Transcripts For SFGTV Historic Preservation Commission 81716

SFGTV Historic Preservation Commission 81716 August 21, 2016

With respect to agenda items, your opportunity to address the commission will be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting. Each member of the public may address the commission for up to three minutes. I have no speaker cards. Any member wish to make general Public Comment on a non ajendsa item . If so come forward. Seeing and hearing none well close general Public Comment. Department matters, iletm one, directors announcement, and Tim Department staff. The director will not join us this afternoon however, if you have questions i can answer them or forward them to the director. Thank you. Um, item 2, review past events of inplanning Commission Staff report and anounssments just a few things to check in with you. One, is the witnesses and [inaudible] introduced add the board of supervisors a couple weeks ago and resting for 30 days but accept being scheduled for lan use committee after the board returns from break. Also, you may have seen i believe yesterday, perhaps monday, a New York Times article regarding lgbtq in San Francisco in the travel section. If you have nt seen it happy to forward a copy. It was based on a interview donna graves gave at the new york time squz substantially based off the commissions work and [inaudible] context statement. A great piece and involves the National Park services. Finally, wanted to mention to you, Department Staff held a rousseau boulevard neighborhood tour saturday for the mary brown memorial for the rousseau boulevard track. About 40 people were in attendance so well attended. Again, as our spurns during the survey there were a number of home owners that invited us in the homes to seemulators and components of the original buildings they lubingly restored or maintained over time and there is a lot of interest in the designation so will offer another tour later in the plauss but working with them on outreach activities and preparing the landmark designation report which you will see likely in the early fall. That concludes my comments unless you have any questions. Thank you. Thank you. Moving on. Commissioners commission matters, item 3, president report no report. Consideration of Adoption Draft minutes for july 20. Any member wish to comment on the draft meetings july 20 or august 3 . Seeing and hearing none close Public Comment. Motion to adopt the minutes. So moved second thank you on that motion to adopt the minutes for july 20 and august 3, 2016, commissioner haszing yes recollect johnck, yes, matsuda the motion passes 70 and places on item 5. Commission comments and questions. Any comments or questions . Commissioner hyland. Just wanted to bring to the attention to the full commission that one agend a item for arc hearing this afternoon is a referral from the Planning Commission on project [inaudible] so this is something outside of article 10 and 11 review, but it is a significant new building and thought it would be grood good for the commission to offer some advice. 651 geary, it is a residential in the tenderloin. Like a 13 storypretty significant building. What is the cross street . Taylor. Pretty close. Any other comments . Seeing none, we can move on. Commissioners place under regular calendar for item 6. Case 20s 1500781 oth landmark designation work program. Sfgovtv can you go to the computer, please . Good afternoon, susan parks Department Staff. The item is knaurtly update on status of landmark designation work program from april 1 to june 30 of this year along with the presentation [inaudible] and overall repriorization the work program. To start with, ill go through the work program items that have come before you and those expected to come in the coming months. I will kniv a update on the survey teams oretd projects and Performance Measures we are tracking and go through the programs that are pending and discuss proposed additions. We have around 40 recommendations and go through those in sections and after each section ill open up for discussion. The second part the discussion our intern [inaudible] will walk through the summer internship where she identifies the sites of civil rights. Lets get started. During the last reporting quarter, 3 designations were finalize, land mark 270 [inaudible] and alameda emergency hospital. Two designations are pending at the board of spl vises on a 30 day hold. In Second Quarter staff expects to bring [inaudible] as a reminder Department Staff [inaudible] on committee. We are work wg the hpfs on the consulting report, the African American Historic Context statement, the resident park context statement, [inaudible] and new deal context statement with 3 designations associated with it and the ocean avenue Historic Resource survey. More information is included in the packet. The article 10 and 11 Performance Measures were included in the packet but ill go through those quickly for you. First prepare designation report within 150 staff hours. [inaudible] exceeds the number of 206 hours and with our recent 3 designations, the cal house slightly exceeds that at 166 hours and the other two designations were at 113 and 115 hours. Second, we did post the designation to the website last april and the third performance measure is we are expected to provide comments to designation applicants within 30 days. The [inaudible] street application is the most recent application brought to you within 36 day squz 235 valencia was brought to you after a little longer, [inaudible] that was due to continuations and i think just coordination issues getting it scheduled. And then for the next Quarterly Report is expected september 20. We are happy to report the susurvey team is fully staffed and have 7 designations in the works. 