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Language barrier but luckily value we have members bilingual so dogging u doug step forward and the sentiment and support we have to i really appreciate our alm us and your continued to calls to see how he was doing supplement for acknowledging the great work of our great men and women in uniform. Thank you. Can i ask paramedic firefighter. I prepared a speech perhaps one minute and 30 seconds we are that on scene at a school with a skroud of chaplain around a boy on the sidewalk first all we thought not a considered but the crowd expected to go straight to the kidney but a quick second to grab any gear and then to assess the patient my worse fears it was a young boy no color to the face i lifted up the shirt no broebt and called and got ambulance here and station 28 captain gave me a shirt to give to derrick a miracle to see him setting up in bed, of course, for a 13yearold boy he looked like he was ready to get out of this and go home with a smile on his face when i give him the tshirt im happy to know that derrick will be okay and all the classmates and in the chain of survival in is this situation the training paid off you nathan do that thank you for keeping us current with the training and much credit to doug the senior medic that jumbled the call to provide life support starting an scene and continuing to the hospital Pacific Carla assistant apple scene and john and my crews on engine 28 sfpd for a exceptional job and code 3 Police Escort and also crowd control and the expertise of the staff at California Medical Center and the Cardiology Center thank you. Thank you. clapping. good afternoon supervisor president london breed and members of the board supervisor peskin thank you so much on behalf the chief chaplin were honored to be here as you mentioned supervisor you were on the scene probably before a lot of first responders. But as mentioned nothing short of a miracle ive been a Police Officer for 25 years and it is still rough to see those types of situations a young boy you think will not make that based on what you see but the sfwrept that are the home share roses and ive said this before the best Fire Department in this country in to the 9 world and see by today how well, we Work Together for Public Safety to make sure that you were protected and your folks were protected worthwhile you did the work and the School Officer stumbled across derrick and the chief rode in the ambulance all the officers were involved. Thank you for your Good Partnership and thankful for derrick as well thank you. Thank you. clapping. thank you to each and every single one of you and congratulations we appreciate your service and with that, i want to call up supervisor cowen for our next accommodation we have after supervisor cowen 3 additional accommodations so in the interest of time can we please move it along. Planning department. Thank you supervisor cowen. Is that a challenge. Ladies and gentlemen, im excited to introduce to some of you and present to you the hot team how many of you guys know about the Homeless Outreach team a shout out to the Homeless Team. clapping. absolutely that is a team of folks making that happen so colleagues today im honoring a group of our city family that deserves very, very special recognition theyre the San Francisco Homeless Outreach team as long as sf hot joined by the entire hot team family today that excludes the b. And street medication and Shelter Health come forward right around this podium and microphone now the Outreach Team provides Case Management and services as well as housing the Homeless People on the streets now thirty to through Outreach Medical Services engagement advocacy theyre dedicated to transitioning individual into a Stable Living and Health Care Environment with access to services that promote great health and housing retention and reduce the vulnerability and the utilization of Emergency Services this team before you this team before you is dedicated and devoted. They worked twentyfour hours a day 7 days a week to executive e connect did Homeless Population to services and really do work when really do the work that most of us cant imagine so the sf hot team has expertise in stability including mentally ill and flat outburst hopelessness those are the ambassadors of hope we want to say thank you and recognize overview for your service and i want to bring up mr. Jim wagner the director the Homeless Team just to say a few words jim. clapping. mr. Wagner before you speak i want to acknowledge supervisor avalos to see a few words about the hot team. I want to say as someone whos twhoz district has been ground zero on the homelessness ive had the honor and pleasure with working with so many of you especially in the last few months ive gone with some of you talking with people in the encampments ive seen first hand the amazing work that you do the way in which you deal with very complicated issues and the way you respect the dignity and humility r humanity and on behalf of the district i represent thank you, thank you god bless you youre doing gods work. Thank you supervisor avalos. Thank you and i used to say driving a muni vehicle is probably the toughest job in the city your presence remind me no thats not the case a lot of tough jobs probably one of the things when people call hot to come out they want people to disappear thats kind of what often the calls are they dont want the side the b. Versus sleeping on the ground people call with some domination but recording to the Human Dignity and why people can find a place to live and often you get turned down with the offers you provide people or dont know what to do in terms of options for a person i want to say thank you for the work you do one of the most challenging things to do im not a social working but do a lot of Community Work i think one of the most challenging work with the social work you, you thank you very much for the services you provide for all san franciscans and were blessed to have you. Thank you supervisor avalos supervisor mar. clapping. thank you to all of you when i rind along with the hot team through the richard district there part of Golden Gate Park or the greenbelt he guess what struck me, you know the peoples names and background their needs you human in his and not demonize them through ballot issues when with marin hooker pass away fwra thanksgiving i know a number of you knew him and sensitive to him, i hope that feeling of compassion and empathy pass Throat Department thank you for an amazing feeling for the poach that dont have homes over their hazmat head and all the work i you do not only in the richmond. Mr. Wagner you have the floor. Thank you. I wanted to start by thanking the San Francisco board of supervisors for this wonderful honor a special thank you to supervisor cowen thank you for initially this and also for the nice reception beforehand i want to take this moment to especially thank my team just wonderful Homeless Outreach team you see before us. You guys work in the most challenging environments of San Francisco and you work with the most underprivileged and disfachd human beings in the city with dignity and respect and most of all you do that with compassionate ill be honored to be your director. Thank you. Again. clapping. next id like to invite jeff our director supervisors and supervisor cowen thank you very much for honoring this Wonderful Group of people we really appreciate our recognition of the hard work done by employees and members of the hot team you know there is overtime we read in the news about the new departments and the new Department Director and the sdpugs of hoeflsz rarely about the men and women are everyday working in our Community Working with the very challenged population that has a highlevel of needs who are often been going ignored by people that build a shell around themselves and feel theyre less than or not part of this community those wonderful folks their jobs to reach out the individuals to let them know their cared for and about im show honored to be able to work with those individual and grateful for you to recognize their fine work thank you very much. Thank you for the great work you do. clapping. so jim on behalf of the whole hot team ill present the certificate of honor in recognition of the dedication to serving our citys Homeless Population in honor of every single one of you your selfless dedication building bridges out of homelessness we thank you. clapping. okay. Mr. Wagner thank you, again. And your entire team you do so much for this city and appreciate our services congratulations again. clapping. okay with that, well go to our next accommodation supervisor kim if youre not ready ill move to the next okay supervisor kim is not ready supervisor campos. Thank you madam president i believe that the folks are trying to get into the chamber. Okay. If. So supervisor mar also has accommodation. Thank you if yes. Are you ready supervisor mar. Yes. Colleagues today, were honoring shape up sf for over 10 years advancing Public Health department and can mary ann and christine and robert 0 please come forward. These incredible leaders from shape up sf haves collectively steadier our city towards the most progressive and Public Health Department Policies in the