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Transcripts For SFGTV Historic Preservation Commission 81016
Transcripts For SFGTV Historic Preservation Commission 81016
SFGTV Historic Preservation Commission 81016 August 19, 2016
Member of the public may address the commission for up to three minutes. I have no speaker cards. Any member wish to make general
Public Comment
on a non ajendsa item . If so come forward. Seeing and hearing none well close general
Public Comment
. Department matters, iletm one, directors announcement, and
Tim Department
staff. The director will not join us this afternoon however, if you have questions i can answer them or forward them to the director. Thank you. Um, item 2, review past events of inplanning
Commission Staff
report and anounssments just a few things to check in with you. One, is the witnesses and [inaudible] introduced add the board of supervisors a couple weeks ago and resting for 30 days but accept being scheduled for lan use committee after the board returns from break. Also, you may have seen i believe yesterday, perhaps monday, a
New York Times
article regarding lgbtq in
San Francisco
in the travel section. If you have nt seen it happy to forward a copy. It was based on a interview donna graves gave at the new york time squz substantially based off the commissions work and [inaudible] context statement. A great piece and involves the
National Park
services. Finally, wanted to mention to you,
Department Staff
held a rousseau boulevard neighborhood tour saturday for the mary brown memorial for the rousseau boulevard track. About 40 people were in attendance so well attended. Again, as our spurns during the survey there were a number of home owners that invited us in the homes to seemulators and components of the original buildings they lubingly restored or maintained over time and there is a lot of interest in the designation so will offer another tour later in the plauss but working with them on outreach activities and preparing the landmark designation report which you will see likely in the early fall. That concludes my comments unless you have any questions. Thank you. Thank you. Moving on. Commissioners commission matters, item 3, president report no report. Consideration of
Adoption Draft
minutes for july 20. Any member wish to comment on the draft meetings july 20 or august 3 . Seeing and hearing none close
Public Comment
. Motion to adopt the minutes. So moved second thank you on that motion to adopt the minutes for july 20 and august 3, 2016, commissioner haszing yes recollect johnck, yes, matsuda the motion passes 70 and places on item 5. Commission comments and questions. Any comments or questions . Commissioner hyland. Just wanted to bring to the attention to the full commission that one agend a item for arc hearing this afternoon is a referral from the
Planning Commission
on project [inaudible] so this is something outside of article 10 and 11 review, but it is a significant new building and thought it would be grood good for the commission to offer some advice. 651 geary, it is a residential in the tenderloin. Like a 13 storypretty significant building. What is the cross street . Taylor. Pretty close. Any other comments . Seeing none, we can move on. Commissioners place under regular calendar for item 6. Case 20s 1500781 oth landmark designation work program. Sfgovtv can you go to the computer, please . Good afternoon, susan parks
Department Staff
. The item is knaurtly update on status of landmark designation work program from april 1 to june 30 of this year along with the presentation [inaudible] and overall repriorization the work program. To start with, ill go through the work program items that have come before you and those expected to come in the coming months. I will kniv a update on the survey teams oretd projects and
Performance Measures
we are tracking and go through the programs that are pending and discuss proposed additions. We have around 40 recommendations and go through those in sections and after each section ill open up for discussion. The second part the discussion our intern [inaudible] will walk through the summer internship where she identifies the sites of civil rights. Lets get started. During the last reporting quarter, 3 designations were finalize, land mark 270 [inaudible] and alameda emergency hospital. Two designations are pending at the board of spl vises on a 30 day hold. In
Second Quarter
staff expects to bring [inaudible] as a reminder
Department Staff
[inaudible] on committee. We are work wg the hpfs on the consulting report, the
African American
Historic Context
statement, the resident park context statement, [inaudible] and new deal context statement with 3 designations associated with it and the ocean avenue
Historic Resource
survey. More information is included in the packet. The article 10 and 11
Performance Measures
were included in the packet but ill go through those quickly for you. First prepare designation report within 150 staff hours. [inaudible] exceeds the number of 206 hours and with our recent 3 designations, the cal house slightly exceeds that at 166 hours and the other two designations were at 113 and 115 hours. Second, we did post the designation to the website last april and the third performance measure is we are expected to provide comments to designation applicants within 30 days. The [inaudible] street application is the most recent application brought to you within 36 day squz 235 valencia was brought to you after a little longer, [inaudible] that was due to continuations and i think just coordination issues getting it scheduled. And then for the next
Quarterly Report
is expected september 20. We are happy to report the susurvey team is fully staffed and have 7 designations in the works. 3 are the [inaudible] consultant produced designation new deal context statement. We also scr japan town y, that is listed as part of the underrepresented communities grant so that is consultant produced and once that is completed we can start work on designation. We have also began working on designations of [inaudible] and phillips and [inaudible] and started on two landmark district. The woodward street landmark district and second is mayor brown memorial internship [inaudible] i have a image of that for your reference. It is significant for it is uniquely story book revival architectural and i did note 270 hours in your packet all completed by our intern, mostly by our intern [inaudible] do you want to add the rousso boulevard tack to the program at this time . Um, i think we should discuss that now . You had other questions about i have a lengthy amounts of questions. Im just wonderingi would rather that you ask all the questions but rather we take
Public Comment
and then well actuallyi dont we can consider adding that. We will consider adding that. That is consideration that may come later. The
Sailors Union
is on hold over a year but staff believe said that wim move forward as we resolve define zine isuesment we heard from folks in japan town and reached an agreement between mta and rec and park and once staff is compolluted they will move forward on the [inaudible] those are active designations. I have a list ofpeneding designations on the work program. I will take you through them and you can consider reprioritizing them after you see everything. So, these are the properties that are currently on the work program. [inaudible] which our intern hanna will take you through in more detail later. [inaudible] trade school. Marine firemans union. The planters hotel. The russell housing and [inaudible] whos owners i think requested designation. And then we also have a couple properties that arepeneding or tabled a long time ago. In 2011. One is the
Golden Gate Park
rk district which rec and park didnt support but the commission initiated. Designation for the district and boat hose in 2011. One of the considerations for you today is, do you want those properties to remain on the work program or direct staff to bring them forward again for initiation . Or do we take them off the work program . So, the next section i will take you through are the properties staffed identifies as eligible for landmark designation. We put together properties from previously adopted surveys,
Historic Context
statements and other evaluations. In a effort to help you identify these properties, and which to prioritize i will take a minute and remind you of the hpc priorities for designation. Those are desinginate under represented land
Mark Property
tifeps including landscape, modern designed, underrepresented areas and property with strong cultural or ethnic association. To just get a sense of some of the things we plan to bring forward in the coming months, thee are a list of designations identified through the central soma survey and we are giving the option to add those to the work program today. Um, so to start with the
First Property
is hotel utah, it is significant for classical revival architecture. Grand orienta will hanna will tell more about later. In the last couple days we had a lot of
Community Support
for adding this designation to the work program day. I had a packet of all the mublic comments received in the last couple days. Those came from burn det [inaudible] who i think will speak to youilate r today. We have support from supervisor kims office to add to the work program tootd today and support from sf [inaudible] do you want to pass these out . And then next property is 485th street a
