Transcripts For SFGTV Fire Commission 121416 20161226 : vima

SFGTV Fire Commission 121416 December 26, 2016

America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. This is this is a reminder under the administrative code 67 a1 the ringing and use of cell phones and pagers and similar sounding Electronic Devices is prohibited. Set all to vibrate or turn the device completely off. Now Fire Commission regular meeting of wednesday, december 14, 2016, and the time is 9 00 a. M. Item one roll call commissioner julie christensens commissioner Vice President cleaveland commissioner Stephen Nakajo commissioner Michael Hardeman chief joanne hayeswhite item 2 general Public Comment at this time, members of the public may address the commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction with respect to agenda items, speakers shall address their remarks to the commission as a whole and not to individuals. Commissioners are not to enter into a debate or discussion with the speakers, the lack of a response does not constitute an agreement of support for statements during Public Comment. Thank you, madam secretary. Is there any members of the audience that wants to address the commission at this point seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Item 3 approval of the minutes discussion and possible action to approve the regular meeting of on october 6, 2016, is there any member of the public that wants to comment on the minutes as submitted okay Public Comment is closed. Ill go to any fellow commissioners beginning about commissioner Vice President cleaveland move to approve the minutes. Is there is second. Second and thank you, very much with that. That was for both. Same house, same call . Okay. Thank you all in favor, say i. I. And minutes are approved. Thats the minutes for october and november 9, 2016. Okay. Item 4 certificates oh, Public Comment on the minutes. I did ask uhhuh. Certificates and acknowledgement of lieutenant Ronald Johnson and part time and firefighter and petty officer justin k2 and fish and game officers ryan and scott that took action at a bay rescue of that young man. Thank you very much the chief the department will be preparing. Good morning commissioner president covington and members of the commission thank you for asking for an acknowledgement on october 29th involved a bay water rescue restore proud to work with our partners with the california fish and game and all the members of the department that was a wonderful effort that day by those 3 entities and ask our Public Information officer jonathan to set the stabilize and can you talk a little bit about that was concurring in terms of effecting this rescue on october 29, 2016, and commissioners good morning and can i ask the members of the coast guard and fish and game to stand behind me before i start lieutenant was on duty and right about 745 had an incident on Treasure Island and knowing the commitment of commissioner hanson stated other than the island to make sure the public needs were addressed hopefully especially e hell be here but well take his certificate for him the men and women you see from the United States coast guard and fish and game need to be acknowledged for the efforts on the day of october go 29 early in the morning for safety the life of an individual that really required our services to even though is the stage that was read earlier in a Commission Meeting we want to public to hear this as well those watching on sfgovtv so on october 29, 2016, roughly around 912 San Francisco Fire Department engine 48 and truck 48 responder to the coast guard station while in route they were informed a victim who was not in the water but located at the dock the United States coast guard station no other information was given originally while in route to incident cruise of the Fire Department were aware that this victim has apparently fallen or jumbled off the bridge and in the water as the units arrived and u. S. Kwlgd stationer there were directed by the coast guard personnel where the small craft was docked with the victim that was a rescue game warns ryan and scott that were maning that boat vessel and next to the vessel on the dock coast guard members if u b i island that were anted the needs of victim those coast guard members had that victim completely ready to go into the ambulance and if anyone who has been other than ems work knows that time it value and incidents saved this mans life the crews from the fish and game stated awhile on the bay to monitor the old bay bridge simply saw a slash you or me or anyone else in the public that was a splash that the water our game wanders investigated and there was a male figure that was surfacing from under the water retrieved that victim and notified the proper authorities at the coast guard station to be awaiting their arrive arrival and around 9 minutes that was pretty darn amazing negative impact time so they are going to be commended on that awhile they were in route they were tevend to the needs of victim and make sure that had adequate information to rely to the United States coast guard at the w b i the members you see behind me we are presenter alert and professional delivered ems car and packaged the patient means placing him on to a board and assessing him when our planes ambulances and fire crew gets there when the fire crews get theretofore Treasure Island a paramedic and that victim required a lot of care lieutenant Ronald Joe Hanson a licensed paramedic and maintained his status as a lieutenant jumbled in basically with his paramedic that included doing activities we call lesser skills with