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Surrounded this particular project thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello my name is teresa and im a Community Working in south of market for of years now im fairly young on this 29 years old and i know there are people before me that served in the community and building in the community and he cant speak for the experience of those changes might have been meant to them i mean, im an immigrant from the philippines and became a citizen my family is one of the filipino families gtsdz to the United States in generations because of colonial history every one of he knows the History International hotel i hope you know an old manila town adjacent to chinatown parishes completely o blalt as of expansion of the financial district no doubt this will happen again in my lifetime one for International Structural that chinatown will be long gone every one of he knows the history of fillmore of baby boomer the range of black populations in San Francisco and every single one of you know the digestion gentrification of mission and the latino population i hope youre aware the yerba buena redevelopment the histories of rincon hill and the xugs conclusion of others filipino i was not personally around during those times but an historic issue of every urban development and a history of this displacement in our city but those histories if you look at them are not historic issues not at all the changing landscape of a is there any Public Commentic opposition masking under the banner of economic process yet this city is too much to live in the workingclass can work here we know the city are majority of workingclass and immigrants and Senior Citizens and disability and veterans and homeless trying to find existence in the city i myself is fight for my future for the last year the community has been drifted and hurts were fighting for our existence supervisors blood cell about give you us an inspiration this city is ruled by due process and this is completely unfair please practice youre showcasing preach of justice and hope that is youre showcasing policy interests for the moral encourage of what is political and what is not 86 thank you. Next speaker, please. clapping. good afternoon, supervisors. And all of you im victor i live in San Francisco for 10 years but i have been in michigan for 25 years i moved here because of the transportation and my age youre not asking 88 years old this building if they continue to build this i cant say afford to live here and to rents that because i live in the area 7 mission there is is where is for the homeless im on collecting money for any husband he works ssi seven hundred how can i afford to live with that kind of building they have start to build with that income i cant say eat thats one thing i dont like that kind of building to big wilt in this place i i dont want to move from the place im only there Office Building collecting money for me for the rents and he everything volunteering percent income this building i assure they built this i cant say get that kind of rent im renting now im Senior Citizen my husband worked for the money im collecting and i enjoyed to live in San Francisco im american citizen now a long time ago probably 20 years thats all i can say for those people that want to build that kind of building thank you thank you, thank you very much. clapping. thank you. Next speaker, please. Madam president before the next speaker ill remind did mechanics of the audiences you can use our finger rather than a hand of support. Good afternoon maam, and supervisors im a residence of San Francisco i live here for 20 years im asking for a interpreter to speak very well, so i can say what im saying. Okay. speaking foreign language. i was a fulltime volunter in the church and also i work in an industry. speaking foreign language. im always in the selma because here a lot of events and place i can go to a fulltime volunteer at the church in the ministry and doing a number of things in patches. The project and volunteer at the project helping the homeless and those are people that are looking for honest and respectful housing im sad for them it is hard for them to find good homes and instead of staying in shelters and being line sardines they prefer to sleep on the street. speaking foreign language. so im sad for seniors that cant afford rents like me i only accept Social Security and preparation if Affordable Housing is built it should be the primary. Affordable housing. Yeah. Oh, because we cant wait i cant wait 10 years to live in Affordable Housing if its nonot built. speaking foreign language. so i hope we can study it a prioritize for search and seizure 5 m only for the rich what about people like me the 5m provides nothing our Community Need in fact, the only thing that guaranteed is the situation means more residents cant live there so i ask youre showcasing please have the senior people theyre in the help of god i know youre here everything he ask thank you very much maam. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. Im rose eager a residence of selma now i was displaced from the sunset district and i now live in selma ground floors is very did the for me to adjust but anyway, i want to do i want to share a legislator eric to a song that sank over anothers faster sometimes, i think well never make it through those times everywhere we go we get feed the same old lines never seem studio leave us with what we thought we began break it out and rock it up politicians promise us theyll solve our needs but the same old corporate greed they north get their money and have a job and double talk the public paw are break it on out and speak out tonight everyone is telling you to do this and that and to be is coming up with the same old facts we or so confused we wouldnt even notice we or so far from the truth. It is up to us to stand up and find a way for all the future days because we if outoftowner around and become like them, no hope for etch and everyone one break did on ousted speak out together this is our selma and San Francisco it is be where are were going to shadow yourselves in the wind and cold with no money were a spirit we are artists we are San Francisco. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello, im leslie with the Human Rights Committee and hopefully, people will continue to speak out San Francisco is top ranging in income and equality evictions and unavenue, i urge you to see that is worsening the country cosponsoring to our nexus study every time city allows one new high ends units needs to build 43 units not 73,000 to afford that that study was in 2007 we can estimate it is worse so lets say 60 percent actual Affordable Housing tim and others did an Investigative Journalism that said no condos are not owned by the residents but 2 and 3 homes for the rich we dont need those we need homes for people that are here im is not affordable were asking i to prioritize the housing for current residents and evictions are up around marketrate developments and residents get displaced you cant keep up with the services kicked out of the city think about how yourself youll keep the Services South of market if place are you going to fund them or subsidize them theyre out of youre showcasing subsidize now homelessness is driven by the evicts we can estimate homelessness will get worse with this project additional criminalization it follows the classes gets worse so im asking you to prioritize our vulnerable residents thanks. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Im old and get older as the hours past here waiting ive lived in the mission for 40 years a tenants a lot of parallels between mission and selma racially diverse neighborhoods and working class neighbors and increases of great wealth and extreme poverty seeing offhand pa what is happening in the Mission Block by block and family by family losing thousands of latinos and africanamericans and longtime residents and low income residents i dont want to it happen to selma thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. My name is patricia im been listening to all this testimony that is going on i dont want to repeat everyone but some things that really stick out to me one it is like what is happened in the missions i live in the missions ive been living in the missions for thirty years i was ellis acted pr i figure out it and won but im not in the majority i watched my neighbors, watched the whole neighborhood change and people that have lived there for generations are pushed out it is exactly what is happening in selma i think this government should be appalled apt the way they treat the minority in our city there are okay to live in the areas while not considered valuable once their valuable then lets get rid of those people he want rich people in here thats obscene and faster the Environmental Impact report i think that it a shell game this one here this one here and pull it out and see whats under it, it is being rushed this whole thing is rushed they wanted to start this construction before they actually do the foundation of what has to be done as far as the people in the neighborhood it is a neighborhoods of families it is a neighborhood of workingclass people of neighborhood of seniors and youre going to displace them and there is no place to go then youll make it illegal to be on the streets where else to go the people with the tents are the luck ones the other ones have cardboard boxes look at our conscience and do the right thing thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Madam president supervisors my name is office of the city administrator to duffey i live nearby the project im half german and irish in my german side wants to my irish side now german side recognizes were in a changing world and situation and what was acceptable and really good deal would have been 20 or thirty years ago we are seeing what we need to get out of projects or reject them altogether but has to be higher than in the past that is what i come out with the people maybe get a little bit better deal i ive got to tell you there should be enernex between communities and one communities gets one thing connected to go another thing and i can see that or for this project that is something that is missing i represent you know the demographic that makes half of youre showcasing income thats the high ends of the demographic and a whole lot people in the singleroom occupancy sro no kitchen or bathroom and it is messed up and not working no kitchen or you know minimum Kitchen Facilities there is a huge low Income Project across the street and not one person in the hosts is going to be have assess unless a family how many people in homeless have families not one person having assess the tdm is putting up i want the gentleman to explain that is not the case People Living in sros that will subnormal and less good health and lower Life Expectancy 10 and 20 years no fuel units where is tdm for us where do we fit in im sorry. Im getting heated im having 3 minutes ill only used to having 2 laura. How about a nexus that helps the neighborhood that it would think way to improve the projects. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. And just to the members of the public youre not general Obligation Bond to use the 3 minutes laughter . Govern supervisors regarding the eir in our camps have given the detailed descriptions of the placed you need to address those instead of saying tell it differently youve got it in writing please address it this project has eir flaws in many ways one of them is it there not developer paid Affordable Housing that goods against the housing policy for many years that the housing should be built at the same time as imagine and, of course, putting luxury housing in office a huge Office Building in a residential neighborhood is the kind of a first they have been enormous changes to the project since the last time that people got a chance to look at it 1 or 2 weeks is not sufficient for us to do that an earlier speaker pointed out that like some of the projects weve known like the open space in Golden Gate Park and the picture said one thing the words said another to the pictures show this wonderful grass but the context is different and noontime sun is not enough the buildings dont step down an alternative plan presented and that alternative plan that was matched the central selma plan heights was in locations of buildings was not considered it should have been equally analyzed i appreciate that many, many, many things were conceded to by the developer at the beheaviest of supervisor kim and others and it is good work but we can do a little bit better here well widen the evictions of our neighbors and firstborns and the loss of this workingclass were going to be here some of us may not be here what that happens so, please this eir is that flawed we need to have a retake thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi, im tony the board president of the manila foundation i agree with the last speaker drawing board looking at the draft eir and consider the ramifications to the neighborhood this will have our history here in San Francisco is one of the evicts and displacement as was the case in the middletown neighborhood on kerry street percent deemed too valuable for filipino communities to living on and that showed the volume of the real estate speculators in the Real Estate Industry it is strong and continuing to do the same thing to this day i find is high disrespect to talk and entertain the idea of luxury condo in selma in light of so many Luxurious Development in the city particularly in the mission weve seen the flight of so many latinos families in any concern really is for the filipino neighborhood in selma the workingclass neighborhood but particularly the Filipino Community weve had so many elderly and families and housing has to do with connects the dots with transportation it is a valuable community it is a Wonderful Community a community with heart and a community with culture and it is a community that you can when you walk in selma you feel welcome and feel the beirut beauty think environment dont respect the beauty of existing neighborhood and didnt appreciate the doout beauty of exist culture in the neighborhood like forest city in brooklyn to that neighborhood to that city to those neighborhoods the socalled Affordable Housing is not affordable for phobias that are here a lot of folks that came here and speak eloquently about being forthcoming of their financial situation and their family situation many are many have just getting by enough in the community that supports values and loves them and people from organizations that serve the Filipino Community and the greater communities that see a value in having us here i trouble building this development will hurt us in the long run and hurt us and cause evicts you cant tell me that developing condo and highend luxury housing will not have an effect on the exist community with the rising lands prices and that is going to give thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Yeah good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, neechlz a ricco and my family live here in selma since 1973 i work as a apartment case manager for teenagers and young adults 14 to 24 years old im also a caregiver for our central selma central selma a selma it my home since 1973 we are working class families here in selma as far as i, remember i look at the children look at the children in front of you you know, i was there age when i came here to the United States here in selma from the filipinos open f philippines it is sad they have to experience the ash absurdity of growing up in selma because of what is going on today in the beginning i was in support of this project because of large money that they promised to give to the city but then i realized the money will not save our community you know, i realize this project is good are for the city of San Francisco, good for the line up on the screen side of the room, good for the developer, but you know what it is not good for the residents of workingclass families i ask the board to delay this project until they can guarantee that the workingclass families will not be displaced in selma thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please the kids from west bay will be talking on the other hand, and ill interpret for them. speaking foreign language. thank you said i will translate said hes 10yearold his mom again housekeeping and his mom a single mom wants to help the filipinos south of market to they would not be displaced up next it mick. My name is mick can im 8 years old i want my physically family to stay in the south of market. I wouldnt want more filipinos kicked out we did a we helped them. speaking foreign language. i will translate that was robert hes a father of one of the youth michael he says hes a filipino since 1989 they were almost evicted because of that experience he thought he needs to help defend