor campos. >> aye. >> supervisor cohen. >> aye. >> supervisor farrell. >> aye. >> supervisor kim. >> aye. >> supervisor mar. >> aye. >> there are 11 aye's. >> okay. item 17 will be continued for two weeks to the meeting of may 24, 2016. [gavel] , madam clerk please call the next item. >> item 18 is ordinance for the administrative code for nutrition standards and foods and beverages sold in vending machines on city property for meetings and events. >> supervisor farrell. >> thank you president breed. we have the encouraging lifestyle for residents and see it with the board of supervisors and healthy eat suggest important to stemming life-threatening diseases that cost the tax payers and others to treat and should be a priority to lower the costs by implementing new policies. as a father of three children i believe we need to lead by examples as parents and a city government. as i mentioned last week the fact that my children love coming here and because they want to go to the candy machine at the basement is not something i want to encourage at city hall. i introduced a healthy snack food and beverage policy and codify guidelines for foods and beverages sold on city property and set guidelines for food and beverages served at meetings and sponsored events and concessions on city property that has a healthy opposites for the customers and set nutritional standards and guidelines for vending machines with the american heart association and the department of public health and they will apply to contracts and properties contracts entered into extended or renewed after the effective date of the ordinance and again the other two measures regarding city meetings and vendors on city property are recommendations as well. i do believe we owe it to the over 28,000 employees and taxpayers to implement policies that are known to produce healthier outcomes, more productive employees and save the taxpayers millions a year. this legislation furthers those goals and i want to say it wouldn't have been possible to put this legislation forward without the work of organizations and the american heart association, their board of directors and members who have been pushing this and the britney the governmental affairs director of the bay area and department of public health and advocates in the city and as well as my staff and [inaudible]. we have the chance to be a national leader in nutritional standard and colleagues i hope to have your support. >> thank you supervisor farrell. supervisor peskin. >> thank you madam president and colleagues with all due respect to the maker of this ordinance i rise to say i'm not going to vote for it. this was actually done by executive directive on april 19 of 2010 by then mayor newsom and the fact -- then implemented by the department of public health but i for one want to go down stairs and get my kit cat bar and apparently the folks at emergency management want their candy. they have been exempted so at a minimum can we exempt city hall so i can get my kit t bar. >> thank you supervisor peskin. supervisor mar. >> thank you. i think to respond to supervisor peskin i am appreciative of supervisor farrell's leadership on nutritional standards not just children and families and everyone. my understanding there are different provisions that supervisor farrell built in that address the department of emergency management concerns for health issues and i was on the board when newsom passed the executive order and department of public health and shape up sf and organizations that worked with supervisor farrell. i wish there were more effort from the city level to implement an executive order but i am appreciative that supervisor farrell and others are moving this forward. it's really needed. the school district does this years ago from a number from us supervisor yee and supervisor kim and i were on the school board to ensure that the k-12 system was protected with good nutritional standards. when i see the coke machines downstairs or the others that supervisor farrell mentioned it's a question of mine why our executive order passed by -- our executive branch with mayor newsom was not followed so i am appreciative we will continue the work of the department of public health and community and health organizations and i urge strong support and i would like to be a cosponsor. >> thank you supervisor. >> supervisor farrell just to be clear there won't be kit cat bars in the machines. >> to quote my colleague "you can get the candy before you get here in the morning". >> now we're doing this. >> supervisor peskin you're recognized. >> there are no shortage around the area and i appreciate what supervisor farrell says about the children visiting but there are adults that can make their own choices of foods to consume and i for one believe we should believe able to get a candy bar out of the vending machine. >> thank you supervisor peskin. seeing no other names on the roster madam clerk on item 18 please call the roll. >> supervisor peskin. >> no. >> supervisor tang. >> aye. >> supervisor wiener. >> aye. >> supervisor yee. >> aye. >> supervisor avalos. >> maybe -- aye. >> supervisor breed. >> a very, very hesitant aye. >> supervisor campos. >> aye. >> supervisor cohen. >> anesthesiatic aye. >> supervisor farrell. >> aye. >> supervisor kim. >> aye. >> supervisor mar. >> aye. >> there are ten aye's and one no with supervisor peskin in dissent. >> [gavel] the ordinance passes on the first reading. don't come to my office looks for snacks. supervisor cohen. >> does that mean that the clerk can't carry the candy. >> i have them. >> thank you very much. >> item 19. please read that madam clerk. >> item 19 is ordinance to proat 60.5 million to certificates of participation to the department of administrative service for the animal care and control renovation project. >> supervisor tang nothing? >> i was going to say yay animals. that's it. >> roll call vote. >> item 19. supervisor peskin. >> aye. >> supervisor tang. >> aye. >> supervisor wiener. >> aye. >> supervisor yee. >> aye. >> supervisor avalos. >> aye. >> supervisor breed. >> aye. >> supervisor campos. >> aye. >> supervisor cohen. >> yes. >> supervisor farrell. >> aye. >> supervisor kim. >> aye. >> supervisor mar. >> aye. >> there are 11 aye's. >> the ordinance passes unanimously on the first reading. [gavel] item 20. >> item 20 is resolution to retroactively approve eament with swiss port cargo service lp for approximately two pient $4 million. >> same call. without objection it's a do not the unanimously. item 21. >> item 21 is emergency work designing repairing upgrading the security system for the system for count i jails one and two on seven street with point not to exceed amount listed. >> same house same house. adoption is adopted unanimously. next item. >> item 22 is a resolution to approve a cooperative agreement between the city and the state of california department of transportation concerning the development review and approval of the project negotiation document for the bomb lard street vision zero project and transit safety proves along lombard street and sis street and van ness avenue and make the appropriate findings. >> same house same call. without objection the resolution is passed unanimously. >> item 23 is resolution for the department of the environment and accept and expend funds from the association of bay area governments in the assignment of 609,000-dollar for a energy network program and renewable energy program through the date listed. >> same house same call. without objection the resolution is adopted unanimously. next item. >> item 24 to amend the planning code for accessory massage uses in conditional use permit and north of market residential district ceqa. >> same house same call. without objection the ordinance is passed unanimously on the first reading next item. >> item 25 is selling spaces on mart street and drumm street and spear streets by street art it is and commission of the city. >> same house, same call. without objection the resolution is adopted unanimously. please call item 26 and 27 together. >> item 26 and 27 are resolutions are determine the issuance of type 21 for license for the had dad on west portal street and van ness. >> same house same call. without objection the resolutions are adopted unanimously. [gavel] . 