a chest decompanions i know that chief meyers talked about that a chest decompression if you dont reels the air in the chest cavity youll die if not at the right time you will die lieutenant r07b8d Joseph Hanson and greg recognized this other things the victim was combative he is in trauma status they had to console to a person know this person would be okay and its combativeness she was scared for lack of are terms that was done professionally and collaboratively between the 16 and game and the United States fish and game and Fire Department staff ill conclude in this not for the efforts the man in question was not be alive today with that, im going to turn it over to chief joanne hayeswhite thank you excellent overview is there someone from the u. S. Coast guard or fish and game that wanted to say a few words before we present your certificate thank you dmirsz thank you for having us. I truly appreciate it im captain the second calendar and port commander of San Francisco thank you for about recognizing the extraordinary efforts of California Department of fish and wildlife and the coast guard and obviously the Fire Department we appreciate this recognition and you know it is one of our bread and butter missions to preserve life and actually it is probably one of the most Important Missions search and rescue not done alone not unless we have the partnerships and strong partnerships we have in San Francisco and for that i thank everyone that was involved in this case thank you. Thank you and i echo our comments there is a man alive because your collective efforts i will defer to the commission if youd like me to present the certificates now or making the assumption that the commissioners may have a few words to offer and thank you chief joanne hayeswhite. Thank you everyone for being here well begin with commissioner comments and then the presentation commissioner Vice President cleaveland thank you, thank you madam president and thank you for your efforts on this incident i think that we dont realize how quickly an emergency can arises and have the partnership in place we have it has saved lives i commend all of you in working collaborating and making sure this mans life was saved so thank you thank you very much. Thank you commissioner Vice President cleaveland commissioner nakajo. Thank you madam president i also want to thank the chief of the department and the Department First year baxter for this presentation it has been really important as commissioners to be able to have those occasions by which we can see ourselves the mannerism that have been involved with that rescue we wanted to have this occur im gratified were here this morning to see you all and thank the coast guard and the department of fish and games the streerd activities and accomplishments the public may hear about but when we see it in working with the Fire Department it is great, great, great honor to be with you this morning i be building a member of fish and game wanted to Say Something this morning as well id rather hear you that is as my name is josh an area lieutenant with the department of california fish and wildlife i want to echo the comments that were started the collaborative efforts from all the individuals behind me which resulted in a successful in saving this gentlemans life speaks volumes to the participation that we all work and diligently try to keep at a highlevel before an incident happens so thank you for acknowledging our officers today. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you very much madam president and thank you, captain and the members of the fish and game departments thank you very much. Thank you commissioner nakajo. Commissioner hardeman thank you, madam chair well, like the commissioners this is wonderful to see you here it is nice our being recognized chief and the other folks in the department that wanted you to step forward to be seen by the public who are befriends to be recognized with our fire boat it is also rescues and deft operations that they never get credit nice to see a collaboration with all our would have departments and after what happened on a oakland 2 it tragedy it is nice to have good news and show the public some of the faces out there protecting us and helping us everyday to sew and happy holidays. Thank you commissioner hardeman by i want to echo everything my fellow commissioners have said in those types of situations people that wear the uniform say were just doing our job we will like to those occasions take a pause and say thank you that we see you and know the hard work and know how important it is and just presenter all your efforts particularly when a patient is combative those are trying circumstances and disoriented it takes a person with a particular heart and calmness to deal with those situations so i commend you for your service and our deamerican that takes a dent and i also appreciate the comments of captain and captain josh nickels and thank you for presenting lieutenant baxter all right. I think that is a presentation afoot. Each of you burglary be receiving a certificate for the merit of conduct and your ex last year leadership ill come down to present you each with a certificate thank you very much. At this time id like to call for any Public Comment ill lead the Public Comment. clapping. thank you, again madam secretary can you please call the next item. Item 5 review of the harassment prevention policy. Thank you chief joanne hayeswhite thank you commissioner president covington i have jose who oversee the Human Resources presenting item 5. Good morning and happy holidays commissioner president