Transcripts For SFGTV Transbay Joint Powers Authority 111215

SFGTV Transbay Joint Powers Authority 111215 November 15, 2015

Under my powers as chair, i am appointing as an advisory group, i guess, advice to the board, myself and director reiskin to be part of the negotiations with the city and county and mtc concerning additional financing. And thats it. Thats my new and old. Anyone else . Okay. Next item, please. Item five is the executive directors board. Good morning everyone. We start off with our jobs map. So every so often, i update this jobs map and it shows the number of states that are working as a result of the transbay project. And at the july board meeting, i let the board and members of the public know that at that time, we had people, men and women working across 25 different states in the United States and 11, 500 jobs had been created just in the construction alone. Now we have over 27 stpaeuts and over 12,000 people working because of our project. So i always like to hand these out to our project and, of course, any members of the public who would like one, we will certainly give you one and theyre posted on our sites as well. So thats the first item i wanted to report on. Speaking of jobs, i think everyone knows that my passion in addition to Small Businesses, women, youth, and minorities are our veterans. In support of our veterans and disabled veterans, we work very closely with our contractors to make sure we do a lot of helmets to hard hats to do a lot of work for veterans in the trade. I attend today shores to plow chairs this week and it was a wonderful event. One of our team members received the award for excellence in their pro pwo no work in representing veterans. Theyre doing a lot of good work representing veterans out there and it was really heart inning hearing what theyre doing to help them out and make sure they get the benefits they deserve. Im also pleased to announce in honor of the veterans we have working with us to our faces of transbay, we are adding veterans. Theyre on there now talking about what theyre doing with our project and where they come from. Were profiling two new members, matthew tpefrpb who is a super intent and one of our inspection services, part of our outreach. We hired them and they both served in the navy. The new video can be found on all our outlets, twitter, facebook, instagram, as well as our website. I encourage everyone to look for that. Now to give our construction update is steve. Good morning directors, steve rule with construction oversight. Another good month of progress. Let me get it up on the board here. There it is. You can see in this overview shot that the steel has definitively crossed free most street and what we used to call zone four scheduling is doing well. One of the milestone is the completion of steel, erection and welding. Thats milestone number two. We were looking at that being in the latter part of next year and its moving forward. The erection will be complete in january and the welding in the april time frame. Thats some gain there. Looking at the other next critical milestone is the above Grade Concrete and were projecting that to be completed in october of next year. And well start watching that milestone very closely. Just the overview map of the project and you can see on the lefthand side of the screen the connection in the western zone, the steel is now connected lieu through in several locations and the plan is still there to demobilize that crane around thanksgiving. Thats the western end crane. You can see the impromptu made in the eastern zone. The easter zone is continuing throughout the project. On the continuous traging, there were some small cheng orders and releases for second releases for ceilings does Exterior Wall Systems this month. Those were uses of the construction continually. We did have an up take going to the statistics here. There were three recordable injuries, incidents recorded, a finger twisted, lacerations and a nail. Not significant but still dealt with. Were up over 1. 8 million craft hours excluding the demolition work on the project through october. As i said in the western zone, the steel is moving alone. The trust was completed in early october in between the two pieces and now the crane is operating from the spur that came off the trestle heading towards howard street. Concrete placement continues. Well talk in a moment about the bus route down in that area. In the central gone zoning, the m et packages are russelling in. Concrete is continuing to be reported in all levels. The light colony was completed last month. All the welding completed and the test completed. Thats a done structure. Fork lift concrete walls are continuing all the way to bee street. Fabrication of the steel continues in this area. As i mentioned, the erection is scheduled to be completed in january. Through the project, the ground level decks were reported and were tracking those including the bus level and roof level decks. Progress has been made there in the central zone. Just some pictures here. Heres the western zone activity on the left there, you can see the upper left, you can see the eyebrow which is extensive on the south western corner because thats where the train bucks curve. Theres more form work there and theyre working on that now. In the lower right, you can see the steel connected all the way through on the western zone. Theres steel there. Thats the bus deck level and theres still the deck level to be done there and eyebrow Level Ministry in the other picture. In the central zone, the completed light column area. More work on the eyebrows and, of course, the light column bolts are ready for twerking and completion. Were almost complete with the fourth lift wall and thats the north south wall on the other side of beale street. Its now completed with Water Proofing and ready to be formed up for concrete. The bus ramp at bay bridge off ramp, we continue to work at harrison street on the retaining walls. The cable stay bridge is moving along. You can see the picture there and now you start seeing the saddles going in on the tower in support of the bridge. The brier ducks are started to be placed. Heres some of the work. The harrison street area with the viaduct preport and this area in the