Light Industrial
revival building. The [inaudible] significant for the industrial classical revival architecture. The
Central Hotel
significant for architecture and for day labors at the waterfront. Coming out of central soma, we have a article 10 landmark district with southened extension. That district designation will run with the legislation associated with the strm soma plan and certification of the eir. Youll see it come before you but we have one more that staff is not planning to run with the eir, it will run on its own and plan to do
Additional Community
outreach. This is 6th
Street Lodging
house identified in the soma survey and reidentified in the central soma survey and significant for masonry brick hotel. That designation is listed under article 10 but you consider desinginating that or adding to the work program under article 11 as well. It is located in a c 3 zoning district. So, the fun part. We have a list of properties that we put together, individual properties that we are asking you to consider adding today. To start with, this commission suggested that we add the i magnum building timothy fluger designed building on union square to the work program. Also, amending the designation for [inaudible] bank to include the interior character defining features [inaudible] the next one is the
San Francisco
gal vunizeing, the one story industrial building. The order of the [inaudible] more commonly known as the high temple designed by master architect herald stoner, a lovely art deco building. The glady [inaudible] building. A terra cotta building that dominates that corner. The [inaudible] theater designed by timothy fluger. The visual landmark of balboa neighborhood and [inaudible] features art deco and
Spanish Colonial
architecture. The building was recently sold in forclosure auction and two weeks ago the board of supervisors received a landmark designation for the building and working with them to bring that to staff and hpc. 4680 mission street. Identified in the modern context statement by master architect mio chompy. Excellent example of midcentury architecture in the excelsior neighborhood with a large concentration of chompy. Next is
Southern Police
station. Designed by master architect [inaudible] south of market nice example of 1920 architecture features spanish revival [inaudible] the
First Baptist
Church Building
identified in the market octaveia survey. Significant for the monulateal neo classical style architecture and association with the reconstruction era. Also have the alcoa building designed by som, the firms classic midcentury style undergoing ceqa review for a project that will make alterations at the ground floor. The additional of the tonga room located within landmark 19 fiver the
Fairmont Hotel
staff is suggesting you consider that as a individual landmark wurkty of designation in its own right. Lastly, we have one more district proposal for you, the
Haight Ashbury
running from stanyan from buena vista park. The victorian area and edwardian era but known for the counter cultural association. This concludes our list of properties from previous surveys. Ill let you think about adding those and i will hand it over to hanna fong who will take you through her list of properties. Hanna hasz done a fantastic job this summer work wg [inaudible] and me working on
Parks Service
and identifying [inaudible] this fall hanna will enter her second year in ucla
Masters Program
and holds a bachelors in history and [inaudible] previously interned with
West Hollywood
and los angeles where she worked on
Cultural Heritage
related projects. Hanna will take you through her project and well be available for questions. Thank you. Welcome. Good afternoon commissioners. Um, im here to present to you today the culmination of my research and analysis i completed this summer. The goals of the summers under hp representing communities projectum, so the goals of this summers project was to analyze the [inaudible] and recommendations within the 5
Historic Context
statements for social heritage. These are japan tone, [inaudible] lgbq,
African American
Historic Context
statement. Use a methodology to use integrity for resources with people organizations and events. Third,
Development Themes
related to
Community Activism
, civil rights related social movements or how discrimination shaped the experiences of immigrants, people of color, lgbt people in the community. Fourth, create a list of sites that reflect these themes and rise to high level of significance and maintain integrity to communicate their association. [inaudible] based on my research for how to move forward with social
Heritage Resources
Historic Context
statements. The following sites reflect the history of the movement building,
Community Organizing
[inaudible] and asian american, latino black and lgbtq in
San Francisco
. Each tells a different story how each group struggled to gain equal access for [inaudible] they also reflect the deep roots they have built to fight discrimination. [inaudible] already on the landmark designation work program is significant as a school established in 1911 for children of japanese ethnicity excluded from
Public Schools
from a law passed in
San Francisco
. The paurpt owned by the grand orienta in [inaudible] the temple and lodge are among the few purchased by
Asian Americans
since japanese and chineties were banned from owning land. The impact of the ailiant land act is reflected in the history of japan town ywca and on the landmark designation work program. Designed by architect julian morgan, it is significant as one of the earliest properties built for japanese women barred from using the primary ywca. Because they could not own the property it was held in trust by the
San Francisco
ywca. The office of
Carlton B Goodlet
and daniel collin, the office of medical practice, they are significant for establishing the sun reporter that reported on civil right issues in the black community mainly dismissed. The
Bay Area Urban League
headquarters is founded by daniel [inaudible] local branch of
National Organization
that help black families migrating from the south secure housing and jobs on the west coast. Fellowship of all people is significant as a interface interracial intercultural conrogation by reverend hower therman influenced social change. Both he and his wife are notable figures locally and nationally. This property is significant, the location with the [inaudible] had the
National Headquarters
before splintering into local chapters. As a
National Organization
they are one of the largest and most activeen issues of gender and sexuality. The black hat is significant one of the most popular gay bars despite numerous attempts by police to shut it down. Before it was shut down in 1964 it featureed live entertainers [inaudible] who was the first openingly gay person to run for
Public Office
San Francisco
. [inaudible] is also significant as a former home of the popular les beian bar in the 1940s owned by mona sergeant. The
Public Comment<\/a> on a non ajendsa item . If so come forward. Seeing and hearing none well close general
Public Comment<\/a>. Department matters, iletm one, directors announcement, and
Tim Department<\/a> staff. The director will not join us this afternoon however, if you have questions i can answer them or forward them to the director. Thank you. Um, item 2, review past events of inplanning
Commission Staff<\/a> report and anounssments just a few things to check in with you. One, is the witnesses and [inaudible] introduced add the board of supervisors a couple weeks ago and resting for 30 days but accept being scheduled for lan use committee after the board returns from break. Also, you may have seen i believe yesterday, perhaps monday, a
New York Times<\/a> article regarding lgbtq in
San Francisco<\/a> in the travel section. If you have nt seen it happy to forward a copy. It was based on a interview donna graves gave at the new york time squz substantially based off the commissions work and [inaudible] context statement. A great piece and involves the
National Park<\/a> services. Finally, wanted to mention to you,
Department Staff<\/a> held a rousseau boulevard neighborhood tour saturday for the mary brown memorial for the rousseau boulevard track. About 40 people were in attendance so well attended. Again, as our spurns during the survey there were a number of home owners that invited us in the homes to seemulators and components of the original buildings they lubingly restored or maintained over time and there is a lot of interest in the designation so will offer another tour later in the plauss but working with them on outreach activities and preparing the landmark designation report which you will see likely in the early fall. That concludes my comments unless you have any questions. Thank you. Thank you. Moving on. Commissioners commission matters, item 3, president report no report. Consideration of
Adoption Draft<\/a> minutes for july 20. Any member wish to comment on the draft meetings july 20 or august 3 . Seeing and hearing none close
Public Comment<\/a>. Motion to adopt the minutes. So moved second thank you on that motion to adopt the minutes for july 20 and august 3, 2016, commissioner haszing yes recollect johnck, yes, matsuda the motion passes 70 and places on item 5. Commission comments and questions. Any comments or questions . Commissioner hyland. Just wanted to bring to the attention to the full commission that one agend a item for arc hearing this afternoon is a referral from the