country found temple years ago over 10 years ago in 2006 shape sfta sf has respond to confront disease from the low Income Community and people of color shape sf has quoted to shack that up i call it disruptive of the they call it shaking it up to support people in the communities that ethnic healthy early theyve had a huge impact on me personally i used to drink sodas writing like crazy but knowing them and how they live and their advocacy has changing me and my family as well i want to also say when i first met them i knew little and learned so many but is to have to learn and thank you to them changing my familys eating and knowledge i know well live horizon because of shape up has adapted the strategy like partnering with the local neighborhoods especially the most impacted neighborhoods to create a city where choices have become the norm i think Internal Revenue Initiative Strategies their dominant building a wellness in San Francisco community i also want to acknowledge that one of their key successes has been expanding access to healthier and affordable foods for the sale of retail outlets in low income communities with healthy sf our Health Corner store 9 stores were redesigned to include Fresh Produce and hearther drinks and the selling of juxtaposing food and theyve ruled in an average of the 11 thousand pieces of produce were hoping to expand 24 beyond a doubt the bayview and Hunters Point to other neighborhoods since their launch weve increased by 5 hundred percent the number of physical education 59 increase 2, 3, 4 biking in schools thanks to 9 welcome ymca and increase in walking to school with your safe routines to school and the rock and roll partners in the commission thank you to the Steering Committee for serving for the justice advocates and for educating me and many of us on the breath and depth of their work and knowledge of their systems stwhafr been working behind the sceneries media office has helped with their leadership in making a lot of the changes on a citywide level to receive this accommodation chief executive officer jeff in the ymca from the y from San Francisco Health Improvement partnership and former cochairs i want to acknowledge christine and mary ann and on the staff from shape up sf and here the Steering Committee and our former Committee Member with the supervisor cowens with the American Heart Association and from the center of vinyl population from ucsf amazing, amazing work and others calling names of the Public Health department and youre Vision Zero Committee they are the champions of healthy San Francisco i want to allow us to have a few minutes to have them as a a few words open on behalf of shape up sf and supervisor mar the modest i didnt youve approached our accommodation is note worth of who you are as a leader in the city on the retirement from this body we mourn that we also know this this body is in the greatest hands in terms of leadership to allow any single supervisor would be a mistake overview of you had carried the banner for Public Health department and an active partnership as leader of our city is noteworthy i think that is important that within the framework of our Public Health department and how selfpartnership the 3 pilars of safety and assess of Healthy Eating and testify living are working in a coalition way in order to make San Francisco the healthiest place in the United States San Francisco is blessed by coalitions and the coalitions that really work for public interesting interests that address the social justice are the ones that that survive we know were in challenging times but know that San Francisco, california sewer mount those challenges if we learn how to build bridges and find effective ways to make San Francisco healthy i mean, ill yield the mike to my cosponsors. Supervisor mar and entire board we are very thankful and grateful to be able to partner with you all to provide better access to particularly those communities that stricken to assess food period but ultimately struggle to have food regularly so the partnership to provider access to healthy food is important to the bayview and the tenderloin communities we look forward to more of that work across San Francisco and thankful for the opportunity to increase the access to public Drinking Water in public stations that be installed and partnering with you to do more of that so folks can have seals to clean Drinking Water that are more and more important we all know that water is a life and scarce and much more scarce we looked forward to partnering with you assess for free Drinking Water thank you for your partnership and your support of this work to make the healthy and easy it choice in San Francisco thank you. clapping. good afternoon. Im the former cochair but for the shape up San Francisco my comments will address the soda tax we are extremely extremely grateful for your support in insuring this Tax Initiative that affected our communities for the longest we truly appreciate the concern youve deemed in this area because a mexicanamerican ass are the communities of polar that have been targeted by the soda 12ri without our support. Our concern and your advocacy we wouldnt have what we have now and he thank you, my family thanks you and thank you so very much we look forward to your continued support to insure that our communities are healthy once again and happy holidays to all of you thank you. clapping. yes, we know your fit supervisor mar. laughter . Thank you, again for your work and congratulations with that, supervisor campos our final accommodation of today. Thank you very much madam chair and it is an honor for me to call upon a groheroesm proud to say im the son of a im proud im honoring an Incredible Group of janitors that are part of a pretty Challenging Campaign to Sexual Harassment and enough is enough women janitors who are alone at night who are risking of assault and women that are undocumented and live and work in the shadows and women who work in isolation unfortunately are threatened in their job place everyday and every night as tarts for assault and harassment i know from my own experience seeing my mom and the job speaking out as an undocumented janitor not an easy thing to do. And this year these women those janitors broke the silence had the courageous speaking that is not discussed and i can tell you industry you have a lot of latino men and women that a lot of last but not least women speaking out is not something that youre supposed to do and the women were honoring today are leaders in the caption to pass ab 1978 were proud to say was a bill that was complained by Assembly Member gonzales into san diego it mandate training for janitors and their supervisors on assault and Sexual Assault and violence and Human Trafficking ab 1978 creates a registry for janitorial contractor to bad actors and repeat oofrndz cannot do work area this is from for immigrants right and anyone that cares about human rights in general again, the women im honoring today are women who really took a great deal of courage and risk by coming forward not all of the ones that were part of that stricken could be here today, we have how much of them here 415 to become theyve learned about Workplace Culture the regulations, they learned about internal pissed depression and post trauma behavioral and how in support of survives for every single one of the janitor there are tens of thousands holding that pain inside who are afraid to come forward supervisors and dirty contractors prey an those women it is difficult to come forward theyre poor their undocumented, what they didnt release is how courageous those women are and notwithstanding the challenges they should had the courage to come forward by saying enough is enough those incredible women are changing the culture that allows harassment and assault to happen no time to waste every year the state of california 17 thousand assaults of women in the workplace 17 thousand there is no excuse to wait im proud they made that happen we want to say a couple of words in spanish. speaking spanish. sociohere to accept the certificate of the United Service workers west the Vice President and dean martin the political coordinator i want to read the names and ask denise and jane to say a few words calling names . With that, if you can please come forward and lets giving them a round of commissioner hasz. clapping. thank you to all the board of supervisors for your support and for the acknowledgement question accept that award on behalf of the people present and many survives of assault in the equip and on behalf of the many women from the janitorial industry who work hard everyday we represent u s w w many jafrnts across the state working in the state of california when we came across we were coming up to the bargaining statewide agreement we wanted to make sure as you as union were you were doing something on behalf of all janitors because of the courage of the women that step forward and told her they are story and the conversations feasible we able work too big really get and manipulating and janitor behind us and able to work request Community Organizations that work on women respect issues and the elected leaders this thought that is important to get the bill passed overwhelmingly support and your governor to sign the bill