28. >> item 28 say resolution to authorize the director of property to execute a three year cafe lease to k078 mens board approval between the city and poeets cafe for the amount listed. >> same house same call. the resolution is adopted unanimously. next item. >> item 29 is for the administrative code to establish the safer schools sexual assault task force and reduce sexual assault and educational institutions and setting forth the membership and duties of the task force. >> same house same call. without objection the ordinance is passed unanimously on the first reading. [gavel] item 30. >> item 30 is ordinance to amend the administrative code and establish the fines and fees task force and address the mayor and task force for low income resident and setting forth the membership and duties of the the task force. >> same house same call. without objection the ordinance is passed on the first reading. >> item 31 is to appoint mohammed soriano-bilal to the market and octavia community advisory committee. >> same house same call. motion passes unanimously. >> item 32. >> item 32 is appoint josh wolf, leuwam tesfai, david pilpel, dave maass, frank cannata, chris hyland, and louise fischer to the task for the terms listed. >> supervisor mar. >> thank you. i would like to make a motion to amend remove david pillel and repliews with david wolf. >> is there a second? madam clerk can you called roll. >> supervisor peskin. >> aye. >> supervisor tang. >> no. >> supervisor wiener. >> no. >> supervisor yee. >> no. >> supervisor avalos. >> aye. >> supervisor breed. >> aye. >> supervisor campos. >> aye. >> supervisor cohen. >> no. >> supervisor farrell. >> no. >> supervisor kim. >> [inaudible] >> aye. >> supervisor mar. >> aye. >> mar aye. there are six aye's and the rest nos. >> the motion passes. [gavel] and on item number 32 as amended. supervisor wiener. >> [inaudible] thank you. that roll call happened rather quickly so i wanted speak why i am voting against the amendment and separate out mr. wolf as a separate vote. i don't have issues with him personally. he's a nice guy but a number of years ago we made change to the personnel and the sunshine task force because the task force exempted itself from the charter by finding for reasons i will never understand that unlike every other body in the city including the board of supervisors in order to vote for something or take an action you have to have votes from a majority of members of the body, not just a majority of those present so at the board of supervisors we need six votes even if six members are present. the sunshine task force because they had poor attendance adopted a rule and exempt from the charter and less than a majority and outrageous action and the task force did it for years and there was problems with attendance. the task force was not well run at all and a big problem. this task force is so important for government transparency and has to be well run so i don't think we should go back and reinstate members that are part of that regime so i'm going to ask that we vote separately on mr. wolf. no offense to him and i like him personally but i don't think we should go back to that negative era in the sunshine task force. >> thank you supervisor wiener. supervisor mar. >> yeah, i just wanted to appreciate what supervisor wiener said but bruce wolf isn't just a nice guy. he has a great sense of professionalism and process and good sense of local and state policy as well. understanding of disability rights from first hand want point of view and former city college and san francisco university worker and social worker and attendance is critical and technology reaches everyone and extremely valuable on the task force. he serves on the san francisco land trust, the haight ashbury council and the sa. f dog patch and i don't think we would have clean power sf and advocacy of others and bruce wolf and it's critical and his willingness to serve on the task force will provide consistency from the past but understanding to move forward passing policies like the past is not good for the body and a great addition for the consistency on the body so i urge support for bruce wolf. >> supervisor campos. >> just briefly i mean i think that the individual i would have voted for mr. pipel as well. i think they bring something to the table. bruce wolf -- it's been a while since that issue came up. i wasn't in agreement with him when it happened but i think this is the kind of individual that would do a great job i am happy to support him. >> thank you very much. supervisor wiener has asked to divide the question so the question without the appointment of bruce wolf colleagues can we take that item same house same call. without objection the motion is approved unanimously. [gavel] madam clerk on the item regarding mr. wolf can you call the roll please. >> supervisor peskin -- >> supervisor wiener divided the question. >> aye. >> supervisor tang. >> no. >> supervisor wiener. >> no. >> supervisor yee. >> aye. >> supervisor avalos. >> aye. >> supervisor breed. >> aye. >> supervisor campos. >> aye. >> supervisor cohen. >> no. >> supervisor farrell. >> no. >> supervisor kim. >> aye. >> supervisor mar. >> aye. >> there are seven aye's and four nos. >> the motion is approved. [gavel] all right let's go to roll call for intruxz. >> first kentucky is supervisor peskin is the first it to introduce motions. >> thank you. (paused) >> we heard from merchants in the district that were hit with losses and a plummet in the level of service in their neighborhood received. we heard from chinatown residents and polk street residents about public safety concerns after the party went to the out lying neighborhoods and on and on. some have stated in the press that impacts of sb50 are just some inconveniences that the residents should be deal with with return of san francisco elevated to a national stage. respectfully i think that our constituents are quite aware of the world class title that san francisco holds and understand that san francisco as a healthy and robust tourist economy without adding a vaidable traffic congestion and street closures to the daily lives and we are to prioritize the best interest of san franciscans and maybe it's just me. we saw the local [inaudible] out of san francisco beer services and police services as far as l.a. and the 1.4 million that didn't make it into the bottom lines and public works projects and expedited 75 for market street and wi-fi proves and moscone improvements and installation of mta over head line switches and o they required staffing and resources that were essentially rerouted from the work plan and time tables prioritize the national football league a billion dollar kopgzeration and put the city in the red. also not included in the report and this is not a slight on the controller's office are the hundreds of city employees who were encouraged to volunteer to staff the super bowl events instead of serving the general public doing the duty as public servants and the transbay transit center had construction costs were not included in the report and i understand why. they're not a city agency but given the fact we're now on the hook to bail out the tjpa with quarter billion dollar loan i believe should be included in the bottom line. i commend the control or's office on taking the task of pulling together the report but clearly there are policy factors to be considered quantifiable financial matters as well as unquantifiable impact to the neighbors and neighborhoods. i have joined supervisor kim sponsoring legislation to ensure that san franciscans expect the best deal on behalf of residents and taxpayers for any one or any organization that wants to host a large scale event in san francisco with projected street closures and impacts and i will introduce legislation to close the corporate signage loophole during the two week nfl party. i look forward to the analysis of the super bowl impacts but importantly i think it's imperative that require transparency and prioritize the well being of san franciscans so i look forward to the support on pieces of legislation. next colleagues many read in the press of the lack of movement of small business with the implementation of proposition j which was championed by supervisor campos last november and voters approved with 57% of the vote. i am not alone with respect to the widespread small business and non-profit displacement that definitely impacted my district but reached a fever pitch. in addressing this roadblock and support in advance at the government and over site committee i am submitting a letter to the office of small business and implementation of administration and san francisco's legacy business preservation fund. while we wait for the office of small business to move forward with its important work we're taking steps to try and elevate the profiles of small businesses who are at risk of displacement or experiencings