Transcripts For SFGTV Police Commission 10715 20151011 : vim

SFGTV Police Commission 10715 October 11, 2015

Allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. President loftus, i would like to call roll. President loftus, commissioner turman, commissioner mazzucco is excused. Commissioner hwang, commissioner mall era, we have gregory suhr thank you and welcome to october 7, 2015, Police Commission meeting. We have been dark for a few weeks. Item one. Adoption of the minutes action july 22nd, august 5th, august 19th, september 2nd, september 9th, september 16th. Colleagues you have these in your packet. I move for adoption. Second. All in favor say, aye. Aye. Any opposed . Motion passes unanimously. Next item. Item two consent calendar. Police Commission Report of disciplinary actions Third Quarter 2015. On the consent calendar. Im going to focus on the Police Commission report for the Third Quarter. Any questions on this report . Do i have a motion . I move to accept the report. Second . Second. All in favor say, aye. Aye. Any opposed . Item 3, Public Comment the public is now welcome to address the Commission Regarding items that do not appear on tonights agenda but that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission. Speakers shall address their remarks to the commission as a whole and not to individual commissioners or department or occ personnel. Under Police Commission rules of order during Public Comment, Neither Police or occ nor commissioners are required to respond to questions. Public speaker my name is herb ert weiner. The law is absolutely why cant pedestrians and other automobiles. Its crazy. Laws have to equally apply to everyone. Now, i have a riddle for the bicyclist. Suppose they yield and go to the red light. Some drivers, the light is green and he has the rightofway and he kills him. A lawsuit maybe filed but it doesnt make sense if you are dead. You cant collect posthumously. The other thing, this is crazy. If i am a pedestrian and a car hits me, that is equally wrong. It has to apply to everyone and actually the bicyclist are actually putting themselves at risk for this idaho law. I dont know where it came from. I wish it would go back under a rock. I would hope the police are caught in a dilemma because they are caught between political forces. This is clearly a wrong headed idea and i wish to file my protest. Thank you. Thank you, sir. That matter is before the board of supervisors currently. Thank you. Good evening, next speaker. Public speaker you are unbelieve avenlt board of supervisors want to we cant do it without help from the public. Somebody knows something. Im with you, but lets go to another topic. I get jetlag. I flew back from boston today. I was at the Police Commission in boston. Commission evans. They call him a commissioner. They dont call him a police chief. Congratulations. I heard you got married. I hear everything out here. We have a lot of things going on in San Francisco. Our homicide, where are we now . 41 . About that. I could be wrong. Boston 64. New york 144, philadelphia 311, but the good things, a lot of good things are going on. Teresa, im not really a bad guy. Yes, teresa, im not really that way. You have to address your comments to the whole group. Huh . Address it to all of us. Not anyone individual. Go ahead. Ms. Brown. Its on you. Next speaker . Public speaker hi. My name is paula brown. I would live to use the overhead. Im here again concerning my son. Who was murdered august 14, 2006 , to a semi automatic gun. I would like to use the overhead. Did you start my time over . Can you start me over . My time . Again, my name is paula brown. Im here concerning my son who was murdered august 14, 2006 , to a semi automatic gun. 30 rounds of bullets left inside my son. Until this day there is no closure. I am seeking justice and seeking we implement a place for these flyers like these can be in a permanent place. I have to go out in front of city hall to scream and holler concerning my son. It doesnt feel good doing that. I again had to corner another mayor, ed lee to talk to me and he slammed the door in my face. Thats really hurt my feelings. Under the circumstances its been 9 years. I have never done anything to him. It says here, Paul Hennessy says that hes arranged meetings through him to meet with ed lee. Paul hen sonhas never arranged a meeting. The reason why i came to mayor ed lee is because i happened to be in front of the building. Mr. Hennessy wasnt very good at saying why are you here . Who invited you . I dont like being lied on. Thats another thing. Im a mother who is grieving for her son and i wouldnt lie on nobody. I dont want anybody lying on me. Its not that i hate mr. Whatever his name is. I dont think he should have said that in the newspapers when it was a lie. I never did that. I never said that. Now, what i will say is gave in news som said he knows who killed my son. The d. A. Knows who killed my son. What are we going to do about that. I also fight with other mothers and father. This is what im left with. Hes in a casket. We need new venues. Not the pictures. Put it at the bus stop so they can see who they murdered. Maybe the crimes will stop then. Thank you, ms. Brown. Is there any information regarding there is a tip line. Thank you, ms. Brown. Next speaker . Public speaker yes. How do you do this . My name is chandler, the mother of yalani regarding a homicide. I would like to acknowledge and thank the board of supervisors for bringing the initiative concerning the reward. Im truly thankful for london breed acknowledging that. The mother, the hebrew nation is out there protesting and there was not a