did filipinos in San Francisco he says this project is not did not help filipinos and base it filipinos will not afford that socalled Affordable Housing that it proposes he says that project is a slap in the face of workingclass families that live in the selma he and his family are opposed to the project and thank you very much speaking foreign language. im via i cant into west bay it services the under south side of families and seniors supervisors im proud of the Filipino Youth theyve help to dissolved defends one of their homes and friends and family thats why we are here to speak for the filipino for being discounted and set aside the filipino communities of central selma will not benefit for the following reasons the scaled Affordable Housing is out of reach for the low and extremely low income people we all service the filipino heritage district we hope for xutsdz an anti displacement element this project targeted for the weight will hasten the displacement of low extremely low income filipino families previous plans for the zone are set aside and those plans were meant to protect the filipinos in the central selma supervisors the vision of this project will eventually result in a filipino heritage district that is not including filipinos that i will ends by thanking supervisor campos i dont know you but ive read with deep admiration youre planning with the communities among them many filipinos in our district you consulted and surveyed their needs and developed housing with them for them this is process sir, is to admirable and respectful of the people i believe that is the blueprint for the rest of San Francisco if we were to adopt that process there would likely be no need to be here today. speaking foreign language. . speaking foreign language. supervisor kim. I have a question for vivian. Ive heard the statement that the housing built ear not for filipinos when we were negotiating the ami similar to actually what several of you were at the table negotiating the giebts for one to two hundred and 50 percent ami the salaries for newer practitioners and open technologists and secondary middle School Teachers and career technical teachers and special education teachers i guess my question if i feel like those are ami levels not available to filipinos are there noted filipinos teachers and nurses and if so ill ask the first question. Oh, supervisor so i can only speak for the people i represent the people at table are low income people. You said initially in our first attempt is this is not 0 housing builds for filipinos i have to ask the question were specific when he looked at the ami that fit within one and one hundred 50 percent im were saying theyre getting displaced primarily nurses and teachers they fit if the ami of one to one 50 percent you stayed this will not house filipinos i guess my question not filipinos. Teachers and nurses yeah. Supervisors i dont represented o them only extremely low income filipino families theyre the workers and incomes are lower of that of a nurse and teacher but the rest of the technical question im going to turn it over to jam i didnt and im sorry supervisor kim but according to youre showcasing board rules 4. 19 not engage in a public discussion during a public discussion testimony. Im clarifying it is done in the past. This is in the general Public Comment this is a public hearing during i cannot right now a discussion to engage in date between you know a back and forth between a member of the public and any clarifying kinds of questions. I know in the parts weve allowed that but its fine this this situation. Its okay. Maam, supervisor. Supervisor kim but should we step aside now. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Id like a translator plea please. speaking foreign language. im rudolph better a western edition in the tenderloin and part of tenderloin and work in the financial district when i first came to inform with my father i came to the selma and other filipinos told you advised us this was a place you can afford to live and quickly find a job. speaking foreign language. over time i noticed less and less filipinos in the central selma from hotel and Security Guard and others that worked in the financial district and in the selma and tenderloin and mission are getting pushed out because of increased residence many were forced to move to east bay because of expensive commute. speaking foreign language. even my neighborhoods e neighbors have changed a lot of or almost no names live in the building where hines live most work with the Tech Industry able to pay the double and triple rents the landlords are asking for. speaking foreign language. is Affordable Housing youre creating for any neighbors those new neighbors because with if we look at the rental prototyped by 5 m i dont know any teacher or everyday workers that can afford this are we talking about is this because you dont want to see the faces of the people that provide you those services. speaking foreign language. what youre doing is not right. Rushed the 5 m and choose to speak to some people and not include some 5 m will put up a huge building in the middle of selma do you think that none will be displaced more line up on the screen side of the room will be greed i didnt it is this only for the rich speaking foreign language. so you should listen to those who live here and the organizations that help over residents we are asking for a continuance it seemed like youve made our decision because some supervisors are biased youve made a deal with 5 m and the pair to get rid of the 5 m in th in the selma. speaking foreign language. were already lost manila town it was taken offer yerba buena and pushing us to the tenderloin because what youre showcasing showing you it it isnt for us. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi, im from Hunters Point i wish mr. Collin was here listen to this this start in Hunters Point and trickleed through the city im a mother and grandmother and great grandmother this ticket you put on youre showcasing heads to make us stress and cry out im barrel sleeping i cant find a home you know even though im in a home my owner want to put out not just me because the rent went all the way up and the rent increase and now my owner want me to move out i have a Family Member that was living in a car shes 10 years old 10 frigging years old and it is so face the owner said they cant stay there i have to push her out ive been going on around could go everyone but this little redd red ticket ive never heard of that in my life the bmr you know the rich get richer this is the ticket what else it is saying bring all the riches from all over the world and let them live here i mean, im not mange but this ticket you put down on our heads and the people are trying to find a home is bad and not only that but you know, i feel like passing out im so stressed out i want to live good you know that bmr is full of shut because guess what the Mayors Office of housing they end up using our people that work why the housing they moved into the program they told me they couldnt find anyone i was insulted with a red ticket the sticky ticket yeah, that ticket i won it you snatched it from me then he wanted to north america ma look at any hummer i no longer have and i was dressed nice and got to the elevator and she looked me up and down and said you dont have a chance to look at the unit ive been abused and i know a lot of people from alternate i would within the blacks to the put our money where our mouth is religions to the mexicans everyone is undergo so much behind with you guys are doing maam, i mean it will continue but a 10yearold girl getting kicked out i cant find a home thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello, im jason ive actually been following trying to follow the 5 m project since intersection moved if the chronicle building im an artist and been part of it ive been this last year but actually able to find real physician about the 5m it is on this until september i was actually to see a design explain that is when it hit me the 45 Story Building theyre actually building a 39 Office Building tare building within existing zone for the friendly zone families and children that to me was like three or four years ago im active in the Arts Community and it baffles me on this paved september i got to see a real plan and with an that process part of the reason i followed it so much there are a lot of art deals done by 5 m through the intersection in the arts communities and pitted artists against each other for the voices from the communities that are doing art from 5 m money that didnt make it out through the press this is about individual artists kind of having to duck it auto themselves one young woman they hired she was a latino screen printer and made her an assistant teacher that is one small example of shadyness i cant trust anything coming out, i live observe 20th and Hampton Sherry said to quickly talk about the ways in which i saw 20th evolved into a high contend order from a empty lots on the corner of 20th and bryant when i moved into the neighborhood neighborhood that is the youngest balcony or bill in their from mission to potrero i dont see my neighbors a group home for those in Substance Abuse my place was a safe spot i dont see people on my stoop regretting the eir to put the exit Community First and put the Developers Second again, im going to repeat that rejecting the eir is a tool you have to put the exist selma communities first and put the Developers Second. clapping. thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi, thank you to the board of supervisors for the time id like to thank the 5m historical and the bank of America Plaza and the terms of america pyramid 5 m is so much bigger on paper but to the wanting the building broke ground and at the same time the i Hotel Eviction was taking place lets remember that the owners of the i hotel had the promise for housing it took over but that was promised not by the owners my question to you is do we want to have a repeat of the evictions do you want to evict on 80yearold women are rounds of chemo and the thirtyyearold person working two jobs the filipino communities in San Francisco has a history as long as it is long and when we think the construction of reenforces the chain gangz and others mentioned so my appeal to you not take the population to the degree youre doing thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good evening. Im reading this statement on behalf of the manila town tony who couldnt you been here wanted to share the following i was born an american citizen this man i will in 1951 my fabricate was a survivor of the death march i came to San Francisco in 1942 to the hate ashbury where i grew up and lived 4 years in San Francisco in the richmond be sunset and noah valley and sunset and mission i grew up watching willie mays hitting home runs i love San Francisco it is my town i was wearing many hats and managed to spend 13 years as a handy man for selfhelp to the communities and the Richmond District center im most proud of working with legendary social worker of manila town ive watched to form poetry it is painful to look at the lost past to see the direction of city im hoping im not getting into rhetoric you probably already heard recently were expensed the tragedy in paris we