Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Replay Budget And Finance Committe

SFGTV BOS Replay Budget And Finance Committee 31616 March 23, 2016

Be sufficient fundstalk about revenue over expenses associated with super bowl l come a week may come back in the future after the controllers reports to deal with 50 port tenants, 150 subtenants im in receipt of this letter which you all may have from the merchants of the Ferry Building, who writes, the reality was a regular customers the people who lived here and shop with us frequently stayed away. The reality was that the city did not coordinate well with us and the resulting crowds mostly words of upset people who cannot get into the super bowl village wondered about making the Ferry Building an attractive. We had a spike in shoplifting and vessel as some visitors decided theyd rather take their anger out on us. The route is some top and sales close to 40 at one of our vendors had a event total 7 sales one day that we could our defenses went up as well because of street holders and disclosure. It goes on but should the be sufficient funds supervisor wiener, we can come back and revisit this but i think that we have a moral obligation to the street artists and the other valid permit fees and licensees that is what is before us today thank you for that supervisor peskin. I think my question is been answered to boil that down to what i think is now in the proposed legislation is that the 100,000 is very specific group of vendors, the Street Vendors, in the Justin Herman plaza general area, and it up to 600 per vendor, the 100,000 will be entirely consumed i those claims assuming they all made complaints. The doctor they all make the maximum claim it wont cover that. Its important to note that means for example i know there was a lot of discussion about the impacts of the super bowl on the castrol merchants and we do have some representatives of castro merchants here today. Due to the elimination of the Streetcar Service but i think its important to be for this legislation could this fund to absolutely nothing does nothing for the castrol merchants. I am imagining their other neighborhoods where the merchants are stating they were impacted as well obviously because my district is one hearing from. Im sure my colleagues have heard from merchants in their own districts. So, it seems that when this was announced record was the perception that was something that would benefit a broader swath of march did it raises also subissues about how to prove which are losses when you were displaced. I can understand the simplicity of making a more narrow, but this is basically selecting one group of merchants to compensate and not compensate other merchants who may very well have suffered very significant impacts. For example, the customers who do a fair amount of forest business and historic streetcar. In addition to the broader impact of the super bowl city was obviously drawing a lot of people who may potentially have gone and chopped in other areas. Its unclear. So, either real concern about that. I also want to just say this is not a criticism at all to provide peskin is not a member of the board of supervisors at the time. In 2012, this board of supervisors including 4 of the 5 members of this committee to much everyone except for supervisor yee was not a member of the board at the time unanimously approved a resolution to 2 2nd motion old super bowl process. At the time, i dont recall hearing any demand that the city be reimbursed for police or for beauty service, which is something we dont charge any other street festivals good at the time i dont recall hearing any statement from a District Supervisor saying my vendors are going to be impacted by the displacement and i want make sure the deal includes 100,000 were the case may be to compensate the physically displaced vendors. Instead, in 2013 we heard nothing. June 2014 we heard nothing. In 2015 we heard nothing and then in the end of 2016 a couple months before the super bowl, after years and years of planning, after the money that was raised a 50 million raised was budgeted and allocated, all of a sudden there was a demand that we need 5 and others for police and muni and hey, we need money to reimburse and, save these vendors. I just question again its not racism a supervisor peskin was not a member of this body until december, but other members of this board who do not say a peep in 2012, 2013 and 2014 and most of 2015 and then all of a sudden, 60 days before the event when i got a lot of headlines we start hearing a lot about this. I does have a real problem with that. This could have been worked out at the beginning as part of a deal. I imagine it would not have been an issue at all to say that 50 million raised you want 100,000 to subside for 200,000 for Street Vendors and now here we are with the proposal that doesnt even cover many merchants in the city who have stated they saw significant drops in business. I have a problem with that. I therefore to the continued discussion. Supervisor yee if i may just respond supervisor peskin first of all, let me say we have as supervisor wiener indicated a plethora of activities in our public spaces good bday street fairs, ebay in this case an event for a forprofit Corporate Organization National Football league is a for profit organization. Be it the americas cup come up but i do believe as a matter of policy, colleagues, to the 4 of 50 you got did not raise those questions in 2012, did not raise those questions in 2013, or 14 and only reasonable late in 2015, particularly given the americas cup experience and i personally enjoy the americas cup experience. I went to every single race but was not only aware that the city was