Planning Commission<\/a> on project [inaudible] so this is something outside of article 10 and 11 review, but it is a significant new building and thought it would be grood good for the commission to offer some advice. 651 geary, it is a residential in the tenderloin. Like a 13 storypretty significant building. What is the cross street . Taylor. Pretty close. Any other comments . Seeing none, we can move on. Commissioners place under regular calendar for item 6. Case 20s 1500781 oth landmark designation work program. Sfgovtv can you go to the computer, please . Good afternoon, susan parks
Department Staff<\/a>. The item is knaurtly update on status of landmark designation work program from april 1 to june 30 of this year along with the presentation [inaudible] and overall repriorization the work program. To start with, ill go through the work program items that have come before you and those expected to come in the coming months. I will kniv a update on the survey teams oretd projects and
Performance Measures<\/a> we are tracking and go through the programs that are pending and discuss proposed additions. We have around 40 recommendations and go through those in sections and after each section ill open up for discussion. The second part the discussion our intern [inaudible] will walk through the summer internship where she identifies the sites of civil rights. Lets get started. During the last reporting quarter, 3 designations were finalize, land mark 270 [inaudible] and alameda emergency hospital. Two designations are pending at the board of spl vises on a 30 day hold. In
Second Quarter<\/a> staff expects to bring [inaudible] as a reminder
Department Staff<\/a> [inaudible] on committee. We are work wg the hpfs on the consulting report, the
African American<\/a>
Historic Context<\/a> statement, the resident park context statement, [inaudible] and new deal context statement with 3 designations associated with it and the ocean avenue
Historic Resource<\/a> survey. More information is included in the packet. The article 10 and 11
Performance Measures<\/a> were included in the packet but ill go through those quickly for you. First prepare designation report within 150 staff hours. [inaudible] exceeds the number of 206 hours and with our recent 3 designations, the cal house slightly exceeds that at 166 hours and the other two designations were at 113 and 115 hours. Second, we did post the designation to the website last april and the third performance measure is we are expected to provide comments to designation applicants within 30 days. The [inaudible] street application is the most recent application brought to you within 36 day squz 235 valencia was brought to you after a little longer, [inaudible] that was due to continuations and i think just coordination issues getting it scheduled. And then for the next
Quarterly Report<\/a> is expected september 20. We are happy to report the susurvey team is fully staffed and have 7 designations in the works. 3 are the [inaudible] consultant produced designation new deal context statement. We also scr japan town y, that is listed as part of the underrepresented communities grant so that is consultant produced and once that is completed we can start work on designation. We have also began working on designations of [inaudible] and phillips and [inaudible] and started on two landmark district. The woodward street landmark district and second is mayor brown memorial internship [inaudible] i have a image of that for your reference. It is significant for it is uniquely story book revival architectural and i did note 270 hours in your packet all completed by our intern, mostly by our intern [inaudible] do you want to add the rousso boulevard tack to the program at this time . Um, i think we should discuss that now . You had other questions about i have a lengthy amounts of questions. Im just wonderingi would rather that you ask all the questions but rather we take
Public Comment<\/a> and then well actuallyi dont we can consider adding that. We will consider adding that. That is consideration that may come later. The
Sailors Union<\/a> is on hold over a year but staff believe said that wim move forward as we resolve define zine isuesment we heard from folks in japan town and reached an agreement between mta and rec and park and once staff is compolluted they will move forward on the [inaudible] those are active designations. I have a list ofpeneding designations on the work program. I will take you through them and you can consider reprioritizing them after you see everything. So, these are the properties that are currently on the work program. [inaudible] which our intern hanna will take you through in more detail later. [inaudible] trade school. Marine firemans union. The planters hotel. The russell housing and [inaudible] whos owners i think requested designation. And then we also have a couple properties that arepeneding or tabled a long time ago. In 2011. One is the
Golden Gate Park<\/a> rk district which rec and park didnt support but the commission initiated. Designation for the district and boat hose in 2011. One of the considerations for you today is, do you want those properties to remain on the work program or direct staff to bring them forward again for initiation . Or do we take them off the work program . So, the next section i will take you through are the properties staffed identifies as eligible for landmark designation. We put together properties from previously adopted surveys,
Historic Context<\/a> statements and other evaluations. In a effort to help you identify these properties, and which to prioritize i will take a minute and remind you of the hpc priorities for designation. Those are desinginate under represented land
Mark Property<\/a> tifeps including landscape, modern designed, underrepresented areas and property with strong cultural or ethnic association. To just get a sense of some of the things we plan to bring forward in the coming months, thee are a list of designations identified through the central soma survey and we are giving the option to add those to the work program today. Um, so to start with the
First Property<\/a> is hotel utah, it is significant for classical revival architecture. Grand orienta will hanna will tell more about later. In the last couple days we had a lot of
Community Support<\/a> for adding this designation to the work program day. I had a packet of all the mublic comments received in the last couple days. Those came from burn det [inaudible] who i think will speak to youilate r today. We have support from supervisor kims office to add to the work program tootd today and support from sf [inaudible] do you want to pass these out . And then next property is 485th street a
Light Industrial<\/a> revival building. The [inaudible] significant for the industrial classical revival architecture. The
Central Hotel<\/a> significant for architecture and for day labors at the waterfront. Coming out of central soma, we have a article 10 landmark district with southened extension. That district designation will run with the legislation associated with the strm soma plan and certification of the eir. Youll see it come before you but we have one more that staff is not planning to run with the eir, it will run on its own and plan to do
Additional Community<\/a> outreach. This is 6th
Street Lodging<\/a> house identified in the soma survey and reidentified in the central soma survey and significant for masonry brick hotel. That designation is listed under article 10 but you consider desinginating that or adding to the work program under article 11 as well. It is located in a c 3 zoning district. So, the fun part. We have a list of properties that we put together, individual properties that we are asking you to consider adding today. To start with, this commission suggested that we add the i magnum building timothy fluger designed building on union square to the work program. Also, amending the designation for [inaudible] bank to include the interior character defining features [inaudible] the next one is the
San Francisco<\/a> gal vunizeing, the one story industrial building. The order of the [inaudible] more commonly known as the high temple designed by master architect herald stoner, a lovely art deco building. The glady [inaudible] building. A terra cotta building that dominates that corner. The [inaudible] theater designed by timothy fluger. The visual landmark of balboa neighborhood and [inaudible] features art deco and
Spanish Colonial<\/a> architecture. The building was recently sold in forclosure auction and two weeks ago the board of supervisors received a landmark designation for the building and working with them to bring that to staff and hpc. 4680 mission street. Identified in the modern context statement by master architect mio chompy. Excellent example of midcentury architecture in the excelsior neighborhood with a large concentration of chompy. Next is
Southern Police<\/a> station. Designed by master architect [inaudible] south of market nice example of 1920 architecture features spanish revival [inaudible] the
First Baptist<\/a>
