Transcripts For SFGTV MTA Board Of Directors 31516 20160321

SFGTV MTA Board Of Directors 31516 March 21, 2016

Approve second all in favor, say i. I. Minutes Pass Communications i see we have supervisor avalos here ask him to come forward. Thank you directors having me here on short notice most first of all, thank you for are we looking at the auto return contract and the Administration Fee for towing thats a huge change to make is it easier for working families in San Francisco we all make mistakes and making a mistakes for a person barley on being able to pay for rent and food and towing that sets them back forever maybe have to leave San Francisco thank you for are we looking at that and you dont know i dont think we gave you much choice so thank you i think we need to look at revenue and reimbursement reinforcement i know metering is controversial looks at at our transit goals of being a transit first aide we dont provide that subsidize on sunldz i dont know why that day is important but 21st century we should be doing with constraints on the foundz for transit leaking overall parking maybe night or sunday parking will be something would be worth studying for the mta that is only for reinforce i want to get funding for mta through the sustainability fee last friday was my birthday i got for my birthday present a veto of an increase to the fee and think that was poor planning on behalf of the city that we wouldnt look at how we can make developers who developments have a huge back impact on the transportation pay a little bit more not socking to 9 taxpayers or the riders with the analysis of Transportation Sustainability fee we can increase the fee on large commercial buildings by 4 those projects will be flaebl we raised it 2 and not taking away when it was rejected by the Mayors Office a new version asking for a new version of tsf for funds from the tsf for operations at some level of operation i believe the mta needs nor flexibility the budget to handle operation needs the capital is spur important to be able to have revenue to make investments in we have 2030 process were 20 or 30 million short of covering deferred makes sense be that as it may we have operational needs with the sustainability fee that helps when last minute decided with made on the budget for the mta i want to make sure you have the flexibility we want to reopen this is a headsup i was intending to do and most of all when we make the decisions we can be responsible coming up with ways to help you find resolutions to the abrupt issues as they come up thank you. Thank you very much supervisor and happy belated birthday thank you for your continued support. Madam chair please be advised no decision of the anticipated litigation in closed session today item 6 introduction or Unfinished Business but with board members. Directors report. Good afternoon madam chair and members and members of the public and staff a number of items to touch on today and first and most tragically i guess ill say were off to a bad start this year in terms of safety on the streets streets of San Francisco sadly a gentleman was hit and killed imply a hit and run driver by the broadway tunnel a at the intersection of broadway and powell on the same day something hit on sunset boulevard i believe there was two additional hit and run incidents on saturday we stale obviously those are fresh and not a lot of information about those but as with ever serious and fate collision in their tragic and preventable your thoughts and prayers and condolences to the friends and families of those who have been involved with this i guess ill say this underscores of work were doing at your doing on the board and across the city with the coalition and the impervious of marking our streets safer as supervisor avalos said maybe folks shouldnt get can charged a hefty fee for charges of the subject to be sorrowful hurt or killed by somebody making a mistake in our streets so as you know, weve been working hard and committed to 24 high priority projects in this months got thirty done with the 2015 with another 13 million no 2016 by the end of this year weve improved hundreds of the highest needs intersection with the high visibility and crosswalks and red zones at broadway. Powell there is a project youve previously approved that is set to Start Construction this summer that improves the intersection that greatly and will help with we will be going out potentially as soon as this week and putting in interim improvements that could come back to you by retroactively approval that might make that intersection safer we might do that i want to give you a heads up well continue to redesign the streets but, of course not about design it is there behavioral issues that play here well continue to work on education, supporting the Police Department and enforcement and really need everyone the city to be careful and mindful and to slow down and Pay Attention we have i dont know what the number is right now this year but more people that have been killed in the first 2 1 2 months than at that point the last few years this is not where we want to be in terms of vision zero we were named by the Vision Zero Network as one of the 10 focused cities well be cooperating and sharing best practices and anything from the cities but i just it is a sobering reminder that there is work we need to do i think youll see things on the agenda that are reflective of that work but a long road ahead to get to that zero and sadly were not on the path for that today. On to some better news were with regard to ceqa the California Environmental quality act i know you know this just to refresh when sp 743 was passed by the state senator senate a couple of years ago for criteria for the significance of transportation impacts and sufficiently they require the career is with the Green