we have women that fast for 5 days to call attention to this on or about and call attention and say the word rape it happened an the night shift that needs to stop happening over and over other than behave the brave women and on behalf of others we accept this and will continue to work hard for workers that often dont have a voice i want to pass the mike to one of the our member leaders our leader guadalupe ill translate for her. speaking spanish. so guadalupe wants to say to you to the board of supervisors for the acknowledgement thank you to our elected leader in San Francisco that step forward and voted to center this law pass and on behalf of her and herself as a janitor that works on the night shift she is happy now has the tools to support other fellow coworkers that maybe afraid to talk. How to support when there is an issue and within here membership the coworkers once again thank you, thank you very much and continue to Work Together to uplift hard working people in california. clapping. thank you to every single one of you for your service. clapping. and again congratulations. Okay. That concludes our accommodation for today, we well ton to our agenda several 3 00 p. M. Special orders at this time i will ask madam clerk we have the first 3 00 p. M. Accommodation please call that item. Item 3 it through 35 compose the public hearings for the decision of public works dated september 2014 approving a two unit condominium project on avenue that pausing has been open if 2016 and items 33 through 35 the motions with that incentive map appeal. Supervisor campos and this probably is an item broken records in terms of the number of times it continued we have been awaiting for rotation added California Superior Court and finally a date for this item to be heard and acted on in superior court and in another yet i guess record breaking move i have to with that in mind ask that the item be continued to a date in october of next year october 2nd, 2015, there is a court date for august in 2015 and to give it the time to be adjudicateed i hereby move to continue this to 2015 by that point i think that supervisor avalos and supervisor mar and i will have turned into pump kins the new board will have to deal that that thats my motion. Supervisor campos im going to ask you move to did meeting of october 3rd the tuesday of 2017 im sorry i dont know what i was thinking he meant october 3rdrd. Is there a second. Seconded by supervisor yee and before we vote on the continuance are there members of the Public Comment 13e6k about the continuance seeing none, Public Comment is closed. This hearing is closed or leaving it on supervisor campos for clarity so Public Comment is closed. About the continuance and colleagues, can we continue to the meeting 2017 without objection, without objection this item will be continued to the meeting of october 3rd, 2017. Madam clerk please call our next 3 00 p. M. Special orders. Comprise the special order for a public hearing of persons interested in the proposed project on fulsome street to allow the demolition avenue 3, second story to us and the construction after a 40 foot residential building and the determination of exemption from the Environmental Review proved by the mravgsz in 2016 this public hearings has been continued open from november 2016 items 37 through 39 are the months ago socialized with that ceqa exemption and madam president items 40 through 43 would you like me to call those items. Okay items 40 through 43 the special orders for persons interested in the certification of the conditional use authorization for the 75 fulsome Street Project and items 41 through 343 are the motions with the conditional use authorization. Supervisor campos. Thank you very much madam president continent with the actions weve taken with respect to a prior project that also involved a project that is within the latino cultural district this is Additional Information and with respect to this project that is located within the district with that in my mind i want to make a motion to continue this item to january 10, 2017. Supervisor campos has made a motion to continue this item to the meeting of january, 10 mind is there a second. Seconded by supervisor yee. Is there any Public Comment on this seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Colleagues without objection without objection this item will be continued to the meeting of january 10, 2017. Madam clerk please call the next 3 00 p. M. Special order. Items comprise the hearing of persons from interested in the determination of exemption from the Environmental Review there the ceqa as a categorical exemption by the Planning Department approved in 2016 for a proposed project located on fulsome street to allow the construction of the 23,000 singlefamily residences on two vacant lots and next are the motions associated with that exemption. Colleagues supervisor campos is sclfltd out this appeal because of residency motion a motion to excuse supervisor campos moved and seconded colleagues without objection supervisor campos is excused okay are there any other supervisor peskin madam president and ill like to continue this to january 10th as well for one reason that is whether a pallet or project sponsor you still need 6 votes now we have the members in order to make that a fair hearing regardless of where people vote a full compliment or at least 10 supervisors in this case with the it seems unfair to the project sponsor and the appellant ill make a motion to continue this to january 10th as well. Okay supervisor peskin has made a motion to continue it it item is there an item seconded by supervisor farrell before i entertain just for clarity supervisor peskin has the appellant or the project sponsor reached out and requested a continuance . I dont know. Okay. And you dont know. I see a bunch of people i dont know if theyre for the appellant or project sponsor but. Give us a thumbs up. Are there members with the Appellant Group and the sponsoring group can i please hear your thoughts whoever the representative is just to be clear that both parties are prepared to go through 24 hearing at this time and im not aware of a requester for a continuance so id like to hear from both the appellant as well as the project sponsor on your thoughts of that continuance before we move forward and please be brief. Thank you madam president and supervisors ryan on behalf of the appellants he confirm the appellant all the appellants have jointly requested a continuance with the project sponsor another attorney with the project sponsor is here as well. Thank you. Supervisor president london breed and members of the board on behalf of the project sponsor indeed that request was made 1 30 this afternoon thats why supervisor peskin is not aware we requested that. Thank you. And so supervisor peskin. And if the appellant and the project sponsor agree to the 24 that is fine too i was not aware of the request. Well, lets stick to the tenth if we need to continue it at this time well do that. I heard one of the parties say theyve married a request i dont know if other members seen it but i know what i heard they wanted the 24 from the pardon and appellant we have one hearing on the tenth. Would you last week to amend our motion to the 24th street of january. So moved. And seconded by any member of the public that want to provider Public Comments on the continuance seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Colleagues, can we take that without objection, without objection this item will be moved to the meeting of january 24th call the next 3 00 p. M. Special item. Special order 3 00 p. M. For the public hearings to consider the respect for the term ending 24, 2018. Okay. Colleagues this hearing is no longer necessary since mr. Chang submitted a resignation that i would really appreciate that he did so and ask the mayor will make a appointment make more qualified appointment and ill make a motion to table this item moved by the supervisor yee and seconded by supervisor peskin colleagues without objection, without objection this item has been tabled. All right. Madam clerk lets go to our agenda where we left off after item number 9. Oh, i did not i apologize okay. Is there a motion to rescind the vote moved that he supervisor peskin and seconded by supervisor farrell colleagues without objection, without objection the last veto has been rescinded i forgot to take Public Comment anyone wish to comment who want to provide Public Comment on this item seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Colleagues, can we take that without objection without objection that item has been tabled unanimously all right. Madam clerk back to item number ten. Item 10 to authorize the department of elections for the fourteenth amendment to extend through 2018 and increase the total not to exceed amount if 19 plus Million Dollars to approximately 21. Million. Reinforcement on item 10. Supervisor tang supervisor yee. Supervisor avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos supervisor cowen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor peskin there are 10 is. Okay. This passes unanimously on the First Reading supervisor cowen. Thank you very much for recognizing john is here he wanted to recognize him the director of the department