Church Building<\/a> identified in the market octaveia survey. Significant for the monulateal neo classical style architecture and association with the reconstruction era. Also have the alcoa building designed by som, the firms classic midcentury style undergoing ceqa review for a project that will make alterations at the ground floor. The additional of the tonga room located within landmark 19 fiver the
Fairmont Hotel<\/a> staff is suggesting you consider that as a individual landmark wurkty of designation in its own right. Lastly, we have one more district proposal for you, the
Haight Ashbury<\/a> running from stanyan from buena vista park. The victorian area and edwardian era but known for the counter cultural association. This concludes our list of properties from previous surveys. Ill let you think about adding those and i will hand it over to hanna fong who will take you through her list of properties. Hanna hasz done a fantastic job this summer work wg [inaudible] and me working on
Parks Service<\/a> and identifying [inaudible] this fall hanna will enter her second year in ucla
Masters Program<\/a> and holds a bachelors in history and [inaudible] previously interned with
West Hollywood<\/a> and los angeles where she worked on
Cultural Heritage<\/a> related projects. Hanna will take you through her project and well be available for questions. Thank you. Welcome. Good afternoon commissioners. Um, im here to present to you today the culmination of my research and analysis i completed this summer. The goals of the summers under hp representing communities projectum, so the goals of this summers project was to analyze the [inaudible] and recommendations within the 5
Historic Context<\/a> statements for social heritage. These are japan tone, [inaudible] lgbq,
African American<\/a> and
Historic Context<\/a> statement. Use a methodology to use integrity for resources with people organizations and events. Third,
Development Themes<\/a> related to
Community Activism<\/a>, civil rights related social movements or how discrimination shaped the experiences of immigrants, people of color, lgbt people in the community. Fourth, create a list of sites that reflect these themes and rise to high level of significance and maintain integrity to communicate their association. [inaudible] based on my research for how to move forward with social
Heritage Resources<\/a> and
Historic Context<\/a> statements. The following sites reflect the history of the movement building,
Community Organizing<\/a> [inaudible] and asian american, latino black and lgbtq in
San Francisco<\/a>. Each tells a different story how each group struggled to gain equal access for [inaudible] they also reflect the deep roots they have built to fight discrimination. [inaudible] already on the landmark designation work program is significant as a school established in 1911 for children of japanese ethnicity excluded from
Public Schools<\/a> from a law passed in
San Francisco<\/a>. The paurpt owned by the grand orienta in [inaudible] the temple and lodge are among the few purchased by
Asian Americans<\/a> since japanese and chineties were banned from owning land. The impact of the ailiant land act is reflected in the history of japan town ywca and on the landmark designation work program. Designed by architect julian morgan, it is significant as one of the earliest properties built for japanese women barred from using the primary ywca. Because they could not own the property it was held in trust by the
San Francisco<\/a> ywca. The office of
Carlton B Goodlet<\/a> and daniel collin, the office of medical practice, they are significant for establishing the sun reporter that reported on civil right issues in the black community mainly dismissed. The
Bay Area Urban League<\/a> headquarters is founded by daniel [inaudible] local branch of
National Organization<\/a> that help black families migrating from the south secure housing and jobs on the west coast. Fellowship of all people is significant as a interface interracial intercultural conrogation by reverend hower therman influenced social change. Both he and his wife are notable figures locally and nationally. This property is significant, the location with the [inaudible] had the
National Headquarters<\/a> before splintering into local chapters. As a
National Organization<\/a> they are one of the largest and most activeen issues of gender and sexuality. The black hat is significant one of the most popular gay bars despite numerous attempts by police to shut it down. Before it was shut down in 1964 it featureed live entertainers [inaudible] who was the first openingly gay person to run for
Public Office<\/a> in
San Francisco<\/a>. [inaudible] is also significant as a former home of the popular les beian bar in the 1940s owned by mona sergeant. The
Fillmore Auditorium<\/a> a popular zaz venue in the 1950s, police [inaudible] the mayor of fillmore. This property is the third location of the third
Baptist Church<\/a> t. Is significant for its association with
Fredric Douglas<\/a> hanes senior for the construction of the paurpt and first
African American<\/a> to run for board of supervisors in
San Francisco<\/a>. The [inaudible] or
Bayview Community<\/a> center is significant for association with a group of women in the 1940s and 70s active in housing and
Economic Justice<\/a> issue and overturning evictions and [inaudible] hiring processes. The
Saint Francis<\/a> square copative apartments is a modern apartment complex designed by mar keen hauler and lawrence haul brin and the first racially integrated
Housing Cooperative<\/a> on the west coast. [inaudible]
Memorial Church<\/a> is significant for association with ethm williams and [inaudible] as a institution in the tenderloin known for pushing the boundaries of
Community Activism<\/a> and spirituality. The [inaudible] driving demonstration are a first in protests of 1963 and 64 led by student organizations which employed civil disobedience to challenge discriminatory hiring practices against blacks at major businesses. The quaunss cafeteria uprising was the first known queer [inaudible] reflects interaction of the new left and
Gay Liberation<\/a> movement which cat lize the
Movement Towards<\/a> lgbtq rights. The society for individual rights is significant for association with as one of the earliest and largest [inaudible] organizations in the country. Providing social actaveties on the second floor as a way to get people involved with politics. This property is significant as a
National Headquarters<\/a> of the
Japanese American Citizen League<\/a> formed in 1949 and amend legislation on interracial marriage, segregation and citizenship. [inaudible] is one of the longest family owned businesses in
San Francisco<\/a> and one of the states most popular distributors of
Mexican American<\/a> products. Gal reaa [inaudible] is significant as a nonprofit latino [inaudible] they helped organize the
First Community<\/a>
Mural Program<\/a> in the country and help to revive public celebration in the 1980s. The
Mission Cultural<\/a> center for latino arts is significant
Organization Established<\/a> in 1977 to provide a place for latino artist to express their art and show their work when few other institutions [inaudible]
Saint Peters Catholic Church<\/a> is significant as a
Catholic Church<\/a> in the mission that provided resources for refugees from central in the 80s. The
Central American<\/a>
Research Center<\/a> of
Northern California<\/a> initially operated in saint peters in 1986. San francisco
General Hospital<\/a> ward 86 is one of the first clinics in the country to open doors to victims of days during the early years of the epidemic. [inaudible] is a nonprofit thrift store. The first
Gay Business Association<\/a> in the country. The [inaudible] house provided
Affordable Housing<\/a> for the
Filipino Community<\/a> since 19[inaudible] in 1999 it was rehabilitationed through a
Community Benefit<\/a>
Agreement Partnership<\/a> with todd [inaudible] the tenants and owners development corporation. Lastly, here is a amendment to landmark 204, to include interior of our lady of guadalupe. It is significant of one of the last remaining structures built by mexicans in
San Francisco<\/a> and reflects
Early Development<\/a> of the
Latino Community<\/a> in north beach before the mission was the anchor. This concludes my presentation. Thank you very much. Slents presentation. Commissioners do we have questions before we take
Public Comment<\/a> . Thank you both for your presentations. Well get back with answers to your question. At this time well take
Public Comment<\/a>. If you have
Public Comment<\/a> please come forward. You have 3 minutes. Thank you commissioners. [inaudible] im president of
Pacific Heights<\/a>
Resident Association<\/a> and representing the coalition to save the street lamps of van ness. You may think that you have already dealt with this issue, but there is
Large Community<\/a> and
National Interest<\/a> in them, renewed interest and i wanted to bring to your attention, your march 29, 2011
Commission Report<\/a> on projects for future consideration. Where the light standards of van ness were being consideredsays 95 percent of the research was complete, but it hasz disappeared from your list of projects, so we know that last year in 2015, you did address the issue of the street lamps and poles within the
Civic Center Historic<\/a> district. Are 259 street lamps and poles total. There arei have to do math here. There are only 30 something within the
