3 map 895 map 3 today marks two months since phylicia barnes disappeared. the 16-year old from north carolina ... vanished while visiting family in baltimore for the christmas holiday.as police continue to search ... friends and family will hold a prayer vigil tonight.megan gilliland is live outside the apartments, where they're expected to gather. gather.good morning patrice, we're live at he reisterstown square apartments, this is where phylicia barnes was last seee by hhr family.since then, there's been no sign of her... her... exxect for the dozens of fliers and billboaads.. her been widespread support from theecommunity, hoping to fiid her.community ggoups, like the guardian angels are helping in the ssarch for phylicia. but even with all that... phylicia's father fears that people... and even policee.. may forget about her as the case grows cold.he believvs someone out here, has her capters to know we want you to release her." her."althought phylicia's father says he has to back home today and rettrn to work... he's hoping the search will continue... and that someone will come forward with information. until then they continue to pray... there will be a vigil tonight at 6-30 right here at the reisterstown square apartments.live in baltimore county, megan gilliland, fox45 morniig news. an independent panel is now in place ... to investigate the friendly fire shooting of a baltimore city police officer. the panel is made up of five law enforcement experts .. some from our area .. others from across the country.(( ((they're loooing into the death of officer william torbit .. who was killed whiie trying to break up a fight outside a baltimore nightclub. a civilian ... sean gambll ... was also killed in the shooting. gamble's family and friends marched on city hall saaurday...demanding answers into his death. 3 "let the redeemer say amen, we shall get justice." 3 "after his death, we haven't heard anything, so i don't know what's gonig on and it's wrong." wroog." 3 "thhre is understandably some impatience uh, but i don't want to be in a situation where haste makes waste this is too important to rush." rush." mayor stephanie rawlings blake was the one who called for the independent panel. the reveeaaion of a towing scandal in baltimore, involving more than 30 city cops.. prompts the police commissioner to call for a review of the companiis..contra ccee by the city for towing. towing. pplice commissioner fred bealefled wants an investigation into the companies...known as medallion companies..and last week refused to sign a contract renewing the agreement by the 10 companies with he city for another two years. 17 oo the suspended officers are facing federrl charges n an alleged kickback scheme.they're pccused of having vehicles towed to an unauthorized towing company... and getting paid 300 dollars per vehicle. those cops face up to 20 years in jail. 3 3 the battle over same sex marriage in maryland moves to the house of delegates. delegatess12 members of the house committee are co-sponsors of the bill... virtually guaranteeing it will be approved in committee... and then movv onto a vote in the full house soon. soon. last thursday, the senate voted 25 to 21...approving the measure that would give same sex couples full marraige rights in maryland.opponents of the bill.. are still holding out hope it won't pass. 3 3 "many of the legislators, african americans.................d on'' see how they can vote for it." it." if the house approves the measuue, governor o'malley has said he will sign the bill into law. the showdown over wiiconsin's state budget reaches a boiling point this morning... as protesters win a small victory... but the governor sticks by his conttoversial bill...and a deadline on its passage is looming. looming. "we can win this,, kill the whole ill!" bill!"police allowed protestors to spend one last night in the state capitol building... after lawmakers set a sunday afternoon deadline for demonstrators to get out.they have been living in the building for two weeks. they're upset with governor scott walker's plan to fix the state's budget shortfall.in particular -- the part that would roll back union members' collective bargaining rights. but walker showed no signs of backing down over the weekend. we're broke like nearly every other state across the country we're broke and somebody stood up and told the truth in this state. and said here's our 3 problem. here's the solution and acted on it. it.the wisconsin state assembly passed the bill friday-- prompting an ugly response from democrats.the bill is on old in the state senate.walker says if the biil does not pass the senate by &ptomorrow the state will lose millions of dollarr. one of the inner harbor's biggest attractions... literally, is now under repair. and the work being done onnthe u.s.s. coostitution will take much longer than expected beccuse of what we're also seeing a lot of today.... . rain. joel d. smith is live at sparrows point ship yard to explain. good morning joel d. d. the sound of paper ripping may not send you on a laughing fit, but for a saint louis baby.. it's a riot! star.. and thanks to a baby.. laughing fit, buu not send you onna paper ripping may the &psound of the sound of paper ripping may not send you on a laughing fit, but for a saint louis baby.. it's a riot!and thanks to a hollywood star.. it's become a viral sensation! sensation!nats of baby laughing