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Sponsored that development over and over again and saying we committing to high levels of Affordable Housing im not just depending on a positive optimistic outcome into the future but guarantee with the marketrate. I dont the redevelopment agreement didnt have triggers we stop or pause with the open agreements in the way the agreement was structured tmc hats the infrastructure to move forward in the city to have the obligation to delivery the Affordable Housing subject to 9 financial structure that was included isnt financing plan. Okay. So the plan didnt include any conditions that will stop or reopen the terms of the agreement. If i may add supervisor another schufrn of the funding solution involves the local Share Participation what weve tried dpa make a commitment at that level but allow us opportunity to get a consensus how we should work with the board and the mayor to think through strategic upstairs steps without over burdening the general fund in ways to secure the projects gated on the island to Affordable Housing so their opportunities over the life of the approval process in the year or two what commitment made potentially achieved that will bring to the board as we may came. Without the e rap share as a result which the development for example, has had those types of revenues to fund for the Housing Program makes it challenging what he was trying to say in effect what were showing an outcome up to 20 years based on the developer developing through 2020 having identified fixed costs meaning in depth service and 100 percent of the Affordable Housing. My understanding that is only 38 million; right . 38 million. The 5 year exception and hope there will be left over funds on the back ended totals one plus millions is your honor, certain and that is the most optimistic if you know sacramento didnt allow us to call back e rap the most optimistic were talking about one hundred maybe 90 million gap i dont expect over the two weeks our multiple agencies will come to the board we have a commitment to this gap we are 100 percent certain well fund i was not expecting that today, i guess im going to reframe that a little bit i want guarantees so i need something on the line in order to moved whether bell fulfill our Affordable Housing obligation so thats not before us i want to think about that i dont want the development to move forward where all the marketrate development is inform nothing it put on the line to make sure we fulfill the gap the 22 phillips Affordable Housing we fought for i understand were in a. During the process that Treasure Island underwent it was a surprise as we were coming to our final approval we moved to the best Case Scenario and at the time, Construction Costs were lower and we were hopefully that the state will provide an exemption just so for Treasure Island to call back e rap we were not grand americas cup was we were specifically left behind they dont support Treasure Island moving forward with the e rap call back so i dont see us getting that in this administration but in the future administration again a lot of uncertainties im happy to move forward with this level of uncertainty i see the commitment in the city to insure the Affordable Housing but like to see something put on the line a debris to make sure were not building marketrate without the Affordable Housing so i see supervisor peskin i dont think there is going to be unless thoughts on the guarantees look like im going to allow other members of the board to comment. Ive heard your message and well continue. Mr. Beck he had a question for you in light of is supervisor kims comment you know one of the things we hear on a regular basis in the city why we cant build housing has to do with with not having access to lands a place to build it commitments made cleaver for a significant amount of Affordable Housing on Treasure Island can you explain to me you know in light of the fact we do now have the land to build i know i guess promised in terms of one thousand units of Affordable Housing why are we not figuring a better way based on this agreement why is there not more thoughtful and collaboration with the Mayors Office of housing or 09 resources that we have at our disposal to try to make sure this housing is built in a more timing manner. We have been working with the Mayors Office of housing and kate hartley from the office so here today but with working with them and the other commitments currently before the Mayors Office we laid out a framework between 2018 when our first parcels are available and 2026 to fund the First Development of 7 parcels with support from mohcd including in their next year budget including budget the Predevelopment Fund by mohcd for our first two parcels which will be available to us in 2018 for development that predevelopment work allows us to go forward and start the design process design and permitting process for those to buildings so were working collaboratively with mohcd and on how to close the gap and the other thing as we move forward it opens the dont worry about as i mentioned to start as we have sites available to pursue Funding Sources that require construction ready sites in order to be eligible for consideration we intend to pursue in 2017 from the Affordable Housing and the sustainability developments as well as suhr the h h p support for the first project which will be out the door a source of shares the veterans housing for the first project but securing that commitment requires us to be moving forward and having sites ready for construction. Okay. This clearly is a length discussion and past 2 30 we have 32 30 accommodations ill ask the colleagues to hold their questions or comments so we can recognize a number of individuals that we have here today to how shall so that they dont have to sit through this lengthy confusion even if bureaucratic drama with that, ill be one of the first to do a 3 30 accommodation today and so im going to aeric can t come forward to say honored by the board of supervisors welcome come forward to the podium please thank you for being here. Colleagues im proud to recognize every single can introduce her with work with the cool valley fair as organizer for the pianist years hive tirelessly worked to unite the community and carry on the fingerprinting year tradition by bringing together local businesses and artists and schools and families the coal valley fair is a loved tradition im so happy to support that fair year after year without the dedication of people like every single can it wouldnt be the same and in addition to organizing the coal valley fair contributed to the valley as an Small Business owner that operates two training studios to promote living and health and safety exercise exercise as as Business Owner the organer the coal valley fair and the wife and two children every single can is a thank you for stepping up and continuing to tradition and what makes us a great city our Great Community fairs that brings together so many members of the Community Since you join together and celebrate what they dont see overtime as hard work you are making the magic happen and thank you for carrying on the tradition so this tradition so on behalf of the San Francisco board of supervisors we commend you today. Thank you for your service. Thank you very much i want to thank everyone especially supervisor breed for helping fund the city use that are increasing us to run our local street fair we keep the street fair small intentionally a great, great part of community and very grateful so thank you. clapping. next an accomodation if from supervisor avalos for rebuilding together San Francisco. Thank you supervisor president london breed id like to call of staff from rebuilding together. So im very, very honored to have worked all the years in office with rebuilding together theyve been doing renovation and repairs on singlefamily homes all across San Francisco but particularly strong from providing the support to figure that deal with disability and low income folks in the district 11 and especially 2, 3, 4 in my omi we have a africanamerican population that is diminishing and helping the people in houses and pass them on the the next generation i have a participated in rebuilding together events and has been great to see the bacon peoples lives theirs such a feeling of joy that there houses and places they inhabit will be where we get around more easily and this help pulling together is free rebuilding is around since 1989 some of you might have remembered it was called in april and all those years providing great care for people all over the city i want to say thaw grateful for your service in district 11 especially in the omi and thank you for your great work and present you with the honor for your commitment to the housing in San Francisco thank you very much. clapping. thank you supervisor avalos and everyone john you wanted said it perfectly weve been helping seniors and people with disabilities and low income families stay in their homes for 27 years as supervisor kim said the future of Housing Support is unclear now so i think that is more important as ever that our repairs that bring together neighbors helping neighbors and corporate organizations in San Francisco to support our work it is more important than ever so we really appreciate the conformation. Thank you one thing i want to mention in district 11 two Major Community Development Projects in these two collaborate actives the omi collaborative and valley kohlman the former staff is now with the Adult Protective Services had to leave the effort and that was a huge impact had a huge impact on district 11 those collaboratives have resulted in having grant making podiums that is overseen by the residents that allows the residents to Plan Community projects like murld and other promotions that are parks and supporting our corridor so thank you for that tremendous effort as als and ott are parks and supporting our corridor so thank you for that tremendous effort as well. Thank you rebuilding together for all our amazing work throughout the city and county of San Francisco thank you so much and with that, id like to for the final conformation for today id like to recognize supervisor mar. Thank you, colleagues id like to ask you to join me in honoring the families for safe streets and walk sf in their efforts as we promote sunday november two 20th as world day remembrance so let me ask for jennifer for safe streets and natalie to come forward i think the model as an advocatecy organization has used over the past year or longer to develop a development a develop a because of survivors of traffic crashes and victims families to really build a strong voice of mature support and based organization he that that transit organizations no new york city have uses the model it is time for San Francisco and the whole region im appreciative in the just San Francisco but were a regional model as well every year as much of you here 1. 2 Million People are killed in road crashes globally but 20 pedestrians we are killed in San Francisco and 75 pedestrians were seriously injured in crashes this is not acceptable one of the graphs crossed out accidents as a visual theyre preventable and calling not traffic accidents but traffic crashes and killings basically, i think those are not just staves but serious injuries and loss of loved one to whole communities im proud 24 effort by walk sf but building the new equity and using world remembrance of traffic victims is going on a Memorial Walk this coming sunday i ask 16th street of 445 to walk to city hall where the building that be lit yellow in commemoration of those who passed its and the families standing up to make our streets safer and acknowledge that our vision zero project we wouldnt have vision zero without walk sf and the families that are advocating for safer streets i really thank them for making sure that San Francisco is at forefront of the nation on vision zero and advancing our work and walk sf is building a regional Bayview Family for safe streets that will pubically launch on sunday afternoon the families have lost loved ones and injured themselves and want to recognize to chief vision zero the group that will be leading the walk that will be holding a having anyal at city hall so is 12 30 u 3 30 to 5 30 at bart wear yellow clothing and hats and scarves if you want more information walk sf. Org well remember this sunday is is a moment to annuity and city enough is enough standing together with victims and survivors and family members that know first hand the emotional mental toll that is x tracked by the traffic violence. Thank you supervisor yee who couldnt be with us today, i know last year, we joined the world and supervisor kim and others joined us thank you to walk sf the Vision Zero Coalition and the world day remembrance with that, let me introduce family for safe streets jen just and natalie from walk sf. clapping. hello, im representing not only my mom who was seriously injured by a chiropractor but im here representing my family members and friends and people impacted by irresponsible action by a driver one of the citys most this devastated my moms finances she suffered brain injury in 2011 im here threatening supervisor mar and let you guys know to bring together support to support families that are impacted and make changes for our streets to make them safer out there thank you. clapping. thank you very much supervisor mar for recognizing the work that will be starting with the family members theyre the real heroes theyve dealt with grief and volunteering their time and energy to effect the positive change is inspiring glad to have jenny and to the board of supervisors for unanimously supporting vision zero thank you. Thank you for your service and again, congratulations okay. Well return to our agenda supervisor peskin would you im sorry supervisor kim were you done with your questions okay supervisor peskin thank you madam president and colleagues this is obviously been going on for a long time if we heart attack back to the days bill clinton was president and military bases were closed all around the United States including many here in the bay area in 1996 was the beginning of the planning for the eventual turnover of navy station Treasure Island to the city and county of San Francisco at the same time work began on the Hunters Point shipyard which as we know many parcels that already been turned over to the city i became a member of the board of supervisors in 2001 and we undertook action on the 8 years on the board including exactly 10 years ago this month when we adopted the term sheet for the development of Treasure Island contaminate that was envisioned to be thirty percent Affordable Housing yes, we didnt anticipate the end of the redevelopment but when the board in 2011 actively adopted a project that was 2000 unit larger contaminate it was reduced from thirty percent to 25 percent and i salute supervisor kim that managed to get that number theoretically back up to 27. 2 percent the goalpost have yet to be thirty percent if you compare this to the Hunters Point shipyard we have actively achieved that with no funding gap the way the project is very, very different im concerned i dont want to do development for development sake and make developers rich the whole premise of that for Public Benefits three Hundred Acres of open space and some 2000 units of Affordable Housing im absolutely prepared to vote for it but i dont want to vote foreperson for an enterprise promise but triggers and if as we think are all relatively certain that some of the ideas and i want to thank staff for Public Health department them in writing rather than available ideas now before us in this 6 page memo prepared by director and beck or 5 page memo tells us what we know this is highly unlikely political environment the governor the great state of california will take 12e7z away to End Development in the state of california i dont foresee the 25. 3 percent e rap and relative to extending the life of the ifd from 40 to 45 years have yet to take action but not limited to contacting our lobbyists in 70 in sacramento any staff contacted yesterday other ideas we should discuss and commit ourselves current with committing ourselves to the instrument before you today and the infrastructure that financing please be advised the ringing of and use of cell phones, that will be before us presumably at the next meeting and looking at the go down authority one idea i shared with the developers and some of members of this board earlier today is that if this board and the developers and the mayor were to commit ourselves to moving forward with Treasure Island ground to meet the gap come our next general election be 2018 or november of 2018 or earlier should there be any reason for a special election that will be much more of a guarantee than the long implication of the ifd or having the state legislative and the governor of california do something unlikely for a number of years to provide that redevelopment increment back to this project i want to i want to put that out there and i will hope we can have a very quick and sincere discussion about committing ourselves to a go down rather than saying general than saying we approved were doing better on private land on, on the mainland with inclusionary housing law were doing better than that in many cases and supervisor kim showed you again and again in south of market as pier 70 and in the seawall lot im having trouble saying yes to a project on land that we thank you supervisor peskin supervisor avalos. Thank you. I do have concerns about the funding gap although im prepared to vote today it would be good to have more time my biggest concerns were not able to call back that our resources that in moh that go through other be neighborhoods can accumulate on Treasure Island and deny other neighborhoods around Huge Development more Affordable Housing to have the resources to do so and i wasnt going to speak again but supervisor peskin mentioned a go bond made me think we cant have a go bond for Treasure Island a go bond that includes will Treasure Island but huge needs around Affordable Housing and reservoir and maximize the work were looking at my neighborhood is looking at go bonds and specifically at neighborhood spread over the city for the support if were going to focusing go bond dollars on Affordable Housing it should be geared to looking at places that we have to develop not just the housing itself but the infrastructure for the neighborhoods to be able to thrive it is something well be doing for Treasure Island and things that are despite needed to i imagine phil the reservoir sites with the schlage lock and other places we laid the ground work for development. Thank you supervisor avalos supervisor cowen. Thank you. I think that conversation is very interesting land use conversation and im actually was going to touch on some of the points that supervisor avalos spoke to about a go bond not narrowly tailored for Treasure Island but something opportunities there that is larger we can wrap the entire city like supervisor avalos with the Visitacion Valley is right more Affordable Housing we have some other funding gaps as well i think about hope 6 projects supervisor kim if anything you may not have said that exactly how much is the gap were talking about. 22 to 23 millions. 