pressures from closed doors and high rents and i know in my district there's a number of small businesses if prop j had been realized would be much less likely to be moving out or closing their doors as we speak. as we cell celebrate the importance of the businesses throughout the month of may. >> >> we will do a lower polk tour and ask residents to patronize businesses as we did last week in north beach and integral to the community and also the lgbt and polk community and define what is special about the neighborhood. we will meet at hodges hardware this friday at 1170 sutter street and the next morning saturday joining the monthly community clean up at lo bow market and a legacy business at 9:00 a.m. at clay and leavenworth at knob hip and reporting (paused) she was definitely a force be reckoned with and the legacy in memory and in her honor and was a critical care nurse and worked up to a nurse supervisor and heavifully involve with the nurses association and mayor's ag ness sister and turned cna to the nursing society to the political and professional organization it is today. the rest i will submit. >> thank you supervisor peskin. supervisor wiener. >> submit. >> thank you. supervisor yee. >> colleagues i would like to request closing today's board meeting in memory of residents bruce shelby and was a dedicated community member and the former president of the lake shore improvement club one of the larger neighborhood associations and was born in sacramento in 1926. he served our country in the army air corps and after returning to the united states he attended san francisco state university and met his wife shirlee. they were married for 63 years. bruce spent much of his life working in marketing. he was a marketing manager for qantace airlines and worked as director for the golden gate district until his retirement. everyone that had the pleasure of knowing bruce remembered him as af fastball and open and wonderful person. >> >> he had a passion for cars and restored several including a mercedes 220s and a 1954mggf. bruce was known for his love for animals and often seen with his dogs. he would have 90 year's old in july this year. he is survived by his wife and sons and daughter-in-law and four grandsons. bruce will always be shalled by the neighbors of laker shore acres and thankful for the contributions. the rest i submit. >> thank you. supervisor. >> submit. supervisor campos. >> thank you. i just have one item. at the time when the city and the mission in particular are facing the worse affordability crisis in the history it's important for us to make sure we move as many affordable housing projects forward. as of february the average rent for two bedroom apartment in san francisco was $4,126. today i am happy thripped to introduce flee pieces of legislation that will pave the way for construction of 139 new affordable housing units in the mission specifically at the corner of 17th and folsom. >> >> formerly a city owned parking lot half of the parcel will be turned into 100% affordable housing and the other half a new park in san francisco in more than a decade. it will provide 139 apartments that are affordable to low income houses and transitional age house and 60% of the median income. the ground floor of the project will offer community services including a preschool, infant toddler care after school program for youth that will be operated by a mission district organization, as well as retail space for a cafe. the legislation that i am introducing will specifically rezone the parcel increase the height from 50 to 85 feet to maximize the units built, allow the city to apply for bond issuance authority and save the city millions of dollars in gap financing. the last one heard% 100% was in the mission and thank the mission economic development agency, the chinatown developmental center who has been working on this for some time and thank my staff for work and to all of the mothers i hope you had a wonderful mothers day. the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor campos. since supervisor cohen has stepped out of the chamber. >> [inaudible] >> supervisor farrell. >> (inaudible). >> supervisor kim. >> [inaudible] >> and supervisor mar has left the chambers so mad at president no other names on the roftder that concludes that item. >> thank you. can you read public comment. >> next is the public comment and with items calendar and items 37-37. please direct your comments to the board as a whole and not to individual members or the audience. speakers using assistance get twice the time and if you want to use the projector say as much to sfgtv and say when it's done to return to live coverage of the meeting. >> first speaker. >> [inaudible] san francisco. golden gate -- [inaudible] [speaking foreign language] i survive heart attack -- six time heart operation -- very happy, happy today. i just left the hospital yesterday and i come here to let you know i received it today from my young nephew that my lovely grand daughter -- you see her. she is marrying tomorrow. i wish i could be with her and dance and do anything to make her happy but she's going to make me happy and i am happy to see my lovely family grow up and i hope to see them soon. if i can't see them soon i hope to go to the end of the year to my country. thank you very much. i appreciate it whatever you give us i and would like to tell you i support every one of you. why? because i feel you're my family. you take care of me. i take care of you and god bless you. >> thank you very much. next speaker please. >> yeah i'm going to tell you how to take care of this immigration reform illegal immigration and sanctuary law once and for all. what you need to do is use the memorandum of points and authorities pertaining to the documentation that was used to make hawaii part of the united states of america and draft legislation to make mexico part of the united states. that way you eliminate this conflict pitting us against each other with the sanctuary law. there are thousands of immigrants that cross the desert and die and nobody even talks about that. okay. that same land they die and come over into the united states just looked like the nevada a desert. if you use the law to incorporate mexico as part of the united states they don't have to come and sneak into america. okay. the administration for mexico is not caring about their people. that's why they're sneaking over here in the first place and second of all the historical whites who are bigots and created this problem. latinos and blacks are joined together at the hip. it was black people working as slaves and constitutional right and the 14th amendment and blacks migrated to the north and whites exploited people and mexican people and slaves on the farms. if it wasn't for cesar chavez stepping up to the plate and for his people they wouldn't have made the gains they have now. now the undocumented children crossed over into the united states in the past six months and an increase over last year and about this guy pedro who brought this to your attention he was call -- [inaudible] >> thank you very much. >> (inaudible). >> and madam president -- thank you very much. >> the speakers in the due process and sanctuary law has been voted on in this body and can't be spoken on. >> [inaudible] >> sir, i understand. you spoke about that. i understand that. >> [inaudible] >> thank you madam president. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> [inaudible] >> thank you president breed and all. i live at sixth and howard and less than 40 years from sea level i rise to comment on a natural solution. i described for you the dire and imminent situation humanity faces with sea level rise and the drumm beat of disaster that will follow this indication. all of the water comes from the increased polar melting and heat in the atmosphere and comes from increase the carbon dioxide trapping it. i offer a solution. that solution is naturally trees, trees and shrubs and the green things that will pull that burdensome co2 out of the area and store it a area. >> >> if i could get the over head please. this blue spot is the amazon rain forest, half the size it once was. we need to replace the jungle we took and need a similar jungle to deal with the current co2 up load. where do we put them? there is red here and here and here. that's right next to a lot of white. dry deserts next to salt water oceans and thank you sfgtv. we have the red shoreline with desalination plants and the water a couple of millimeters of fresh water a day or the empty land. we will get a thin green edge on the map made up of wall of trees, trees between us and doomsday while protecting from the real danger not imagined one. thank you president breed. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> i will use the interpreter. >> [speaking foreign language] >> greetings supervisors. on april 17 of 16 this year about 100 of practitioners of the -- [inaudible] lining up in front of city hall and prepared to attend the cherry blossom parade . [speaking foreign language] >> right before the parade the organizer reach out and came to -- well, orally announce you're a group of [inaudible] and cannot attend the chinese new year parade and the mayor lee certainly appeared and you cannot attend the parade. [speaking foreign language] >> very hard for me to accept that and free land of san francisco a group practicing truth compassion and tolerance would be discriminated and forbidden from attending the parade. in that case what's the difference between beijing and san francisco? >> [speaking foreign language] >> as we know in the past more than one decade san francisco has been seriously infiltrated by the asian chinese government and can be seen by the flags, the republic of china's flag virtually everywhere. [speaking foreign language] >> so since 2005 [inaudible] as the proxy of the chinese government and basically execute agenda of the chinese consulate and [inaudible] [speaking foreign language] >> it's very hard for me to understand just because of the mayor certainly decide to attend this parade then the organizer have to cancel -- reject -- [inaudible] >> [speaking foreign language] >> while the mayor attended the chinese new year parade every year and -- [inaudible] for for bidden to attend that parraid? >> [inaudible] >> is this a democratic and free san francisco that tolerate religious freedom? [speaking foreign language] >> since the new leader of the china took office the officers that -- [inaudible] have been -- [inaudible] [speaking foreign language] >> [inaudible] brought to justice and the council will change too. [speaking foreign language] >> supervisors with conscience and talk to the mayor and give us our right -- >> thank you. thank you very much. thank you. next speaker please. >> the next speaker. i can start. my name is allen zing and the resident of san francisco. i'm not a member of this ban but here as the interpreter but i was really appalled when i learned about this 100 people banned well informed award winning band was told at the last moment you can't be part of this parade. this is happening in the inclusive tolerant and liberal san francisco which is part of the country. it's very difficult to understand. it's not hard to understand on the other hand. they can't attend because -- [inaudible] so why [inaudible] cannot attend this parade? this is ancient change easy culture so talking -- [inaudible] rose pac. when chien -- [inaudible] exercise there's too much at stake here. there's a lot of economic interest at stake within san francisco with chinatown and also a lot of [inaudible] so as a result -- ms. rose pac no single practitioner but held an mos itd against [inaudible]. why? because of the agenda from the chinese government. okay. i just want to raise one perspective for you. history ten years looking back if instead persecuted and tens of thousand people thrown into labor camp and [inaudible] san francisco is a part of this. it's a part of government that denies the voice. how would we look back? i'm not blaming anybody here because you didn't do anything here but looking back in the future and [inaudible] humanity revealed in the future and you were the supervisors supervising the city what happened on that day would be a stain, forever stain to the city so i am asking for help. we want to engage the organizer. this shouldn't happen in our beloved city. you're great people. i saw what happened today. you have passionate tolerant mind. san francisco shouldn't have this absurd rejection of a peaceful group. thank you so much. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> good evening. my name is karen fleshman and a huffington post blogger and attorney and speaker and mother and homeowner and proud supportive of the mario wood supporter and frisco five and hold you accountable for san francisco and we're run by a rouge police department and cocludeby providing insufficient oversight and accountability. i ask you take the step of reigning in -- remove chief suhr. all san franciscans need a police force to trust. according to president obama's task force on policing trust between law enforcement agencies and the people they project and serve is essential in a key to the communities and the integrity of the justice system and delivering police services. mayor lee appointed chief suhr and reflecting on the tenure he's not the right person to lead sfpd. greg suhr as chief threatens the legitimacy of the police and the government of san francisco and you're the supervisors. you appoint three of the seven members of the police commission and unanimously approve the the appointment of the susie lot of uses of the commission and use your pressure on the commissioners to remove chief suhr and i enter into record a much more detailed memo and blogs detailing the reasons why chief suhr is no longer fit to serve as leader of the san francisco police department. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> good afternoon supervisors. it's been a long wait. david carlos [inaudible] justice for mar imroa woods coalition and [inaudible] coalition and friend and supporter of the frisco five. last tuesday this body was disrespected. anxiety ree san franciscans swore at you and called you names and turned on bunches and turned the meeting into a sirk uses but why? because this body has disrespected them. the black, brown poor immigrant and homeless communities are grieving deeply in a state of shock and anger. not only forcibly driven out of the city they're being killed as they're evicted. ask yourself what it's like to be in a tent cold on bryant street and if the neighbor has a crisis 302nds later he might be shot dead and your tent might be flashd and thrown into a garbage truck. ask what it's like to be young black and killed by the cops and nobody cares and that's what it's like born in the barrier and killed while eating a burr right oi on potrero hill or a guatemalan shot six times by plains clothe police. by doing nothing tangible or making a difference the body has disrespected communities in grief and disrespected all of san francisco but you can begin to heal this simply. i would like to enter this into record. it's a draft resolution regarding police reform. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> (pause). . >> this is a screen shot of mario woods and the guns and the guns are aiming for his head. they shouldn't be doing that. his arms are down and no 38 whatsoever. now we will go to the frames and the execution of nar i don't woods. >> >> mario woods. as you can see in these frames he is doing absolutely nothing but walking forward. still shows no threat to the officer in any way, shape or form. now this is when he is shot in the head and these frames are 29 frames per second, so you're getting a fraction of a second and his head is hitting down and he's dropping like a wet noodle because he's already brain dead. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> thank you madam president and supervisors especially for taking the time to question mayor ed lee about the recent and unfolding events and nice to see policies like that tested and tugged on in democracy. my name is greg dylan and last night i was at blue ribbon panel on folsom street and [inaudible] chief suhr right now and supervisor campos called it an exceptional report by three judges what is more remarkable it's written by seven down law offices and coming together with the same report on this. these law firms are out there and i would like to thank them for doing the work pro bono. they're the firms that represent the biggest companies in the united states charge a lot of money for doing it and they did this pro bono because the accountability of the police is something not just for mission district activists and for everybody has been doing, and so what did the seven different law firms do? well, they studied from memory and use of force and each different law firm -- group in the law firm took a different issue, hiring and promotion, background checks, bias in policing against communities. is there bias in not taking some people's reports seriously, brady versus maryland compliance. for someone that doesn't know do they release excull pory evidence to the police -- discipline -- there were eight-points and i forgotten one and [inaudible] but can't track it and by asking -- >> thank you very much. thank you. next speaker please. >> my name is chancy and a citizen of california and since this discussion is open for any subject matter my concerns are mainly about marriage issue but i will pass that for tonight and talk about the bathroom issues and i think it's sad that our leaders from the state of california, the governor down, are trying to force our children to use a bathrooms that are opposite sex because someone believes they're male or female. yes, our hearts go out for those individuals and their concern and their beliefs but i don't know if there's any real scientific evidence to support the claim and i don't intend to offend anyone by my statement but scientists proved that blacks were inferior to whites in the past and in nazi germany scientists proved that jews were less that aryans and germans and it was the politicians, board of supervisors and judges that went along with this nonsense to harm people and then everyone kind of pull rug and precedent they had nothing to do. >> >> and our concerns about our children too. if they want it that way make a separate bathroom for those that feel they're male or female until there is evidence instead of psychology and a soft science, not a true science. thank you and i would like to leave this for you guys. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> the last time i was here i wasn't able to get to my main point which was that in luke 21 jesus said jew reduce lum was brought down by the gentiles until fulfilled and years from the exile in babylon and ended in 1996 because the bible gives a chronology that takes us from 70 years in bab long to the 70 weeks prophecy and 490 years plus 70 years is 560 years and that had to have ended in the year 36ad because the bible specifically says christ (paused). >> it explains the truth -- >> can you talk into the microphone please. >> i am shelly johnson and i got a newspaper here that explains the truth of all matter and [inaudible] and i have been speaking to a number of [inaudible] ladies already on this issue and it's all about getting the cure of cancer out and -- [inaudible] come get me and [inaudible] and the jurisdiction are already on with politics and -- [inaudible] contracting. [inaudible] i'm telling you. i am tired of being [inaudible] because of -- coordination with somebody that doesn't want -- [inaudible] with the agreement and i am not take this because -- [inaudible] clear up this craziness and sfpd if i have to smack the hell out of everybody -- [inaudible] and you should know already instead of -- [inaudible] and you ask about this -- just make sure that you cannot get the problem -- [inaudible] with cancer and everything else and you're trying to put something that you had already in your hearts and not really looking at the reality of it all. [inaudible] >> thank you ms. johnson. next speaker please. >> tom gilberty. i was inquiry years ago. conductor said two parts of the program. all the notes before the last and the last note. if you hit the last note i'm going to milk it. be prepared. five years ago a chant -- run lee run, run lee run, a geyser of civic enthusiasm. run lee run, run lee run. of course the political machine controls the democratic hierarchy [inaudible] progress intelligence of the other contenders. stay in power is the goal. run lee run, run lee run. five year we've had the fire fighter against their chief and the police killings and the mayor's blindness to evictions and gentrification, loss of culture. you can't find the solutions if you can't see the problems. but then again if you're just a cog or a gear in a political machine that's not expected of you but here we have a chance to rectify it. why doesn't our mayor retire at the end of this year and we can have an election during a presidential campaign so we have bigger bump of people attending and have a new mayor's election for this november. that would be a wonderful note, lovely gift to give this city that has been torn apart so badly. thank you. >> thank you. are there any other members of the public to provide public comment at this time please come forward. >> hi. proudy ms. breed. how's it going? all right. i guess i just you all to be clear. let me be clear. what happened on friday it wasn't a protest. it wasn't a vigile. it was a riot basically and i want you to be clear. if you look at the video several people were injure d. there were property damage. there were arrests so i am hoping when you choose to describe it you describe it as what it was. it was a riot. what i would like to see is it be made a little bit more known regarding some reforms and what i would like to see is that you put together some type of team that would put together best practices from around the country if not the world regarding how to deal with this situation, about police accountability, best practices, several things like that. i just -- i'm not sure if the police commission is going in the best direction. the occ has an 8% conviction rate and it just says if the police do something they have a 92% chance of getting off if they do something. i guess i'm -- the guy talked about the mario woods situation and when you read the autopsy report what incomplete they reported the police shot for the head, the back and the genitalia. they didn't follow the training in shooting center mass. >> thank you very much. are there any other members of the public who would like to provide public comment at this time? seeing none public comment is closed. [gavel] madam clerk can we go to the -- can you please read without reference do committee items. >> item 37-37 are considered without adoption and be single role call vote and a member can object and do it separately. >> please call the roll. >> supervisor peskin. >> aye. >> supervisor wiener. >> aye. >> supervisor yee. >> aye. >> supervisor avalos. >> aye. >> supervisor breed. >> aye. >> supervisor campos. >> aye. >> supervisor cohen. >> aye. >> supervisor farrell. >> aye. >> supervisor kim. >> aye. >> supervisor mar mar absent. there are ten aye's. >> the motion is approved unanimously. [gavel] madam clerk we do have an imperative item. supervisor cohen. >> thank you. madam clerk correct me if i am wrong we a dornted on 35-37. >> yes, ma'am. >> my apologies i have to rescind the vote and separate item 35. >> there is a motion and seconded. colleagues can we take this without objection. without objection the item to rescind passes. [gavel] and colleagues on items 36 and 37 can we take that -- supervisor peskin. >> i would like to speak to items 35 and 36 just a broad suggestion. >> okay. madam clerk can you please call item 35. >> item 35 is a resolution to earn the california state legislature the judicial council and governor brown to adequately fund dependent assess counsel in the state of california. >> supervisor cohen. >> thank you very much. thank you for rescinding the vote and opportunity to continue this item for one week. >> supervisor cohen has made a motion to continue this item for one week to the meeting of may 17, 20,172nded by supervisor peskin. >> i am happy to second it. i just have a community. >> second by supervisor peskin. >> thank you. i will say pursuant to a hearing at government oversight and committee relative to resolutions that the board passes that we may want to as a matter of policy on these and other resolutions that support or oppose state legislation include a further resolve that states and the clerk shall forward a copy of the resolution to the city's lobbyist. >> thank you supervisor peskin and we -- would you like us to make that amendment now? >> it's a friendly suggestion to the maker of the resolution supervisor cohen if you would like to include it next week she can. >> okay. and i am supportive of that as well just to be clear. >> thank you. >> all right. supervisor cohen has made a motion and seconded by supervisor peskin to continue the item to the meeting of may 17, 2016. colleagues can we take that without objection. without objection this item will be continued to that meeting. [gavel] item 36. >> item 36 is a resolution to urge and support all efforts by the state legislator and governor for state supplementary prmentds for the poverty level of elderly blind or disabled individuals. >> seeing no names on the roster. same house same call. without objection it's adopted unanimously. item 37. >> this is to schedule the board of supervisors sit as a committee of