hysterically hystericallyit all started when marcus mcarthur ripped a rejection letter from a potential employer in front of his infant son.that led the pittll micah onna giggling fit...which the daa quickly posted on youtube.the video has more than 210-thousand views because alyssa milano tweeted it.. and the mcarthurs have received offers from people wanting to buy the rights to the video. but they've declined, saying the video is just foo fun, not for sale. coming up on the early edition... the o'sshave their first intrasquad game of the spring... find out which new oriole belted a ggand slam in his first at-bat... bat...here's a live look of 83 at mount carmel road.. takk a look at this fog in the area. i'll show you what parts of 95 look like coming up in the traffic edge report. ((break 1)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 ((traffic reporter ad libs)) comiig up... he works overnights.. and still manages to give back. back.40:35 you know they say don't take your work home...but you can't help ii... it... how a baltimore city police officer is helping kids.. in his community. community.and...hollywoods' s biigest nnght.the wrap up of who won, who lost...and who just lookee good... at the oscars. ((bump out)) this morning we conclude our month long tribute to local heroes who exhibit the qualities of dr. martin luther king jr.karen parks has our final champion of courage... a man wwo's devoted so much of his life to protecting and serving others. others. (((27:57- i've allays wanted to be a policeman...i tried for threeeyearsand finally made it in 67... spent 42 great yeers theres... roger nolan fulfilled his chhldhood dream... a boy from humble beginnings... i was born on pennsylvania ave.... would grow to be a man who would not onll fight crime... but touch lives... after his tour in vietnam with the us marines... he started as a beat officer in baltimore city ./ eventually becoming a homicide detective... 40:35 you know they say don't take your work home...but you can't helpit... his ife took an unexpected turn when his wife got an idea 28:19 she and the neiggbor got a notion put our children in boy scouts... 28:35 i told my wife i dont have time for this...i cant be otheredwith them... nolan wasn't able to stay in the background... 29:11 there was a father son overnighter 29:24 they were kind of impressed with my outdoor skills they bugged me and bugged me and bugged.... before he knew it...he was sporting a different badge... 29:28 i ended up as assistant scout master. 20:32 he would get out of his office... picc upthe boys... pick up meand go camping... fri sat sun... go to work monddy. he did that many years 6:38 fun gets all bundled up sit around the campfire... but it wasn't all fun and games... the members of boy scout troop 33 learned life lessons too... 12:41 everyday things...peopel don't realize ccunts the most...beingkind to motto in boyscouts is to be prepared...but he teaches that its notonly a boyscout motto but a life motto... and true to form, mr nolan made learning the lessons fun... 32:44 scouts offerssso much to kids... we get to learn about american government, history...science...126 merit badges u nameit...all of them are meaningful. 1:18 i still use lot of skills and stuff i learned in scouts to thisday... he teachhs the scouts responsibility for themselves and responsibility for scouts he teaches the he teaches the scouts rrsponsibility for well... 34:35 how to make it on your own..be a little independent. 33:33 the way its set up...the older boys are supposed to be doinggreat the teachiig... in the midst of campfires, hiking and s'mores... nolan discovered his troop had a storied past. 31:26 we were the third oldest troop in the country... i vowed tomyself i would like to see this troop make 100 years. nolan retired from the police force last year.... his wife of 42 years has always been his nummer one fan... 43:29 she has never givvn meea problem with it.. she doesnt like allthe gear iie accumulated... ssme kind of support... his scouts ccn rise above life's obstaales... 41:45 there's a lot of urban pressures oo kids... 41:52 there's a lot of insecurities ...lots lack self confidence whichis why o many go to karate classes 43:02 a lot of kids come and adopt the troop..they just fall inlove..want to meet 2 3 times a week... after 3 30 years of changing lives in troop 33... the gratitude and reccgnitioo is overdue... 45:21 u never see yoorself as others do...im somewhat touched 45:32 i didnt need it.. nice to have....didnt 3 need it 23:56 probably poo poos it... it to everybody but i think hes proud ofit... nolan's humillty never surprises ttose who adore him 9:58 i never told him he's more like an uncle....love him to deeth... 24:23 i'm proud to have known him... coming up in our 6 o'clock hour... thh glitz.the glamour. the stars. stars....nats ...natswho wore what and the bii winners from last night's oscars. but next in sports... the o's have their first intrasquad game of the spring... find out which new his first at-bat.rand slam in ((break 3)) 3 ?ó?ó ñ x8 3 ((break 3)) bat.slam in his first at- belted a granddwhich new oriole spring... find out game of the first intrasquad game of the spring... find out which new oriole belted a grand slam in his first at-bat. ((break 3)) 3 coming up in our 6 o'clock hour... a baby's laughter sets the viral world firr!nats of baby laughing laughingfind out what