3 are the [inaudible] consultant produced designation new deal context statement. We also scr japan town y, that is listed as part of the underrepresented communities grant so that is consultant produced and once that is completed we can start work on designation. We have also began working on designations of [inaudible] and phillips and [inaudible] and started on two landmark district. The woodward street landmark district and second is mayor brown memorial internship [inaudible] i have a image of that for your reference. It is significant for it is uniquely story book revival architectural and i did note 270 hours in your packet all completed by our intern, mostly by our intern [inaudible] do you want to add the rousso boulevard tack to the program at this time . Um, i think we should discuss that now . You had other questions about i have a lengthy amounts of questions. Im just wonderingi would rather that you ask all the questions but rather we take Public Comment and then well actuallyi dont we can consider adding that. We will consider adding that. That is consideration that may come later. The Sailors Union is on hold over a year but staff believe said that wim move forward as we resolve define zine isuesment we heard from folks in japan town and reached an agreement between mta and rec and park and once staff is compolluted they will move forward on the [inaudible] those are active designations. I have a list ofpeneding designations on the work program. I will take you through them and you can consider reprioritizing them after you see everything. So, these are the properties that are currently on the work program. [inaudible] which our intern hanna will take you through in more detail later. [inaudible] trade school. Marine firemans union. The planters hotel. The russell housing and [inaudible] whos owners i think requested designation. And then we also have a couple properties that arepeneding or tabled a long time ago. In 2011. One is the Golden Gate Park landmark district which rec and park didnt support but the commission initiated. Designation for the district and boat hose in 2011. One of the considerations for you today is, do you want those properties to remain on the work program or direct staff to bring them forward again for initiation . Or do we take them off the work program . So, the next section i will take you through are the properties staffed identifies as eligible for landmark designation. We put together properties from previously adopted surveys, Historic Context statements and other evaluations. In a effort to help you identify these properties, and which to prioritize i will take a minute and remind you of the hpc priorities for designation. Those are desinginate under represented land Mark Property tifeps including landscape, modern designed, underrepresented areas and property with strong cultural or ethnic association. To just get a sense of some of the things we plan to bring forward in the coming months, thee are a list of designations identified through the central soma survey and we are giving the option to add those to the work program today. Um, so to start with the First Property is hotel utah, it is significant for classical revival architecture. Grand orienta will hanna will tell more about later. In the last couple days we had a lot of Community Support for adding this designation to the work program today. I had a packet of all the mublic comments received in the last couple days. Those came from burn det [inaudible] who i think will speak to youilate r today. We have support from supervisor kims office to add to the work program tootd today and support from sf [inaudible] do you want to pass these out . And then next property is 485th street a Light Industrial revival building. The [inaudible] significant for the industrial classical revival architecture. The Central Hotel significant for architecture and for day labors at the waterfront. Coming out of central soma, we have a article 10 landmark district with southened extension. That district designation will run with the legislation associated with the strm soma plan and certification of the eir. Youll see it come before you but we have one more that staff is not planning to run with the eir, it will run on its own and plan to do Additional Community outreach. This is 6th Street Lodging house identified in the soma survey and reidentified in the central soma survey and significant for masonry brick hotel. That designation is listed under article 10 but you consider desinginating that or adding to the work program under article 11 as well. It is located in a c 3 zoning district. So, the fun part. We have a list of properties that we put together, individual properties that we are asking you to consider adding today. To start with, this commission suggested that we add the i magnum building timothy fluger designed building on union square to the work program. Also, amending the designation for [inaudible] bank to include the interior character defining features [inaudible] the next one is the San Francisco gal vunizeing, the one story industrial building. The order of the [inaudible] more commonly known as the high temple designed