notices the that would be great are and variety of reactions to this atrocity but the sympathy has less amount theyre not had overwhelmingly post red why people dont count. If were going to stand point for values we hold dear it must be equal for all and careful what we build and stand for that each of us must be responsibly i refuse to determine news people of different backward i urge the compassion for all and guide over actions or well fail think outside the box reconsider our own personal levels of what that means as well as the species signed nobody from San Francisco thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi, im michelle a Community Volunteer and also a very large part of working group im here i hate to see what is happening in the selma been a firstgeneration fire extinguisher that is the filipino heritage district an Important Institution to San Francisco here many people can learn about filipinos and their culture and others place around stockton San Francisco had been one of the council unnecessarily opportunities in chinatown with the chinese and the japanese and north beach for the italians is hard to watch it disappear but what captured me was the fact there is not enough Affordable Housing they say there 40 percent but really it means zero not only will low and my mind income people not been able to afford this how are you two bedroom is priced range between 2 thousand to 4 thousand dollartolysis a low income person it will take half if not most of their income and wont leave them much for water and food and other things with the increase land value of this project the rentcontrolled unit will go up not only in the selma but in the surround areas around it displacing more people and having to look further for more affordable income rentals so im asking the commission to reevaluate this and work with the communities to find a better solution to the Affordable Housing. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, supervisors my name is scarring listen im a district one residents but ive been working and volunteering in the south of market since 2009 build build make a developer want to build and make a politician build build bystander you will for who completes take a step back and review forest city trying to tell our people theyre building homes but our families what are re he relocation but the development not saying when they dont tell you about the housing of luxury theyre to build builds can anyone talk about the shortage of Affordable Housing oh, wait we know the answer is capitalism and 5 m b will justify the racism and the Communities Just so you can build build to the board of supervisors politicians come and go vote i or no when a explicit childs of history we need more analysis how this project will impact selma to the south of market we cant match the promises that forest city will give you we cant give white hats and dish anti 75 million for youre showcasing organizations and cant give priority in the housing theyll build but i promise well be there when they leave and if youre landlord so you one way or the other wont have to leave well be here of they want to build board of supervisors are you right or die for other people or going to let. Build build or tell the developers or are you going to thank you. Next speaker, please. Tell the developer daugd for the build build the writer died it is a matter of life or death manila we wont move the i hotels we with wont move we shall not we shall not be moved we shall not we shall not be moved just recycle selma building be we shall not be moved thank you. Next speaker, please. I want to mention the capture is s o m a not selma is it so very important were talking about s o m a and you know my thoughts on this you know, i on the city i think we need a bigger baitandswitch by forest city i know just really go for it get a bigger baitandswitch bigger pay off we need to go for that and you know get sf bart in here to get rid of the zone in the whole city this was we needs sf bart we need no zoning and no neighborhood plans just around that sf bart why not they have such a good plan and forest city should really open their hearts and displace people you you know so say this is this housing will not materialize it is a baitandswitch so they have open their hearts and pour and seniors and the displaced people and sleep on the love open space theyre going to build thats my suggestion, of course, im face oozed im against the plan im working in a nonprofit supports difficulties with disability and make 28,000 a year this is not it possible you know maximum is 16th street and mission is like if you work in a nonprofit and youre an artist you can afford our housing that the baitandswitch they said if youre an art and work in the nonprofit you can afford 60,000 a year i cant afford it needs to be drawing board thank you thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, supervisors im jena a social worker for the past 13 years in the slment the tenderloin and the excelsior area im i feel that Affordable Housing need to be on youre showcasing priority 100 percent Affordable Housing we dont need 4 hundred and 60 o 70 foot condo that displaces my community ive been working in the selma for 14 years i have seen familiarize becoming homeless where do they go i dont know and i think that is time to address the disparities that luxury condos bring into neighborhood and need to fight for the people that built the city and have been here for a long time the board cannot improve the project because of the displacement project im concerned that adapts elderly and the workingclass community

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