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Firearms continuing to be a contributing factor to senseless violence. Not only here in San Francisco but across our country. Even though we have some of the toughest gun laws, there still remains more we can do in terms of Public Safety. There are gaps in our federal and state legislation that San Francisco has yet to address, that a number of other counties in San Francisco have already taken advantage of. Thats why today im introducing legislation that would require the video taping of all gun and ammunition sales in San Francisco. And require all Stores Transfer to the San Francisco Police Department. I want to thank supervisor cohen whos been a strong leader in proposing gun control reforms. It is intended to fill the gaps that exist at the federal and state level and enhance Public Safety. I do believe we need to do everything within our power here inside of city hall. I hear about Public Safety concerns whether its quality of life crimes or violent crimes. Obviously, we cant go out and patrol the streets. What we can do inside the city hall is equally important. I do believe we need to continue to press forward. The first portion of the legislation would require the video taping of all gun and ammunition sales within the city of San Francisco. Including counters and safes, vaults and so forth. Currently no federal or California Law impose a security requirement during business hours. Simply having this evidence of all gun sale and all gun handling within the stores will hopefully deter those are buying guns and ammunitions. As with both of these items, it will give our Law Enforcement personnel Additional Data and resources and tools in order to prosecute crimes and investigate them as well. The second portion would require the electronic transmission of ammunition sales data and transfers weekly to the San Francisco Police Department. Over a dozen local jurisdictions in california have already adopted ordinances requiring similar electronic transmission. California currently does not have anything similar in place. I do think the goal here are Pretty Simple and straightforward. To prevent and deter illegal traffic, to make sure our San Francisco Police Department continues to have all the tools available to continue to force our Public Safety. Hopefully this package will continue to aid in that progress to deter violence in our neighborhoods and on our streets. Stop people are getting access to guns. The rest i submit. Thank you supervisor farrell. Supervisor kim. Thank you. I look forward to the discussion on inclusionary reform. Im curious as to how looking at reducing develop or obligations will build more Affordable Housing for our city. Today i am making a request to our Comptrollers Office to study and develop a range of option for a citywide Public Toilet program expanding upon the successful tenderloin Pit Stop Program which is piloting with public works. The critical component of what has made this pilot so successful is the regular maintenance and monitoring. Only possible with staffing of our public works program. My first two years in office i heard over and over again that residents needed more Public Restrooms. Not just the green bathrooms that often utilized not for bathroom purposes but became magnets and dangerous activities. Our residents want to that would prevent them from being forced urinate or defecate on the streets. Over the two years, we worked closestly with director muhammad and public works to develop it. Last summer, we were able to launch three pit stops in district six. Over the year, the data that we have collected has shown that they are a tremendous success. On average, everyday, almost 100 people use the three pit stops in the tenderloin. In july of 2015, these three pit stops were utilized 4500 times. Were noticing theres a tremendous increase even over the last two months. An example of one that i will share which is on ellis, right across from glide church in may, we saw 1235 uses. Not only the programs are successful, theyve been utilized as people grow to trust them and learn from them. In the first six months, we found that we were saving 240 gallons of water a month. It led to reduction in request in the neighborhood by over 60 in steam clean ask. These facilities have made our streets cleaner, we collected over 120 bags of garbages. I want to thank and recognize my colleagues for unanimously approving my budget request to make the pit stop permanent in january of this year and expanding a fourth location in the south of market on sixth street. Over the last month, this program has now expanded to supervisor david camposs district and two more pit stops in our district on midmarket and civic center. Even in the last two weeks, were seeing utilizing one of the j. C. Dacoe bathrooms. Number of flushes are tripling. Meaning more people are feeling safe and comfortable using these restrooms because they are monitored and cleaned on a regular basis. We, however, know this is a citywide issue. This isnt limit to district six and nine. We are hearing across the city, not only we need more places for all members of the public, whether they are tourists or families that are shopping, vendors on the streets that arent able to access restrooms, of course the individuals call the streets their home and have nowhere else to go. This can be something to provide dignity for all residents and make streets cleaner. I live in south of market. I walk to work many days. There are not many days when i dont see examples of this or have to step over it. This is something that our city can address with financial support. Today, i am asking the Comptrollers Office to examine the geographic need based on 311 and public works data, propose locationses throughout the city including existing resources that we can utilize. And examine alternatives like the innovative pit stops and the citizens proposed concepts like the pee plant on Market Street a few months ago. Im making this request with supervisor campos and avalos. Access to Public Restrooms is a basic human necessity. No one can stop going to the bathroom. Thats just not a bodily function that we can control and we should not blame individuals on the streets for having to urinate or defecate on the street. We deserve to live and work in a city where we can walk down the streets without stepping over feces or smelling urine. We look forward to having a hearing on this item in the next couple of weeks. The rest i submit. Thank you supervisor kim. Supervisor mar. Thank you colleagues, i have several items on hunger piece and valley fires. Im really hungry right now. Were in the middle of Hunger Action month. This week a number of Community Leaders are going through the snap challenge, the hunger challenge, trying to live off 4. 72 per day. I only have to deal with this for a week. Theres 42,000 san franciscans that live off food stamps everyday. Theres one in four San Francisco san franciscans that are at risk. I wanted to thank the San Francisco marine food bank for challenging us. I wanted to thank project open hand for requiring the leadership of their organization to go through this at least week long experience. Im living off extremely tight food budget. Oatmeal, rice and beans, a positive thing is cooking more at home with my daughter. I think thats a benefit of Building Community and family. Im hungry height now. By the time i i did this last year. My brain stops working about 3 00 p. M. I go to bed hungry everyday and every night. Its a good experience for policy makers like me to do this. I wanted to say, right now the cal fresh snap benefit is about 4. 72 a day. I realize that for me its only a simulated experience, its not the same when i can go back to my regular habit at the end of the week. I still see a value of shipping my own perspective on the issue. Really helping to ease the suffering that many people have everyday. Together, i think with the Food Security task force, the tenderloin and many others, we can raise awareness and mobilize our public and hunger in San Francisco. We as a board pass resolution to end hunger to significantly end it by 2020. Were trying to do that at the budget committee. We need everybody to help us do that. For more information, suggest of how to survive off 4 a day, go to sfmfoodbank. Orghunger challenge 2015. Its opening my eyes. I wanted to say im helping to support an amazing event on september 19th on saturday. Its a third annual piece in the park in district one. It brings together the diverse San Francisco and surrounded communities to unplug and explore activities of peace, joy and happiness in a fun, inspiring and healthy atmosphere. The festival was created in response to the growing concern that we are over stimulated 80t afflicted, i have to admit openly that i have add. Were a tech saturated culture. If you come with us, youll be among some of the best artist, scientists and policy makers in the bay area at this event. The festival is offered free of charge by a coalition. For more information, go to peace in the park sf. Org. Lastly, many people know, thousands of lives have been disrupted and touched by the valley fire thats raging in napa and lake counties. To date, 585 homes have been destroyed and hundreds of other structures have been destroyed as well. The loss is up there include the home of my friend and former aid, peters parents. Many of those affected have lost everything. There are various ways help. To give to the california fire foundation, go to w ww. Cafirefoundation. Org. I wanted to say, i know how devastating home fires can be. In 2000, i lost my home and all of my familys belongs to a fire in the richmond district. My heart goes out to all of the families and residents struggling to get back on their feet. Tricounty bank set up an account to benefit the victims. Anyone like to donate can visit any bank of Tricounty Bank and make a deposit to the valley fire relief fund. The funds will be distributed to people in need through relief agencies and Salvation Army is accepting monetary donations. You can donate online or call 1800sfl army. Thank you supervisor mar. With supervisor kim wish to speak to the hunger challenge. I want to thank supervisor mar for taking leadership of taking up the hunger challenge last year. My was a and including myself have joined ther hunger exactly as well. I have been participating sense yesterday and my entire staff including their families and three children are participating. I do agree with you, it is a really important challenge for policy makers to take on. Im really committed to our Healthy Corner store program and Food Justice Program in the tenderloin. Because of that im shopping locally at our local corner store. Figuring out how i can stretch my budget on 4. 