losing a massive amount of money on that i actually participated in litigation against this body that im now part of because i do not think that giving a 11 peers to the 3rd richest man in the United States of america for 66 years was good Public Policy. So i agree with supervisor wiener that these issues should as a matter of policy be addressed, that the city should do with the city of santa clara did, which is to get full cost reimbursement, and i profoundly hope that if there are not millions of dollars that the city has realized from this that we are able to share with merchants in the castro and merchants at Fishermans Wharf and merchants in the Ferry Building and merchants at boulevard restaurant were negatively financially impacted by this. Supervisor yee first of all, i want to thank supervisor kim and peskin to bring this resolution. As most of us know, different artists and different Business People that are really considered very small that Something Like what happened can really devastate their whole business. Yes, i agree maybe this is not the answer to everything but am so grateful that somebody stepping up to say at least for the smallest businesses that actually great survivor all those in favor say, aye torus want to come we are going to actually try to mitigate some of their losses and hopefully as we see more income coming in that we can help out with other businesses. So, for me its a positive thing. I dont make it a negative thing. In fact, one of the things my office has been looking into for a while now but we have not found the right formula is can we ask reasonable fund for businesses when we actually lose money from when street closures and beyond fairs, when they do construction in front of their business for 6 months that we know theres a drop in business. So, its something that interested in trying to find a way to help those type of businesses, but today is about helping these 240 or so vendors that are very small and for 600, i hope its not to be too cumbersome for them to apply for these things. It should be easy. Because if it takes them a lawyer to figure out how to get the 600 its not worth it. So, i will be supporting this supervisor tang thank you supervisor peskin and kim for bringing attention to this. I think my only, my main question reference for this legislation with a package here was what was done before hand, and so i heard the Arts Commission had tried to work with some of the vendors on this before the event started and i do know someone is here actually shes become what those efforts are . As cbr commission director. So, if you could just let us know what happened prior to the super bowl event and whether there was any outreach onto the street artist in the area . Beatnik good afternoon supervisors on tom mckinney director of social affairs of the event Arts Commission. Just to give some facts but the timeline and planning for super bowl l, the Arts Commission on the Public Record the impact of super bowl city on the spaces at Justin Herman plaza for the street artist just to clarify the street Artist Licensing Program the program of the Arts Commission deigned back to 1972. Individual street artists can pay quarterly for a street artist license. The annual total fee currently is that 750 for the annual fee. We first announced on the Public Record of super bowl city would be impacting the 116 spaces at Justin Herman plaza at our street Artist Committee meeting on november 4 and then we later announce to the whole street artist membership the memo on january 4 that the Arts Commission was working with the Super Bowl Host Committee to identify 10 alternate spaces to be created to enable artists to participate in the super bowl festivities. This is certainly not the number of spaces that traditionally would be available in Justin Herman plaza. But there were 10 spaces because shared with the Super Bowl Host Committee that were located between 3rd and 4th street to take advantage of the fact there would be increased for traffic. The super bowl l Host Committee did ask we assemble a pool of no more than 90s 90 artist to be selected so that poor was also made limited. Currently, there are 313 artist license in the street Artist Program we have 70 artists apply for those 10 spaces to be administered via a daily lottery. So out of those 70, how many were able to get a space inside super bowl city . To be clear this is not immediately within super bowl city. It was adjacent to super bowl city on Market Street between 3rd and 4th street. 2 additional spots available as part of the regular street artist licensing spaces so that was approximately 100 other spaces you can regularly access the were not impacted by super bowl city. I would need to check with staff to see exactly how many of those 70 artists access those tend oftentimes the weather and other variables come into play as to who shows up for the daily lottery im glad to hear the was an outreach from the Arts Commission before the event and he said the vacation went out in november. But november of 2014 winter Public Notice hearing to discuss super bowl city would have an impact on spaces at Justin Herman plaza. At that time we did not have a clear plan of the designated alternate spaces but we announce on Public Record we were working with Super Bowl Host Committee to identify alternative spaces. Was not until january 4 of 2016 that a memo was sent out to all street artist confirming the spaces and the plan for implementing them so, i dont know if this might have to be answered by some of public, tours here today but to understand that despite this effort here why some people were still displaced or not be able to sell their goods during the super bowl the studies, so that