of elections and i actually wanted to ask him a couple of questions before that he took the vote sirens we and we can make a motion to rescind and have the motion. Supervisor cowen made a motion to rescind colleagues without objection, without objection that obsolete has been rescinded i apologize. I missed our name on the roughest. No apologize needed thank you for jones us today, there are ive heard from one particular group of advocates proposing that we were dealing with we cut the proposed time in half by 50 percent and reached you out to our office and didnt have an opportunity to hear from you thank you for being here shed some light to cut it from two yearlings down to woven year is that feasible or fear while excuse me we have fair how it can be implemented with more transparency. If we can. Please identify yourself. John for elections San Francisco if we cut even though term to one year essentially well have a system under place for no scheduled elections and no system in place for the year with two scheduled elections eventually have to start the process over again to get a system in place for 2018 by having the term continue for two years this allows for the city to have a system mr. Place through 2018 and also for the city to begin the development or the process he mentioned and bucket hearing last week where it will create antes an rfp to identify a consultant that can dont an in depth study for the timelines what they costs based on the open sources software so having two years give us the security of a system in place with elections also gives time to start the process for developing a Voting System thank you very much thank you for allowing me the opportunity to ask that question. Seeing no other names on the roster, madam clerk on the item can you please call the roll. On item 10 and supervisor tang supervisor yee supervisor avalos supervisor breed. Supervisor campos supervisor cowen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor peskin there are 10 is. The ordinance passed unanimously on the First Reading next item. Item 11 an ordinance to amend the administrative code for the fines and fees of the public library. Colleagues, can we take that same house, same call . Without objection the ordinance passes unanimously on the firefighters First Reading. Item 12 to urge the department of homelessness to adapt a 5 year plan to reduce homeless. Supervisor farrell. Madam president ill be brief colleagues bad actor back in 2004 we adapted to abolish the chronic homelessness the later on strategy 80 for addressing an issue and despite the main goals by creating over new units and adapting the first strategy it is persistent we have a Navigation Center and weve created a new department which has been layers focused but since 2014 weve been without a long term rent strategy that is youre going our new department of homelessness to support to create a 5 year plan to reduce the homeless and dr. Came in last week and thank you to the gentleman for his support when we started his job and moving forward we need a new written Long Term Plan to address this issue i want to see a Long Term Strategy and feel has a highlevel of doubt accountability all over the place ask for your support. Thank you commissioner pearlman supervisor yee. I want to just to be clear sometimes, we say Strategy Plan people have a notion of what it is we heard that came up request the strategic strategy approach in which it goes by april i guess so im not disagreeing but want to make sure i understand. Supervisor farrell. Thank you and supervisor yee youre absolutely correct this is irregularly the department to engage with the gentleman hes committed and hopefully present back to us at the board once frrmentd and more time were voting on a Long Term Strategy and Work Together at city hall. Seeing no other names on the roster, colleagues, can we take that same house, same call . Without objection the vices a adapted unanimously item 13 and item 13 a resolution to set policies for wells fargo with remedies go from the controller to urge the City Department to require wells fargo to have a plan for commissioner melgars who are engaging in future business is wells fargo to further urge the retirement board to urge the City Attorney and the dont have to vegetate wells fargo and other banks to urge the tax clerk to establish a responsible banking ordinance and urging the comptroller to exposure if Wells Fargo National charter should be resupervisor campos. Colleagues that resolution was transferred a media and a half ago from the scandal is Wells Fargo Bank has been involved in it is tloefrdz if as well bank opened up all kinds of their consumers accounts as far as new account for consumers and credit cards without their concept that constituted fraud in the city of los angeles and City Attorney working with the cooler had found a widespread violation and have a penalty one hundred Million Dollars penalty from the corral of the Currency Office that is the latest scandal as a result in San Francisco our treasurer Jose Cisneros suspended the effort working with wells fargo and the bank on San Francisco program a Literacy Program in the city prior weve known that Wells Fargo Bank as wrapped the country with several scandals resulting in africanamerican and latino household all across the country not getting support and poor service in Internal Revenue hurldz effort to maintain in their mortgages against foreclosure and weve seen them actually raise and lower Interest Rates and willynilly that resulted in many people losing their homes and actually committed fraud with our federal government providing hud loans that were actually loans that were stockholder to hud with completely misinformation over and over again weve seen wells fargo as a bad player Bernie Sanders talked about banks that are too big to fail the k if wells fargo has been deference at all levels to the state and look like time after time bailed out wells fargo wells fargo is bailing us not bailing us out but failing us miserably we should be creating sanctions against wells fargo they drautsd u defrauded customers and bankrupted families and citys in the wake we need a different approach in San Francisco this resolution is about cutting ties with many of the services the city and county of San Francisco receives from wells fargo and i do have some amendments here ill be proposing here today, we got a report if the Controllers Office about where we have our closet ties to work and services from wells fargo we want to thank Ben Rosenfield and the Controllers Office for putting together that document for us which weve all received colleagues a represents that we dont cut wells fargo from underwriting our bonds and that is a Significant Service because as a result of taking away working with wells fargo we will see that the bonds bids might come in at a higher level that meet cost the city more but as a compromise id like to have the Treasurers Office ask wells fargo to talk about the impacts of their fraudulent activities on san franciscans that was asked about a merger with wells fargo wells fargo has not respondents last week as well we have a representative from equally was here in committee talked about working with the city by weve seen no. Much Work Together the city on behalf of the wells fargo towards the city answering the questions is where he about the magnitude of san franciscans that have been impacted by their fraudulent activities and what measures wells fargo will take to recommend that so what the amendment to give a certain amount of for equally to report to us and then make a decision later to actually cut welcoming wells fargo from handing our bond under where else with our requests for transparent so you have before you an amendment as a whole that includes that language ill read other language negative impact here as well for our resolution page 4 lines 6, through 11 whereas the Budget Committee subcommittee december 7, 2016, hearing on the this resolution jim president of the bay area says that wells fargo takes full responsibility for the fact that things went wrong in quotes with the banks practice of fraudulently opening consumer accounts that is the lie that wells fargo has not respondent from the request are for fox on san franciscans that have accounts open under their names without in their consent and adding a thufr resolve on third resolve clause on page 5 the board of supervisors request the controllers to submit by july 1st, 2017, describing wells fargo has any evidence of the remedial action and be it further resolved that if wells fargo has not taken the remental action by 2015 the board of supervisors urges the corral to a place additional sanctions on wells fargo like 13u7b9 them from the city competitive bonds sales up to 5 years and defined by the administrative code chapter 28 those are the amendments i have colleagues he will motion we accept those amendments didnt say well an under schutt but giving some time for response and see how willing wells fargo to coordinate with our request and be frantd how half hour certified san franciscans as well as the city and county of San Francisco and before taking the vote on the motion i want to mention this is been years in the making my other was has been working on how we