the whole for a res on assessment costs for inspection or blighted repair properties. >> supervisor peskin this is the item? >> no. it's actually item 36 but the previous suggestion was not picked up by supervisor mar and it's no big deal. >> [inaudible] >> okay. >> [inaudible] >> so colleagues can we take this item same house same call. without objection the motion is approved unanimously. [gavel] colleagues we have one imperative agenda item as i said before to wish harvey rose a happy birthday and so i would like to ask my colleagues to make a motion that this is purely [inaudible] and came to the attention of the board prior to the publication of the agenda moved by supervisor farrell. second by supervisor campos. colleagues can we take this without objection. without objection the motion passes unanimously. [gavel] and on the imperative item as distributed moved by supervisor farrell. seconded by supervisor campos. -- >> madam president we need to take public comment. >> oh can we open the item for the wishing of harvey rose happy birthday? can we open that up for public comment? >> happy birthday harvey rose. >> thank you. any other public comment? >> happy birthday to you and i am looking forward to another 20 years out of you. >> thank you very much. all right. seeing no other public comment on the imperative item public comment is closed. [gavel] colleagues on the imperative item can we take this same sex marriage house same call. without objection the item passes unanimously and colleagues this bring us to -- madam clerk can you mrs. please read the in memory ams. >> for supervisor peskin helen monthees supervisor yee bruce selby and president president collarrance johnson. >> colleagues this brings us to the end of our agenda. madam clerk is there any further business before us today? >> that concludes the business today. >> all right. thank you everyone. we are adjourned. [gavel] san francisco san francisco san francisco rules committee rules committee >> i believe was just mailed to supervisors. i'm pleased to submit this letter of support for (unintelligible) candidacy. working as a lone female scientist. doctor (unintelligible) has demonstrated over 40 years of research. special focus on increasing female participation. (unintelligible) an at risk teenage girls have receive mentorship since 2008. has received national geographic explorer -- written extensively about the eucalyptus tree, a tree with importance to our city. honored as a fulbright senior specialist. serving in the california academy of scientist. she's been awarded multiple times for her work. >> supervisor mar: calling dr. loman (sounds like) canopy meg. i wanted to say that to have a pioneer scientists and activist on the urban forrester council will add tremendous depth to the forrester council. i am pleased that she has been appointed and am looking forward to supporting her. >> supervisor tang: thank you supervisor mar. on a personal level have seen doctor -- work at the academy. had no idea that so many of us were studying trees from the ground. she is studying them from the top. one day showcasing how she was doing that. we got the climb top trees. i am amazed by doctor lamin (sounds like) by what she is able to do and promoting young girls to enter in the science field. i know she was not here today but i've seen her before the rules committee before and after public comments i would wholeheartedly support her. without any other further questions or comments i will open up item 2 for comments. any members of the public? seeing none closed. >> i would like to make a motion to move for the recommendation to name ms. megan loman for seat 5. >> supervisor mar: is a friendly amendment we wave the residency requirement. she lives in tiburon. >> supervisor tang: supervisor -- makes the motion to waive the residency requirement. will take that up without objection. item 3 please. >> hearing to consider to appoint one member to a term ending february first, 2018, to the park recreation and open space advisory committee. >> supervisor tang: please come on up. >> good morning everyone. my name is ana. i'm very happy and honored to be considered to be a liaison between them is that my community and the parks and recreation department. i'm also honored and privileged to have been nominated by friends of -- park to this seat. i appreciate very much such wonderful support from them and from my immunity. when you tell you little bit about myself. have been a resident of tenderloin for over 16 years and i'm the mother, two-year-old little girl. i'm an immigrant myself. have gained tremendous experience dealing with issues of public safety as they relate to open spaces in my community. most recently i have been working with latinas in collaboration with other community groups in the neighborhood on the proposed renovation of height (unintelligible) in park. br1 have been doing community outreach. thank you. >> supervisor tang: thank you very much and of course we know that district 6 needs a lot more open space for all the families that are there. especially with the influx of it and more development. --- any questions or comments from colleagues? >> supervisor mar: i want to thank you for working with us and organizing the (unintelligible). so lucky to have you. >> supervisor tang: at this time am going to open it up for public comment. a representative from supervisor's -- office is her.e >> hi supervisors. supervisor kim is actually excited by this selection. ana gee is a longtime resident and chair tang as you noted, it is an area that needs open space with the highest density of children, it is in desperate need of open space and ana gee is one of the folks that has been a huge choice to make sure that local parks are moving along, making sure that we have more open space. --- as a mother, immigrant and activist her voice is extremely needed. i want to give you some fun facts that you may have seen in her application by her background is in anthropology. she has a statistical analysis background. it is a helpful area. thank you in advance. >> supervisor tang: thank you very much. any other speakers for item 3? come on upu. >> good morning supervisors. my name is stephen janice (sounds like). i have lived in lto for 25 years. i'm a (unintelligible) for the general area, seat 11. i am a member of (unintelligible) and a board member. and with the tenderloin historical coalition. have known ana for about a year. it is an open park for the families in the area and she is always there and helping with the parents and kids. she can always be found there working and helping. she is a perfect fit. she loves to work with people and to help people and she will be an asset. thank you very much. >> supervisor tang: thank you very much. any other speakers for item 3? seen on the public comments are closed. colleagues you have a motion. >> supervisor mar: i mostly appoint ana to seat 17 to the prosac, park creation and open space advisory committee. >> supervisor tang: i'll take that without objection. congratulations. mr. clerk call item four. >> hearing to consider appointing one member term ending january first, 2020. >> supervisor tang: we have one applicant, marina pelosi. anyone here to speak on behalf of marina? seeing none, public comment closed. i'm fine with appointing marina to seat 2. >> supervisor mar: so moved. >> seconded. >> supervisor tang: i will take that without objection and congratulations ms. pelosi. item 5. >> hearing to consider appointing three members terms ending april 30, 2018. seven applicants. >> supervisor tang: this is going to be a little tougher. three seats, seven applicants. some withdrew. amy van nest, -- brandy kuentzel and maria conlon have withdrawn. when you come on up please state the name for the record as well. >> good morning supervisors im annemarie fortier. i have been a chairperson for the past year succeeding the previous chairperson who held the position for seven years. having come into the commission last year as chairperson i'm sure you can all relate to finding my sealegs and understanding the process and what not. i'm getting the hang of it and it would like to continue to serve in this capacity on the commission. --- i'm a 20 year resident of district 2. have been a dog guardian for most of that time. i enjoy the work in the commission and bring the respective of dog guardian and also a parent, and a frequent user of the outdoor space. finding a balance between all these groups is critical to the health of our people, our animals and our natural spaces so i would love the opportunity to continue to serve