22. The gap is roughly 200 and 42 million. Assuming mohcd is 30 million commitment well put into the resolution. All right. I have no future questions thank you very much. Supervisor mar. Thank you, supervisor kim for doing everything she can to make up this very large gap it supervisor peskin outlined i want to thank kate hartley as well for making up that 30 million amount and thank you to our corral Ben Rosenfield and nadya and bob beck for the documents youve provided my colleagues and i are censured concerned about the likelihood on the state efforts for e rap and to extend the ifd for 5 years and other colleagues mentioned the potential local bonds and i also think there is a commitment to Treasure Island and i think that is critical that we follow through but needs of other districts my colleagues mentioned it is important but a commitment made to Treasure Island in this development to see strong affordability the letter we received from sherry the director of tihdi emphasize the homeless and veterans and project but the charities with the mercy housing is critical for Treasure Island and the many families that and people that currently live on Treasure Island as well ill be supporting that and supporting effort in the last few days a few few of us sure were living up to the affordability but up to the next board to share there are bonds that move forward their equitable looking at the Treasure Island and thank you to supervisor peskin for raising the key concerns about this and i shared those concerns well work with kim and others to get more clarity on what strategies to make up this 20,082,000,000 gap we brought up today. Thank you supervisor mar supervisor campos. Thank you madam president i know i came into the meeting ready to support the items not so sure maybe the kind of thing ill defer to supervisor kim as the District Supervisor in terms of how she wants to proceed so with that, you know through the chair ill you know ask the District Supervisor for her guidance on this. Thank you. Supervisor kim. Thank you colleagues first of all, in my questioning he didnt take the time to appreciate the work that at the end of the day the Mayors Office of Economic Workforce Development and the Controllers Office was able to do over the last few weeks in project by project the potential funds that will help us close this initially 200 and 74 now 200 and 40 million gap im hopeful that the prospects well be able to build this to completion im looking for is some type of guarantee that will help link the Affordable Housing production leader to our marketrate Housing Production in many ways similar to what we do when we allow the developers to offsite their Affordable Housing i want to take a little bit more time we have this hearing coming before the board ill ask we move this to later on in the board agenda and come up with other and i want to acknowledge the work im appreciative we wouldnt come if a place to guarantee the funding but like to see a little bit more closure to guarantee this commitment that happen down the street. For clarity supervisor kim weve move on with the agenda. Take 2 at a later time. Thank you with that, it is not 3 oclock we have two, 3 00 p. M. Special orders it is my understanding that one of those 3 00 p. M. Special orders will be continued so im going to call the items 39 through 42 first items 39 through 42 comprise the special order public hearings of persons in the puc with approval of 3 units of new construction on alhambra street dated 2016 items 40 to 44 the 340gs associated with the public hearings. Supervisor farrell. Thank you supervisor president london breed colleagues weve been working with the parties involved here and gotten everyone to eyes and ears and go to work out the remaining issues make a motion to continue those items to december 6th. Supervisor farrell has made a motion to continue this item to december 6th seconded by supervisor cowen and before we take a vote on this item any Public Comment on the continuance seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Madam clerk on the motion to continue colleagues colleagues, can we take that same house, same call . Roll call. Okay. Mr. Gibner. John gibner, deputy City Attorney. Are for the record the board is continuing the item holding it on for further Public Comment when the item is heard at the board. Just to be clear the Public Comment was on for the specific continuance. Right when there is a tentative map like this were required to open Public Comment and hold it on so there can be additional Public Comment at future meetings just to be clear he had only asked for Public Comment on the continuance and not Public Comment on the temper say is that appropriate. Ill suggest welcoming Public Comment a map appeal i dont know if anyone was here to speak on the item itself. Thank you for that clarity any Public Comment . Who is here to specifically speak on the item please come forward weve hold Public Comment open for the continuance as well seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Madam clerk on the continuance leaving Public Comment held open for this particular hearing same house, same call . This will be continued to december 6, 2016. Madam clerk please call items 35 through 38. Items 35 through 38 comprise the special order at the 3 00 p. M. For a public hearing for interested persons suggesting to a depreciation of exemption in Environmental Impact under the California Environmental quality act issued as a Community Plan exemption by the Planning Department on july 12, 2016, and approved by the Planning Commission on august 2016 the proposed project located at 1515 south van ness to allow demolition of an existing building and new construction of 55 at all 5 to 6 residential uses and item 36 to confirm the Planning Department and item 37 to reverse the determination and next the appropriation related to a board disapproval for the plan exemption depreciation. Colleagues before us an appeal for a project on south van ness avenue for this hearing item number 35 we will be considering whether to approve the Planning Commission determination that the project at 1515 south van ness avenue is exempt from further Environmental Review under a Community Plan exemption without objection we will precede as following up to 10 minutes for presentation by the appellant or the appellants representative up to two minutes in support of appeal, up to 10 minutes for a presentation for the city departments and 10 minutes for the project sponsor or the representative up to 2 minutes in opposition of speakers for the appeal and finally 3 minutes for rebuttal for the appellant or appellants representative please note if youre here to speak on the 1515 south van ness appeal now will be the time to do so with that, id like to recognize supervisor campos. Thank you very much madam president without Budget Committee lashing the appeal i just want to take the opportunity to thank the appellant as well as the project sponsors we encourage folks on both sides of this project to sit down and have a conversation about a possible settlement we provided the space for that to happen i want to thank the parties for doing that unfortunately, there was no resolution that was reached no settlement that was agreed upon so with that, i would simply say thank you and if we can proceeded to a hearing of the appeal thank you. Okay. And at this time, id like to recognize the appellant and ask them to please come forward for their presentation. Good afternoon. Im scott weaver for the coordinate latino counsel we cant look at this project as in a bubble for in isolation from Everything Else that is happening in the mission one and 20 household from this project and 2000 households in proposed projects in the mission will move to the mission and with them theyll bring their high incomes earning 3 to four times what current resident earn and their disposal income after taxed and rent will exceed the income of resident before taxed and before rent so lets look at what happened to van ness street with in development and some in the pipeline or Mission Street 24 721st and 22 where the project is that buck is completely gunmen if i had on van ness street our 6 can you sanity or a meal up to one percent and fancy clothes and spend a lot of money for a had been those are not the kind of businesses that belong in the district the kind of gentrification is the beginning what is to come is an overwhelm Economic Force it will change the faced of the mission and of the cayuga coordinate strict and ceqa requires we study the cumulative impacts of projects that have been approved and have been built that are at least projects in the pipeline and so at a minimum we have to look and see there that there is clearly a threat in the morning 2000 units that are currently in the pipeline i have a graphic here can i have the overhead . There we go. Those red dots represent proposed projects right now there are thank you. Right now thorough approximately, six 5 we dont have all of them down we havent automobile the information from the Planning Department but as you can see tare concentrated into two vibrant centers of latino culture and activity the mission is in trouble were witnessing development that is far beyond that which was envisioned in the eastern neighborhoods plan in the eir as of february of this year according to the Planning Department there were 24 hundred plus unit built entitled or under Environmental Review in the mission the preferred project being 16 hundred 96 that means weve gone 50 percent over the preferred project and the total number the largest number in the eir was 200054 unit were above that as well and we are only halfway through the eastern Neighborhoods Program that program was supposed to last if 2008 to 2025 the development is happening twice as fast as we anticipated and the diversity of housing in the eastern neighborhoods in terms of affordability, versus luxurious housing is out of kilter partly was of the rapid pace of development so this should give us could you say causing to revisit at least some of the elements of the planned eir especially where with respect to the displacement and Community Benefits we have goals of maintaining the vibrancy of our businesses we need to buckle up on that things are happening much faster than anticipated and in the small 5 by 4 block area that constitutes the cayuga coordinate 6 hundred and 50 lurk unit are at or nearing entitlement more on the way one and 82 projections were not counting on 15 and south van ness another project on 24 and shot well and 3 on the corner of 22 and mission this board of supervisors established the latino culture district in 2014 and established at the ding graphic area and in admits resolution the board noted in the whereas sections a long history in the latino culture district and it memorialized 2 as richness of entrepreneurship is unrivaled and the district was established to establish to the stabilize the displacement of latino businesses and residents and to preserve the quatro for the commerce and enhance its unique nature well with the one slough of all this development and more to come what is at risk in terms of cultural viability vibrancy of Economic Opportunity for latinos and how can we mitigate those risks before it is good late when a business moved a resident moves out thats it in their not coming back so for more than a year weve suicide the city to answer those questions nothing the city has said not a ceqa issue theyre wrong on a number of counts i dont know how thoroughly you were able to review the briefing that i gave you but the subject of ceqa review under the holdings of barks field that was highlighted the assistant brief was discussed and barkers field it is progeny stood for the individually a or cumulatively cause the replacement of mom and pops businesses with high ended biz businesses held by, llc corporation is such a physical change agreed or were not talking about urban decay in the classic sense bakersfield. Were talking about the conditions contrary to this city designated for the district bakers field is on all for us and ive not heard a response and second it is of historic value in my brief on page 9 is not necessary you have an actual historical designation to where historical value under ceqa the quatro district meets the qualification of having historic value and third the displacement of businesses nonprofits and residents will result in reverse commutes which will change patterns of traffic, parking, transportation and additional green houses and those matters were not discussed not discussed in the eir. Also a ceqa issue is that things changed dramatically since the Internal Revenue prices are you will stepping and at least counts for the rapid rise in the number of development twice that of that was anticipated and Community Benefits have not kept pace with that something that was appointment by the eastern neighborhoods comment Advisory Council the lack of Affordable Housing is recognized finally there is the ininconsistent with the stated goals of eastern neighborhoods plan and the general plan plan that includes the preservation for our neighborhoods and for the provision of Affordable Housing. So the cumulative impacts of this project and the others mentioned threaten those goals and an elevation of those impacts in establishing effective mitigation measures is imperative were asking that you tell the Planning Department to do its job tell the Planning Department to analyze the impacts this massive and sudden even marketrate has on the quatro district and other cultural we have and to develop mitigation will will blunt those impacts siding for the past year. Thank you very much supervisor campos. Thank you madam president if i may ask mr. Weaver to come back i want to ask you a question mr. Weaver something id like to ask you to expand on if i may the question of how the existence of the latino cultural district sort of expands on the analysis that the discussion that had in the prior hearing here we have on the bryan project so can be expand a little bit more on that how the existence of this cultural district impacts the ceqa analysis here thats the point you made i want to make sure we have a full understanding of what youre argument is on that. Well boring o borrowing from bakersfield. It is designated as Something Special and it is and therefore the impacts on this area are different and will have to be looked at definitely than they would in the eastern neighborhoods as a whole it is a very small area geographical but dense in terms of the culture vital outlet and the residences and businesses the city hesitate sought to protect with the bryan Street Project that was not in the district itself through we believe will have an impact on the district this project is in the district itself and will definitely have a direct an impact it is right through and bringing people into the area that have higher incomes we dont Budget Committee Little People for earning a lot of money but it result in change in the community in the physical structure of a community storefronts will be different were going to see instead of what we see as 24th street street more of what we see as we go down van ness street i pointed out in any brief that one of the big concerns that the latin cultural District Council expressed during the community dwaement the quote van nesstion of the cultural district and your seeing that happening and were not saying that gentrification didnt happen on hits own accord but it marketrate Housing Development on the scale is going to have an accelerating effect and put jurisdiction into hyper gentrification that is a kind of a physical impact on the environment we firmly believe that the bakersfield case talked about thank you very much. Thank you and now id like to open this item up to those who are interested in purporting the appeal if youre here to speak during Public Comment specifically for support of this appeal please come forward now youll have up to 2 minutes each. First speaker please. Maam, come forward. Hello, everybody im sharon on artist in the mission and i usually speak from my heart but today, i felt i had to read something we are at this crisis in our nation; right . This election has been devastating i assume for most of the people in the room and it is also prove that corporations are actually conceding in transforming our citizens into consumers to our quite easy duped theyve been wiping out villages and main streets for strip malls and box Stores Across the country so, now too Many Americans are isolated what with their communities destroyed theyve mistaken a billionaire for a safer but not only that loud a predator it is our elected officials turning a blind eye and that concentration of power and wealth is replicated here in our city it is destroying San Franciscos community San Francisco is a small city but until now if is always been a beige beagle and outspoken and speaking truth to power where we were we before this election were putting our energy here struggling with you our supervisors weve been struggling to keep our homes and businesses here when you been approving those corporate proposals and refusing to demand an Environmental Impact statement were working against becoming at monocultural city filed with closed offices and Luxury Development thank you very much maam, thank you. Thank you we have other speakers, too, we have to give everyone the same amount of time thank you. We hear you thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon mary aliza speaking as a concerned citizen we support the appeal of the eir exemption for the project because we believe the eir was inadequate and seriously flawed because based on outdated information a few cases are Going Forward in courts that upheld some of the issues the pace of highend housing has out paced San Francisco with saviors families that project pursue importantly will replace 35 thousand pdr businesses with 4 thousand square feet of trade shop that is doesnt appear to meet the new replacement requirements removal of pdrs businesses has resulted in an uptick of traffic as the construction workers and others are forced to drive into the city they formally resided in a serious shortage of plain scribbled trained people will add to the cost i personally am great deal dealing with that it is hard to get work done on any kind of work done in the city on your property have you heard heres a chance to send back a project to demands improvement to meet the standards please send a message that voters can expect more from officials than rubber stamping thank you for your time and consideration and ill leave you with copies thank you. Thank you very much next speaker, please. Well have someone take them thank you. Hello good afternoon id like to echo the sent times of the first speaker a critical time in our country and San Francisco is being threatened with the funding for sanitary cities to be taken away that will take a tremendous amount of courage on behalf of all of us to keep San Franciscos soul and spirit alive i would like to say that i dont think any of you in good conscious consider the eastern neighborhoods eir adequate it is obsolete and clearly so all im asking is is an eir for this project that will show the effects it is having on the communities and also the cayuga latino District Supervisor president london breed you were recently quoted supervisor president london breed . You remember recently quoted eyes and ears as saying yes, we need to abide by the laws but we need to be creative in interpreting them so the original intention as serviced o served none in the room can say the eir is fulfilling the original intentions of the ceqa law it is meant to protect the quality of life in our city and our community and it is both lazy and unconscionable youll go ahead and allow the eastern neighborhoods eir to stand as sufficient but things have changed since then are outstanding i beg of you to please look at a way for once interpret our laws in favor of the people and the heart and soul of the city ive seen many times the trespasser through the developers that cant continue thank you thank you very much. Next speaker, please. clapping. madam president prosecute the next speaker ill get a gentle reminder to the public youll please direct our remarks to the board and not individual supervisors that neither applause but youre welcome to use our supportive fingers thank you. Thank you, madam clerk. Next speaker, please. Hi, im susan a parent of a child that attends school in the mission and Small Business owner woman and i struggled with what to say today because i know nothing will change our minds and the project will be approved i just want to emphasize that the eastern neighborhoods plan is why doutdated it is disheart as the member of a citizen of San Francisco to continually come before the board and the Planning Commission and to have you all act like our hands are tied we cant do anything ceqa didnt allow us to do anything the eastern neighborhoods plan not allowing us to do anything figure out how to protect the mission clapping. it is a cultural gem not only in this decide but were in the United States it is being destroyed bit by bit being destroyed i went to a theatre over the weekends in a few years weve not have 3 kind of thing anymore and San Francisco has to be a city that has a neighborhood where low income brown latino people of color can live you guys are putting another nail in the cost i think im tired of hearing there is nothing else you can do. