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Under my powers as chair, i am appointing as an advisory group, i guess, advice to the board, myself and director reiskin to be part of the negotiations with the city and county and mtc concerning additional financing. And thats it. Thats my new and old. Anyone else . Okay. Next item, please. Item five is the executive directors board. Good morning everyone. We start off with our jobs map. So every so often, i update this jobs map and it shows the number of states that are working as a result of the transbay project. And at the july board meeting, i let the board and members of the public know that at that time, we had people, men and women working across 25 different states in the United States and 11, 500 jobs had been created just in the construction alone. Now we have over 27 stpaeuts and over 12,000 people working because of our project. So i always like to hand these out to our project and, of course, any members of the public who would like one, we will certainly give you one and theyre posted on our sites as well. So thats the first item i wanted to report on. Speaking of jobs, i think everyone knows that my passion in addition to Small Businesses, women, youth, and minorities are our veterans. In support of our veterans and disabled veterans, we work very closely with our contractors to make sure we do a lot of helmets to hard hats to do a lot of work for veterans in the trade. I attend today shores to plow chairs this week and it was a wonderful event. One of our team members received the award for excellence in their pro pwo no work in representing veterans. Theyre doing a lot of good work representing veterans out there and it was really heart inning hearing what theyre doing to help them out and make sure they get the benefits they deserve. Im also pleased to announce in honor of the veterans we have working with us to our faces of transbay, we are adding veterans. Theyre on there now talking about what theyre doing with our project and where they come from. Were profiling two new members, matthew tpefrpb who is a super intent and one of our inspection services, part of our outreach. We hired them and they both served in the navy. The new video can be found on all our outlets, twitter, facebook, instagram, as well as our website. I encourage everyone to look for that. Now to give our construction update is steve. Good morning directors, steve rule with construction oversight. Another good month of progress. Let me get it up on the board here. There it is. You can see in this overview shot that the steel has definitively crossed free most street and what we used to call zone four scheduling is doing well. One of the milestone is the completion of steel, erection and welding. Thats milestone number two. We were looking at that being in the latter part of next year and its moving forward. The erection will be complete in january and the welding in the april time frame. Thats some gain there. Looking at the other next critical milestone is the above Grade Concrete and were projecting that to be completed in october of next year. And well start watching that milestone very closely. Just the overview map of the project and you can see on the lefthand side of the screen the connection in the western zone, the steel is now connected lieu through in several locations and the plan is still there to demobilize that crane around thanksgiving. Thats the western end crane. You can see the impromptu made in the eastern zone. The easter zone is continuing throughout the project. On the continuous traging, there were some small cheng orders and releases for second releases for ceilings does Exterior Wall Systems this month. Those were uses of the construction continually. We did have an up take going to the statistics here. There were three recordable injuries, incidents recorded, a finger twisted, lacerations and a nail. Not significant but still dealt with. Were up over 1. 8 million craft hours excluding the demolition work on the project through october. As i said in the western zone, the steel is moving alone. The trust was completed in early october in between the two pieces and now the crane is operating from the spur that came off the trestle heading towards howard street. Concrete placement continues. Well talk in a moment about the bus route down in that area. In the central gone zoning, the m et packages are russelling in. Concrete is continuing to be reported in all levels. The light colony was completed last month. All the welding completed and the test completed. Thats a done structure. Fork lift concrete walls are continuing all the way to bee street. Fabrication of the steel continues in this area. As i mentioned, the erection is scheduled to be completed in january. Through the project, the ground level decks were reported and were tracking those including the bus level and roof level decks. Progress has been made there in the central zone. Just some pictures here. Heres the western zone activity on the left there, you can see the upper left, you can see the eyebrow which is extensive on the south western corner because thats where the train bucks curve. Theres more form work there and theyre working on that now. In the lower right, you can see the steel connected all the way through on the western zone. Theres steel there. Thats the bus deck level and theres still the deck level to be done there and eyebrow Level Ministry in the other picture. In the central zone, the completed light column area. More work on the eyebrows and, of course, the light column bolts are ready for twerking and completion. Were almost complete with the fourth lift wall and thats the north south wall on the other side of beale street. Its now completed with Water Proofing and ready to be formed up for concrete. The bus ramp at bay bridge off ramp, we continue to work at harrison street on the retaining walls. The cable stay bridge is moving along. You can see the picture there and now you start seeing the saddles going in on the tower in support of the bridge. The brier ducks are started to be placed. Heres some of the work. The harrison street area with the viaduct preport and this area in the lower right was just placed earlier this month. So for the next 30 days, obviously completing the structural skill in the western zone and demobilizing the crane is expected to happen this month. Continuing the m e p rough in throughout the central zone. Starting to do concrete in the western zone decks. Continuing the rooftop park. All level placement of concrete. In the next 60 to 90 days, the big push is to finish that structural steel erection in the central zone. It does have some impacts to the neighborhood. Continue the welling throughout the eastern and western zones. So to talk about that just briefly. As you can see and its a little hard to tell, but the graphic is meant to show you the erection on the beale street in the last days of steel. It has to sit on the support columns between the trestle and the bridge will actually go into beale street. As a result, beale street needs to be closed to complete this work. Different lanes and at one point, full closures. Originally, this had been planned and it would have shifted to a night work and been completed in february, early february of this year. However, theres a little event that has popped up on the horizon called the super bowl and the city has decided to close for the super bowl, parts of Market Street which means theyre diverting all of muni traffic down south of market and as a result, they need to have beale street fully operational and we cant be on it during about a 30 day window or actually from the 9th of january through the end of february, both to set up and clean up. As we understand the activities that are necessary, the city would like to start removing the lines on market between the time period of skwra fpb 9th to the 23rd and then set up the city temp system where theyre going to set up on market. Have the super bowl activities during super bowl week and then remove all the tents, set up and replace the o c f line. So that takes up the time period from the 9th of january to the 28th. The problem is if we tell the contractor to just pull off and wait, that crane sits there and its very expensive to sit there on a daily basis. As very large crane. Its actually due to move to another project in march. It will be dismantled in march and move and we will lose the erection crew. So the team working together has come up with a plan starting this week where they will employ an extra shift and eventually, two extra shifts at night to complete the steel. And were still working closely with the city. This is where we need to catch a little bit of a break. Our schedule right now is to complete the work, the last erection and de phoebld the crane by the end of january. The city would like to have full access on beale street. That includes a couple of rain days and it does not currently include working sundays and it does not currently include working holiday weekdays. Of course, we have thanksgiving, christmas, and new years in there. Thats a little of contingence and flow in in there. We hope the city will agree with us and hopefully some of you can help with that, that the 16th is an acceptable date. Its asking us to go to a second and third shift. It is a burden on the neighborhood and were beginning those discussions but we feel the expense associated with this as well as the schedule acceleration, basically, because we will be completing the steel erection about a month earlier than originally planned, three weeks earlier than originally planned, currently before the interruption of the super bowl. Its well worth the inconvenience and this was presented at the c f c meeting and we understand they understood today necessity. Were trying to limit obviously, our night noise and night work. So once again, we wanted to bring that to your attention and would appreciate any assistance we can get with our dates on that are we going to be able to track all the costs increases this is going to incur . Weve been working closely with scan ska on the increase cost. We have a 5,000 dollars range as an acceleration and were working with webcor right now to see where that goes in the budget. Theres a lot of secondary things too. Right. Well, the plan weve come up with appears to minumizes the secondary issues. Shoe mick was recognizing having to diminish the work in that area as minimal. We believe the main impact is scan ska second and third shift. Theres a lot of details on the slide if you want to refer to it in the future about what lanes will be open and so on. We think we have it narrowed down to just the skanska work at this time and theyll follow with their same welding screw as soon as the steel is up and hopefully, well have an overall impact of shortening up the impact of steel through welding and everything. But there is this expense associated with it. I mean, lighting the ground fine for second and third shift. Lighting is super structure . No, and theyve taken into that and part of the cost is renting additional light towers and having that additional lighting capability. The second and third shift is to get organized for the extended and production first shift. They will receive shipments of