by master architect herald stoner, a lovely art deco building. The glady [inaudible] building. A terra cotta building that dominates that corner. The [inaudible] theater designed by timothy fluger. The visual landmark of balboa neighborhood and [inaudible] features art deco and Spanish Colonial architecture. The building was recently sold in forclosure auction and two weeks ago the board of supervisors received a landmark designation for the building and working with them to bring that to staff and hpc. 4680 mission street. Identified in the modern context statement by master architect mio chompy. Excellent example of midcentury architecture in the excelsior neighborhood with a large concentration of chompy. Next is Southern Police station. Designed by master architect [inaudible] south of market nice example of 1920 architecture features spanish revival [inaudible] the First Baptist Church Building identified in the market octaveia survey. Significant for the monulateal neo classical style architecture and association with the reconstruction era. Also have the alcoa building designed by som, the firms classic midcentury style undergoing ceqa review for a project that will make alterations at the ground floor. The additional of the tonga room located within landmark 19 fiver the Fairmont Hotel staff is suggesting you consider that as a individual landmark wurkty of designation in its own right. Lastly, we have one more district proposal for you, the Haight Ashbury running from stanyan from buena vista park. The victorian area and edwardian era but known for the counter cultural association. This concludes our list of properties from previous surveys. Ill let you think about adding those and i will hand it over to hanna fong who will take you through her list of properties. Hanna hasz done a fantastic job this summer work wg [inaudible] and me working on Parks Service and identifying [inaudible] this fall hanna will enter her second year in ucla Masters Program and holds a bachelors in history and [inaudible] previously interned with West Hollywood and los angeles where she worked on Cultural Heritage related projects. Hanna will take you through her project and well be available for questions. Thank you. Welcome. Good afternoon commissioners. Um, im here to present to you today the culmination of my research and analysis i completed this summer. The goals of the summers under hp representing communities projectum, so the goals of this summers project was to analyze the [inaudible] and recommendations within the 5 Historic Context statements for social heritage. These are japan tone, [inaudible] lgbq, African American and Historic Context statement. Use a methodology to use integrity for resources with people organizations and events. Third, Development Themes related to Community Activism, civil rights related social movements or how discrimination shaped the experiences of immigrants, people of color, lgbt people in the community. Fourth, create a list of sites that reflect these themes and rise to high level of significance and maintain integrity to communicate their association. [inaudible] based on my research for how to move forward with social Heritage Resources and Historic Context statements. The following sites reflect the history of the movement building, Community Organizing [inaudible] and asian american, latino black and lgbtq in San Francisco. Each tells a different story how each group struggled to gain equal access for [inaudible] they also reflect the deep roots they have built to fight discrimination. [inaudible] already on the landmark designation work program is significant as a school established in 1911 for children of japanese ethnicity excluded from Public Schools from a law passed in San Francisco. The paurpt owned by the grand orienta in [inaudible] the temple and lodge are among the few purchased by Asian Americans since japanese and chineties were banned from owning land. The impact of the ailiant land act is reflected in the history of japan town ywca and on the landmark designation work program. Designed by architect julian morgan, it is significant as one of the earliest properties built for japanese women barred from using the primary ywca. Because they could not own the property it was held in trust by the San Francisco ywca. The office of Carlton B Goodlet and daniel collin, the office of medical practice, they are significant for establishing the sun reporter that reported on civil right issues in the black community mainly dismissed. The Bay Area Urban League headquarters is founded by daniel [inaudible] local branch of National Organization that help black families migrating from the south secure housing and jobs on the west coast. Fellowship of all people is significant as a interface interracial intercultural conrogation by reverend hower therman influenced social change. Both he and his wife are notable figures locally and nationally. This property is significant, the location with the [inaudible] had the National Headquarters before splintering into local chapters. As a National Organization they are one of the largest and most activeen issues of gender and sexuality. The black hat is significant one of the most popular gay bars despite numerous attempts by police to shut it down. Before it was shut down in 1964 it featureed live entertainers [inaudible] who was the first openingly gay person to run for Public Office in San Francisco. [inaud

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