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Hello my name is louie want to address you the board as a 40 year homeowner and in the mission and someone whose family is back to the 1920s in the mission im is an artist and affirm maker and teacher at the City College Campus in the Mission District and as a teacher and as an artist i have had a lot of contact with many of the Young Artists that live in the neighborhood ive met as well as the older artists that have been here so im fortunate because i was able to buy a house many years ago, i was able to afford it not now but many of my friends and colleagues and artists have been forceout in the last years and want to Say Something the mission is misrepresent cultural multi ethic it is wonderful as a latino neighborhood i want to preserve that but includes people of all ethic nighnicitie all. The first bunch of people i saw leave in 2008, 9, needing were losing the Young Artists a cultural distinct you cant have a cultural district without workers and artists and some of whom i taught at city college are the first ones i say leaving we want to say i want to support the housing projects in the mission and that particular one it is apt to have an Environmental Review the environment includes the whole neighborhood and what is it made up of to have artists in the mission we need Affordable Housing id like to see more Affordable Housing as part of this project thank you very much. Thank you next speaker, please. Good afternoon. My name is tor i think im speaking today against the proposed Development Ann at 115 south van ness as long as the intent task mess and urging a real Environmental Review i believe there are a lot of unmitigated Environmental Impacts related to gentrification when people are displaced through the racist developers former residents have to commute longer thus making air pollution that will displace how many other hours and a racism elaborate the dimpling of condemns in the brown and black neighborhoods causing asthma and the pooechlz the traffic inclusion impacts across the region will hurt people of color the most and as a white person i must out against racism please stop this of the until we know about the Invasive Species known eased white people thank you, thank you very much i. Religious lived in the migration mixing as a renter for 40 years all im asking is to accept our appeal for deep Environmental Impact of the lennars proposal for 1515 south van ness how, how to looks like the Mission District this development is mostly marketrate will ramp up the devastation by displacement due to eviction and crippling latino families and africanamerican and people with disabilities we despite as you may know for real Affordable Housing not token amounts in in addition to the luxury housing on neighborhood the issue of lennars history of lack of transparency and unsafe practices how can you accept lennars proposal in the mission the federal government federal government has stopped transfers of land in bayview Hunters Point that at the time are tech showed false reports im sure you know from nbc reports people in bayview Hunters Point have default with saviors heart and soul issues with Breast Cancer and for fraudulent soil samples they continue to lobby for more contract and get those contracts lennar has been instrumental in the displacement of community and bayview Hunters Point la and vallejo is planning to conquer Treasure Island again, the issue of radioactive soil and the mission bringing action and other groups are extensive experience and knowledge of lennars history please listen to them im requesting viral studies of 115 van ness with a tanering with lead and hyde car bones and petroleum the people of bayview Hunters Point will continue to support each other in their efforts to keep our Community Safe and prevent the sale of the city to the highest bidder thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, supervisors marie actually, im here representing green action but more im here to remind you of the great catastrophe in bayview you allotted those projects and many of the folks died in one year over 8 who diet in one particular area on any block 8 men that died from cancer setting that aside bayview used to be a community of family you use the word affordable look that up and who is it affordable to not to myself or my children who working hard their renting 34 houses they should be ownership what you do here today to me it is if i pass this if you overlook all the crisis and pleas of the mission youve condiment San Francisco to a fate that is horrible so no longer be a families here especially families that look like you and i were a mixture vital any family because were all different sizes and shapes and colors and youll suffering from the same thing the lack of support from the folks we elected to support us so im asking you know that will not do any good half of you made up your minds but understand weve not stand idly but if there is nothing youll hear our cries and anger and frustration trust me youll hear from us again. Thank you. Next speaker, please. So i see scott wiener is not here hes getting his robe realternated and supervisor farrell is pulling out his planned robe and supervisor tang is not wearing hers ive assert here time and time again, when people disregard and dishumanize brown people your black or white or asian youre a bigot a racist, as much as donald trump and his right meow fascist are too but you have a black or asian face and so you get to say youre not a bigot and dont hate mexicos but everything in our career say screw you before people because my power is more important than our lies than our children than our sanity than your health your anatomy anatomy vial humans that have a political desire and you all who ever out our life and vote until the last latino is in the mission is forcefully removed you dont give a damn our selfsteward who carres. I say you listen and dont nothing shame on you for having hard working people that happen to be brown and talk with an accent that dont put money do our coffers you dont give a damn shame on you for your bigotry. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. My name is tom ray a nature san franciscan and lived in the mission the Housing Development is helping the housing crisis and with half the newly built condo is owned by absentee owners living outside of San Francisco their second homes check your own Tax Assessors Office this is the truth those luxury units are not affordable to the middleincome First Responders the police, teachers city workers construction workers and even many tax workers cant afford cultural question have built one and 20 percent above had is needed San Francisco has a condo with massive industry and according to the San Francisco Business Times theyve agreed we have too much the studies will have more Housing Units are needed to offset the marketrate development the university of california has done extensive studies on displacement and gentrification in the mission dont you even read and study those studies those studies exhibit real facts on the effects of luxury Housing Development since the 22 Luxury Developments sites in the mission are public Real Estate Interests and developers have been moving in and iranians the rent and Environmental Impact people and businesses at an incredible rate so the compassionate to make a killing financially before their built currently there are one and 50 to one plus evictions a month in the mission how can you justify three hundred Housing Units and displacing and evicting 5 thousand people and businesses out of the mission both within 5 years urge current policy of build build build luxury thank you very much thank you sir, thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi, my name is Mary Sorenson with the quatro that is the real david and go litigate mission with the protecting d on one does the developer with a nation wide reputation seeking yet to add a building that is brand on the other side is the community to rankle e remain its soul and community quite frankly if San Francisco the community is losing quite a bit not just in the mission the fact that the mission the mission is losing our identity yes, we were allowed to create a Cultural Corridor i say thank you but the fact is that corridor has no teeth no skin in the game were there in name only and nothing we can do about that building is continuing at a horrifying pace thanks to backroom deals if you think that is a harsh thing to say i have two words Millennium Tower this is a town you search warrant to pay to play the community will always lose and the developers will make hefty contributions to causes and candidates and the developers always win so i ask you, please the eir is important sends this back we dont need this building in our neighborhood as proven over and over again, we need Affordable Housing we dont need more highend luxury units thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon eric brooks sf green party our city sf clean energy advocates. I just want to oppose the approval of this and suggest to you and ask you to dig deeper to realize the past actions of that corps that will be approved to go forward under this eir approval would need to be considered in regards to the Environmental Impact we have a corporation that has Global Corporation nation wide is involved heavy in the sub prime loan market scandals in San Francisco and other parts of california has repeatedly made promises and nothing on the promises after making them and repeatedly gotten you all to approve things like that and spent millions of going to the ballot a change the conditions of what you approved when you have a corporation of a history of going to the ballot to change the conditions you need to consider that in the Environmental Impact our considering because we are talking about a corporation on that to gentrify and that totally changes the game awards to what our looking and the history we all know of repeated Health Violations in construction being nuclear and radioactive wastes and how building and properly monitor asbestos this is a corporation a bad actor and that applies to our view and consider all those things recently a contractor overseeing those lapds for this same company for the navy potentially would leverage with this Company Covered up the extent of the Nuclear Waste what will it do in the mission please reject this. Thank you very much next speaker, please. Hi, im here to oppose this development ive been in the mission for thirty years im an artist and curator and worked on and off at different times in bayview Hunters Point in remedial education and in the mission as well so i know lennar my studio spice e space is in bayview ive watched lennar in the wloif it is horrendous when i saw that it was Lennar Development pending right off of 24th street it is last week, a double insult i felt i had to come down here im sure there is a lot of money on the other side i felt i had to be part of conscious of this city and speak on behalf of as one member of the Arts Community that is mostly living in oakland i mean, were all leaving our musicians and artists come in and place shows theyre not living here anymore if this development is allowed to go through managed by this criminal Company Corporation it is really like a tip point for the Mission People cant bear it we cant bear luxury apartment and condos being built right posed on cayuga 24 it is unacceptable there has to be ways this board has proposed developments thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi supervisor breed im suzy those burn my husband and i own glass key photo in the lower hate im here because i think this Development Im opposed to this development and building that is a gunmen fir aentrifier we have a mom and pop business youre losing our middleclass im parted of middleclass and gentrification is a health issue a huge problem in the city written in the health board rules that gentrification is a problem exist diversity is important for any community and if you keep envoy a green light it is bad for those displaced left behind if stressful to think youll losses our business and house as apartment please does not let this development go through. Thank you. Next speaker, please. I live a half block away from in development as i speak the majority of people on my block that didnt know what is going on every time demonstrates on the corner theyll ask me what is going on because lennar did a very, very poor outreach to those neighbors around i also want to share about a month ago so there will be a low low income for Senior Development 26 shot well about a month ago i went to a meeting the same group of neighbors that are supporting this development showed up they have issues with that low Income Development and pretty much their agreed the shadow and the parking they argued everything and every single point was debunk not that i recall one lost her cool we have a high concentration of low income people around us i want to be clear regardless of what lakeshore says theres a very clear and im right there im half a block away that there impact my life directly the traffic will be worse everything will be worse i want to be clear there is discriminatory and racist on the development itself and again, i live in the 14 hundred block from van ness half a block my life will be directly impacted and the neighbors are not aware of what is going on. Thank you. Next speaker, please. clapping. good afternoon as we saw in the last election bigotry and racism is rampant in the cry and 10 percent of san franciscans voted for trump that entire platform of racism the rest of us in San Francisco have to take a stand to protect our neighbors to be good allies and to stand up for immigrants undertook attack our facebook are full the solidarity message in support of immigrant thats all talk how better to walk the walk how can we do better to protect the latino district and walk the walk to protect the Commission Mission and the Community Members please support this appeal mr. Weaver gave you the legal basis to get an actual eir to see the impacts instead of using an antiquated one ive lived in the mission since 1984 im a homeowner but were we dont all i moved to the mission especially to be a community where kids make art mural im happy to see that lennar will go all union thats huge but few of the Union Members will be able to live in the, they build to protect the latino cultural district we have asked lennar to follow the prop k with 33 percent of the unit to be affordable which breakdown to 25 percent of for working families that is not unremarkable to provide a quarter of units for the workingclass families that live in the mix 8 percent for the middleclass that is going away and still get twothirds for our profit base and our wraeshthd anything else will demate the latino loovrn has done enough thank you very much thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi my name is alisha a counselor with the Human Rights Community i was born and raised in the Mission District the Mission Street Mission District is in a crisis gentrification displacement, eviction enough is enough were you are bringing a stranger to our community lennar is a stranger theyre coming here to build Luxury Development and were saying thats okay; right . No, its not okay what do we want one percent Affordable Housing we want to support a project that gentrifies the latino cultural district you are by and large our decision eir this was created in 2008, 8 years from today, there are so many things that happened in 8 years are term limitations; right . The mission has grown so much in 8 years the rents have skyrocketed and so many things happen in 8 years and take into account on eir what is that going to happen were not living in did past but the present so many people have been displaced and forced to move out of the city how can you invite a Multi Corporation like lennar to take over the mission to take over bayview . How can you think that is okay. Thats not okay enough is enough speaking foreign language. thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Ladies and gentlemen, im john along with erica im one of the cofounders of the latino cultural district i would be the founder no and did i think when that came through id, homeless but the fact that annabel was my neighbor next door and the cottage the lived in and the alley i take care of im no longer there because as long as lennar came in greedy landlords went from nine hundred to 45 hundred in less than months that was 11 months ago im still homeless am i crying and asking for help im out here fighting for my community all kinds of documents that show what is happening in the mission no one is asking you some of us are looking at us because this is not right or that is not right one of the supervisors made a comment about a website and made fun of it like all we want is respect to be heard to be at the table to be at the table where decisions in our lives are made i dont know if this is true the mapping project 8 thousand latinos from my neighborhood is gone i know that to be true when is this going to stop. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Im an sro collaborative and oppose the building on van ness until Higher Standards more Affordable Housing i opts that the first reason so important because just now there has been a person appointed to head the epa yet were skipping the eir is not mangy understand that construction workers they you know we all need jobs to survive but if we build housing it is providing jobs and at marketrate housing levels those people who would move into that they dont need our help they can move wherever people with can afford marketrate we need to build Affordable Housing those people dont have an agency thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi good afternoon. Im a 415 inconsistent born organizer the Mission Statement of this body reads as follows the board of supervisors respond to the needs of the people of the city and county of San Francisco respond to the needs of people the Mission Statement of the board of supervisors of you last i checked we dont need anymore gentrification we dont need more displacement you already know what is happening out there you already know the inherent classes that exist one Luxury Development the question remains, however, what you are going to do about that when are you going to craw draw a line in the said. And say this is where we stop and shift if caring about money interests to the interests of the people of the city how much gentrification needs to happen until you say enough will you ever say enough how many of us and the businesses we frequent will be forcefully pushed out by your inaction yesterday at our you think its gathering you said San Francisco will remain a sanctuary city if you keep up this not much places for people to afford you stress the importance of being inclusive north yet approve projects conflicting for the welloff i understand this is what youre used to for the projects meet the crepe youll pass that that is not working look at the situation outside people cant afford to live here people are suffering all you do is allow the luxury vemdz developments in the city this need to stop today clapping. thank you. Next speaker, please. Sir before the next speaker ill remind the public applause is prohibited by the board rules youre welcome to use the supportive fingers thank you. Thank you. Im terry im a member of the sro collaborative he oppose the intent task mess on south van ness and like to say we need more Affordable Housing for the needs of low income and the Homeless Population which is over 6 thousand people the Environmental Impact report is insufficient it and take into account the impact of the displacement which is a social Economic Impact this also effects me and the people in any community because of the homeless plight is dire and the affairs not enough Affordable Housing i dont support the project the titanic on south van ness more housing for the rich and have no consideration for the displacement or the gentrification thank you very much. Thank you, sir. Next speaker, please. Hi, im diana maam, move the microphone so we can hear. You youre welcome im diane with the mission sro collaborative a project with the lower Street Services im here to oppose the titanic on south van ness the proposed project is not reportable people will be unable to afford the rents the developers are proposing a small amount of belowmarketrate housing and those market rents will be too high for the existing communities thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. speaking foreign language. youre welcome to use the other microphone. My name is lori live in the mission and instead of building the luxury condominiums invest in building Affordable Housing. speaking foreign language. we are living in worse conditions a month ago i was physically assaulted going into any home. speaking foreign language. we need you to build Affordable Housing for everyone on the streets to be able to have a place to live. speaking foreign language. supervisor campos knows where i live he came to visit me knows i live in a home my room is also my bedroom, my living room and kitchen. speaking foreign language. i know im okay now i have a roof over my head where i live. speaking foreign language. but instead of building luxurious housing worry about building homes for people that actually need it. speaking foreign language. i think that you would not be happy to see all the things we see in front of our homes. speaking foreign language. thank you very much. Thank you, maam. Next speaker, please. Hello good afternoon. My name is Diana Martini with the sro collaborative a program of the lower Street Community services im here to speak out against the 115 south van Ness Development it is just one more of many, many marketrate development that will further drive up prices and cost of living and make that more importantly difficult for tenants to survive in the Mission District we work with a lot of sro tenants in the mission area and in doing outreach for the past few years ive seen very high rate of diminished sro unit their illegally converted for tourists or flipped into micro luxury units this is a serious problem as you may know there is hardly any options for low income people in San Francisco id like to use an e of the hotel on 29 and mission that was a disaster tenants were getting illegal eviction flosses and the landlords were trying to push out the tenants this is a sunlight of the really expensive condo bus landlord see how much they can get for even the tiniest unit and what is happening people are becoming homeless, theyre living on the streets and uscf not enough space in the shelters in the city this project will further drive up the gentrification in San Francisco and what we need to do is highly prioritize Affordable Housing not just affordable but low Income Housing for the community thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Can i have the overhead . Please. Sfgovtv please. Yes tom gilberty how about heath equilibrium he versus the Real Estate Developers profits Environmental Impact report need to concern be concerned with the people that live in the neighborhood so here were go to start how about we start at the bottom and then go up the bottom 20 percent of this housing unit specific needs ellis acted Affordable Homes of veterans graduated foster kids and seniors who out would their resources disabled section 8 veterans less of itself 20 percent how about the next 20 percent if youre a teacher or fire or muni employee city roads sewer muni driver how about dedicated for the 20 percent okay 4re9s go 5 percent thirty years San Francisco resident 65 or older you can move from our home into 5 percent of those units lets go a little bit above that 15 percent 20year resident in the local zip code if you lived in the local zip code for 20 years those are dedicated unit for you not pefshl but dedicated lets go up against the next 10 percent 50 year local zip codes 65 or older were moving our seniors into some homes and from the local environment from the local zip codes and then the top thirty percent where do we get open marketrate let everybody move in that creates a motion in the neighborhood. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi, my name is julian im an organizer with the Community Group and the in the last 6 months we had at least three or four members who have been evicted in their homes from the Mission Bernal that is active in the group and can no longer go to hearing like this those are people regularly attend the hearings and not going to be able to testify about the impact this project will have on their neighborhood so i think that is something we all want to keep in mind all people that have business to do in the city; right . And when we are talking about the Environmental Impact of those projects we have to think about the reverse commute; right . There is a theory that says you build dense that is better for the environment to the means more people on Public Transportation but people have to commute from concord and richmond to their jobs in the city it doesnt work out that way the second point i wanted to make about lennar itself now many supervisors backed proposition organization to allow lennar to exceed the limit on office space built in the city with not promise of jobs or Affordable Housing in the Community Sea before they even made their honored their contract to build avenue in the Hunters Point community so my question to you to this board is if this whatnot the right time to hold lennar accountability what is you have a chance to do that here to weigh the real impacts on the human and environmental toll this has i urge you to do that thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. My name is rick hall the mayor has reaffirmed that San Francisco it is sanitary city for once i agree not only a sanctuary we actively work to attract them who am i talking about the rick rich that displaced the poor in the middle the developers we invite to caterer to the rich to displace the poor and do middle im sure out of looked at the most egregious numbers were offer condominium one and 50 percent of high income and barely 50 percent of our affordable target how can we choose to ignore awhile we are undermining the city by doing what we are doing question undermined the good pop policy of prop m by allowing San Francisco to be the Bedroom Community for Visitacion Valley that displaces the rich in the middle and are you know and give more in the last election to lennar we will be a sanctuary city but only for the undocumented rich. laughter . We are and over 4 hundred and 50 businesses 60 percent are not in the city i want to thank the i see 5 supervisors even though two of you guys are going out maybe a good chance to understand we need to have updated the stories they have i mean that is great you have union jobs they say they will provide by include the Small Businesses contractor we have we have every month were lou gehrigs disease two or three Small Businesses in the city in the Mission District we need to have a nonprofit over here with a space that costs over 900 for a democrat trying to have people looking at entries no work they cant afford is to so we are that concludes my report. The rest of or colleagues over here you know were each others that need to make more studies and support for Small Businesses and show support for the community thank you thank you, sir. Next speaker, please. And im a lawyer and organizer for in 2015 to 2016 over 2000 evictions it took place in San Francisco while were not Strong Enough to stop the progress you are Strong Enough to say is that 25 percent Affordable Housing is for the sufficient but displacement from projects like those the rent board has done a lot but there are holes in the protections and the hole here is that rent only the lower marketrate ones evicted the legislative aide what raise that apartment to the marketrate housing level places such as these incentivizes the landlord to create the weather smallest cause to go ahead and evict tenants and 80 bring groves of tenants to my organizations one hundred Affordable Housing is enforceable 25 percent is sufficient i ask you to reconsider thank you, thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, supervisors im andy blue live in the Mission District and i want to ask you what is u. S. Bancorp reasonable about this appeal what is unreasonable about this appeal appeal before you today it is is anyone in the room on another side of the aisle augural that the 50e6r789 is relevant to the mission in 2016 i understand lots of Community Input on the eastern neighborhoods plan none believes that plan is relevant and community predict when is happening to the mission more predicted 45 uber or google buses closing our streets the eastern neighborhoods plan called for 25 hundred units 2000 roughly unit by the beginning of this year we exceeded 25 hundred built and in the pipeline the eastern neighborhoods plan is not relevant dont us that has an excuse you have the power to force that luxury project to face the scrutiny that unquestion by question deserves at that moment in the United States we desperately need sustainable communities for people of color and immigrants you cant turn our back on this community for lakeshore of all companies. clapping. what is unremarkable about this appeal i know that lennar has told you this appeal is unremarkable who will you listen to lakeshore a criminal Company Based in florida that devastated never been a friend of this city dont listen to lakeshore all our asked to do have this go back to face a eir we know everyone or every in the room knows this project will have on the community a reasonable thing to do more importantly the right thing to do. clapping. thank you and before the next speaker speaks id like gentle remind the audience that applause or vocal express it prohibited in the chamber youre welcome to use our fingers. Im bill a San Francisco native i sign i heard the gentleman talking about the home he bought his home 40 years ago i was able to buy a house and my trade i was a local 85 San Francisco tooermz today theres no tooermz that is revoted you can go around the city i can pout the embarcadero with the longshoremen and there was all teachers and reenforces was there here in behalf the Union Workers of San Francisco and i can remember you downtown get on a job site without a union here two gates and half the people will not be union ill guarantee that it is a tough field to sit here and have mixed feeling about this im all for the unions you go down third street the castle steel and u. S. Steel and three or four Coffee Companies all union jobs and so you know just dont do it anymore dont keep getting involved with all the good jobs of San Francisco people thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good evening supervisors peter Cultural Action Network yeah, so this the first major project to come both the brand new cultural district not with the protections in place were clear on the gentrification i dont hear people arguing this project is 75 percent luxury and 10 percent middleclass and 10 person workingclass in a cultural district are hugely gentrifying he want to point out a couple of things to send this back for the full eir number one lets work back if 2018 a question the community if raise during the bryant street appeal when do we cap that mess 2018 well overrun with physical building the highest end of the eastern neighborhoods scope well physically pass it at this point what will you do build from 2018 to 2034 is that were heated but ceqa the reason ceqa says the probably foreseeable future and ask you whether to exempt youre not expected to without studying new mitigations on the updated plan that is highlighted we dont want to blow over the line were at this hundred unit i want to tell you a curious story that is were at 24 hundred unit when the community presented this to bryant street in july new numbers were realized weve added hundreds of units not pipeline earth have driven the number not from 24 to 27, one hundred that number is wrong we need to correct that number before we go forward. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi, my name is randy and im here to oppose the titanic mess i. Think that the board has said it want to preserve and enhance the cultural district im not sure what that means if it looks like the western edition and the fillmore urban renewable i think you know we continually bring argument to the board what is happening in gentrification and how we can maybe have some kind of protective Community Protection after we saw the long list of proposes it is clear the board of supervisors cant agree to anything the voters had to make the choices i dont understand what how this is going to move forward tomorrow i have to go and support one of my friends illegally evicted out of bayview i dont know what la happen and understand why there is not a Community Protection for friends investigation how this plan is acquired is doesnt make sense what were thinking about pushing for 33 percent ami 25 percent for workingclass and 8 percent for middleincome lennar backed the prop o stuff to a lot of people like myself and now the entire country we are understanding this government didnt support people but protects wealth and property not us no human factor in any of this we necessarily dont know we have the infrastructure friends thank you next speaker, please. Hello board. I brought a proxy to speak on my beef hello my name is bards hello yes, yes, yes it is true im up here to talk about many titanic mess those on south van ness is there a puppet in government that might as well be real first of all, i want to talk about the corporations that taken over the control of our National Government and hope that didnt happen here the lennars track record with the detailed pamphlets on the Affordable Housing and the misleading reports on toxic waste should trike you to disallow any business with that corporation in the city of San Francisco alone and on the cultural district issue first of all, it is a latino cultural district would you approve similar projects in chinatown i judge want to ask you i cant imagine a bunch of tech workers that can afford those spaces are the ones that are basically schedule to more often okay. Would you approve that i dont think so anyway, the other issue the need for the eir first of all, from the beast and bryant the eastern neighborhoods plan is updateded outdated weve heard it youll so this is such a massive project that demands and an eir on its own every single development in the pipeline actually is requiring an eir as far as the loss of pdr space i have this where are the plumps that will build this project get their plumbing project if mcmillan plumbing is moved to san mateo thank you. clapping. are any other members of the public in support of appellant please step up otherwise mr. Chair. If not go to the city departments on behalf of the Planning Department. Ms. Gibson. Good afternoon supervisor peskin, supervisor president london breed and members of the board im listing ca is a acting environmental officer the question whether the project anothers 115 south van ness avenue kwflgz for a plan expectation in corneas with the California Environmental quality act and the ceqa guidelines ill be making a few opening remarks before i im going to turn it over to linda who prepares the subject of the appeal ill describe the project and highlighted two oishlgz raise in the appeal that ever rays on recent ceqa appeals before the board the project sight is threequarters of an acre 33 square feet building that was occupied by mcmillan electric that moved to cesar chavez street the pivoting building b will be demolished the Planning Department issued a c pe on july the documented the review of the environmental effects and the construction of a 5 or 6 mixed use building and the project will include one and 56 dwelling units 26 onsite Housing Units and include one thousand square feet of commercial retail use and 4 thousand trade shop space and parking for roughly 80 vehicles and one and 60 bikes that was subject to the interim controls the Planning Commission approved the project on august 11th with conditions one of the conditions requires the sponsor to work with the Planning Department to incorporate trade shop and other code compliant continent point quatro cultural district one of the appellants key arguments relates to the growth projections and the analysis in the eastern neighborhoods eir we heard much testimony on this today does the eastern neighborhoods uranium valid for the evaluation of subsequent measurements accident e even though it didnt match it was rays on appeal of the 90 none 16th street eir heard on july 26th and the 200027 bryant appeal heard on the 16 the board denied the appeal realized on the eastern neighborhoods eir for subsequent projects as a refresher the Planning Department position on the eastern neighborhoods eir validity ate the growth boiled down to 3 points one no further Environmental Review Environmental Review is required for the rezoning and two the department has properly using the eastern neighborhood eir as the starting point in our Environmental Review for Point Development and 3 analyzing the impacts of subsequent projects we consider updated growth forecast as part of cumulative Impact Analysis ceqa and the ceqa guidelines clearly establish that once a project is approved no further Environmental Review is needed unless the discretion approval that required were not permit to reopen the eastern neighborhoods in the absence of a change to the eastern neighborhoods plan ceqa also mandated that project consistent with the density establish under the plan shall not be subject to additional Environmental Review only to examine where there are peculiar issues to the site were not identified in the eir accordingly the Planning Department completed a project Environmental Review for the 115 south van ness project we termed that will in the result in the peculiar or Site Specific impact the analysis identified Significant Impacts pertaining to noise and architecture local retail use from the eastern neighborhoods eir that applies to the project and second argument raised in the appeal gentrification and displacement constitute changed circumstances that were not anticipated to the eastern neighborhoods eir this issue is familiar to the board as it was raised on that is bryant appeal blah, blah, blah. It doesnt matter. a gavel . Go ahead. As we explained those are social and economics impact not subject to the ceqa review until to a physical impact upon did environment no evidence supporting in argument and as staff available today, we note that socioeconomic issues and land issues and the planting is alledgedlys in the context outside of ceqa review with that, im going to turn it over to linda that will finish our presentation and note other Planning Department staff here including claudia that can take questions about the questions to address gentrification and displacement we also have chris who helped to prepare the c p examples and tipping i cant chang and who is the current planner for the project. Ms. Gibson to the arguments that some of the individuals who testified made with the changed transportation circumstances our response to that. As part of our analysis for subsequent projects in the eastern neighborhoods and area we looked at where there is any project Site Specific and take into account updated growth forecast for transportation analysis we look at the most relevance available modeling that is included as sf champion model that look at the cumulative impacts in 2040 we just want that analysis. Specifically to the piece of testimony by one individual that referenced an article recently in the newspaper about the number of tmc vehicles on the street have jumped to 45 thousand is that accounted for in the model. Service providers like lyft and uber are were not specifically evaluated in the eastern neighborhoods Internal Revenue because this is Business Model didnt exist at the time and at this point in our review of projects we have traffic counts when conduct that take into account any Service Provider that is part of general traffic and it is when we looked this we dont