steel, place them and arrange them so that the raising gang the phaeupbg productive shift is that day shift still. We have to open the streets for the rush hour traffic at least one lane. Does that affect the transbay terminal, the temporary terminal . No. We will take the o c f lines down. That, weve done before and folks have been able to run on diesel buses through that area. The meeting folks have been very cooperative in that regard. Now, the big push so to get all the o c f back up so the heavier load or use can go through beale street when the Market Street and o c f lines are down. Well, i dont want to rain on the parade. I hope it doesnt rain on the parade either, sir. I want to track these costs as though were a contractor and its a cheng order. Yes, sir. I want to do it thoroughly because weve taken a lot of grief here for our cross over runs and this is one i dont want to take on the chin for. Absolutely. Say hey, yea, these things happen. We have a very detailed estimate from skanska, were going to track again, said estimate. Were going to watch what happens. The key is i really have to compliment the entire team, the webcor staff, our staff, the skanska team for dealing with this. We could have delayed it and tkhraeupld it on the super bowl but no one wants to do that. We want to see wherever the pick up time is and this is to that end. Its very positive for the project but unfortunately, theres a price tag. Well work with the staff and the board on where that price tag falls. I understand. The rest is the regular labor breakdown. I think were doing very well in keeping in increasing the percentage of labor thats coming from our county areas. These are the apprentice breakdowns, same situation . 27 percent of the aapprentices are out of San Francisco so thats good. Up to the project, were a little over 3200 craft people that have touched this project since the beginning. Ill be happy to answer additional questio yes, sir . One with it being in regards to the steel and the critical point, i see were starting to left shift a little bit. I think it was june or july and now its april. It snuck out as far as we thought, july due to the completion due to manufacturing we had. Does this april account for the super bowl cheng that will get you done earlier than planned . We. So the welding will continue. The welding is going to lag behind 6 to 8 weeks approximately. So thats why im cautiously saying april and possibly march for the completion of welding. It depends on whether theyll sit up there and weld in the rain or if they need more strikes. If it does, we may need more days there. It should accelerate. If we can have more welders and the welders are working on the west end and when thats welded up, well move down and help start to pick up the east weld as planned. Okay. I guess what i would say to the chairs previous comments is first of all, i phraoerbt the flexibility that the staff and the team did in creating this solution. I think it is helpful and maybe to put a little bit of a positive spin on it, this is a Critical Path activity that was supposed to be done in december. So because of this external event thats coming in to the city, its created this opportunity to get that work done sooner. Still behind schedule but less behind than it would have otherwise been. Absolutely. So i think theres a little bit of a Silver Lining that i would try to capture here. So i think thats a good thing. And if that can mean the welding starts sooner and everything gets done sooner, thats good for the overall projects schedule. My other, just a general question. Now that it looks like on the west side, the steel work is pretty much done and i think we can see the end of the tunnel in terms of when the rest of it is going to get done, you now have a lot more of the trades coming in on to the project and i know what we were hearing during some of the high bids coming in was concerns about coordination and complexities. So now that were, i assume, kind of in the high of the coordination needs between all the m e p and all the other subs that are crawling around the structure, how is the coordination going . And are we the short answer is yea. The short answer is its going very well. The m e p trades were fully coordinated a few months ago. We are now introducing, obviously, the ceiling systems. They were a late contractor to join the team. So that might modify some of the previously coordinated m e p drawings depending on how the support system works. Thats why it was critical to continue to release portions of that ceiling package using the available funds. But in general, its going well. In fact, the team started to spray on fire proving this week which was previously being held off to get through as much of the steel as possible and get through as much of this prework and coordination. The cm b walls have begun down the lower levels. These are things you wont see on the surface for a while. A lot of that work is progressing. Theres a lot more trades on the job now. With the completion of the welding which is another month or so out on the western end, that will release a lot more real estate afor all these trades to work in. If we can get through the final engineering on the Exterior Wall Systems, the ceilings, theres going to be a lot of territory for the team to work in. Good. Good to hear. Thank you. Any other questions . Thank you. Now directors, some many months ago, earlier this year, in fact, i let the board know i was going to be bringing the Quality Assurance, Quality Control program to the board so that you can see the level of work thats being done to assure quality and assure that the project outcome is going to be one of first order when the Transit Center opens. As we know the Transit Center is going to serve 11 different transit providers, millions of passengers over a 100 year lifespan. The station has been designed for the next 100 years, a number of generations. And because of its broad scope and long lifespan, the project wants a high level of Quality Assurance and Quality Control. As i indicated, when it opens, its meant to be the station it was meant to be. Our program is not based only on federal standards but also industry standards and means and methods particularly tailored to the projects characteristics. Its a program thats truly project specific and designed to address the nature of the elements youve been hearing about, the large steel sections and of course; the exterior awning. Weve had all of our team members working on this, our architects, our engineers, our consultants, contractors, webcor, certainly on the Quality Control and turner on the Quality Assurance. And here to give you a presentation on our program which is really quite an Excellent Program is turner and webcor. Good morning, again, directors. Its a lot time since ive seen you. laughter the executive director is absolutely right. Its been a real team effort for the last well, since 2010 even starting with the demolition and following with the early earth work and wall that people barely remember now. The qa and q c programs that were established on this project to bring this to a high level of scrutiny and high level of quality throughout the project, again, it has been a real team effort involving all the parties from the design team to us as and the subcontractors. I want to just go through some overview. These are the people and the roles that we take on the project as construction managers. We really do function of the eyes and ears of the tg m a. Were an extension of their eyes and ears on the field. The construction managers, the cm gc, the webcor, theyve been out in the field and bidding all their packages and construction. The design team sets that quality standard. Whats the expectation . It has been set very high in many of the areas in this project. And then through this middle process, the review process of submittals and field reviews, they determine and help to determine whether that standard is being met. The quality tkrol itself, you often hear that q c qa or qa q c combined together, its really separated. The quality is the daily scrutiny by the general contractors, by the sub contractors of the on going process. Steve is going to talk about that process in a minute. The Quality Assurance is that oversight and thats what were doing. It includes literally that oversight as well as special inspections and the like. In our services, some of the things to highlight is on the left of this. Its for your reading pleasure in the future. Our exerts from our contract with the tg p a and what was expected of us. Under the key activities, id like to go through some of those. In order to meet those requirements of our contract, weve established a Quality Assurance plan that includes daily and code compliance inspection and according. We do the engineering over the correspondence and documents control, cheng over management. We have field observers and field supervisors supervisors on all shifts. We maintain this 24 hot line for our neighbors. And more lately, weve been working with some of the design assist of the project. We are are literally the eyes and ears. On our side, the cmo, this is how our budget has been spent. I think its important to note that nearly 50 percent of the cost to date is on the Quality Assurance side. Thats not a bunch of firms and sides. Thats our quality manager and rick. Thats 44 percent of our budget, just keeping those inspections up, both code kpwhraoeupbt inspections and observes and ongoing observations in the field. Both off site and on site. Some of the others are field site or field people. Engineering oversight is us helping to manage the submittal and engineering and our review process, document control. We do some Community Outreach as youre aware of. Basically under the 9 percent, its a lot of agencies coordination. Thats a lot of jacks time and my time. Thats document control and other items. Really, the emphasis there is on our Quality Assurance program and thats what majority of our efforts are places on. So to that regard, by contract, we were asked to establish a Quality Assurance and Quality Control programs and guidelines and follow the Quality Management plan that was established initially by the t mtc folks. To that plan, we did establish a plan in accordance with the contractors requirements. We update that Quality Assurance plans when conditions cheng like new staff people, new trades coming on that require additional types of inspections, and, you know, as part of that, weve performed Quality Performance of the cm gc and offices at manufacturing facilities around the country and almost all the countries on that map where work is being done, weve had to do some sort of Quality Assurance work, inspection or review. Some of the other activities, the Quality Assurance and Quality Control plan is only as good as the inspections bind behind it. If we cant capture the things necessary throughout the process, theres really no Quality Assurance plan. Everybody can say hey, it didnt happen. Im sure you heard of projects where documentation was lost. Were not losing any documentation. In fact, we implemented a program that not only gives us a check list but tracks all field reports and noncompliance reports through their completion and correction. An example