lower right was just placed earlier this month. So for the next 30 days, obviously completing the structural skill in the western zone and demobilizing the crane is expected to happen this month. Continuing the m e p rough in throughout the central zone. Starting to do concrete in the western zone decks. Continuing the rooftop park. All level placement of concrete. In the next 60 to 90 days, the big push is to finish that structural steel erection in the central zone. It does have some impacts to the neighborhood. Continue the welling throughout the eastern and western zones. So to talk about that just briefly. As you can see and its a little hard to tell, but the graphic is meant to show you the erection on the beale street in the last days of steel. It has to sit on the support columns between the trestle and the bridge will actually go into beale street. As a result, beale street needs to be closed to complete this work. Different lanes and at one point, full closures. Originally, this had been planned and it would have shifted to a night work and been completed in february, early february of this year. However, theres a little event that has popped up on the horizon called the super bowl and the city has decided to close for the super bowl, parts of Market Street which means theyre diverting all of muni traffic down south of market and as a result, they need to have beale street fully operational and we cant be on it during about a 30 day window or actually from the 9th of january through the end of february, both to set up and clean up. As we understand the activities that are necessary, the city would like to start removing the lines on market between the time period of skwra fpb 9th to the 23rd and then set up the city temp system where theyre going to set up on market. Have the super bowl activities during super bowl week and then remove all the tents, set up and replace the o c f line. So that takes up the time period from the 9th of january to the 28th. The problem is if we tell the contractor to just pull off and wait, that crane sits there and its very expensive to sit there on a daily basis. As very large crane. Its actually due to move to another project in march. It will be dismantled in march and move and we will lose the erection crew. So the team working together has come up with a plan starting this week where they will employ an extra shift and eventually, two extra shifts at night to complete the steel. And were still working closely with the city. This is where we need to catch a little bit of a break. Our schedule right now is to complete the work, the last erection and de phoebld the crane by the end of january. The city would like to have full access on beale street. That includes a couple of rain days and it does not currently include working sundays and it does not currently include working holiday weekdays. Of course, we have thanksgiving, christmas, and new years in there. Thats a little of contingence and flow in in there. We hope the city will agree with us and hopefully some of you can help with that, that the 16th is an acceptable date. Its asking us to go to a second and third shift. It is a burden on the neighborhood and were beginning those discussions but we feel the expense associated with this as well as the schedule acceleration, basically, because we will be completing the steel erection about a month earlier than originally planned, three weeks earlier than originally planned, currently before the interruption of the super bowl. Its well worth the inconvenience and this was presented at the c f c meeting and we understand they understood today necessity. Were trying to limit obviously, our night noise and night work. So once again, we wanted to bring that to your attention and would appreciate any assistance we can get with our dates on that are we going to be able to track all the costs increases this is going to incur . Weve been working closely with scan ska on the increase cost. We have a 5,000 dollars range as an acceleration and were working with webcor right now to see where that goes in the budget. Theres a lot of secondary things too. Right. Well, the plan weve come up with appears to minumizes the secondary issues. Shoe mick was recognizing having to diminish the work in that area as minimal. We believe the main impact is scan ska second and third shift. Theres a lot of details on the slide if you want to refer to it in the future about what lanes will be open and so on. We think we have it narrowed down to just the skanska work at this time and theyll follow with their same welding screw as soon as the steel is up and hopefully, well have an overall impact of shortening up the impact of steel through welding and everything. But there is this expense associated with it. I mean, lighting the ground fine for second and third shift. Lighting is super structure . No, and theyve taken into that and part of the cost is renting additional light towers and having that additional lighting capability. The second and third shift is to get organized for the extended and production first shift. They will receive shipments of steel, place them and arrange them so that the raising gang the phaeupbg productive shift is that day shift still. We have to open the streets for the rush hour traffic at least one lane. Does that affect the transbay terminal, the temporary terminal . No. We will take the o c f lines down. That, weve done before and folks have been able to run on diesel buses through that area. The meeting folks have been very cooperative in that regard. Now, the big push so to get all the o c f back up so the heavier load or use can go through beale street when the Market Street and o c f lines are down. Well, i dont want to rain on the parade. I hope it doesnt rain on the parade either, sir. I want to track these costs as though were a contractor and its a cheng order. Yes, sir. I want to do it thoroughly because weve taken a lot of grief here for our cross over runs and this is one i dont want to take on the chin for. Absolutely. Say hey, yea, these things happen. We have a very detailed estimate from skanska, were going to track again, said estimate. Were going to watch what happens. The key is i really have to compliment the entire team, the webcor staff, our staff, the skanska team for dealing with this. We could have delayed it and tkhraeupld it on the super bowl but no one wants to do that. We want to see wherever the pick up time is and this is to that end. Its very positive for the project but unfortunately, theres a price tag. Well work with the staff and the board on where that price tag falls. I understand. The rest is the regular labor breakdown. I think were doing very well in keeping in increasing the percentage of labor thats coming from our county areas. These are the apprentice breakdowns, same situation . 