50 a day. Which is something many of our residents are doing here in the city. I want to thank you for doing that. We want to continue to work on this issue. I want to recognize the food bank who is leading this challenge this year. I know what many of us come from families where our parents have immigrated to the United States to better unites. Very proud that San Francisco has always welcomed our immigrant community with open arms. In september 17, 1787, it was the signing of the u. S. Constitution. Back in 12, our city had launched a San Francisco pathways to citizen initiative. Since then, we have reached over one million bay area residents. We trained over 500 volunteers. I want to take some time to recognize and celebrate september 17th as constitution and citizenship day here in San Francisco. With that i submit. Thank you supervisor tang. Supervisor wiener. Thank you madam clerk. Today im introducing a legislation to expedite the approval process for Affordable Housing. Specifically to eliminate the conditional use requirement for any Affordable Housing project that contains 100 affordable units. We all agree that we need significantly more Affordable Housing in San Francisco. It takes way too long to get Affordable Housing projects approved in the city. The conditional use process, which is a very useful process in many context, in the context of getting Affordable Housing built, can at times delay these projects by a year or more adding significant expense as well. We have seen projects that have been delayed through the conditional use process. Its not the best way to proceed. We need more Affordable Housing and it takes way too long to get Affordable Housing built in the city. Legislation will also make it easier to use publicly owned land other than park, space or open space to build Affordable Housing. By eliminating the requirement that publicly owned land be rezoned in order to create affordable house. This is legislation applies only to projects that are Affordable Housing 100 in all the units are Affordable Housing to people making somewhere between zero and 120 of area median income. I look forward to discussion about this and other ways that we can build more Affordable Housing and make it easier, faster and less expensive to do so. I also will be joining supervisor yee in memorial for everett, she passed suddenly and tragically. Was the principal at st. Phillips. A school thats been there for many years. Its a real institution in the community. She was someone who was beloved by the School Community and by the neighborhood. I know that people are in shock that shes gone and well all miss her dearly. Thank you supervisor wiener. Supervisor yee. Thank you madam clerk. I would like to adjourn todays meeting of a principal. She would be sorely missed. Ms. Everett passed away unexpectedly this weekend. Nobody expected this. She is someone who has dedicated her life tirelessly to education. She was a loving and caring person and always made time to get to know each student. Ms. Everett will be missed so much and the st. Phillips community. Our thoughts are with her husband john and her two daughters. Thank you supervisor yee. Supervisor avalos. Supervisor breed. Thank you, i have one in memoriam for ms. Karalee. Kara lee. I want to acknowledge karalee who passed away with her former husband mellee. Ms. Lee was born on december 5, 1941. Mrs. Lee dedicated her life to serving the public by working as an intake nurse at the California Pacific Medical Center for her whole career until she retired in 2007. Outside of work, mrs. Lee was athletically talented. She enjoyed playing tennis and riding on horseback. She had a gift for water color painting. She liked to paint fruits, flowers and vegetables. A loving mother, mrs. Lee is succeeded by her three children and three grandchildren. She will be truly missed. The rest i submit. Thank you madam president. Supervisor campos. Submit. Supervisor christensen. Seeing no other names on the roster. That includes the introduction of new business. At this time, can you please read Public Comment. The public may address the entire board of supervisors for up to two minutes on items, the subject matter jurisdiction of the board. To include the minutes, the items on the adoption without reference to committee calendar, items 27 through 29. Items 1 through 24. Pursuant to the boards rules of board direct remarks to your board as a whole not to individual supervisors. Speakers using translation assistance will be allowed twice the amount of time to testify. If you would would like to display a document on the projector, please clearly state such and remove the document. Okay, thank you. First speaker. Welcome. Thank you members of the board. Im rabbi doug khan, director of the Jewish Community relations council. Pleased to speak on the organized Jewish Community. Honored to be a member of the coalition. We believe in the importance of memory. It will only be confined to the obscure history books. San franciscos Holocaust Memorial was established more than 30 years ago after mayor feinstein appointed a committee. I was privileged to staff that committee at lincoln park. As with this memorial, this one will do precisely the same in honoring memory and shining light on humanity. In honoring the survivors and serving as an opportunity for reconciliation. The effort to establish a monument to comfort women, resonates deeply for the Jewish Community. This is why our community is proud to support this important memorial. Thank you. Thank you very much. Next speaker please. I like to use the overhead. I havent started yet. Can you start the time please. Im here concerning my son aubrey who was murdered to a semiautomatic gun. To my son, we just recently got through rallying right here in front of city hall. Mothers demanding action for unsolved homicide. Ive been doing this for nine years. August14th will be nine years since my son was murdered. Still to justice or closure. We want to bring awareness to unsolved homicide so that mothers like myself can heal. We have no closure. I want to bring awareness to also that firearms are the third leading killers of our children ages 1 through 17. Firearms, how many firearms are we going to let come here for people to get a hold of and go and commit senseless violence like this among our children . We need to stop these shop from opening that are carrying these guns for people to go and shop and get these guns and people are selling guns out of the trunk of their car to people with Mental Health to go and kill our children. Like i said, im not only here about my child, we have other mothers and fathers that are suffering in silence concerning their children. These are all unsolved home sides and something needs to be done about it. We dont need to be left with this what i have to look at everyday. What i have to think about everyday concerning my son. This is something im going to be doing for the rest of my life. I shouldnt have to stand up and fight. Thank you mrs. Brown. Next speaker please. Overhead please. Supervisors, director of San Francisco. I showed you this list sast week. 24 wins. I dont need to tell the members of board of supervisors how hard it was to win 24 times. The public should be made aware of the awareness have been made to sabotage the Sunshine Ordinance Task force. Lets start the next six months to a year discussing some of these. Lets start with the case of your president. I made a public records request which the supervisor and her staff knowingly and willfully ignored. A request under the sunshine ordinance and the California Public records act. Supervisor breed didnt respond to me, didnt respond to the task force, didnt even send anybody to the hearing. After a month, her representative connor johnston, appeared only to moan about having to be there. He was dismissive both of me and the task force. Didnt give a dam but the supervisor had violated my rights under the law just as these other 23 groups have done. Im nobody special. I believe they probably treat other citizens the same way. My opinion would be that her representative exhibits the same dismissive attitude toward the open government that your board supervisor does. Someone who rather than setting this type of example, should be setting a positive example and a couple of more of you which well talk about next week and the week after have chosen to follow that example by being dismissive of the fact that the citizens have rights thank you very much, next speaker please. Thank you. Next speaker. Sir your time is up. Theres a board rule that does not allow signs in the chamber. One second, we have a speaker at this time. Sir. For two years, 85 years old, jew, holocaust survivor, sleeping on the streets, homeless because number 12 is lee. You dont have right, not human rights, not any right to put on the street a person [inaudible]. 