of a field condition report would be if i strip a wall form off the wall and theres some rock pockets, we no he those rock pockets are going to have to be repaired, over time, the repair will be made and that work will be signed off. Thats a field correction notice or a field correction report. It doesnt require any engineering background or assistance. The noncompliance reported is if something got left out, we note it, we carry it. Theres usually a c a t or a cat, correctionive action plan put in place. We usually work through those problems and today, theres only been some 140 odd compliance reports which only 12 remain open at this point. Thousands of tons of concrete and thousands of tons of steel erected. Of course, theres the code compliance. As i said, that 44 percent primarily represents yea s yea and thats where i9 s i comes in. All those tie down piles that we had to install, all the water proving and so on and so forth. To date, on just the steel erection, at 15 or 16 off site locations, theyve done tests. So thats the critical thing. And that keeps us in line with the code as well as the specifications as well as the best practices of the industry. These are just some examples of some of the test that are done by i s i on our behalf, on the projects behalf, the nonstructural steel testing, concrete testing, temperature testing, air test, and the compression cylinder testings taken hundreds of times throughout the course of the project. We have to do a fire proofing. It has to get through a certain number of thickness in whatever the hour of the element is it has to get through. And the gradation and other elements like that. Well bring in the city for other Compliance Testing and well coordinate that issue as well. Just a Success Story or two from the Quality Assurance side, we talked a lot about the 304, 307 different cast notes that were made to brad on the steel erection. Its a built up node. And during the construction of that built up node on the park level, one of our instructors doing a lack of fusion between the material, through his knowledge and experience and his direction, he stopped the process, stood back, checked some more things, found the source of the problem, we called in an independent third party welding consultant who helped us come up with a process in working with webcor and skanska and their web suppliers and worked through that process and this is all before it shifted through the process, got up on the building and got to a point we either didnt know about it and would find out in the future or got put in place where it couldnt be repaired. So we consider that a big Success Story. The other big Success Story is what i mentioned early, the ben 360 process which gives us the documentation necessary to go to the fta and you as a board and go to the city and say weve done it according to code and this is our Quality Control program. I would like to ask Steve Humphries from webcor to come on up good morning. Steven humphries, webcor. As was mentioned earlier, the c q c project was modelled after the 3 Phase Program and also has to comply with the fta q ms elements. We have created a project specific q c plan for the project that complies with both requirements. The q c efforts on the project are really a requirement that is required from all parties as well as all our trade contractors. Our c q C Organization here, you can see theres many individuals involved. At the top of the work chart, our webcor personnel thats involved. All of our subtrade contractors below that. Every subtrade contractor below that has their own q c manager assigned to the job to manage their over sights of the q c to manage our program. Theres a series of steps that we follow to ensure the requirements of the project are met. Well use the light column as an example of that. So the first step in the process is the planning phase. This is really executed by the designers and the subject Matter Experts to come up with the plans and specifications that we follow to construct the project. This is, again, an example of light column with a section view of it and then the specifications that are produced that we then follow for construction. In the do fades, this is where our efforts come into practice, our quality plan starts to get implemented. There are three phases of that. This is some of the documentation that we use. We have initially, a meeting of Mutual Understanding with every subtrade krarpblt on the to establish expectations and talk about their q c plan and how were going to complement that throughout the course of the project. Every subtrade contractor produces that plan as a supplement to our plan. With then, we have d f o ws which stands for defined features of work. Theres over 1,000 of those on the work. We have three phases for every d f o w, the initial phase, the preparatory phase, and the followup phase which each involves meetings, the check list and initial things. Were looking at developing q c check list that will be used later on in the process. Then in the act phase, this is where we begin to execute the work. We do fabrication surveillance at the various fab carrots. We make sure the process is within the specifications. We do the observations before we start the work and we can do the check list. These are photos of the light side thats being directed on sight. Then we move into the quality phase that was mention ed earlier by steve. These are examples of test taking place on light column on the testing efforts thats been performed. And finally, the Record Keeping as steve mentioned, we use ben 360678 all of our records are filed in that system so theyre retrievable. Theres many different types of records of quality daily reports, testing results, trade subcontractor daily reports, many different types of records are kept in that system. And as was mentioned, we have over 1,000 d f o ws on the project. So these steps are followed for every single one of them. Its extensive and time consuming but it has produced so far, a very good quality work. Fow on the project. So these steps are followed for every single one of them. Its extensive and time consuming but it has produced so far, a very good quality work. Thank you steve. I just wanted to conclude with this slide and both of us will be happy to take questions. I want to emphasize what this means by best practice. He i think weve developed a program thats very robust and Team Oriented and can be really held up as a model. No one person is perfect. The subs have a tendency to make some mistakes. They rush and things get missed. We try to catch them. You are familiar with jack on our team, hes like the goalie from boston of the boston brew ens, i suppose. I dont know how theyre doing this year but i guess theyre doing good i suppose. He looks at it from a perspective of hockey with that Quality Assurance being the guy in the goal and the Quality Control by webcor being the defense men in the front. And the people. Of them are the subcontractors. We try to catch everything like the 140 noncompliance reports that did sneak by, we immediately have a corrective action plan or a cap. Like i said before, only a few needs to be revolved and 3 or 4 of them are brand new. It does take time. The records are there to track the resolution. The team is in place to Work Together to resolve these things. I really think if we can put it together coherently, if not this presentation, but maybe something else, it can easily stand up as a model and the best practice for the industry. If theres any questions, i can ask steve to come back up. If not, thank you very much one question. Who has the authority to stop work in progress due to a quality concern . Each level has that authority. Ultimately, if were completely dissatisfied, we will stop the work. Well work closely with a tjpa and notify them but we have that authority as webcor as does the subcontractor and it has happened on occasion. Okay. The authority as you as cmo have to do that is independent of webcors authority to continue when we want to stop . Yes. Yes, it is. We havent had to pull that card more than once or twice. Obviously, the quantity of the work is important but the quality of the work is more important. It has been made clear to us that is within our authority as in the represent i was out in the field. Thanks. Any other questions . From the beginning, ive always been a little bit confused when we first years ago started this, in what i would call the turner project, its an old turner management project. Sure. But look at the general language in that first bullet, coordinate, administrator, monitor with the design teams, the demolition contractor and the tjpa, i thought, well, thats big. Thats the whole umbrella but its not. It hasnt been. Over time, it just seems like maria has to spend a lot of time working with the cm gc and webcor or webcor in doing that. And i was sort of always thinking that you and turner would have to be aware of everything and every issue. And everything would come up through Turner Construction but thats not. Where is the divergence in that . Well, we are the tjpas representative. What we know, they know. Again, it goes back to the original concept of the eyes and ears in the field. Rightly so, a decision was made early on to keep the size of the tjpa, itself, small and use and develop best practices with appropriate consult ants. And i believe thats where we fit into the equation. We have that field experience. We have that oversight experience. Theres no dennis and i, and jack and mark, and the pmpc team are basically joined at the hip. We may not know the second something happens but we certainly know of all the issues that need to be corrected and needs to be resolved and thats where the information gets to maria. If the executive director wants to be involved in that particular issue, obviously she cares or becomes involved in that issue. Its not a separate organization. I like to think we are one organization representing the tjpa out in the field and with engineering rao us and things lik that. So whose job is it . Who has the primary job of surveying the subcontractor and making sure that problems catching issues and problems early on . Webcor, Quality Control Team Combined the is subteam is the first line of defense. Is it webcor that does the monitoring of the subcontractors that not only is the work being done correctly but in accordance with the contract . Yes, in association with our special expectations and the observation side of it, the management, the scheduling, the planning is on all steves team. Okay. Thats what ive always wondered, you know. Who is down there surveying the subcontractors and saying okay, anything happening, whats coming up, whats the rising here, trying to catch early on. You have to catch problems early on in a big construction. From a team works perspective, we like to think its a big team. Theres one contract from the tjpa and webcor. We work closely but we notify webcor when we find an issue and we work closely with the webcorby awe she to resolve that issue to meet daily in the field. All right. So directors, i just want to say that were working really well ass team here. Its the last 18 years and turner and webcor have been really doing a good job on the Quality Assurance, Quality Control