House Gas emissions and the development of multiple transportation and diversity that land you know the old measure sometimes drove us the option direction the great news a couple of weeks the Planning Commission unanimously implemented the standards for, thank you to the vice chair for speaking in support as were a number of folks that understand the matt haney of this in terms of making the Transportation System better and safer so with that, decision we became the first city in california to adopt the levels of serves as a measure that is congestion will be replaced by vehicle miles traveled as the threshold for ceqa viral determinations Going Forward the old standards essentially protective of the car and dont think the Transportation System suggests as remedies like wildly the streets things we cant do in San Francisco wanted to do in San Francisco but this modernized approach will be a better way for us and the urban design that public to evaluate the impacts of transportation projects and Building Development projects that allows us to better get to solutions efficiently get to solutions that prioritized walking and parking and thank you to the Planning Department for that achievement wanted to also let you know that walk to workday it is thursday april 7th at participation takes on this 15 minutes of walking at the beginning or end of the bike transcript or car trip i think we can do more than 15 minutes of walking folks leaving from different places around the city i urge you to meet you up with the city supervisors and others as folks make their walk to city hall that is a critical part of i guess an important mode of transportation the city that is the cleanest and one that ever trip begins and ends with and the more we promote and make our streets safer and the better for our residents and better for our city so look forward to seeing everyone on april 6th for walk to work and the season starts april 10th the mission run for typical from april to november generally one a month sfmta is proud to be city the main aide sponsor of this program and looking forward to engaging with the naked that the event will come to in this event to kickoff the season in april a number of staff working will be there to share the projects and update to promote biking and walking and transit hope for a sunny day on april 10th a couple of other quick things the work in the sunset tunnel continues this past week was off because st. Patricks day there are 3 scopes of work did replacement of the rails themselves and overhead wires by the emergency Communication System and the new radio system so weve got two more we understand shutdowns well need more in april this is not necessarily a exist stuff not like new buses e. R. Red transit lanes but critically important for the safety work we need to do so we apologize in advance for the invention and they have done well, we have a few more ahead and get the work done i wanted to give you an update on the 7 hate project that was nearly a year ago in june of last year you approved a variety of parking and changes on laguna to improve Pedestrian Safety and the liability lower hate portion of the corridor is under construction as part of a public works repaving contract and the construction it expected to last to another 12 to 18 months the upper hate construction 2017 were working with the stakeholder the area ta to accommodate the festivals the efforts in the hate over the summer this project i think as you may know the lower hate reverberation was delayed because of contractor that was the reason for the motor coach as opposed to a other coach but well continue to work with the public works to expedite in a way they can to get the projects done and restore the service and get the benefit the transit and Pedestrian Safety benefits when you approved this item in june you asked for the support back on the progress made to fund the pedestrian scale lighting as part of the upper hate as you may know jeopardy support for the project one thing people didnt like it didnt include the pedestrian scale lighting the Funding Sources we have are transportation funds generally are not appropriate for nontransportation purposes but we have been working with public works additional Public Utilities Commission Staff as well as the district 5 president s office to get other is sources for the 3w4r06 ground lighting we have install the underground conduit and hopefully, this will identified and well identify the remaining fund for to light the lights when the project is complete and sorry for the long report the last one i wanted to let you you know in case youve not heard this past weekend San Francisco and sfmta was one of the finalist in the United States department of transportation of transportation for the smarter project through the program the that i have are partner offers 50 million to the winning city and it is two this was a challenge that was put out to midsized cities we made it under the cap the purpose for the forward thinking plan to hanger technology and reimagine how people move well have a lot of temp that enables the services that come to our city witch largo have been racking to this is an opportunity to work with the neighborhood to proactively help to define how we want that to look rather than those things coming at us a lot more technology is that will be coming to us via vehicles and connected vehicles our feeling if we proactively work with san franciscans to help frame and shape how that comes to San Francisco well get much better results 0 so as one of the winning cities they give us a one thousand dollars for to the grant two months to do it as sprint if we are successful then we would be in line for the 50 million grant 40 from the federal government and 10 million from the private sector the strategy is led by the new Office