85 years old holocaust survivor and you put him on the street for two years. Only fascist country can do it. Only hitler did it in 1940. By the way, you give me two two gave me one [inaudible]. After this you put me on the street. Fascist. I ask jewish god to punish you. Thank you next speaker please. The sfgov tv, the overhead projector please. Can you zoom out please . Its too close. If you want to wait, we can figure it out so we can zoom in and take the next speaker. Okay. My son and three other young boys were murdered j anuary 9th, quadruple homicide that happened in hays valley and eight months later there is no arrest. Mind you, it has not been one penny of a reward put on these young men lives. I am outraged as a mother and state of shock that when i spoke with chief the other day, i asked him what was going on with the arrest. His words were, oh, that. Oh that . Im here for another case he said. That let me know that its not priority as you claim a high profile case. That nothing like this is happened in San Francisco yet. We as black mothers are losing our children in mass numbers. Its not being acknowledged. Im coming to this board its because something really needs to be done to comfort these mothers and families. Were suffering in High Percentage and much of the focus is on the dollars. What do you expect us to do . Were asking that the mayor be contacted to demand an arrest because they do know who the killers are. They know the suspects but they claim they have no witnesses. They arrested someone with a stolen car and they let them go. If it was your child, what would do you . Thank you. Thank you very much. Next speaker please. Ive been a teacher for the San Francisco Unified School District if 38 to 40 years. This is my grandson who i was at uc hospital. I was the first one to touch him. This is obituary of my grandson. Who was murdered january 9, 2015. Eight months and about five days. I was going tory tire last year. My grandson told me please dont leave. He didnt make it to the end. Im here now. Eight months, they know who the person are. I say make an arrest. I have serve San Francisco Unified School District for 38 plus years from high school, volunteering my services and working and touching all of those children who have been in the San Francisco Unified School District from prek to 12th grade. I say, how long does it take . I say make an arrest. My grandson, my first born, he has a brother left, 20 years old. He doesnt want to come back to the house. Hes into his spirituality, im a hebrew. I say all lives matter. Weve been here even before this happened to our children. I say who murdered my grandson . I say, make an arrest. Thank you. Next speaker please. Thank you president breed and other members. My name is christopher. I like to comment on justice. Victor hugo seems to have entertain among the first to claim that justice for the opressed is to be found in their crime. Because oppressors are to bare the entire guilt for those crimes. He has said if a soul is left in darkness, sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he who commits the sins but he who causes the darkness. I would give great weight to calling acts a revenge committed by the opressed among the oppressor. I could give no weight to arguing that crimes committed upon random passersby, among the innocent, upon the conveniently weak are anything more than simple crimes. When such crimes are committed upon neighbors, upon family and community, the destruction is even greater that tragedy is more personal and justice if any, even more distance. We all have an internal executive which orders our actions. We do what we will to do and nothing else. We are all able to manage our impulses whatever they may be if that is what we choose to do. Thank you president breed. Thank you. Next speaker please. After 32 years of the San Francisco superior court, i retired today so i can speak before you about the comfort woman resolution. I gave my career up so i can speak into justice and peace. This resolution is not japan bashing, it is Holding Japan accountable. The argument against resolution because other countries have also committed atrocities is absurd. If you follow that argument to the logical conclusion, you will end up doing nothing and holding no one accountable. What other atrocities and gay rights, black slavery, you cannot include every human rights violation when you remember certain crime against humanity. When you talk about gay rights, you focused about gay rights. When you talk about this resolution, youre you focus on japans atrocity to whats 200,000 women. It is not all about the citizens of the world. The argument that this resolution will hurt japanese americans is simply wrong, wrong. Japanese americans have done nothing to deserve such a association. Japan did what japan did as a foreign government. Japaneseamericans were victims. They should not be associated with that and we will fight against hate crimes against japaneseamericans because of this resolution. We are a multiethnic rights collaboration including many japanese americans like all americans, many japaneseamericans want to hold japan accountable for its crimes against humanity. She said, my father went to jail because of the association thank you very much. Next speaker please. Hi, my name is judith. Im a long time resident of the city of San Francisco and member of the National Lawyer guild. When i heard there was a controversy over the building of the memorial to the so called comfort women, i was more than puzzled. I decided yesterday to visit the Holocaust Memorial. Its hard to find but its there. It was by coincidence very appropriate as it is now. As i stood there, i started thinking, although the memorial is very specific to the 6 million who parished during world war ii, it makes you think of holocaust from time in memorial and is happening to people today. In my mind, i also thought specifically about whats happening to syrian migrants right now in europe. What you also think about when you look at these kinds of memorials, its about the people of humanity. How they lived, how they fought and their lives were taken away from them. Thats what the germans did. They took away our humanity and we were less than animals. Thats what happened to the comfort women. Their very humanity was taken away. They were just women to be used during war. Rown were sexually violated and th away. We want to give that humanity back. Next week is yom kippur. What better way to listen to the voices of those comfort women and to say to the women of the world, never again. Thank you, next speaker plaza. Please. Good afternoon. John from San Francisco. Human life should not be left at the mercy of a moneymaking business that cant provide housing for all. We are prisoners in our own apartments. One afraid to complain because of fear of eviction and eviction is like a death sentence for many living on the streets of San Francisco. No human being should have that kind of power over another. Maybe we should come to the realization that we cant always count on the free market to provide ample shelter for everyone that needs it. My landlord is one of the exceptions. I know this board is trying hard. Thank you. Thank you next speaker please. My name is john. Im here to speak in support of the comfort women memorial. I am a japaneseamerican who grew up in San Francisco. I have been involved in the Japanese American Community for over five years. I worked actively as member of the San Francisco chapter of the National Coalition for reparations during more than decades long but ultimately successful movement to win a government apology and confrontation for surviving japaneseamerican who were incarcerated by u. S. Government during world war ii. I have heard there are concerns what the memorial may cause or contribute to japan bashing or antijapanese sentiments. As a japaneseamerican, i think these concerns are completely unfounded. The resolution targets the japanese militarist, not the japanese people or the japaneseamericans as the perpetrators. Thank you, next speaker please. Good afternoon, my name is cathy, im cochair of the nikkei civil rights. Founded in 1980 to seek reparations for japaneseamericans incarcerated during world war ii. We see this issue as an issue of human rights and womens rights. We to not see this issue as one of comfort woman issue, as one between countries of japan, china and korea. But one between japanese government and the women. We support their call for apology and for reparations from the japanese government and unfortunately, just like our government had to give reparations to the japaneseamericans for what happened during world war ii, so too japan of today needs to be accountable for what world war ii japan did during that time to the comfort women. Itsed to share a couple of lessons. We have supported the glendale statue in los angeles. I want to dispel any thoughts that there was harassment our bullying. We called the Police Department of glendale and found no reports of bullying. We have as an organization have gotten no reports of that incident. In addition, i spoke to the regional director of the japaneseamerican citizens league. She heard no reports. Our community is one that will hear reports and rumors like that. Instead our experience has been one of being able to share where koreanamerican community our history and to be able to teach people who are new to this country and dont know our history. A dictation to something that our organization believes in. People dont know the history of japanese and other immigrants here in this country. We need to share that history in the lessons of redress. This is an opportunity to teach and build unity. Next speaker please. I like that thank the board of supervisors for giving me and the others a platform to voice our opinions about the comfort women resolution. What we requesting to be memorialized is the memory of a singular, unique atrocity of a time of colonial rule and war that was marked by countless atrocities. Comfort women is a misnomer its like calling the women of auschwitz, contract labor. There are those who would have you not approve this resolution. These have been denialist, the revisionist and the nationalist. Theyll tell you what every perpetrator and every rapist tell you. It was consensual. It was voluntary. They are exaggerating. They enjoyed it. They imagined it. It never happened. Theres no evidence. The comfort women say, we are the evidence, our bodies are sars, are the truth. It was not consensual. It was a living hell. It happened over and over again. San francisco has a long history respecting even fighting for the rights of the oppressed, of being a beacon of justice. I humbly beseech the supervisor in that tradition to pass this proposal for our community for our city for the world for universal conscious. For the defiled and disrespected to a portion of quantum of dignity and rectification. Your time is up. Thank you. Next speaker please. My name is michael wong. Im a member of veterans for peace. I was born and raised and lived in San Francisco. The reason that veterans for peace is involved in this issue and supports the memorial for comfort women, is because the Peace Movement in japan reached out to us and asked us to come and speak in support of this resolution. Veterans have experienced not just the horrors of war but also the healing that can come from speaking painful truths openly and from making restitution and admitting when wrongs were committed. Many Vietnam Veterans have gone back to vietnam, have met with civilians in the villages in