which i cant emphasize how important that is for a project of this complexity and scale. Im hoping that well be held up ass model. Weve been held up as a model on a number of things weve been doing on this project from our permitting to a number of outreach things were doing. I think this will be another one of those things held up in the industry for how to do a project right with turner and webcor working closely with us. One thing i was going to say after steves earlier report is its hard for most people to appreciate the difficulty in this site and in this huge of a project and the just in time delivery requirements. Thats the one thing to me thats so obvious that its been handled extremely well because once the material is ready and on the site, boy, theres no question it. But things are moving and timed very, very well. Whatever problems we have, been on off site, its a lets get this stuff over here sort of thing. We would be hearing from the neighborhood if we really werent doing that Material Handling properly on a site thats this tight and thats been very, very impressive. Absolutely. This concludes my report. Okay. Go ahead and move to the next item. Item six the Citizens Advisory Committee updates and we have ted old sentence. Ted old sentence. Chairman, and members of the board, i just wanted to complement the team, especially as they reported the other night to us on the progress of the project. The qa q c that you saw there, what was especially impressive to us there was the documentation that they can search on any weld, any cement core, any object like that. The third thing we really were impressed with was the solution of the team. As maria was saying, the team came together to answer the citys super bowl impact. That was tremendously impressive. And like board member reiskin mentioned, we saw a Silver Lining in it as well. That concludes my report because you have a very busy schedule. Move on to the next item. Item seven is Public Comment and opportunities for public to comment on matters that are not on todays schedule. Judges, with we have karen radioactive landy. Good morning commissioners. Im grateful to be here. My Company Offers crane and rigging services. We maintain a fleet of construction rental equipment and we have a fuel and services division. More importantly is that were a Small Business enterprise and a disabled veteran enterprise. My husband, a former navy is a disabled veteran. We are registered with the state and federally. Because of those stkeufrpgsz, we were eligible to bid on the transbay project. That is quite specifically owing to marias vision and her energy to involve my small and disadvantaged Business Community in this project. Because of that, this Business Community has broadened its horizons. My company is bigger and better, smarter and stronger because of the involvement on the transbay project. We bid, we won two contracts. Currently, s d v services inc. Rents Construction Equipment to encivil and we fuel scan ska. Its my company that comes in the middle of the night and brings the diesel that powers the leaf hairs that hangs the steel. Thats really important. Its small and complicated because working downtown is a big, big challenge. I learned more about that from different perspectives when maria presented the transbay project and the joint Powers Authority at a recent w co e meeting. W co e is the women construction owners and executives organization. Its nationwide and it maintenance many state chapters. Im proud to be part of northern california. Her great pension brought to light, just how. Well this project is serving the city and county of San Francisco, the small and disadvantaged Business Community and that serves the greater good. Because we can grow and we can better serve the community. I think thats very important. My grandfather, henry biggie who founded biggie gray acknowledge, biggie crane, and the people who have become the biggie group taught me a couple of things. One is that success is very challenging and costly. My company is experiencing that right now. He also taught me that local work is the best kind of work that you can have. Local supply and performance contracts allow ones business to grow with the community and the community to grow with the business. Thats magic. Im grateful. Thank you. And i would like a copy of your map, updated map are you saying you stole all those contracts from biggie . laughter absolutely not. Were friends. We have sunday dinners together. They work for us, we work for them. Its a happily family. laughter thank you. laughter yeah i would like to thank karen for her wonderful work. I was so humbled recently when the National Organization of the women construction owners and executives recognized and honored me as a woman in this industry. There still arent many women in the construction industry. But we do have great character, those of us who are present. But were getting there. So its a real honor. Thank you. Thank you. All right. I think we have another member of the public. Yes. Good morning. Okay. Good morning directors. Im sharon line and im here to urge you to please consider us as a part of your decision to consider commercial uses on the parcel s site which will generate not only service jobs, impact fees, and assessments that Residential Projects will not for a project such as a commercially used list with hotels. As you know, a hotel occupantsy tax is a benefit year after year to the city. And as you know, the Transbay Center are very complimentary uses and that will add around the clock activation for the neighborhood as well as encouraged utility for the raised transbay park that is planned. Thank you. You need to talk to the planning commission. Okay. That concludes members of the public that wanted to address you under that item. Okay. So we can go ahead and move into close session according to your calendar. You are scheduled to go to closed session. We did not receive any indication from the public. If they choose to do so, they can do so now or we can. So are you going to do a report out right away . Yea, ill do a report and then shell follow. Ill call the items. Okay. Do another roll call. Okay t directors member of november 12, 2015 is back in session. Okay. Directors member of the public, im very proud to announce that the agreement was met to sell the Crescent Heights of a minimum of 15 million up to 185 million which is an excellent price for this property. Parcel f is the last available site in San Francisco for a super high building. In the summer of 2015, the tjpa announced its intention to sell it. The tjpa received four very favorable proposals from prequalified development teams. The Crescent Heights proposal however, was the strongest offer overall based on factors such as strong Purchase Price, speed of closing due to the purchasers willingness to close, and financial strength of the development team. And Crescent Heights proposal is to pay the full Purchase Price before receiving the agreements. 75 million will be paid to the closing. The closing is expected in february of 2016. Again, closing is expected in february of 2016. Crescent heights will pay another 20 million to the tjpa as they acquire the ajoining property at howard and build on the parcels. Any housing on the site is committed to being affordable. Theyre committing to building affordable houses onsite, plus in addition to the 45 percent, they agreed to build a substantial portion of the units for very lowincome households. 25 percent of these units will be area median income. For the public, one household area Median Household Income is about 61, 150 for a family of four. The tpraoedz, proceeds, of course, will fund the transbay project. I want to thank everyone who submitted a proposal and congratulate Crescent Heights. So to reporting in close session as to item 10 Real Property negotiators for the price in terms of payment, the portion of state parcel at 564, howard, 565 howard, and 7679 natoma authorizes the executive to keep the agreement with Crescent Heights as entity of parcel llc and to take any necessary attempts to comply with those agreements. Okay. Good news. Next item, please. All right. Well go ahead and move into the consent calendar where all matters are expected to be routine. The members of the board and public request, i have not received that any member of the board is wishing to have any items severed. For Environmental Impact for options to extend the term of agreement for an additional year with no additional compensation. Okay. No request for severance. Is there a motion for approval . Okay. I have a motion. A second . Second. Thats five yeas and the consent calendar is prove. Next item, regular calendar. Item 13 is approval of the baseline budget for the transbay Transit Center program in the amount which was originally agendized to 2 billion 6400,000. 64, not 59 . 64. 64, not 59. Ing. Okay. Thank you. Directors, what youre going to hear next will veto out what we need. As you know, we had a contingency for the program to reserve the trade packages that came in as a result of a very, very heated Construction Market in the bay area and San Francisco, mainly in San Francisco because Everyone Wants to build and be near the Transit Center. We have now refused received cost of all the remaining work which is expectes in 2016 in the bus storage facility. We have completed a substantial amount of the construction. Just as a reminder, we sunk the Transit Center 265,000 feet under the ground. We as everyone knows the complexity in underground construction is absolutely unquestionable. Its more the case when youre building a project thats traverse by three of the most busiest streets and surrounded by high rises all around and construction going on on what will be the tallest tower in San Francisco. Our team has done and is continuing to do a remarkable job in both construction and safety. Because of that, the underground construction is behind us, the foundations are done, the train levels are done, the constructoral steel and reinforced concrete walls is pretty much done and thats pretty much all behind us. What is left, youll hear from pha frbg about it in a moment. Primarily, our landscaping for the rooftop park, as you know, weve already put the plans in place for the rooftop mark. The electrical and plump plumbing as well as finishes is all thats left. Were just years away from bringing thousands of passengers here each year. Here to support is mark. Good evening directors. Status on the phase one baseline budget update on the construction awards to be rewarded. The budget is based on the proceeds of parcel f. The proceeds will allow us to do the Critical Care packages and the contingency reserves. The presentation will include a draft of the final baseline budget which will allow us to inaudible the packages as well as package the reserves. It will also include the Funding Strategies and next steps that will be done by sarah. This is a breakdown of our current budget. The baseline budget as adopted by the board in july of 2013 included 1. 3 billion dollars in construction cost, 58 Million Dollars in soft costs and 186 Million Dollars in contingencies in Program Reserves. 62. 5 Million Dollars for construction contingence and 87. 