can get better conditions out of those major banks in reveling owe worked with the Treasurers Office to work on a banking process to work with responsible bankers to make sure that a if you want to handle the city and county cash to manage our swastika go through hoopts and that our key process that came after that legislation was wells fargo was dropped from handling the Cash Management program although they have other biz and services they provider to the city and county of San Francisco he feel that we still need a lot of pressure on this bank that is heretofore too big to false but only when we will have pressures on the some of the cities and customers on the banks we get the behavior that we require since the past 15 years ive been banking at the credit union and like to urge people who have been 1k57b8d listed from wells fargo to move our money to a place where you expect Better Service lice the credit union i hope colleagues, we support in unanimously. Supervisor avalos has made a motion to submit amendment is there a second. Seconded by supervisor tang colleagues without objection the amendments pass supervisor cowen. Thank you very much supervisor avalos please add me as a cosponsor there are a few thank yous in order on this particular topic supervisor avalos thank you and want to recognize the leadership in our to yourself office mr. Jose cisneros offend a letter into calling apple wells fargo to be accountable for their actions also want to recognition our state truant officer john chang that is joined the list a growing list of elected leaders calling for and denoing the unsafe Business Practices of wells fargo. And far away from where we are but close in our hearts is senator Elizabeth Warren in the hearing the Senate Several months ago calling in question many questions and drizzling the ceo john stumble on accountability or in particular case lack of affordability when i think about the banking and commerce of the United States it is pretty very powerful group of men that really, truly rule the banking and finance world and i think this is a small but great opportunity we have to step and break up this anyone open for the best practices practices that have been frankly on the tobaccos of workingclass men and women for generations this is an opportunity for this city to call in question the ceo pay supervisor kim have had several conversations about figuring out creative ways to make sure that ceos are not making a disproportionate amount of salaries compared to their employees at the bottom and hope to continue to work with her and work on some wlfks i also want to revive the conversation that supervisor avalos made about the Municipal Bank to figure out exactly what that would look like so as i mentioned before supervisor avalos please add me as a proud porn to this. Thank you, thank you supervisor yee. Thank you supervisor president london breed i want to thank supervisor avalos for bringing this forward to us and also like to be added as a coauthor or cosponsor of that legislation. I was with an that vetoed tell to amend the bond piece during the budget process and so im really glad our bringing this what youre calling a compromise language since the Budget Committee meeting i gotten to understand a little bit more about what the impact will be in regards to whether or not wells fargo will be allowed to bid on the bonds issuance and, yes, that will happen but not as great as i thought to be truthful the sometimes, we have to make that statement even though that costs us as a city we cant be doing best with corrupt organizations and so i just wanted to make that statement that if come july next year if we dont get the report that we need you would be there to reverse this vote he took in terms of bond measure thank you very much. Thank you supervisor yee supervisor kim. Thank you. I have not to take the opportunity to thank supervisor avalos i think that is incredibly are important how we invest taxpayer dollars into our community but invest our dollars in companies and this is a scandal of one of our large banks that came out of california learning about how they defrauded thousand of customers everyday san franciscans by opening up the Fraudulent Bank accounts and the unique that came forward 5 three hundred employees got fired and the dhufs got a slap on the waste this is unacceptable and great to come out and accept responsibility to we expect fare more of the constitution institutions so im glad they understand there are penalty for defrauding our residents here and just to concur with the words that supervisor cowen and what ive talked about earlier about our shrinking marching and growing poor and wealthy household until San Francisco we really, really need to take on this issue and looking at the ceo to average worker pay growing by one thousand percent over the last thirty years to the point a ceo makes three hundred and 7 three hundred more than their average working in the 50s and 60s far more narrow that is important that question take an important position on wells fargo but also on any other companies that are really just underpaying their workers and so thank you to supervisor avalos for your work on the measure and happy to be a cosponsor. Seeing no other names on the roster, colleagues, can we take that same house, same call . Without objection the resolution is adopted as amended unanimously madam clerk call items 14 and 19 through 27 together. A resolution to ask the Fire Department to accept and extend a documents to purchase equipment pursuant to the terms the of administration of the trust andes stat of russel item 19 a resolution to authors the rec and Park Department to accept and expend a grant of one hundred thousand dollars for the abandoned Grant Program administrative code by the state of california to abate costs for hauling out and disposal of abandoned vessels in the harbor and approve a grant with the receptionist for acceptance and Grant Services through september 2018. And item 20 a resolution to authorize the general manager the public works to accept and expend a grant from the items 21 and 22 a retroactive to accept and expend one and 50 thousand for the insult of heartache for the career and patient oriented substance addressing hiv through august 2017 and item 22 is a resolution to accept and expend a grant from the water control board for public beach through june 2017 and item 24 a resolution to accept and expend a grant the cdc and preservation to climatic change through 2015 and item 27 a resolution to accept and expend approximately nine hundred plus from the centers for Disease Control and prevention to participate in a program called national hiv through december 2016 and im going back to item 22 is item 23 pardon me is item 23 that authorizes the department of the environment and a retroactive authorization to accept and expend a grant from the association of be sure government to perform various activities as part of the Energy Program through 2016 and item 25 is the retroactive authorization to accept and expend a grant from the United States department of energy exorcise the boarding for the construction of fueling stations and fuel sell engines the greater San Francisco bay area through 2018 and item 26 a resolution to accept and expend a grant introduce pg e company to continue and energy use and demand through Energy Efficient through 2019 and item 28 and 29 are two resolutions madam clerk i if call items 28 and 29. Great, thank you. Colleagues, can we take that same house, same call . Without objection those resolutions are adopted unanimously back to items 15 a 16 call them together please. Are two Airport Service contracts before the San Francisco International Airport and a lease with San Francisco, llc for a terminal 3 retail marketplace with to one year to extend a minimum guarantee of 3 point plus Million Dollars and the aviation to provide airport and guest Assistance Initiative 11 plus Million Dollars through 2018 with 3, two year options extend. Seeing no other names on the roster, colleagues, can we take that same house, same call . Without objection those resolutions are adopted unanimously item number 17 you see a resolution to authorize the general manager of the Public Utilities commission to execute a concrete poles and system, llc using wireless d. B. A. As ata and lp do something about as verizon for a 12 year term and item 18 madam president and no just item number 17. Supervisor peskin and roll call please. Roll call on item no. 7. Supervisor tang supervisor yee supervisor avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos supervisor cowen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor peskin no there are 9 is and with an no with supervisor peskin in the descent. The resolution is adopted please call item 18. A resolution to consent to the use of outside increment to be deposited in the property taxes trusting to fund the housing that the Investment Infrastructure is to build under hes construction. Commissioner tang supervisor yee. Supervisor avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos supervisor cowen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor peskin there are 10 is. The resolution is adopted unanimously madam clerk call items 28 and 29 together. Are to resolutions