is something i do know you can explain but maybe the artist, they can share what happens. I would deftly differ to each individual street artist position and story but we have heard concern from a number of street artists that historically access the lottery spaces at Justin Herman plaza at a place where there is the greatest amount of foot traffic and that sales than to be a bit higher in Justin Herman plaza then at some of the other sites around the city that are approved by the board of supervisors. Thank you for that rundown of events. I think that my other concern was about the broad 2nd category of uses under item number 2, which was any other business adversely impacted by super bowl related event at the figure supervisor wiener pointed out Castro District isolator from our urban street merchants even that with super bowl coming why were they able to benefit from certain things and again, if they raise issues about people being jampacked at one part of the city not route to the western part of the city with a qualified for Something Like this. So, i just thought it was overly broad but if it is as what supervisor peskin stated earlier it would not apply to them to my that i think perhaps the language should be fine tuned their. I leave my questions at that. Ongoing to listen to the Public Comment but i want to say im very supportive of the street artists. I had many close family members who work in that same role i would say half of my jewelry collection home is from street artist. So the terminus respect for them. I do want to make sure that we are really looking to address these issues before events happen so we can prevent this from occurring in the future. Alternative to my colleagues supervisor kim i just want to ask if the Arts Commission is supportive of this appropriation establishment of the fund . Yesterday our staff has been working closely with supervisor peskins office and the contorted out the language used up before you today. We would be happy to work with the controller and the Supervisors Office to ensure aransparent and thorough process of any claim so be filed to administer the funds i just want to address some of the questions and concerns were brought up by members of the committee. First of all, we did very much want to delineate which businesses would be eligible for the fund because we knew that there could be an infinite pool of businesses were impacted by super bowl l. I certainly heard from many of them in the south beach corridor said they lost business due to the special event. We know there was a direct impact from the displacement of the village for the Street Vendors that specifically are at these locations that lost business and that is therefore how we limited the scope of the universe of businesses that will be a tuple. Otherwise, this could have grown into an Infinite Fund and wouldve been very difficult for city and county to administer. But i think its important for us to tell the narrative of how this historically happened here in the city and are we tell the narrative to our voters could when we are supported the bid in 2012 it was a very simple resolution saying we supported a Host Committee being formed to bid us to host the parties for the super bowl. There was nothing in the resolution about who would pay for the cost of the event, how much would get raised from what the expectations are, and from the board of supervisors perspective as we went out to that we thought all that would get worked out later. In fact, this board did ask questions about the cost of the super bowl and masters budget process that came up in every Single Department hearing and what we got the cost of the event were little under 300,000. The only department to summit the cost was the department of Emergency Management and i believe a little bit from the fire department. We approved those cost it we said that was appropriate and reasonable and 11 members of this board and said we support that. There was nothing about a 5 million price tag for the cost of that event. Last year wouldve been the appropriate time for the department to that those cost for the upcoming fiscal year. This port started asking questions in the fall. We knew the event was coming closer we want to get a good understanding of who was negotiating behalf the city and county of San Francisco. We asked over and over again finally we were not getting answers and supervisor cohen call for hearing in october demanding a response. In terms of what the city had finally negotiated. Unfortunately, this board does not see contracts below 10 million or below 10 years. That is something were trying to fix the ordinance supervisor avalos, peskin and myself trying to make sure this never happens again. Americas cup i think supervisor avalos to talk what this board to make it clear we want to fund raise for the cost of the special events thats what we are able to negotiate the americas cup course endeavoring to not quite cover the 11 50 million bill americas cup cost the city but was something we had negotiated and asked for back in 2012 could i think that certainly is appropriate that the board would ask for that again with the super bowl. So, i think all this went up to the situation where here today were returned to make cold after event has occurred for something that we also agree shouldve been taken care of before as santa clara did for hosting the super bowl on their end. So, i think its important to make those clarifying comments subsidized and how this nerd truly occurred. Supervisor avalos i want to respond to the resolution stated by supervisor wiener. It was a similar resolution akimbo for the board of supervisors regarding the a

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