5 Million Dollars for Program Reserves. As maria mentioned, we received quite a bit of high bits in the last year and a half. A significant amount of the program and reserves contingence was utilized in packages that came out above budget. To date, 64 million of the 186 million of the Contingency Program reserves came in the package above budget with a smaller amount used for construction activities. Of the 164 million used in the Program Reserves, 111 Million Dollars went to fund the package that came above budget and only 43 Million Dollars went to Fund Construction activities. Of the 111 Million Dollars that came to fund packages that was above budget, 83 came from budget reserves and the rest from program contingency. Half of that went to change orders issued to construction and the other half went to settle the claim that we had for the assuring of the hes ka pwaeugz for the contract. Our current budget includes 8. 6 million in construction cost, we have our same contingencies at 18. 3 Million Dollars. Our current construction contingence is 5. 3 Million Dollars and our Program Reserve is 1. 6 million. We do have changes in the soft cost. Weve augmented the contract at the december meeting for 11. 2 Million Dollars. We were able to use savings and soft cost in other areas to fund that so we did not use the Program Reserve contingencies for that. This is a picture of where we stand right now as far as the current budget. Moving forward which is the number you said half of is the underground which number is that . The second column, subtotal, 154 Million Dollars. 154. That we use in Program Reserve. Okay. 111 of that went to fund packages that went above budget. Okay. And 43 of that went to construction activities basically. Half of the 43 Million Dollars went to fund change orders and the other half went to fund the claim that we had settled for the showing escabation. Okay. Thank you. So today, the board ordered 1 billion, 182 Million Dollars in direct construction costs. More than a billion of that went to the Transit Center building. The remaining amounts went to the demolition of the old terminal, temporary terminal and, 56 went to the bus ramp. This amount includes change orders issued to date as well. Of the 1. 81 billion dollars of the construction work that weve done, weve paid 56 billion dollars. So were 50 Percent Complete. Construction is a little bit more than 50 Percent Complete actually. Most of the challenging work and riskest work is directly behind us. As you see on this chart, the contract is 85 Percent Complete. The construction contract is approximately complete 182 Million Dollars. If you recall, this started one year ago, november 7th and its expected to be completed in january. All the following activities for this contract including onsite welding is expected to be completed in spring of 2016 as steve mentioned earlier. Steel fabrication is 95 Percent Complete and all the cast nodes have been casted and completed, 304 of them. The contract 180 Million Dollars is 90 Percent Complete. inaudible piping that used to coat the Transit Center building was placed. The remaining work for this contract, the 2 percent remaining work contains to the black box and the temporary trestle. Once the temporary trestle is moved, the contracts will be done. The contract is 99 percent done. This is the most riskest contract we have and also the biggest contract we have at 235 billion dollars. This contract has deep soil mixed wall behind the Transit Center and that wall is 100 feet deep. Its including the replacement of three bridges, first street, fremont, and beale. The bids to be done in this contract is basically temporary work for embracing activities that are needed right now in support of the contract work. No permanent work remains in this contract, all temporary. Receive the last one is above trade concrete package. 35 Percent Complete. Thats a 49 and a half million contract. That is on the bus track. Concrete for the park, concrete for the ground level, and the last 10 feet of concrete on the train box and top of the train box. That contract is expected to be done a Third Quarter of 20616. The box is expected to be done in spring of 1026. 2016. So this is what weve done in terms of the contract amounts. We have the hard escaping, landscaping, and the rooftop park totals 25 Million Dollars. Weve got the wall systems, sky lights, grass,. Ceilings, 28 Million Dollars. Mechanical and electrical, and plumbing. And then weve got the exterior finishing packages that weve awarded in i couldnt for about 40 Million Dollars. So its still quite a bit of work remaining. But its not as challenging and as risky as the foundation, rerecollection, and pile installation and concrete of the train box what are the main risks you see associated with these packages of work . The mechanical, electrical, and plumbing are the biggest reufpbgts for us. Thats something the team has been focusing on for a while through the modeling efforts. We believed weve resolved a lot of the issues. Really, the construction hasnt really started. Its been a lot of modeling and a lot of planning. Thats one of the biggest risks beale be well be focusing on. We just have a lot of remaining work that we need to focus on and be efficient and make sure that we are removing all hurdle s in the field so the subcontractor can do the work. If theres hurdles, we need to remove all obstacles so the subcontractor can do the work. Thats been our work for the last six months working with the teams. We have Partner Sessions at the Management Level and at the tradesmen level. So we are discussing how to partner and do the first thing the first time around. Is it going to be a lot like the structural with the interior where we start at one end and get the trades going and coordinated and then they move along . Or is it more first we do all this and then we bring in these people and they do all that . I think its going to be a combination. We have fo blocks to work with so its a lot of area to work with. Ill have to check with Steve Humphries in terms of how easily were going to do it. laughter not quite as easy as he makes it sound. No. Yea, essentially, were starting from the west and moving to the east. We started the steel erection with grid line tanning and we did that with the concrete work also. The steel of the west end is the head of the steel on the east. So the goal is to finish the west and move down to the east. Thats basically electrical, mechanical, and plumbing . Yea, we are starting grid line tanning but generally, it will be a west, east progression. The perimeter of the building, we have the eyebrow decks and Water Proofing and topping slabs, the work that goes around the building, metal panels, awning, curtain wall, theres a lot of coordination taking place. No doubt everyone is stepping on one another now. Yea. The work that needs to be pro cured basically is approximately 27. 3 Million Dollars. Were recommending that between november and december, the needs to be awarded, is 28 Million Dollars. Weve issued 4. 8 Million Dollars in change orders to allow the contractors to install embeds to make sure that things are done as skpeurbsly as possible and that we have no conflicts in the future. That change also included a deposit for them to be able to purchase the material and coordination with other contractors. For the gas orders, weve issued a 1 million change order to allow them to award it and get going on the fabrication. That contract is 15. 4 Million Dollars plus the one million weve issued. We have this on the agenda to be awarded, that contract, the bids were opened on june 30th and the bids were set to expire september 30th. The contractor grabbersly agreed to extend the bid to november 30th. So well hopefully maintain the price and bid today and work closely with the contractor to work with mcguire and hester, the lowest bidder to expedite the work and be able to open identity with the Transit Center. Well also have time there. Lookingal al at mechanical and electrical, once the kpwupblgt is approved, we can expedite an order for the mechanical and electrical parts. We have come to an agreement on price as far as graphics. Were moving this package to december. The reason were doing that is because the design team recommends that we include the monitors as part of this project. We were going to do it in spring but the recommendation is since were building the kiosk and spring is not too far away, to give it to them so they have it all together in one piece. That total is 1. 73 Million Dollars for november and december. In the spring, well be issuing the overhead contract system ocf system as well as the traction control for the bus plaza. The ip network in the spring as well as the park work. So in the spring, the remaining will be 37 Million Dollars. So we have 602 Million Dollars in our budget for trade packages. That is included in the revised budget and interim budget that well be recommending. Any questions on that . Okay. For the revised budget, again, were recommending interim budget with the proceeds of parcel f. In order to help maintain the schedule, the interim budget will help allow us to award remaining trade packages. The proceeds from parcel f is 165 Million Dollars. 93. 7 Million Dollars will be used to augment the transit construction budget that i mentioned. Were recommending the funds we currently have in bus storage to move that to contingency reserves. When we come in with the final budget, we will fully fund the bus storage. Also, were recommending that the cost is increased by 2. 8 Million Dollars to account for the budget we received. And based on that, this is the award schedule for what i just talked about, metal ceilings, the meeting, glass floors in november, park, todays meeting, the piece for the park, in november, and then the signage in december. We will fund with the interim budget and partially replenish the contingence y of the reserves. Based on our Risk Management assessment that we completed in september and shared with you, at the october meeting, the Risk Management Risk Assessment includes projecting the 30 percent level additional funding for 209 Million Dollars for the bottom up monte carlo method and 250 for the top down method. It is recommended for the 358 for the bottoms up method and 268 for the top down method. The 70 percent conference level is asking for an additional based on the top down budget and on the bottom up budget. Our later discussions with mtc has been agreed that well use 360 Million Dollars as the final baseline budget. That number was arrived at by averaging the bottom up and top down amounts of the 70 percent level. This is a breakdown of the phase one, draft phase one of the final budget. It will have 360 Million Dollars in total. 164 Million Dollars will go to construction cost. Some for soft cost and contingency reserves. Based on the draft final revised budget breakdown, we will have 227. 3 Million Dollars in totals contingency reserves, 35. 1 Million Dollars for the contingency, 61. 