Civic Center Historic<\/a> district so that leaves 220 that will be destroyed between now and december. Yesterday mta approved a contract for phase two that possibly will preclude because of excavation, will preclude the reuse or replacement of these street lamps. We have been told in 2009 dpw engineering report, that the poles are not structurally sound and certainly dont look it. They date from 1914. The street lamps are wpa project from 1936 that were erected on the old poles which were moved to commemorate the opening of the
Golden Gate Bridge<\/a> and to bring in the age of automobile rather than or rubber tired transit rather than trolley transit and lead to way to the
Golden Gate Bridge<\/a>. That in
San Francisco<\/a> is histortually significant. The opening of
Golden Gate Bridge<\/a> and 101 to
Northern California<\/a>. There are 220 something street lamps we request you please reevaluate. We would like to save them or save the character they represent. Thank you. Thank you. Good afternoon commissioners. My name is burn det [inaudible] director of the filipino
America Development<\/a> foundation [inaudible] i wanted to first mention that the
Community Center<\/a> is one of the buildings that are being considered for the civil rights project and it was my father that purchased that building in 1967 and it was the the
Purchase Agreement<\/a> we had brought this
Building Back<\/a> into use for the thriving
Filipino Community<\/a> that i had grown up to know and that may parentsboth are no longer around, but their legacy remains very important. I come before you about something very important and very urgent, which related to staffs recommendation to prioritize the grand orienta properties. The 3 reasons you got letter is because of the
Affordable Housing<\/a> piece that is threatened at the time. The hotel is put up for sale. I dont know if it is still on the market, but i believe the temple and the connected housing and the hotel, the grand
Orienta Hotel<\/a>, a total of 30 rent controlled units are at risk of being lost and there is one tenant, steve, who is back there is being evected right no so that is a urgency. Besides that thattimeal was purchased by the filipino masons, the first in the country and we believe that is the only filipino metonic temple in the country. Thank you very much for your consideration with that. Thank you. Can i ask a question . Why dont we wait. Good afternoon commissioners. Mike bouleer with
San Francisco<\/a> heritage. I would just like to echo burn dets testimony. Heritage strongly supports adding grand orienta properties to the work program. Heritage hasz been working with burna det and community for several years now identifying tangible and intaskable
Cultural Assets<\/a> in south of market associated with the
Filipino Community<\/a> and recently as last week these two properties really are at the heart of the pending cultural district, filipino cultural district which is being developed as we speak. Heritage hasz offered our assistance in any way including potentially through grand funding and identifying other sources of funding to enable the nominations to get started as soon as possible. Secondly, i also like to echo the request from previous speaker regarding the van ness street lamps seeking clarification of the current status. They did briefly appear on the landmark work program several years ago and no longer on the work program and of source imminently threatened. Thank you very much. Thank you, any other member of the public wish to comment . If so please come forward. Good afternoon commissioners. My name is steve [inaudible] a tenant at 10 6 south park, the grand
Orienta Hotel<\/a> and member of the lodge. Im not here representing in any capacity the grand orienta or the [inaudible] lodge, just here as a citizen. The purchase property of 106 south park was in 1920 when newly arrived filipinos were sent over from the philippines for cheap labor and many of them came to
San Francisco<\/a> and they could not find other places to live. Somehow they were able to buy the property at 106 south park and for 6 thousand. They sweated and worked hard, this is their pride and joy. They treated of this propertyit is great honor for you if you designated this property and to preserve it in their memories and for the history of the
Filipino Community<\/a> here in
San Francisco<\/a>. Thank you so much. Thank you. Any other member of the public wish to comment . Seeing and hearing none, well close
Public Comment<\/a> and commissioner pearlman you had a question for a speaker . Yes, mrs. [inaudible] can you come up with a second . I had questions about the hotel. I know it is well out of our jurisdiction to talk about rent control, but my understandingim trying to understand how these people are getting evicted and putting this on the
Landmark Program<\/a> will help or not. It is surprising to me because the policies have changed and evolved in the last number of years because of the housing crisis in the city that knrn could get evicted by a new owner when you have a building with so many units. Can you just maybe briefly summarize what is going on . The owner can do with what they please. The grand lodge is a brotherhood and they meet as a brotherhood in private and make those decisions so with any owner, they can decide to do what they please with their own property. So, they decided to do the eviction process, of course we are fighting the eviction process and that is natural, so this isthis goes against everything we are working for and surpriseed they want to do that. Clearly it isnt what the original intention was. You will see a article i had staff copy and distribute to you about the history of thissince 19in the 1920s this was providing
Affordable Housing<\/a>. They didnt have namlies or any wives and all they had is they needed a place to be able to retire and we need to continue that legacy and this would be a terrible way for that to end. Thank you. Im just surprised relative to every story about eviction we read in the papers is most people dont have the right to just evict people so just surprised to hear this. Please come forward. Just speak into the microphone im the only tenant being evicted. The other tenant are not being evicted. They have not received notices and have to go through a legal process. I am a member and been there for a year. Because im a member i am prichbologed to stay there but because of my opposition to the sale of the property they decided to evict me. This is retaltory effort so not eviction from the tenants per se, it is eviction towards me because im not paying rent because im a member and they are making me a guest. I have no tenant rights so they are trying to evict me and we are fighting that right now and this is a retaltory effort on their part because im standing up against the sale. Just wanted to clarify to make sure you didnt think all the tenantsim the only one being evicted. Thank you very much. Close
Public Comment<\/a> and commissioner johnck. I read through the staff report and on every page i go yes, yes, yes, yes. I need a little help. Having the staff rorg organize our focus. It is helpful to say yes to all these. I guess we could add all these to the work program and realize the work program may take a long time to complete. What i was going to suggest was that we prioritize the ones that considerable work is already done on so the ones that have most of the production done and made a long way and put those to the top the list and then we then take the remaining ones and prioritize how they meet the priorities for the
Different Properties<\/a> we want to desinginate and take a sampling of each so we equally look at different categories. Im not sure there is any reason not to add these to the list unless they are landmarks we have no interest in. Potential landmarks we feel wont meet criteria of article 10 or 11. Let me clarify because i went through to say yes, yes, yes, and said to myself, is this threatened. That waswe have categories, modern and that type of thing which we fit things into and that is good, but i guess where i was starting to hone in on is threatened and advocacy. For instance, we had excellent testimony today and letters come in on the grand orienta and that is important too, and
San Francisco<\/a> heritage has said things about [inaudible] sanchez, there is advocacy and issue of being threatened i want more clarification on that because that is important to me but also i agree going throughthat is fine on your recommendation. I would like clarification on the street lamps i can also add a piece to that . Sure the ones where the community is preparing the reports we are very supportive of because that is where a lot of preparation is done. If we believe those projects could get a priority that should be considered as well. Commissioner hyland. Thank you. To clarify, my understanding and i asked that same question about how much staff time do each of these designations take relative to staff initiated commission initiated
Community Initiated<\/a> and it seems they take considerable amount of staff time regardless. Commissioner matsuda. I just want to add when we start to make the priorities we definitely get staff input because you are much more aware and have i think more of a direct access to what communities are expressing to you so i want to make sure that is clear in our