an eye appreciate your consideration. >> supervisor tang: thank you very much. i guess for both of the applicant here, are there any sort of particular issues that you would like to address facing whether it is animal welfare, or i know that there are a lot of other issues concerning animals out there. >> one of the biggest things we are considering now is the bond measure. we had hoped to be part of the measure, and we see some of the financing and that is not going to happen. we hope that you supervisors will allow the funding for the new animal care and control facility to proceed. it was intended to be a temporary facility. i want to say 1980 something. it's held up, but it is sorely lacking. we are very passionate. like us at all of us on the commission care about the safety, the animals and people in both of those groups are at risk in the event of an emergency in our city. --- another issue is we are generally groups in opposition on the restrictions of the (unintelligible) off-leash areas proposed. we are also concerned about the process. we feel that over several years the tgnra has given the public an opportunity to speak and when they came out with the recent guidelines they seem to not reflect much of what i have seen, the views of our citizens. that is another issue that will be coming up. >> supervisor tang: great, thank a very much. >> i have something to say about another applicant, may i do that? >> that can be done at the public comments. >> i am (unintelligible) -- had been in small animal private practice in san francisco for about the last four years. prior to that was working in an animal shelter capacity at the humane society in santa rosa, walnut creek. --- during my, was involved with animal control in my county so i have been involved with animal shelters. --- have been crisscrossing all of the neighborhoods. i have been doing that for about a year and gotten to know the city even better than i would have imagined. >> supervisor mar: she is a mobile vet. that's pretty cool. >> i go to people's houses and see the pets at their homes. i am a lifetime girl scout; my dad is on the (unintelligible) board of directors for his whole life. it is something that we do without question. --- but to me, i feel we cannot function in the community without citizens getting involved. you cannot complain about something without taking action. have also been heavily involved with the american veterinary association on the national level since about 2008, first as a student delegate then on the executive as a student. i have been working with veterniary students across the board. --- my goal as a member is to help provide medical background on any issues that may come up. public health issues, animal issues involving animals, i feel my background will be important. thank you for your consideration to be on the animal control and welfare commission. >> is there currently a veterinary on the board? >> currently not (unintelligible). >> supervisor tang: i want to provide an update because i know this was mentioned. we did this on tuesday at the board of supervisors, another step to make the rebuild of animal control and reality. we passed legislation regarding certificates of participation proceeds followed by legislation that will be trailing in the fall. again we are making good progress as the city on our commitment to provide any facility for the animals there and the employees by the way. --- at this time will open up item 5 for public comment. if anyone wants to come up these come to the podium. >> thank you supervisors. i would like to say on behalf of doctor hansen, is extremely help for the have a veterinarian on the commission. oftentimes we are presented with issues from the public were we have questions among ourselves. we hear things about specific breeds of animals or types of animals, characteristics or particular issues and commissioners might not be aware of them. having a veterinarian there is extremely helpful when we are considering these issues. i would love to see doctor hansen appointed to this board, someone who has experience. --- secondly a would like to make a comment about bunny rosenberg. it would be refreshing to have a little critters' person. ms. rosenberg has been involved with the animal community for many years and we see her regularly and she would be a nice addition to our commission. >> supervisor tang: next speaker please. >> the morning my name is sally stevens i served on the commission for seven years and that would like to speak enthusiastically in support for annemarie's reappointment. i was delighted when she took over as chair when ice stepped down. basically everything falls on the chair to figure out so i wanted to say from someone who has been there it is hard and i'm know that she probably feels she is just hitting her stride. i urge you to reappoint her. --- would also like to speak in support of the veterinarian; there is one seat reserved for a veterinarian and it is important to have someone there. it is hard to get a lot of veterinarians to agree to serve. to some extent someone who is willing, don't let her get away! --- as for the third position that is open i don't know any of the three other people. just looking at their resumes, i was impressed by nicolle "bunny" matthews rosenberg but i cannot say for personal experience. thank you very much. >> supervisor tang: any members of the public who wish to comment on item 5? >> with quick with annemarie. i've only recently started going to the meetings. i don't know her personally but seeing her at those eating she knows what she is doing and she is done a very good job of keeping things on track and on time and making sure people do get a voice in keeping things organized. --- she has been helpful in the understanding the application process. from the little bit and have seen i would say she has been a great commission member. >> supervisor tang: any other persons wish to speak? item disclosed. --- for six (correction) four seat seven, only one applicant. >> i make that motion. >> supervisor tang: we will confirm dr. hansen for seven. that takes care of seats 1 and 7. we have seat 2 left. --- looking over the applicant's i would like to give nicolle the opportunity to serve even though she was not appointed before. i like her continued dedication. i would be okay with moving forward with ms. rosenberg for seat 2. seconded by supervisor mar. we will take that up without objection. confirmed. congratulations. --- mr. clerk of the could call item six. >> an ordinance exempting california state university fresno foundation from the nonprofit public access ordinance. >> supervisor tang: thank you. we have someone here from my believe hsa. >> good morning supervisors. my name is -- contract manager with the human services agency. with me is john sitikaway (sounds like), we are requesting a waiver on behalf of the csu fresno foundation. --- hsa as context of the provision of title iv trainings. for child welfare proiders. hsa and (unintelligible) are all contract terms. the foundation is asking to waive the 12-hr requirement as they feel they substantially meet the public exit requirement and will have to make considerable changes to their procedures to meet requirements by the city. --- the foundation adheres to an is bound by the requirements under the california education code. rather than the (unintelligible) meetings a year, csu is required to have all meetings public with a seven day notice period. it is important to avoid taking any action until it has been made public for the seven days. --- with regards to meeting representation csu has provisions in place to advocate participation from university alumni and members of the committee. records are available for public inspection upon request during operational hours. the 12 hour requirement for community representation will require procedure and policy changes that would prove a bit burdensome to the foundation since it has to adhere to the california code in parallel . >> supervisor tang: it was a pretty thorough explanation. the school will adhere to public transparency and openness. i don't think we are forgoing any of that bypassing this today. thank yousee no questions or comments from college we will open up items six for comments. >> good morning david (unintelligible) speaking as an individual. despite the action of the board eye continue to follow public access in public records particularly (unintelligible), a number of times about the dilemma with the csu fresno foundation and how to deal with the 12 hour requirement. --- this is the first time in my