which they operated and have done work including donating time and money to vietnamese orphanages, medical clinics, agent orange clean up. The result has been very much healing between both them and the vietnamese who suffered tiger the war. Healing is possible but it can only happen when truth is spoken openly and sincerely and action is taken. Thank you. Thank you next speaker plaza. I am with korean american councilwoman california. You were just handed my response to the letter written by the mayor. These are the people including the prime minster and the national league, small group of people who also have sent 500 million in annual budget in order to fight this type of effort around the globe. I ask the leaders of San Francisco to make a defining moment in this movement to recognize the history in accurate way so that people around the globe will look up to the city of San Francisco just like it has been doing in the past decade. Thank you so much. Before i call the next speaker, reverend brown, would you like to come forward and speak . Members of the board. I name is brown, president of the San Francisco branch of the National Association for the advancement of colored people. For us, color onlies in all colors. I rise to say that dr. Elijah once said, if you cant think for yourself, someone else will to your thinking for you. Whoever does your thinking for you will be your master and you their slave. I stand as a free thinker and president of the naacp and pastor of third baptist. I have looked at this matter. I talked to some of you who serve in this august body. Im ashamed. Lets think about it. The state of texas some days ago wanted to do some redaction of history. And to suggest the idea that slavery was not something that happened. They tried to put it in economic terms. I feel that we would do disservice to history and definitely do some redacting to suggest that what happened to these women was not real. Its like telling a woman who is raped that it didnt happen. I dont think we want to do that. I am standing in support of the statue and i also would appeal to us, to think clearly, to think logically, this is no blanket indictment of japan. Its just permitting people to say, we deserve to be considered and to remember the pain that we felt. Thank you reverend brown. Next speaker please. Hello everyone, i come from koreanamerican Senior Center located 745 canyon. There is ms. London breed district number five. I would like to ask supporting the resolution as full board and district five. [inaudible] its harder to understand in a modern perspective. But they are history colleague. We should not forget all. Thank you. My name is joe. I was born and reared in the citys bay view district. Currently i reside in district seven. Im a product of immigrant grandparents who are proud to come to america for yugoslavia. I stand before you today in support of the boards resolution regarding memorial to the comfort women and to urge your affirmation of this resolution. The city that knows how has blossoms from the days of my grandparents into an array of beautiful Diverse People and cultures. It has not been afraid to launch and pioneer issues that other cities would never entertain. A statue in memory of the comfort women will be an asset to the whole community. The city graciously received visitors from all over the globe, Everyone Wants to come to San Francisco. They come to see its beauty, unique neighborhoods, sample the best food in the world. See the scene on the bay to name a few objects of their visit. With all the different statutes and color art work on the streets of the city, the addition of the statute in memory the comfort women will only add to what the city stands for, justice, pride, confidence, character, hope and love. It will be a place where all people can come and pay their respect as with any other memorial victims of war, disaster or the like. Thank you. Next speaker please. Afternoon, i teach at city college in San Francisco. Im assuming that im speaking to the open minded and convinced, ill try to stay within your two minute limit today. My intent is not to bash japan but to show my support for a very rational movement to inshrine the memorial to the women who suffered greatly and japan was not the only nation in history to commit this kind of sexual slavery. It did it on a much larger scale than most of the other countries. I have a background in the peace core and the army and labor movement. Ive been a teacher at city college for 40 years. Its my view that the best way to write wrong is to seek forgiveness, to make amends and i think this memorial is certainly in that tradition. It would be not just a monument or a memorial to gender equity. Japan is a great country. The Literacy Rate and longevity and the technological brilliants of japan are exemplary. And the overwhelming of the people oppose the government attempt to rescind the peace revision of the constitution. They also are critical of the Union Bashing and antiworker initiatives. I believe that this statue will serve peace and reconciliation and i believe that the japanese people who are humane on this issue, want the government to make reparations. Those are the true patriots. Not the right wing zealots. Its those people who will help lead japan. Thank you very much. Next speaker please. My name is julie tang im a retired judge. Im all too familiar with victims of sex trafficking. I have arraigned hundreds of sex workers. I see firsthand the faces of sex workers and the evils of sex trafficking. I have never seen a happy sex worker. The memorial is about them and about the largest victim of sex trafficking in world war ii that is to comfort women in modern day history. I want to urge the members to support the resolution as written. I understand theres an amendment proposed. The purpose of the amendment is transparently clear, to deny the japanese women. The resolution tells an account of what happened and why the resolution is necessary. Nor should it be a vehicle to make the Japanese Military look better. Japan committed serious atrocities during world war ii. One of which is a sexual enslavement of women and girl. Japan should be held accountable. Apology to the victims so that the healing process may begin. Japan cannot try to behind other world evils. The memorial is not about bashing japan or japaneseamericans, it is about historical truth and a positive step so whats peace and reconciliation. Let the monument be built. It is a First Step Towards peace planted in the souls of San Francisco. The comfort women who are suffering is most thank you, next speaker please. Hello. Good afternoon. I like to address three matters today. Two are the leadership just been provided today by supervisor mar and supervisor kim. Very appreciated in the issue of the comfort women and the courage they have in raising the issue and demanding justice is something that we must all applaud and not fall for phony excuses to absolve culpability for those crimes. Other disappearances for 43 students in mexico. There was a resolution on this, that addressed the issue about the mexican governments investigation. Recent International Review determined that it was a bunch of you know what. Its the same bull that we faced in mexico and theyre so used to. The third issue is a treatment an objection to the treatment of our courageous sisters regarding the treatment of their children. I find it ironic that in a meeting that has been overwhelmingly addressed, the violence against women, the militarism, here that we have grieving mothers in the amount of attention that its taken to address grieving mothers when we have these pressing issues. I believe that is not correct to have hyper and overzealous efforts when the First Amendment is evolved. There is no respect to First Amendment. If we protest it discourages. I like to thank you very much. Next speaker please. Its a very special monument. Next, if 60 white boys from high school were killed within the city, i think Police Department will get on to a little bit better than theyre doing with black lives. Just wonderful things. I love glass. Here is something the next time you go to a museum, take a small pair of glasses and then stand back from a painting and focus into the painting. The three mayors on the news program. They all three mayors, san jose, oakland, San Francisco, thinking outside the box. And outside box has gotten us jobs, growth and in homes of 88 san san franciscans cant afford. The mayor wants to come up with it. We can do better. Thank you. Thank you. Are there any other members of the public who like to provide Public Comment at this time . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Please read the items for adoption without Committee Reference . Items 27 through 29 adoption without Committee Reference. Single roll call vote may enact these items. A member may object and considered separately. Seeing no members of the roster. Please call the roll. Items 27 through 29, supervisor cohen, supervisor farrell, supervisor kim, supervisor mar, supervisor tang, supervisor wiener, supervisor yee, supervisor avalos, supervisor breed, supervisor campos, supervisor christensen. There are 11 ayes those items are adopted unanimously. Madam clerks, please read the memoriam. On behalf of yee and wiener for the late and principal of st. Phillips school, remy everett, on behalf of supervisor breed, wiener, yee and tang, for ms. Kara lee. Is there any other business before us . This concludes our business. We are adjourned. You. Present off pledge of allegiance of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Up about face David P David t dennis p, Jermaine Dennis a craft Dennis Lawrence Dennis Herrera listen dennis kari centering and Dennis Mulligan and Dennis Dennis p ma competent and dispensing p over the and Dennis Dennis j bird Donald J Reagan Douglas C Miller douglas e during relay Edward Alexander edward s edward j y edward j right now Edward Jay Wright the 3rd eric eric eugene madam clerk makayla frank Jonathan Franklin j franklin are j callahan frankie fred fred rick junior the third gary gary right direction boss jeffrey example e golden gate cain george jerold atwood jerold a jerold jerold r did you have i didnt jerold p dui win jerald p strange jerold p nerves glen perry Glen E Wilson oar gregg atlas grefr j grefrg m staff grefr right direction grefr harvey l heralding hector henry a. 