Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Replay Rules Committee 12617 20170

SFGTV BOS Replay Rules Committee 12617 January 27, 2017

Clerk. Items will appear on the february 7, 2017 board of supervisor uzgenda unless stated. Item 1 is considering appointing member thofz board of supervisor tooz two year terms to association of bay area government executive board. Great. Supervisor yee would you like to make a statement on this first item . It is your appointment. I think i need to be recused. You do but if you want to make a statement. I will make a motion to excuse supervisor norman yee. Can i get a second . Yes. Motion is approved. Just wait a minute for supervisor yee. Would anyone like to make Public Comment on the first item . Seeing none, Public Comment is now closed. So, i think what well do is just seeing no names on the roster and so colleagues can we make a motion to approve the appointment of supervisor yee to the association of bay area government . Absolutely. Alright, great. Seeing that is motioned and approved, the item is approved. Is that right . Thank you. Congratulations, supervisor yee. [laughter] mr. Clerk call the second item, hearing to answer appointing member thofz board of supervisors for 4 year term tooz bay area air Quality Management board of directors. Any members of the public wish to otestify. Anyone from the sfr visors office or a statement . Colleagues i will make a motion to approve the item. Seconded. Okay. So approved. Passes mr. Clerk and supervisor hill row roanen is aopponent today the bay area Quality Management district. Excuse me. Is this a point of clarification, when they make the appointments do we announce the names 1st rather than after we vote . It seems we should announce the names first. Yes, supervisor is there is in the board packet two memoes from the Clerks Office with poll of all the supervisors where the supervisors were acknowledged. We should read it into record. Wealer well do that. Through the chair, mr. Gibbener. Deputy City Attorney john gibbener, just for clarification, when the Committee Votes on these items the vote will forward the items to full board of supervisors for another vote two tuesdays from new so you will do this dance again where different supervisors have to leave the room and be recused but these will be the recommendation thofz rules commitee the full board will vote on. Great. I guess with the next ones when we introduce the item well say the name. Can you do that when you read the item . Yes, mr. Chair. Thank. Mr. Clerk would call the third item. Item 3 is hearing to answer appointing members the board of supervisor frz 4 year terms to the local Agency Formation commission. We have supervise r hillary roanen would like to be recommend frd the seat. Mr. Chair, we also have staff from the local Agency Formation commission here , jason freed for any questions. Seeing there is someone here from lafco mr. Freed would you like to make a comment . Any questions from my colleague snz any members the public that wish to testify on the item . Seeing none make a motion to forward the names to the full board with positive recommendation. Second. Great. So moved. That item is approved. Alright. Mr. Clerk would you call the 4 item, and hearing to answer aopponenting member ofz the board of supervisors for two year terms for Golden Gate Bridge highway and transportation district bourd of directors. We have heard back from several supervisor jz thatd is supervisor breed, peskin and yee and shehi. Make a motion to make a motion to move thosei reuse you. Make a motion to rekoos supervisor yee. So moved. Any Public Comment on this item . Yes, okay soplease approachspeakers have two minutes state your first and last name and speak into the micro phone. Anyone with a prepared statement is encouraged to leave a copy with the clerk to include a official file so please begin. H as a current appointee of the Golden Gate Bridge district and like to welcome the supervisors appointed. We only have 3 and need 4 and look forward to your appointment. Would you state your name . Burt hill. Thank you. Ill see you in a few weeks or a few days. Thank you. Wonderful, thank you. Anyone else like to testify before pub luck comment is closed . Seeing none, we will close Public Comment. Wait for supervisor yee to return. I dont think we need to. Make a motion to approve. Second. Thank you. Seeing it is unanimous, so approved. Thanks, come on in. Congratulations, you are getting appointed all over today. More work, great. Thank you, mr. Clerk please call the item number 5. Item 5 ishering to answer appointing one member for 4 year term to metropolitan transportation commission. We heard from supervisor kims office she expressed interest in the appointment. Is there any departments or anyone in the public want to testify . Anyone like to make Public Comment on the item . Seeing none Public Comment is closed. I entertain a motion cht motion to pass this recommendation with positive recommendation to full board. Second. Great. So that is approved. Mr. Clerk item number 6. Item number 6 is hearing to consider aponting one member of board of supervisors for two year term to Reentry Council. We have heard from supervisorvice chair fewers office she would be interested in this appointment. Make a motion to excuse supervisor sandy fewer. I like to make a