knowledge in the 18 years that the nonprofit public ordinance has existed that the board has proposed to exempt a contractor from its requirements. i think that doing so would thwart the public access requirements. i think there are a couple of options for the board. you could pass this ordinance; that would set a bad precedent. --- i'm not quite clear of the title iv requirements or the specifics of the contract between hsa dn the foundation, but of the services on the provided to the city employees and the city employs them provide direct training to actual members of the public, that i've believe the contract would not be subject to 12l. but again i'm not sure how those title iv requirements work. alternatively we should have another discussion about 12l. it's been 18 years. maybe they are specific about what is covered and what entities are subject to it and if it could narrow the scope to just those agencies that provide services, direct services to the public and are headquartered in san francisco or the bay area. it is difficult to go to fresno to attend one of these meetings or attempt to be on their board. >> supervisor tang: thank you. any other numbers of the public who wish to speak on and six? >> good morning miami john citikawa (sounds like) with hsa, contract director. in response to the's basically the training for masters level child welfare staff whether it is risk assessment or case management. the foundation serves primarily fiscal agencies; we have what is called the bay area academy. the staff of coordinates and provides the training. different universities have acted as a fiscal agent; we have had it with san francisco state, berkeley, cal state, east bay and currently we are working with fresno. primarily this contract is directed to hsa staffing. >> supervisor tang: thank you very much. any other members of the public or wish to comment on item 6? seeing none, public comment is closed. it's not like there isn't going to be any public processor transparency; in fact seems they will be more. if we could get a motion item 6. >> supervisor mar: i make the motion. >> supervisor tang: adopted. item 7. >> -seven is a resolution urging the san francisco county transportation authority in partnership with the mayor's office and the san franciscan miscible transportation agency to develop a san francisco transportation expenditure plan for potential consideration in the november 2016 ballot. >> have been working closely with the future as in november, a half-cent sales tax for transportation, and it would like to thank supervisor avalos for his partnership and collaboration. colleagues we have absolutely massive transportation needs in san francisco and regionally. san francisco is projected to break a million people an and the bay area more than two million people. we will have more cars and it is hard to imagine that but that is where we are headed. we have a deteriorated and insufficient public transportation system. we are working hard to improve muni and cal train, get a high-speed train. rehabilitating bart and so forth. --- mayor lee a few years ago convened the constitution 2030 task force to come up with funding sources for the multibillion-dollar pull that we have for the petition in san francisco. the three major recommendations or a transportation bond to come up periodically, and thank you to the voters we passed the bond in nov. 2014. --- the next step is the half cent sales tax. and also to help san francisco to be a good regional partner. we need to help bart and caltrain. this resolution colleagues is the first step towards a half percent transportation sales tax, allowing the county competition (correction) transportation authority. we are doing really good outreach in the community. so we can move forward. i have distributed an amendment. a series of minor amendments clarifying the intent of the resolution. they are more significant amendments, one on page 2, line 13, inserting two "whereas" clauses. the mta has adopted a free muni program for youth, seniors and disabled persons. service performance improvement for low-income transit in the community and to the adoption of the transportation 2030 recommendations -- policy to build 50 into our transportation system to end all severe traffic injuries by 2024. preventing severe end of the crashes on our street and (unintelligible) behavior on the road. --- on page 2, line 18, inserting quote -- expand services to fully utilize these resources and provide transit services and -- and on page 19. inserting whereas (unintelligible). and then finally on page 3, line 3, inserting "including priorities that emerge after the task force convenes -- safety." --- i want to thank in addition to supervisor avalos, the mta and the petition authority for working closely with my office and with the community to really fine-tune a good expenditure plan. having a good extent of the plan for transit service, vision 0, for roads, for regional, for our commitment is important in terms of spending funds wisely. --- after the public comment i will move these amendments. i don't know if you like to say something on behalf of supervisor avalos. >> supervisor tang: all right. >> good afternoon chair tang. (unintelligible). legislative aide to supervisor avalos. --- supervisor avalos is glad to work -- and working on expenditure plan and supervisor avalos reiterates the importance of the program -- the muni equity -- let me get it right -- muni service equity strategy. especially to provide -- evidence of the sales tax will be used to benefit the most disadvantaged communities in san francisco, countering any concerns about the aggressive nature of the cell stacks.>> supervisor tang: thank you very much. supervisor mar? >> like to thank supervisors weiner and avalos. this helps balance it out with equity. i am pleased about emphasis on public engagement. anytime there is a -- making sure that it is not just the department heads, making sure we spend the money as supervisor weiner laid it out. >> supervisor tang: thank you very much supervisor mar. i know there are many details to sort out. without any further questions or comments i will open this item up to public comment. anyone who wishes to speak please come on up. >> nicole ferrara (sounds like), executive director of (unintelligible). i want to reiterate the comments earlier. and reiterate that the transportation justice coalition of the working in partnership for many years with both supervisors to make sure that we do fill the much-needed transportation funding gap. there is a gap of 21 billion dollars over the next 20 years just on the mta side. this sales tax is desperately needed. as our housing grows we need to make sure that people can get to and from jobs and recreation and anything. --- we need to make sure that that happens equitably and sustainably and safely. we are excited about the language moving forward. there are continuing conversations; we will be part of those conversations and look forward to making sure that a transportation specific measure gets on the november ballot with your support. thanks. >> supervisor tang: thank you. next speaker please. >> david -- speaking as an individual, speaking in support of this measure. there is no question that we have substantial capital needs in transportation. i think there is some debate and healthy debate about the funding sources. in 1989 and 2003 there was an expenditure plan advisory committee. i don't know if it is contemplated that they will be an advisory committee set up. i served in both of those and i would be interested serving on it. --- i know there is discussion about the measure in november; there may be measured from the school district or other places so this is not a slamdunk at all. it is important to have people on the table soon. obviously there is not a lot of time to tweak this. i stand in support of this measure and am fine with the amendments. thank you very much. >> supervisor tang: any other member of the public wishes to speak? seeing none public comment is close. >> thank you for the numbers of the community who participated. this is an ongoing process with a lot of work. we are in close contact with the mayor's office in addition to the mta and we look forward to continuing to work with the mayor the more broad-based effort this is the stronger it will be going to the ballot. >> supervisor mar: i move the amendment. >> we will take that up without objection. >> supervisor tang: mr. clerk do we have any other items? >> no. >> supervisor tang: the meeting is adjourned. ---

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