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Brown patrick j. Pacific j. Waters paul, paul rue beck arrest will paul paul j. A. M. Event paul madam clerk beyers Paul Mccartney richard mary citizen 10 peter a. Peter a. Nielsen Peter Anthony investigating gay. Peter cdc martin peter j. Peter halls pr peter phil s. Eddy Bruce Raymond e murphy raymond e downey raymond right direction joke richards do richard a. Richard dj and then rikd junior rikd thank you for your time downey junior Robert Robert p, king junior robert go on the record robert borrowing tool robert man Robert Edward arrest robert f pursue robert j crawford. Robert j. Manor Robert Reagan robert laying a Foundation Everybody remembers where they were on 9 11 inaudible want to put in your memory forever lives were lost that day. Thank you for taking on the challenge inaudible very grateful to have you wish you the best inaudible always place in our hearts and remember the sacrifice for that day id like to ask inaudible . Thank you chief joanne whilst good morning. Good morning. It is my privilege and honor to join you in our city for the com arbitration for those past victims as well as heros 9 1114 years ago all of us remember 14 years ago in 3 thousand miles away it seems like a distance but burned if in our memories as an event wed like never forgot by most importantly we take lessons from that and continue support our San Francisco Fire Department our Police Department, our responding and optimistic readies for anything i want to thank the chief the mission, our police chief and all those that worked together to make sure that our city is ready inaudible and i know that while we horn the First Responder especially today, we take a moment to remember the specific names not trained as froerd for families flight tenant on American Airlines she worked in communicating the very first event our own hero to let us you know your countrys country was under attack mark batting i am remember him as in the airlines they were not going to lowest terrorists file their cabin those are some of the peoples names that reacted that all to say that at the community please understand the sacrifice i do for sure im working and continue to work the excessive makes sure to remind us we have the resources the support and most important that the public precious what that day whether it is recording to a fire, whether theres an accidents on the street or youre on a very sometimes think an hourly basis treating the needs on the streets we know youre there and ready we know that you respond and intending to thank and let you know that those of us not only work but appreciate the work you do and your sacrifice and appreciate the ready i didntness we continue to be ready for days moving forward know this our city appreciate our role in our response our sacrifice and youre ready i didntness thank you for being here and rem remember were a worldclass Fire Department ready to be responding to anything that occurs. Thank you, mayor ed lee id like to introduce inaudible . Thank you very much, mayor ed lee chief suhr and thank you for joining us this morning and chief joanne hayeswhite and members from the team members of the inaudible we are joining the authority and inaudible andrea and our Vice President covering ton come this morning to commemorate and acknowledge the sacrifice of those 3 hundred and 43 new york Fire Department members who gave the ultimate sacrifice to 40 doing their duty they gave the sacrifice of their lives no greater gift or sacrifice for Public Servants than to do that we acknowledge to those members are we at commission and command force of Public Service for the Fire Department dictate ours to serving the public inaudible the sacrifice discharging our duties and obligation thank you. Now id like to ask inaudibl inaudible . For 4 hundred Police Officers and firefighters dyed it day another 14 hundred have passed over 9 11 nearly 25 thousand other people would have died we lost 3 thousand americans that day as chief joanne hayeswhite says everybody remembers exactly where they were so as and stand here with the large class and an equal or larger group of Police Academy recruits up at Police Academy prepared to be that next generation to run in when everybody else runs away ill finish with a quote from the president we take the devotion for the last measure of devotion to high resolve theyll not die in vain we cant forgot the firefighters and Police Officers that ran in when others ran away so we might survive approved. Thank you very much. The minutes are adopted. Since commissioner reed is here, we will move on to item four. Item four, recommend five members transit citizens Advisory Committee. We have Transportation Planner here on this item. Good morning commissioner. This item is for the appointments to the gearry corridor Advisory Committee. Initiative to improve travel time reliability and streetscape along the gearry corridor. Its currently in Environmental Review phase. The structure is shown in your memo which is on page 17 of the packet. Five of those 13 members are currently up for appointment because of approximately two years ago. There was board initiated two year terms for those members. Members currently in the structure are shown in the memo in attachment on page five. Five members represent several different seats as there are theres one appointment for seat for the richmond district. One that is a representative of the fillmore area, one a representative of the tenderloin downtown district. Two at large seats. Four of those existing members are seeking reappointment. There is no current member seeking reappointment for one of the at large seats. We do have addition to the members seeking reappointment to the application for the individual neighborhood base seats and all of the applicants for any of the neighborhood seats are also eligible for that at large seat. Weve encouraged all of the applicants to who are here today in order to express their interest and say a few words about their candidacy. Some of them are here today. As a reminder, staff did not recommend candidates. We just provide the information that they have provided in their application. We are seeking a recommendation to appoint five members. So, thank you. Thank you very much. Do we have any questions from our Community Members . Seeing none, just to reiterate, we have several reappointment, new one new appointee. I at this time i will open it up to the applicant who here. If you can come here up if you can state if youre a new appointee. Who are the people seeking reappointment . Sure, for the richmond district, Joe Anna Fong and benjamin horn. Thank you very much. All right, thank you very much. At this time, if would like to line up on the side of the wall here and again, please state your name which seat youre applying for and whether youre reappointment, thank you very much. Dont be shy. Come on up, please. My name is cindy ive been resident of the gearry corridor since 1990. I feel like i know pretty every inch of the gearry corridor. During that time, the last 25 years, i only owned a car for ten. The first part of this i was primarily a muny rider. More recently in the last 12 years, ive been a committed bike commuter. But i use all the forms of transportation. Thats my ive been tracking this project for a long time. It seems to me that the biggest opposition is actually some of the gearry businesses, Small Businesses who fear being injured by the construction. Any way, thats my experience. Thank you. Just one question and this goes for all of the applicants who are here today. If you can state why you like to serve in this capacity, what are some of the things that you like to achieve if youre able to be appointed to the cac. Well, i see theres a need for this project. Im really interested in helping, trying to help get it implemented. I would love to be involved in citizen capacity in the mta. Ive done some work with the Bicycle Coalition and the m. T. A. I just think its really important. All right. Thank you. Any questions from Committee Members . Next applicant please. Hi, good morning commissioners. Thank you for the opportunity to speak before you today. My name is peter, i had the privilege of serving on the gearry Advisory Committee for the past two years. As a representative of the tenderloin downtown neighborhood. Im here seeking reappointment today to the committee. A little bit about me, ive lived at the corner of height and gearry in district six for the past six years. I do not own a car and so i rely on Public Transportation to get around the city. I take the 38 gearry very often. Its the closest line to my apartment. Im often on it getting to and from home. Professionally, i work as a Public Outreach consultant for a small environmental Marketing Company and prior to that, i worked at the San Francisco department of the environment on Sustainable Transportation projects and programs. While in the committee, one of my focus areas has been Public Outreach to the tenderloin community. Ive worked with the Transportation Authority staff to identify communitybased organizations to build a bridge and engage more with the community on the project. Ive also done direct outreach to businesses along the gearry corridor making them aware of the Community Outreach offense that the t. A. Has organized over the past two years. Again engage the community. Ive also been strong advocate for Pedestrian Safety improvements along the corridor particularly in the inner gearry portion where we know we have the highest pedestrian injures. I like to continue my active engagement with the committee as well as with the community. I like to ensure that the project stays on time and on budget and also work with the t. A. And city officials to make sure we secure funding for the project. Would also want to continue to advocate the phasing in of the project so benefits can be benefited now. Great, thank you for your presentation. Thank you. Next applicant please. Good morning commissioners and thank you for this opportunity it speak. My name is benjamin horn, ive lived in district five for about the past ten years. I served in the last two years on the gearry tcac. I learned a lot about the project and learned about the role of the cac. My objectives is being part of the committee are to speaks a representative of district five but also to provide a voice to someone who lives and works nearby the projects. To