4 Million Dollars for the construction contingency and 10 03 Million Dollars for the Program Reserves. And the remaining work is also about 600 Million Dollars. This is actually whats received and recommended by the constructions oversight and the cm gc. While having a convention fee that large is very good for a project, the teams goal is going to be to ensure that we complete the project at the 30 percent level that we recommended to the board previously which is 127 Million Dollars versus 227 Million Dollars. Our aim is to finish the project with at least 100 Million Dollars in the Program Reserves untouched now, that doesnt mean that theres going to be some value engineering done with i mean, basically, the drawings, what weve got, were going to build up . Yes. And were not saving money because we dont think we need to spend it, but its not as though some exercise is going to take place . No. This is weve agreed with mtc that we will augment the budget by 360 Million Dollars. That budget augmentation presents 260 Million Dollars in Program Reserves. Basically, 194 of the 360 is going to be Budget Program contingency. Basically, our goal is to finish the project leaving 100 Million Dollars in the reserves and project contingencies. So were setting a goal for ourselves even though weve got 227 Million Dollars. Our goal is to going to be to utilize no more than 227 of that 327. And theres no room for additionals, the bids are out and we just need to build the project on what we have. Well, just to recap, this is a breakdown of where were at, what does parcel f provide and additional funding will provide. Youll see 160 Million Dollars later on as a future additional adopted and add another 195. The 195, 62 of that, will go for construction cost. 132 will go to fully replace the contingency for the reserves. With that, ill turn it over to sarah to talk about the Funding Strategies. Good morning, directors. As we have discussed before, there are three main Funding Sources for phase one financing. The parcel f land helps proceeds which, of course, we have good news on today and the future melloroos proceeds. Your staff report does include a brief discussion between city and mtc for providing phase one financing to assist them in those discussions. Weve provided information about sources and uses that show the timing of the need based on this 360 Million Dollars budget increase that we have agreed to. We also had a recent meeting early this week, actually, with both parties to go into details over the net tax increment projection. So the next step is, of course, to continue those discussions and finalize the budget for phase one. Of course, the expenditure side is finalized, but final zing the financing for you to pass on the budget. The target for that is january in both instances. And then as mark showed on his schedule, the remaining trade packages with the scheduled for reward in march and april. I would like to suggest that before voting, you amend the resolution as its currently written to add the additional 5 million we did that. We did that. Okay. Sure. Was that your fault, the additional 5 million . I thought it was just some trade package that came in high. What is the additional five for . The additional five million because the staff report and resolution were written assuming the proceeds from parcel f. Okay. Because the additional hone is in there. Okay. Good. But you can blame it on me if youd like. laughter ive got to blame it on somebody. With that, mark and i would be happy to answer any questions. So the committee that ayerdi announced was the board member to fund the am i reading that right . Is there a fundraiser for another 195 million to be had because we dont know where thats coming from . Correct. The fund raising would be to fill the gap of 195 million. Is there any portion of that where funds are identified or all of that is a fundraiser to be done . What the city is discussing is most likely, some type of shortterm that we would only draw down on whatever Financing Mechanism it was to the extent that we needed it. If we did need the full 195, the total draw, at the end would be more than that because the financing is being designed to or being modeled for any cash flow issues as well as fill the future construction needs. There are many ways to go about the financing. It could be paid down as we go along as melloroos proceeds come in. But thats, you know, at the option of the Financing Party or parties. So those are all details that are to be worked out. Then is there a target date for the revised baseline budget action . January would be the target. And then, another process question is for studys action, you were being asked to improve an interim budget based on the parcel f arrangement which is not yet through escrow. So can you explain that a little bit . Sure. It stpaoels a little sure. So as with any budget, it is being based on a future budget revenue. You have a budget that is approved and its no longer an estimate but it will be coming in the future as many sources as you want a Capital Funding of this size. We have previously identified some cash flow issues that were going to pop up in the First Quarter of next year but have been able to resolve those working with a key stakeholder. So assuming escrow closes in the First Quarter of 2016, we dont have any identified cash flow skpeurbs there are sufficient land sales in the bank at this time to provide the notices in the works that is being recommended for award today so the construction can keep moving on schedule. If something goes wrong though in the escrow process we would only ever issue notices to proceed or execute change orders if funds were available. So if something goes wrong with the escrow process and if there is no financing arrangement in place, you know, worst case, and worst case on top of worst case, the team would need to make decisions about which m t ps would move toward and which ones could perhaps slow down based on the resources we had available. Director lee, just to emphasize sarahs comments, so your budget policy anticipates your program budgeted would be based on estimated or future estimated Funding Sources . It does not specify they need to be committed or money in the bank before you can adopt a baseline budget that kant plates those Funding Sources. And then the boards procurement policy is where the board documents we dont issue m t ps until the funds are committed. Just to follow on that, i shared director lees concerns back in summer of 2013 when we last increased the budget. We did so similarly on the basis of expected revenues that werent yet committed and we did have the discussion at that time and while it feels a little uncomfortable to be sitting up here adopting a budget on refpbsz that we havent yet nailed down, it has been the practice and we actually have more certainty with this under 65 million than probably 200 million worth of the 8. 99 that we adopted back this the summer of 2013 if thats any comfort. And just back to the first question. The Funding Sources have essentially been identified and its what sarah eluded to on slide 19. The problem is that the sources of funds for one were expected to be used for phase two but also wont be coming in on time. So were not in the need of fund raising per say unless there were another source of funds that we can find without financing costs. What were really doing is figuring out how to bring those revenues that will be coming later than when we need them into the present so that we can complete the construction of phase one. So its not really a funding agreement. Its a financing agreement. And the terms of that agreement are what are to be worked out with the potential financiers. Which at the moment, appear to be the city and county of San Francisco and mtc. I guess i would just add, while its not maybe ideal to be approving the budget and stages in interim now, i do think this is the right approach because if we dont take this action today, we wont have any Budget Authority to execute these next contracts which, as i understand are really on the Critical Path for construction. So any delays will create delays in costs to the project. So im willing to support this. I think were fortunate that the good work that has been done has at least made this 165 Million Dollars tentatively available so we can take the action not to delay the construction work and at least well have the outlines of the Construction Agreement by the january meeting so we can, with a fair level of confidence, adopt a final budget. Okay. Sorry. I know were going late. Can you help me with putting closure on a couple of items that have come up over a few information sessions leading to this meeting . And there were previous discussions about mtcs recommendation, not only on just the contingency which it seemed like you put closure on, but it was also a question of the Funding Partners approving a change orders as well as the list of other bullets that they had recommendations on. And then there was some discussion of a gm p. I forget exactly where it landed where there was an interest but thats not how the contract was set up. Im unclear as to how that dialogue sort of concluded. And then i have two more. Ill just list it and then you guys can check it off. And then, there was the earlier discussion of the added cost that came with the super bowl accommodations and i wasnt clear as to if the city was paying for that or is that coming out of this interim budget. And lastly, a while ago, there was some kind of an r s p or something we released for the naming rights and i never really knew what happened to that. But can you cover those items . I could probably cover the last one first. We did put in our r s p for naming rights and the due date which was midoctober came and went. But were still hearing from people that theyre very interested and as we continue to hear, well be assessing our next step. So there will be more to come on that soon. Okay. Regarding the mtc cost review, they came up with three recommendations. They came up with a funding level of recommendation between 295 and 401 Million Dollars. They came up with an adoption of the gm p. Youre still trying to see if thats doable . We asked what the weplz recommendation of the number is and once we get that, well make a recommendation to the board. And the third thing is to establish a change to review control orders. Im discussing that currently to figure out when to do it and how to do it. Thats an on going discussion that we should be wrapping up pretty quickly. And then the super bowl costs . The super bowl costs are basically us trying to expedite construction. So we will be using an estimated 500,000. Were still negotiating that number. But thats money well spent because the sooner we finish construction, the better off we are. Thank you. Sure. Professor did we finish . Did we get through it . I thought we did. Okay. Any other questions . No Public Comments . No members of the public indicating they want to address anything. Okay. I have a motion to approve the budget as submitted. Okay. Ill go ahead and read into the record the adjustment we made with the additional 500 Million Dollars. So the fifth whereas clause on the resolution will now read whereas throughout september, 2015, for no less than 165 million and that replaces the said 160. The program of 2 billion, 64, 100,000 increase of the parcel f proceeds is approved. Okay. Moved again. First and second. Both . Five yeas. Item 13 is approved. Okay. Move on to the next item . Please. Item 14 is approving an amendment to the contract with Webcor Obayashi submitting the bid of 280,000 for the roof park lan escaping and irrigation. Directors, im really pleased to bring this item to you because the park has been such a hallmark of this project. The competition was based on the park and team one because of the park, i think. The public really loves, rightly so, the park. So to report on this item is mark simaonya. So hard escaping and landscaping for the rooftop park includes the paving, playground structure, soil, drain age and Irrigation Systems and the contract for the trees as well. It does include the one year maintenance as part of the bid. As i mentioned on the earlier presentation of june 30th, our budget was 1. 