motion to excuse supervisor fewer. Great. Before you like to make a comment . Thank you very much. The Reentry Council is a council that can have great impact on the lives of our most marginalized residents, those incarcerated. As a former board of education members, i was shocked upon visits Charter School and the county facility in san buno, the mens facility and learn 60 percent of the inmates attended San Francisco public schools. This is a issue im deeply concerned about and very interested in. There is something terrible wrong when our educational system fails this amount of people and so many of them. I think that as a city we must work across departments and eeben with the School District to provide young people the opportunity and to end the school to prison pipeline. The Reentry Council can work to insure those who are already incarcerated are provided are economic and skill building opportunities upon their exist from prison or jail. I would be honored to serve on the committee and would be honored to have your support. Thank you. Thank you, vise chair. I like to make a comment as she is walking out. I think supervisor fewer would be a great great aopponentment for this council. There is a lot of good Council Members in there. Thank you, supervisor yee. Can we take this motion without objectionexcuse me, anyone from the public like to comment on the item . Seeing none, Public Comments closed. Any department or staff like to say anything about this item . Seeing none make a motion to pass this item out with positive recommendation to full board. Great. So mr. Clerk the motion passes. Congratulations supervisor fewer. Thank you. Quee bow you bring a lot of experience and perspective to this important body so we appreciate you putting your name forward. Thank you, supervisor. Mr. Clerk call item number 7. Item 7 is hearing to consider appointing one member of two year term to park recreation and open space Advisory Committee. There is one seat and one applicant, seat 19, which must be nominated by the district 5 supervisor. Great. And see someone from supervisor breeds office. Can you state your name for the record. Good morning sorryi know that the author of this is supervisor cohen and see her staff here. This is item number 7, not 8. You would probably do a better job then me. Good morning supervisor and chair. It is great to see you and congratulations supervisor fewer. Supervisor breeds appointee cat men del joenz is unable to attend so will read statement. Im unable to attend because im at the california Climate Change symposium in sacramento which i attend as a public grants manager at the trust for public land. At the trust for public land i seek public grants for creating parks and preserving open space throughout the bayair eye and across california. I live in coal valley in district 5 with my husband, two young daurfts and a dog. Our family spends time on suit row forest and playground in coal valley and Golden Gate Park. I have ba frum duke and jdu c hasteings. I apologize she cant be her but on behalf of supervisor breed i ask for your support. Thank you, mr. Johnson. Any members of the public that would like to comment . Seeing none Public Comment is closed. Colleagues, can we take this motion without objection . Yes. Great. Seeing so mr. Clerk this motion is passed. Please call the next item, item aithd. Item 8 is ord nrns amended the administrateb code to set structure function terms and administrative support for Dignity Fund Oversight Advisory Committee as required by the charter section 16. 12811 adopted as part of proposition at the november 8, 2016. I appreciate supervisor cohen for offering this item and see a member of her staff. Good morning. I am you you chan legislative aid to malia cohen. As you know during the november 2016 election voters approve prop i which was a Charter Amendment offered by cohen yee and mar which created the dignity fund to Fund Programs for seniors and people can disability said. The ballot member created a 11 member oversight body commit tee a moniter and participate in the administration thf fund. Aopinioning authorities and timing it also authorized the board to draft a follow up implement ordinance to outline details regarding membership, structure and terms and this st. The ordinance before you today. We consulted closely with the Dignity Fund Coalition and department of aging and Adult Servicess to develop the details in the ordinance and have one amendment we like you toanswer. I bleechb you have the language before you. If you dont i have copies here. It simp ly clarify that who sit on the Advisory Committee are current and act rfb member so they would automatically lose their seat if they are not. The appointing bodies are aging and adults services, the [inaudible] Long Term Care council. Happy to answer additional question squz have melissa mu gee the Program Manager for the dignity Fund Available for questions today. Thank you for supporting the amendment and item overall. Great. Thank you mrs. Chan. Any members of Department Staff who would like to speak oen behalf of the item . Supervisor yee . I want to make a comment before we get into Public Comments. Thank you, sir. First of all, this is really an Important Fund for us to implement moving forward. This is something that im glad supervisor cohen was involved with this and thatd i