increase safety for everyone. Includes on the buses as well as in the neighborhoods and around the bus stops. Increase efficiency for the projects. Which is one of the main project goals. My like to ask that you appoint me to continue on the gearry cac. Thank you very much. Thank you very much for your presentation. Colleagues, any questions or comments from the applicants . I dont see any other applicants here. Okay, with that, im going to go to Public Comment first and take some questions and comments from Committee Members. Public comment on item number four. Item number four. Ill begin, bus transit citizen, committee. The past two applicants, they are well qualified. They are well outspoken. Thank you. Any other members of the public who wish to speak on item four . Public comment is closed. Now colleagues, do we have any recommendations or thoughts on gearry members . Commissioner breed. Thank you, i definitely think that its important to have continuity on this particular committee and i think that the person who represents district five has been doing a really excellent job as well as peter who has served as a representative for district six. I would like to make a motion that we move forward with the existing individuals who are currently serving on this committee and i like to hear my colleagues thoughts on what we should do about the at large seat since we have not had a number of the candidates come here today before the committee to speak. All right, thank you. We will entertain that motion. Commissioner farrell. Thank you chair tang. Just to be clear, we have one vacancy in richmond and one in tenderloin downtown and two at large that we have to fill. Look, completely concur with supervisor breed and mr. Horn in their continuity. In terms of open around the richmond district, i think the atlarge seat, i know district two has been on there as atlarge member. Elliott talbot, i dont believe he was here today, i spoke with him about it. I would like to certainly given that we have two vacancies and three applicants, i would definitely support him going forward. I gotten to known him a little bit and think he would be very involved and have a great perspective there and take Public Transportation downtown to work every single day. Hes a big advocate. Thank you commissioner farrell. He has made his recommendation about the atlarge seat with mr. Elliott talbot. Commissioner christensen. I want to echo about the thoughts of the current members. I know ben horn personally. Im very pleased that both of them came down here today. Any time somebody agrees to participate in the civic process is a wonderful thing. I appreciate all of those who are serving now and who have come forward with an interest to serve. I can speak of the list that we have available to cathy has kate lazarus who lives in richmond and works downtown and is a frequent user and is an exceptional young professional. I agree with commissioner breed, i did some checking with the staff and other people that work with the cac, all of them speak very highly of the persons currently serving. I think renewing those terms is an order especially all thats going on with the gearry brt. Commissioner yee . One of the questions i have of staff in regards to thank you mr. Horn and calotta being here. In regards to the current members, theyre reapplying. How have their attendance been . They have all been fairly attended meetings and participated in and been quite offered a lot of contributions to the cac. Thats important. Lot of times people apply for these things and they never show up. Im more than happy to support the four people that are currently in the seat and reapplying. In regards to the additional atlarge seat, i appreciate anybody that comes here to show theyre willingness to serve. I appreciate cindy for being here. Theres enough support to put her on as the additional atlarge seat. Great, thank you. Sounds like we have consensus on reappointments. I would definitely support that motion. We are definitely all over the map when it comes to the atlarge seat. Commissioner breed. I would also support ms. Baker for the atlarge seat as well if thats possible. Okay. Lets take first a motion i didnt realize ms. Baker was listed in richmond. As much as i mentioned mr. Talbot, i would fully support him, fair enough when people do show up to speak here, that should give preference. Im happy to support that motion. Great. Sounds like we have consensus here. Commissioner breed had made a motion supporting all the reappointments. Is there a second. Seconded by commissioner christensen. Theres consensus on appointing ms. Cindy baker to the atlarge seat. Do we have a motion and a second to that . Moved by commissioner yee and seconded by commissioner breed. I think if we can do a roll call vote since we have commissioner farrell with us. On item four, commissioner breed breed aye, commissioner christensen, aye, commissioner tang, aye, commissioner yee, aye. Item passes. Great congratulations to reappointees and cindy for the atlarge seat. All right, if we can call up item five nowc please. Item five, recommend allocation of 9,878,876 in prop k funds. Subject to fiscal year schedule. We have chad here, senior of Transportation Planner. Good morning chair tang. We have a total of 10 million in request for prop k allocation today that would leverage about 67. 9 million in nonprop k funds. First up is caltrans annual request for this San Francisco annual member share for the contribution of the caltran Capital Budget for fiscal year 15 and 16. Every year caltrans, like these for the annual Capital Budget, which is subject to reviewed discussion and negotiated by the three joint powers. Prop k funds from the Capital Improvement Program Category and caltran shares are used to help support San Franciscos annual local match contribution to caltrans capital program. Prop k funding for the caltrans category has been heavily advanced to provide San Francisco annual local match. Were also make a small advance for this years request over what we have programmed in the adopted 2014 Strategic Plan. That requires an amendment. Current programming in the prop k program in the current prop k Strategic Plan for caltrans runs out after fiscal year 22 and 23. These are the projects on the current slide that make up this years request from caltrans for the state of good repair program. I want to highlight two of these. The first is the napoleon bridge closure. These funds will be used for design. These structures have reached the end of their useful lives. Design is expected to be completed by december of 2016. The other project on this slide, train departure projects at the fourth and king station here in San Francisco and also in san jose to provide realtime information to passengers and this project will be open for use for passengers by july 2017. On the Fourth Street bridge settlement project in 2003 the San Francisco department of works contracted to retrofit for sizic stability. After construction the settlement between the contractor and the city was reached in which the contractor was received to 15 million, 2. 3 million was sfmta responsibility. They found 300,000 in other funds and prop k to make up the difference. The prop k funding will come from 6 million thats programmed in fiscal year 16 and 17 pap thats programmed to thats programmed to segment f. This request also requires an amendment to advance funds for this project. Another amendment to policy to allow these funds to be used for segment a instead of segment f of the project. Plan the next slide is a quintjerrold connector road. This request is part of an ongoing cooperation between the Transportation Authority, the city and the caltrans. First is to replace the bridge over quint street. Second is to facilitate a potential future caltrans station and third aimed is to construct a new street between quint street and jerrold avenue that will run along the west side. The right of way where the road would go is currently owned by union pacific. The Purchase Price has been negotiated. The negotiations with the railroad on the Purchase Agreement are ongoing. Bringing this request will allow the funds to be in place when escrow is set to close. The special conditions that are noted here on the slide, the they cover public works and city risks. Before you move on to the next slide, if you would mind smoking to the issue and concerns that were addressed earlier. I will bring up the Deputy Director for policy and programming. Good morning. Deputy direct. The concerns that cac chair expressed in regards to the special conditions that applied what happens if escrow fails to close or what happens if escrow closes and the city purchases the property and project. In the case of escrow failing to close for whatever unforeseeable reasons occurred during escrow, the prop k funds would come back to the prop k program. If the project does not proceed after escrow closes after a period of about two years or two years is what we have in the condition and the Transportation Authority has deemed the project as not likely to proceed for whatever unforeseeable reason, we would ask the city to sell the property. The amount of funds that will be returned to the prop k program will be the less of the Purchase Price or the amount of prop k funds to acquire the property. Or whatever the city can sale the land less the cost. Okay, thank you for that clarification. The next project on the next slide is equipment for public works. This request it looks familiar. This is an annual request that comes from public works. Its to replayer cleaning equipment. You can see some of the specific pieces of equipment on the slide here. Public works expects to complete for the equipment by the end of the calendar year. Have the complete procurement to have the equipment on the street by may of 2017. Another request that might look familiar, this is an annual request from the department of the environment. They submitted a request for about 80,000 in prop k to promote and administer San Franciscos benefit ordinance. The prop k could fund the program from october 2015 through september 2016. The commute benefit ordinance provides San Francisco employers the prop k will be used to offer consultations with employers that administer the ordinance, compliance, conduct outreach and maintain the commute smart hot line and update the compliance process. If i may ask, how has our the funding