Innovation and was telling him that hesitates that office that spearheaded 24 application done with the with the Transportation Authority with the Mayors Office and will continue to work with them and others to develop that proposal so hope at some. 3 months director fried will is a good news that concludes my report. Thank you director reiskin and action packed d ot report on the ceqa changes that was director bordens former commission i want to thank the Planning Department and others for the anti climate, etc. There should have been balloons and confetti but well do great things and continue to as we know with the hitandruns we have tlooekd so hope that helps us move towards that and congratulations to the smart city grant that will be fascinating to side how that happens and decorations anything on the directors report no director. I want to say im deeply disturbed by the amount of pedestrian injuries and collisions weve had i certainly dont take that lig ill work for ways to expedite the work and or maybe changing things so that the way were going about doing things but looking forward to topics the future to how we can really address this this is something that you know Pedestrian Safety is something we all need to be healthy as a city the economy is better for that and communities are better for that everybody is better for it we need to get a handle on a few years ago an allday workshop i talked about lower the slightly around the city i want to make sure invokes folks know that is not sitting easily with us and looking forward to expediting the efforts to resolving this and getting us closer to vision zero faster. Thank you that is a good thing to bring up i was the vision zero conferee in new york city and the sfpd was recommended a lot of stuff that came out i was reminded the of national highway transportation thirty percent of the cashiers in some manner of distraction not that easy for the police to subpoena the records of cell phones of the drivers director reiskin were working on a lot of things around vision zero can that be involved for our court to look at that to work with the city hall or the state to change that. How about when we come back i think we at our request we were bringing you quarterly updates or so with regards to vision zero maybe at the next one well be able to address the speed limit reductions i dont know if if so a leg or procedural issue i know that anecdotally i know when im standing on the corner i see a lot of folks that are looking at their phones it is horrifying this is a real large go a automobile or truck theyre not paying attention well make sure to get this as part of our next report. Thank you very much madam chair you have one member of the public that want to address an addresses director reiskin addressed. Casket. Thank you good afternoon directors im kathy the policy and Program Manager with walk sf and im here to express our extreme questionnaires for the rash of pedestrian fatalities that director reiskin and some of you mentioned on friday as director reiskin mentioned mr. Sun was killed at broadway and powell a high injury location on saturday a gentleman was killed at leavenworth and ellis another one an february 12th ms. Lange was killed one block away from the high injury and sue was killed on market and 7 a high injury location as far 7 pedestrians have died in traffic crashes our grandparents and coworkers and friends we need to step up and do something to keep san franciscans save and the city is making great process on doing this the projects are faster the Environmental Review reform will be fantastic but i think there is something this body can do to help you can be vision zero leaders and not let the projects that the city staff bring to you get water counsel they have great recommendation the original proposal for Pedestrian Safety features it because of the push back back and other projects are water down you, say no room for compromise on Pedestrian Safety do that that now and every week that you meet so i encourage you to do that and be the vision zero leaders the city needs thank you. Thank you. Any other speakers . Wait one more. Thats okay. Please come up to the microphone. Im diana having attend the Planning Department open house on the el carville i dont know what was said is entirely what happened i understand the passion of recuse fatalities there are many things that can be done but parking is not what that Community Meeting was mainly about ill urge you to do the simple fler things rather than concentrate stops and call that delusion with the community that has concerns that are not just parking but has to do with with People Living there i respect the passion about this ill you go suggest you not only listen but hear with the community is saying how they would reduce the facilities thank you. Thank you very much. Any other speakers. Yes. Items that ed reiskin discuss. In continuing on el terryville and sorry mr. Ed reiskin didnt talk about that. Pedestrian safety the you mean tuesday we dont want to have boarding islands we want more parking the same kind of thing not if you have enough to give us us parking around the corner we have a tight street to move traffic no matter what this is crazy ill have to say looking at another the time relevant to this when we set up the mta we collected signatures we could not get enough and the supervisors put it on the ballot and it essentially says transit first a tremendous vote of people every time you. Could to a neighborhood transit first is good for the city we have an interest the neighborhood you guys dont need that you have to move transit and now hey here we are were up to 4 it will break our record for killing people this is a boarding island harlan kelly this will be good for transi

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