program established concerning the rewards. Because she sees us constantly out there. There were two hebrew boys murdered january 9th. This is the result. We are not out there to form a fashion, but we would definitely like to see the results concerning these African American children. The next item i want to bring to the table. I spoke with chief suhr, i received a ticket a few weeks ago saying that i did not stop at a stop sign which wasnt true. The Police Officer did falsify the document by inventing a street that me and my daughter, 24 was no where around. Im asking you to look at the ticket and investigate the Police Officer and find out why did he falsify this information and im looking forward to Going Forward and making sure that this particular homicide is definitely solved so we can go forth and continue to fight for these African American children and thanking the hebrew nation to understand and Paulette Brown being here. No other organization has come to fight for this initiative for the reward. No organization, none of the religious institutions. Its basically been the hebrew mothers and Paulette Brown. I also want to speak in regards to the request to speak with the mayor or meet the mayor. We have sent in emails and made phone calls and knocked on doors and have not been able to meet with the mayor of San Francisco. We choose to meet with the mayor himself as they have acknowledged Katie Steinle who was murdered at the whaufr. Its sad not to acknowledge all of these homicide. Thank you very much. There is an officer looking into the matters of complaint. Hes there to help you. Is there any additional Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Sergeant, please call the next line item. It does sound like we are having some technical difficulties. Item 4 a. Reports and announcements. Chiefs reports. Discussion. Review of recent activities. Presentation of the Third Quarter 2015 fdrb findings and recommendations and ois investigative summary. Real quick on the comments made by the speakers of the homicide of ab real. There is an award for 250,000 and we are working with supervisor breed and the Mayors Office to update and or increase the local ordinance which allows rewards up to 100,000. I know inspector sanders who has the quadruple case. We are actively working on that. With regards to recent events. We had the castro street fair saturday, a very large crowd, no incidents reported. We did have one robbery and we did discover a homicide victim over the weekend however at the very other end at golden gate park. We dont believe it is related at all and we are working on this case actively and we do believe we have some leads and im not at a little a liberty to discuss that. Monday night our officers responded to a car that pinned him and through him in the air over a car and he was taken to general hospital, a 406 which is the most alarming call any officer can care. The officer is down. Fortunately the officer, i say only but bad enough suffered broken ribs and no head trauma at all. He should recover. Did you say there was a suspect in the case . Yes, there is three suspects in custody. Two of the suspects we would not have gotten were it not for the public as everybody fled the scene and they assisted us. Thank you for that. We cant do it by ourselves. Do you know if that case is charged . I do not. We will follow up on that. This is a business week in San Francisco and president barack obama has made it that much interesting. Its fleet week. Weve been working all week on preparation. We were out on one of the ships earlier this week during preparedness training. The leadership seminar kicked off. The president arrives later on this week and will stay for about 48 hours. We will work with the secret service to provide all the protection for the president. Friday night, is the Bruce Mahoney High School Football game. Very well attended at the stadium on saturday. We have the 1010 parade. Also saturday morning is the graduation of our Academy Cadet class. The young folks in college that maybe have an interest in Law Enforcement we have a couple of csi kids from ll hutch study that they did during the summer, they are in that class. Its just a great group of kids, we are now over 50 akkad cadets that have helped us out. The 1010 parade on saturday and of course the italian heritage parade sunday. Blue angels, the Technical Navy flyers practice friday and shows are saturday and sunday. For traffic purposes if you dont need to go downtown and you can find a place to see it, thats a good idea or take public transportation. Also today was walk and roll to workday. And school. It was walk and roll to school day. I was escorted by an adorable little sixyearold, sydney. I can tell you all about sydney, she talked to me the whole way. She told me not to cross and if i walked a couple blocks, i could find swens ons ice cream. It was a great morning. Really cool. On a business note. The rfp proposal for our body cameras has posted. There is a prebid Conference Wednesday october 14th at 10 00 a. M. At the Controllers Office at 1155 Market Street at the large Conference Room where we will brief any Companies Interested in bidding on the contracts. As we have discussed as you all take the policy piece down that track, the practical piece, the hardware piece, the software piece is moving down a parallel track and hopefully they will intercept it so we can engage in a pilot as we have hoped by january. And then finally the city actually im going to give some props to one of my fellow Department Heads our terrific Human Resources director callaghan who accepted the National Association for Human Resources