that weve allocated for. How has that translated into actual participation. I dont know if theres any sort of metrics. Actually, the compliance right now, we have about 80 compliance rate from businesses and were working this year to increase that number quite a bit. What are some of the things that i guess you might be doing differently in order to try to achieve better compliance rates . What we are doing is providing a lot more direct outreach, free consultation services. We run information through the business associations, any of the outreach channels that we have available to us that are specific to the businesses. Then weve also increased our participation rates because weve partnered with the Healthcare Security ordinance. They had the same threshold of employers. In the past, weve had outreach to their mailers. Additionally, the bay area has a new regional program. We have been communicating to them. We have multipronged approach to reaching out to employers. Great. From my understanding, its the last year in the department of environment is requesting these funds through prop k allocation . Thats correct. Great, thank you. The next project is the karr street multimodal implementation project. This project will build upon recommendations in the Transportation Authoritys chinatown which is approved by the board this past july. The requested funds will be used to plan and develop designs for current montgomery streets between market and broadway. The goal is to increase Pedestrian Safety. Well also enhance transit performance. Theres a bunch of bus routes that run through here. It also developed northsouth bicycle facilities in the corridor. This was identified as a key corridor in the 2013 bicycle strategy. The with that i will call my colleague, ryan, to talk about the last prop k request. Senior planner at the t. A. This final request relates to a Pilot Program we are working to initiate with bart. This came out of discussions with bart about how do we address the various congested deny conditions. Theres a lot of work on the way to develop longer recommendations. Its Short Term Solutions to address crowding. We are very interested in Successful Pilot that had been done in singapore where they offer incentives to riders to shift out of the peak record and they were able to track how well the incentives work by using their transit card data. We cork to scope a Similar Program for San Francisco. We applied for federal funds with that. We have a partnership with bart to get this under way. Were looking for prop k funds for the matching to help match the federal grant. We are looking to try to launch it in spring. Bart typically experiences a ridership bump in january. Were hoping to launch it around then or potentially later in the spring. It would run for about six months. Were looking to test this approach. Its essentially promising approach for managing congestion generally not just on bart but maybe other applications or transit. Operators and roadways in the long term. We look at this as an opportunity to test it and see how it works and how effective it is. Could potentially go from there if we see a success. Thank you, i think this is really interesting pilot. Can you speak i dont know if youre able to speak to some of the potential ideas for what the incentives might be for people to shift their travel patterns. We are looking at either the base reward would either be clipper card value or cash. Those are the two options. In singapore, they did provide transit card value but the card was much more flexible than ours. Well be doing surveys around bart to get a sense of if theres a strong preferences. Well test options with surveys around bart. I can go into more detail it is youre interested. Thank you. Any other questions . I think that concludes your presentation. Thank you very much. Commissioners do you have any questions or comments regarding the prop k request this time around . Okay, seeing none, we will open up item five to Public Comment. [inaudible] thank you very much. Any other members of the public wish to comment on item five. Public comment closed. Colleagues do we have a motion on this item . Motioned by commissioner yee to adopt item five. With that objection, it passes. Item six. This is an information item. We have maria lombardo, Deputy Directors of the t. A. Here. Good morning, im going to copresent this with our assistant Deputy Director for policy and program. There should be a powerpoint up on your screen. This one is a followup to the overview presentation that we gave ages ago, it was in july before recess plan bay area. Ly give ill give you a short recap. The focus is showing you our preliminary draft to guide our advocacy on plan bay area and also be draft list of the San Francisco project priorities that we will submit to the metropolitan transportation commission. In a nutshell, what is planned bay area . This is basically the long range Transportation Vision for the nine bay area counties, there are 100 plus jurisdictions and close to third different transit operators. Thanks to state legislators, the 2013 update is now called the Regional Transportation Plan sustainable communities strategy. It mandate to how its coordinated in this planning document. Two the really key sticks in that legislation has to reach state mandated target. We also have to accommodate all of the Housing Needs at all income levels. The basic elements of plan bay area are some goals and performance targets. Sort of getting to the nuts and boats what makes up the plan. Youll see policies recommended to investment of funds to feature revenue advocacy. There are grants programs that get shaped and molded in here. Particularly one in which m. T. C. Has controlled. One of the key deliverables is the financial constrained project list. One thing i want to clarify up front, while were conducting our call for project, this is not like a call for projects for the one bay area Plant Program where you ended up with a board adopted list of projects. This is more akin to what i say getting Fishing License. Youve gotten into plan bay area, which means youre allowed to go out and seek federal funds, it doesnt mean youll get it. You have a permit license. Its essential and can be leveraged into something later on. This particular update is the first update since sb375. While for San Francisco, merging the transportation side together, tend to be a little bit on the cutting edge, the rest of the regions sort of big huge effort. Folks still feeling the impact. The idea is that the plan bay area is updated every four years. This particularly area is a minor update. Theyre building on the framework what is currently in place. M. T. C. Is not changing the horizon. The last year the plan remains at year 2040. The focus is on updating the projects that are in there but also in a few areas, topics that didnt get adequately flushed out last time. Its hard to do everything one update. Those are showing up on the screen, ill come back and talk to them later. Im going to talk about briefly now, our proposed goal and objectives to guide our advocacy. Mostly these are pulled from our San Francisco transportation. Last plan bay area comments made and m. T. C. Commissioners. To try and keep this simple, weve divided those goal and objective into two categories. Financial and policy ones are here up on the page. The first one, amber will talk about more because it relates very much for the call for projects. As i said, plan bay area is your Fishing License to go after federal funds. Its sort of a level of strategy about all of the projects that need to be in this update until the next one is approved in 01. You 2 1 2021. Three and four on the screen, basically have to do with getting more money. The third one is trying to get a bigger share of San Francisco of the existing revenues. The fourth one is growing the pie. We need more revenues for transportation period. I will underscore something amber said in july, which is that were not adding years federal revenues continue to go down as compared to prior forecast. I do want to point out that the second policy objective, this is advocating strongly for more investment in transit. Our m. T. C. Commissioners made a really big deal during the last plan bay area update. It makes sense in this context as the three big cities, San Francisco, san jose and oakland. To be able to do that, we need to maintain our systems that we have and expand them. I wont go into a lot of detail about this. They are there and i will be happy to answer questions on attachment one. On the screen, are just a few examples of some of the new revenue advocacy of how these policies may translate into action. Two things ill note is again, while you dont get many coming on plan bay area, you can accomplish things that can later help you leverage your project in securing money. For the largest projects and projects that change roadway capacities or if youre doing a freeway management project where you get more approved, m. T. C. Performance evaluation. The top 10 or 15 or so, m. Its not the same as having a check going home. It does mean when you seek regional discussions, these are bragging rights. You can say were a top performer in the bay area. Its easier to get dollars. Last plan bay area probably two thirds of the plan bay area. We tend to do really well in this area. The green box just gives you an example of some of the policies we expect to come out of plan bay area. Some are less likely as others. We always want to be prepared. Lastly in my pilot presentation, up there you can see the main areas where we proposed nonpolicy related objectives. For example in terms of vision zero, we want to make sure all the m. T. C. Programs allows vision zero. They just mentioned, we support strongly based decisionmaking because our projects do well as opposed to a formula that returns forms. Lastly, equity is the high topic of this debate. Well come back to you with thoughts on this. It is a little bit tricky. This is still a part of Transportation Plan that were trying to achieve and influence land use. Just the examples of how we can do that in plan bay bay area. The region can provide Technical Assistance through jurisdictions throughout the region about how to develop and put into place antidisplacement policies. Lastly, with the one Bay Area Grant Program which well talk about, there are requirements administered eligible, theres a possibility of tieing on more strings on there saying in order to be eligible, jurisdiction needs to have six the following menu of ten antidisplacement programs of programs in place. What well change is the cost of the project. Amber will come up and talk to you about that. Good morning commissioners, amber Transportation Authority. This is the time line for the entire plan bay area process that m. T. C. Produced. You can see we are at that area where theres a bunch of activity going on. Basically our focus will be through mid2016 on this issue. With respect to the call for projects, theres three concurrent efforts going on now. The first is the call for projects at the county level which is what were going to talk about today. The second mtc asked the regional operators directly provide. Mtc also asked the regional tran set operators to provide their operating needs. Basically, mtc will take all of this input and build a financially constrained preferred scenario of programs and projects. Our county program is basically mtc has told us we have 8. 