49 Million Dollars. The estimate of a half Million Dollars. The goal is of 10 percent. We had five prequalified bidders. We received 3 bids ranging from 35 Million Dollars and 65 Million Dollars. The list of the bidders, build group, mcguire and hester submitted groups, jensen and marina did not submit bids. The contractor submitted that jensen wanted to team up with other bidders versus bidding by themselves. They could not do it by themselves. Marina did indicate they were too busy at the time and could not bid the project. This trade package included a stipend. The reason were doing a staoeu pend or we did a stipend is during the bidding process, four of the five prequalified bidders indicated to webcor they would not be able to bid the project for various reasons and we were left with the possibility of only having one bid , a sole bid. And with our experience in the past, the sole bid would come in quite a bit higher than expected. So were working to introduce the 50,000 dollars stipend to be offered to the second and third lowest bidders if theyre within 30 percent of the lowest bid. That brought back the interest of two other bidders and thats why we were able to receive the three bids. So it did achieve its purpose by resulting in three bids how did you know who the second and third were . From the prequalified bidders. We survey them and oh, we received the three bids. So it was after you received the bids . No, we told them that if your bid is within 30 percent. I see. Of your first bidder. I got you. Yea, then otherwise. We dont want to get a bid, you know. And we didnt want to try to estimate either because we werent sure what the market was either. So were only going to pay out one amount, right . Yes. Two of the bids were complete and responsive and the third bid was not. Mcguire has submitted the lowest bid for 33. 28 Million Dollars which included the 5 Million Dollars engineering. The straight package has the deduct alternate for the plan rail on the rooftop park. If you recall, that item was part of the items we awarded previously. That bid was a sole tpweud so we negotiated with the contract. We estimated the cost to be 437,000 dollars. So at the time of the negotiating, we were not sure whether thats a good value or not so we included in this package, as a deduct alternate, it came in at 1 million. So we will accept this deduct alternate for 1 million and submit the change order and saving about 267,000 dollars. So just to be sure, this contract does not include what ive seen depicted in some of our destination restaurant in the rooftop park, does it . No, it includes the soil, planting, playground. Do you plan on contracting out or somehow getting someone to build that destination restaurant . The destination restaurant is part of the parcel park. So were building a shell of the restaurant but not the interior of the restaurant. But were building the shell of it so the restaurant layout will kind of be predetermined whoever wants to operate it . Yea. Were building the roof, the grazing around it. Its three sides because the fourth side is being built as part of the infrastructure of the mechanical room. Why are we just going to have an empty shell there for a while . They can come in and do the interior. The restauranter would like to add their own architectal interior layout. No, im thinking they want to do the whole layout and dine the design the whole thing. Theres no room for him to modify it. He has to take the foot skpreupbt work within the foot print. You have to bring the electrical into certain spots and youre going to have to predecide a lot of things for that operator. Weve got subs stubs and then he can just connect to them and take off. I know theyre inside the building. Theyre inside the foundation. Okay. I know this is not part of that contract but this is something were going to have to think through. Weve got a plan, director harper. Yea right. Ive been part of a lot of restaurant build outs and ill tell you theyre very difficult to think through. Heres randy. This is the restaurant architect himself. Sort of. Well, we have the cavity, the foundation, the slab. We are bringing the activity into the slab below. It can be brought up through the shrabs in the location. We made a plan of what the restaurant will look like. We want to actually control the look of the restaurant from the outside making it part of a big park and continuing the aesthetic of the part. But we also wanted to leave the restauranter to be able to do what he wants to do and to engineer and design his restaurant and the look of the interior of his restaurant. So he can put the kitchen where we thought it should go but he could put it somewhere else. Okay. We have restrooms planned. He can put them somewhere else. He can rearrange anything within the envelope that weve established for him. Okay. Im saying this can be a very high level restaurant and those folks are very particular about the look and the design, right . So youre aware of that . Yes. We are. Weve got it under control. laughter i would ask a question around the one year maintenance. How is that decided . Most projects like this have a longer maintenance period. What is the plan after the one year . We have a Community District that is going to be formed and that will form the parliamentives of the park. We will make sure its within the contract and the maintenance is done correctly and then the funding from the maintenance will come from the c p d later on. So you believe the Community Benefit district will be capable of looking after no, they will fund it. We will have part of our fee from the Transit Center, theyll be responsible for maintaining the park but the Community Benefit district will be responsible for paying for it. We do not want to pay for three years, well have somebody else take it over. Okay. I have a question. I think it was in this package that each of the bidders submitted a ve proposal that was more or less the same in terms of the Material Change and you rejected. Can you speak to that . It pertains to the geosynthetic blocks that are the lightweight material in the park with the density. We received a ve request from all of them to use a much denser material. We are going to have carts going back and forth in the park and we were worried about the compressive strength of the materials theyre proposing. So the designers does not agree with their proposals. So do we think that all three bidders didnt understand this . It just seems that all three of them offered it so it seems like there must be something to the idea. Well, let me have randy speak to that. Im not sure all three bidders were taken into account, the utility carts and that sort of thing. What we didnt want is we didnt want the loads on different areas of the park were going to be different. If its a lot of soil, it will compress more than if its a pathway. And we didnt want to get the tripping hazards and having the pathways crack and that sort of thing. So airing on the side of caution, we a more dense, less compressible geosynthetic feels underneath and opted not to take any of the ves offered. Okay. Thanks. Part of the discussion, director reiskin is its harder to fix if we go with less denser material and it does sink in some areas. It will be very hard for us to bring it back. So the difference between the estimate and the bids we received were basically attributed to the limited number of contractors and the size of the project and the environment the project is in which is logistics and access to the project. Thats how the c b d determined how we can higher for the estimate. So except the 1 million for the value engineering, do you have any questions . I do like to thank you mike from mcguire and hester here. I would like to thank them because they did agree to extend their bids to accommodate us and i think hes going to further agree to open the park with the Transit Center he is. Hes opening at the end of 2017. laughter hes a little bit shy. Thats all. laughter weve been using them on the b r t project in the east bay that we have and theyve been very good. Yea. They also did the temporary terminals. They opened it before the Transit Center. Okay. So any motions. Okay. Supervisor. Move. Second. Second. Thats five yeas, item 14 is approved. Well go ahead and call your next item. Please. Item 15 is a approving an amendment to the contract authorizing Webcor Obayashi for the services portion of tg 08 in the amount of 240 million and increasing the authorized construction service. Mark will also report on this item. This is for the metal ceilings throughout the Transit Center bus deck, second level, ground level, a total of 235,000 square feet of metal ceilings. This scope is for the construction services. This is the project where the board approved the contract for 949,000 for the Design Services back in march. This approval would be for the construction services. This is a summary of the Design Services bids that we received. Southwest submitted the best bid. It was 928,000 for Design Services that have been awarded already. 16 percent for the construction fee and 18 and a half percent for the overhead. The total price that we negotiated with southwest is 28. 3 Million Dollars. Cm g estimate is 27. 8 Million Dollars. We tried our budget with 18. 86, we tried to bring down the cost as best as we could. The ceiling core tkpwaeugz has been changed from 6 inches to 3 inches. And we reduced angry hraeugz throughout the process to make sure were reducing the cost as much as we can but we could not bring it down to what we had budgeted. This is a breakdown of the cost. Were commending the award for 22. 6 million. We issued a total amount for 4. 1 Million Dollars to maintain the construction schedule and have them build part of the ceilings that needs to be done as part of the embeds. So well be asking you to approve 24. 2 Million Dollars. And thats all i have for this trade package. Questions . Just to clarify, just to kind of apples to apples, when we approved the Preconstruction Services of the design bill that was based on an expectation of 15. 9 Million Construction and the actual direct, the equivalent is 19 something . Yea. Are those the comparisons. Director harper, 19 the part of the 4. 1. We went from 16 to about 23. Thats a 60 percent almost increase. Yea. But i do have to explain the 15. 8 based on our budget was not based on a realistic still. Our budget at the time was 15. 8 because the 15. 