and for conviction review program. The city was the sole recitizenship i recipient award for the Human Resources program that go beyond good government. The reason i bring this up is i dont think anybody knew this happened. Since this was on tv, i think its important. Some people dont think these Second Chance things work. The history review program, the police have an unconscious bias and individuals with conviction histories are not denied opportunities to work for San Francisco. All applicants who are finalist for employment in San Francisco are fingerprinted and those are sent to the department of justice and review any resulting reports for conflict for the specific job the candidate is seeking. The dhr has received conviction histories of nearly 14,000 final candidates for employment in San Francisco. About 1400 had conviction histories and after rigorous reviews a vast majority were cleared from their performance and only 27 of 14,000 finalist were ultimately disqualified from employment in specific jobs they applied for which represents. 002 of the total candidates fingerprinted. Really cool and nice to be able to accept that. Kudos for a city for a Second Chance program that works. Wow. Thats great. Thanks for sharing that. That concludes my report. Any questions for the chief . Commissioner hwang . About the body cameras. It includes the cameras in storage cost . Yes. If we were to change the policy from 1 year retention to 2year retention. I wonder if it would affect the bidding process at all . The more data we have to store, the longer we have to store, the changes to the cost dramatically. If one company that say the cameras are cheaper but the other ones, the cheaper storage would our policies still with considerations want one or two 2 years for the bidding process in terms of their policy . If another company had a better storage plan or what have you and then of course the minimum requirement is it has to be stored a year and then obviously any data thats attached to a case number whether it be civil or criminal or administrative at the occ, that would be stored far longer than even 2 years. So that the questions really how long do we store the data that is not at issue in anyway shape or form would you keep that for the one 1 year that is the main staton filing for civil cases and administrative cases and the like and or would you keep it for two and or would you maybe keep it for one and keep the difference obviously indefinitely because they would have to be kept until all appeals were exhausted. Thank you. Commissioner dejesus . Is this going out to bid as rfps . Yes. Thank you. That is what this is. Its a referral for proposal for anybody to come and meet whatever the specs are. For all of our twitter followers. We will be tweeting a link and maybe the chief has more information. I have to ask at our next meeting on body cameras for the department to break down the difference on the 1 year retention time for storage versus 2 years because what commissioner hwang is alluding to there are areas and one of those pieces is probably variable if you think about if you had to keep an extra year of storage. That should be something that does not directly affects the policy but we want to be aware of it. I think its going to be presented at our next meeting. It will be in the proposal, but it literally compounds. So whatever you have for the first year for two, then the next year is four and on and on and on. The cost of data storage over time pyramids pretty quickly. That date october 21st. Not our meeting, the meeting about the cameras . Its the 16th. The meeting with the rfps with the cameras. No that meeting is wednesday the 14. Okay. I had a question for the chief. Homicide to date . 39. Where were we this time last year . I believe we were about in the ballpark of 35. I dont remember exactly, im sorry. Okay. Got it. Any other questions for the chief . I have to remind you last year was a record low year. Any questions for the chief . Okay. Sergeant please call the next line item. We need to for a presentation fdr findings and recommendation. Good evening and welcome sergeant. Thank you. President loftus, commissioners, my name is Sergeant John from the Police Department internal division and i coordinate the officer involved shootings team and investigations team. I will talk about the firearm discharge review board and where we are with the officer involved shooting investigations. Our last firearm discharge review board had convened july 1, 2015. That was the second quarter. It reconvened tuesday september 22nd and there were 4 cases the board reviewed which are oid, 315 and oid 415 and ohis 13005 and ois deputy chief alley and deputy chief redmond and tom were there and the acting deputy chief was from the airport bureau. The advisement commissioners were present. Director hicks and acting captain brekoni from Risk Management. I will give you an overview of the cases we looked at. Oid occurred on the 1400block of oakdale. This case approximately 1818 hours, uniformed officers from bayview responded to a residence on the 14block of oakdale responding to a 911 call. Voices were heard. The officers responded to investigate. They made their way to a resident and a pitbull emerged and ended up biting the officer on the hand and buttocks. The officer fired shots at the dog and the dog expired. Oid 00315 kuld july 27, 2015. Fulton street between larkin and hyde. About 1844 hours the police were patrolling the area and observed what could be a narcotics transaction and began to approach the subjects involved. As they approached the

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