it approve two unlitigated claims the claim was filed in 2016 by amy against the st. City for 60 thousand and item 29 claim filed in 2015 against the city for 73,000 for property damage. Colleagues, can we take that same house, same call . Without objection the resolutions are duped unanimously item thirty. An ordinance to amend the planning code to create an alternative for payrolls to director the Affordable Housing fee to the smmz Small Site Program and to make the appropriate findings. Supervisor campos. Thank you madam president colleagues im proud of that piece of legislation and proud to be working with mias this has come before us. I want to thank the Planning Department, the Mayors Office of housing, my staff sheila for working on this piece of legislation it actually says that for the smaller projects that are paid on the promotions these fees will 2, 3, 4 turn be used within the neighborhood with those projects are located and essentially allows for the impact that a project has to actually lead to a direct benefit that money in turn will protect the hires in that neighborhood im proud. Thank again mayor ed lee for working with us on this and i think that as were dealing with how we not only build now housing but protect housing has to be all hands on deck a way of working and thinking outside the box and thank you to the tenant groups that worked to make that happen as well as the Residential Builders association for in their collaboration and respectfully ask for your support. Supervisor campos seeing no other names on the roster, colleagues, can we take that same house, same call . Without objection the ordinance passes unanimously on the First Reading. Please read item 31. An ordinance for the rec and Park Department to install a memorial for furtherance of this ordinance with a permit and institutionalizing inspection fees for the rec and park ceqa determination. Supervisor avalos. First of all, i want to thank calling names for being here and for their patience. clapping. please stand. speaking spanish. thank you for waiting through all the items were talking about today speaking spanish. in Bernal Heights and working on building whether to have a memorial to honor this is your son who lost his life in 2014 on Bernal Heights park i knew alex worked with him an advocate back in 2000 and 2009 one he was a youth contaminate a youth and Bernal Heights center and the executive order would come with alex as advocates where i was working tatd and knowing knew alex be dedicated young man that of those doing a lot of Community Work that was instilled by his parents and schools in the bernal area and alex dedicatedism to education and working on getting his certifying at the city college to became a probation officer and dedicated to helping to give a lot of young people a chance to have greater opportunities and away from the streets and giving back to the experience he had growing up other than that day he was shot he was you know under recent a court case about that incident and the officers involved found to be xrated by the courts but the Community Felt that alex was gunned down with the offer use of force and that incident and the pain reverberate through Bernal Heights and the excelsior and places where alex lived and the community was around him because of pa pain a huge need to find some sense of healing at that spot there is roadway currently a shine this is there an alter and his parents frequent to you talked with alex and get close to him and get a sense of what transpired area where their son lived and they continue to live i canned think of anything that will mark what San Francisco has been introduce weve seen a number of young men and women that have been gunned down by people who work for the San Francisco Police Department i regardless of how you feel it was justified the shootings were justified or not but were going to mark an experience people have in San Francisco that people have had in different places thats what this memorial is about, about this time we have other dreams that torn apart our communities and our families i think if we acknowledge that those incidents have happened it brings us closure to the finding we need to have a city that really lives up to its values so ive been honored to work on this ordinance and this ordinance essentially would you know require a or director rec and park to install a memorial the memorial has not been designed there is that language has been talked about where the community is going through a process to understand the right design and the language to be there and this will go have not Arts Commission that goes to the process how to approve public art the communities is also discussed raising money themselves for the mural for the memorial and i do think that that could be you know some of the city could do in the future the intent has been the community will come together to you know raise in part the funds to me that is also a way that the community can strengthen and grow and look after each other that is the essence of Community Safety is about and the community that all about in memorial how we can bring a Community Together and healing to a site there guess tremendous tragedy and how we can bring a sense of understanding how the many losses weve experience in recent years when patrol officers use of force with less discretion than they should as were seeing were trying to change policies around the use of force and thank you to the colleagues and thank you to jeramy pollack his work in me office and the communities of folks that came together across many of the recent shootings that have happened a lot of few weeks that have come as you can see to back and thank you for doing this that is how we show what San Francisco is all about so with that, colleagues ifd to have our support thank you thank you. clapping. supervisor campos. Thank you, very much. Madam president and thank you to supervisor avalos and jeremy pollack and his staff and thank you to carolyn in my office for all the work to put is this together to so forth to the community especially the family for their perseverance and their patience throughout the process. speaking spanish. you know it is a bittersweet day supervisor avalos and supervisor mar that is our last meeting at the board of supervisors and one of the issues that i think you know leaves me with a great deal of of thinking with a heavy heart the issue where we are today Police Reform many things unresolved we have a number of cases and alex being one of them that on so many levels havent given a satisfactory conclusion for the families of the victims within the things ive learned through the process of being here and alm that something did happen is how even though you cant bring back someone that was fell as alex did at the hands of our police this is something to be said for that acknowledging and remembering i think that happened with mario woods i think that the families basically saying they want that as well i think in the context of Everything Else weve failed to do so far in many respect the least we can do and westbound cant bring alex back and we subtle have to thats the place where this incident happened so i think we have an opportunity and quite frankly to have an opportunity to turn something tragic and something positive. This does and as resident, im proud this will be placed and done in a way the community can provide their 0. 02 and again to the parents of nieto, i cant bring your son back. Were thinking with you and we want to hear together. [spanish] thank you. Thank you supervisor campos. Supervisor farrell. Speaker i want to acknowledge supervisor avalos he has spoken about this. So if i say im sorry for the loss for our community in particularly for the parents, you know, and any tragedy like this is horrific, but i cannot support this ordinance today. Most importantly because in my mind, what this message audience booing] speaker this is an emotional topic, but i would ask you respect our process and allow us to continue. They will be a vote on this matter and there are some members who will have a different type of opinion. I ask that you allow members of the board to express their opinion as you know. Theres applause and booing in support of opposition is prohibited in the chamber. Please allow us an opportunity to have a discussion and get through this. Thank you for your patience. Thank you president breed and most importantly for me because of what its sending to the Police Department who put their lives on the line for us everyday in San Francisco. Our board is more concerned about honoring those that have fallen and been killed by Police Officers for reasons, but we do not recognize excuse me a second. Excuse me. If the out burst continue to persists, unfortunately i will have to recess the meeting. So im asking members of the public, again, out of respect for the family who is here today, can you please allow us to continue to move forward with this. And if you want to support words that are being said, just waive your hands, if you oppose anything, please just use the thumbs down and we will see you. Thank you. Supervisor farrell. Thank you supervisor breed. We dont recognize the Police Officer killed or injured in the line of duty protecting us as residents. Many