find that is changes the overall conclusion with regards to the eir and the subsequent projects in a meaningful way it is something that are out there on the street but not re89 to an individual project impact doesnt have relevance. And requirement to the bakersfield argument the representative of the appellant made any specific responses to the bakersfield argument. The bakersfield case raised an issue that socioeconomic result in blight e blight that blight relating to businesses that have been displaced through development can cause blight blight is an aesthetic impact it was amended through sb 43 to state that aesthetic impacts shall not be considered Significant Impacts under ceqa for projects that are transient ordinary and meet criteria weve elevate this project on 115 south van ness and noted it qualifies thats with the criteria and pursuant to ceqa we cant conclude those and that case is not relevant to the adequacy of this eir. And counselor burn you agree with that. Deputy City Attorney mirena burns. Through the chair with regards to the legal analysis bakersfield case drew a link within the socioeconomic ways because of project reviewed were the walmart style projects and there was some evidence in the record because of those projects being approved outside of the Historic Downtown corridor of bakersfield will draw people out of the city and cause vacancy and the court found evidence of blight a physical change in the environment related to things like litter and empty storefronts so here well need to have a cause link between the socioEconomic Impacts and physical change to the environment. My question was specific to ms. Geb sons representation relate to a transient Orient Development the state Legislature Took away aesthetics impacts. From the project q. At the a transportation were no longer allowed to look at physical impacts thats correct. Supervisor campos this is not out of departments 10 minutes. Supervisor campos. Thank you, mr. Chair i was going to ask the questions you asked before i followup i want to ask something separate bat discrepancy in the numbers address that through the chair or something that will be addressed by the next person. Les can gibson were not clear on what the question is weve added the relevance of the projection to the analysis and the question of the validity of our reliance on the eastern neighborhoods eir we report and i can look for that the numbers report on what the latest estimates are of the amount of development within we can provide those numbers but not roll call what the question was so if you can focus the question for me. We talked about some of the differences and the protection i want probation officer make sure what your response is to that and the impact on the eir analysis. Why not look for that information and provide that answer after the presentation okay. And then going back to the issue of how the gentrification and some of the other changes can lead to a physical impact what are the kinds of thing theyll make that to show substantial evidence of that. The evidence that would support that linkage is kind of something that our City Attorney referenced in regards to the bakersfield case a linkage between the socioeconomic effects that relates to a effect that could be that it is a direct or indirect link that will exacerbate the socioeconomic effect with regards to the points that are raised regarding displacement the nature of the displacement concerns that are raised are ones of the affordability, the economic, the income of the individuals raised and the fact in their being required to relocate outside of the city and that is in some concerns raised relating to traffic impacts the additional commuting that goes with each individuals need to do at the faster distances if there were evidence of that that needs to take into consideration and fully access what about the folks moving on in from areas they were living further way away and their commutes are shortened depend on where their jobs are thats the physical effect in terms of how it relate to vehicle trips and air quality, etc. At this point it is complex and theres not been study that is were aware of that can give us subsequent evidence to support an analysis that supports that linkage in this case that we are responding to the information providing provided to us we dont were not generating that study ourselves. From our perspective they needed to provide that information . Yes. But ill say at the present time, the eastern neighborhoods eir we looked at this issue and recognize there is a relationship between where people live and the amount they drive there the eastern neighborhoods rezoning will result in changes to where people live they acknowledge there would be issues that relate to gentrification and we acknowledge that and we noted that we dont have any evidence or any way of analyzing at the level this is needed to support the ceqa analysis what the change physical changes could be related so we cant speculate at the level of ceqa were looking at it again, a policy issue that is clear that those changes are concurring and longrange planning to address the concerns without the need of the sort of technical rigor were required to do in ceqa addressed in a policy way more easily. Is any of that evidence around what you discussed. No has not been. Okay. I know detail be more questions make sure that you finish our presentation and more questions. Linda now. Thank you listing ca is a good afternoon. Im from the Planning Department staff the remaining issues are under one that conditions in the eastern neighborhoods and mission planned areas are changed such that new impacts are concurring in particular in regards to the in question what quatro criminality district and the cpe cant royal on the eastern neighborhoods that benefits theyve not been adequately provide and 3 the project is not consistent with the policies of the general and eastern neighborhoods plan in regards to impacts on Historic Architectural resources projects specific analysis determine the existing building is not a ceqa Historical Resource and the project site is in the located Womens Network for a Sustainable Future a ceqa historical district the quatro cultural latino district not a historical district the area was he previously surveyed and it was identified other smaller district didnt identify the latino cultural district district as a historical district under ceqa the appellant has no basis to support the project site is within ceqa historical district and the property a contributor to a historical district or that the project will have Significant Impact on a Historical Resource the id like to take the opportunity e planner is available to discuss the Historic Resources should you have any questions with that said, the support of Cultural Diversity is an important issue and Claudia Flores with the Citywide Planning Division will address those issues should you have any questions the appellant further argues the claimed Community Benefits of the eastern neighborhoods plan have not been implemented or under professionalism as discussed in the october response of Public Benefits was approved in 2008, as shown in attachment d to that response the Public Benefits have provided as development is approved and Building Permits are issued the appellant commends it didnt comply with the policies of general plan briefly the project has policies and regulations was evaluated in the cpe checklist and the determination the Citywide Planning Division no conflict of sixth impacts not previously identified in the eastern neighborhoods eir will result that concludes my presentation. Thank you. Thank you very much and now we will have seeing no other names on the roster, for any questions at this time well ask the project sponsor to come forward up to 10 minutes. Thank you board president peters with lennar multi families we are little the subsidy of lennar but i want to make it clear ive not had a chance to speak with were a separate entity from lakeshore that is developing a shipyard so through were proud of our our alleviation we speeds in urban Apartment Community so just to be clear we started in 2014 reaching out to the community and trying to understand the feasibility of this Development Proposal we also start with the proposal that was 12 percent affordable and consistent with the current inclusionary Housing Ordinance it was a nonunion Development Proposal i stand in front of you today very proud of what weve achieved over the last two years we are consistent with prop c as three percent inclusionary and were one hundred union we have gone through newcomers technical studies we have participated obviously moratoriums and interim controls, gone through the prop c measure and we were granted a conditional use authorization in september so today, we ask you to respect the ceqa process we worked collaboratively with staff to insure that we dot all the is and cross the ts and we were respectfully requesting you uphold the ceqa approval im going to turn it over to our land use attorney alex to get into the study we prepared for staff. Gamechanger supervisor president london breed and supervisors law group to lennar i wanted to add to the Planning Department or the City Attorneys office only to reiterate the appeal focuses only on the Community Plan exemption or cpe prepared by the Planning Department compares to ceqa as indicated in our letter to you substantial evidence exists to support the cpe and no evidence has been presented that indicates a new or more Significant Impact will be created not covered or analyzed by the eastern neighborhood eir studies numerous technical reports and studies prepared by exerts that support in determination the claims rays in the appeal on affordability and displacement as no evidence staff theyre not ceqa issues the studies and information provided by the appellants an gentrification fail to establish the link between those issues and this project and specifically where this project will as a result of the issues either individually or cumulatively create a physical impact on the environment the appellant has cited the bakersfield case but failed to meet the standard in the bakersfield case not provided the Technical Analysis that cause the link the project is in a latino cultural district it is not a Historic Resource under ceqa the Mission District including the area that comprised the latino district has been surveyed and was found not a Historic Resource substantial evidence unfortunate record and the builders citys file to support those conclusions as to the claims that 9 and excuse me this is all bull. Sir, thank you thank you, thank you thank you clapping. i realize that were all passionate about this particular issue im asking each of you, you had our opportunity to speak we want to move forward and give others an punt opportunity to speak when that is done the board will make a decision in the meantime to move forward im going to ask the members of the public to please refrain from outbursts thank you very much. Please continue. Again as to appellants claims the bakersfield stands for the proposition that a special review is for the cultural district that is not true with the evidence before you bakersfield set the standard to link the social impacts to the physical impacts that standard has not been met a lay mens opinion is not enough and the professional opinion has not been priority give you a little bit of background the project is consistent with the latino cultural district it creates housing and that is a big issue at the Planning Commission and one that the project as peter not working hard 3 trade shops and a new Corner Retail and commented to working with the district 8 sfroefz to identify and make sure the use of those spaces meets the need and using 100 Percent Union labor the project as allowed mcmillan a local contractor to relocate one mile down the street and hire 25 new employees high pagan jobs and finally the project will provide three percent Affordable Housing in compliance with voter prop c the only pipeline project providing this percentage of onsite Affordable Housing in closing the issue in consideration whether the cpe prepared it legally okay. The standard is whether substantial evidence exists in the record to prepare a cpe as noted by staff and included in the administrative record there is subsequent record to support that finding the Legal Support has been met no further appeal is needed this comes before the board and in each case the ceqa document is upheld the staff did a tremendous job in making sure all projects comply with ceqa and presenting a requiring technical studies to make sure no in your impacts exist and substantial evidence in the record to support their finding this appeal is no different than those other cases there is nothing unique about this project or this appeal that warrants a different detector it is location in the latino cultural dpishth display change the requirements under bakers fields that has not been met nothing indicates the citys determination is wrong or not support by substantial evidence news i thus, the dwp e cpe should be upheld the issues are policy issues not ceqa issues we respectfully request you follow staffs recommendation and deny the appeal and uphold this. At this time i just want to let members of the audience i know a number of you are here also for the joint meeting between the San Francisco board of supervisors and the Police Commission we still need time to finish up this hearing that had been starting a little bit late at this time i will open up to Public Commenters members of the public to speak in opposition of the appeal please line up to your right here and you have up to 2 minutes. First speaker. Good afternoon members of the board im greg weber a Board Members of consortium of over one meers and a Community Activist in the inner mission i had the inner mission i head it renters with Property Owners who live in the vicinity of this development we live on shot well 26 south van ness and were a group of latinos, asians all diversity represented in the mission we support the lennar project as a member of the community over the past year we have met that lennar numerous times to discuss the dine say architecture the build out of this development lennar is a model developer for the mission they been consistent in their compliance with the zoning rules theyve theyre in inclines compliance with prop c with supervisor peskin trying period of time affordable didnt have to therapy grandfathered florida the 25 percent rule lennar is exemplar meeting and working with the community and most of all steadfast against paying off any hush money and extortion and any kind of funds to nonprofit organizations who in a typical manner of any development San Francisco exploits the developer i urge you to get the project going for affordable and marketrate thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello, im steve a residence of the mission in supervisor campos district thank you him for working with lennar and trying to workout the best solution a clear legal issue the city and lennar went through with a lot of detail question have a Community Issue thats why were all here im in support of development and the option to the appeal we need more housing this will provide more housing for me about as simple as that and welcome 39 more units in the mission you can go against high housing prices or against development but not against both. 42 thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi, im brooke im here to ask you to uphold the 1515 development the Planning Department approved this with a 6 vote the board of supervisors respect the determination this is a legal issue the appeal is quatro late ditch efforts to stop a project that many in the neighborhood many dont oppose and many support that the group was in the able to secure the signatures necessarily to appeal the cu now their appealing the ceqa fvmdz 1515 south van ness will benefit the neighborhood by adding 25 percent Housing Units the Planning Department considered the 1515 development and unanimously approves the ceqa and the board should uphold this thank you. Thank you next speaker, please hi, my name is i live half a block from the site i want the building to move forward as is the architects have meet numerous time with the neighbors living close by and made concession theyve followed the laws and a lot of work gone into this project. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, supervisors my name is Dante Johnson thank you for allowing me to speak against the appeal on 115 advantageous im a native from San Francisco and a journey man carpenter and local excuse me carpenters local 22 and recently pled the apprenticeship and equipped with the valuable skills to help me as a carpenter 24 gets the hands on training that allowed me to complete any apprenticeship throughout my apprenticeship i commuted to find work and been anticipating working on this project since what july 2014 the development this development will be in the city that i live in allows me to work in my backyard and gives us an opportunity to give back to my community to spend money you know this appeal will not only delay the work in San Francisco that will delay going to get built regardless so why delay it basically i mean, thats my stand on it. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, supervisors my name is carlos duran a representative for august 14, 2006, i represent approximately 35 carpenters in Northern California close to 4 thousand of those carpenters are members of local 22 some of the members are here today, we strongly urge the board of supervisors to deny the appeal brought to you today for the purpose proposed project on 115 south van ness for the following reasons for the most part in project has been determined to be exempt in my Environmental Review and was proved on august 11th with the exemption second this project fills the needs for housing not only in the Mission District but in San Francisco this development will create one and 57 units 39 or affordable the Development Team volunteers 25 percent of the total units to need more Affordable Housing which emphasized in the eastern neighborhoods plan to our acknowledge this is the first and only project that complies with prop c which was passed its by San Francisco voters finally this project has committed to using one hundred union labor this creates local jobs for san franciscans that will creates a gateway for young people skills for lifelong skills in the apprenticeship plan that is one step in the right direction to a complete neighborhood that brings a balance of jobs and hours to the eastern neighborhoods we urge the board to deny the appeal that will delay the jobs that san franciscans want thank you for your time and allowing me to speak gossips begins that appeal. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Larry local 38 and the president of the Building Trades council i rise against the appeal for 1515 south van ness myself and the San Francisco Building Trades council feel the eir was adequate, second on a 6 unanimous vote it is volunteer las vegas moving up from 12 percent the first and only project were aware of that is in compliance with prop c it is one hundred union and bring pension and apprenticeships lennar multi family did everything they said as far as im concerned, and the Building Trades youll hear from no basis for the ceqa appeal and the Planning Commission approval should be upheld thank you for your time. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, supervisors my name is Tony Rodriquez a local 43 a resident of San Francisco i was at the Planning Commission when this project was heard and approved and then later on, i heard it was appealed at this time the state was talking about buy right and started reading about that and then the california is 20 years behind in building units housing i dont know exactly where San Francisco is i went to another function they stated 6 to 8 jobs are created and those jobs only one housing unit that is provided thats in the future of San Francisco so you know weve got to project that was approved by the San Francisco Housing Action coalition im part of and approved by the Planning Commission it is a responsible project you know people keep talking about displacement you dont know beyond i go by this building i live in Bernal Heights this is empty i bought a home no Bernal Heights thirty years ago it is changed everyone to talks about being against changd change ive been in the city of 5 years today is my birthday the city changes constantly and to make sure it is changed in a responsible way i ask you to approve the project and were against the appeal thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon danny sheet Metal Workers local 104 often on behalf of at many men and women we too rise against the appeal of that planning exemption i echo what my two brothers before me said about the Economic Impacts and what did that mean we talk about union jobs and apprenticeship opportunities what that means the young men and women and latino men and women that was talked about earlier by a lot of the people before us will have criteria opportunity in the penn e apprenticeship programs that will sustain them and returning the United States military veterans will are Career Pathway in the apprenticeship programs through the helmets to hard hats program we have partnered with the department of defense and the va thats what that means we feel that the Planning Department staff did an adequate study on the eir we feel that the conditions in the Mission Still are within the perimeters of eastern neighborhood plan and so we ask that the Community Planning exemption be firmed and the appeal denied. Thank you. Next speaker, please. You guys im going to ask members of the public to refrain from the out bursts please thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello my name is lucy i live half block away from the proposed project i support in project and im because this project provides more housing and Affordable Housing and high hope more available housing in San Francisco than theyll be more explosive pricing and people can afford living in San Francisco and because of more availability and the only thing we can embrace is changes cant avoid we cant stay in the one phase and try to keep that that way we have to embrace changes and hope the supervisors will approve this project. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi my name is vincent a renter in the mission and i want to Say Something that will be unpopularity i dont think buildings cause gentrification and people people do the only thing to stem the tide of gentrification build where rich people do i muscled out guys for basement work i would i live in an Lennar Development if we dont build unit we can what will happen theyll compete with the stock for middleincome and who will win people with more money like what do we get for not building 10 years in the mission only one way outburst not to build housing we have to best estimate thats thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Easily a commenter said youre bringing a stranger into your neighborhood as if it was selfevidence that was bad if everyone can see that is bad that disturbed 33 me ive been disturbed and in San Francisco of all places not take for granted bringing strangers into the neighborhood is a bad thing they know a lot about who will live this this is mysterious the Mission Moratorium report that the Controllers Office prepared last year says the New Buildings 84 percent of residents are people that live in San Francisco so the idea that from the building was filled with newcomers so what in trumps american we were sdrushdz we dont like it when you come to the board of supervisors and city saying you dont want different people in the neighborhood youre exactly the same as americans across the country that dont want immigrants it is the exact the same attitude so be the kind of person to have new people into the neighborhood or the kind of people want to keep people like you out of neighborhood i want to build more housing and people available to live here and a wide diversity of people im not going to pretend i know who will live in the building. For members of the public i realize there are a lot of passionate people but lets get through that and ill appreciate if you refrain from the out burst thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Gamechanger supervisors im jose im with the San Francisco electrical workers we support this and against the appeal that will bring work for the apprenticeships that will in the city and make a living thank you very much. Thank you next speaker, please corey smith from the Housing Action coalitions and deny the appeal today, this project will bring one and 56 homes for the families 39 of them permanently affordable our understanding this is is compatible with no public money the largest Affordable Housing onsite percentage wise in the history of San Francisco some details of the project transient ordinary we appreciate the. 5 parking radio and the biking parking ratio did a lot of transforming over a period of time one of the few projects that came to the project review team twice specifically point out the ground floor retail use last week, we passed its proposition x in the spirit the project sponsor has committed to 50 percent of sorry 50 percent yeah rent and cost for the ground floor for local artists and trade shops and august the Planning Commission unanimously approved this project and i ask you to do the same i want to the hope on sonjas comment our city made comments about being an sanctuary city and welcoming to the to make sure we open our arms is putting shovels in the ground i sincerely Parking Spaces you pass the project. Good evening supervisors my name is Patrick Mcmillan im sorry im nervous im the ceo of medical care million miguel for the last 50 years caregiver that corner with respect to the latino cultural district wherewith where were you guys when wells fargo was calling for notes in the noticing pardon me. Sir direct our comments to the board and not members of the public. Okay anyways the person was connie and together we got it get rid of the graffiti and help with the homeless, dealt with the day labors all in a compassionate and good way for the neighborhood we well my father and mother bought the building and sold it we moved down the street to the Caesar Chavez where we build a state of the art facility out of a 20th Century Building when i struck this deal with lakeshore they at a time in proposition i lennar could with walked away from the deal he extended the money on the new building they stated in they especially\walk away from the deal so i would like to speak to the character of lakeshore theyre a great thing for the city. Thank you. Next speaker, please. And any more members of the public that want to speak please line up to our right. Good afternoon, supervisors im xavier with the local local 261 i have an obligation for the representatives we represent over 5 thousand one of the comments that i want to mention is about the community we represent you know our members live in the area also, we represent community and i want to just to be clear a topic here and i dont mean to offending everybody respect every Single Person you know as a building trade im here to support them the brothers and carpenters and plumps and sheet Metal Workers so i support this project and move forward thank you. Thank you and just to be clear this is for anyone to speak who is actually opposed to the appeal. Next speaker, please. Okay seeing members of the public that want to speak in opposition to the appeal tierpt Public Comment is closed. All right. Now the appellant will have up to 3 minutes for a rebuttal thank you so much to say in so little time the questions were what is the impact of the cumulative emphatic that marketrate development this and all the other ones on the latino cultural district i think weve provided substantial evidence that will be negative that puts businesses nonprofits and resident at risk who are already at risk and the second question was what do we do to mitigate weve not gotten answers to those answers in fact, not in the eastern neighborhoods plan that those questions were asked because the latino cultural district was not in existence contaminate so the impacts couldnt have been studied and no subsequent evidence to support this conclude they didnt study it our job is to provide substantial evidence in a fair argument can be made that it should have been studied and substantial evidence consists of facts and raefshl assumptions predicted on facts and can include Expert Opinion not the technical friends analysis suggested by the project sponsor if doesnt puts the Planning Department on notice this should be studied weve provided more than enough evidence that that requirement has been met again due to shortage of time ill point you to pages 7 and 8 of my brief the district is also historical in nature as i said earlier not a historical designation in order to have this characteristic and when the eastern neighborhoods eir did its search to see if theyre looking for historical assets the latino cultural district was not in existence how could they have found it as a secret geological area of historical interest and finally there was the issue on bakersfield about aesthetics ive read that case probably half a dozen times and the project i didnt and read the subsequent cases not references to aesthetics by Green House Gas emissions and the sdrupgs in the community and so forth clearly aesthetics is an issue but not the only issue that bakersfield touches on and finally, the issue of consistency with the area plan that was supposed to provide Affordable Housing and much larger numbers than provided under the eastern neighborhoods plan supposed to respected the diversity of our communities. Thank you very much. Thank you. Okay. This hearing has been held and is now filed this item is in the hands of board. Supervisor campos. Thank you very much madam president and you know, i think you think ive been on the board of supervisors 8 years and you never know how those things will go until you come to the these chambers and go through the process and let me say i came in into that repeating thinking that i was going to vote a certain way ive said this before ill say this again that is very challenging to deal with the issues of gentrification with the issue of the displacement and the context of a ceqa appeal and i want to say this to the appellant and to the community because i think that has to be said i say this is as someone that has been fighting stloondz alongside we have to do a better job of making the legal arguments around ceqa we have to and i actually think that that point that was made by the Planning Department staff is really important the issue of substantial evidence on physical impacts but i also believe though that it is not on the appellants he actually think that is on the city and one of the things ill ask of the Planning Department and i know this is not probably the place to make an official request will followup after this i do want to have an analysis done by the Planning Department and will do it in writing to make that official that actively looks at how gentrification impact physically the environment potentially i think that we need that analysis done i dont know if this is something that could be done by an outdoor city without the support and help the city ill ask that. With that said, i came into in hearing thinking ill vote against the appeal but for those of you who wondered in Public Comment makes a difference this Public Comment changed minds this is a perfect illustration it does and specifically want to thank the representative from behavior for helping to change my mind and her comments about donald trump and her comments about nativeism i actually think on the eir im not happy about the comments by the appellants but the thing about those appeals we have the ability as a board to use our own independent judgment and assessment here i believe what is different about bryant the bryant Street Project is the latino cultural district i came into this thinking that case was not made by the representative from behaviarf helped to the person that referenced the latinos in Gang Activity in the past thank you for kind of shedding light on this issue for me because i do believe enough questions have been raised by the individualized of the record notwithstanding about the questions about the appeal to call for an analysis by the city i think we do need to go back and do further Environmental Review that looks of the at the issue the displacement beyond that in the legal analysis it is what it is well make that i want no part whatsoever in the age of donald trump with the kind of hateful ignorant language and rhetoric that was presented by those two individuals and im willing to think sued and taken to court for saying that bring that on but if there is a time to stand by do the right thing that is today and i also want to send the message to the other projects that are coming down the pipeline for the impact the latino cultural district let that be a message how you should precede because if there is a perfect example how node not to proceed with that, colleagues as a district 9 supervisor like to make a motion to move forward item 37 and 38 and with respect to item 38 to include in the motion faster analysis is needed on the Environmental Impact of displacement and gentrification on this community and specifically the latino cultural district and table item 36. Okay supervisor campos has made a motion seconded by supervisor avalos supervisor avalos. Thank you i dont know if i can be agree eloquent as supervisor campos i felt that for the past 8 years ive never ever uttered from my seats from Public Comment but found the comments are so offends from one individual talking about. clapping. where we were in the noticing and in the noticing i was working in the community and trying to at the time in the 90s two years ago october 1996 the chronicle was trying to over exercise the gang district and painted the cloth of young people red and make them pure like gang members thats where i was in the 90s fighting that crap to think we have a project before us that is defend with such ignorance is beyond the pail we have a system nationally that was repudiated in the election of donald trump but we know where the country is blue that system is thriving that system actually allows for the type of development that is happening in San Francisco that leads to wealth concentrating more and more to the wealthy and the People Public school low income workingclass getting the displaced and not getting fair share people saw the Economic System and the politicians that support the system are do not support working people to think that only happens in the red states or red counties is a fallacy happens in San Francisco i feel look the board of supervisors especially the progressive wing that is concerned has been fighting for that forever im totally happy to support the motion made by supervisor campos to uphold the appeal on this project. Thank you supervisor avalos supervisor mar. Thank you, madam chair. Sir youre out of order. Im going to miss 20 these two guys sitting across im going to join with any comrades in supporting the appeal thank you so much to the artists that have come out the artists and the Latino Community and organizers and activists the Small Business leaders and others for giving us the political context of what is happening in the Mission District and other advanced gentrification advanced displacement neighborhood we also know that many other neighborhoods are coming next as well i want to say that i did meet with the developer and i wanted to thank lennar multi family and others i think that is not necessarily about this project it is a bigger political context that is being discussed but wanted to say that 100 Percent Union labor the 6 sfmade maker spaces moving from the grandfathered percentages to the much higher inclusionary to the 15 percent but 10 percent affordable goal is commendable but ill standby with any colleagues and the community that have said the 1y508 eastern neighborhoods eir is way updated and not seem there is any plan in place to update the board eir i think that cumulative impacts has raised by mr. Weaver and others are critical for us to been not necessarily looking at it project by project but the city needs a much better plan when the Planning Department staff said were trying to address the displacement and the socioEconomic Impacts in other ways ive not seen enough to show me thats a serious effort a serious displacement in the Mission District and other places i want to cite not only miriam and Karen Berkley for innovation and the urban displacement numbers but also the budget and analyst that was commissioned by supervisor campos the Mission District is rapidly gunmen Phil Ginsberg the push out of latinos and seniors and artists and disabled people is to rapid ill give the numbers from the b l a 60 percent of the population was latino in 20002015 dropping below 50 percent and 2025 dropping half and the unable of wealthy people doubling with all due respect to the wealthy people that spoke in favor the project the families and others that are displaced rapidly but the wealthy is doubling to over 26 percent in 2025 the number is reduced in half and 21st percent to 11 percent in 2025 a serious situation soifshg and families for the demographics in the mission i feel strongly as people talk about newcomers that has to be based on respect for latino cultural dictate and a history that has been developed from irish to latino immigrants and has to be based on respect of that Cultural Heritage for the latino considerate that is an important part of San Francisco blood and i wanted to thank all the people to defend the Mission District and really stand up for a city that has a soul ill be voting in support of motion by supervisor campos. Thank you supervisor peskin. clapping. thank you madam president i want to society myself with the comments made by the maker of the motion but colleagues given the grave outlet of the situation i want to make a motion to allow the project sponsor that attempted to speak to address this body for not to exceed 2 minutes if not objection like to make that motion. Supervisor im sorry supervisor campos is there any objection. Without objection well lie you to answer questions supervisor peskin . And are you asking questions. No, i want to give him the opportunity to address that body as the project sponsor. Ive done i object. Well have to take a vote. I withdraw my motion. Okay supervisor avalos object and supervisor peskin withdrew his motion. Okay. Supervisor cowen. Thank you thank you. Good evening and thank you for weighing in on this weighty policy that is an interesting conundrum were in the same situation time and time georgia again, ive building that a compelling argument was made and we should begin to direct staff to begin to incorporate displacement and i also think in addition to incorporating the analysis of the displacement of what a project will have on a neighborhood we should be look atth total cumulative impact of projects that are in the pipeline and this is a particular problem we continue to have in district 10 specifically in potrero hill the cumulative impact were approving projects individually but not paying attention to the environment the entire landscape those projects will be coming alive in i think that we are becoming out of balance and it is important for us to be in sync so today you know the conversation is also about really brewing for. Couple of years we need a sea change and be moving in a different direction if the development shouldnt be displacing people but development should be widening the intent and bringing in and welcoming people into San Francisco and certainly ive said many times before the board in the Land Use Committee that i believe we need to reexamine and make tweaks to the eastern neighborhoods area plan so supervisor campos i will are supporting you today. clapping. thank you supervisor campos. Thank you. Again ill ask the members of the audience please refrain from vocal expression. Supervisor campos. Thank you very much i want to be clear in part of the motion that i presented as planning does its analysis Going Forward that you know the basis behind the motion and the look the focus on displacement is the connection between displacement and the physical