covington commissioner Vice President cleaveland commissioners chief joanne hayeswhite thank you for requesting this presentation which i believe is timely and also want to thank you for your patience and a little bit of delay in my presentation delivery i wanted to start by giving us a background of what we have in from the past and currently in the department. So in 2003 that was the last year that the Fire Department had its own e o unity unit and conducted its own vocation under the previous fire chief so when funding was cut in the department the department issued a general order in 2003 to explain to the membership we no longer had an internal unit for investigation and for reporting complaints and also to establish the the president s e o policies and complainant procedures that mystery of that the city when chief joanne hayeswhite came on board in january of 2004 we maintained that general order sense that was recent and appendiceal but since her tenure were issued two other versions of the e o policy and complaint procedures one in 2009 and an update in 2015 so that is what the in place the general order of 1583 besides the general orders weve also had them had an anti harassment discriminates and retaliation procession and the departments rex in the 1997 versions an article 3958 in light current version in article 3911 you should is where all the relevant excerpts in our packet from november within the rules and regulations under each rank whether the assistant chief or battalion chief or captain a provision starting the officers responsibility to maintain a working environment that is free from any discrimination. So with regards to statutes in august of 2007 Assembly Bill 1825 was passed and this Assembly Bill actively states that all supervisors and other positions even nonsupervisory may be required bans their Public Contact were supposed to take the mandatory harassment training so since that law way codified in 2007 the whole city and the department in particular has been compliant and has had regular training for all the supervisors every two years so starting in 2007 and every two years since and the last year was in 2015 so to insure that everyone who is supposed to take the training takes the training a general order is with every compliance with a list of members required to take the training and then our division of Human Resources collect those certificates mark them off the roster to make sure they took the training, report to the department of Human Resources and place the certificate in their file besides the rules and regulations the orders and the states Assembly Bill we have a training on e e o policy and complaint with every entrylevel class i invite you to observe the next one in january sometime with the emt entrylevel academy i conduct an the first day the e o policy and complaint procedures training besides the entrylevel training we also have training for our new lieutenant and battalion chief and that is delivered by the division of training it is a specific module and the officer Training Program either delivered via video or online oriental back in 2008, when the First Lieutenant academy began we delivered all the module slides by tapes the various modules and now delivering that online so being that this is in general order that is also part of the daily drill schedule if comes out annual the e o policy and complaint general order that part of daily drill schedule so that is an option of the over in terms of what items to administrator throughout the year but definitely on the daily drill schedule. So, now i will show you the excerpts of slide for harassment and in particular those slides are part of the actual e o policy and complaint procedure training which is about 36 to 40 slides for the entrylevel so first, we define what harassment ask we try to educate our new hires on the two theories of harassment they may observe in their Work Environment hopefully not for the at least to recognize when we see something the first one is popo that the Sexual Harassment between a supervise and a subordinate because of the disparity and power were there an, an exchange communicated where the supervisor will say this employment continue will happen if you give me this favor so thats the first theory of harassment and then the more common one is hostile Work Environment where someone might feel singled out and the common term conversation that picked on but for electricity category reasons did pro quo between supervisor and subordinate in someone files a complaint the investor will be looking at the complainant to sexual nature the request is unwelcome and there is a condition of employment expressed within that favor request with regard to hostile Work Environment can come in many forms a physical conduct or a verbal conduct someone saying something offense of a category nature to another it could be visual for example things on our locker doors or on your smart phone be laptop devices but has to a protected category basis being targeted and, of course, again like the first theory the conduct is unwelcome and there are two measures in terms of how the conduct occurs it could be pervasive over time could be many months the things that happen or could be severe where it only happens once or twice but severe enough to alter the complainants Work Environment so this i believe is an exhaustive list of protected categories i wanted to point out for San Francisco there is also a local ordinance about height and weight drimsz that is not in this state or federal protected catego

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