fallen officers of the past years come to mind. Officer downs was shot in the head. Nothing was talked about. Our San Francisco residents and people that risk their lives everyday to protect the residents of San Francisco, and in the mist of our heat debates which i appreciate and is fair game, but over the past year, somehow i think we have lost sight of that. We have forgotten the debt we owe to the men and women and someone needs to speak for them. And i am not talking about the poa or any other group involved in this debate. But for me, among other things, its the people i grew up in San Francisco who have been apart of our police, fire and Sheriffs Department for years. Those that i see on the weekends are at kids soccer game and have been apart of San Francisco for generations and those men and women in our Public Safety department that moved to San Francisco because they believed in Public Service and they believed in the clear a career in Public Safety and have dedicated their careers to protect us. My vote is for them. Supervisor cohen. Speaker whats scary and its unfortunate is we cannot honor a loss of life period. A loss of life is a loss period whether its Law Enforcement or whether its a community person. And i think its incredibly disingenuous and alarming that you cant support something you cant be one way without being fearful of being called racist or misinterpreting your actions that youre on one side. The reality is if Law Enforcement or if anyone wants to be recognized, all they have to do is ask the same way the community has made an ask. This is the first time. One thing that has made me uncomfortable about this ask was that how do we honor and up lift alex nieto without putting a shadow on other members who have weve lost along the way because alex isnt the only one. Alex wasnt the last one. But it was the community that organized and have made this ask. Its a humble ask. Its not too much to ask for. And i would be happy to sponsor something for the poa. Happy to sponsor something for the firefighters. This is not an us or them. It doesnt have to be that simple. It doesnt have to be gray or black or white and cut and straight dry. This is an opportunity for us to come together. This should be healing. This should be bringing peace. Instead this kind of conversation is tearing us apart. We need a national day of remembrance, to remember everybody that has died one way or the other. For every officer shot in head or killed, their life matters. Its terrible. Its violence. Thats what we need to be standing up and remembering. How violence touches everyone. Im going to be supporting this. This memorial and im going to be supporting of future memorials should anyone of my colleagues want to bring for Law Enforcement because every every every thank you, every life does matter and i dont say that to my gate the black or Brown Community and the struggle because thats very real. That is very real, but we can honor alex. Alex represents many men and women that have died. Its not just about alex nieto and to be fair, Law Enforcement has their private ceremony and memorials that they conduct for those officers they have lost in the line of duty. The baby station has an annual one where they get together for a soul that was lost several years ago in the line of duty. So come on. This is this is tearing us apart and it needs to be building us together. This pain that binds us. This is hurt that binds us. This is love. Thats all i got to say. Thank you supervisor cohen. Supervisor peskin. Thank you madam president and colleagues. First of all, when a Police Officer is shot or killed, we as members of the board of supervisors, i think each and every one of us go that that funeral. When officer kevin downs was shot, i drove out there at 11 00 at night to San Francisco General Hospital and said hi to his father. These are not mutually exclusive things. I think when we get in this die maam is dynamic we cant honor a citizen of San Francisco who was tragically killed in a hale of bullets, that plays in to this whole mentality that is at the root of the problem. We need to have a society where we can honor the working men and women of the Police Department and the dangers they face and we can honor members of our community tragically killed. These are not exclusive. I think they benefit one another. I think when the Police Officer Police Officers association knows that we take the loss of life of one of our citizens as seriously as we take the loss of life of one of our officers, that sends a powerful message. So i dont think we should go back to the old day dynamics of we cant honor this individual because its somehow disrespects the police. Thats fundamentally not true. Thank you supervisor peskin. Speaker supervisor campos. I respect everyones views, and i think whats painful about what i just heard is that the argument about how supporting or remembering someone who died in an incident involving the police is disrespectful to the Police Officers and the department and an argument that was made for the day of mario woods. We heard that precisely from the poa. And at that point, we responded by saying we respectful disagree. Were ready if theres a need or desire to recognize of contributions of any Police Officer to do that. We said to the poa, our doors are open. Tell us what it is were not doing. And we specifically rejected that false choice in having done that and actually establish a president for recognizing the memory of someone who fell out of an incident, what does it say to the family that were willing to do that with 1 person, but not another. If that argument is the argument that we were going to follow, we should have followed it before, but i think that i mean its painful actually. Does it matter that this person, you know, comes from where they come from . I mean, i mean, its actually very painful. And i think its very unfortunate and i think that to the poa, i would say you know, as ive said since ive been on the when i was on the police commission, you dont serve your members well when you try to make that false choice. It is not mutually exclusive. We can honor the men and women of the Police Department and still recognize the memory. Thank you. Thank you, supervisor campos. No names on the roster, madam clerk, can you please call the roll. Item 31, supervisor tang. Speaker aye. Tang aye. Yee aye. Speaker avalos. Aye. Supervisor breed. Aye. Campos. Aye. Supervisor cohen. Aye. Supervisor farrell. No. Speaker supervisor kim. Speaker aye. Supervisor mar. Aye. Supervisor peskin. Aye. There are nine aye and one no with farrell this item passes on the First Reading. [ cheering ] thank you everyone. Thank you everyone so much for being here and congratulations. Were going to all right. Thank you everyone. We are back. Madam clerk. Lets go to where ever we left off. Speaker committee reports. Let me skip to the committee reports. Item 50 and 51 were considered by the Oversight Committee at a special meeting on thursday, december 8th. And were recommended as committee reports. Item 50 is an ordinance to amend the governmental conduct code to require members of the city board and commissions to file the payment reports regarding the solicitation of charitable contributions. Okay. Supervisor peskin. Thank you madam president. Colleagues, ill be brief. I want to thank supervisors yee and breed for their support of this item in committee which i introduced in may of this year which would impose certain limited reporting requirements on our city commissioners and Board Members, requirements which apply to all of us elected officials via state regulation. Our city as we know has a unique system of commissions and boards which are largely comprised of volunteers from various fields and have immense power to give fines or improve licenses or land use entitles. Today is a piece of legislation that shed light on how the Public Officials wheel their influences from parties that appear before them or from agents. I would like to make a couple of notes. First this proposal was narrow than the reporting requirement thats apply to us, having heard from our citys commissioner and Board Members, many of who hold day jobs at nonprofits, its critical we create a system thats not burden some or prevent these Board Members from serving. Second with respect to our standing concerns about the scope of this requirement, ive communicated with our elt Ethics Department and we look forward to working with them and working independently to develop rule and regulations to achieve while making sure it remains tailored to shine light. I want to thank the board of secretaries who have worked with my staff to help make this legislation better and i would also like to thank my staff, lee hepner for his work on it. Just a few relevant facts. The threshold reporting amount is 1,000. As i have said, its only for those be hefted payments for people that are actually practicing or appearing in front of that commission much narrower than what we have. And received unanimous support from the Ethics Commission. It wont be effective until january 1st of 2017. Theyll establish a form for filing and the Ethics Commission will give rules and regulations around implementation and with that, i hope to get your support. Thank you, supervisor peskin. Colleagues, seeing no other names on the roster. Madam clerk, can you please call the roll. Item 50, supervisor tang. Aye. Supervisor yee. Aye. Supervisor avalos. Aye. Supervisor breed. Aye. Supervisor campos. Aye. Supervisor cohen. Speaker aye. Supervisor farrell. Aye. Supervisor kim. Aye. Supervisor mar. Aye. Supervisor peskin aye. There are ten ayes. The ordinance passes on the first read. Item 51. It has the same title. Its to direct the clerk of the board to issue an subpoena duces tecum and other for issuance to jack moehle to appear on the Oversight Committee at 9 30 a. M. Or for a future date to be determined by the chair and to be noticed by the clerk. To provide oral information and to respond to questions regarding the Design Engineering review and approval process for the projects at 301 mission and 80 atoma street. Colleagues can we take this vote. Same house, same call. Without objection, the item is approved. Madam clerk, please call the next item. Item 5255 are considered by the land use and transportation Committee Meeting on december 21st. 5353 were forwarded. Item 52 was not. Lets go to item 53 thats an ordinance to amend the planning code to add 29. 