effects on the environment and that is what was mentioned not hearing that was traffic, air quality and other physical impacts i think that is important for that to be considered in the analysis and, of course, what you it unique about this project the first project that is taking place that can have an impact on the latino cultural district want to make sure that is understood relative to the motion. Thank you supervisor cowen. Thank you i know were talking in context of a ceqa appeal a clunky tool were trying to use to bring about this detail of change supervisor campos with your willing to amend our motion i want to see the total cumulative impacts of projects id like to see that also analyzed. Yes. Yes. Thank you. Okay seeing no other names on the roster, supervisor campos has made a motion to approve items 37 and 38 with proposed amendments madam clerk take the amendments separately. No madam president and and tackle item 36 and seeing no other names on the roster, madam clerk madam clerk, please call the roll. Supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor peskin supervisor tang supervisor avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos supervisor cowen supervisor farrell there are 9 is and. clapping. and okay. The appeal is approved clapping. okay with that, well take a 10 minute recess and reconvene with themuch. All right. Folks we have work to do and just for clarity mr. Ginsburg weve taken Public Comment already but youre welcome to stay all right. Back to item it it through 26 supervisor kim are you ready. Yes. We were not able to come to an agreement on many of the requests i made earlier im requesting a continuous. Okay until when. December 6th. Okay december 6th commenting has made a motion to before i accept that do we need to amend the dates innovate at this time so supervisor kim made a motion to continue all the he means to december 2018 seconded by supervisor peskin colleagues without objection, without objection those items will be continued to the meeting of the december 6, 2016, madam clerk where did we leave off. Item 27 a resolution to approve the ordinance and sale of the 20040 mortgage revenue bond for providing the fence for the instruction and development of multi unit residential unit from low income and very low income persons with households 0 at the 16 plus on mariposa and carolina streets and 420 wisconsin and arkansas street okay. Colleagues same house, same call . Without objection the resolution is adopt unanimously next item. Item 28 a recess to authors the Library Commission to establish amnesty for over due Library Materials to february 2014. Same house, same call . Without objection the resolution is adapted unanimously next item. Item 29 and thirty. Yes. Go resolution this approve two mills act property contract and item 29 between the city and hampton hid on vallejo street and next between jason the owners signer street colleagues, can we take that same house, same call . Without objection the resolutions are adopted unanimously item 31. Item 31 a resolution to stand interim controls that require conditional use authorization for new office use if king to wholesome for a specific parcel blocks for 6 months and to maintain the proper findings a same house, same call . The resolution is adopted unanimously mirena burns 3 it through 34 together. A motion to appoint karen and others to the childcare planning and Advisory Council ending 2019 and a motion to opponent jose and angela and others to the Reentry Council ending 2018 and item 4 to appoint cellister and jeffrey requirement waved to the Security Task force for an indefinite call colleagues, can we take that same house, same call . Without objection the motions are approved unanimously all right. Madam clerk lets go to commissioner wiener reports. Item 43 is a public hearing of the board of supervisors pardon me madam president item 44 was considered by the Government Oversight Committee and was forwarded as a Committee Report it is an ordinance to amend the administrative code for the conversion ordinance to how shortterm rentals to no longer than 60 days in the unity is registered on over and over or after january. A emission to sxus supervisor farrell and seconded by supervisor mar colleagues without objection, without objection supervisor farrell is excused all right. Madam clerk on the item roll call. Supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor peskin supervisor tang oh, sorry is this the vote. No supervisor tang no supervisor avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos supervisor cohen no there are 6 is and go nos with supervisor tang and supervisor cowen in the descents the ordinance passed its on the First Reading please call. Considered by a Land Use Committee as we forwarded an ordinances to amend the administrative code to prohibit the studied from extending leases for the extraction of fossil fuel and to require inspectors and valuations of any future uses. Supervisor avalos thank you colleagues weve been working on this legislation for a very a long time and have waited a long term this evening ill urge you to vote in favor and make my commissioner kims for the second reading. Thank you roll call. Supervisor kim. Supervisor mar supervisor peskin supervisor tang supervisor avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos supervisor cowen supervisor farrell there are 9 is. The ordinance is passed its unanimously on the First Reading all right. Madam clerk lets go to roll call for introductions. Introducing nyu supervisor kim. I will shorten any comments fweven the time calming for a hearing looking at sorry im trying to shortly my points calling for a hearing on the scope and enforcement that is currently conducted on evacuees in San Francisco we recently had a investigative report on omi and how many cases are prosecuted by the district Attorneys Office and how attended are able to get help were looking forward to hearing in the district Attorneys Office and accept we to take prevent illegal revocations and making sure we are assuring many of the legal evictions with the resources we can provide to the tenants and the rest i submit. Thank you, supervisor kim. Supervisor mar thank you, colleagues id like to ask to end this meeting in honor of an amazing toasted a hotel working and a proud member of local 2 at the oxford hotel on mason street i met her during the Ribbon Coalition in 1984 and built multi lonely at the elect tarsal elections she was an amazing helper in building inspection the Ribbon Coalition and lived a long and Colorful Life and was 91 years old when pass as a africanamerican woman is he worked hard ms. Nash worked in mississippi picking cotton on plantations they came out to the closedcaptioned, so it is important for everyone to speak directly into the microphones at the podium. For the record hotel she was a room cleaner and inspector they became involved in local 2 and worked to elect officers in the 1990s was theth of the local 2 association as a working and western edition leader ms. Nash recognized of the changes over the years the gentrification of the Africanamerican Community of San Francisco it is like workers last week ms. Nash that were and are the backbone the city a should be remembered for their contributions in the fabric of the San Francisco cultural thank you the rest i submit. Thank you supervisor mar supervisor peskin thank you, madam clerk colleagues ill be brief in Early September as you may know i began a string of hearings wards tattoos spg and tilting felt Millennium Tower and while some of the hearings have been fruitful unfortunately ive not be able to secure a couple secure witnesses with the knowledge that i think will be helpful to the committees work and so as a result colleagues im going to request we the board of supervisors pursuant to a motion drafted by the City Attorney subpoena those relate parties to insure their coordination and participation in the preceding moving forward and eave introduced a motion today to ask the City Attorney or a request are for the City Attorney to act in addition im offering an in memoriam today for Eleanor Swift a true california cowgirl and voted Military Spouse that passed its away at 82 the mother the sonny elmore was born in 1924 in mud springs california every year she and her sisters spent the school year unheard cattle to the cabin and pastors in the upper regions of Sierra Nevada the gun stand and it is on displays within an exhibit chronologically the long line of cattle ranking families that settled in that region rufus daughter that sustained the family rancher they lived in the announce that was rare to see a handful of pares they header the cattle with 54 days straight being the longest amount of consequent time on hours back her sisters churned butter and spent long days living off the land here long time love of the mountains led her to a lifelong love as a support of lund trust avenue world war ii was stations over sea met an immigrant who proposed to her on the first date while stations in germany alfred his military service took him around the world and raised 3 sons in the bayview settling in nevada she took great pride in being a Military Spouses and split their time between for the all of 3 of her sons joined the military and they celebrated 65 years of marriage and elmore was adamant that directing her if i may Failing Health innovate impediment to vote for the first woman president of the United States or told her family time to put a grandmother in the white house shes survived by husband and 9 grandchildren and one great grandchild id like to younger in the memory of don he was born 1944 and passed its away on october 25th surrounded by the love and respected of the its family and friends and two african gray parrots he insists were smarter than most people he was avenue avid chief and north beach guy a stand up man that cut it no matter how tough the challenge my goons to emphasize widow and sister diane and daughter, he loved to camp he found deep inspiration in nature and must be loved by the north Beach Community the rest i submit. Thank you supervisor avalos. I was trying to cue something up but couldnt quite get it i dont have anything to submit equip those words from malia cohen that makes a lot of sense and in our dark times ring the bells that still ring for the offering there is a crack in everything that is how the light gets in he just died last friday age 89. Thank you supervisor avalos. Supervisor breed thank you, madam clerk i have two in memoriams one for colleagues id like to journey the meeting in memory of her who passed its away on september 6, 2016, she was born and raised no San Francisco and become a dedicated leader in the western edition comment one of her greatest mrirnts was the demolition and redevelopment of the hayes valley apartment which made that possible for many people to continue living in the hayes Valley Community she went on to that manage the apartment for 10 years for a safe environment for children and families an tiff volunteer in their community dedicating hours of services over the years and loved the community and the people who were a part of it she was a very supportive mom and wife and friend and may she rest in peace as the other deacon donald colleagues today id like to journey the meeting in his memory passed its away november 2016 in a lovingly and peaceful manner he attend emergency room and junior and high school in a graduate the Galileo High School and after graduating in high school mr. Cosponsor been attend college in oakland and scombroi fully married for the last 44 years he retired from veteran affairs in oakland about 18 yeefrgsz a dedicated family man ann at 79 years had there children adam and my close friend 15 grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren and over one thousand faucet children you know growing up in the western Edition Community there was one hows that we always felt safe and secure we went to and the corbins house was that place that was filled with love, that was filled with kids and always filed with food overviews a Community Advocate for children, youth and young adult as seniors saeftsdz h sauftsdz people that employment and working with the food banks and Homeless Program and transportation programs a gifted and talented musician and played the piano mr. Corbin was such an amazing father an amazing friend an amazing inspiration to so many in the communities he was truly loved and he brought so many love and joy to everyone that knew him may he rest in peace and finally colleagues, i have an imperative item we will discuss later in this meeting we the election is over but still a lot of hurt leave frustration and a lot of uncertainty and i appreciate my colleagues for attending the opportunity gathering we had with the mayor and with other elected officials yesterday and so in that spirit this board will move forward with an imperative item to send a strong message were here and were paying attention and were committed were recommitting ourselves to our values here in San Francisco with that, the rest i submit. Thank you madam president. Supervisor campos. Thank you very much madam clerk we have a couple of items the first a hearing request im introducing on the status of implementation of my law this board passed its creating a or requiring the opening of more nationwide i think this is important to know how this is going i know that Additional Centers have been opened but a better understanding how something that has proven to be successful is going. The second thing you know i actually with the election of donald trump i actually was attempted today to introduce an motor home for quality and you diversity and an in memoriam for our bill of rights but United States injure is out ill end by the reading a mexican proverb that i think is fitting and what is happening in the rest of the country and the proverb goes like this they tried to bury us, they didnt know that we were seized the rest i submit. Thank you supervisor campos. All right. Supervisor cowen. Thank you supervisor campos and supervisor tang ive got badgers a few weeks ago a visual attack that attacked animals one was my friend shawna sheep beloved member of the community he survived but a couple of chickens did not the animals particularly shawn was seriously injured and transported 0 into a surgery what is concerning when the animal care they refused to seize the dogs and didnt stay to resolve the situation even the dogs clearly posed a dangerous threat to the public and community with that, id like to request a hearing for animal control to report on their strategy that talks about time and response and qualifications that must be met so that a dangerous animal can be seized i want the hearing it get a better understanding how the department handles incident in Public Safety on a second note you may have noticed that my former legislative aide has transitioned severing mias the liaison to the Mayors Office and the best of luck for a very long first day and want to wish him all the best and my long time aid gloria will be transitioning ironically her last day a a legislative aide well miss her transitioning to join a law firm the rest i submit. Thank you supervisor cowen supervisor farrell thank you, madam clerk ill be short one thing we agree on aside from our option to Trump Presidency this november there were far dwoom ballot measures local initiatives on the ballot here 25 in total and everyone in the schafrp is guilty of things that could be handles at the board of supervisors i assume youve heard from the voters across the city before their confusion the ballot measures im introducing a hearing request i want to thank the City Attorney for the discussion to begin a conversation about the policies we can work to stop the ballots measures from happening to bring together stakeholders and the Elections Department and other experts for this important conversation a lot more details are circulating but the more we can do our job they board did less confusion with our voter and even though better off with that conversation look forward the rest i submit. Through the president to supervisor cowen we want to join our request for 3 hearing and ask through the president only one sheep in San Francisco lives on earl street is that the shawn the sheep. Thats the one. Im very sorry to hear that. Ease recovered i checked in with his a dad and told hes not suffering. Thank you thank you supervisor peskin. Madam president someone you dont know supervisor peskin. I didnt know the chickens i never met the chickens. laughter . All right. Colleagues moving right along thank you so madam clerk lets go to our items for adoption without reference to committee a member may object and serve an item and have it considered separately. Madam clerk one item i believe can you pull 54 supervisor cowen. Thank you madam president i was going to ask to sever 54 as well. On the remaining items colleagues colleagues, can we take that same house, same call . Without objection those items are approved unanimously marking call 54. A motion to schedule the board of supervisors to seeing no other names on the roster, today november 5th oclock to hear the Law Enforcement practices. Supervisor cowen. Motion to table. Yes. Id like to make a a motion to table seconded by supervisor peskin colleagues without objection, without objection this item will be tabled madam clerk call item 43. Item 43 is a public hearing the board of supervisors to seeing no other names on the roster, as a whole on the findings and recommendations regarding Law Enforcement practices for today november 15th. This item table table table. Id like to make a motion to table. Okay supervisor cowen has made a motion seconded by supervisor peskin and colleagues without objection without objection this item is tables tabled. Okay madam clerk can you please call the imperative item. On behalf of the supervisor breed a resolution richmond to the election of donald trump and reaffirming San Franciscos values to the election threatened. Okay supervisor tang. Thank you supervisor breed for bringing forgot this resolution he agree in sentiment what is before us today ive recommend to your office an amendment in terms of language and so im hoping the board might entertain that are nonsubstantive okay. In the expanded title id like to focus on positive tilt and state a resolution responding to the election of donald trump and reaffirming San Franciscos commitment to executive silt and rather than focusing on the negative aspects of for that title in the first whereas clause i suggested just stating on november 8, 2016, dating was the 45 president of the United States on the first resolve clause line 8 that no matter the threatened president elect trump and then on page 2 lines 23 wanted to amend it although the United States will have a president that demonstrated a lack of respect and comma not change who we are and what we stand for recommendations i made because you know in my opinion i dont want to as the board of supervisors to stoop to the level of our president elect and last week us to focus on the positive aspects of San Francisco. And thank you supervisor tang and im sorry that i havent had a chance to review those particular amendments but i do want to make that clear based on the comments, based on you know the tone that was set by the president elect we want to send a strong message he guess i understand your suggestions to be positive and be above that i think we need to make that clear and call out what we know to be the truth unfortunately based on what has been said pubically over the course of this campaign by the president elect so i hope we could i know im happy to incorporate some of the amendments that youre proposing but i guess the questions are you suggesting i strike anything within the resolution. No, not striking just kind of rewording a couple of things i mentioned on the record. Okay. All right. And again, just to reiterate through the chair or supervisor president london breed he agree with the spirit of that. Before we begin the discussion we before we discuss this particular resolution which unfortunately, we couldnt necessarily coordinate we didnt want to do any brown act violations but certify the findings and make the proposed amendment he certify that has provided by the sunshine