Decision Making<\/a> because i dont think we want to delete any of the programs from our list. I know what we heard today there are some projects that need to rise to the top and we want to make sure we address them. We can help you do that. Maybe ill start with commissioners johncks question. I tried to identify the ones that are threatened for you, starting maybe page 31, the order of the forester that was recently put on the market. That is how we became aware it wasnt already a landmark. That is on the market and felt that was probably threatened with the high temple leaving. The l rea theater i would consider threatened but do have a designation at the board of supervisors for that one. Um, thein some ways maybe the alcoa build wg the project going on. What page is that . And of course the properties bern dt mentioned 534. Could you describe what is happening on the alcoa building . It is a big build{hard to iage man it is threatened tim fry, i dont know the particulars of the project but there is a stlsh remodeling proposed especially the ground floor level. We certainly can bring more information. I have seen a little of the [inaudible] dont know the full scopef work, im not the planner working on it but think there was a [inaudible] to inclose the lobbying maybe in glass lobby that would be enclosed and making alterationsthere is the building and there is the plaza and there are stairs going down, which are on the garage going to the sidewalk so i think the idea is to punch holes in the wall that concrete wall at the sidewalk level. I feel like there is something else. I think to widen the stairs, altering the approach. [inaudible] commissioners if it is helpful to start maybe on page 15 or 14, congregation emalual building, the designation report is substantially complete. 14. The wul ski house we have a summer intern working on the designation now. The [inaudible] the current owners are preparing the designation report at their own cost and so that likely doesnt have to be prioritized. Taylors
Union Pacific<\/a> is largely completed as well by staff. Right now we are work wg them, the
Sailors Union<\/a> about their proposal to improve the site or build on the portion of the lot that is not developed. Peace bugoata is largely complete as well and that is largely a community coordination. Sunshine school,
Roosevelt High School<\/a> and [inaudible] all completed by outside consultants. The japan town ywca is propose frd the
National Register<\/a> nomination under under represented communities grant and will be prepared by a outside consultant we will acquire hopefully this fall and can easily be converted to a landmark designation report. The mothers building you received updates from mr. Rothman and they are on a path but the designation there is largely complete too. Woodward street we are waiting to hear back from the community on how they want to proceed with that, so i until we hear from them not sure where we would put them on the schedule. Mary brown boulevard track will be ready this fall. New era hall is complete. The owner was having some legal issues in terms of
Property Line<\/a> issuewise the adjacent neighbor and understand those have been resolved. We didnt get a sense they were overwellmingly in support of designation but you have the report if the commission would like to act on it we can do that and reengage the owner or decide it is low priority and save it for another day. On the [inaudible] hall, i assume it is the property on the right hand side . Correct, the old church is the property on the left on church and market, is that already a landmark . It is not is that identified . It is identified as a resource in the upper
Market Survey<\/a> but if there is anything on the list you think should be considered as well we can do that. The sky line building [inaudible] as well see in future hearings soon future hearings, the 85 foot rezoning height limits along
Market Street<\/a> [inaudible] noe and this property good point impacted potentially by both of these properties. Starting again on page 22, i can never pronounce this. King mong [inaudible] thank you. Is also being proposed for designation and through theis this a
National Register<\/a> . No, japan town y. Japan town y so this is one maybe to consider prioritizing. The trade school there isnt really work done at all . Correct. And same for trade school and marine firemans union building, we had a initial meeting with the owners and that is about it. Planters hotel would be a relatively quick designation for staff to put together but have done very little work on that as well. In terms of the
Residential Properties<\/a> at the end, all most no work is completed there. Not sure where these fit in your list of priorities. And then lastly, the boat
House Building<\/a> was tabled bithe commission because the commission felt you could address it once the full district came forward and know the district has beenas quee know the district has been tabled now. Golden gate park we have the landmark designation complete for stowic house. The renovation is complete so if the commission felt that was worthy of just moving forward we can certainly do that. Again, that is one where it is sort of just sitting there. The stand theater we had a discussion with the owner about that and they havent reengaged us since it opened so there hasnt been progress there. I had a question about the strand theater, my understanding is the only thing left is the facade and there is nothing of the interior that is left. That is correct. There are portions of the theater shell that are there but they have been altered. Pretty significantly. They were pursuing article 11 designation which is limited to the exterior and we made them aware it is up to the commission to decide whether or not enough of the building is retained to warrant designation that doesnt seem like a high priority. It is renovated and not going anywhere. I think with most of the property said on the existing work program we made aside from the residential buildings we made a lot of progress. [inaudible] it seems to me that we have made as you pointed significant work on a lot of these and they are sitting there and my inclination is move those forward to have resolution that will clear our decks, so to speak. On the
Golden Gate Park<\/a> lake house, i would be very content to let that stay where it is until the rec and park decide its position as we have got other things that i feel are much more pressing than
Golden Gate Park<\/a> which seems to be in really good hands. There are so many of these that just really need an serious look and so i was thinking, if we can get the ones that are substantially completed and add to that group any of those that are threatened, then to me that would belike group number 1 and iti would say which in group number 1 moves first and which moves 4th should probably be left up to the staff to figure out the most organized way to move forward with that. Once we do, we get those things organized then the ones in the middle where we need a report or we have a owner that is a little on the fence or
Something Like<\/a> that, then i thichck think we could address those separately in another meeting and so that is how i would approach that if i were the czar. I am interested in the van ness street lamps. I dont have a feeling that i know where we are on that. You want to address the street lamps at the moment . Sure. Commissioners in 2011 just prior to that my recollection is, the landmarks board included them on the work program considering there was a project in the pipeline for the van ness brt. I think in 2011 if was the commission then decided there were other priorities and so they fell off of the work program and you added other properties. Thats my recollection, but if you remember differently we can always go back and listen to the tape. I dont remember it falling off as a priority, but i dont remember taking it off, maybe it fell off by accident. [laughter] regardless of whether it fell on or off why dont you tell us the status of the project because isnt the project cleared to remove them all or yes, the outstanding item now is the remainder of the light standards within the
Civic Center Landmark District<\/a> when the commission asked which can be repaired and retained with a emphasis on the 4 directly across city hall and off plaza or
Veterans Memorial<\/a> plaza. That is where it is now. It was vetted through a eir process, which the landmarks board had a tupt to comment on and then we had multiple hearings through the certificate of appropriateness. What happened i think in the eir process 1 the light poles were determined not
Historic Resource<\/a> because they lacked integrity because they had been moved and not because of the condition . That was the primary reason and they are differentthey had modified since the original installation. There was a wpa project that modified them. As part of the bus