had a opportunity to work on it with supervisor mar at the time. As youmaybe not, the both of you are new so i have been working on these issues with seniors and popeal with disabilities for 4 years and made it a priority in particular in my district, which had very few services for them. I had also authored a study to be done of existing Senior Services that is already completed and was waiting for a opportunity to work with the dignity fund folk tooz have a hearing on that so that everything would be lined and timed correctly. I already made a request for hearing from this, so looking forward working with people that are involved with the dignity fund and seeing how this could be helpful for the way we implement the programs. Thank you supervisor yee. I just say that as somebody who libs in the city and work with aging population and know supervisor fewer has as well i like to thank supervisor cohens office for putting this forward and staff ready to implement a important part of providing dignity and services to a aging population here in San Francisco. Any other comments from the public . Or Department Staff . If not will call member thofz public who wish to testify. Hold on one second. Speakers have two minutes, please clearly state your first and last name and speak into the micro phone. If you have a written statement please submit to the clerk. Thank you. My name is wade woods a member orphthe Dignity Fund Coalition and im just here to ask for your support so we can make sure that we have a good Advisory Board and Oversight Committee to make sure the funding is distributed among the various aging populations in the city. Thank you. I urge you to support this. Thank you, mr. Woods. Any other members the public that wish to testify . Good afternoon supervisors. Ann [inaudible] with meals and wheels San Francisco and member of Dignity Fund Coalition and work so hard to see this pass with supervisor yee and staff and sfr visor cohen and staff. We are in support of this of course excite frd the oversight and Advisory Committee. It will insure accountability and transparency with the community and will really push us all forward so we recommend certainly that you support this. Thank you. Thank you, very much. Any other members of the mublic wish to testify on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Supervisor yee. Like to make a amendment as outlined by supervisor cohens aid, yoyo. To make a motion to make a amendment. The Oversight Advisory Committee member amust be a active and current member on the body from which they are appointed and representing. That is the language i got. Was there anything else . The City Attorney john gibbener drafted more formal language which i have if you like it but it is essentially says the same thing you just read on the record. Are you submitted that . Adjust for the language but that is the intonet. Thank you. Submitted. Is there a second oen that motion . Yes, second. So the motion is approved. Excuse me, the motion to approve the amendment is approved. Go ahead and make a motion to move the item forward with positive recommendation with the amendments. Okay. So the amendment is approved, now we make a motion to send it item with positive recommendation to full board. Second. Both motions pass and will send the item to full board. Mr. Clerk can you call item number 9. Item 9 is resolution confirming the nomination of Sergeant Dorian j carr United States air force retires as county Veterans Services officer. Wonderful. Are there any members ofany Department Staff that would like to speak on this item . Yes. Good morning supervisors mpt serenemic spaden the department of aging Adult Services and the county Veterans Service office sits withinory department and this is really exciting for us because the county veteran Service Office position has not sat within our department for a long time and think it makes a lot of sense to have the officer oversee the office, work within the office and we really look to join car to help us expand our services to veterans. Help coordinate with veteran Serve Services and it is really a big priority area for us. The county veteran Services Office serves older adults and adults with disabilities and what they do is work to make sure people withveterans can access their benefits because it is really hard for them to accessthem on their own through the Veterans Administration so thank you in advance ce for your support of sergeant car r. Supervisor yee. Sergeant carr here . He is here. Would you like to say anything . Would you hike to knh up and say a few words . Sure. You sound like a wonderful person good afternoon. My name is dorian carr. I appreciate my office and supporting me fl the nomination for county veteran Service Office. This is Long Time Coming for me. I have been in the business doing county veteran Services Work for like 9 years. I moved over from Contra Costa County looking for this opportunity to become a county veteran Service Officer and so really looking forward to taking what i learned and how it is mentored in Contra Costa County and bringing it to the city so i appreciate any type of support. Thank you, mr. Carr. Supervisor yee. Thank you Sergeant Carr and thank you for your service. Thank you very much. Thank you. Any other members of the departme

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