27 percent of the aapprentices are out of San Francisco so thats good. Up to the project, were a little over 3200 craft people that have touched this project since the beginning. Ill be happy to answer additional questio yes, sir . One with it being in regards to the steel and the critical point, i see were starting to left shift a little bit. I think it was june or july and now its april. It snuck out as far as we thought, july due to the completion due to manufacturing we had. Does this april account for the super bowl cheng that will get you done earlier than planned . We. So the welding will continue. The welding is going to lag behind 6 to 8 weeks approximately. So thats why im cautiously saying april and possibly march for the completion of welding. It depends on whether theyll sit up there and weld in the rain or if they need more strikes. If it does, we may need more days there. It should accelerate. If we can have more welders and the welders are working on the west end and when thats welded up, well move down and help start to pick up the east weld as planned. Okay. I guess what i would say to the chairs previous comments is first of all, i phraoerbt the flexibility that the staff and the team did in creating this solution. I think it is helpful and maybe to put a little bit of a positive spin on it, this is a Critical Path activity that was supposed to be done in december. So because of this external event thats coming in to the city, its created this opportunity to get that work done sooner. Still behind schedule but less behind than it would have otherwise been. Absolutely. So i think theres a little bit of a Silver Lining that i would try to capture here. So i think thats a good thing. And if that can mean the welding starts sooner and everything gets done sooner, thats good for the overall projects schedule. My other, just a general question. Now that it looks like on the west side, the steel work is pretty much done and i think we can see the end of the tunnel in terms of when the rest of it is going to get done, you now have a lot more of the trades coming in on to the project and i know what we were hearing during some of the high bids coming in was concerns about coordination and complexities. So now that were, i assume, kind of in the high of the coordination needs between all the m e p and all the other subs that are crawling around the structure, how is the coordination going . And are we the short answer is yea. The short answer is its going very well. The m e p trades were fully coordinated a few months ago. We are now introducing, obviously, the ceiling systems. They were a late contractor to join the team. So that might modify some of the previously coordinated m e p drawings depending on how the support system works. Thats why it was critical to continue to release portions of that ceiling package using the available funds. But in general, its going well. In fact, the team started to spray on fire proving this week which was previously being held off to get through as much of the steel as possible and get through as much of this prework and coordination. The cm b walls have begun down the lower levels. These are things you wont see on the surface for a while. A lot of that work is progressing. Theres a lot more trades on the job now. With the completion of the welding which is another month or so out on the western end, that will release a lot more real estate afor all these trades to work in. If we can get through the final engineering on the Exterior Wall Systems, the ceilings, theres going to be a lot of territory for the team to work in. Good. Good to hear. Thank you. Any other questions . Thank you. Now directors, some many months ago, earlier this year, in fact, i let the board know i was going to be bringing the Quality Assurance, Quality Control program to the board so that you can see the level of work thats being done to assure quality and assure that the project outcome is going to be one of first order when the Transit Center opens. As we know the Transit Center is going to serve 11 different transit providers, millions of passengers over a 100 year lifespan. The station has been designed for the next 100 years, a number of generations. And because of its broad scope and long lifespan, the project wants a high level of Quality Assurance and Quality Control. As i indicated, when it opens, its meant to be the station it was meant to be. Our program is not based only on federal standards but also industry standards and means and methods particularly tailored to the projects characteristics. Its a program thats truly project specific and designed to address the nature of the elements youve been hearing about, the large steel sections and of course; the exterior awning. Weve had all of our team members working on this, our architects, our engineers, our consultants, contractors, webcor, certainly on the Quality Control and turner on the Quality Assurance. And here to give you a presentation on our program which is really quite an Excellent Program is turner and webcor. Good morning, again, directors. Its a lot time since ive seen you. laughter the executive director is absolutely right. Its been a real team effort for the last well, since 2010 even starting with the demolition and following with the early earth work and wall that people barely remember now. The qa and q c programs that were established on this project to bring this to a high level of scrutiny and high level of quality throughout the project, again, it has been a real team effort involving all the parties from the design team to us as and the subcontractors. I want to just go through some overview

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