ordinance the need to take action is yes, maam perfected to threaten serious Public Interest is deferred at a later meeting would anyone last week to move seconded by supervisor farrell colleagues without objection, without objection that passes and further certify that has appropriated by the Breast Cancer this is a need to take immediate action to the attention of the city and county of San Francisco after the agenda was posted moved by supervisor campos and seconded by supervisor mar colleagues without objection, without objection that passes as well and supervisor tang has made a motion to amend seconded by supervisor farrell colleagues without objection, without objection those amendments will be constituent supervisor campos you also have an amendment. Yes. Thank you supervisor president london breed and it is good to see a smile on the City Attorney face when we talk about following the brown act we tried to make him happy on the second page the resolve that talks about actually bigotry won an election that language im recommending and thank you supervisor breed and your staff for putting this in the revised version we make a reference to some of the hate crimes that have been happening specifically the new language will read line 23 further recovery roefltz that we not allow the hate speak bigotry may have won an election but will not change and debate within San Francisco but on the points were 100 percent unity were one city and pill together ill make a motion. Okay supervisor campos has made a motion to amend a second seconded by supervisor mar colleagues without objection, without objection the amendment passed its unanimously autumn if i may make the point one of the most undesirable things since the election of donald trump the number of incidents of hate speech and hate crimes ive heard from different people throughout the country up think in one aspect with trump has normal missed the racism feeling they feel comfortable being able to say it ill give you a couple of works my sister had a coworker in Southern California that at the gym in a steam room one person basically went up to this latino worker and said urban design group you mexicos smell im so glad with donald trump youll be kicked out of the country in palo alto any husband a coworker went to a restaurant over the weekend in palo alto shes asian and a white person in the restaurant when they were leaving that basically said im so glad your feinstein leaving this restaurant we hope you all leave with donald trump elected. So, i mean that is just sadly the facts of life and normal listing this kind of behave and important we speak out against it thank you. Thank you supervisor campos and supervisor avalos. Affordable housing were not reading it yet he it out you your name was on the roster okay if you are all right colleagues is unfortunately supervisor tang although we approved our amendment not incorporated into the ones we passed out excuse me. Supervisor peskin we have at this time going to symbol lyric read the whereas clauses to make sure that members of the public hear this resolution and know where we stand and understand this is important to us well continue to reaffirm our values so i think you each have a copy and approved our whereas clauses to read ill start off with this is a resolution responding to the election of donald trump and reaffirming San Franciscos commitment to the values of the election threatens were making specific amendments thank you supervisor tang november 8, 2016, the United States elected a therefore, be it resolved no matter the threats San Francisco will remain a sanctuary city not turn our back in the men and women from other other countries that helped to make that city great and represent over 1 3rd of the population this is the golden gate we build bridges not waltz. Be it therefore resolved supervisor kim. That we will never back down on womens human right and were not objects to be assaulted and sure our young girls and obesity grew up to be and do anything. And be it therefore resolved supervisor cowen that there will be no conferee therapy and no withdrawal of rights in San Francisco we gain hosting gay weddings 12 years ago and not stopping to all the lgbtq people all over the country that feel scared bullied or alone you matter you are seen, you are loved and San Francisco will never stop fighting for you and be it therefore resolved supervisor peskin. That we believe in this nations founding principle of rig freedom not ban people for their faith and the only lists on nieflts to come to prayer together and be it therefore resolved supervisor avalos. That black lives matter in San Francisco even if they may not in the white house and guided by President Obama Task force on 21st Century Policing well continue to reform our Police Department and build trusts between community of color and feel is safe in their neighborhood and above grade that Climate Change is not a hoax or well continue our work on all things to protect future generations and be it therefore resolved. Weve been providing universal health care in a decade and from the new administration will revoke the insurance from 20 Million People san franciscans will be protected and be it therefore resolved. That were the birth place of United Nations by the thousands of international visits we welcome everyday well remain condominium to internationalism and from our friends whether the administration in washington is or not and be it therefore resolved. Be it therefore resolved. That San Francisco will remain a transient first city and continue building muni and bart systems we can rely upon whether or not this effects enrolls on the platform to eliminate transit funding or not. And be it therefore resolved that california is the 6 largest economy in the world the bayview is the Innovation Capital of the country well not be bullied more sacrifice or values or members of the community for our dollars and be it therefore resolved. That we condemn all hate speech per praltd and bigy may what won an election but not change who we are and never change our values were argue we campaign vigorously wound San Francisco but on those pots p points were 100 percent units were one city and move Forward Together thank you, colleagues for working with me on this resolution it is very much appreciated i think that sends a strong message to folks in San Francisco that we are going to our best here in the city to protect our values supervisor campos. I want to thank you supervisor president london breed and you are staff and proud of all of us and lets continue to fight together against what as happening at national level. Before i pass this resolution ill have to open up for Public Comment any Public Comment . To provide Public Comment on this imperative item seeing none, thank you mr. Ginsburg Public Comment is closed. And colleagues this imperative item same house, same call . Passes unanimously madam clerk, is there any additional business to come before this body . Madam president todays meeting will be adjourned think on behalf of the supervisor breed for the last mr. Decon corbin and the lady. On behalf of the supervisor mar for the late ms. Nash and supervisor peskin for the late mr. Donald and ms. Eleanor thank you madam clerk, is there any additional business to come before this body . That concludes our business for today thank you, colleagues were we great to have so many people here for the launch of the sf can iron initiative youll hear from other people momentarily by my first duty to introduce the mayor of the city and county of San Francisco the honorable mayor edwin lee that will make a few remarks. clapping. thank you, very much. We are in San Francisco. Yeah. Yeah. And today it is another opportunity to announce in my lifetime one of the most exciting things we do and if we could just put our imagination active hearts and minds together and say to ourselves that we can actually cure cancer in San Francisco with the partnerships that we have were going to do that the best we can beginning today. clapping. ive always, always cherished this relationship that our general has with uc San Francisco its Research Abilities our ability to spoke to our communities for this together to say we can answer the call and the distribution of cancer for all our communities im here today to join dr hyatt and my good buddy arnold who is been in the community in the east bay for so many years working and all counties and he and all the doctors truly understand with Barbara Garcia and on her behalf to really forge f this partner in on old way and to say to all of our communities that if we do the right things we can actually cure this cancer thats why sf can is a very positive phrase this is one i really am happy to announce to be a part of years from now just like weve done with aids were seeing the future the ability to stop new diseases ability to screen earlier particularly for our disadvantaged Community Members if we can get them in prescreening earlier to identify earlier that is half if not three quarters of Southern California of the can do if this effort so i i sound enthusiastic i truly believe that science and doctors and communities efforts focused in the right way together put together we create in my opinion a bigger heart for San Francisco the minds is the research but when we put it together the big heart of San Francisco that will win out i want to say congratulations to this incredible start i know at the heart of that as well is the kickoff with a fantastic donation of someone who says well make a big effort here i know were excited about it because quite frankly thats how things get started and Navigation Centers started with a big few moments ago from someone thats how big doomthsz come through and maybe San Francisco general or zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital or usf that has a bev i didnt have donors to be part of this and sf can attache case 5 historically problem death can you see cancers and then having people from the community identify and getting early care and attention and screening and predictions and people in to take care of this early many of the members of the community has not had the opportunity to be invited early to have this discussion early and by the way, well do that dooebs so congratulations, everyone and with that, i think we will have Public Health coming. clapping. thank you very much for those inspirational words were here because cancer is a problem worldwide and in our city that is the number one cause of death in San Francisco it outweighs Everything Else but people are astonished we know how to prevent half of cancer but not how to implement we need of a to figure out and thats why this program is so exciting we cannot just figure it out as researchers and cant figure out as Public Health organizations or community we need to do this together it is very important that everyone understands this is a troy pinching a city that is the department of health it is the communities and the people of San Francisco and it is usf providing the research felt facilities and the backbone of sf asking can coming together at an incredibly diverse way thats why San Francisco is the right place to do this is the center of innovation when you come up with a new ideas people dont tell you to go away they embrace new ideas and have is a strong sense of social justice in doing whats right putting that together i cant think of that better place in the world to do this San Francisco is a Lightning Laboratory we figured out things how to help people improve their own heartache in terms of cancer and teach others and good around the bay area and california it is for us to take up this challenge he know in the past were incredibly proud of really San Francisco playground in the aids crisis i building we can play a similar roll in cancer and making that huge impact i need to thank all the Partners Organization and now ill put on my glasses to read the list of the partners the city and county of San Francisco, San Francisco department of health San Francisco consortium the eastern Cancer Society and the medical society and Northern California Hospital Council Kaiser Permanente and sf health and Chinese Hospital and the projects and lastly ucsf this is trying to bring as many people pot center this is to be routine by the Planning Commission, and may be acted upon by a single roll call vote executive list well partner with anyone where we think this is value who think they can benefit and contribute to sf can having said that, i know move on to introduce tom of the San Francisco that department of health. Thank you. clapping. good morning how are you doing one thing to recognize all of us are personally touched by cancer every single one of us my sister died of Breast Cancer when she was only 48 years old she had an uncommon form of cancer that is more prevalence in latino woman and what is the diagnosed it is very aggressive and tends to effect latino women my mom died of lung cancer her on exposure was Secondhand Smoke okay. So for me this is very personal while we may not have been able to save may sissy know we could have prevents the lung cancer my mom had this is very important ive been with the Health Department since 1988 i was here at the peek of the hiv epidemic we want to commend ucsf at ucsf came together with the city and we worked with the city and we impacted the whole world okay and thats what i see initiative it that not just phone call focusing on doing research that adds to the general knowledge felt world but using San Francisco as a laboratory to really fourth how to do this right this is a winwin San Francisco wins the world wins weve produce Amazing Research that will be helpful the way we are addressing those complex problems no off the shelf solution none of us individually or as agencies have the specific answer to pull off the shelf we have to come together to put our best minds and experiment and the rat problem Southern California how to do this together people bring to the table things they aspire to do when we align our efforts and communicate and coordinate we can really make a big difference this is what we call collective impact i believe for us this is a future avenue Public Health department but i think that is the future how we get things done a lot of Health Ordinances have social deternlts we say to Work Together and so i have a huge amount of gratitude with ucsf i get all my clinic training and born and raised in San Francisco im proud that ucsf is doing this and we know theyll take a holistic approach with that, we want to introduce dr robert hostility whos the chair of the epidemiology will continue the conversation thank you thank you on exciting moment for me im a physician and taken care of of physicians most of my life and an epidemiologist and concerned about the population that led me working with allen and others which is other people have said really a unique initiative in the acceptance that that is bringing together all aspects of Health Interested parties in San Francisco to do something that is really hard and complex and only done if we have a collective impact on the process cancer is the number one killer in San Francisco as allen said by car more important as a Public Health medical on or about than other problems might maybe 13 hundred san franciscans die every year from some sort of cancer and 4 thousand plus new cases every year so in one sense it is is manageable number and a big number we shouldnt have a tolerant in a city with the kind of resources and expertise and willingness to Work Together and willingness to build something with a collective impact this is something where we are starting with cancers which effect the most people in the city their may not be one and 40 types of cancers but a small amount of cancer 50 percent of the dedicates overall we know how to prevent them and what to do there are individual efforts across the city and across the country to do that the most effective thing is patrolling tobacco use excellent expertise here to further our work with Tobacco Control for many other types of cancer we have expertise in the city for many teaches screening early detention for colin and Breast Cancer and prostate skrg secretary of interior and expertise in programs to detect and do something that hip its and sustain our efforts over time we can make a huge impact sustaining the efforts over time this is it is a Research Project this is not something funded currently or anticipated to be funded by the National Institute over a 3 or 5 year period and then over we intend for this to be sustained for 10, 15, 20 years to really see an impact over the period of time we need to have everyones participation thats the idea of collective impact so not just ucsf or the department of health it is all the hospitals and the clinics and the Community Groups that all have an interest tomas has given a personal perspective that is important to remember if we look at it the community it is one of the biggest problems it should effect us personally the things were focused on we see the slut numbers and reducing disparities tailor difference across the city and across the country with the groups and social groups and lgbt Community Members and geographic areas we have the data that allows us to describe cancer in San Francisco very accurately in terms of numbers and disparities and trends, social status economic so those are the measures we want to impact over time and we have turn off all electronic devices. Focused on every single one of those areas but many members in the audience currently working on this to focus what la be the steps to take to see progress down the line to join the collective efforts something were esteeming excited people will heart of that effort and im just looking forward to next steps and really making a difference one of the key partners in this effort are Community Members and id like next to introduce Arnold Perkins a close friend of the current charger of our Community Advisory board and psa and arnold say a couple of words. clapping. mayor ed lee thank you for your partnership with the city effort it is good seeing you this is an important effort to be on the ground floor and sometimes getting in on the ground floor you have to have someone from the outside and Say Something is not right and allen came in if england and observed that cancer is not attacked as it should be within the Community Ambassador more importantly in the community that underserved so we talk about health it is equity that creates disparity and people have not been treated in an equitable fashion especially people of color within the last to be diagnosed and the first to die and this effort is an important effort to stop that one onesizefitsall does not fit all this focuses on the cultural aspects of those communities and addresses where people sit and stand that is exciting were building something new allen said be bold those words stuck with me my father used to say more said than is done i want to make sure with we do not just say this kickoff effort is a great feeling but a better feeling in time which i see the results of us serving the community that is underserved that year ive had clapping. 9 friends who have passed its from cancer 9 since thanksgiving and to me that is an outrage epidemic we have to stop and giving me to rest with all of us coming together we operate like this nothing will happen but to bring it together collectively we can do this and just like ive observed historically aids weve dealt with and controlled and people are obgyn with that we do the same thing with cancer but a commitment from all if were committed to do this we can make and difference i invite and ask you all on behalf of my colleagues and the communities Advisory Board to pitch in to step in to put pettyness aside and take on the challenge and make a difference because every life counts thank you. clapping. thank you arnold for the wonderful words and did we have to do this together and 24 shouldnt be about talk but action dont judge us by what we did to set this up but judge us in 5 or 10 years thank you to everybody that contributes again getting this thing going and for attending there are excellent refresh times and look forward to chatting with you all thanks very

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