4 billion budget for local discretionary funds. Discretionary funds, we have a number of projects that has mtc committed funding. Its the extra money that allows the project to move forward. We dn anticipate that 8. 4 will go down a little bit. Well know more about that later in the year. Probably going to have to shave some of the funding off our final list of projects. What projects immediate to be in the rgp. Maria said, any project seeking federal, state or regional funding or federal action such as federal and environmental clearance approval has to be in the plan. Also projects that are large in capacity changing. Fortunately, most of the projects that we hear about everyday, traffic and Transportation Demand management, can be bundled in a programmatic category. We really looking at the big projects. Between may and july, we worked with public agencies and also solicited through comprehensive process with the whole city, family. We solicited ideas from members of the public by participating in a mtc workshop. Weve done an email blast and social media. We did one of the meetings with the neighborhood organizations and stakeholder groups to really get detailed input into what they were interested in seeing in the plan bay area. What we heard is very similar to what we heard in our outreach for the San Francisco plan a couple of years ago. Interest in social equity, public transit, bikes and ped project. We did hear from one stakeholder questions about our congestion management approval approaches. Wanting us to think about how San Francisco transportation relates to the region. Were not working on it alone. Interest in a transparent and inclusive process with followup. Then real focus on the length between transportation, Affordable Housing and displacement. In identifying the draft project priorities included in your packet, we first looked at what was last bay area. Projects dont typically get removed unless they are completed or canceled. Weve revised those process and what regional or local discretionary funding do they need to assign to the project to fund them. Then the exciting thing is the new projects. Working with the members of the public, looking at each project and determining does it need to be in the plan or can it be bundled in the problematic category. Is it in the San Francisco Transportation Plan, thats kind of the basis feed into what goes into plan bay area. Is it consistent with the policies and what planning process did it come out of that Public Outreach and level of technical advancement. In your packet are several lists, page 46 is list of existing plan bay area project that we propose to move forward. Page 50 through 52 are the new projects. Theyre f. Y. I. To give you a full picture of what is moving forward. Finally on page 55 is a list of programmatic categories. Right now were just kind of indicating what projects will be seeking local and regional discretionary funds. Were coming back for an action item next month. At the same time, planned bayer is a small portion of the planning. Right now weve been engaged a Long Range Planning effort developing a schedule and budget thats in coordination with the Planning Department, the Mayors Office and the m. T. A. There will be deliverables that will come out of that process over the next few years. The first will be a refresh of the San Francisco Transportation Plan. Address minor subject matter that we hadnt flushed out the last time. There will be a major update to the San Francisco Transportation Plan. That will take a longer look at the long term transportation land use division. How we prioritize transit and state of good repair. Our vision for demand management and how to share mobility and feed into our transportation system. Then, the third deliverable will be an update, the Planning Department will update its transportation element. As you know, theres a big push to do transit master planning in the city. This is happening now. Will be informed by several efforts going on now. M. T. A. Will capacity strategy the transit core capacity study. The rail yard boulevard study led by the Planning Department and then bart is also studying various things in the city. These are all going to feed into recommendations that can advance the planning conceptual engineering and environmental work on a number of Capital Projects before they can be included in the next plan bay area. Of course, this will be a robust Public Engagement process. This is very tiny but its kind of our map forward with the call for projects. Well be bringing the list with the numbers to you next month. M. T. C. Will 58 58 evaluate the projects. Come up with a preferred scenario in early 2016 and for adoption in 2016. With that, maria and i will be happy to answer any questions you have. Thank you so much for the thorough presentation. Colleagues any questions or comments . Commissioner christensen . I just want to make note in all of that information of an item of a special interest to my district. Im very happy to see the rail capacity study move forward. I think a lot of my colleagues agree its something we need to be taking a look at. Im very happy to see the central subway extension on that list. Well be looking forward to making some progress on that. Thank you for including it. Thank you very much. Any other questions or comments . Seeing none, well open up item six to Public Comment. [inaudible]. All right, any other members of the public wish to speak on item six. Public comment is closed. That was an information item. Well call touch item seven now. This is an information item. Amber with the Transportation Authority. Today i will providing you with abupdate on the obag program. It was one of the Grant Programs that came out of plan bay area to support the Greenhouse Gas emission goals that m. T. C. Had through its sb375. Its a five year grant program. The last cycle was 826 million. Its a significant chunk of money. Most of the funding comprises it are all the federal funding that m. T. C controls. You can see theres a number of different programs regional programs such as climate initiatives, transit programs, regional operations which includes things like m. T. C. Three way performance initiative. 40 of the program was given back to the counties to program to a number of kind of selfselected county priority. In cycle one, the funding was distributed to counties by formula. Through production and planned house. 70 will be required to be spent. Priority development area. Which is selfselected areas that are anticipated to take the groove. Paving, transit, bike and ped. They have a really strict time use of funds requirement and lot of hoops you have to jump through. Its something we have to pay particular attention to in the process. For San Francisco, we got 38. 8 million over the five years. We set aside 2. 5 million for schools and the remainder for streetscape like projects. This map shows the projects that moved forward. You can see in the yellow there are the defined Party Development areas between investment and anticipated to happen. We funded two safe routes to school projects. Assigned some of the funding to a Streetscape Project that included six school components. We funded five Streetscape Projects across the city. Just to give you a flavor of the type of projects heres a couple rendering through chinatown, broadway, mansell, proposal if masonic and proposal for second street. Cycle one, status update as we move into the second cycle, kind of lessons learned, the first is that all the projects except for second street, has been obligated. Second street is moving forward on schedule this year. Four of the projects have experienced between six and nine months of delay. The rest have experienced modest or no delay. There are a number of reasons for that. We really trying to figure out how to accommodate those issues in the next round. Project readiness is really essential. Look into the reasons that led to project delay, first of all, there was higher than anticipated Agency Coordination requirements. Mostly with respect to pec but also a lot of issues with caltrans which is a critical partner in this process. Because we need federal environmental clearance, theres a lot more hoops to jump through there. Because its under caltrans, we thrown a lot of surprise requirements. Then finally, its very complicated to obligate the federal funding. Move into cycle two, setting one of the Big Questions is what do we want to see as project priorities. Last time we focused on safe routes to school. Again, these fundings can be spent on a lot of different things, we might want to focus on the same thing. Maybe we want to focus on transit, maybe we want to commit additional funding to plan and development area. Looking at project readiness with the eye of a lessons learned, better evaluate the project schedule thoroughly and potentially think about whether we want to fund a few large projects that can more efficiently go through the process or smaller projects. Last slide, this is just youre going to see update on cycle two next month. M. T. C. Is currently doing outreach with stakeholders with the policies and proposals for obag. They will be bringing that through their board in november. Then the projects beginning implementation in early 2017. Well bring an item to you next month andta

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