8 rpgts we assumed 30 percent overhead. So we wanted to see if they could do it to budget work with them. Thats the nature of the design and contract is you bring them on board, give them a budget and try to see how close you can match to the budget. We did go in knowing that our budget was pretty low based on the cost of Square Footage but we wanted to give it a shot. Okay. Thanks. Okay. Do we have a motion for approval . Okay. Supervisor kim, second . Second. Supervisor lee. Director lee. So would you call the roll please. [roll call]. Thats five yeas and item 15 is approved. Go ahead and call the next item . Sure. Oversee all aspects of the design to the transbay terminal project. And i understand this has a lot to do with the financing so ill turn it over to director reiskin or the chair. One of you two. I apologize to the Board Members for bringing this on so late and not being able to have a staff report or anything. This arises out of well, for the ever since webcor, obayashi indicated they couldnt do a gm p, a maximum price, i started, you know, having contacts with the Mayors Office and mtc in terms of what the effect that would have on their desire to come in and help us with our funding things. And they said that what it would mean is that they would want to have some real control. Thats just the way they put it. Some real control over some of these costs because that assurance would not be forthcoming. And it was just put in that way to me very generally, they certainly sided that change orders, review, and things like that. I didnt pay much attention to it and i pretty much said well, i can understand that if youre coming in like that with your money at the end and weve got this. And just continued on trying to find out where they were at and what their attitudes were. But two weeks ago, i had a meeting at mtc and there, the executive directors made it clear you have to be prepared to do this because we really want a lot of control here over these things. And then, thursday or wednesday, i dont remember which. Thursday, i think, just last thursday, i got a call from the Mayors Office. The mayor is preparing a budget a by Law Amendment that they want to see put in place as good faith of yes, thats something that is seriously being considered by the board. And so i basically said, well, i dont know that you need it because ive read the bylaws and i thought we could always do what they wanted to but they want this amendment to enable it so that theyve got to assurance, supposedly, if they needed it. And that in fact, coming in with the money that we need, they will get some degree of undefined input and Actual Authority here. And by this, i mean the interesting thing is, of course, they want to be able to report directly to the board over that. I have no idea and im not sure the city and county does either at this point, as to exactly what it would look like and exactly how it would work. But what were doing here is just only what theyve asked. Were amending the bylaws in a way that they can come in with these requests based on how these negotiations go. The second request from the Mayors Office is that i appoint to the directors to this Advisory Committee to be part of the negotiations so they get a very quick take on if theres any difficulties. And so i said i would put it on. They wanted it on for this meeting and thats why it came so abruptly. And i apologize for it. But its too late for us to, i think, interfere. My opinion is that theyre well on their way to doing what we need them to do in terms of the funding. And theyve got a good, i think, a very reasonable and plausible mechanism for doing that, using the melloroos as exchanged earlier, with the tax increments and issuing some commercial paper backed by those things. So thats where this comes from. And thats all i know but i dont think its something that it doesnt mean theres a whole bunch of stuff happening right now. But it does mean i can predict that in the next month or two, were going to be hearing some specifics. And i know ed has been involved maybe a bit but im just doing what i was told. On this instance, it was to say hey, this is what we need from the tjpa if were going to step in at this point. So thats where this is at. As i tried to, you know i wish i could have come in with some of this in writing but i didnt have any time for that either. Ed . If i could just add, i think that since ive been on the board, the executive director has sought the boards assistance with things such as supporting funding and financing and other things that were needed to get the project done. Shes asked us to support going after grants or dealing with the other Funding Partners so that we could make sure that we have the budget that we need to complete phase one. So, you know, as part of that effort, we have been talking to both the city and mtc because we have a challenge here where we dont have the funds coming in at the time we need them to finish the project. And again, these funds would have otherwise been available for phase two which we all want to see happen as well. So as part of the discussions with folks, i think as the chair said, they are seeking control. Not for them, i dont think if city or mtc want to take control of this project. They want to ensure that this board has control and can deliver if theyre going to risk their Balance Sheets on this project. They want to ensure that the board has adequate control to make sure that we can deliver on whats now, potentially going to be a 2. 259 billion dollar budget which is by my math, a 42 percent increase in the budget for phase one since i came on the board when it was 1. 589. Its 42 percent higher resulting from two different 300 plus Million Dollars budget increases. One in 2013 and the one thats proposed for january of 2016. And those are pretty significant jumps. I think the funder is looking at that significant budget growth and saying we want to make sure that if we enter into a budget with you, the board, to put our money at risk that youre going to be able to finish. I see this ultimately as a good thing for us to be able to bring in resources to support the work of the tjpa staff does consulting teams to make sure were not back here having this conversation again. I like marks goal of still trying to finish this out with 100 on the stable. A lot of this money is going to go to contingence y but we want to bring everything we can bare so the board can have confidence in what this agreement will look like next year. And frankly, if there isnt an agreement, we can deliver phase one under this 2. 5 budgets. I think this is a good thing tore the project and for the region. So i just thank the chair for bringing it forward. Another level of oversight from the city it reports to the tjpa board the next step is reasonable and hopefully with more, more eyes on this project we can continue to figure out how to contain the costs that have grown over the past years i said to say this is not in any way a lack of confidence at the staffing at tjpa theyve done an incredible job to make sure that is moving forward it is a complex project and a large public project i want to appreciate i know how hard everyone within tjpa works to make this project a reality so the terminal and park will be opening in 2017 the additional layer as other bodies come in to assist and support in the risk factor we have additional layer and additional seyes well, wel contain costs over the next couple of years. inaudible you tjpa this is not working. Not working. We want to insure that the tjpa board rains its authority i think the city wouldnt want to step into that risk the means by which we bring those resources to bear is City Employees could be other means but ultimately the tjpa board that will be account for this project that is why this change is good it give us more resources and support for the director and her team to make sure we can get there. Ill add to what ed and kim that we have about a dozen trades in the sites with the packages to finish the project a lot more cooperation needed weve seen this project grow in phases and as the newest board member growing over the last year and being of concern we would like to make sure that another set of ice or other means to make sure that cooperation works and much better we finish the project as planned and deliver it to the people of San Francisco. I also want to make sure im reading the resolution right the construction site according to you and you will be how this is written reporting to the board this is so this is something we need to work out reporting to this board. Overseeing the project. Well be working with the team obvious and reporting to this board. And then does that mean then the executive director responsibilities is that element will not be with her responsibility but with the person whether that is you or designee i just want to make sure im reading the resolution correctly that is sort of how im reading it. Thats exactly as it reads. It says a possibility that in discussions or Decision Making this board will have to assist. Yeah. The question is director lee is good ones i dont know that tjpa or the city and county of San Francisco will be serious about answering them we need organizing answers right this is abstract any person e. R. Entity and it is we may designate the tolerate is there and the questions youve putting forward i think are good ones and im sure whoever 71 will are to come in and say this is how 2 will works we need the whatshername to when we do something. So i wanted to direction the. 2 years left of construction and the objective is i think ive heard from web cosponsorship and the team the obviously for the park by the end of the 2017 well have 25 new trades coming onramp pretty soon to finish up and the m e p were done with the foundations with the structural steel and concrete now the phase of the project where what is visible to the public is what well be working on and allocate 25 trades the cooperation is critical so that we deliver the project on time at the end of 2017 and the project that was promised to the public in terms of this is where well install the doors theyre working right and the elevators and the finishes are working right, etc. This is critically important ive said this this from the beginning as much oversight as good and the sfmta and the county transbay joint Powers Authority so from milestone my standpoint the better i think what i want to emphasize and will be important we all Work Together as a Team Oversight the new Oversight Teamwork with the tjpa staff and the turner and close with web korea and the passageway team and our staff to make sure the objectives we set out 18 years ago are quality delivering a worldclass station and also critical is that the transparency and accountability and collaboration remains in place we dont want an Oversight Team with delays or disruptions to the project controllers with the processes in place but that cant happen to open at the end of 2017 that are critically important. Well sponsored to be out of here at 1240 is there a motion . Yes. A motion and second for approval. First and second and the members of the public wanted to act you. Needs to be quick. Yes. Patrick and company i read this with great surprise im a extinct guy this is a palace coming up with the executive director that does a great job youve heard me spoke about that turningp

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