15 to create the mission and 9th special use district. And to amend zoning map sheet ht 07 to change the height limb o limit. Supervisor kim. I want to say a few words. This was before the full board last tuesday and again we have now made the increase of affordable middle Housing Units which was a Commission Hearing and accepted by the project sponsor. I want to thank the project sponsor and the community for their work on this building. This is really a project that is looking at the concept we talked about, the dial, and on site is including units of housing all the way from dead i ask for your support today. Thank you, supervisor kim. Colleagues can we take this item, same house, same call. Madam president , supervisor avalos. The house thats changed, madam clerk, item 53. Call the roll. Item 53, supervisor tang. Speaker aye. Supervisor yee. Aye. Supervisor avalos. Aye. Supervisor breed. Aye. Supervisor campos. Aye. Supervisor cohen. Aye. Supervisor farrell. Aye. Supervisor kim. Aye. Supervisor mar. Aye. Supervisor peskin. Aye. There are ten ayes. The ordinance passes unanimously on the First Reading. Item number 54. Item 54 was recommended as amended. Its a resolution to declare the board of board of supervisor to order the vacation of easements that exist in 1a and 1b of the mark said set a hearing date for january 10th. For all persons interested in the proposed vacation of public here this chamber, room 250. The house thats has changed. The resolution is adopted. Item 55, its a resolution to extend intrim zoning controls that require conditional use authorization for medical cannabis dispensary in the living judah and to make the appropriate finding. Same house, same call. The resolution is adopted. 5360 was considered by the Neighborhood Services committee at a regular meeting on thursday, december 8th and were forwarded as committee reports. Item 56 is to amend the environment code to modify restrictions on the sale or distribution on City Property on Drinking Water in Single Service containers to educate City Departments regarding these restrictions and to make environmental findings. Supervisor mar. Thank you for your support for this bottle free ordinance. I want to thank campos our coalition of Corporate Accountability International are environmental and water Access Coalition which includes corporate inter nation and save the bay, and the story of stuff and the center for biological diversity have found that our 2014 law had huge loophole in it. This is in an effort to modernize and close those loopholes to San Francisco can move forward as plastic single use water bottle free and packaged free as well. This will move us toward our zero waste goals. By expanding the size of the bottles and packaged water that applies to this ordinance, strengthening the enforcement in the city reduce the use of plastic Water Bottles and also ensure our department of the environment is the overseer or the guardian. This extends our bottle free access to have increasing to our Public Water System with drink tap station and other efforts from our rec and Park Departments, School District and throughout the city. This ordinance also expands to include a 5gallon size plastic water container. Moving from 28 ounces all the way up to 5gallon and it supports promoting of public water, not privatization of water through the over use of single use plastic water bottle and other packaged water. In 2014, we passed a historic, maybe the first in the nation law with now assembly men david chu, but the coalition remains to stay active to reduce plastic pollution and to increase water access with drink tap stations throughout the city. We would have expanded to 100 new drinking stations by 2015 and with allocations of roughly 600,000 to the puc and the School District over the next 2 years 2 years expanding it more. It has had an impact on our environment and marine pollution in our oceans. This amends our environment code to modify restrictions on the sale and distribution on our City Properties of single use containers while educating City Departments on the restrictions. This ordinance strengthens our enforcement and also creates greater accountability by having the department of the environment oversee the ordinance. Bottled and packages water in San Francisco needlessly harms our environment. In San Francisco we have the best source of pure water and we should be promoting and make such access expanded as much as possible. This is about moving towards a culture of being bottle free and promoting access to our public water. The material used for bottled water, singled use bottle water is not recycle in San Francisco or much of it isnt, and that goes for boxed water and other types of containers like plastic bags that contain water these days. So these items will likely wind up in landfill and sometimes as litter, definitely on ocean beach where i live, we see so much of the caps and plastic bottles, straws and other types of plastic pollution. Almost all packaged water sold on the market today, boxes, plastic bottles and bags contain types of plastic, part of a growing epidemic of Plastic Waste that impacted our marine. It has a greater Environmental Impact in drinking from a municipal water source like a tap or using reusable Water Bottles. Resources are used from extraction to disposal to extract it from the ground, as we go to var gas water is life. It should not be privatized and i think really ensuring we have Public Access to water is so important to our city. It takes three leaders of water to produce 1 liter of packaged water and the package water industry produced 2. 5 million tons of co2 so the foot print is overwhelming for a city like us. I want to thank the public works facility especially john, but from our San Francisco unified School District, the sustainability coordinator nick who is over the years both have advanced water access and to bring drink tap stations throughout the city especially in low income communities. On the drink tap stations installed through the city, ill say they are helping ensure equity in many of our neighborhoods. This ordinance is a step forward in protecting our environment and discouraging the use of single use plastic Water Bottles and i hope as i and other colleagues leave the board, that my colleagues and cosponsors will continue to build on this legacy with the task force thats looking at plastic pollution, so that we build on this legacy of environmentalism and sustainability for our city. Lastly, acknowledging the organizations that have been there from the start, again, Corporate Accountability International which worked with our former mayor to make San Francisco one of the first bottle free city in this country, but also more recently the firefighter foundation, but clean water action, save the bay, bay keeper, fly jiers and biological the two amendments that were mentioned in our Public Safety Neighborhood Services committee that i have given to all of you are very simple. One is a simple amendment that defines packaged water meaning Drinking Water in a single sealed bag or sealed box, bag, can, glass bottle, rigged plastic bottle or other container 5 gallons or less and having a capacity of 5 gallons or less. The Second Amendment that im proposing for you and that im moving today is proposing to remove section 2406d, given that departments responsible may seek from the department of the environment a waiver and then it strikes out a number of words in that language. So it really ensures the department of the environment is the overseer of this policy. Colleagues thank you to supervisor farrell and cohen for cosponsoring and i urge you to support this as amended. Speaker supervisor mar has made a motion to amend, seconded by supervisor farrell. Can we take the amendments oh you want supervisor yee. Supervisor mar and president , the amendments, they do include the 5gallon or less . Was that an amendment made before . Supervisor mar. Thank you, president breed. My First Amendment is including the 5 gallons or less

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