Rapid Transit<\/a> project mta feels they cant reuse the light poles and dont work with alignment of the streets so have gotten approval to remove them all . Correct accept for the ones in the civic center. That is where the lights standards are today. I dont recall discussion where they took them off the program. Maybe they are absent that day, i dont remember. Well go back and look. Well listen to the tapes and report back. I dont want to spend a lot of time listening to 4 years of tapes and allocating resources. I guess the point is there is nothing that can be done, they are already going to be removed yes, the current proposal is remove them all. Right and between now and december. The ones under the purview of the commission are the ones within the civic center. Right. Which we havent seen a final proposal on yet. As i recall for me, it was a serious issue about having these posts slowly detearierating because nobody would maintain them. Everybody said it is not our deal, so that is for ones within the
Civic Center District<\/a> which are only 4 if that apply tooz the one in the civicsenter it must apply to all the others. There are 200 that is correct they can not be reused or integrated into the current design for van ness brt. That has always been a concern i had. If they were to stay there, how would that work actually . Mta is without deal wg the mechanics of all that and who is responsible, mta stated that they would largely just be decorative light fixtures under the other mandatory or required light standards and infrastructure they are required to run on van ness brt who would maintain them . It could not be mta. Commissioner hasz thank you. Just from a
Construction Side<\/a> because i live in the marina and travel van ness and when the light pole thing came up it took a long time observing light poles down and the way they are built is concrete around rebar and they busted open and rebar expands and pops the concrete off. In my opinion there is no saving them because they are just built strucktually unsound and you would literally just tear them apart and rebuild them and it is brand new light poles. I just sonet think there is any saving them in a safe manner. There is concrete falling off and those things will just knock right over. As much as i hate to lose them i dont think there is a reasonable
Financial Way<\/a> of saving them. I also add this project hasz has been going through years of process and shocking it takes so long to build bus
Rapid Transit<\/a> in a area that needs bus
Rapid Transit<\/a>. Adding the [inaudible] would take a gigantic step backwards and something that hasz gone through hearings for years so wouldnt support it at this point. I think if we can do what we can to save the 4 in the civic center we should, but dont support adding the remainder to the program. Commissioner hyland. I dont have a buzzer. I have one question, are the light poles the van ness light poles the only item we discussed today not listed in the staff report . I think so other than the sky line realty building. Yes. And the rousso district is listed in red, it sayit is request to add it. Request to add it. We are actively working on it so wanted to show the hours and how we track it but it isnt actually on the work program. Okay. I would be complete support of what commissioner johnck said and take care the ones we initiated and have work need ed to complete them and bring the ones at risk up to the first group and let staff figure how best to putting those that are on the first category to completion. Can we identify which are at risk if that is the category . I think staff we have recommendations and certainly hearing from you what additional recommendations you would addi mean, the high temple, the glady [inaudible]
Office Building<\/a> is in a area where there is a lot of development and across the street from the stud. The lray theater, mission street, chompy building, maceys is selling a lot of their stores, the old i magnum store can be argued as being a potential they are selling the mens store. [inaudible] they were closing 100 other stores. Those are the ones that certainly the grand orienta and buildings around souckt park we understand that is a priority. The gal vunizeing work building is pursuing
National Status<\/a> on their own which we thought is a great waybecause they are seeking [inaudible] too. I think that could be handled by the
Property Owners<\/a>. 6th
Street Lodging<\/a> is a area that will likely have
Development Pressure<\/a> which central soma area plan passes and can preserve part of article 11 district rather than article 10 if you choose. This is all off the top of our heads. More anecdotal information than perceived threat. Commissioner johnck i just want to say the only building we havent had part of discussion is palace of fine arts and potential that is already a landmark. I know it is already a landmark but thought we need to discuss it. There is discussion about bringing rec and park having present their proposal but it hasnt gone anywhere and selected [inaudible] it is sort of on hold. Commissioner hasz. Commissioner hyland. Are any of these candidates for the
Cultural Heritage<\/a> business registry . [multiple speakers at same time]
Community Thrift<\/a> would likely be eligible. I dont know if there is something we could encourage the
District Supervisor<\/a> to consider pushing those forward. Some of the nonprofits the cultural center. Is that something you need official from us or write a memo to the supervisors and request their support . I think we would start with mentioning during our regular office hours with the supervisor jz go from there. Can you do that . Absolutely. So i guess the question is there a reason not to include the complete list as part of the work program. We have a record of it and remove or modify property said later but move forward with ones that have had the most work undertaken and
Properties Identified<\/a> as threaten if that is your immediate priorities. Given the number of properties there isnt a point prioritizing all of it. That will include adding the rousso district. Commissioners, as a reminder and also for the benefit of the public, as we discuss the properties, once the commission agrees the list makes sense we will start engage the
Property Owners<\/a> so more information will come to light then that may incluns which ones you decide to prioritize, so after this hearing well engage with each of the
Property Owners<\/a> and let them know of the commissions intent and departments intent. Right. Yes, commissioner matsuda but the next meeting can you give a quick summary of what your proposal is . Sure. That would be great. At the next
Quarterly Report<\/a> which is september. Right. Can i make general comments . Thank you very much for this, it is great to seei so really like the little thermometer, it helps a lot. I wonder maybe next time just for a quick visual overview if you could just make one. The red, those that have been landmarked and receiving priorities so we can see where we are in the district and where see see the empty holes. Like a map . Yes. Actually the map can have the categories, 4 categories whether it is modern or underrepresent ore cultural ethnic that is a interesting way to see that that is a great to see the visual of the whole city where we can see where we are not identifying. I like the fact on the website now there is information about process for communities who want to nominate buildings in their districts, but what may be helpful would be a real life sample of something that you feel [inaudible] and easy to understand and somebody can just say i get it, lets take this asure timp temperate and work from there. I dont know if this is good or bad thing but can you remind me about what park and rec and feelings about not wanting to [inaudible]
Golden Gate Park<\/a> 6789 i know they got a lot of state money a long time ago to start doing a lot of renovation and maintenance and just assumed from that point on they would start to work to identify a lot of the historical very famous sites and just kind of didnt follow through with that. Am i opening up something we shouldnt talk about . We havent had a discussion with rec park in a number of years but where we ended the conversation and their primary concern is delynninated boundaries around the elements within
Golden Gate Park<\/a> that was truly significant under the purview of this commission and rec park commission. They felt a blanket district designation would leave too much open to interpretation and there was concern about everything from maintenance to landscape features to actual buildings of where all the pieces would fall in terms of process. We were starting to make progress on that but again, other priorities came up and we knew it would take a long time to get everybody on the same page and so that is why we pushed it down to theened of the list. I dont know if commissioner hyland would feel strongly about this but maybe we can work with them to put some methodology or some framework for guidelines as to what may be considered historic or culturally significant within
Golden Gate Park<\/a> so they have something to work off with and something on the website something to identify the great sites probably no one knows about. It would be interesting to look at central park in new york is a landmark district and interesting to see how they deal with that. It hasz the same size and maintenance and issue squz somehow they manage to continue to do improvements. At least people can know yeah they also have central park conservevancy so there is a private public partnership. Landscape is a criteria we have on this so could be a possibility. Do we need a motion for this item . Is this a action item . Commissioners there wasnt a motion included in the packets but differ to the
Commission Secretary<\/a> if something needs 250 be formized. I think we heard your comments and know what we need to provide in a month so keep the conversations mubing and other designations moving forward. It was a non action item just for review and comment so think the submitted of your comments will be reviewed by staff and followed up appropriately and if i heard there will be a follow up in september so you will hear back from staff. I have one comment. I want d to laugh about that as recently as about 18 months ago we were complaining we were not landmarking enough and our jobs were not fulfilling enough because of that and now we have a plethora of action items for this so im really pleased to see how far we have come in a very short period of time to really beef up this part the program we thought was inadequate so congratulate the department on all the work you have done on this. Staff and intnchs. Yes, thank you hanna. Excellent presentation. That places on item 7. The
Mission Murals<\/a> inventory project. This is a informational presentation. Are we ready for mr. Fry . I think [inaudible] giving a quick bio mpt alright. Mr. Fry, we are waiting for you. Pardon me. Before lyndy presents i want to formally introduce, lyndy see crest with the department as part of
Summer Internship Program<\/a> and done work on
Mission Murals<\/a> inventory coordinating with a variety oof players which she will go into more detail and a lot of good has come out of the project and been able to use it in the day to day work already and there is interest in having lyndy author a journal article about the program in the near future. With that, i like to introduce you to lyndy and have her share her great work with you. Welcome. Good afternoon, lyndy see crest. The item before you is a
Mission Murals<\/a> inventory project. My internship project was to create a intrentory of murals to aid in cultural and hisical muralsism the mission is known for viberant murals that add beauty and demonstrate the rich latino cultural for tourist and resident to enjoy. This was collaboration with sf heritage and [inaudible] the goal was to create a internal [inaudible] reviewing projects involving murals. The end result is inventory documented mural documentation, gis layeroffs the murals and sf
Property Information<\/a> map flagging parcels that have murals. The methodology was simple, i researched how other jurisdictions handled mural preservation and how art is organize 79d. Researched the mission dist rth and
Community Mural<\/a> movement to get context for the area. Lastly, researched specific murals to find information to add to the inventory. I also visited proceeda [inaudible] archives and conducted interviews with [inaudible] it gain more information about the murals. A survey was conducted in order to document the existing murals. The mission trail mural walk map was used as the boundary because it had money murals located. This extend from 17th street south to bourno heights and dolores street east to potrero. Other murals were found by walking and talk toog
Community Members<\/a> who showed me their favorite murals. All the murals surveyed was created which include mural and artist information,
Location Information<\/a> and background information. There are over 500 murals documented so as you can see the categories are magnifyed and can see which things we looked for for information. Things like title, date of completion of the mural, artist informationthe
Mission Murals<\/a> were born out of the sxhunty mural muchbment of the 1970. The political issue squz termile of the late 60s caused many to speak out. Murals were painted all over the country as a way for working class people to express what was important. The primarily latino population in the mission was influenced by mexican murals and [inaudible] muralist [inaudible] the result is the largest concentration of
Community Mural<\/a>s in
San Francisco<\/a>. Community murals are also unique in they are painted by or with
Community Members<\/a> rather than simply for them. The themes reflect values of the community and common themeerize social and political issues, pride of latino heritage and celebration of life. This timeline shows various
Community Organizations<\/a> founded during the movement included gallery [inaudible] the
Mission Cultural<\/a> center for latino arts and [inaudible] mission art 415. Also shown are important people, events and praunlects and history of the
Mission Murals<\/a>. For example, [inaudible] was a collaborative of female artist who painted large outdoor murals focus on political and social change but through womens perspectives and experiences. Part of the inventory includes a classification of the murals. During my interviews with susan sur vaunt as helped categorized murals most significant. There are 3 separate categories, legacy, ken temporary and temporary murals. Legacy murals are most significant. This also is the first mural a part of historic murals clusters such as 24th street mini park and cesar chavez elementary school. It was murals painted by veteran aurtest of the move including [inaudible] contemporary murals are those painted after the
Mural Movement<\/a> usually in the 2000 who contributed to
Mission District<\/a> and work is highly valued and respected by
Community Members<\/a>. Temporary murals are painted over our changed. Usually alley [inaudible] for temporary service like [inaudible] temporary murals preserving the art space for artist to express themselves is more valued that preserving a specific mural for long periods of time. Some existed for a few years where this one was painted a year to less than a year later. One the greatest threats the
Community Mural<\/a>s face is change of ownership. The new owners having no ties or obligation to the c3450u7bty will be unaware of the importance to the mural and may do work that impacts the mural. This legacy mural by veteran artist [inaudible] was completely painted over leebing a blank wall. The goal of the project was to create a tool for planners that will help address this. The inventory and gis layer and resulting block book notification in the
Property Information<\/a> map will be used to flag buildings so planners are aware of them. This is timely considering the changing demo graphics. We have documentation to provide feedback about the existence of murals. Hopefully the tool helps preerfb the cultural elements in a changing environment. This concludes my prezen taishz and happy to answer questions, and thank you, that was a fantastic presentation. How do we get a list . You can contact the planning department. Happy to share that with the commissioners. Id like a copy of the presentation or some generally [inaudible] these presentations are posted to the website so you can find it there and can forward it to the commissioners. I like to share with other people. Thank you. Great project. At this time well take
Public Comment<\/a>. Any member wish to comment on the
Mission Mural<\/a> inventory project . Seeing and hearing none, well close
Public Comment<\/a> and any other comments on that project . How long [inaudible] they are presenting the final projects over the next couple weeks and they are gone august 26. You should have all received invitations to the project presentations. Great, i thinkmrs. Parks. Presenting the final project next week i think monday, wednesday, thursday and friday. I think that is right. Great, thank you and so glad to have you all here and hearing is closed. Very good commissioners. Do you want a brief break before starting . Starting . [meeting adjourned] working for the city and county of
San Francisco<\/a> will immerse you in a vibrant and dynamic city thats on the forefront of economic growth, the arts, and social change. Our city has always been on the edge of progress and innovation. After all, were at the meeting of land and sea. Our city is famous for its iconic scenery, historic designs, and world class style. Its the birthplace of blue jeans, and where the rock holds court over the largest natural harbor on the west coast. The citys
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San Francisco<\/a>. Working for the city and county of
San Francisco<\/a> will immerse you in a vibrate and dynamic city on sfroert of the art and social change weve been on the edge after all were at the meeting of land and sea worldclass style it is the burn of blew jeans where the rock holds court over the harbor the citys
Information Technology<\/a> xoflz work on the rulers project for free wifi and developing projects and insuring patient state of at
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San Francisco<\/a> give us employees the unities to contribute their ideas and energy and commitment to shape the citys future but for considering a career with the city and county of
San Francisco<\/a> [gavel] i know called the meeting of the
San Francisco<\/a>
Health Service<\/a> board to order. Our regular meeting for thursday, august 11, 2016 would you please stand and join and stay with me the pledge of allegiance . [pleage of allegiance]","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/32\/items\/SFGTV_20160819_023000_Historic_Preservation_Commission_81016\/SFGTV_20160819_023000_Historic_Preservation_Commission_81016.thumbs\/SFGTV_20160819_023000_Historic_Preservation_Commission_81016_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20240625T12:35:10+00:00"}